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[G.R. No. L-4871. January 26, 1953.]

In the matter of the intestate estate of EUGENIA PEREGRINA,

deceased. ANG LAM , administrator-creditor-appellant, vs . HILARIO
PEREGRINA , special administrator-appellee.

Reyes, Matias & Peralta for appellant.

Enday & Cabasal for appellee.



BALLANTYNE SCALE. A loan payable within one year from December 26, 1944, may
be paid either in the currency then in existence, or in the currency after liberation
computed according to the Ballantyne conversion table.



On December 26, 1944, Eugenia Peregrina borrowed P100,000, Philippine

currency prevailing on that date, from Ang Lam, promising to pay it within a period of
one year therefrom. Peregrina died on April 1, 1945, and thereupon Ang Lam presented
a claim against her estate for the full amount of the indebtedness. Judgment having
been rendered thereon for P1,000, the equivalent thereof according to the Ballantyne
Conversion Table, Ang Lam has prosecuted this appeal, contending that as the currency
in which the indebtedness was to be paid was not agreed upon or stipulated in the
contract of loan, this should be in the legal tender on December 25, 1945, or one year
from the date of the loan, because both parties had elected to subject their rights to a
contingency, i.e., the change in the intrinsic value and purchasing power of the currency.

The cases cited by the appellant in his brief do not support his contention. In the
case of Gomez vs. Tabia, * 47 Off. Gaz. (No. 2) 641, the period xed for the vendor a
retro to redeem the land he sold was "within 30 days after the expiration of one year
from June 24, 1944," and in that of Roo vs. Gomez, 1 et al., 46 Off. Gaz., (Supp. No. 11)
339, the loan was to be paid one year after October 5, 1944, date of the loan. In the rst
case the land was redeemable only after June 24, 1945, and in the second the loan was
payable only on October 5, 1945. The obligations could not be paid before these dates.
The obligations were, therefore, held payable in the currency in existence on those

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In the case at bar, however, the loan was payable within one year from December
26, 1944. It could be paid the following day, or any day before liberation, in Japanese
military notes, had the debtor chosen to do so. It is incorrect to assume that the parties
intended to subject their rights and obligations under the contract to a contingency, a
change in the currency, without evidence of said intent. While perhaps they could be
presumed to be bound by the uctuations in the value of the currency they contracted
in, it may not be presumed that they intended to gamble on a change therein, in the
absence of an agreement, express or implied, to that effect. If it is unfair and unjust that
the loan be decreased or completely wiped out because of a change in the currency; it
is also unfair and unjust that the loan be paid in the same amount in which it was
contracted and at the restored currency, because then the lender would be unduly
enriched at the expense of the debtor. The fair and just rule to apply is, therefore, for the
debtor to pay the actual value or worth of the loan at the time it was contracted in the
currency in existence at the time of payment. This is the spirit of the ruling of this Court
in the leading case of Hilado vs. De la Costa, 2 et al., 46 Off. Gaz. (No. 11) 5472, which
follows the doctrine laid down by the Supreme Court of the United States in the leading
case of Thorington vs. Smith, 19 Law. ed. 361. To the same effect is our ruling in the
case of Soriano vs. Abalos, 3 et al., 47 Off. Gaz. (No. 1) 168, where an award of P3,200
as yearly damages granted in a judgment rendered in December, 1944, was reduced
after liberation to its equivalent of P35.53 yearly.
We nd that the judgment appealed from is correct, and we, therefore, af rm it,
with costs against the appellant.
Paras, C.J., Feria, Pablo, Bengzon, Padilla, Tuason, Montemayor, Jugo and
Bautista Angelo, JJ. concur.


* 84 Phil. 269.
1. 83 Phil., 890.

2. 83 Phil., 471.

3. 84 Phil., 206.

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