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Industrial Relation in UK and USA:

Most definitions of industrial relations acknowledge that industrial relations
involve the complex interplay among management, workers and their
representatives, and the government. Each of these three players has different
needs and goals that determine how they interact with the other two parties.
In general, management's goals center upon labor costs, productivity, and
profitability. In contrast, workers and their representatives (i.e., unions) are
concerned with securing high wages and benefits, safe working conditions,
fulfilling work, and a voice in the workplace. Finally, as the representative of
the members of the society in which employers and unions reside, the
government's objectives include balancing the rights of both labor and
management. Perhaps even more important, the government has the
obligation to protect the rights of the members of society by maintaining
relative harmony between workers and employers. In the U.S. private sector,
industrial relations are governed by the National Labor Relations Act (1935,
as amended).
There is a three-tier structure of industrial relations in the United States. Local
unions deal with the daily interaction with employers at the workplace level.
Typically, these local unions are affiliated with a national union such as the
Service Employees International Union, which, as of 2005, is the largest
national union in the United States. Labor federations, like the AFL-CIO, serve
as umbrella organizations for national unions and provide overall direction
for the labor movement, as well as services like training and government
lobbying. However, the lack of advancement of organized labor in recent years
has caused some national unions to leave the AFL-CIO and attempt to form a
competing labor federation.
Industrial relations have changed substantially in the United States since
1980; there has been a change in the shared ideology among the three players.
Prior to 1980, all three players acknowledged the legitimacy of the other
players' roles. Employers kept their relationship with unions at arms length,
neither embracing unions nor aggressively seeking to destroy them. This
produced some level of stability within the industrial relations system.
However, since 1980 employers have moved away from the "arms length"
relationship with unions and have either pursued greater collaborations with
labor or sought to aggressively suppress unionization, even to the point of
intentionally violating U.S. labor law.
The percentage of workers represented by unions (i.e., union density) in the
United States has decreased from a high of 35 percent in 1945 to 12.5 percent
by 2005. Interestingly, union density is substantially greater in the public
sector than in the private sector. In the public sector, approximately 36
percent of government workers are represented by unions, with the highest
density being in local government (41 percent). This level of unionization in
the public sector may decline in the future, however, given the trend toward
privatizing government services. In the private sector, only 8 percent of
workers are represented by unions, with the transportation industry and
utilities maintaining the highest level of union density (25 percent). Union
density in the private sector is approximately half of what it was in 1983.
Union membership rates vary considerably by state. New York, Hawaii,
Michigan, and Alaska have the highest membership rateswith 25 percent,
24 percent, 22 percent, and 20 percent, respectivelywhile North Carolina
and South Carolina have the lowest rates (approximately 3 percent). As of
2005, full-time wage and salary workers who are represented by a union
make more than those workers not represented by a union ($781 versus
There are many reasons for the decline in union density other than the change
in management attitudes toward unions. Employment has moved from
manufacturing jobs and other jobs that have traditionally been represented by
unions (e.g., railroads and mining) to more service and high technology jobs.
There are more white collar and part-time jobs now than ever before, which
has also contributed to the decline in union density because it is harder for
unions to organize people in these jobs. Furthermore, employers have learned
that using positive human resource management practiceslike installing
formal grievance systems, comprehensive benefit plans, and worker
involvement programssuppresses union organizing activity. Finally, in the
past several decades the government has increasingly provided for the
protection of workers' rights by passing a variety of legislative actions,
including the Civil Rights Act (1964), the Occupational Safety and Health
Act (1970), the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), and the Family and
Medical Leave Act (1993).
The number of strikes by unions has declined in the last two decades due to
the fact that employees have a greater understanding of the impact
of globalization on competition. Also, more employees are shareholders now
than ever before. Some of these same factors appear to be reducing union
density levels in other developed nations, although Canada is an exception; it
has twice the union density of the United States.
In 1993 the Dunlop Commission was established by the Clinton
Administration to propose ways to reform the labor policies set forth in the
National Labor Relations Act. In general, the Commission concluded that labor
law needed to be altered to make it easier for workers to seek union
representation and to remove the constraints upon worker involvement.
However, these recommendations have not been adopted, even though both
labor and management acknowledge the need to change the antiquated labor
laws that prevent closer, more trusting relations and hamper the flexibility
needed by businesses to compete in the global economy. Consequently, there
is a continuing need for labor law that reflects the changes that have occurred
since the National Labor Relations Act was passed in 1935.

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