Revealing The Whole

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Questions that matter to us for they reflect our

desire to understand
Significant questions that do not have definite

Martin Heidegger
(1889 - 1976)
Responsible for the term
hermeneutics of facility
People interpret things as they
encounter them in different
Leads into the totality of beings
Inquires into the whole Human
What man is free to do or to
What he is free from
Essence of man, God and the
(427 347 B.C.E.)
Greek Athenian philosophers Founded school in Athens
One of the most famous known as The Academy
philosophers Model of Universities
student of Socrates and the Where the term academic
teacher of Aristotle comes from
Warned there were things that Academy got its name from its
deceive, confuse or mislead in location, a grove of trees
this world sacred to the hero
Academusor Hecademus

Answers that sound right or seem right will simply not due

We can be misled.

We need to research with numerous sources

A person is responsible for the answers he/she holds on to.

This means we are to blame in case we are fooled into believing a falsehood.

Lesson Summary: Reflection:
The part that left an impact on me
This lesson teaches you how to in this lesson is the difference
reflect. It shows you what kinds of between a scientific question and a
questions there is and what kind of philosophical one. Philosophical
questions you should ask. The questions has helped me
point of this lesson is to display/ understand the depth of a certain
demonstrate the essence of a topic without the actual help of
human person (specifically you schematic diagrams or processes.
per se) and how can a person come It has also helped me gain certain
up to a conclusion on what he/ she information that cannot be satisfied
is and going to become. with scientific treatments.


Philosophy begins in
Curiosity is different from Wonder

Curiosity directed to a single fleeting

momentary object

Wonder directed towards analogy and

the relationship of things, beyond
information we can readily get.

PHILOSOPHY came from the greek word philo as love and sophia as
wisdom which make Philosopher as Lovers of Wisdom and makes Philosophy as an activity in pursuit of
(600 B.C. 600 A.D.)
World = (Kosmos,
Origin of universe
Where did all things come
Branch of philosophy

(Medieval period)
God as a central focus
God and Christian Life

Lesson Summary: Reflection:

This lesson reveals how philosophy Not all truths are necessary
begins or originates. It seeks to This is the main idea that I formulated
discover the truth. It carries out in within this lesson. It is the synthesis of
different views: cosmocentric, what I learned. It emphasizes that
theocentric, and anthrophocentric. philosophy can arrive at different
These views were exercised to truths through due to a variety of
examine beliefs and opinions, or views however one must learn to
intuitions, to arrive a truth. It also evaluate which truth is important or
clarifies that philosophy is carried out applicable for his/her own life.
through the use of reason most
specifically our rational faculty.
3 Claims of Socrates from Platos

Apology and Protagoras

1. Know thyself

2. The unexamined life

is not worth living

3. Virtue is knowledge
of good and bad

Philosophical Reflection is the activity of utilizing the tools that philosophy

provides us to examine our lives, and our most basic beliefs about life

The end goal is to achieve a higher level of understanding which results in rebalancing or
changing your life in positive ways

An Exercise of Truth-Making

Observation thru experiments

and calculations


Raw Experiences

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