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gamhes and lost but 25. During this
10101 OUTLOOK period he has seen his men roll. up a

A RE Y 0
total of 4779 points as against 681
pointB scored by the opposition.

Michigan's football record in the
Western conference alone, of win- -
FOR BOXING GODO ning 58 games, tying four and losing

but 22. is largely due to the Yost

regime. Yost came to Michigan in
1901, and previous to that time he
had coached one year each at Ohio
Wesleyan, University of Nebraska.
Jack Dempsey Likely to Go Stanford. of Kansas and Leland
Abroad Soon. Last winter when the football
coaches of the nation met in the

Can YoeDo
east to amend certain rules and let
loose a fusillade of shots at the shift
play, credit was given to Major
Charles Daly of West Point and to
WILLS MATCH IS TABOO what others of the eastern coaches for
was accomplished at that i

meeting, but the fact remains that

Fielding Yost was among the most

se mm
ardent backers of the rule from the
first, and did everything within his
Promoters Alleged to Fear That power y r
to have it adopted.
Bout Would Queer Game
in Many States. DICK WADE SMB CURLER iiiilll?
Lift 200 pounds or more overhead with one arm;
(Copyright. 1922. by The Oresrorvia.ii.) v
NEW YORK, Sept. 16. (Special.)
With the heavyweight situation
Bend and break a horseshoe;
in this country looking like a 3
derby hat. the eyes of a lot
of folks, including Jack Dempsey Each AVinter West Duluth
year-ol- d
Youth Tear: two decks of playing cards;
and his dapper manager. Jack IMays In Annual Bonspiel and
Kearns, are turning toward dear old
Lunnon, where the fall and winter Finishes Near Top. Bend spikes;
situation promises some briskness.
It seems to be a cinch that the
two Jacks will wander overseas be- DULUTH, Minn., Sept. 16. (By the Chin yourself with one hand.
fore long. In view of this, what Associated Press.) Dick Wade,
with the impending battle between g outfielder of the Mln

Joe Beckett and Frank Moran, and neapolis American association team, "'i mmsm Can you do all or any of them? I can and mny of my puplta ean. It !
decided activities of promoters in recently sold to the Washington remarkable the number of things a man really can do If he will actually
trying to fix things so that Jack Americans, is regarded as one of make up his mind to be etrong. ANY MAN. It Is be natural for the humn
Bloomfield and Boy MeCormick will the best curlers in North America. body to be strong and virile. It is unnatural to
wnk. One ledlnc
weak." I have taken
find it to their interest to get to- According to close friends of the writer on physicalridiculed
culture "It la criminal to be
men who were because of their frail make-u- p nd developed
gether, and not forgetting Carpen-tie- r, West Duluth youngster. Wade owes them Into the strongest men of their locality.
the English outlook is very his present position in professional ..;w
bright. baseball to his ability to heave y
Ted Lewis Active. stones In championship form.
Ted Lewis has already begun bis Wade learned the curling game
autumn activities, having been tour- even before sandLong lot baseball caught
ing the provinces all summer with his attention.majority before
Sid Burns, the first man who ever .reached
stones at
a clip that caused
he had
Dick shot the
fought Carpentier In England, Curly of the curlers to wince
Watson and Jack Sharp all. Eng- with envy, but e old-tim-
These are the days that call for speed. It once took four Vi t ernrn
lish second-rater- s or worse. Lewis, because
not get a. great deal of en-
of his youth the ocean now it takes less than one. In olden day it took yam and you
by the way, was recently in Ger did years to develop a strong, health body. I can completely transform
many, and says there is a lot of In- game. couragement at this "old EBan'd" in 80 days. Yes. make a complete Chans e In your entire physlral make-u- p.

In Just 30 days I guarantee to Increase your bleeps one full inch. I also
terest being taken there In boxing. increase your client two full Inches. But I don't Quit there,
The German battlers go at each When he was about ready to v, j.. yy
S. V- -' r fuarantee totill you're a finished athlete a real etron man.
other like tigers, he says, and can blossom forth as a contender for
y.- -
4'4? -
scuiiu a.i sorts oi pui.nmenL. xney ; locaI commercial baseball league,
have a lot to learn about the game went to the Michigan-Ontari- o
but this will come in time and then, and later league.
he predicts, there will be some real Meanwhile Dick returned home
out of the Rhineland.
contenders coming each
Carpentier is losing caste even in Northwestern
winter to participate in the
Curling association's .ii ARE YOU SATISFIED
annual bonspiel, the premier event
his own country as a result of his of its kind in North America. Com-
successive .postponements of the peting with the best curlers in tho
projected fight with Battling Siki. United States and Canada, Dick al- WITH YOUR APPEARANCE?
It was first set for late August, ways "managed to finish around the
then at Carpentier' demand it was top,
postponed until September 1 and win although he never saw his rink You won't ret rich breaking horseshoes- - neither does chlnnlnc
.with one hand get you anywhere. But an attractive appearance does.
grand aggregate prize,
now the date has been changed to which thewent to the best players. I will broaden your shoulders, deepen your chest, strenBthen yourarmor-plat-
late this month. Whether he in- However,
tends to meet the Senegalese or not curled his three
years ago. Wade
way into the heart of
W: V;-- :
:::::: mmmm , .v . I will give you the arms and lege of a Hercules. I will put an
of muscle over your entire body. Hut with It come th
powerful lungs which enrich the blood, thus putting new life Into your

is a question no one can answer.

While waiting for Carpentier, Siki president of the
has turned down at least two good ing association.

offers to meet negro fighters. Siki after learning of the lad's diamond
himself is pretty nearly as dark as prowess, signed him.
a bar of Italian chocolate, but he
baseball club, also
Northwestern Curl-

Members of young Wade's West

Miller chief. piil

entire being. You will have the spring to your step and the flash to your
eyes. You will be Just bubbling over with strength, pep and vitality.

says that he is a Senegalese, there- Duluth rink who wondered if their

v. ' -
fore not a negro and he draws the skip would
color line. Can you beat it?
So far as anyone knows, Carpen-tier- 's have been
have time for curling
assured by his father SUCCESS
agreement to meet Dempsey that Dick will be on hand when
in England this year still stands. It Wade the curling season opens. The elder Health, Wealth and Happiness await you. Succeee In both the and
looks certain that if Dempsey fights of curling said Dick was just as fond the business world are yours. Did you ever notice the dally crowd
anywhere in the near future it will as he is of baseball. shuffling along the street, dragging their feet after them and apparently
be abroad. The public is not fired
taking no interest in life'.' Suddenly you see some one man comn wihiclntr
GOLF BALL "FLOORS" FISH into the crowd with a bounding step as though he wrre Junt filled with
up on the proposed Willard-Demp-se- y fire. His head is thrown back, his shoulders errct, hi client out end he
bout, although Rickard says he K.'.vjivrt1.:'.., has a spring to lils step yes. him almost fly alonir. You. nnturnllv.
that makes him,
V i f
for he has the vim and pp that
will promote it, and Brennan, Miske, Freak Shot Causes Argument Be
and the rest of the heavies are not
seriously regarded as opponents for
S7 - " '5c
-- turn and look at him admire
you yourself lack. Follow him to his bunine. 1 don't care what It body
he's a success. He is th man that doe the big thlims in llfv Ills

tween Players. is full of power and hiB brain is keen and alert. And Just as you admire
the champion. x V V. x 4 ,VW him on the street, so is he treated In his social life. He's the life of the
A golf player was making his way party nobody vants a dead one it's the live one that counts.
Dempsey-Will- is Bout Feared. over a course in which there was
Talk as you will, no promoter H.:'.:'v J.

seriojisly wants to stage a. Demp- - stream between the twelfth and the
sey-Har- ry
Wills bout. This chiefly thirteenth the water
because, despite ail that you read, great force. A playful fish which
holes. Driving to cross
he shot a low ball with ft
such a bout is not regarded by had been swimming peacefully
fight lovers as good medicine. They against the current and on the sur
believe it will ruin the game in face, pushed his head up to take a V Ft ,i , Va i'A '
many states where fighting is now look at the scenery, and just as he
Wills is a world-beat-
sid-abl- e
Besides, the idea tha did so the golf ball came by and
er got con walloped him on the
of a shock as a result of gave one convulsive flop and with-
Wills' meeting with Tut Jackson drew from further activity In the tern if
Many say that any form of exercise Is good, but this Is not t rue. I have
and the best critics believe the universe, according to an exchange. seen men working In the mills who literally killed themselves with exer-
negro would not last a great while The man who played the ball in cise. They ruined their heart or other vital organs, raptured themselves or
In the ring with the champion. I wss a frail weakling myeelf
killed off what lttle vitality they possessed. yearn
sisted that there was nothing in the In search of health and strength. I spent In study and rrerch.
If. there were a demand for the rules providing, for casual fish and analyzing my own defects to find what I needed. After many tests and
fight and if money could be seen maintained that he should not be I have In-
in it, conditions would long ago penalized for that reason. He ar
been created whereby it would have gued that a ball which hit a fish
EARLE E. LIEDERMAN experiments I discovered the secret of progressive exerclelno;.
creased my own arm over IH inches, my neck 3 (riches and other parts
of my body In proportion. decided to become a public benefactor end
been- - impossible for Dempsey not to was entirely different from one
THE ACME OF PHYSICAL PERFECTION Impart this knowledge to others. Physicians and the highest authorities
sign for a battle with Wills. As it Which was lost in the water. on physical culture nave tested my system and pronounced It to be the
is, while there is plenty of talk no His partner held that as the fish surest means of acquiring perfect manhood.
one has shown Dempsey how a great was casual t the water it was sec-
deal of money can be made out ol ondary to casual water and there--
the bout. fore the penalty for casual water
should be enforced irrespective of
i. .f. n; if .

the hard luck which befell the fish.

The other poor fish in the stream
held a mass meeting, at which reso-
lutions were adopted decrying and I am showing herewith a few of my pupils and their personal letterup
censuring a game which had become stating what my course has meant to them. My flies keep filling
so all-fir-rough a fish didn't dare every day with letters of thlai nature. How I wish I could meet you fare
R. L. MATHEWS IS NEW DI even to poke its head out of water t. t" to face and show you these many proofs of my notable achievements. As
for fear it would be brained by some this seems Impossible, I publish a few herewith. I do not need tell the
RECTOR OF ATHLETICS. Idle human who had nothing better Fubllc what I have accomplished. My thousands of satlxfied pupils do this
to do than knock a white ball over a They are mostly boys and men who wrote me telling of their
meadow. The fish added golf balls almost praying that I would help them. Under-
pitiful conditions, some every
Work at Willamette Noteworthy to their list of other hazards, com- illustrations appearing on this page are but a few of the many stand I I give each and pupil a treatment adapted to his Individual
McMillan's Spurs Won With
prising hooks, seines and fish balls XHE appearing in my booklet, "MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT." These
needs. analyze your case like your family physician. The only dlfferno
is that he works on the internal only, while my system affects your entire
being, building up a staunch bulwark that defies diseaso or the numerous
Vandal Basketeers. 1 9 th Hole In One Latest. are all photographs of my pupils showing the development which they have at- which attack the human body. Ijo you want you
ferms which this stronK, robust,
your Maker Intended you to have? Io have the dealre
Jj. Alexander of Madison, Conn.,
tained by faithfully following my instructions. k: -
for success? If not, you are not human. I don't want to hear from ym.
But If you are sincere
UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, Moscow, and recently on the made a freak
Sept. 16. (Special.) The Univer drive Jnks. He played from
sity of Idaho is well pleased with the eenth tee and the ball hitthe. eight-
the club- Chicago, 111. ' - Detroit, Mich.
coaching staff that will guide the house and bounded on the porch and My Dear Mr. Liederman. My Dear Mr. Liederman.
Vandal athletic teams through this ran into the' locker room; from I received my last .lesson this I received my first lesson and you '
first full season of coast confer where it was impossible to play the
ence athletics. second shot. Governor Lake of Con
morning and I wish to thank you
for the kind, friendly
shown me in the past. I have im- interest cannot Imagine how pleased I am
with the work you outlined for me
for the first week. They certainly
Send for My Book
R. L. Mathews, athletic director necticut, who witnessed the shot, proved my condition better than I
and head football coach, is a re said it was the first time in the his ever anticipated, and you will find AS are real muscle building exercises,
markable developer of raw material tory of golf where the nineteenth
and a man in coast athletics for bole was drivenjn a single stroke.
me always glad aid willing to
recommend your course to any one.
as you claimed they would be, and I
know I am going to make rapid
progress. I feel stronger and bet-
many years. Mathews' work at Yours truly, DR. J. G. ter already. Your pupil, E. C.
Willamette, strengthened by his 4 Tt is chock full of l&rere-siz- e nhotoerraphs of both myself and my ntrnier
work with the Washington fresh- Golf Facts Worth Vancouver, B. C. pupils. Also contains a treatise on the human body andyou. what can be done
It will be aa
man team last year, has won wide Knowing. Dear Mr. Liederman, Philadelphia, Pa. with it. This book is bound to tntereat you and thrill
recognition. Idaho has been con- Mr. Liederman. Impetus an Inspiration to every ed man. I could easily roll net a
You asked me to measure myself s- big price for a book of this kind. Just as others are now riolntc, but I wart
gratulated many times on the wise and I have done so. I am now happy 'I- - Dear Friend -- Received your final every man and boy who is Intereeted to Just send the attached coupon and
choice of a successor to Tom Kel-le- y.
BY INNIS BROWN, to tell you that I have lost seven '
lesson and haveyoucompleted your the book is his ahaolutely free. All I ask you to cover la the price of
Q. In a single match A and B both inches around my waist since tak- course. I thank very much for wrnpplnar aid pontaxe lO rests. Remember, this does not obligate you
David MacMillan won his spurs by drive Into the rough. As they come up, ing your course and the fat around
my hips and thighs is nearly all
44 T? the fine training you gave me. You
me and In any way. I want you to have it. So it's yours to keep. Now don't
his work with the Idaho basketeers A's . caddla is Astanding beside a ball. have made a real man of many delay one minute this may be the turning point In your life today, bo
hleh ha tells bis ball. B's ball is gone. I did not imagine when I en- have enabled me to defeat am of tear off the coupon and mall at once while It is on your mind.
last year. MacMillan has coached not found and he isgoes rolled with you that I could accom- my friends in strength. I very
the Idaho freshmen two seasons in another, A reaches the greenandonplays back
his plish such splendid results. I think much pleased with youryour course ana
football. Although essentially a now if I lose another 5 or 10
thank you foryouallgave me.kind letters
basketball mentor, ha gets results four in a trap picks up. As they walk pounds I will weigh what I always and the helpyou
in football. to the next green, B asks to see the ball wanted to. Wishing luck and success in
As assistants Mathews and Mac- that A is playing and learns that it is Again accept my thanks. your life's work, I am
Millan will have Albert Knudsoa, in A.reality his ball. Who wins the hole? Yours truly, W. L. Your friend. A. C
an man, and Ray E. Nei-di- B's ball
Knudson will be graduate
manager of athletics, succeeding take
Fred E. Graf. He is a four-ye- ar let-
B wins the hole, because A played
and failed to rectify the mis-
before B played another stroke.
Q. If a player looking for bis ball In
long grass accidentally steps on it is
Cleveland, Ohio.
My Dear Mr. Liederman.
I received your exerciser this morning and it
Cincinnati. Ohio.
My Dear Instructor. '
ter man and since his varsity foot- there any penalty, and can the ball be is everything you claim it to be. It surely Is the I thought I would write you and let yon
ball days has been coaching high stepping lifted if it is partially buried by his greatest muscle builder to be had, and I am know how I am getting aong.
school football with good res alts. on it? mighty glad I am one of your pupils, for I know I have been following your course three Dept.N-6,305Broadway,NewYorkC- ity

Ncidig !s a professor in the college The A. There Is a penalty of one stroke. you are going to make a real athlete out of me-Yo- ur
weeks now and my arms have gained over an
ball must be played as it lies, unless
of agriculture, but his knowledge the player wants to avail himself of the letters are frank and straight from the inch. I have also gained my three inches on my
shoulder. chest and inch
one-ha- lf on neck. Your course
of football makes him a valuable rule for an unplayable lie. I am going to send you a photograph of my- is certainly doing wonders for roe.
member ot the staff. w. In a medal qualifying round, a self in a few weeks as soon as I have time to get Looking forward with interest to th next
player misses a short putt, loses his one taken.
temper and kicks his ball several feet Wishing you success, I am lesson, I am
YOST COACH FOR 21 YEARS away. His competitor tries to quiet him, Most sincerely, J. McK. ' Your faithful pupil.
pitches the ball back to him and insists a E
Still Another Season Is to Be that he go ahead and hole out, which Dept. N6, 303 Broadway, New York City.
he does, replacing tha ball approximately
where It lay when he kicked It. What
Started at Michigan. is the penalty In such a cage? Earle. Liederman, 203 Broadway, New York City. Noyember 19, 1920. Dear Sir I enclose herewith 10 cents, for which you are to D
ANN ARBOR, Mich.. Sept. 16. A. The player disqualifies himself.
Q. In a three-ba- ll match, A and B Dear Sir: send me, without obligation on my part whatever, a copy of
Fielding H. Yost, for more than two through mistake exchange balls. and your latest book, "Muscular Development." (Please write or G
decades pilot of the Michigan foot- the mistake is not discovered until A I have recently had occasion to thoroughly investigate your splendid course, and I believe that in departing from the
ball eleven, Is about to start his has holed out. How Is the hole scored old methods you have worked out a system which is excelled by none.
n print plainly.)
twenty-secon- d year as coach of the as between A and C and B and C? I have found several of your original exercises to be remarkably effective. There is no reason why anyone follow-
Wolverine grid warriors. A. C wins tha hole from both of D
them. ing your instructions should not rapidly attain perfect muscular development and abounding health. -
During these 21 years which are
passed, while the veteran coach has
guided Michigan's gridiron destinies,
stars have twinkled, faded and some
Q. A player's ball in a single match
stops on a steep slope short of tha green.
His opponent s ball strikes it and starts
it rolling and it drops 30 feet or more
Accept my congratulations and my best wishes for well merited success. Very truly yours, TEX CR0URKE. Name .... ...- -

"'" E
1 ave been forgotten, but the "old away leaving him a blind shot for the Address --
man" enters each new campaign green. Is he entitled to replace the ball.
There must be some value to my system of training when such famous men as Tex OUourke, who is one
with a.11 the enthusiasm of a more
youthful coach.
During the 21 years Mr. Yost has
coached at Michigan, the Wolverines
have won 123 victories, tied, nine
if ha chooses, or must he drop it as near
as possible to where it originally lay and
take a chance on its rolling down the
hill again?
A. The rule provides that the ball be
dropped, and does not permit replacing.
of the world's leading authorities on physical culture, and who is undoubtedly the foremost trainer of the
world's champions, recommends it. ,
City State

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