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Pretick 1

Chris Pretrick

Mrs. DeBock

English IV Honors

October 26, 2017

Essential Question: Does parenting styles have a significant impact on a child's development?

Working Thesis: Parenting styles affect children on how they behave and how they shape their


Refined Thesis: Parental roles and and parenting styles have a significant impact on defining a

childs mental health, behavior, and cognitive capabilities.

Service hour annotated bibliography

Fuentes, M. J., M. D. Salas, I. M. Bernedo, and M. A. Garca-Martn. "Impact of the Parenting

Style of Foster Parents on the Behaviour Problems of Foster Children."Child: Care,

Health & Development 41.5 (2015): 704-11. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition.

Web. 17 Oct. 2017. Few studies have been conducted on the effects of parenting styles of

foster parents on children's behavior problems. This study examines the emotional

relationship between the foster parent and the children. Mainly focused on how the foster

carers discipline their kids as in regard of internalizing or externalizing problems among

the foster children. Research has showed that foster children are better able to adapt to

their foster family if they encounter authoritative parenting. When foster parents are able

to set limits, the foster children tend to show less behavior problems. Another study

showed that when foster parents are more engaged with the children, the children will

show less behavior problems. I chose this article because it shows the studies that were

conducted and the results on how parenting styles affect children's development.
Pretick 2

Howenstein, Jeff, Ashok Kumar, Paul S. Casamassimo, Dennis McTigue, Daniel Coury, and

Han Yin. "Correlating Parenting Styles with Child Behavior and Caries."Pediatric

Dentistry. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2015. Web. Children vary in their

responses in different experiences, these responses are heavily influences in by health,

age, parenting styles, culture, and cognitive level. Parents play a large role in shaping a

child's behavior. An anxious or fearful parent can negatively affect the child's behavior in

different experiences. Parents, as a primary caregiver, strongly exert a significant

influence on a child's present and future emotional health, personality, and cognitive

development. Parenting styles is an essential determinant of children's coping styles, and

a child's behavior towards adult varies just as to parenting styles. This article supports my

thesis, it talks about how parenting styles affect a child's behavior, personality, and

cognitive ability. It also shows studies on how children that were raised into different

home environments react to certain experiences.

Joseph, Mary V. "Impact of Parenting Styles on Child Development." Scholarly Articles. Joseph

M. V., John J., 23 Jan. 2003. Web. The root cause of majority of the mental health

problems arise in adolescence are related to parenting styles. Most parents use a variety

of styles depending upon their culture and societal demands. Good parenting is parenting

that prepares children to meet the demands of the specific culture or subculture in which

they live. Parenting style is a determinant factor in child development. It affects

Pretick 3

psychological and social functioning of the children. Parenting style is largely affected by

the influence of ones own parents. Temperament, educational achievement, culture,

socioeconomic status and the influence of their spouse affects parenting style as well.

Temperament of the parent and the child affects style of parenting, and the mother and

father may differ in style as well. This article relates to my topic because this paper

explains the different types of parenting styles and how the different styles affect a child's


"Parenting and Its Effects on Children: On Reading and Misreading Behavior Genetics."Annual

Review of Psychology (2000): 1. Edsgao. Web. 17 Oct. 2017. Belskys model of the

determinants of parenting is based on studies of child maltreatment. It examines the

factors that influence parenting and, consequently, and child outcomes. The model has

three areas: the personal psychological resources of the parents; the characteristics of the

child; and contextual sources of stress and support that include the marital relations, the

social networks, and the occupational experiences of parents. Researchers have

identified three parenting styles based on the levels of control and warmth

displayed by parents on a regular basis and in a variety of situations. Research has also

included a fourth parenting style called neglectful, which is characterized by low warmth

and low control. This article is related because it identifies and explains different

parenting styles and their effects on children.

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Talib, Johar, Zulkifli Mohamad, and Maharam Mamat. "World Journal of Social Sciences."

Effects of Parenting Style on Children's Development 1.2 (2011): 14-35. Web. Research

interest in family processes and their relation to children's behavior and school

achievement has been evolving in recent years. Due to demographic changes in the

family as more mothers have to come to participate in the workplace, research on

children's school achievement has been spread out to examine the relation between

children's behavior, school achievement and parenting style. The multiple effects of work

conditions on families well being have also shown positive outcomes with children's

school achievement especially among lower income children. Maternal work conditions

was expected to affect children's development indirectly through its effect on parenting

styles or other characteristics of family methods. This article relates to my topic because

it talks about not only how parenting styles and parental roles have an impact on a child's

behavior, but also their cognitive abilities.

Zarra-Nezhad, Maryam, and Kaisa Aunola Noona Kiuru. "Parenting Styles and Childrens

Emotional Development during the First Grade: The Moderating Role of Child

Temperament." Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy 05.05 (2015): n. pag. Web.

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