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Retroactive Payroll Adjustments

Retroactive Payroll Adjustments

I. Purpose
To provide guidance to staff for processing retroactive adjustments within the SAP
HR/Payroll module outside the earliest retroactive date (ERD) (as defined below). For
assistance in processing transactions within the earliest retroactive period, please refer
to IRIS Human Resources/Payroll (HR) Payroll Reference Manual.

The HR/Payroll module provides the ability to adjust payments for previous payroll
periods back to a point in time known as retroactive adjustments, which has a significant
benefit as it allows changes in pay, benefits and taxes to be calculated automatically.
However, adjustments caused by changes to cost distributions, late entry of leave
balances and error corrections often negatively affect accounting functions, especially
reporting on quarterly financial statements, grant reimbursements and other periodic
financial reporting. The impact on accurate, timely financial reporting compels the
University of Kentucky to limit the length of time retroactive adjustments will be allowed
to process.

II. Definitions
Business officer/department administrator: an employee authorized to approve
expenses and reconcile financial information for a unit
Earliest Retroactive Date (ERD): the date set on infotype 0003 in the SAP
HR/Payroll module beyond which a payroll adjustment record cannot be entered.
This includes entries on IT0027 Cost Distribution, IT0014 Recurring
payments/Deducts and IT0015 Additional Payments
Ecrt: software utilized by the University of Kentucky to review and complete project
payroll confirmations on sponsored projects
Payroll Authorization Record (PAR): a record requesting action by Human
Resources and/or Payroll Services department employees
Payroll administrator: an employee in a unit responsible for entering and verifying
information in the SAP HR/Payroll module
Project payroll confirmation: a report contained in the ecrt software that is
accessed by principal investigators to confirm pay is reasonable in relation to work
performed on sponsored projects that include federal funds
Retroactive Payroll Adjustment Request: a form completed by a unit payroll
administrator when there is a change affecting employee pay

III. Responsibilities
A. Payroll administrators:
1. Monitor and adhere to Payroll Authorization Record (PAR) and payroll
deadlines as recorded on the payroll schedules, including when documents
are submitted to Compensation, to ensure accurate, timely payroll
processing and financial reporting;
2. Communicate potential delays or staffing issues immediately to supervisors;
3. Ensure information entered in the SAP/HR payroll module matches
documentation to support change;
4. Complete and route a Retroactive Payroll Adjustment Request form if
requesting to make pay adjustments for periods prior to the earliest
retroactive date; and

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Retroactive Payroll Adjustments

5. Validate that changes were made in the appropriate pay period.

B. Business officer/department administrator:

1. Ensure departmental processes are in place that facilitate prompt initiation
of payroll transactions and limit necessity of retroactive payroll
2. Reconcile payroll transactions monthly in compliance with E-17-6
Reconciliation and Review of Financial Transactions to ensure appropriate
pay, benefits and cost objects were debited/credited;
3. Ensure the cost object being debited contains appropriate budget, is open
and available for posting, and the transaction is within the budget period;
4. If cost object being credited is closed, the appropriate individuals are
contacted and financial reporting revised if required or allowable;
5. Review and approve requests to retroactively adjust payroll entries including
Retroactive Payroll Adjustment Request form; and
6. Implement processes needed to improve procedures and limit retroactive
adjustments in the future.

C. Payroll Services:
1. Log all payroll exception forms;
2. Review exceptions for business need and suggest alternative handling if
3. Review exceptions with Accounting Financial and Reporting Services and
Research Financial Services when appropriate;
4. Coordinate with Human Resources changes beyond the earliest retroactive
date when necessary; and
5. Notify departments of final disposition of payroll exception requests.

D. Accounting and Financial Reporting Services/Research Financial Services:

1. Review journal vouchers containing pay or benefit GL accounts entered into
the SAP Financial system according to directions in BPM E-4 Journal
2. Verify that requirements of the BPM E-4 Journal Voucher are complete; and
3. Forward journal vouchers with WBS/Grants to Research Financial Services;
4. Post approved journal vouchers; or
5. Return denied journal vouchers to the initiating department.

E. Research Financial Services

1. Review journal vouchers containing WBS/grants entered into the SAP
Financial system according to directions in BPM E-4 Journal Voucher;
2. Verify that requirements of the BPM E-4 Journal Voucher and Appendix 2
Cost Transfers for Sponsored Projects are complete; and
3. Forward journal vouchers with Cost Centers to Accounting and Financial
Reporting Services; or
4. Post approved journal vouchers; or
5. Return denied journal vouchers to the initiating department.

IV. Policy
A. Payroll transactions must be processed promptly in order to limit retroactivity.

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Retroactive Payroll Adjustments

B. Retroactive adjustments are limited to the earliest retroactive dates set in the
payroll schedules.
C. Changes to cost distribution should be submitted to Accounting and Financial
Reporting Services or Research Financial Services for review as a JV document
according to BPM E-4 Journal Voucher section IV.B.4.
D. Exceptions:
Departments may complete a Payroll Retroactive Adjustment Request form
to request consideration of a change in pay prior to the earliest retroactive
date as set in the payroll schedules.

V. Procedures
A. For assistance in processing transactions within the earliest retroactive period,
please refer to IRIS Human Resources/Payroll (HR) Payroll Reference Manual.

B. To request a payroll retroactive adjustment for periods prior to the current ERD
that affect compensation:

1. Complete the Retroactive Payroll Adjustment Request form;

For all requests include:
1) The person id;
2) Personnel number;
3) First, middle initial and last name of the employee;
4) The ERD as listed on the payroll schedule or on IT0003 in the HR
5) The payroll area;
6) The reason for the retroactive adjustment by checking the boxes
7) Clearly explain in responses to questions 1 and 2 what occurred
and how the exception is necessary. Answer questions fully and
completely (For example: Question 2 - to correct an error is not a
complete response).
8) In Question 3 - detail the process improvement plan and steps
taken to prevent a reoccurrence in the future;
2. Gather documentation to support request for the retroactive payroll
adjustment exception;
3. Forward the form and documentation to the next level business officer for
Note: If the request includes WBS/grants and the time period exceeds 90
days from the posting date, additional signatures as detailed in Appendix 2
Cost Transfers for Sponsored Projects will be needed; and
4. Once approved, attach the form and supporting documentation via email to
the Payroll Services department at [email protected].

C. To request a payroll retroactive adjustment for periods prior to the current ERD
to correct cost allocations or distributions between cost centers and grants,
please refer to BPM E-4 Journal Voucher section IV.B.4.

1. Z4 is a specific document type used only to handle payroll corrections for

cost redistribution;
2. The use of document type Z4 must be used for adjustments to pay and
benefit GL accounts beginning 07/01/17; and

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Retroactive Payroll Adjustments

3. This unique document type facilitates the reconciliation between payroll

labor distribution reports and financial expense reports.
4. A Z4 JV document affecting sponsored projects may require that the
department effort coordinator and certifier (designated within the ecrt
software) complete a new pre-review and/or project payroll confirmation.

D. The Payroll Services department will return the Retroactive Payroll Adjustment
Request form to the department indicating the disposition:
1. Approved for retro ERD will be open for the specific employee for current
pay period.
2. Denied for retro ERD will not be open and no further action will be taken
by Payroll Services.
3. Z4 document - may be submitted to Accounting and Financial Reporting
Services (AFRS) or Research Financial Services (RFS) for review as a JV
document according to BPM E-4 Journal Voucher section IV.B.4.
4. Other used as needed

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