An805 8

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AN805 Rev 8
4 August 2011
AN805 Rev 7
14 August 1956



Inactive for new design after 24 July 1998.

This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.

The requirements for acquiring the product described herein shall consist of this specification sheet and MIL-DTL-6001.

FIGURE 1. Nut, union.


TABLE I. Dash numbers and size. 1/ 2/

Dash number H
Tubing Thread C P
Brass Corrosion A D E F G +.004 J Q
outside T B Diameter K L Pitch
resistant .015 Reference .015 Dia. Dia. -.000 Diameter Reference
diameter MIL-S-7742 (dia.) dia.
steel Dia.
2 C2 .125 .3125-32 UNEF-3A .279 +.004
.438 .375 .375 .344 .312 .375 .173 .281 .234 .43
3 C3 .188 .3750-24 UNF-3A .330 +.006
.500 .438 .438 .406 .375 .438 .257 .328 .281 .51
4 C4 .250 .4375-20 UNF-3A .385 +.005
.500 .562 .531 .250 .438 .500 .316 .375 .312 .65
5 C5 .312 .5000-20 UNF-3A .447 +.006
.531 .625 .594 .531 .594 .379 .406 .344 .72
6 C6 .375 .6250-18 UNF-3A .565 +.008
.562 .750 .719 .188 .625 .719 .473 .438 .375 .87
8 C8 .500 .7500-16 UNF-3A .682 +.008
.688 .875 .844 .219 .344 .750 .875 .598 .531 .438 1.01
10 C10 .625 .9375-14 NS-3 .848 +.004 .8911
.812 1.062 1.062 .438 .938 1.062 .719 -.000 .625 .531 +.0036 1.23
.250 -.0000
12 .750 1.1250-12 UNF-3A 1.305 +.009
.875 1.250 1.250 .531 1.062 1.250 .863 .729 1.44
16 1.000 1.5000-12 UNF-3A 1.410 +.009
1.000 1.750 1.688 .312 .562 1.5 1.750 1.140 .750 2.02


TABLE I. Dash numbers and size Continued. 1/ 2/

Dash number H
Tubing Thread C P
Corrosion A D E F G +.102 J Q
outside T B Diameter K L Pitch
Brass resistant .381 Reference .381 Dia. Dia. -.000 Diameter Reference
diameter MIL-S-7742 (dia.) dia.
steel Dia.
AN805 Rev 8

.3125-32 7.087 +.1016

2 C2 3.175 11.125 9.525 9.525 8.738 7.925 9.525 4.394 7.137 5.944 10.922
UNEF-3A -.000
.3750-24 8.386 +.1524
3 C3 4.775 12.700 11.125 11.125 10.312 9.525 11.125 6.528 8.331 7.137 12.954
UNF-3A -.000
.4375-20 9.779 +.127
4 C4 6.350 12.700 14.275 13.487 6.350 11.125 12.700 8.026 9.525 7.925 16.510
UNF-3A -.000
.5000-20 11.354 +.1524
5 C5 7.925 13.487 15.875 15.088 13.487 15.088 9.627 10.312 8.738 18.288
UNF-3A -.000
.6250-18 14.351 +.2032
6 C6 9.525 14.275 19.050 18.263 4.775 15.875 18.263 12.014 11.125 9.525 22.098
UNF-3A -.000
.7500-16 17.323 +.2032
8 C8 12.700 17.475 22.225 21.438 5.563 8.738 19.050 22.225 15.189 13.487 11.125 25.654
UNF-3A -.000
.9375-14 22.6339
21.539 +.1016
10 C10 15.875 NS-3 20.625 26.975 26.975 11.125 23.825 26.975 18.263 15.875 13.487 +.09144 31.242
6.350 -.0000
1.1250-12 33.147 +.2286
12 19.050 22.225 31.750 31.75 13.487 26.975 31.750 21.920 18.263 36.576
UNF-3A -.000
1.5000-12 35.814 +.2286
16 25.400 25.400 44.450 42.875 7925 14.275 38.100 44.450 28.953 19.050 51.308
UNF-3A -.000

1/ Dimensions are in inches

2/ Metric equivalents are given for information only.
AN805 Rev 8


Dimensions. See table I. Unless otherwise specified tolerances on decimals are .010, angles 0.5.

Configuration. See figure 1.

Inactive for new design. Dash numbers 12 and 16 are inactive for new design.
Dash numbers 2, 3 and 4 are inactive for new design except for use in oxygen systems and engine primer lines.
Dash numbers 5, 6, 8 and 10 are inactive for new design and are not to be used on engine primer lines.

Materials: Brass; bars, shapes or forgings.

Corrosion resistant steel; bars, shapes or forgings.
See procurement specification.

Finish: See procurement specification.

Identification of product. Add P before the dash number for cadmium plated brass nipple.

AN805 X X
Material, finish
Drawing number

Example of Part or Identifying Number (PIN): AN805-4 nut - union, brass, for .250 tubing OD.
AN805P4 nut - union, brass, cadmium plated, for .250 tubing OD.
AN805C4 nut - union, corrosion resistant steel, for .250 tubing OD.

Workmanship. Break all sharp edges and remove all hanging burrs and slivers which might become dislodged under

Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the
previous issue due to the extent of the changes.

Referenced documents. In addition to MIL-DTL-6001, this document references the following:



Custodians: Preparing activity:

Army AR DLA - CC
Navy SH
Air Force - 99
DLA - CC (Project 4730-2010-185)

Review activities:
Army AT, AV, CR4
Navy AS, CG, MC, SA, YD
Air Force - 71

NOTE: The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date of this document. Since
organizations and responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency of the information above using the
ASSIST Online database at

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