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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Combustion
Volume 2012, Article ID 285185, 14 pages

Research Article
Composition of Algal Oil and Its Potential as Biofuel

Pascal Schlagermann,1 Gerold Gottlicher,1 Robert Dillschneider,2

Rosa Rosello-Sastre,2 and Clemens Posten2
1 Department of Research and Innovation, EnBW Energie Baden-Wurttemberg AG, Durlacher Allee 93, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
2 Division of Bioprocess Engineering, Institute of Life Sciences, KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

Correspondence should be addressed to Pascal Schlagermann, [email protected]

Received 8 November 2011; Revised 16 December 2011; Accepted 29 January 2012

Academic Editor: Panagiotis Grammelis

Copyright 2012 Pascal Schlagermann et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

First test flights using blends with algae oil are already carried out and expectations by the aviation and other industries are high.
On the other hand technical data about performance of cultivation systems, downstream processing, and suitability of algae oil as
fuel are still limited. The existing microalgae growing industry mainly produces for the food and feed market. Energy eciency is
so far out of scope but needs to be taken into account if the product changes to biofuel. Energy and CO2 balances are used to esti-
mate the potential of algae oil to fulfil the EU sustainability criteria for biofuels. The analysis is supported by lab tests as well as data
gained by a pilot scale demonstrator combined with published data for well-known established processes. The algae oil composi-
tion is indicator of suitability as fuel as well as for economic viability. Approaches attaining high value fractions are therefore of
great importance and will be discussed in order to determine the most intended market.

1. Introduction the oil yield per hectare obtained from microalgae can greatly
exceed the yield from oil plants like rapeseed, palm, or
The energy demand is growing worldwide. The total energy sunflower. Another advantage of microalgae over plants is
consumption has increased from 196 EJ (1018 Joule) in 1973 their metabolic flexibility. That means that a variation in the
to more than 350 EJ in 2009 and the tendency is rising [1]. biochemical composition of the biomass (towards higher
About 80% of this energy demand is delivered from fossil lipid, carbohydrates or protein accumulation) can be regu-
fuels with the consequence of an increase of greenhouse gas lated by varying the cultivation conditions [4]. Photobiore-
emissions in the atmosphere that provokes serious climate actors can be located on nonarable land and microalgae can
changes by global warming. Furthermore, the fossil fuels grow in seawater or brackish water. Therefore, there is no
supplies are constantly diminishing. In consequence, the de- competition for resources with classical agriculture. Fur-
velopment of CO2 -neutral fuels is one of the most urgent thermore, in large-scale applications production during the
challenges facing our society and essential in order to meet whole year will be possible employing eective process engi-
the planned internationally specified targets, like the reduc- neering tools for inoculation, maintenance, harvesting, and
tion of CO2 emissions in the range of 1020% by 2020 (e.g., so forth, much more than possible in agriculture.
European Union). Therefore, there is an acute demand for In general the water demand for the cultivation of micro-
sustainable, CO2 -neutral resources to replace the demand of algae is low in comparison with crops, especially when closed
liquid fuels in the near future. systems (photobioreactors) are applied. The production of 1
The potential of microalgae as renewable source for bio- liter of biofuel from oil crops requires around 3,000 liters of
fuel production is very promising due to higher growth rates water [5]. To obtain 1 liter of biofuel from microalgae with
and the capability to accumulate higher amounts of lipids 50% lipid content, 10 to 20 liters are needed, taking into
(from 20% until 80% of dry weight) [2] than conventional account the stoichiometric demand to fix 1 mol CO2 from
oil crops (not more than 5% of dry weight) [3] and therefore 1 mol of water during the photosynthesis and that the cells
2 Journal of Combustion

themselves consist of up to 85% of water [6]. Although the Table 1: Microalgae biomass yield per square meter of surface area
water demand is in practice much higher because reactor as function of PCE for three dierent solar irradiations assuming a
cooling is necessary in closed photobioreactors or for com- lower heating value of 30 MJ kg1 dry matter.
pensation of evaporation in open systems, the values are one
to two orders of magnitude lower than for conventional agri- Germany Dessert
culture [7]. These low values reconfirm the high potential
PCE\Irradiation 3,500 7,000 9,000 MJm2 a1
and motivation for using microalgae as sustainable feedstock
for biofuels. 1.0% 1.2 2.3 3.0 kgDM m2 a1
The drawbacks of the current state of microalgal biotech- 2.0% 2.3 4.7 6.0 kgDM m2 a1
nology are the high investments costs and the high demand 3.0% 3.5 7.0 9.0 kgDM m2 a1
on auxiliary energy for biomass production and for lipid 4.0% 4.7 9.3 12.0 kgDM m2 a1
processing to biodiesel leading to high costs for biomass and 5.0% 5.8 11.7 15.0 kgDM m2 a1
biodiesel. The use of residual nutrient sources and nutrient
recycling are one of the keys for a sustainable production of
biodiesel from microalgae. Wastewater can be used to supply to the available sunlight supplied to the conversion process.
nitrogen and phosphorus, main nutrients needed for the In case of microalgae it is the ratio of the lower heating value
cultivation of algal biomass. The use of residual algal biomass of dry algae biomass divided by the sunlight supplied per
after lipid extraction for example as feed (because of the high ground area to the algae cultivation:
vitamin content) is a key factor in biorefinery concepts in
order to improve economic feasibility. The rest biomass can biomass W/m2
be also fermented to produce methane or ethanol. Therefore, PCE = . (2)
sunlight[W/m2 ]
the ongoing research and development eorts are focused on
the improvement of both the economic feasibility and sus- Establishing maximal PCE under sunlight is of great in-
tainability for the production of biofuels from microalgae. terest because it implies attaining maximal biomass yield
The biorefinery concept of fermentation of the rest biomass achievable from a given area of crop plantation or algal cul-
to biogas will be included on the energy and CO2 balances ture [4].
shown in this paper. The theoretical biomass outputs as function of PCE for
three dierent solar irradiations are given in Table 1.
2. Energy and CO2 Balances for CO2 The listed range In Table 1 from 1% to 5% corresponds
to the actually achieved PCEs on dierent cultivation systems
Capture Growing Microalgae and will be explained more detailed later on. The next para-
2.1. Theoretical Potential for Energy Capture. Microalgae are graphs describe the maximal achievable PCE according to
phototrophic microorganisms. That means that they use biological characteristics of microalgae.
CO2 as inorganic carbon source and sunlight as energy The entire energy from incident sunlight cannot be con-
source to synthesize organic compounds. In this process verted into biomass because of several physiological proper-
called photosynthesis, O2 is released as a by-product. The ties from both microalgae and higher plants that reduce the
overall equation of the oxygenic photosynthesis can be des- eciency of photosynthesis. Figure 1 shows the energy losses
cribed as between the incident solar radiation and the formation of a
carbohydrate. Because of the pigment absorption properties,
CO2 + H2 O [CH2 O] + O2 , (1) only the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) part from the
whole solar radiation spectrum can be used for photosyn-
where [CH2 O] represents the smallest building block of a thesis. The PAR consists of photons in the wavelength range
carbohydrate and is the first organic product of photosyn- between 400 nm and 700 nm resulting in a 55% loss of the
thesis. These sugar molecules are starting points for anabolic total incident radiation. The aim of light absorption by the
reactions to synthesize biomass compounds. Further aux- pigments is to excite the chlorophyll molecules to eject elec-
iliary energy is required for these metabolic pathways. The trons so that the radiation energy can be converted into
organic carbon content in microalgae under nonlimiting chemically stored energy in form of ATP (adenosine tri phos-
nutrient conditions is about 50% by weight. In this case phate) and NADPH2 (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
the stoichiometric CO2 demand is 1.83 kg (0.5 44 g/mol phosphate). ATP and NADPH2 are needed to fix CO2 and to
CO2 12 g/mol C) per each kilogram of dry algal biomass synthesize further biomass. Only photons with wavelengths
produced. Under accumulation of storage components like of 680 nm and 700 nm (red) exhibit the exact energy content
carbohydrates or lipids with dierent degrees of reduction required for the excitation of chlorophyll. Higher frequency
the CO2 fixation varies between 1.65 kgkg1 (0.45 44 g/mol photons (blue) exhibit higher energy content as required and
CO2 /12 g/mol C) for high starch content (50%) and ca. are used with less eciency as red photons. Excess energy
2.33 kgkg1 (0.634 44 g/mol CO2 /12 g/mol C) for 50% is dissipated as heat or fluorescence, a mechanism known
lipid content respectively. as nonphotochemical quenching. Consequently, there is an
The conversion eciency of light into biomass is ex- energy loss of 21% of the absorbed PAR energy due to the
pressed by the photoconversion eciency (PCE) and is de- degradation of PAR to the chlorophyll excitation energy at
fined as the energy gained by a conversion process compared 700 nm. Furthermore about 35% energy losses are generated
Journal of Combustion 3

Photosynthetically Degradation absorbed

active radiation PAR photons to 700 nm
100% 45% 35.6%
= 400700 nm (21%)

Incident irradiance (W m 2 s 1 )
Incident irradiance (Wm 2 s 1 )

2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)

Cell activity
(respiration 20%;
Carbohydrate synthesis Reflection on surface photosaturation and inhibition 40%)
Max. PCE 11.2%
( 65%) 5.4%
12.4% (10%)

CO2 + H2 O + 8 photons

[CH2 O] + O2

Variable PCE
(dependent on environmental conditions process and reactor design)

Figure 1: Eects causing energy losses during the conversion of sunlight into biomass (based on data from [4]).

by the several enzymatic steps needed for the fixation of CO2 by means of light dilution (for further explanation see
into carbohydrate. In this case a photon demand of 8 photons Subsection 2.3) short time PCE of 8% can be measured [9].
to fix one mole of CO2 to carbohydrates is required [4]. Usual PCE of crop biomass does not exceed 1% PCE in
The addition of all the energy losses described above, temperate regions [10, 11] but can reach values of almost 4%
gives a theoretical maximum PCE of 12.4% (see Figure 1), a during short-term experiments under optimized conditions
value often referred to as photosynthetic eciency (PE). The [12]. Those maximum yields are peak values and hardly ob-
resulting achievable value of PE is independent of the photo- served on average.
bioreactor technology or process strategy and cannot be The PCE values mentioned above will be subject to fur-
improved by genetically engineering of the cells. Lipid pro- ther decrease during lipid production. If microalgae are culti-
duction leads to an increase of the heating value of the vated under nitrogen limitation, they cannot synthesize the
biomass from 20 MJkg1 for oil-poor algae (between 20% required protein and nucleic acid molecules for further
and 30% dry weight) to 30 MJkg1 for oil-rich algae (50% growth and switch their metabolism towards the accumu-
dry weight) [8]. For a constant PCE that leads to lower mea- lation of energy and carbon reserve like starch or lipids de-
sured areal productivity in terms of dry mass. Furthermore, pending on the algal strain. Lipid accumulation means that
the photon demand will increase if proteins and lipids are the photon demand to fix CO2 increases in comparison with
synthesized reducing the PCE due to ineective metabolic starch accumulation because the synthesis of lipids from the
steps. first organic product of photosynthesis (CH2 O) requires ad-
The real PCE in outdoor algal cultures decreases to a ditional enzymatic steps.
value between 1.5% and 5% depending on the photobiore- No quantitative measurements or assessments of PCE
actor system applied (race ways pond or closed systems), values for growth during lipid synthesis can be found in the
mixing conditions, and weather conditions. Reasons for the literature for the moment. On this area experimental works
further losses of radiation are the reflection of light on water in labor scale are actually running at the Department of Bio-
bodies at the reactor surface (10%), photosaturation and process Engineering KIT as a part of a collaboration project
photoinhibition (40%), and respiration (20%) [4]. If the with EnBW AG to obtain PCE values of the optimized pro-
PCE loss due to photosaturation can be reduced for example cess for lipid accumulation [13].
4 Journal of Combustion

2.2. Biodiesel from Microalgae. Biodiesel is a mixture of fatty Table 2: Lipid content of selected algae species [2].
acids of diverse lengths esterified with an alcohol, typically
Microalgae species Lipid content (% dry weight)
methanol. Typical crop plants for biodiesel production are
rapeseed, palm, sunflower, and soybean due to their high Botryococcus braunii 2575%
lipid content. Recent eorts to substitute microalgae biomass Nannochloropsis sp. 3168%
for these conventional crops are driven by the higher growth Schizochytrium sp. 5077%
rates and lipid content of several algae species (Table 2). Bio- Neochloris oleoabundans 3554%
diesel from microalgal feedstock might even be especially Nitzschia sp. 4547%
interesting for general aviation due to its good flow proper-
ties at low temperatures and high energy density.
The European norm EN 14214 gives an overview of bio-
respective environments. Amongst them strain-specific opti-
diesel quality requirements and test methods. Table 3 shows a
mal temperature range, salinity of the cultivation medium,
comparison of properties of microalgal oil, petroleum diesel,
and the ability to be maintained for longer periods in non-
and norm standards.
axenic cultures need to be taken into account. Therefore, the
The suitability of microalgal biomass as biofuel feedstock
choice of the most adequate cultivation system and process
is closely related to the length and degree of saturation of its
strategy will be decisive in order to achieve high areal lipid
fatty acids as specified by the four key figures iodine value,
productivities. An overview and comparison of dierent
oxidation stability, cetane number, and the cold filter plug-
types of reactors used nowadays for microalgae cultivation is
ging point. Beside other quality standards the feedstock
given in the Subsection.
needs to comply with target ranges defined by the European
norm, which is fulfilled in case of algal biodiesel as shown in
Table 3. 2.3. Microalgae Cultivation. Traditionally, microalgae are
A high iodine number represents a high degree of unsat- cultivated in the so-called open ponds, which are natural or
uration of fatty acids in biodiesel, which is unfavourable artificial bodies of standing water typically 20 to 30 cm deep.
because fatty acids with higher content of double bonds The CO2 is taken from the atmosphere. The expected upper
are prone to oxidative damage. Otherwise, unsaturated fatty performance for open ponds is a PCE around 0.5%, so
acids are beneficial for flow properties, especially at lower basically not better than for terrestrial energy plants. The first
temperatures and therewith result in an advantageous cold means to increase productivity is better mixing, which can
filter plugging point. Lipids rich in long chain fatty acids with be achieved by employing paddle wheels to move the water
a low degree of saturation exhibit a high cetane number, indi- through annular channels, thus improving gas transfer and
cating a short ignition delay time and high combustion qual- bringing all cells to the bright surface at least statistically. In
ity whereas an exceeding degree of saturation might collide more recent applications an additional supply of CO2 is fore-
with the request for a reasonable cold filter plugging point by seen, leading to expected PCEs below 2%. The current acti-
precipitation at low temperatures [15]. vities to produce biodiesel from microalgae are actually based
A comparison of fatty acid profiles of some selected algae on these raceway ponds because of their low costs and low
strains and conventional biodiesel feedstock (Table 4) shows demands on auxiliary energy when normalized to the pond
that there are fatty acids of comparable chain length extract- volume. However, such open facilities exhibit high water
able from all feedstocks whereas algae oils can contain con- evaporation per ground area (1 to 3 m3 m2 and year de-
siderably higher amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The pending on the region) and a high risk of contamination.
resulting lower cold filter plugging point makes biodiesel High evaporation allows operation without undermining the
from microalgae suitable as fuel for aviation. The fatty acid idea of using arid areas only by employing sea water algae and
profile of microalgae and crops is not constant and varies building the plant close to the sea or where brackish water
depending on the culture conditions and the growth stage of is available [19]. Microalgal dry biomass concentrations do
the culture when harvested. Optimal culture conditions for not usually exceed 2 gL1 . This has a direct impact on the
the desired fatty acid profile can be easier regulated during subsequent solid/liquid separation steps and on the demand
the microalgal growth in photobioreactors than by oil crops of auxiliary energy for harvesting, which is high, normalized
on the landfill but at the cost of higher energy and CO2 de- to the biomass produced.
mand. These conditions are species specific. No comparison To avoid these disadvantages the attention of research
data about the improve of quality for biodiesel in counter- and application has shifted to closed photobioreactors. Here
balance with the higher energy demand for the regulation the culture volume is separated from the environment by
of optimal conditions are described at the moment in the transparent walls leading to less evaporation, less contact in-
literature and will not be considered for the energy and CO2 terface for possible invasion by competing microalgae, con-
balances. taminating bacteria, or multicellular grassers or predators.
Strain selection can be performed with a special focus not Furthermore, CO2 can be applied very eciently with only
only on generally applied selection criteria, such as lipid con- small losses in the o-gas and can be controlled close to
tent and areal lipid productivity, but also on the fatty acid the 1 to 2 mbar, which have been shown to be optimal for
profiles matching biodiesel requirements. Further selection growth. Other values like pH or temperature could in prin-
criteria for microalgae need to be considered as they mainly ciple be controlled as well, but current applications do not
influence the ability to produce biomass at a large scale in the make much use of these options. However, there is a deeper
Journal of Combustion 5

Table 3: Comparison of selected properties of algal biooil and typical conventional diesel with respect to the European norm for biodiesel

Fuel property Algal biodiesel Petroleum diesel EN14214 standard

Higher heating value (MJ/kg) 41 45.9
Kinematic viscosity (mm2 /s) 40 C 5.2 1.23.5 3.55.2
Density (kg/L) 0.864 0.83-0.84 0.860.90
Carbon (wt%) 76 87
Hydrogen (wt%) 12,7 13
Oxygen (wt%) 11,3 0
Sulphur (wt%) 0 0.05 max <10 max. 0,02
Boiling point ( C) 180340
Flash point ( C) 115 6080 >101
Cloud point ( C) 15 to 5
Pour point ( C) 12 35 to 15
Cetane number 51 >51

Table 4: Fatty acid profiles of biodiesel feedstock (wt.%) resulting from gas chromatographic analysis.

Phaeodactylum Botryococcus
Fatty acid Double bound position2 Rapeseed [15] Sunflower [15] Nannochloropsis salina [16]
tricornutum [17] braunii [18]
C12:01 5.0 0.7
C14:0 4.5 0.8
C15:0 0.5 0.5
C16:0 4.9 6.2 37.5 25.8 21.0
C16:1 9 0.1 23.3 37.5 2.0
C16:2 7, 10 6.5
C16:3 7, 10, 13 15.2
C17:0 0.4 0.1
C18:0 1.6 3.7 0.9 1.3 2.9
C18:1 9 33.0 25.2 11.9 3.2
C18:2 9, 12 20.4 63.1 1.5 5.1 13.6
C18:3 9, 12, 15 7.9 0.2 2.0 33.0
C20:0 0.3 0.1 0.2
C20:1 11 9.3 0.2
C22:0 0.7 0.1
C20:4 5, 8, 11, 14 3.3 1.6
C20:5 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 15.3 13.1
C22:0 0.4
C22:1 13 23.0 0.1
C24:0 0.2 0.2
C24:1 15
Fatty acid with chain length of 12 carbon atoms and 0 double bonds. The same nomenclature applies for all other fatty acids.
2 Double bound position beginning from the carboxyl group.

reason why closed reactors achieve higher biomass concen- are exposed only to a small fraction of the full sun light inten-
trations and higher productivities than ponds. This can be sity and grow close to the point of their optimal eciency, so
understood by employing growth kinetics of the algae for that PCE of 5% and under well-controlled conditions of up
designing photobioreactors. A typically growth kinetics de- to 8% can be achieved [9]. However, such values have never
pending on light irradiation plotted as photosynthetically been obtained for real hectares and real years. For quite some
active photon flux density (PFD) is shown in Figure 2. The years large tubular reactor installations of more than one ha
basic point is that a linear increase with increasing light are in operation [20, 21], where the light dilution is obtained
intensity is only achieved for low light conditions. Direct in- by glass tubes forming fences. Here the light dilution factor is
cident sunlight, as applied on open ponds, cannot be used by given by the ratio of the illuminated glass surface and the foot
the algal cells or is even inhibiting. print area. The medium is pumped through the pipes in tur-
In this situation closed reactors oer the option to dil- bulent flow. Fresh CO2 can be applied either pure or mixed
ute the light over a larger surface. In this way the algae cells with air. Such tubular reactors oer good productivities for
6 Journal of Combustion

1.6 Table 5: Power input (excluding light) and algae biomass produc-
Specific growth rate (d1 )

1.4 I II III tivity in dry matter per cultivation volume and day of dierent reac-
tors in outdoor experiments.
1 Power input Productivity
Reactor type Reference
0.8 Optimum operation point
[Wm3 ] (gL1 d1 )
0.6 Helical tube
light dilution necessary 3,200 1.4 [22]
0.4 reactor (outdoor)
0.2 Bubble column
109 0.4 (10 days average) [23]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Flat panel airlift 100200 circa 0.76 (average) [24]
PFD( Em2 s1 )

Figure 2: Specific growth rate as function of light irradiation

Table 5 gives an overview of power input of several reactors
plotted as photosynthetically active photon flux density (PFD) for
in outdoor experiments.
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; 1000 Em2 s1 corresponds approx-
imately to 200 Wm2 . The PCE can be read as gradient from the But there are other issues. Besides lower energy input
origin to a given point on the curve. Therefore, PCE is at its opti- especially the temperature problem has to be addressed.
mum only in range I, where the circle indicates the point of highest During outdoor operation the medium heats up during day-
growth rate. time depending on the changing irradiation and the air tem-
perature. Microalgae, at least the strains usually cultivated
nowadays, exhibit a quite narrow temperature growth pro-
file. So cooling, for example, by spraying and evaporating
high value products, but show other disadvantages. The costs water on the surface is necessary even in Middle-Europe in
for installation can go up to over several hundred C per m2 , summer. One solution is to embed the plates in a separate
being too high to ensure economic feasibility considering water body, which at least dampen the temperature oscilla-
commodity markets. Furthermore, pumping energy exceeds tions. The company Solix Biofuels [34] for example, cultivates
several hundred or even thousand Wm3 , what prohibits algae in submerged flat plastic bags. The fundamental setup
energy positive microalgae production. of the third-generation reactor concept (3G) is depicted in
The second development line for closed photobioreactors Figure 3. Major advantage of the submerged reaction com-
is given by the so-called flat plate reactors. These designs con- partments is the fact that additional temperature control is
sist basically of two parallel oriented vertical plates including not necessary in the system because the surrounding water
the water body. Mixing and mass transfer are achieved by acts as temperature buer. Moreover, construction costs for
bubbles entering the single plates from the bottom similarly the reactor are reduced as there is no need for a special scaf-
to bubble column or airlift reactors. Their solar light cap- fold supporting the flat reaction compartments. According to
turing surfaces consist of transparent materials with long the information given by the ocial website Solix produces
shelf lives, for example, polyethylene (PE), polyvinylchloride 5,000 to 8,000 gallons of algal oil per acre, per year (circa 42
(PVC, with some ecologic considerations) or poly(methyl to 67 t ha1 a1 , assuming an oil density of 900 kgm3 ) [35].
methacrylate) (PMMA). In a simple case the plates are for- A fourth generation reactor including membrane aeration is
med by plastic bags on scaolds of mash wire, see Figure 3. currently under development.
The light path length, defined as the thickness of the plate With regard to economic considerations investment costs
reactor, is in this case close to 10 cm, but can vary in more should not exceed 20 Cm2 for biofuel production and
recent designs between 1 and 5 cm. Low cost and a compara- operating costs need to be minimized. A similar approach has
tively small energy input of less than 100 Wm3 make this been developed by Proviron [36] (Figure 4) and represents
reactor design in principle feasible for biofuel production. another applied advancement of classic flat plate reactors.
But still there is potential to achieve even better systems. The Their major focus was set on development of an ecient
energy demand for bubbling can be reduced by choosing a low cost reactor suitable for large-scale outdoor applications.
low plate design, therewith reducing hydrodynamic pressure Their approach comprises the incorporation of flat growth
at the bottom of the reactor. To keep light dilution at a high compartments (less than 1 cm thick) within water-filled plas-
level, the plates have to be arranged closer to each other. Fur- tic bags without any rigid structure. The major part of the
thermore, the smaller the total culture volume per footprint setup consists of water-filled chambers that are separated
area (water coverage) is, the less energy is wasted for mixing. from the reaction compartments. Water diuses the imping-
It is necessary to understand that the reaction volume is the ing solar radiation, which should result in an equalized light
intracellular space and not the chemically inactive medium distribution within the water-filled chamber. At the same
between the cells. Consequently, a short light path length time, temperature is regulated without any additional energy
leads to low water coverage and high dry biomass concentra- input. Moreover, the water-filled chambers themselves con-
tions. This demand for low height designs and low water cov- stitute the scaold of the reactor, analogous to Solix reactors.
erage also supports a reduction of the material expenditure. In the future the low auxiliary energy demand of 20 kWha1
Concluding, the energy input is one important cost factor should be further reduced with control strategies that aim at
and likewise significantly influences the net energy gain. an adaption of aeration to light. According to the company
Journal of Combustion 7

Figure 3: Solix Biofuels demonstration facility: schematic representation of the 3G reactor setup and photography of the production facility

Figure 4: Submerged flat panels in a Proviron photobioreactor [36].

outlook investment costs are expected to drop from currently reliable CO2 sensors are available yet, pH is taken as con-
200,000 Cha1 to 100,000 Cha1 . trolled value. As the pH is also influenced by other factors
Besides sunlight and CO2 all systems need to be supplied (e.g., ammonia uptake) this is not always an optimum solu-
with water and nutrition. tion. CO2 feeding on demand, for example, with strongly
CO2 has in principle to be supplied in order to meet the reduced rates during the night is one option out of the tools
stoichiometric demand of the cells and to keep the partial of control engineering. Following the fluorescence signal
pressure in the medium at a level high enough with respect given by the cells to optimize agitation and harvesting cycles
to the uptake kinetics to allow sucient flow across the cell on line is another idea under discussion. The cultivation pro-
membrane. CO2 can be provided from industrial flue gases, cess has to be controlled in a way that the nitrogen source
for example, from biogas or gas combustion, while flue gas (ammonia or nitrate) is depleted at the end of a first pro-
from hard coal combustion is less favourable because of cess phase, while the cells start to accumulate lipids. The
heavy metal dust particles. Other CO2 sources can be found exact timing of this switching process is another issue to be
in chemical processes like lime kiln or ethylene factories. addressed during development of optimal production pro-
In tubular reactors pure CO2 can be applied because mix- cesses.
ing is done by pumps. In flat plate reactors, additional air Future production processes will further integrate biol-
is supplied for mixing purposes leading to a gas mixture of ogy, process and control engineering, and environmental
usually less than 10% CO2 molar fraction. As no cheap and conditions. Further screening and genetic engineering is
8 Journal of Combustion

targeted to a fatty acid profile adapted to the technical needs. Table 6: Cultivation-system-related parameters (own estimates
The above-mentioned light saturation can be diminished by based on/completed with [9, 25, 26]).
the so-called antenna reduced mutants. While wild-type cells
Raceway ponds Closed systems
dissipate energy under high light conditions, these cells can
take up only as many photons as they can process further in Photoconversion
1.5 5 %
the metabolism. This makes higher cell densities and higher eciency
eciencies in closed reactors possible. Other attempts to Typical biomass
0.5 to 1 2 to 9 kg/m3
further enhance production are more extensive approaches concentration
to combine open ponds with light dilution by applying light Spec. energy
conducting glass cones or other structures on the surface of demand cultivation 0.5 to 4 2.5 to 15 W/m2
(per area)
Based on the volumetric demand of 50 to 150 W/m3 for closed systems and
The span of the values for productivity and energy de-
a volume/surface ratio from 0.05 to 0.1 m3 /m2 [23, 27].
mand shown in Table 6 are usually based on pilot plant facil-
ities. Linear extrapolation between productivity and energy
demand is not possible. Firstly, productivities are influences
by operational parameters themselves. High mixing energy Filtration is the classical method in bioseparation. Har-
supports high growth rates by better mass transfer, but also vesting in open ponds is sometimes still done using manual
by the so-called intermittent light eect [37]. This phenome- sieves [43]. Press filtration is the standard operation pro-
non describes the abilities of the cells to store light energy in cedure in sludge dewatering [44]. Filter aid drum filtration
the time range of ms, in this way making profit from fast mix- is applied to produce compressed yeast from yeast milk
ing cycles between dark and light parts of the reactors. While [44]. Basic problems are the compressible filter cakes with
a given reactor geometry with respect to light dilution may low specific permeability and the high maintenance demand.
be optimal in a given region, it may be suboptimal in another, The process development to overcome these problems goes
where higher light dilution is necessary on cost of higher in two dierent directions. One is the application of shear
energy and material demand. Secondly, a measured PCE can- forces tangential to the filtration membrane with the eect
not be simply applied to another production site. Even if light of shear forces to prevent the formation of a filter cake [45].
dilution is considered properly, the eect of environmental The other one is belt filtration with continuous cake removal
factors on the PCE value like temperatureusually assumed and belt drying by pressing [46].
as being from Arrhenius type [38]diuse light, and day Centrifugation is regarded as the most eective separa-
length can hardly be anticipated. Growth-model-based tion method with respect to large scale [20, 47, 48]. As the
attempts for extrapolation using local weather data or land- separation principle depends on cell size and on specific
scape characteristics have nevertheless been proposed [39, weight, the problems are already charted. The cell diameter
40] but not finally proven. Practical experiences are actually is of 510 m in the range of yeasts, which are usually
missing, whether the advantage of a higher irradiation of a separated by decanter centrifuges or disk stack separators
maximum ratio of 2.5 between middle Europe and North [49]. This latter choice is often made for microalgae as well
Africa can really be exploited facing problems of temperature [20, 48]. While the specific weight for yeast is in the range of
control, CO2 and nutrition logistics and higher light dilution 1.1 kgL1 , the density of algae depends on the oil content
factors. So there are already ideas to cultivate microalgae in and can go down to values lower than the water density,
moderate northern areas making use of long days with many making centrifugation more and more dicult and leading
sunny hours in the summer and switching o the plant in to flotation as a better approach. Disk stack separators and
winter, a strategy that saves at least maintenance and opera- also newly designed centrifugal devices especially for micro-
tional energy. algae (e.g., Evodos [42]) are operated at, for example, 3,000
4,000 g to reduce cell damage and claim eciencies even
2.4. Downstream Processing. The first step in product recov- below 1 kWh/m3 .
ery is the harvesting of the biomass that comprises separation Prior to the application of separation devices a pre-
and dewatering of the algae cells. Dewatering in this context concentration can be employed. Flocculation can be used in
means removal of the intercellular medium to an extent of order to ease the following dewatering steps. Diverse mineral
about 90% resulting in a pasty pumpable product, while the salts (e.g., aluminium sulphate, ferric chloride) or organic
intracellular water (>80%) keeps unchanged. Harvesting can polymers (chitosan) can serve as flocculants. However, addi-
be done in principle by filtration or centrifugation [41]. The tion of chemicals is expensive, can interfere with extraction,
task of solid/liquid separation in bioprocesses is not new as or is even regarded as harmful to the environment [29].
such including low value products like yeasts or bacteria. Autoflocculation, for example, by stopping aeration with
Therefore, applicable devices are available on the market. the eect of a pH shift, might avoid these detriments. The
However, microalgal suspensions exhibit for the moment low success depends on the presence of polysaccharides or spe-
solid concentration of less than, for example, 1 gL1 and a cific proteins on the cell surface and is therefore strain and
low added value with respect to biofuels. This fact leads to process dependent.
changes in operation of classical approaches towards lower Data for the energy demand of solid/liquid separation is
energy consumption and also triggered the design of new given from the device suppliers in terms of energy per pro-
separation devices (e.g., Evodos [42]). cesses liquid volume, but what counts at the end is the energy
Journal of Combustion 9

demand per cell dry mass. In practice this means that the Table 7: Electricity demand and ratio of separation for dierent
energy demand can vary by almost a factor of 100 comparing separation technologies (adapted data from [9, 25, 26, 28]). A de-
dierent cultivation techniques. Typical values for energy use tailed review is available from [29].
in solid/liquid separation are given in Table 7. Centrifuge Filtration
Moreover, solid/liquid separation developments on the
Specific electricity demand 3.6 to 14.4 1.8 MJ/m3
biological level could be helpful, like approaches for cultiva-
Ratio of separation 90 80 %
tion in biofilms attached on solid surfaces or the employment
of filamentous algae, which can be harvested much easier
than single cells in suspension culture.
The second step in product recovery after the harvesting the process, cost, and the use of hazardous chemicals be-
of the biomass is the extraction of lipids and lipid condi- cause separation and recovery of the catalyst as well as neu-
tioning to biodiesel. Microalgae contain two main classes of tralization are dispensable [57, 59, 60].
lipids, polar lipids (including phospholipids and glycolipids) Further attempts to introduce more fundamental
and neutral lipids (mono-, di-, triglycerides, isoprenoids, and changes in the overall process in order to replace toxic chem-
waxes). The latter are accumulated under stress conditions, icals, for example, hexane, and to increase overall eciency
like nitrogen limitation, and exhibit most desirable proper- include extraction of lipids with supercritical carbon dioxide.
ties for conversion to biodiesel [28, 50]. As described above, In small-scale experiments extraction has proved to be ef-
high specific lipid contents are attained on the expense of low ficient and shows energetic advantages over conventional
biomass productivities [51]. These technical challenges must extraction [50, 61]. Applicability in larger scale requires fur-
be approached by sophisticated cultivation strategies, such ther assessment and might be energy intensive due to the
as phased or spatial separation of high biomass productivity demand of high pressure. Carbon dioxide can be recycled
and lipid accumulation in two dierent process phases or after extraction or alternatively fed into photobioreactors.
bioreactor compartments. One additional advantage of this method is the ease of modi-
Conventional biodiesel processing of algae biomass fication, for example, utilization of cosolvents, to attain cer-
requires harvesting of biomass, drying of the crude material, tain selectivity in the extraction therewith enabling sequen-
and subsequent hexane extraction of lipids. The latter are tial extraction of dierent lipid classes. Experiments show
then subjected to a transesterification process. During this that under specific process conditions triacylglycerides can
process the three fatty acids of one molecule triacylglyceride be extracted with pure supercritical carbon dioxide in a first
(TAG) consecutively react with alcohol, typically methanol reaction step whereas phospholipids can be recovered only
provided in molar excess, to form fatty acid methyl esters after addition of another solvent, such as ethanol [50].
(FAMEs) and glycerol. Figure 5 shows the steps for biodiesel A promising approach to eliminate the cost and energy
processing. intensive drying process of biomass suggests a two-step pro-
To increase eciency of the extraction process previous cess that can be applied directly to wet biomass. In a first step
cell disruption can be taken into account in order to enhance lipids are hydrolysed inside the cells at high temperatures
solvent access to the storage lipids [50]. The higher content (ca. 250 C) resulting in an easily filterable solid that contains
of algal polyunsaturated fatty acids may induce adverse side the majority of free fatty acids while phosphorous and nitro-
reactions during transesterification [55]. However, some of gen can be recovered from the filtrate. In a second reaction
these fatty acids, for example, eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5), step the retentate was subjected to the esterification with
attain higher prices on the healthcare, nutrition, or other ethanol at supercritical conditions. The overall process there-
markets [26, 56]. Therefore, gentle transesterification con- with does not require the drying process, facilitates the
ditions and an additional separation step of products could straightforward recovery of nutrients, and eliminates the use
improve profitability of the overall process. This is especially of toxic chemicals [62].
true at an early stage of development while scales are not big
enough to deteriorate prices but biofuels from microalgae are
still more expensive than petroleum diesel. 2.5. Energy and CO2 Balances of Algal Biofuels. Calculations
Biomass with low residual water content is prerequisite on the energy and CO2 balances for the production of bio-
for the typical transesterification with a homogenous base diesel from microalgae on the base of the technological state-
catalyst as the remaining water leads to undesirable saponifi- of-the-art for algal cultivation and lipid extraction will be
cation reactions. Soap formation also occurs in consequence shown in this section. The energy and CO2 balances are de-
of a high content of free fatty acids found in some algae and termined for both cultivation technologies: (i) raceway
is to be prevented because saponification impairs the subse- ponds and (ii) closed photobioreactors considering the pro-
quent separation process and leads to partial consumption of cess as given in Figure 6. After cultivation the microalgae are
the catalyst [28, 57, 58]. Although base catalysis is favoured harvested. The oil is extracted and converted into biodiesel.
due to faster reaction kinetics and requirement of lower reac- The algae press cake is digested for biogas production. The
tion temperatures saponification can be avoided when acid biodiesel as well as the biogas is balanced to substitution of
catalysts are used instead of alkaline ones, acid or base cat- fossil fuel. As microalgae biodiesel production in an indus-
alysts necessitate an additional neutralization process step. trial scale does not exist, figures from commercial vegetable
However, further attempts aim at replacing homogenous oil (production capacity of around 100,000 tons per year)
with heterogeneous catalysts. The latter reduce complexity of conversion to biodiesel are used.
10 Journal of Combustion

algal lipids

Acid or
base catalyst

Phase FAMEs Neutralization

separation Centrifugation
gation) wash
Gly/H2 O water
+ Neutralizing
agent Drying


Distillation Evaporation Water


Figure 5: Scheme of conventional biodiesel processing [5254].

Conversion to Substitution of
Cultivation Harvesting Oil extraction Oil
biodiesel fossil diesel

Conversion to Substitution of
Press cake biogas natural gas

Figure 6: Scheme of evaluated value chain.

The results are presented for a solar radiation of The oil is assumed to be extracted with a yield and energy
7,000 MJm2 a1 (corresponding to the radiation in Medi- demand comparable to that of, for example, rape seed oil
terranean area) and PCEs of 1.5% for raceway ponds and 5% production. The energy demand for transesterification of the
for closed photobioreactors, which are good case scenarios. oil is set to 0.72 MJ electric and 1.7 MJ thermal per kg of oil in
The specific energy demand for cultivation with raceway analogy to rapeseed oil [30]. Furthermore 0.1 kg of methanol
ponds is set to 1 Wm2 surface area and mainly applies for is added and roughly 0.13 kg crude glycerine is produced for
mixing of the culture media. For closed photobioreactors it is each kg of oil processed.
set to 100 Wm 3 (corresponding to 5 Wm2 ). As for race- The specific CO2 emissions applied to the CO2 balances
way ponds the energy demand for closed photobioreactors are 385 g per kWh electricity produced considering the Euro-
is predominantly used for mixing and also for gas supply, pean average and 260 g per kWh thermal energy assuming a
and therefore in both cases it is exclusively electrical energy. natural gas fired boiler [31]. A summary of all input para-
Potential additional energy consumption for, for example, meters is given in Table 8. As described above, only the main
temperature control is neglected. processes cultivating and utilizing microalgae are taken into
The technology of choice for harvesting is centrifugation account while this work should not be considered as life cycle
as it is the state of the art today. Since harvesting microalgae assessment.
with biomass concentrations of just a few g per litre of culture The energy balances are shown in Figures 7 and 8. At
media strongly determines the feasibility of an energetic first sight both cultivation technologies show a positive en-
utilization, other options need to be considered in future. ergy balance. The energy consumed compared to the energy
Journal of Combustion 11

Table 8: Summary of estimated parameters assumed for calculation ([9, 26, 3033] and own calculations).

PCE for raceway ponds 1.5 %

Biomass concentration for cultivation with raceway ponds 0.8 kgDM /m3
Electricity demand for cultivation with raceway ponds 1 W/m2
PCE for closed photobioreactors 5 %
Biomass concentration for cultivation with closed photobioreactors 4.0 kgDM /m3
Specific reactor volume for cultivation with closed photobioreactors 0.05 m3 /m2
Electricity demand for cultivation with closed photobioreactors 100 W/m3
Lower heating value microalgae biomass 30 MJ/kgDM
CO2 bound in microalgae biomass 2.5 kgCO2 /kgDM
Lipid content of microalgae biomass TAG 40 %
Lower heating value microalgae oil 38.2 MJ/kg
Lower heating value microalgae press cake 23 MJ/kgDM
Separation eciency of centrifuge 90 %
Electricity demand centrifuge 3.6 MJ/m3
Oil separation eciency 90 %
Electricity demand for oil extraction 0.35 MJ/kgDM
Heat demand for oil extraction 1.75 MJ/kgDM
Conversion rate algae oil into biodiesel 90 %
Electricity demand conversion to biodiesel 0.043 MJ/kg
Heat demand for conversion to biodiesel 0.750 MJ/kg
Lower heating value of biodiesel 37 MJ/kg
Conversion eciency microalgae press cake to biogas 90 %

Electricity demand conversion to biogas 0.48 MJ/nm3
Heat demand for conversion to biogas 1.5 MJ/nm
Lower heating value biogas 20 MJ/nm
CO2 emission of electricity 107 gCO2 /MJ
CO2 emission of heat 72 gCO2 /MJ
Lower heating value of fossil diesel 42.5 MJ/kg
CO2 emission of fossil diesel 3.1 kgCO2 /kg
Lower heating value of natural gas 43.2 MJ/kg
CO2 emission of natural gas 2.4 kgCO2 /kg

DM: dry matter; nm3 : standard cubic meter, TAG: triacylglyceride.

yield for raceway ponds accounts for circa 70% and in case as futures European Union sustainability criteria for biofuels.
of closed photobioreactors for circa 77%. Closed photo- Requested CO2 reductions are 35% today rising to 50% until
bioreactors show a much higher yield per surface area and 2017 and even 60% to 2018 [63]. Whether and how devel-
therefore might be favourable considering land use as well as opment of microalgae cultivation and harvesting technology
water demand as mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, the posi- will be capable of meeting these goals is open.
tive energy balance does not withstand a closer look for both
cases as it is comparing apples to oranges. Values shown are 3. Conclusion and Outlook
the lower heating values of microalgal biodiesel and biogas
compared to the electricity and heat consumed for their pro- The numerous benefits of biofuel generation from microal-
duction. Assuming a highly ecient combined cycle power gae are motivation for further analysis and development:
plant with an electric eciency of 60% leads to the conclu- biomass yields of up to 100 to 150 tons dry matter per ha and
sion that in both cases less power can be produced from the year with lipid contents of around 40%, biodiesel yields of 40
fuels as is needed for their generation. The additional heat to 50 tons per ha and year by far exceed the most promising
needed for processing is even neglected. The most significant yields from land crops. Fresh water demand can be reduced
energy consuming process steps are cultivation and harvest- applying closed photobioreactors, using brackish water or
ing. Energy input for these needs to be significantly reduced seawater by a factor of one to two orders of magnitude.
if microalgae technology will enter the commodity market Algae oil quality generally is suitable for biofuel production.
for sustainability but also for cost reasons. Because of the high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids,
Due to the high power demand compared to the energy microalgal biofuel shows good flow properties under low
yield the CO2 balances are also negative, as presented in temperatures reducing the risk of cold filter plugging and
Figure 9. Vast eorts need to be done to meet todays as well making it even suitable for aviation fuel. Special is the ability
12 Journal of Combustion

90 25
80 21
70 20
60 17
(MJ/m2 /a )


kg CO 2 /m 2/a
50 15
9 6
10 5
0 5
Yield Power demand Heat demand

Oil extraction 0
Biodiesel Raceway pond Closed photo bioreactor
Harvesting Cultivation
Conversion to biogas Conversion to biodiesel CO2 release
Biogas CO2 avoided
Figure 7: Comparison of energy yield and energy consumption Figure 9: CO2 emissions released during microalgae biodiesel
producing biodiesel and biogas from microalgae applying raceway and biogas production compared to emissions avoided due to
ponds (solar radiation 7,000 MJ/m2 /a). substitution of fossil fuels (solar radiation 7,000 MJ/m2 /a).

250 demand for cultivation and harvesting. At least a balanced
scenario seems to be feasible assuming best case conditions.
(MJ/m2 /a )

175 To meet the EU sustainability criteria for biofuels, which

150 means a greenhouse gas emission reduction of at least 35%
100 today and 60% starting from 2018, is from todays perspec-
tive very ambitious. Whether algae technology will be able to
50 32 meet those targets is questionable.
0 However, key issues to meet commodity markets needs
Yield Power demand Heat demand are identified and feasible solutions are under investigation.
Closed photobioreactors show not only a much higher yield
Biodiesel Oil extraction per surface area but also larger potential for process adapta-
Harvesting Cultivation tion and control specific to the strain selected and products
Conversion to biogas Conversion to biodiesel produced. Therefore, photobioreactors seem to be more
Biogas promising. Possible solutions to reduce energy demand and
increase yields are enhanced reactor designs, optimized pro-
Figure 8: Comparison of energy yield and energy consumption for
biodiesel and biogas production from microalgae applying closed cess control, adapted separation technologies as well as in-
photobioreactors (solar radiation 7,000 MJ/m2 /a). tegral concepts considering biology, process design for culti-
vation, and downstream processing to meet the dierent
requirements for the specific target markets addressed in
biorefinery concepts. But R&D needs are still high to make
to influence the oil composition by the selection of the strain algae technology a serious part of the solution of sustainable
cultivated and the cultivation conditions themselves. This fuel supply in future. Although pilot projects are ongoing so
might be one piece of the solution to overcome the so far bad far, there is no demonstration facility where such measures
economics. are implemented showing the promised performance and
State-of-the-art for cultivation systems are raceway cost reductions or even being suitable for up scaling.
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