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A Way of Settling into the Realization of Minds

by Khenpo Gangshar Wangpo

Within, awareness should be unbridled and free,

Without, there shouldnt be any grasping at appearances.
In the absence of outer and inner, all is utterly transparent
To be free of like and dislike: how wonderful!

Distraction is simply mind; as are like and dislike, hope and fear, good and bad, and
clean and dirty whenever you experience them adhere to cause and effect, be
careful, and keep a low profile. Dont be frivolous or vulgar, but be in harmony with
those around you, letting all emotions and attitudes of like and dislike be purified in
their own space.

Measure yourself against the various stages of the path; see if you can bear
sufferings such as illness, being undermined, and despised. To be unable to do so is
to be ordinary, a sign you have not completed the path.1

As such, you should supplicate the guru and yidam deity, receive empowerment and
mix the guru's wisdom with your mind. Then relax, without any grasping, into that
expanse, and remain without the slightest effort in an experience of utter relaxation
free and loose.

From time to time, contemplate the karmic law of cause and effect; take the suffering
of others upon yourself, and offer whatever comfort and virtue you may have to

In the practice of the giving and taking of happiness and suffering, difficulty isnt to
be rejected, nor comfort sought. Simply relax. To be without ideas of good and bad,
or hope and fear, enables you to be joyful in any company, to be cheerful wherever
you may find yourself surely this is what it means to be truly happy!

The more precisely you adhere to cause and effect, the more your selfishness and
self-grasping will diminish, and the more your obsession with pleasure and pain or
desire and hatred will decline as well. To be altogether free from the fear of death is
a sign that your efforts at practice have been worthwhile.

Essentially then, at all times and in all situations, do not contrive with the mind, but
allow it to settle naturally; knowing this means you will never be apart from the
experience of the dhtu.

These are the insane ramblings of Gangshar Wangpo. May you and I become
inseparable and be of benefit to all.

| Translated by Sean Price, 2016.

1. Literally, "... a sign that the path's potential strength (rtsal) is incomplete."

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