MYP Flyer

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Planned Transition to MYP at SOS-HGIC

SOS Hermann Gmeiner International College

PMB Community 6,Tema
Phone: +233 303 202907/204267
Fax: +233 303 202916/202927
E-mail: [email protected]
Rationale for transition to MYP
SOS-HGIC is committed to becoming a school that offers the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) for the two years prior to the IB Diploma Programme (DP) that we have
offered since 1993. There are two related reasons for doing this:
To allow us to focus providing to our students the best possible preparation for the DP and beyond
To create a coherent four-year academic education for our students with one consistent educational philosophy
The school needs to go through a process of candidacy and then authorisation in order to offer the MYP. Our application for candidacy will be lodged early in 2018,
teaching will begin in August 2018, and full authorisation will coincide with our first cohort of student emerging from the programme in 2020.

Principal Features of the MYP

Rather than taking the form of a series of curriculum statements assessed through formal examinations, the MYP is organized around concepts that are important in
various academic subjects and can also act as links between them. These provide the basis for subject-based learning and also for curriculum integration. Concepts
are connected to global contexts that promote the international-mindedness at the heart of the International Baccalaureate in order to form statements of inquiry
from which the content and skills of the curriculum will flow. Students will experience a sequence of units in each course each of which is organized in this way.
Subject: Language Acquisi- Key Concept: Culture Related concepts: Meaning, Global context: Personal and cultur-
tion Structure al expression

Statement of inquiry: Humans use language meaningfully to express our personal and cultural ideas.
Content: comprehension exercises, independent reading, vocabulary acquisition exercises, interactive and oral speaking opportunities

Subject: Physics Key Concept: Relationships Related concepts: Conse- Global context: Orientation in
quences, Movements space and time

Statement of inquiry: The relationship between forces and movement has consequences on the orientation of matter in space and time
Content: types and properties of motion, equations and graphs, types and effects of forces, application of forces and relationship with mass
Key concepts in the MYP Global contexts in the MYP

Aesthet- Change Communication Communi- Identities and relationships Who am I? who are we?
ics ties Orientation in space What is the meaning of where and when?
Connec- Creativity Culture Develop-
Personal and cultural expression What is the nature and purpose of creative expression?
tions ment
Form Global Inter- Identity Logic Scientific and technical innovation How do we understand the world in which we live?
Globalization and sustainability How is everything connected?
Perspec- Relationships Time, Space and Systems
Fairness and development What are the consequences of our common humanity
tive Place
The intention is that students will enroll in courses in order to fulfill and exceed the requirements of the programme. The full range of availability looks similar to the
table below. In addition to a course in language and literature, and in language acquisition, and in mathematics, students should follow four courses in total
from individuals and societies and sciences. Further requirements involve at least one course in design or the arts, with extended mathematics available for those
interested in Mathematics HL at DP level.

The MYP can provide us with opportunities to refine our language provision, introduce design into the curriculum, and expand the possibilities for exploration in the arts.
At the same time, we will retain existing courses beyond the official MYP, such as thinking skills and ICT, in order to promote skill building.
The concept-based curriculum permits interdisciplinary units to be taught that connect separate subjects. In the final year, each MYP student is required to undertake
a personal project which further cements curriculum integration and develops research skills. A community project can complete the provision, retaining the link with


Within each course, formative assessment generates ongoing feedback to students. Summative tasks provide important assessment data at the end of each unit

While we intend to retain formal examinations within the MYP years, they should form a smaller proportion of the overall range of assessments in the programme.

Spacing of assessments around units can help to provide a more even experience for students and avoid overload and piled-up revision towards
the ends of semesters. The structure of the MYP means that there will be new and more comprehensive types of data that can be reported to par-

JHK/Oct 2017

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