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Ferguson ICC9 Chassis

Latest TV repair tips and faults

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id:= 012725
Blank screen, low video output at scart
Check the LA7550 chip in the I.F module and check surface mount transistor TH01 signal for saturation

id:= 017738
Blank screen, low video output at scart
Check the LA7550 chip in the I.F module and check surface mount transistor TH01 signal for saturation

id:= 017861
Blank screen, low video output at scart
This may be caused by the FS8178 frame ic or the TEA5101, Check pin 5 from the 200V rail, also the
24C04 EEPROM can cause similar problems when it does not give the correct info to the STV2160 to open
the matrix

id:= 012726
Dead due to line output transistor failure (gets hot quickly)
Replace the 6 x 1N4001 diodes in the base drive

id:= 017352
Dead due to line output transistor failure (gets hot quickly)
Replace diode DL61 and check if it supplys 6.6, 6.9v, also check if coil LL10 is not open

id:= 017131
EHT rustle then shut down
Frame ic faulty
(Mick Pope)

id:= 014329
Ew distortion
Check / replace CL42 (4.7uF,160v)

id:= 016649
Goes to standby after 30-40 mins, If switched on again (by RCU or Pr+ button on TV) runs for
10-15 mins then reverts to standby
Disconnect the membrane - If set now runs O.K. replace membrane ( Keyboard decorative strip as Thomson
call it ) - I have had this fault 2 or 3 times now

id:= 010568
Int blank raster (even on scart)
Replace TX09 (BC858C) surface mount
id:= 012717
Int dead
If the supply to the line drive chip IV01 (STV2160) drops in the fault condition (no line drive) suspect
DV01 (1N4001) of int failure

id:= 012727
Line jitter or wobble
Replace D64, D66, D67, D68, D69 and D70 with 1N4007`s, they are all in the base circuit of the line output

id:= 010569
Low contrast, slight tearing on screen
Check TX16 (BC858) for leakage (base to emitter)

id:= 012720
No luminance
surface mount transistor IC02 (BC848) was s/c (between IC02 and IV01)

id:= 012728
No luminance, unlocked chroma only
Check / replace transistor TX16

id:= 014328
No red
Check / replace surface mount transistor TV71 (BC858)

id:= 014342
No sound
Check / replace TA20 (BC848B)

id:= 012721
No sound or vision, graphics normal, may see int flash of unsynchronised raster
Suspect loss of video at TX16 (BC858B), replace !

id:= 012722
Permanent or int blank raster even via scart
Replace surface mount transistor TX09 (BC858B)

id:= 010570
Shimmering picture
Check / replace the 9v regulator IP03

id:= 012723
Sound cuts out when heated and no remote op
IR01 was found to be faulty

id:= 012724
Standby only
Check TL64 (BC585B) for s/c and TL65 (BC327) for o/c

id:= 016427
Stuck in standby with no response from the remote
Before condemning the micro voltage checks on IR01 revealed pin 33 (reset) was low, less than 1v, should
have been 4.9, further checks showed that TR87 SMD (BC858) was faulty, a replacement restored the tv to
working condition
(Regards LB)

id:= 012718
Tuning slightly off
The trimmer in the I.F unit may need adjusting slightly or replacement

id:= 012719
Video poor and streaky and no text
Check for leakage of surface mount transistor TX09 (BC858B)

Do you have repair tips / fault reports for this model not listed above? Please send them in and help
others who may be stuck !!
Click on the button at the top of this page - Many Thanks

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