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Period 1

9 AM to 10 AM
Day Subject Topic Inst code

1 Introduction Retail Sales, Its component

organize the display of display to ensure maximum

products at the store appeal

ensure that labels are

legible, visible to customers,
3 Product for Display
and securely positioned in
the correct place

organize the display of principles of good displays,

products at the store presentation of products
assembly and dismantling
5 Health and safety equipment safely.

customer needs and

6 Retail Introduction concerns.

7 Introduction Merchandising, Its Types

equipment, materials,
merchandise and props
8 visual merchandising needed to create and install
the display
store policies regarding
9 Retail Srore work availability,

heed to customer queries

10 Satisfy customer needs about the products

suggest alternative products

and supplies when products
11 Satisfy customer needs the customer wants are out
of stock

Recognize and report faulty

equipment and follow store
12 Health and safety workplace health and safety
ensure customers are
process the sale of
13 agreeable to the pricing,
products terms

safe storage of payments,

14 sale of products vouchers, records and

associated with loyalty

15 sale of products programs, as applicable on
the billing system

. carry out the billing

inappropriate and payment
16 Billing Process processing steps with
appropriate mannerisms to
ensure customer satisfaction
confirm the purchase of the
17 maintain the availability display and any relevant
of goods requirements and standards
and, where necessary,

variety of reports, as
18 Report and dispatch mandated, on sales, receipts
and dispatches of products

19 customer preferences and

Handle customer

bar code scanners or any

20 Mode of Prayment other means of product unit
21 complete simple written
Team Management
workplace forms

share work-related
22 Team Management information with other team

adapt to new situations,

23 Team Management including changing
workplace procedures

provide constructive
24 Team Management feedback to staff on their
provide opportunities for
25 staff to check they
Team Management
understand the requirements
and standards of the display.

collect and record accurate

26 visual merchandising information on price

how to involve staff in

27 Team Management assessing and changing

how to use different price

28 Retail Marketing Proces marking methods and
confirm the purchase of the
29 maintain the availability
display and any relevant
of goods for sale

take prompt and suitable

30 Health and Security action to deal with any risks
to security or health

spot realistic and effective

31 ways of improving how
Stock Management
stock is organised and

make sure that he/she

maintains customer
32 Customer interaction goodwill and staff morale
while stock is being
33 identify displays that are
visual merchandising
unsafe or not secure enough.

demonstrate sensitivity to
34 Customer interaction customer needs and

monitor the team for

35 allocate and check work
conflict, identifying the
in your team

36 motivate team members to

Team Management
complete the work
allocate work to team
37 members on a fair basis
Team Management
taking account of their

why it is important to
38 Work in Team allocate work across the

confirm the work required

39 Team Management of the team with your

use of language, tone of

40 Customer interaction voice and body language
may appear to them.
it is important to identify
41 unacceptable or poor
Work in Team
performance by members of
the team

type of problems and

unforeseen events that may
42 Customer interaction occur and how to
support team members in
dealing with them.

identify sustainable
43 resources and ensure their
Work in Team
effective use when planning
the work of a team.

make appropriate decisions

44 Team Management regarding the
45 select and use a range of
Retail Technology
retail technology,

46 identify personal strengths

Work in team
and weaknesses

solve customer service identify repeated customer

47 problems service problems.

identify advantages and

solve customer service
48 disadvantages of options for
dealing with problems.
solve customer service monitor and adjust changes
49 problems made.

carry out verbal instructions

solve customer service
50 from other team members
and supervisors

pass on information to
51 Team Management persons who require it
within agreed timescales.

check to ensure that the

52 Customer interaction information you give is
understood by the receivers.
deal with customers in a
53 respectful, helpful and
Customer interaction
professional way at all

help to give good customer

54 Customer interaction service by passing messages
to colleagues.

agree to the information

55 Deal with Customer sharing timing, reasons and

roles and functions of your

56 communicate effectively
stakeholders and their
with stakeholders
broad structures
methods of communication
57 communicate effectively
and decision making
with stakeholders

58 Work Effectively in an . teams purpose, aims and

organization targets

responsibility for
59 Work Effectively in an
contributing to the teams

respond to unsafe and

60 Work Effectively in an
hazardous working
61 Revision Revision Revision

62 Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

63 Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

64 Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

65 Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

66 Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

67 Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Period 2
10 AM to 11 AM
Subject Topic Inst code

Prepare to display
organize the display of products , Label displays
products at the store of products

health, safety and hygiene

health and safety requirements

ensure that the display

area always meets the
Health and safety requirement of hygiene,
safety and saleability.

source product
Product for Display specifications and display
read information
Reading skill accurately, read and
interpret data sheets.

Test Test

planning and preparing

visual merchandising visual merchandising

Interpret design for retail effective ways of

improving the visual
display effect
respond to unsafe and
Health and safety hazardous working

variety of sales
Retail Sales techniques

Remove supplies that are

Remove products from beyond sellby date or
display have

operate suitable devices

Billing Process and equipment such as
bar code scanners,
confirm that customer is
process the sale of aware and agreeable to
products the modes of payment

ensure proper functioning

of departmental
sale of products processes that lead to a

mode of cash and loose

Cash handling in Sales cash handling,

the method(s) of
processing payment or
Billing Process
credit and ascertaining
credit approval
Product for Display clearly explain to staff the
purpose of the display

appropriate mode of cash

and loose cash handling,
billing systems
counting and settlements
with the customers

Efficiently conclude the

customer purchase
process with quick
Handle customer
packing/wrapping of
customers orders and

insertion of the product

Mode of Prayment unit details into the billing
read and interpret simple
Team Management
workplace documents

make appropriate
decisions regarding the
Team Management
responsibilities of the job

demonstrate sensitivity to
Handle customer customer needs and

check that staff prepare

the display area and put
the display together in a
visual merchandising
way that causes the least
inconvenience to
check that the assembled
display confirms to
visual merchandising
company requirements
and standards

give accurate, up-to-date

Team Management price information to the
staff who need it

how to replenish and

Retail Stock Management rotate stock and deal with
sub-standard goods

how to check that the

visual merchandising information in displays is
accurate and legal.
ways of display that
maintain the availability causes the least
of goods for sale inconvenience to

promptly sort out any

Processing of Payment
pricing problems

involve staff in spotting

potential improvements to
Stock Management
the way stock is organised
and presented

use different price

Retail Technologies marking methods and
brief staff in a way that
Team Management encourages their

anticipate problems and

Health and safety act to avoid them where

use information collected

check work in your team on the performance of
team members in any

support team members in

Team Management identifying and dealing
with problems a
identifying any priorities
or critical activities and
work in team
making best use of the
available resources.

plan how the team will

Team Management
undertake its work,

Revision Revision

encouraging team
Customer interaction members to ask questions
and/or seek
team members might
Work in Team require to help them
complete their work

work of a team, including

how to identify any
Work in team priorities or critical
activities and the available

identify and take due

Health and Safety account of health and
safety issues

follow store policies

Company Policy regarding work
manage personal
health and safety presentation, hygiene and

accept opportunities to
work in team learn new ways of doing

select the best option,

solve customer service
problems balancing customers and
organisational needs.

keep customers positively

solve customer service
problems involved in steps taken to
solve problem.
organizational procedures
Company/ Store Policy and systems for dealing
with customers problems

follow store policies

solve customer service
problems regarding work

accurately interpret and

health and safety act upon instructions that
you receive

consult with and help

your team members to
health and safety
maximise efficiency in
carrying out tasks.
understand the roles and
responsibilities of the
Work in team
different people you will
be working with.

agree and record

arrangements for joint
Record and feedback
working that are
appropriate and effective.

agree to the information

Customer interaction sharing timing, reasons
and confidentiality

principles and benefits of

communicate effectively
joint working between
with stakeholders
different stakeholders
communicate effectively the factors likely to hinder
with stakeholders joint working

Work Effectively in an colleagues roles and main

organization responsibilities

the importance of sharing

Work Effectively in an
work fairly with

Work Effectively in an read and interpret simple

organization workplace documents
Revision Revision Revision

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Period 3
11 AM to 12 PM
Subject Topic Inst code

organize the display of Arrange and maintain

products at the store products for display

wear the correct

health and safety personal protective

. transfer products safely

Product for Display
to the display area

procedure for rejecting

Product for Display and isolating failed
retail technology point-of-sale systems,

respond to breakdowns
Health and safety and malfunction of

Interpret design briefs for

Produce on display retail displays

Interpret design for retail Evaluate the place to put

display the display
anticipate problems and
act to avoid them,
Problem Solving demonstrate sensitivity to
customer needs

help customers identify

Satisfy customer needs the product

demonstrate sensitivity to
Satisfy customer needs customer needs

verbal instructions from

sale of products other team members and
process payment or credit
sale of products in line with business

Test Test Test

counting and settlements

Cash handling in Sales with the customers

functioning of point of
sale billing systems or
Billing Process traditional methods of
raising a bill
check that staff prepare check that staff prepare
the display area a the display area a

prevalent offers and their

Handle customer commercial terms

carry out the billing

inappropriate and
payment processing steps
Handle customer with appropriate
mannerisms to ensure
customer satisfaction

billing systems, bar code

Mode of Payment scanners or any other
equipment at the sale
carry out verbal
instructions from other
Team Management team members and

select and use a range of

Retail Technology retail technology,

anticipate problems and

health and safety act to avoid them where

clearly explain to staff the

purpose of the display and
Team Management
any relevant requirements
and standards.
obtain permission from
the appropriate authority
visual merchandising
to modify or change the

regularly check price

marking and promptly
Team Management
sort out any pricing

why it is important to
Processing of Payment record price changes

customers rights and the

customer interaction companys duties and
provide constructive
Report and feedback feedback to staff on their

make sure that stock

Stock Management replenishment plans are
up-to-date and realistic

Introduction to Retail company policy and any

( Company) relevant laws.

can you position

Retail Sales information so that it
helps to promote sales.
layout of the selling area
visual merchandising
affects sales.

respond to breakdowns
health and safety and malfunction of

formal appraisal of
check work in your team

check the progress and

Team Management quality of the work of
team members
why it is important to
brief team members on 6
Team Management
the work they have been

values, ethics, beliefs,

faith, cultural
Work in Team conventions, perceptions
and expectations of any
team members

Revision Revision

clarification and make

suggestions in relation to
Team Management
the work which they have
been allocated.
how to provide prompt
Work in Team and constructive feedback
to team members

use questioning and active

Work in Team listening to determine and
respond to customer needs

read and interpret simple

Report and Feedback
workplace documents.

Revision Revison
unsafe and hazardous
health and safety
working conditions

report faulty equipment

and follow store
health and safety
workplace health and
safety procedures.

obtain approval from

solve customer service sufficient authority to
problems change guidelines to
reduce a problem.

solve customer service

problems action the agreed solution.
manage personal
solve customer service
problems presentation, hygiene and

work within the store

solve customer service
problems culture by practicing
inclusive behaviour

give instructions to others

health and safety clearly, at a pace and in a
manner that helps them

listen actively and

identify the most
customer interaction
important things that
customers are saying
undertake your role in the
joint working in a way
that is consistent with
Work in team
agreements made, your
own job role and relevant
policies and standards

represent your agency's

views and policies in a
Company/ Store Policy
clear and constructive

identify any tensions and

issues in the joint working
Work in team
and seek to address them
with the people involved.

how to make sure your

communicate effectively
equipment is working
with stakeholders
properly and what to do if
it isn't.
what to do if there are
communicate effectively problems in using
with stakeholders communications

the factors that can affect

own and colleagues
Work Effectively in an
willingness to carry out
work, including skills and
existing workload

Work Effectively in an the importance of being a

organization reliable team member.

carry out verbal

Work Effectively in an instructions from other
organization team members and
Revision Revision Revision

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Computers Practice 6

Computers Practice 6

Computers Practice 6
Laurus Edutech Private Limited

Activity Cum Lesson Planner - Retail Team Leader

Period 4
12 PM to 1 PM
Subject Topic Inst code

Module coverage
English Why learning English is 1

Recall alphabets
English Recall vowels and 1

Family Relationships
Some common
English occupations 1
Names of fruits and
vegetables, Animals

English Student Activity 5

English Student Activity 5

English Grammar, Parts of speech 1

English Grammar, Parts of speech 1

English Grammar, Parts of speech 1

English Grammar, Parts of speech 1

English Grammar, Parts of speech 1

English Grammar, Parts of speech 1

English Grammar, Parts of speech 1

English Grammar, Parts of speech 1

English Grammar, Parts of speech 1

English Grammar, Parts of speech 1

English Tenses 1
English Tenses 1

English Tenses 1

English Tenses 1

English Tenses 1
English Tenses 1

English Tenses 1

English Tenses 1

English Tenses 1
English Tenses 1

Articles, Active Voice,

English 1
Passive Voice

Articles, Active Voice,

English 1
Passive Voice

Articles, Active Voice,

English 1
Passive Voice
Articles, Active Voice,
English 1
Passive Voice

Articles, Active Voice,

English 1
Passive Voice

Articles, Active Voice,

English 1
Passive Voice

Articles, Active Voice,

English 5
Passive Voice
Articles, Active Voice,
English 5
Passive Voice

English Writing and Speaking 5

English Writing and Speaking 5

English Writing and Speaking 5

English Writing and Speaking 5

English Writing and Speaking 5

English Writing and Speaking 5

English Reading Dolch List 5

English Reading Dolch List 5

English Reading Dolch List 5

English Reading Dolch List 5

English Reading Simple Sentences 5

English Reading Simple Sentences 5

English Reading Paragraphs 5

English Reading Paragraphs 5

English Greetings 5
English Greetings 5

English Listening Practice 5

English Listening Practice 5

English LSR Role Plays 5

Conversation Group
English 5

Writing application letter

English Leave letter, any other 5

Writing application letter

English Leave letter, any other 5

Writing application letter

English Leave letter, any other 5
Writing application letter
English Leave letter, any other 5

Writing application letter

English Leave letter, any other 5

Writing application letter

English Leave letter, any other 5

Writing application letter

English Leave letter, any other 5
Importance of Soft Skills
Soft Skills Meaning of Soft Skills 5
How to improve soft skill

Communication Skills
Soft Skills 5
Verbal communication

Communication Skills
Soft Skills 5
Verbal communication

Communication Skills
Non Verbal
Soft Skills 5
(Body Language)
Communication Skills
Non Verbal
Soft Skills 5
(Body Language)

Soft Skills Enhanced listening skills 5

Soft Skills Enhanced listening skills 5

h Private Limited

anner - Retail Team Leader

Period 5
1.30 PM to 2.30 PM
Subject Topic Inst code

Department Store ,
Retail Operations Supermarket , Specialty 5

organize the display of display area, equipment

products at the store and accessories are clean

monitor displays
Product for Display according to instructions
and specifications

safe handling and

Health and Safety application of cleaning
materials for display
rosters and work duties,
Allocating work in store prepare / follow store

Test Test

purpose, content and style

visual merchandising
of the display.

Interpret design for retail create new and effective

ways of improving the
display visual effect,
light, colour, texture,
Components of Display shape and dimension

Types of customers, their

Satisfy customer needs requirements,

Unsafe and hazardous

working conditions.
Health and safety Respond to security

respond to breakdowns
Health and Safety and malfunction of
ensure safe handling and
Safety of Product
movement of product

alert appropriate persons

in case of a process
Safety of Product
malfunction or process

. provide appropriate
people in the organisation
Dispatch of Product with a variety of reports
on sales, receipts and
dispatches of products

functioning of bar code

Billing Process
put the display together
organize the display of in a way that causes the
products at the store least inconvenience to

conclude dealing with

customers with
Handle customer appropriate and
prescribed mannerisms.

processing payment or
Handle customer credit and ascertaining
credit approval

operate suitable devices

Mode of Payment and equipment
needs to ensure
Customer interaction customers enjoy a
positive retail experience

pointofsale systems,
according to available
Retail Technology equipment and store

respond to breakdowns
Health and Safety and malfunction of

recognize and report

faulty equipment and
Health and Safety follow store workplace
health and safety
keep complete, accurate
Record Management and uptodate records of

make sure that stock

Retail Stock Management replenishment plans are
uptodate and realistic

security, health and safety

requirements and
Health and Safety procedures relating to
displaying goods

who can authorize

visual merchandising changes in the display.
monitor that information
Record Management has been placed
accurately and legally

keep complete, accurate

Record Management and uptodate records of

deal with out of date or

Stock management deteriorating stock

correct displays that are

visual merchandising unsafe or noncore
write simple reports
Team Management when required.

read and interpret data

Team Management sheets.

fair basis against the

Team Appraisal standard or level of
expected performance

recognise and find out

differences in
Team Management expectations and working
methods of any team
effective ways of regularly
Work assesment and fairly checking the

how to provide prompt

Work in Team and constructive feedback
to team members.

additional support and/or

resources which team
Work in Team members might require
to help them complete
their work

Test Test
effective ways of regularly
and fairly checking the
Work in team progress and quality of
the work of team

Revision Revision

make suggestions in
relation to the work
Work in tean which they have been

Revision Revision
respond to security
Health and Safety breaches

solve problems in the

Work in Team context of a team

solve problems with

solve customer service
problems service system and

inform co workers of the

solve customer service steps taken to solve
problems specific problems
prioritise and complete
solve customer service delegated tasks under
problems instruction.

solve customer service demonstrate sensitivity to

customer needs and
problems concerns.

identify the most

Customer interaction important things that
customers are telling you.

summarize information
Customer interaction for customers.
how to make sure
Report and Feedback information is correct and

the limits of your

authority and
Work in Team responsibility for passing
on information

the regulations or policies

Company/ Store Policy that you should follow for

anticipate problems and

communicate effectively act to avoid them where
with stakeholders possible.
respond to breakdowns
communicate effectively and malfunction of
with stakeholders equipment

factors to take account of

Work Effectively in an when making
organization commitments, including
your existing workload

the importance of sharing

Work Effectively in an
work fairly with

how to work out what

Work Effectively in an skills and knowledge
organization he/she can usefully share
with others
Revision Revision Revision

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Period 6
2.30 PM to 3.30 PM
Subject Topic Inst code

Definition of a computer
Computers Basic Operations of a 1

Computers History of Computers 1

Block diagram of a
Computers 1
computer Hardware

Basic Terms
Computers 1
Operating system
Input/Output devices
Computers 5
Central Processing Unit

Specifications of a
Computers 5

Application softwares
Computers 6
Student activity

Computers Student Activity 6

Windows Nomenclature
Computers 5
Creating Files and Folders

Windows Nomenclature
Computers 5
Creating Files and Folders

Installing simple
Computers 5

Installing simple
Computers 5
MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document
MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document
MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document
MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document
MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

MS Word
Use of MS word
Word Processing
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit,
Format a document

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Computers Typing Tutor 6

Use of MS Excel
Understand Electronic
Computers Spread sheet concepts 6
Create, Save, Edit and
format a spread sheet

Use of MS Excel
Understand Electronic
Computers Spread sheet concepts 6
Create, Save, Edit and
format a spread sheet
Use of MS Excel
Understand Electronic
Computers Spread sheet concepts 6
Create, Save, Edit and
format a spread sheet

Use of MS Excel
Understand Electronic
Computers Spread sheet concepts 6
Create, Save, Edit and
format a spread sheet

Use of MS Excel
Understand Electronic
Computers Spread sheet concepts 6
Create, Save, Edit and
format a spread sheet

T: Computers
Use of PowerPoints
Computers 6
Create, Save, Edit, Format
a New Presentation
Use of internet
Understand the concept
of URL
Computers 6
Creating an email
Send and Receive mails

Use of internet
Understand the concept
of URL
Computers 6
Creating an email
Send and Receive mails

Use of internet
Understand the concept
of URL
Computers 6
Creating an email
Send and Receive mails

Use of internet
Understand the concept
of URL
Computers 6
Creating an email
Send and Receive mails
Use of internet
Understand the concept
of URL
Computers 6
Creating an email
Send and Receive mails

Use of internet
Understand the concept
of URL
Computers 6
Creating an email
Send and Receive mails

Use of internet
Understand the concept
of URL
Computers 6
Creating an email
Send and Receive mails

Use of internet
Understand the concept
of URL
Computers 6
Creating an email
Send and Receive mails
Computers Practice 6

Computers Practice 6

Computers Practice 6

Computers Practice 6
Computers Practice 6

Computers Practice 6

Computers Practice 6
Period 7
3.30 PM to 4.30 PM
Subject Topic Inst code

Fresh Food stores, Quick

Retail Operations
Service Food Stores

products available for

organize the display of
products at the store display, estimate the
quantities required

Health and Safety emergency cleaning


Health and Safety interpret the cleaning

schedule for display
respond to unsafe and
Health and Safety hazardous working

Revision Revision Revision


role of displays in
visual merchandising marketing, promotional
and sales campaigns
approaches to designing
Display Design displays

safely transporting,
Health an d Safety storing, /safekeeping or
refrigeration of products

Plan and organise work prioritise and complete

delegated tasks

respond to unsafe and

Health and Safety hazardous working
ensure accurate
accounting of units of
Sale of the Product
purchased product or

conclude dealing with

customers with
Sales Etiquette
appropriate and prescribed

payments, customer
Payment and feedback
preferences and feedback

any other means of

product unit identification
Billing Process and the insertion of the
product unit details into
the billing details
constructive feedback to
Organize Staff
staff on their performance

obtain permission from

organize the display of the appropriate authority
products at the store to modify or change the

functioning of point of
Handle customer sale billing systems

bar code scanners, billing

Payment and feedback and payment processing
Test Test Test

follow store policies

Team Management regarding work availability

work within the store

team Work culture by practicing
inclusive behaviour

respond to security
Health and Safety breaches
identity what standards
visual merchandising the display should meet.

deal with out of date or

Retail Stock Management deteriorating stock in line
with company policy

different types of display

visual merchandising help the store to reach its
sales targets

standards for cleaning

Health and Safety and preparations.
check displays against all
the relevant standards to
visual merchandising decide how effective they

give staff clear

Team Management instructions and

Revision Revision

carry out verbal

instructions from other
Team Management team members and
Test Test

follow store policies

Company / Store Policy regarding work

provide prompt and

customer inetraction constructive feedback

brief team members on

Team Management the work they have been
why it is important to
Team Management monitor the team for

account of diversity and

inclusion issues when
supporting and
Work in Team encouraging team
members to complete the
work they have been

type of problems and

Team Management unforeseen events

Test Test
important to allocate
Work in team work across the team on
a fair basis

Revision Revison

values, ethics, beliefs,

Team Management faith, cultural
conventions, perceptions

solve problems in the

Work in Team context of a team
Test Test

monitor and solve solve customer service

customer service problems when you have
problems sufficient authority.

monitor and solve keep customers informed

customer service of the actions being
problems taken.

monitor and solve

customer service Practice Exercise
accept opportunities to
learn new ways of doing
monitor and solve things and implement
customer service changes under instruction
problems in the context of store

monitor and solve identify personal

customer service strengths and weaknesses

use appropriate body

monitor and solve language when
customer service communicating with
problems customers.

Test Test
terminology that you
should use in
Health and Safety communication mediums
(phonetic alphabet, the
24 hour clock, call signs,

how to use questions to

check that you
Customer interaction understand what
customers are telling you.

Revision Revision

complete simple written

workplace forms and
Work in Team share workrelated
information with other
team members
implement changes under
Company / Store Policy instruction in the context
of store procedures

Work Effectively in an the importance of being a

organization reliable team member

the importance of good

working relations, and
Work Effectively in an
techniques for removing
tension between

Work Effectively in an how to help others to

organization learn in the workplace
Revision Revision Revision

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Period 8
4.30 PM to 5.30 PM
Subject Topic Inst code

Fire Safety
Importance of Safety
Fire Extinguishers

confirm requirements
for labelling of
Product for Display products, confirm
label information is

controls involved in
the display of products
Product for Display
in a retail

features of legal and

requirements for
Product for Display
labelling, the
contingencies for
display equipment.
respond to security
breaches, report
Health and Safety faulty equipment

write simple reports,

Core Skill .read and interpret
data sheets.

respond to
Tools and Instruments breakdowns and
malfunction of

company policies for

Display Design visual design.
Maintain the stock
Data Maintainance records

health, safety and

hygiene requirements
Health and safety for stock, store

store policies
Plan and organise work availability,work
rosters and
work duties.

adapt to new
situations, including
Working environment
changing workplace
ensure appropriate and
Sale of the Product
accurate processing,

prevalent offers and

Sales Process
their commercial terms

efficiently conclude
the customer purchase
process with quick
Payment and feedback
packing/wrapping of
customers orders and

what needs to be done

when billing systems,
bar code scanners or
Billing Process any other equipment at
the sale and check-out
counter is not
opportunities for staff
to check they
organize the display of understand the
products at the store requirements and
standards of the

check that the

assembled display
organize the display of confirms to company
products at the store requirements and

traditional methods of
Handle customer raising a bill

questioning and active

Customer interaction listening to determine
and respond to
Test Test Test

follow store rosters

Team Management and work duties.

prioritise and
complete delegated
team Work tasks under

respond to unsafe and

Health and Safety hazardous working
check displays against
visual merchandising all the relevant

involve staff in
spotting potential
Stock Management improvements to the
way stock is organised
and presented.

legal requirements for

Payment and feedback pricing goods foe

companys standards
visual merchandising for putting displays
encourage staff to
make helpful
visual merchandising comments and
identify changes that
may make the display

ask the right person

Visual merchandising for permission to
make any changes

Revision Revision

share workrelated
Team Management information with other
team members
Test Test

prioritise and
complete delegated
Team Management tasks under

encourage team
members to ask
questions, make
Team Management suggestions and seek
clarification in relation
to the work t

standard or level of
Customer feedback expected
How to identify causes
Team Management of conflict

importance to identify
unacceptable or poor
Work in Team performance by
members of the team

how to plan the work

Work in team of a team

how to identify any

priorities or critical
Work in Team activities and the
available resources
different ways of
Work in Team effectively with
members of a team

identify and take due

account of health and
Health and Safety safety issues in the
planning, allocation
and checking of work.

standard or level of
Work in Team expected performance

customer service
Customer interaction issues or recognition
of risk
Test Test

monitor and solve work with others to

customer service solve customer service
problems problems.

checking if the
monitor and solve customers are
customer service comfortable with the
problems actions taken.

monitor and solve

customer service Practice Exercise
keep the information
Report and feedback in written documents

Revision Revision

read your customers

monitor and solve body language to help
customer service you understand their
problems feelings and wishes.

Test Test
how to use and read
Customer interaction body language

Customer interaction how to summarize and

speak clearly

Revision Revision

select and use a range

of retail technology,
Retail Technology such as pointofsale
work within the store
Company /Store Policy culture by practicing
inclusive behaviour.

Work Effectively in an how to adjust plans as

organization needed to meet goals

Work Effectively in an how to ask for

organization feedback on progress.

Work Effectively in an how to

organization respondpositively.
Revision Revision Revision

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice

Reinforcement practice Reinforcement practice
Critical thinking and
Soft Skills 5
management skills

Soft Skills Presentation skills 5

Soft Skills Presentation skills 5

Day Subject Soft Skills English
1 6 1
2 5 2
3 5 2
4 5 2
5 5 2
6 5 2
7 5 2
8 5 2
9 5 2
10 5 2
11 5 2
12 5 2
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14 5 2
15 5 2
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30 5 2
31 5 2
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34 5 2
35 5 2
36 5 2
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39 5 2
40 5 2
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42 5 2
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44 5 2
45 5 2
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49 5 2
50 5 2
51 5 2
52 5 2
53 5 2
54 5 2
55 5 2
56 5 2
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59 5 2
60 5 2
61 5 2
Computer Soft Skills

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