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Affiliation Reference to Context

The term Affiliation is used to define a process of establishing competence of any institution
desiring of delivering vocational training from NVEQF/NVQF/NSQF level 1 to 10 which is based
on National Occupational Standards (NOS) created by a Sector Skill Council (SSC) constituted
by NSDC. For definition of NOS please refer to Annexure I of this document.

Any Education Body/ Vocational Training provider (VTP) can seek affiliation from a Sector Skill
Council in delivering the requisite elements of a NOS based vocational training. The affiliation
process conducted by an SSC will carry out evaluation of competence and availability of the
desired infrastructure/ capability of creating the desired infrastructure matching the needs/
requirements of delivering NOS based training.

The alignment of an SSC and a VTP/ Education Body through the process of Affiliation will focus
on learning and development of the learners so that they are easily employable in the sector. The
process is also expected to encourage VTP/Education Body to pursue continual excellence so
that they are always in tune with the requirements of the sector. Thus the purpose of Affiliation is
to maintain high standards of quality in delivering NOS based vocational training.

Some of the salient objectives of affiliation include:

To assess VTP institutions/ Education bodies and their programs that meet defined quality
standards set up the SSC in delivering NOS based training.
To foster excellence in VTP institutions building effectiveness in delivering NOS or competency
based training.
To establish a framework for continuous improvement and provide an opportunity to benchmark
with other institutions in India and abroad.
To facilitate developing the professional competency of the learners in tune with the
requirements of the sector
SSCs by way of Affiliation will give access to the affiliating partners to a variety of benefits, such
Alignment of training to NVEQF/NVQF/NSQF leading to equivalence with educational degrees,
diplomas and certifications.
Ratification of NOS based curriculum

Access to Master Trainers of the SSC and certification of the trainers of the affiliating training
Facilitate On the Job Training (OJT) and / or Placements of the affiliating partner trainees
Assessment of trainees on NOS based curriculum
Industry recognized certification of the successful trainees.
Participation in Government led programs at institutional and state level, aligned to NVEQF/
Access to the reports on the Sectoral Researches conducted by the SSC
Participation in the various Sector Specific Seminars
Access to International bodies available in similar space

Institutions Eligible to Affiliate to the Sector Skill Councils

1. Training Organizations/Institutions set up by NSDC funding

2. Training Institutions set up/affiliated by Government of India

a. ITIs/ITCs affiliated to NCVT
b. Institutions approved by Councils under Central Government like AICTE
c. College/ Institutes affiliated to a University set by Central or State/ UT Government or
recognized by UGC
d. Schools / Institutes approved by Central or State Boards of Secondary Education (or
equivalent) or Boards of Technical Education.
e. Any other institute set up by Central or State/ UT government

3. Private Training Institutions independently operating in Vocational Space

4. Training institutions set up by private companies to meet the skilled manpower requirement for
inhouse needs or for the sector

5. Company/Firm/Society/Trust Any of the above fulfilling any of the following criteria:

a. An organization providing training under Apprentices Act, 1961 for last one year from the date
of submission of the application.
b. An organization registered in India, conducting business in the domain of skill development &
training, having Permanent Income Tax Account Number (PAN) and Service Tax Registration
Number and audited accounts of statements at least for last one year.

Guidelines for training institutes seeking affiliation with Domestic Workers Sector
Skill Council (DWSSC) are as follows:
1. Applying Job role: Each training institute has to specify clearly the name of the skill center(s)
along with the job roles for which they are applying for each center. For this, they have to refer
to the list of job roles available with DWSSC enclosed as Annexure-1.
2. Physical Inspection: Training institute applying for affiliation for skill center(s), Physical
inspection per job role will be done by DWSSC for all the skill centres. If during the physical
inspection, the inspected skill center is found to be complying with the DWSSC requirements,
affiliation will be provided to the respective Skill centre. In case of non-compliance during
inspection, affiliation will not be granted to that specific centre. However, on request of
Training partner for affiliation of the centre found non-compliant, a window of one month can
be given to bring up to the standards as laid down by the DWSSC before the re inspection is
done on repayment of site inspection fee.
3. Faculty: Each training institute has to employ at least one trainer/job role/batch/skill center as
per the qualification standards laid down by DWSSC enclosed as Annexure-2.
4. Infrastructure facility: Each training institute has to comply with infrastructure facility
standards laid down by DWSSC enclosed as Annexure-3.
5. Equipment: Each training institute has to deploy the minimum essential requisite equipment
at each skill center for each applied job role as per the list laid down by DWSSC enclosed as
6. Terms & Conditions (to be submitted with application form): Each training institute has
to agree with all terms and conditions laid down by DWSSC enclosed as Annexure-5.
7. Fees Structure pre-affiliation: Each training institute has to remit the fees time to time for
affiliation with DWSSC as per fees structure laid down by DWSSC enclosed as Annexure-6.*
(*If training institute is eligible for fee exemption (pre-affiliation) according to star scheme, then
they have to attach the supporting documents with application form. Failing this, they would
be liable for remission of fees.)
8. Fees structure post-affiliation: Each training institute has to remit the fees time to time post
affiliation for various mandatory activities like curriculum compliance, training of trainers,
assessment of trainees, course content, etc. for each job role or skill center as per fees
structure laid down by DWSSC, to be announced time to time.*
(*The training institute who are eligible for fee exemption (pre-affiliation) according to star
scheme, are also liable to remit fees for activities post-affiliation time to time without any
9. Sign and Stamp of training institutes: Each training institute has to submit the application
form, all of the listed enclosures, & terms and conditions duly signed and stamped by the
training institute at each and every page.
10. Documents to be submitted for affiliation: The hard copy of following documents properly
bind together either in a file or spiral form:
a) Application form
b) All enclosures (listed at end of application form)
c) Terms & conditions (Annexure-5)
d) Fees (Application fees & Document Compliance fees as per Annexure 6)
e) Covering letter
f) Master VTP skill center sheet (duly filled) along with documentary proofs of association
with each skill center (either MOU, Franchisee, Ownership, Lease agreement)
11. Mailing Address: The documents enlisted at point 9 should reach at following address:-

Domestic Workers Sector Skill Council

Office No. 59, Tughlakabad, Intitui8oal Area, New Delhi -110062
Contact Details of DWSSC: For any queries, please feel free to contact undersigned:-
Sumit Garg 9560911955 Email: [email protected]

List of Job roles available at Domestic Workers Sector Skill Council

S. No. Name of Job Role QP code

List of Job Role launched
1 General Housekeeper DWC/Q 0102
2 Housekeeper cum Cook DWC/Q 0101

3 Child Caretaker DWC/Q 0701

4 Elderly Caretaker (Non Clinical) DWC/ Q 0801



Sl. No. Job role Qualification
Graduate with 2 years+ experience as a Hospitality/Domestic attendant.
Work experience in Domestic segment (at least 2 years)
General 10+2 with 5 years+ experience as a Hospitality/Domestic attendant. Work
Housekeeper experience in Domestic segment (at least 5 years)

Good knowledge of sector related services/processes with prior experience

in training/teaching
Graduate with 2 years+ experience as a Hospitality/Domestic attendant.
Work experience in Domestic segment (at least 2 years)
Housekeeper cum 10+2 with 5 years+ experience as a Hospitality/Domestic attendant. Work
Cook experience in Domestic segment (at least 5 years)

Good knowledge of sector related services/processes with prior experience

in training/teaching
Graduate with 2 years+ experience as a Hospitality/Domestic attendant.
Work experience in Domestic segment (at least 2 years)
10+2 with 5 years+ experience as a Hospitality/Domestic attendant. Work
3. Child Caretaker
experience in Domestic segment (at least 5 years)

Good knowledge of sector related services/processes with prior experience

in training/teaching
Graduate with 2 years+ experience as a Hospitality/Domestic attendant.
Work experience in Domestic segment (at least 2 years)
10+2 with 5 years+ experience as a Hospitality/Domestic attendant. Work
4 Elderly Caretaker
experience in Domestic segment (at least 5 years)

Good knowledge of sector related services/processes with prior experience

in training/teaching

Standards for infrastructure facility which needs to be complied

Category Minimum Requirements Multiples
A. Infrastructure Aspects Per Skill Center
A1. Class Room
i) No. of Class Rooms 1 class rooms Per Job Role
ii) Class Room Size 200 sq. ft. Per class room
20 study chairs for students and
iii) Seating Arrangement Per Batch
one table and chair for trainer
Walls, floor and ceiling
iv) White washed & non-leaky Per class room
A2. Skill Lab
i) No. of Skill Labs 1 Lab Per Job Role
ii) Skill Lab Size 300 sq. ft. Per Skill Lab
iii) List of Equipment Requisite list As per Annexure 4 Per Job Role
Display and Storing Should be Displayed with proper
iv) Per Job Role
Arrangement of Equipment labeling
Walls, floor and ceiling
v) White washed & non-leaky Per Skill Lab
A3. Library
i) No. of technical Books Preferable Per Job Role
ii) No. of Non-technical Books Preferable
iii) No. of journals
iv) No. of Dailies
v) Seating Arrangement 10 chairs and table
Display and Storing Should be Displayed with proper
Arrangement of Books labeling
A4. Water & Sanitation Facility
i) Water Supply Legal water supply
ii) Drinking Water Facility 1 Water Cooler with water purifier
Separate Toilets for Boys &
iii) Separate Arrangement
A5. Fire Safety
i) Fire Extinguisher 1
Disaster Management Plan
ii) Fire Safety certificate
and mock drill
A6. Common room/Pantry Preferably 1
A7. Ventilation
i) Lighting and Ventilation Well-ventilated
ii) Air conditioning Preferable
A8. Electricity Supply Structure Legal electricity supply
A9. Power Back up standby UPS or Generator
A10. Bus/Transport Facility
Connectivity to Public
i) Preferable
ii) Own Transport Facility Preferable
B. Documents Per Skill Center
B1. Legally constructed Building Plan
To be used as educational
B2. Permission
B3. If Rented Rent/Lease Deed
Registration Papers for land and
B4. If Owned building showing legal possession
of society/trust
MOU with concerned organization
B5. If on contractual basis
along with B1-B4
C. Training Aids Per Skill Center
Black-board/ White-board/
C1. 1 board
Smart Board
Per class room &
C2. Chalk/Marker 1 Skill lab
C3. Duster 1
C4. Computer/Laptop facility 1
C5. Projector facility 1 Per Skill Center
C6. Speaker facility 1
Per class room &
C7. Charts/Posters Properly Displayed
Skill lab
C8. Models Properly Displayed Per Skill Lab
Printer/ Photocopy/
C9. 1 Per Skill Center
Scanner Facility
Glossary for Domestic
C10. Workers training Preferable
Minimum Essential Requisite Equipment
(To be checked at time of physical inspection)

Please click the hyperlink below to refer the list laid down by DWSSC:
Equipment List.xlsx
Terms & Conditions for Affiliation by DWSSC
(To be submitted along with the application form)
Applicant Training Institute that has applied for Affiliation shall be required to fulfill the
following terms and conditions:

1. The Training Institutes and their respective applicant skill center(s) should provide the
trainings as per curriculum prepared by Domestic Workers Sector Skill Council compliant to
the respective National Occupational Standards.
2. The Training Institutes and their respective applicant skill center(s) should ensure that
admission of students is as per the eligibility conditions prescribed in the NOS for the applied
job role.
3. The Training Institutes and their respective applicant skill center(s) should ensure that trainers
or facilitators are DWSSC trained and certified.
4. The affiliation shall be granted for period of one year and shall be subject to an on-site surprise
inspection, which may be conducted by DWSSC anytime during the validity of affiliation. The
renewal of affiliation shall also depend on satisfactory performance of skill center.
5. The training institute shall offer to DWSSC or its representative cooperation during physical
inspection in:
a. Access to the facility.
b. Assess to the attached/associated facility relevant for training.
c. Access of all relevant information and documentation.
d. Access to all records and relevant personnel.
6. The Training Institutes and their respective applicant skill center(s) shall provide well equipped
facility for theory and practical assessment of the students.
7. On grant of affiliation, the Training Institute shall:
a. claim affiliation in only those skill centers, which has been affiliated by DWSSC (applicable
for Training Institute having more than one skill centre)
b. not state its affiliation in a manner as to be considered misleading or unauthorized and
bring DWSSC to disrepute
c. Make reference to affiliation in its documents, brochures or advertising only in compliance
with the requirements of DWSSC.
8. The applicant training Institute shall pay all the applicable (pre-affiliation) fees such as
application fees; document compliance fees; physical inspection fee, annual affiliation fee for
affiliation with DWSSC time to time as per fees structure laid down by DWSSC enclosed as
Annexure-6, unless institute is eligible for fee exemption (pre-affiliation) according to star
scheme, for which they have to attach the supporting documents with application form.
9. The affiliated training Institute shall pay all the applicable (post-affiliation) fees such as QP-
NOS curriculum compliance fee, fee towards training and certification of trainers, fee towards
assessment and certification of trainees, etc. as shall be determined by DWSSC from time to
time. The training institute who are eligible for fee exemption (pre-affiliation) according to star
scheme, are also liable to remit fees for activities post-affiliation time to time without any
10. The training Institute shall inform DWSSC within 30 days of significant changes affecting the
operation of the Institute/centre relevant to affiliation, such as:
a. its legal, commercial, ownership or organizational status
b. the organization, top management and key personnel
c. main policies
d. addition of new job role in the affiliated skill centre
e. the Training institute shall continuously keep in touch with DWSSC to keep itself updated.
11. The applicant/affiliated training Institute shall respond promptly to the changes initiated by
DWSSC in its affiliation criteria, policies and procedures. However they will be given sufficient
notice and time, as in the opinion of DWSSC is found reasonable, to carry out adjustments in
its system. The applicant/affiliated training Institute shall inform DWSSC when such
adjustments have been completed.
12. DWSSC may suspend or withdraw affiliation of the training Institute / stop processing
application of an applicant institute, as per DWSSC policy, on one or more of the following
a. during a physical inspection, applicant training Institute does not comply with the affiliation
b. non-payment of affiliation process fee and post affiliation fees.
c. non-cooperation with DWSSC
d. refusal to allow examination of relevant skill centre, documents and records by DWSSC &
its appointed representative
e. result of complaint analysis or any other information, which indicates that the training
institute no longer complies with requirements of DWSSC.
13. The affiliated training institutes shall enroll batch minimum of 20 learners/ day and maximum
of 30 learners/ day for assessment.
14. The affiliated training institute and its respective skill centre upon suspension or withdrawal of
its affiliation shall immediately cease its use of all promotion material that contain any
reference to the affiliation status.
15. The affiliated training institute is required to inform DWSSC, if any of the proposed assessor(s)
happens to be associated with them in any other capacity.
16. DWSSC absolves itself of any legal or financial liability arising out of any act involving any
accidental or consequential damages to personnel/equipment at any time.
By signing this document, it is implied that a training institute as an applicant and after affiliation
agrees to comply at all times with all Terms and Conditions for affiliation by DWSSC

Name & Signature of Director or his/her Authorized Representative _____________________

Name of the training institute ___________________________________________________
Date & Place ________________________________________________________________
Signature of DWSSC official & Date of receipt _____________________________________


Fees Structure for affiliation Process

S. No. Category Fees (in Rs.) Multiples
1 Application Fee 10,000 one time
10,000/Centre if TP apply for 1 Centre
Physical Inspection (For
every visit per skill Centre If TP apply for 2-5
2 annually (can be done for 7,500/ Centre
Training Centres
multiple job roles in single
visit)) If TP apply for more
5,000/ Centre
than 5 Training Centres

per Training center

3 Annual Affiliation fees 10,000

QP-NOS Curriculum Per job role once in two

4 5000
Compliance years

Training & Certification of per job role (once in

4 3000 +1000
Trainer two years)
Assessment &
5 800 per job role
Certification of Trainee
*If training institute is eligible for fee exemption (pre-affiliation) according to
PMKVY scheme, then they have to attach the supporting documents with
application form. Failing this, they would be liable for remission of fees
**The training institute who are eligible for fee exemption (pre-affiliation)
according to PMKVY scheme, are also liable to remit fees for activities post-
affiliation time to time without any conditions.

The fee has to be paid as per the following medium:

1. Cheque/DD in favour of Domestic Workers Sector Skill Council payable at New
Mailing Address:
Mr. Amod K. Kanth
Domestic Workers Sector Skill Council
Office No. 59, Tughlakabad, Institutional Area, New Delhi -110062

2. NEFT Details:
State Bank Of India
AFS Tughlakabad Branch
Account Name: Domestic Workers Sector Skill Council
Account No. 35392378032
IFSC Code SBIN0003857

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