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Different Diagnostic Procedure of Typhoid

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Article July 2014

DOI: 10.3329/jcamr.v1i2.20517


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4 authors, including:

Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Yusuf

National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh


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Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research


Different Diagnostic Procedure of Typhoid Fever: A Review Update

AFM Arshedi SATTAR1, M Abdullah YUSUF2, M Bodrul ISLAM3 ,

Waseka Akhter JAHAN4
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital,
Dhaka, Bangladesh; 2Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, National Institute of
Neurosciences & Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh; 3Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology,
Dhaka National Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 4Assistant Professor, Department of
Biochemistry, National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh

(Received: 20 December 2013; Reviewed: 25 December 2013; Accepted: 31 December 2013)


Typhoid fever is diagnosed by using a combination of the clinical presentation, the isolation of
Salmonella typhi from body fluids and by Widal test. In the first week of illness, the diagnosis may be
more difficult because in this invasive stage with bacteraemia; the symptoms are those of generalized
infections without localizing feature. Cultures of stool, urine, rose spots, bone marrow, gastric and
intestinal secretions can all be useful for diagnosis. The efficacy of culture varies with the specimen
being tested. In addition, the prehospital antibiotic therapy frequently used in developing countries
complicates the isolation of infectious agents from clinical specimens especially from blood. Bone
marrow appears to be the most suitable specimen because bone marrow culture has a higher
sensitivity than blood culture. The methods of bacterial isolation are inherently slow and take more
than 48 hours. That is why, serologic analysis becomes more important. The Widal test has got
limitations such as the difficulty in interpretation, the need to demonstrate a fourfold rise after a week
and necessity of knowing the endemicity of the area and is useful only in selected patients. The
available methods of diagnosis of typhoid fever are either time consuming or are not absolutely
reliable. An accurate diagnosis of typhoid at an early stage is important not only for an etiological
diagnosis of the patient but also to identify individuals who may serve as a source of infection. The
outer membrane protein on the surface of Gram negative bacteria has been considered as important
antigens to induce host immune response. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) have been
considered an alternative approach for the diagnosis of typhoid fever. Therefore, this present review
has been designed to describe the different diagnostic procedure of typhoid fever.

Keywords: Typhoid fever, diagnosis, enteric fever, Salmonella typhi

[Cite this article as: Sattar AFMA, Yusuf MA, Islam MB, Jahan WA. Different Diagnostic
Procedure of Typhoid Fever: A Review Update. J Curr Adv Med Res 2014;1(1):35-41]
Correspondence: Dr. AFM Arshedi Sattar, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology,
National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207,
Bangladesh; Email: [email protected]; Cell no.: +8801611109942
Conflict of Interest: None
Contributions to authors: AFMAS & MAY have contributed in manuscript writing. MBI & WAJ
have revised the manuscript.

J Curr Adv Med Res 35 July 2014 Volume 1 Issue 2

Introduction 60-80% of patients with typhoid4. Culture of
bone marrow is more sensitive. The role of
Typhoid fever is an acute, generalized infection Widal's test is controversial, because the
of the reticulo-endothelial system, intestinal sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of
lymphoid tissues and gallbladder caused by this widely used test vary considerably among
Salmonella typhi1. This highly adapted, human- geographic areas. Unfortunately, S. enterica
specific pathogen has evolved remarkable serotype typhi shares these antigens with other
mechanisms for persistence in its host that help Salmonella serotypes and shares cross-reacting
to ensure its survival and transmission. Typhoid epitopes with other Enterobacteriaceae. Newer
fever is diagnosed by using a combination of serologic tests are being developed but do not
the clinical presentation, the isolation of yet perform well enough to ensure their
Salmonella typhi from body fluids and by widespread adoption5. DNA probes and
Widal test2. Laboratory diagnosis of enteric polymerase-chain-reaction protocols have been
fever is accomplished by culture of the developed to detect S. enterica serotype typhi
organism from clinical specimens or directly in the blood6.
demonstration of an elevated level of
Salmonella antibodies, traditionally by the Culture of Different Specimens
Widal agglutination assay3.
Definitive diagnosis of typhoid fever generally
Variability of Typhoid Fever Diagnosis requires isolation of the organism from blood,
bone marrow, vomitus, fresh stool, or urine. If
The absence of specific symptoms or signs patients present within the first week of the
makes the clinical diagnosis of typhoid fever disease, blood, intestinal secretions, and stool
difficult. In areas of endemic disease, a fever culture results are usually positive in
without evident cause that lasts more than one approximately 85-90% of patients with typhoid
week should be considered typhoid until fever; however, it declines to 20-30% later in
proved otherwise. the course of the disease2. Cultures of stool,
urine, rose spots, bone marrow, gastric and
Table 1: Non-specific Standard Laboratory intestinal secretions can all be useful for
Tests for Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever (Parry diagnosis2. The efficacy of culture varies with
et al., 2002) the specimen being tested3. In addition, the
Anemia: moderately anemic prehospital antibiotic therapy frequently used in
ESR: elevated developing countries complicates the isolation
Platelets: thrombocytopenia of infectious agents from clinical specimens
Lymphocytes: relative lymphopenia especially from blood3. Bone marrow appears
Others Hematological changes: to be the most suitable specimen because bone
o slightly elevated prothrombin time marrow culture has a higher sensitivity than
(PT) blood culture7; however, it is a more invasive
o activated partial thromboplastin procedure which renders it impractical for
time routine use. Isolation of the organism from
o Decreased fibrinogen levels stool or urine may not be the absolute proof of
Liver enzymes: elevated liver transaminase typhoid fever because faecal or urinary carriers
and serum bilirubin levels with superimposed other febrile illness may
Serum Electrolytes: yield positive cultures8. The methods of
o Mild hyponatremia bacterial isolation are inherently slow and take
o hypokalemia more than 48 hours9. That is why, serologic
analysis becomes more important.
Blood cultures are the standard diagnostic
method; provided a large volume of blood is Blood Culture: The rate of isolation of
cultured (15 ml in adults), they are positive in bacteria from blood approaches 90% in
untreated patients in the first week; however,

J Curr Adv Med Res 36 July 2014 Volume 1 Issue 2

the figure falls to less than 50% by the third the gallbladder again because positive stool
week10. The sensitivity of blood culture is culture results.
higher in the first week of the illness which is
reduced by prior use of antibiotics, and Others Specimens
increases with the volume of blood cultured
and the ratio of blood to broth11. Cultures have S typhi has also been isolated from the
also been made from the buffy coat of blood 12, cerebrospinal fluid, peritoneal fluid, mesenteric
streptokinase-treated blood clots13, intestinal lymph nodes, resected intestine, pharynx,
secretions (with the use of a duodenal string tonsils, abscess, bone, and urine, among
capsule)7, and skin snips of rose spots14. others8. Cultures of punch biopsy samples of
Multiple positive blood culture results are 73- rose spots reportedly have a sensitivity of 63%
97% specific for typhoid fever15. Large-volume and may show positive results even after
blood culture and clot culture after serum antibiotics.
removal increase sensitivity.
Serological Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever
Bone Marrow Aspirate (BMA) Culture:
Bone marrow aspirate (BMA) culture is the Widal test
most sensitive method of isolating Salmonella
typhi16. The sensitivity is 90% at any point in The Widal test has got limitations such as the
the disease course for as long as 5 days after difficulty in interpretation, the need to
the initiation of antibiotics11. The test is demonstrate a fourfold rise after a week and
invasive and extremely painful. Clinicians necessity of knowing the endemicity of the
should try to establish the diagnosis with less area19. A fourfold rise in the Widal assay titre is
traumatic means. Bone marrow culture is therefore generally required for a definite
positive in 80-95% of patients with typhoid, serological diagnosis, and a second serum
even patients who have been taking antibiotics sample is rarely obtained in regions where
for several days, regardless of the duration of enteric fever is a major concern20. It is
illness13. In addition to that blood cultures are indicative of typhoid fever in only 40-60% of
less sensitive than bone marrow cultures patients at the time of admission21. Test for the
because of the lower numbers of presence of Salmonella antibodies in the
microorganisms in blood as compared with patients serum may be of value in the
bone marrow11. diagnosis of enteric fever. The patients serum
is tested by agglutination method for its
Stool and Urine Culture: Stool culture alone antibody titre against O, H and Vi suspensions
is less than 50% sensitive and urine even less of enteric fever organisms, like S. typhi, S.
so17. A single rectal swab culture at hospital paratyphi A and S. paratyphi B. The test results
admission can be expected to detect S typhi in are difficult to interpret in areas where typhoid
30-40% of patients18. After disease resolution, and other Salmonelliosis are endemic22. The
3 stool cultures one month apart should be test is most reliable if the interpretation is made
taken to rule out carrier state. The sensitivity of against background of baseline agglutinin titer
stool culture depends on the amount of feces in normal individual and in non-typhoidal
cultured, and the positivity rate increases with fevers common in the region23. A Vi
the duration of the illness. Stool cultures are agglutination reaction has been used to screen
positive in 30% of patients with acute typhoid for S. enterica serotype typhi carriers. Its
fever17. For the detection of carriers, several reported sensitivity is 70-80%, with a
samples should be examined because of the specificity of 80-95%24.
irregular nature of shedding. In particular, stool
culture results may be positive for several days Interpretation: Positive result in single test by
after S typhi ingestion11. This is because of no means always indicate the presence of
inflammation from the intraluminal dendritic enteric fever because both false positive and
cells. Later in the illness, bacteria shed through false negative results are common19 and in

J Curr Adv Med Res 37 July 2014 Volume 1 Issue 2

interpreting them the following points are to be Monoclonal antibody produced against 50 kDa
borne in mind: (l) The serum of some normal outer membrane protein from Salmonella typhi
(uninfected) persons agglutinate Salmonella showed no cross reactivity with proteins from
suspensions at dilutions up to about 1 in 80, so other bacteria causing enteric fever and enteric
that titres can not be taken as significant unless fever like illness28.
they are greater than 80. (2) Persons who have
received TAB vaccine may show high titres of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays
antibodies to each of the Salmonella and only if (ELISA)
a marked rise of titre of one serotype is
observed the result can be regarded as Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays
diagnostically significant. H-agglutinins tend to (ELISA) have been considered an alternative
persist for many months after vaccination but, approach for the diagnosis of typhoid fever 28.
O-agglutinins tend to disappear sooner e.g. The IgM response to successfully treated
within six months. (3) H antibody titre is bacterial infections generally persists for only a
extremely variable arid subject to nonspecific few weeks or months. Demonstration of IgM
rise (anamnestic reaction). H-antibody is used antibodies to Salmonella antigen might
to differentiate Salmonella species25. (4) Non- therefore be of more diagnostic significance in
specific antigens, such as fimbrial antigen, may an endemic population than detection of IgG29.
be present in test suspensions and then give However, there are theoretical limitations to the
false positive results by reacting with an indirect ELISA for IgM. If the concentration of
agglutinin in the serum of some un-infected specific IgG in a sample is substantially greater
individuals. (5) The Widal reaction is positive than the concentration of IgM, it can produce
in many healthy carriers. A negative reaction false negative results by competing for the
does not exclude the carrier state, but a positive antigen determinants on the plate. On the other
reaction, particularly a Vi titre of 10 or higher, hand, an IgM-class rheumatoid factor that may
is said to be helpful for the recognition of the be present in the sample can react with antigen-
carrier (Old 1996). IgG complexes and produce a false-positive
Rapid Serological Tests
Dot Enzyme Immunoassay (DOT ElA)
The available methods of diagnosis of typhoid
fever are either time consuming or are not Enzyme immune assay (EIA) using microtiter
absolutely reliable26. Therefore, the plates have been used in the diagnosis of
development of a simple, rapid, economic, typhoid fever30. Although the microtiter plate
sensitive and reliable diagnostic method for assay has the added advantage of processing
early diagnosis of typhoid fever is imperative many samples at a time with high sensitivity,
in endemic areas6. Indirect hemagglutination they do have some limitations. Microtiter plate
test (IHA), indirect fluorescent Vi antibody, assays require expensive arid special
and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent equipment which restricts its use to the large
assay (IEIA) for immunoglobulin M (IgM) and hospitals and laboratories28. DOT Enzyme
IgG antibodies to Salmonella typhi immunoassay which detects antibodies in
polysaccharide are available. Monoclonal patients sera to antigen dotted on
antibodies against Salmonella typhi flagellin nitrocellulose membrane has been applied in
are promising developments. Indirect the diagnosis of microbial disease31. With this
Immunoflorescence test, Indirect simple yet sensitive method, laboratory results
Haemagglutination test, Enzyme Immunoassay can be interpreted without the use of special
(EIA) and counter immunoelectrophoresis equipment28. DOT enzyme immunoassay has
(CIEP) have been used. The outer membrane been introduced for the early and rapid sero-
protein on the surface of Gram negative diagnosis of typhoid fever28. The discovery of a
bacteria has been considered as important 50 KDa outer membrane protein specific for S.
antigens to induce host immune response27. typhi has led to the development of this test 28

J Curr Adv Med Res 38 July 2014 Volume 1 Issue 2

(Ismail et al. 1991a). This is commercially found that the EIA results were either IgM-or
available as DOT-EIA (Typhidot(R), Malaysian IgG was positive, sensitivity was 90%,
Bio-diagnostic research SDN BHD, specificity 91% and negative predictive value
Kualalumpur, Malaysia). The dot EIA 97% with the culture used as gold standard. For
(Typhidot) is a qualitative antibody detection IgM positive, specificity was 100%. But the
test which detects serum IgM and IgG antibody specificity of IgG positive alone was reduced
separately to a specific 50 KDa outer 91% which was probably due to persistence of
membrane protein of S. typhi using a single IgG after acute infection.
serum specimen. It has been found to be highly
sensitive and specific28. The test is easy to DNA testing
interpret unlike the Widal test where in one has
to be aware of the antigenic titers of the normal Polymerase chain reaction assays for
population, of the area before it could be identifying S typhi are available in some areas.
correctly interpreted. The test is also not However, this is used mostly for research since
affected by antibiotic intake32 unlike the Widal the test is generally too expensive for patients
test23. Furthermore, the lack of cross reactions in developing countries.
with other Salmonellae and the negative results
obtained in cases of non-typhoidal fevers Imaging Studies
enhanced the diagnostic value of the DOT EIA
making it more specific than the Widal test28 Radiography of the kidneys, ureters, and
first studied the DOT EIA for the rapid sero- bladder (KUB) are useful if the clinician
diagnosis of typhoid fever in Malaysia. When suspects bowel perforation. CT scanning or
tested among hospitalized febrile children in an MRI may be warranted to investigate abscesses
endemic area the results showed very little that may occur in, among other sites, the liver
difference in diagnostic sensitivity between or bones.
Widal and Typhidot (91.1% vs 90.3%). In
terms of specificity Typhidot gave better results Histologic Findings
(91.7% specificity) compared to the Widal test
(80.8%) and both showed comparable high The hallmark histologic finding in typhoid
negative predictive value (90%). The fever is infiltration of tissues by macrophages
sensitivity and specificity of DOT EIA was (typhoid cells) that contain bacteria,
evaluated by33 among febrile Malaysian erythrocytes, and degenerated lymphocytes.
children. They found that the sensitivity and Aggregates of these macrophages are called
specificity of Typhidot was 90.3% and 93.1% typhoid nodules, which are found most
respectively and the test had comparable commonly in the intestine, mesenteric lymph
sensitivity but greater specificity than those of nodes, spleen, liver, and bone marrow but may
the Widal test (91.9% and 80.6% be found in the kidneys, testes, and parotid
respectively)34, compared the efficacy of glands. In the intestines, 4 classic pathologic
Typhidot with the Widal test. A total of 292 stages occur in the course of infection: (1)
patients sera from suspected enteric fever case hyperplastic changes, (2) necrosis of the
were screened by both methods. The results intestinal mucosa, (3) sloughing of the mucosa,
indicated that Typhidot was suggestive in 65% and (4) the development of ulcers. The spleen
of patients, the Widal in 403%, of these is enlarged, red, soft, and congested; its serosal
Typhidot yielded IgM anybodies alone in surface may have a fibrinous exudate.
30,1% of subjects within 1-3 days history of Microscopically, the red pulp is congested and
fever35 reported that there was 100% contains typhoid nodules. The gallbladder is
correlation between EIA positives and blood hyperemic and may show evidence of
culture positives. Comparing EIA with the cholecystitis. A liver biopsy specimen from a
Widal results, they found a correlation of person with typhoid often shows cloudy
97.6% and 88.9% for culture positive and swelling, balloon degeneration with
culture negative typhoid patients respectively36 vacuolation of hepatocytes, moderate fatty

J Curr Adv Med Res 39 July 2014 Volume 1 Issue 2

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J Curr Adv Med Res 41 July 2014 Volume 1 Issue 2

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