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Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol Document

S. No. Particulars Page No.

1. Introduction 3

2. Affiliation Process 5

3. Requirements for Affiliation

Section 1: Institution and Management Profile 10

Section 2: Quality Aspects in Institution Governance 13

Section 3: Training Operations Processes 14

Section 4: Performance, Measurement and Improvement 19

4. Fee Matrix 21

5. Application Form 25

6. Enclosures 45

P a g e | 2 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
Introduction: Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector
Skill Council
The Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council AMH SSC, is an industry driven
non-profit organization, set up under the aegis of National Development Skill Corporation
(NSDC), Apparel Export Promotion Council and the Ministry of Textiles, Govt of India to
develop world class skilled manpower for the Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing

Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council (AMH SSC), along with the
guidelines of NSDC has developed the Affiliation Protocol for Quality Governance of
Vocational Training Providers (TP). The Affiliation Protocol provides a framework for effective
management and delivery of competency based Vocational Education and Training (VET)
aimed at overall development of the students.

Salient Objectives of AMH SSC

1. Develop National Occupational Standards (NOS) that feature skill competency
standards and qualifications.

2. Refine the existing curricula to align it with NOS, obtain approval from an industry
led body of experts and facilitate building of delivery capacity.

3. Plan and institutionalize an effective system for training of trainers.

4. Steer the affiliation processes to enable quality assurance in training at par with
international standards.

5. Create an assessment framework to award tamper proof certifications to trainees.

6. Promote academies of excellence by nurturing state of vocational training.

P a g e | 3 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
Model Built around National Skill Development Policy Guidelines
Following model has been built by NSDC interpreting the guidelines issued by National Skill
Development policy 2009 for the Sector Skill Councils constituted by NSDC.

SSC Responsibility Activity Chart Other Stakeholders


Sector Skill Councils National Occupational Standards

State Education
Ratification/ Approvals Curriculum Design & Development

Ratification/ Approvals Courseware Design & Development

Setting up of training Infrastructure State Education

Setting the guidelines
Setting the guidelines/ Recruitment of Human Resources State Education
Train the trainers Boards/CBSE/NIOS
SSC Assistance & OJT/ Industry Visits
State Education
SSC enabled Assessors Assessment Boards/CBSE/NIOS
from Industry /Universities/VTPs

SSC issues dual certificate State Education

along with State Education Certification
Boards/ CBSE/ NIOS/
Universities /Universities/TPs

SSC Responsibility OJT/ Placement Assistance &


Evolution of Competency Based Learning Framework linked to Industry Placement Facilitation

P a g e | 4 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
Affiliation Reference to Context
The term Affiliation is used to define a process of establishing competence of any institution
desiring of delivering vocational training from NVEQF/NVQF/NSQF level 1 to 10 which is
based on National Occupational Standards (NOS) created by Apparel Made-Ups & Home
Furnishing Sector Skill Council (AMH SSC)constituted by NSDC.

Any Education Body/ Vocational Training provider (TP) can seek affiliation from Apparel
Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council in delivering the requisite elements of a
NOS based vocational training. The affiliation process conducted by AMH SSC will carry out
evaluation of competence and availability of the desired infrastructure/ capability of
creating the desired infrastructure matching the needs/ requirements of delivering NOS
based training.

The alignment of AMH SSC and a TP/ Education Body through the process of Affiliation will
focus on learning and development of the learners so that they are easily employable in the
sector. The process is also expected to encourage TP/Education Body to pursue continual
excellence so that they are always in tune with the requirements of the sector. Thus the
purpose of Affiliation is to maintain high standards of quality in delivering NOS based
vocational training.

Some of the salient objectives of affiliation include:

To assess TP institutions/ Education bodies and their programs that meet defined
quality standards.
To foster excellence in TP institutions building effectiveness in delivering NOS or
competency based training.
To establish a framework for continuous improvement and provide an opportunity
to benchmark with other institutions in India and abroad.
To facilitate developing the professional competency of the learners in tune with the
requirements of the sector

AMH SSC by way of Affiliation will give access to the affiliating partners to a variety of
benefits, such as:

Alignment of training to NVEQF/NVQF/NSQF leading to equivalence with

educational degrees, diplomas and certifications.
Ratification of NOS based curriculum
Access to Master Trainers of the SSC and certification of the trainers of the affiliating
training provider.
Facilitate On the Job Training (OJT) and / or Placements of the affiliating partner
Assessment of trainees on NOS based curriculum
Industry recognized certification of the successful trainees.
P a g e | 5 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
Participation in Government led programs at institutional and state level, aligned to
Access to the reports on the Sectoral Researches conducted by the AMH SSC
Participation in the various Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Specific Seminars
Access to International bodies available in similar space

Institutions Eligible to Affiliate to the Apparel Made-Ups & Home

Furnishing Sector Skill Council
1. Training Organizations/Institutions set up by NSDC funding.

2. Training Institutions set up/affiliated by Government of India

a. ITIs/ITCs affiliated to NCVT
b. Institutions approved by Councils under Central Government like AICTE
c. College/ Institutes affiliated to a University set by Central or State/ UT
Government or recognized by UGC
d. Schools / Institutes approved by Central or State Boards of Secondary
Education (or equivalent) or Boards of Technical Education.
e. Any other institute set up by Central or State/ UT government

3. Private Training Institutions independently operating in Vocational Space.

4. Training institutions set up by private companies to meet the skilled manpower

requirement for in-house needs or for the sector.

Company/Firm/Society/Trust - Any of the above fulfilling any of the following criteria:

a. An organization providing training under Apprentices Act, 1961 for last three
years from the date of submission of the application.
b. An organization registered in India, conducting business in the domain of skill
development & training, having Permanent Income Tax Account Number
(PAN) and Service Tax Registration Number and audited accounts of
statements at least for last one year.

P a g e | 6 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
Process of Affiliation
The process of affiliation is automated via SDMS system* of NSDC and is outlined as under:

Independent VTP submits application for NSDC funded VTP / Govt. affiliated institution submits
affiliation for a NOS based course to AMH SSC via application for affiliation of a NOS based course to AMH
SDMS SSC via SDMSNSDCNOS based course to AMH SSC via

Affiliation Due-Diligence by AMH SSC as per the scope outlined here in this document

AMH SSC submits it report to the Affiliation Sub Committee. This Affiliation Sub-Committee is
appointed by the Governing Council of the AMH SSC

Affiliation Sub-Committee does a cross check of the process followed in due-diligence and evaluates
the credibility/ qualifications etc. of the applicant VTP and ratifies selection or rejection

The Governing Council is informed of the Affiliation Selection or Rejection

Affiliation Process Completed Affiliated VTP is issued Affiliation Certificate by AMH SSC and the
non-approved ones are sent the regret communication

The copy of the Affiliation documents ratified by the Affiliation Sub-Committee is sent to NSDC for

*SDMS System is described on Page 21 of this document

1. A TP whether NSDC funded/Government affiliated or non-funded will apply for
affiliation to AMH SSC for a NOS based course pertaining to a specific job role
(Qualification Pack).

2. TP can affiliate one or more courses to AMH SSC. For each course corresponding to a
Qualification Pack, the TP will take an affiliation from AMH SSC. Thus there can be
multiple affiliations of a TP with AMH SSC.

3. TP can also take affiliations from multiple SSCs; for courses pertaining to their sector.

4. AMH SSC will affiliate the institution of the TP for the NOS based courses that the
Institution is offering.
P a g e | 7 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
5. After filing the completed affiliation application accompanied with the necessary fee,
by the interested TP, AMH SSC will affiliate the TP within 30 days subject to TP
responding to clarifications sought by the AMH SSC, if any within 10 working days. In
case the TP does not respond within the stipulated time, the application shall be
deemed as closed. The TP, if further interested in affiliation will have to re-activate
his application, stating reasons for delay along with the desired response sought by

6. In case the delay is happening from AMH SSC side, the concerned TP will be
informed of the delay stating the reasons and the expected time by which the
process will be closed by the AMH SSC.

P a g e | 8 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
Requirements for Affiliation
The requirements for affiliation of a Training Provider (TP) / Education
Body are classified into 4 components:

Section 1: Institution and Management Profile

Section 2: Quality Aspects in Institution Governance

Section 3: Training Operations Processes

Section 4: Performance, Measurement and Improvement

SECTION 1: Institution and Management Profile

A. Generic guidelines about the kind of the Institution which can be


The organization which requires affiliation should have a written mission statement. The
mission shall guide establishment of the training management system and the general
operation of the organization.

The affiliating organization should:

Have clearly defined objectives that are helpful in establishing a vocational training

Have documented processes and procedures covering the entire gamut of

vocational training including the ones relating to continual improvement of these
processes and procedures.

Physically possess the resources or have a documented plan of owning the resources
required to run and operate a vocational training system.

Have documented processes that will help the management to review and analyse
the operational processes and procedures.
Have a documented mechanism to ensure the applicability of the processes and
procedures to the work that has been outsourced to a third party.

P a g e | 9 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol

v None

B. Organization Details/ Profile of the Management Team


In this section, the factual information of the affiliating TP and its management team is

Details of the organization applying for the proposal

Prior exposure of the affiliating organization in skill development space

Educational qualification and experience of the management team

Key achievements of the management team/ project team in the area of skill

Management committee shall identify all statutory and regulatory requirements for

The Management committee of the TP shall:

Involve all members of the Institution in understanding and implementing the

mission and quality objectives that are measurable and derived from core training
and support processes of the Institution.

Identify and plan for resources necessary for achieving the Institution's objectives.

Communicate to all members of Institution the importance of meeting the

requirements of interested parties as well as the applicable statutory and regulatory

Measure the performance of the Institution in order to monitor the fulfilment of the
mission and quality objectives.


v None

P a g e | 10 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
C. Responsibilities and the Authority of the Operational Teams

Head of the TP (Training Provider) and Key Personnel

Head of Institution may be designated as Director/ Principal. The head of Institution

shall be empowered by the management committee to carry out day to day
functioning of the Institution. The management committee shall clearly describe the
management structure. The head of the institution shall decide and implement the
processes which support the development and deployment of the TP system. The
responsibility and authority for all personnel involved in key functional areas shall be
defined and communicated within the Institution.

Affiliation Coordinator

Management committee shall appoint an existing senior staff member who,

irrespective of other responsibilities, shall monitor to ensure that the requirements
of these criteria are being implemented. The coordinator shall periodically report to
management committee on the compliance of criteria and the need for

The coordinator shall ensure communication within the Institution on the

information related to the application and relevance of the criteria in Training and
support processes. The coordinator shall liaise with the affiliating SSC on all relevant


v None

P a g e | 11 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
SECTION 2: Quality Aspects in Institution Governance



The Institution's mission shall be documented. This shall be consistent with needs &
expectations of interested parties and applicable statutory & regulatory
requirements and commitment in delivering excellence.


The institution applying for affiliation should have an Operations Document covering
the following aspects:

Background of the Institution

Organization Structure
Details of other affiliations, if applicable
Industry Linkages
Profile for senior and middle management
Profile of trainers
Details of infrastructure, workshop, store etc.
Process of internal evaluation
Placement cell and its placement record
Training Courses/ Programs offered including a list of content and training
material available
Quality assurance mechanism


The Institution shall provide financial resources which shall be capable of sustaining a
sound vocational educational program consistent with its stated mission and objectives
for long term stability.

The Institution shall identify and comply with the applicable statutory and regulatory
requirements pertaining to the services provided.


v None

P a g e | 12 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
SECTION 3: Training Operations - Processes

A. Documented Process for Management of Human Resources


Recruitment guidelines and criteria based on required competencies

Process of reviews to identify competency gaps vis--vis requirement in
the in-house talent
Training and professional development plan and processes
Maintaining records of qualifications and experience
Motivation and enhancement of self-esteem amongst the staff


v None

B. Curriculum

Process of adoption and/or development of curriculum on the basis of QP

and NOS developed by the SSC
Review process to gauge the effectiveness of the curriculum developed
Clear demarcation of time to theory and practical as per the criteria set
by regulatory bodies
Pedagogy inclusive of time schedule and lesson plan
Process of SME engagement in curriculum design and development
Review process for approval of curriculum from the SSC.


v None

P a g e | 13 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
C. Content / Courseware and other Documents


Process of adoption and/or development of content / courseware on the

basis of QP and NOS based curriculum approved by SSC.
Following needs to be available confirming to the requirements
mentioned in the NSDC website
Train the Trainer Program
Modules on Soft Skills/ Health/ Hygiene and Safety both generic
and program specific
Syllabus/ Curriculum outline
Training Delivery Plan
Facilitators Guide (Generic Training Skills)
Trainer Guide (Program Specific)
Participant Manuals
Participant Feedback forms
Review process to gauge the effectiveness of the content / courseware
Process of SME engagement in content / courseware design and
Review process for approval of content / courseware by the SSC


v None

D. Teaching process


Time table
Delivery plan
Monitoring and evaluation process of students continuous assessments,
tests, examination etc.
Management of student evaluation records
Lab/ workshop exposure and its linkage to theoretical delivery
Industry visits
P a g e | 14 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol

v None

E. Training methodology

Documented Processes for Training

Training aids


v None

F. Continuous Evaluation

3.11. GENERAL:

Student monitoring on learning

v None

G. Industrial Interface

3.13. GENERAL:

Engagement of experts from the industry (guest faculty)

Integration of real life problems from industry and exposing it with
sample solutions to the students


v None

P a g e | 15 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
H. Student Development

3.15. GENERAL:

Imparting required soft skills training

Guidance to students on getting placements
Assistance/ Facilitation for OJT/ Placements


v None

I. Admissions

3.17. GENERAL:

Printed brochure/ prospectus covering

o Documented policy and procedures for admissions
o Concessions policy
o Process of keeping safe custody of students documents
o Student agreement with the institution at the time of admission


v None

J. Learning Environment
3.19. GENERAL:

Classroom and lab aesthetics and ambience

1. Illumination levels
2. Ventilation requirements
3. Housekeeping and cleanliness
4. Weather protected


v None

P a g e | 16 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
K. Infrastructure
3.21. GENERAL:

Land and building requirements (either own/rented/ on lease)

Working space requirements
Sizes of classrooms, labs and workshops
Associated facilities like safe drinking water, power backup etc.
Transport facilities, if applicable


v None

L. Health and safety

3.23. GENERAL:

Staff training on crisis handling

Equipment required for covering indoor and outdoor emergencies

Fire safety

Health policy including collection of required medical record of staff and

Compliance to the regulatory norms of health and sanitary conditions
Availability of the compliance certificate from the competent authority

v None

P a g e | 17 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
SECTION 4: Performance Measurement and Improvement

A. Identification of suitable indicators to monitor and measure

performance such as:


Trade Learning progress

Workshop upkeep and modernization
Health and safety incidences
Feedback from employers
Trend of employability and placement record


v None

B. Continual Improvement on the basis of:


Student feedback on curriculum

Student attendance
Drop out monitoring
Student performance on tests
Teacher attendance
Placement patterns


v None

P a g e | 18 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
C. Management Review


Management review meetings (MRM)

Actions implementation on the basis of MRM
Performance review of faculty
Assessment of training needs of faculty by the management
Handling of student complaint by the management and redress of the
Analysis of student feedback
Analysis of results in skills assessments


v None

D. Documented procedure on Complaint/Feedback Handling


Information sharing on complaint with all the stakeholders

Acknowledgment of receipt of complaint
Investigation process
Closure with the complainant
Keeping record of complaints

P a g e | 19 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
Schedule of Various Charges under Affiliation and Applicability

S. Charges NSDC Funded Partners Non-NSDC Funded

No / Govt. and Non-Govt. Partners
TPs running Govt.
schemes for last 2

1. Application Fee per TP (One Time) Rs. 2,500 Rs.5,000

Compliance Checks at the TP-HQ Level (Affiliation Fee)
Management Credentials
2. Adherence to Regulatory Requirements Rs. 5,000 Rs. 10,000
Documentation of Processes
Curriculum Validation based on QP
Validation of Curriculum Per QP
3. [Curriculum package would consist of
Syllabus, Student manual, Trainers Rs. 5,000 Rs. 5,000
Guide, Training manual]
Centre Validation of Key Infrastructure and Equipment
Charges for validating infrastructure
and equipment for any number of QPs TP with TP without TP with TP without
in a centre in a single visit (per year) Infra Infra Infra Infra

Rs. NIL 50,000 NIL

Use the columns below if you want to have differential discounted charges based on
number of QPs or else say N.A.
For 1 QP N.A. N.A.
4. For 2 to 5 QPs N.A. N.A.
For 6 to 10 QPs N.A. N.A.
For more than 10 QPs N.A. N.A.
Use the column below if Charge Per Centre Validation for any number of QPs of Key Infra
and Equipment follows a discounted structure for Multiple Centres or else say N.A.
Number of Centre/Locations 2 to 5 N.A. N.A.
Number of Centre/Locations 6 to 10 N.A. N.A.
Number of Centres/Locations > 10 N.A. N.A.
P a g e | 20 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
TOT Charges Per QP
(Boarding/ Lodging and Travel of their own trainers to the training venue will be the responsibility of
the TP)
Training Charge including Assessment Rs. 15,000 Rs. 15,000
and Certification charges per Trainer
Charge only for Assessment and Rs. 8,000 Rs. 8,000
Certification per Trainer
5. Re-Affiliation Fee Rs. 2,500 Rs. 5,000

6. Trainee Assessment & Certification Tech. Non Tech. Non Tech.

Fee Tech.
Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,000 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,000


v None

P a g e | 21 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol

1. To get AMH SSC affiliation, Training Provider will fill the application form (attached)
per training provider (one time).
2. Compliance checks would be done at TP- HQ level for management credentials,
documentation processes. (Please refer to Section 1, Para A, B and C)
3. Validation of curriculum aligned to QP. (Please refer to Section -3, Para B and C)
4. Checks for Infrastructure and equipment in a centre will be done on yearly basis.
(Refer Section 4 )
5. The validity period for affiliation will be 1 year from the date of issuance of the
6. For certification to remain valid, minimum qualifying score is 50% in yearly
7. If the marks are below 50% during annual assessment, then the validity certificate
issued by AMH SSC will be put on hold and a re-assessment will be done after a
period of 03 months. Second failure will lead to cancellation of certification.
8. All fees once paid will be non-refundable.

Process of Affiliation
The process of affiliation along with the timelines is outlined below:

1. Any TP or Education Body wishing to affiliate to AMH SSC will have to apply, after
filling up the necessary Form along with necessary fee.

2. Post submission of the application, AMH SSC will take up to a maximum of 30

working days to revert back to the interested TP on affiliation or rejection of the
submitted application.

3. The process of the application, post submission at the AMH SSC end will be as

The task of due-diligence will be done by the AMH SSC directly or through a third

a. The first level check on completeness of the application form will be done by
the AMH SSC and if the third party assessors are involved, forward the
application to them within 2 working days of receiving the application.
b. AMH SSC will inform the TP of the third party assessor details.
c. The due-diligence of the TP application will be completed by the AMH SSC
either directly or with the help of appointed third party assessor within 10
working days.
d. The due-diligence report of recommending or rejecting affiliation will be
submitted by the SSC into SDMS or the third party assessors in 2 working

P a g e | 22 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol
days post completion of the due-diligence for the AMH SSC. AMH SSC after
evaluation of the same and its comments will forward to the Norms
e. The Norms Committee will preview the report and will give their acceptance
or rejection within 5 working days back to AMH SSC.
f. AMH SSC on receiving the Affiliation Sub-Committee recommendation will
prepare a report of Acceptance or Rejection within 3 working days.
g. The AMH SSC will communicate the decision to the concerned TP within 2
working days and the copy to NSDC for information.
h. 6 days are kept as buffer for any prescribed timelines over-flows.

In the event of any arbitration, the first level of appellate will be the Governing
Council (GC) of the AMH SSC.

In the event of applicant not satisfied with the GC decision, the same could be
referred to NSDC.

NSDC will form a tribunal constituting the members drawn from both AMH SSC and
NSDC funded TPs. The members will be CEOs both from AMH SSC and of the TP.

The decision of this tribunal will be full and final and will be acceptable to both AMH
SSC and the applicant TP.

P a g e | 23 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol

1. Procedure of Grant of Affiliation:

(a) Submission of duly filled application form with applicable fee of Rs. 50,000/-.
(b) Evaluation by AMHSSC
(c) Submission of QP / NOS Aligned Curriculum for the selected job roles, with a fee of Rs. 5000/- per Job role.
(d) Curriculum alignment check by AMHSSC and addressing of gaps by TP.
(e) Grant of Affiliation by AMHSSC.

2. The certificate will be valid for 1 year from the date of issue.

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:

1. Name of the Organization- 6. Contact Person / Coordinator for AMHSSC-

__________________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ Contact No. (M): _________________ (LL): __________________
Email ID: ___________________________________________
2. Address of Registered Office-
__________________________________________________________ 7. Organizational Model (Please tick appropriate model):
__________________________________________________________ a. Single location Institute with complete Infrastructure set-up
______________________________________________________ (Building, classroom, Labs, Workshops):
b. Multi-spread Centres across cities / states:
3. Year of Establishment- __________________________________
If yes, please provide details of Branches / centres:
4. Whether registered (Company, Society, Any other form of Legal (As per format attached at Annex- A)
8. Is the Institute affiliated / recognised with any Body?
a. If yes, provide: YES NO
i. Registration Number and Date: ____________________
(Attach certificate) If yes, provide details:
a. Name of the Body affiliated with: ________________________
b. PAN / TAN Number (attach photocopy):__________________ ___________________________________________________
(Attach Certificate)

5. Name of Director / Organization Head-


Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:
9. Is the Institute participating / has participated (in last 03 years) in any NSDC / Govt. scheme on skill development?


If Yes, Attach relevant Certificate and provide details:

S. No. Name of Scheme Ministry / Department Since when participating

10. Past Placement record of the Institute (last 2 years):

S. No. Number Trained Number Placed Name of Key organizations

where students were placed

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:
1. Job Roles for which affiliation sought:

QP compliant QP compliant Location / Centres Date by which

S. No. Job Role AMHSSC QP /
Curriculum ready Content ready where training will training will
NOS reference
(Yes / No) (Yes / No) be conducted commence

(More rows can be added, if required)

2. Availability of tools, equipment etc. for Practical Training, for selected job roles:

Tie-ups for Industry interface / OJTs / Practical

S. No. Job Role Practical Set-up Available Yes / No
Training (Name of Industry / Organisation)
(As per attached list at Annex- B)

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:
3. Training Facilitation (Tick appropriate choice):

(a) Training of Trainers: In-house Master Trainers Outsourced

(b) Periodicity of Training and Certification of Trainers: 1 Year 2 Years > 2 Years
(c) Certification of Trainers: In-house capability Outsourced / External
(d) Content Development: In-house External Agency (Please specify)

4. Methodology of mobilizing candidates:

(a) Printed Brochure / Prospectus: (If yes, attach a copy)
(b) Media Advertisements: YES NO (If yes, attach a copy)

(c) Industry Tie-ups: YES NO (If yes, attach details)

(d) Tie-ups with Staffing Agency: (If yes, attach details)
(e) Any other methodology, Please specify

5. Industry Tie-ups for OJT / Practical Training (for the training done in past):

S. No. Job Role Name of the Company

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:
6. Have you conducted training in Apparel, Made-ups or Home Furnishing sectors or any other related sector?


If yes, provide details:

S. No. Sector Job Role Year of conduct No. Trained

If no, provide details of training conducted in past:

S. No. Sector Job Role Year of conduct No. Trained

7. Details of Apparel/Made Ups/Home Furnishing Trainer available:

S. No. Name Industry Experience Academic Qualification Certified trainers (Yes / No)

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:
Section 3: Processes, Compliances and Records
(Applicant to confirm availability of the under mentioned processes, compliances and documents. These will be
checked during On-site visits)

(a) Operations Manual:

i) Background of Institution
ii) Organization Structure
iii) Profile of Trainers
iv) Industry Linkages
v) Profile of Senior and Middle Management

(b) Compliance to Statutory and regulatory requirements

(c) Guidelines for recruitment of Trainers
(d) Professional development plan for Faculty
(e) Records of Qualification, experience of faculty / teaching staff
(f) Availability of Administrative support staff
(g) Composition of Training Packages:
(i) Content
(ii) Training Manual
(iii) Trainer Guide
(iv) Training Delivery Plan
(v) Feedback Forms and Review Mechanism
(h) Training Delivery
(i) Classroom facilities / Training aids,
(ii) Quality of PPT
(iii) Continuous / Interim Assessment Plans
(iv) OJT / Industry visits / Equipment for Hands-on Training
(i) Library for students
(j) Adherence to Health & Safety norms
(i) Training of staff on crisis handling & handling for fire fighting equipments
(ii) Availability of fire fighting / safety equipments
(iii) Health policy, Periodic medical checks
(iv) Certifications by competent authority
(k) Management Review:
(i) Management review Meetings and action perusal
(ii) Faculty review
(iii) Complaints and Redressal system
(iv) Feedback analysis (feedback form students / faculty / employees)
(v) Result analysis and Review
(l) CVs of Master Trainers
(m) Content development capability (if In-house exists)

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:
Check List
1. Registration Certificate (refer Section 1, point 4)
2. PAN / TAN card (refer Section 1, point 4)
3. List of Branches (refer Section 1, point 7)
4. Affiliation Certificate (refer Section 1, point 8)
5. Certificate for having participated in Govt / NSDC scheme (refer Section 1, point 9)
6. Supporting Documents for Mobilization of candidates (refer Section 2, point 4)

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:
List of All Branches / Centres:

Job Role Training Centre Details/Address Tools / Equipments On-Job Training Tie-ups Trainers Availability at Each Centre
Start where training will be Availability at each centre (Mention
Date conducted confirmation at each company Name, and Academic Industry Attach
Centre (Refer list attach Letters) Qualification Experience CV
attached in the (for
Application Form) specific
Job Role)

More rows can be added, if required

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:

Equipment Required for Pattern & Sewing Lab

S.No. Item
1 Scale (12")
2 Scale (24")
3 French Curve
4 Tracing Wheel
5 Set- Square
6 Hip Curve
7 Dress Form Women's UK Size 10 (Full Size)
8 Dress Form Women's UK Size 10 (Half Size)
9 Dress Form Women's Size 6 (Full Size)
10 Dress Form Women's Size 6 (Half Size)
11 Dress Form Size 40 (Men's)
12 Dress Form Kids (2-3 Years)
13 Dress Form Girls (12-14 Years)
14 Dress Form Boys (12-13 Years)
15 SNLS Machine
16 SNLS Machine with UBT
17 Over Lock Machine (Twin Needle, 5 Thread)
18 Flat Lock Machine
19 Button Machine
20 Button Hole Machine
21 Feed of the Arm Machine
22 Bar Tack
23 Bottom hemming Machine (3 Needle, 5 Thread)
24 Straight Knife Cutting Machine
25 Vertical Edge Trimmer
26 Double Chainstitch Machine (12 Needle, Flat Bed)
27 Pressing Unit
28 Machine for Front Placket
29 Continuous Fusing Press Machine
30 Student's Chair (with Table Arm)
31 Teacher's Table
32 Teacher's Chair (revolving)
33 Drawing Table
34 Pattern Table (6ft x 4ft x 3 ft)
35 Stools (27")
36 Stools (20")
37 White Board
38 Pin up Board

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:
Equipment Required for Textile Dyeing Printing & Testing Lab

S.No. Item
1 Binocular Microscope for Fibre
2 Bunsen Burner
3 Colour Matching Cabinet
4 Laundrometer
5 Digital tensile Strenth Tester
6 Sample Cutter with Digital Balance Capacity
7 Count Tester (Beesley Balance)
8 Lab pH/ pH Meter
9 Crockmeter
10 Fabric Thickness Tester
11 Tear Strength Tester
12 Table Loom
13 Pick Glass
14 Gas Stove
15 Patilas
16 Gas Cylinder and Connection

Dyeing Printing
17 Printing Table
18 Screens (Assorted Sizes, 10 No.)
19 Wooden Blocks (Assorted Sizes, 20 No.)
20 Embroidery Frame (10 No.)
Lab Equipment (Petridish, Test Tubes, Beaker, Measuring Cylinder,
Flask, Dropper, Stirring Rod, Tongs etc.)
22 Dyes, Pigments & Auxiliaries
23 Pattern Table (6ft x 4ft x 3 ft)
24 Stools (27")
25 White Board
26 Pin up Board

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:
Equipment Required for Textile Dyeing
Printing & Testing Lab

S.No. Item
1 Computer Table
2 Chairs (for Computer)
3 Teacher's Table
4 Teacher's Chair (revolving)
5 Computer (with 18.5" TFT)
6 Digitiser (with 16 button cursor 60ft x 44 ft)
7 Plotter
8 Printer (Laser Jet)
9 Adobe Design Studio CS 6 Aca AAO

Date: Authorised Signatory

Company Seal:
Please find enclosed the Demand Draft / Cheque no.
________________ for Rs_______________ dated ______________
drawn on __________ in favour of Apparel Made-Ups & Home
Furnishing Sector Skill Council, payable at New Delhi towards the
application fees.

I hereby declare the above information is true and correct as per my

Authorised Signatory
(With Official Seal)

Name: ___________________________________
Designation: ______________________________
List of Enclosures Enclosed
1. List of Branches Yes / No
2. PAN and IT Return Yes / No
3. Audited Balance Sheet Yes / No
4. Registration Certificate of Training Provider Yes / No
5. Copy of Recognition Certificate Yes / No
6. Copy of Affiliation Certificate Yes / No
7. Building Approval Document Yes / No
8. Staff Particulars Yes / No
9. Training detail of Staff Yes / No
10.Drinking Water Yes / No
11.Health and Sanitary Conditions Yes / No
12.Fire Safety Yes / No
13.Bus Service details Yes / No
14.Details of Grants received in last 3 years Yes / No
15.Detail of Assessment procedure Yes / No
16.Cheque / DD Yes / No

P a g e | 24 Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council Affiliation Protocol

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