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1. Essay on the how to conduct oneself inside the company/ business establishment during the Immersion period.
2. Application Letter
3. Resume


1. written narrative on the profile of the company/ business establishment (may contain charts, photos, or
2. written report on the activities performed
3. Supervisors rating
4. Organizational chart
5. written narrative on the business processes of the company/establishment (may contain charts, photos or
6. written report on the activities performed
7. business process flow chart/s
8. daily tasks record
9. written narrative of what the student learned
10. photos or illustrations


A. Portfolio

1. accomplished forms
2. pictures of work site and nonwritten output/projects with captions
3. illustrations of activities performed
4. weekly diary (narrative/ account of learnings and achievements, issues faced and corresponding resolutions)
5. sample written output (if any)
6. Work Immersion highlights
7. other relevant pictures/ documents

B. Gallery

C. Updated Resume

D. Reflection Paper

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