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Energy 66 (2014) 435e446

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Binary ORC (Organic Rankine Cycles) power plants for the exploitation
of mediumelow temperature geothermal sources e Part B:
Techno-economic optimization
Marco Astol*, Matteo C. Romano, Paola Bombarda, Ennio Macchi
Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department, Via Lambruschini 4, 20156 Milano, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This two-part paper investigates the potential of ORC (Organic Rankine Cycles) for the exploitation of
Received 17 May 2013 low-medium enthalpy geothermal brines. Part A deals with thermodynamic analysis and optimization,
Received in revised form while Part B focuses on economic optimization.
14 October 2013
In this part, an economic model was dened and implemented in the Matlab code previously
Accepted 20 November 2013
developed. A routine was also implemented to estimate the design of the turbine (number of stages,
Available online 10 January 2014
rotational speed, mean diameter), allowing to estimate turbine efciency and cost. The tool developed
allowed performing an extensive techno-economic analysis of many cycles exploiting geothermal brines
ORC (Organic Rankine Cycles)
with temperatures between 120  C and 180  C. By means of an optimization routine, the cycles and the
Techno-economic optimization uids leading to the minimum cost of the electricity are found for each geothermal source considered.
Geothermal energy Cycle parameters found from the techno-economic optimization are compared with those assumed
Equipment cost correlations and found from the thermodynamic optimization. Quite relevant differences show the necessity to
perform optimization on the basis of specic plant cost. As a general trend, it is however conrmed that
congurations based on supercritical cycles, employing uids with a critical temperature slightly lower
than the temperature of the geothermal source, lead to the lowest electricity cost for most of the
investigated cases.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction volumetric behavior of the uids, which affect the performance, the
size and the cost of the plant components. Therefore, a compre-
As discussed in Part A, ORC (Organic Rankine Cycles) have been hensive ORC optimization process should include an economic
experiencing a great commercial success in recent years and are analysis or, at least, an analysis of the size and the technical feasi-
receiving an increasing interest from the scientic community. bility of the main components (heat exchangers and
Their application for the exploitation of heat sources characterized turbomachines).
by low temperatures or small sizes, where important drawbacks Assuming that heat exchangers are responsible for most of the
limit the application of steam cycles, is subject of a number of pa- total plant cost, some authors only accounted for their cost in the
pers recently published. Different working uids and different cycle economic analysis [1] or used the specic heat exchange area per
congurations have been assessed for applications on renewable kWel generated as the function to be minimized [2]. At the authors
energy sources (mainly biomass, solar and geothermal energy) and knowledge, only Quoilin et al., 2011 [3] report a comprehensive
waste heat recovery, with the aim of selecting the optimal uid and economic analysis to minimize the cost of the electricity from a
cycle parameters for each application. 100 kWth-scale waste heat recovery ORC, also considering the
Most of the works published in the literature deal with ther- dependence of the expansion efciency on the actual operating
modynamic assessments, i.e. they aim at maximizing the plant conditions of the scroll expander considered. The results of their
efciency or its power output. However, thermodynamic assess- economic optimization show how the optimal key design param-
ment alone cannot provide exhaustive indications on the optimal eters can change when considering the cost of the components,
working uid, mainly because of the different thermal and with different effects for each uid. For example, as shown in
Table 1, they found different optimal uids, increased optimal
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 39 (0)2 2399 3935. evaporation temperatures (20e30  C), a rather wide range of
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Astol). optimal minimum DTpp in the evaporator (4.0e7.5  C) and nally

0360-5442/$ e see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
436 M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446

Table 1
Review of the works in the literature on ORC techno-economic optimization.

Reference Heat source Types Machines Fixed Optimization Optimization Component sizing Optimal cycles
of efciencies variables variables function

Hettiarachchi, Geothermal Sub-SA his,turb 85% Tcw 30  C Teva Specic heat Heat exchangers NH3:
Golubovic, brine no-rec hwf, pump 75% Dpi calc Tcond exchange area: area Teva 76.9  C
al. @ 70e90  C hmec-el 96% ugeo m2/kW Tcond 43.0  C
(2007) hcw,pump 80% ucw hcycle 8.9%
[2] hplant 8.0 %a
a 0.34 m2/kW
Quoilin, WHR: Sub-SA hscroll-exp: calc DTpp,PHE 10  C Teva Net power Scroll expander R245fa:
Declaye gas @ 180  C no-rec hwf, pump 60% DTsh 5  C (given Teva 113.5  C
et al. (2011) with HTF. hHTF,pump 60% DTpp,cond 10  C geometry), plate hcycle 7.78%
[3] hmec-el 70% DTsc,cond 5  C PHE area, hplant 5.13%
Tcw 15  C condenser area R123:
mcw 0.5 kg/s Teva 111.8  C
Dpeva 10 kPa hcycle 8.41%
Dpcond 20 kPa hplant 5.00%
DTsh 5  C Teva Specic cost: V/kW n-butane:
DTsc,cond 5  C DTpp,PHE DTpp,cond Teva 133.2  C
Tcw 15  C Dpeva DTpp,PHE 7.5  C
mcw 0.5 kg/s Dpcond hplant 4.47%
Cs 2136 V/kW
Teva 139.9  C
DTpp,PHE 4.0  C
hplant 3.88%
Cs 2505 V/kW
Shengjun et al. Geothermal Sub-SA/Sup his,turb 80% DTpp,PHE 5  C Sub: Specic heat exchange Heat exchangers R152a:
(2011) brine no-rec hwf,pump 75% DTpp,cond 5  C Teva, area (a): m2/kW area Teva 74  C
[1] @ 90  C hmec-el 96% Tcw 20  C pcond Tcond 27.9  C
Dpi 10 kPa Sup: a 1.64 m2/kW
Tin,turb COE (only heat R152a:
pmax, exchangers cost, Teva 60  C
pcond function of operating Tcond 27.9  C
pressure, COE 53 V/
considered) MWh
Heat available from WHR and geothermal brine calculated by considered cooling of the heat source to ambient temperature.

signicantly lower optimal plant efciencies (from 5.0e5.1% to supercritical congurations are considered. The developed code is
3.9e4.5%) with respect to what they obtained in the thermody- integrated with the Refprop database [5] that uses accurate
namic analysis only. equations of state to provide the thermodynamic properties of a
After the comprehensive thermodynamic assessment per- large variety of uids. The list of the 54 pure uids selected in this
formed in Part A, the aim of this part of the work is to present the study is reported in Table 2 divided by a chemical classication.
techno-economic optimization of ORCs featuring different cycle Besides thermodynamic considerations and economic results
congurations (subcritical/supercritical, saturated/superheated, that are treated in this study, many other aspects have to be
regenerative/non regenerative) and a variety of working uids, for considered in uid selection. In particular thermal stability, safety
the exploitation of low-medium enthalpy geothermal elds (120e issues such as toxicity and ammability and environmental impact
180  C) in the 2e15 MWel power output range. (i.e. GWP (Global warming potential index) and ODP (Ozone
In order to calculate the cost of the equipment, the size of the
heat exchangers and the turbine are estimated. In particular, as far
as the turbine is concerned, the number of stages, the optimal Table 2
rotational speed and the mean diameter were calculated in each Investigated uids.
case to estimate a realistic cost and efciency, which both depend 12 Alkanes Propane, isobutane, butane,
on the turbine design. The assumptions and results of the economic neopentane, isopentane,
analysis are presented in the paper. The cost of the heat source, pentane, isohexane, hexane,
heptane, octane, nonane, decane
which may be relevant in geothermal applications due to the high
16 Other Cyclopropane, cyclopentane,
drilling cost, has been included and a sensitivity analysis on its cost hydrocarbons cyclohexane, methylcyclohexane,
has been performed. propylcyclohexane, isobutene,
1-butene, trans-butene, cis-butene,
benzene, propyne, methanol,
2. Model description ethanol, toluene, acetone,
In order to perform the economic analysis, cost correlations for 13 HFC R125, R143a, R32, R1234yf, R134a,
R227ea, R161, R1234ze, R152a, R236fa,
each plant component are integrated in the code for the calculation
R236ea, R245fa, R365mfc
of the thermodynamic performance. The code, described more in 3 FC R218, peruorobutane (C4F10), RC318
detail in Part A, is implemented in Matlab [4] and is able to 8 Siloxanes MM, Mdm, Md2m, Md3m,
perform both thermodynamic and economic optimization of binary Md4m, D4, D5, D6
systems based on ORC technology. Single pressure level cycles in 2 Other non- Ammonia, water
organic uids
saturated/superheated, regenerative/non-regenerative, subcritical/
M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446 437

depletion potential index)) should be carefully evaluated in order to Thermodynamic performance index considered in this work are
prevent damage to plant components, to limit operation and here resumed, described by the following equations:
maintenance costs, and to avoid hazards for the employees and for
the natural environment. For these reasons, hydrochlorocarbons Wnet
hcycle (1)
and hydrochlorouorocarbons, even if they are available in the Qin
Refprop database, are not considered in this study, being banned
in Europe due to their high ODP index. Qin
Fig. 1 presents the basic layout of a regenerative, subcritical hrec (2)
superheated cycle, useful to dene the notation which will be used
in following discussions. This cycle is composed by a series of heat
exchangers (economizer, evaporator, superheater), a turbine, a hplant hcycle hrec (3)
regenerator, a condenser and a pump. The regenerator is used to Qin;max
preheat the condensate at the pump outlet by recovering part of the
heat released at the turbine outlet during uid desuperheating. For hplant
hII (4)
non-regenerative cycles, points 10 and 3 simply collapse in 9 and 2 hlor
respectively, while in saturated cycles point 7 coincides to 6 and in
supercritical conguration points 4, 5 and 6 merge to 7.
The plant performance can be evaluated once dened the value hlor 1  
Tin;geo Tlim;geo
of all the model variables: some of these, labeled as xed variables, ln Tin;geo =Tlim;geo
are assumed prior to calculation and kept constant in the optimi-
zation procedure, independently on uid and cycle conguration. where Tlim,geo is the minimum reinjection temperature for the
The others, labeled as design variables, are set up by the optimi- geothermal brine in order to avoid salt precipitation on heat ex-
zation routine. All the variables and constrains adopted are re- changers surfaces and Qin,max is the maximum thermal power that
ported in Table 3, showing the differences between the can be recovered by cooling the geothermal brine down to Tlim,geo
thermodynamic and the techno-economic assessments. In partic- (or ambient temperature, when no reinjection temperature limit is
ular, the main differences arising in the techno-economic optimi- considered). Qin is the thermal power released by the geothermal
zation are: (i) the presence of a greater number of optimization brine when cooled in the ORC heat exchangers and hence the
variables in order to optimize heat exchangers surface and (ii) the thermal power received by the ORC divided by the thermal ef-
adoption of a model for the prediction of turbine efciency. In ciency of the heat exchangers. Lorentz efciency refers to an ideal
particular, while the turbine isentropic efciency was assumed trapezoidal cycle if a limit in reinjection temperature is considered
constant throughout the thermodynamic optimization in Part A, in or to a trilateral cycle otherwise [6]. Ambient temperature is kept
the techno-economic analysis the turbine efciency is estimated on constant and equal to 15  C.
the basis of the effective operating conditions as discussed further In our study heat capacities of ambient air and geothermal brine
on. In addition, a gearbox with a xed generator efciency is are kept constant neglecting the effects related to temperature,
adopted when decoupling the turbine and the generator rotational incondensable gases and dissolved salts in the geothermal water,
speed improves the overall efciency. which is hence considered pure and always at liquid state.

Fig. 1. Tes diagram, plant layout and notation adopted to dene thermodynamic points.
438 M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446

Table 3 Therefore, a more efcient two-level optimization procedure

Assumed xed and variable parameters adopted for the thermodynamic and the has been implemented, tackling the outer level problem with the
techno-economic analyses.
patter search method of Lewis and Torczon e 2002 [7] as repre-
Objective function Thermodynamic analysis Techno-economic analysis sented in Fig. 2. At the outer level, four optimization variables are
hII CTOTspec considered namely: pin,turb, DTap,PHE, DTap,cond and DTpp,rec, while at
an inner level the optimization of Treinj,geo and DT*pp,cond is per-
Design variables
pin,turb Optimized Optimized formed. The rst step of the optimization procedure is setting lower
DTap,PHE Optimized Optimized (LB) and upper bounds (UB) for each optimization variable. These
DTpp,PHE 3 C Optimized boundaries are set either to obtain realistic results (i.e. feasible
DTpp,rec 5 C Optimized
temperature differences, dry expansion, etc.) or to limit the search
DTap,cond 15  C Optimized
DT*pp,cond 0.5  C Optimized domain. This code structure entails a quite large computational cost
Temperature and pressure drops but the results obtained are more reliable compared to a simulta-
DTcond 0.3  C neous optimization of six parameters. The main advantage of
DTeva 1 C adopting this methodology is that once the outer optimization level
Dpdes 1%
variables are set, it is possible to completely dene all the ther-
DpSHE 5%
Dpsh 2% modynamic points of the considered cycle. In addition, it is possible
Dpval 1% to univocally dene the lower bound for Treinj,geo and improve the
Dprec,HS 2% accuracy of the solution.
Dpeco 50 kPa
Lower and upper bounds which are assumed for each variable
Dprec,CS 50 kPa
Heat losses from heat exchangers
are here reported:
Qloss 1%
Other assumptions  pin,turb: for subcritical cycles the lower limit is set equal to twice
his,turb 85% Calculated the minimum condensing pressure (which depends on the
hwf, pump 70%
minimum value of DTap,cond), while the upper limit is chosen
hmec-ele, pump 95%
hmec-ele, turb 95% equal to the minimum value between the critical pressure and
hgearbox 97% the saturation pressure at the maximum temperature (which
DTsc Max(1  C, 0.05(T5T3)) depends on the inlet brine temperature and the minimum
DTap,PHE). For saturated cycles, the pressure corresponding to the
No droplets along expansion
vertical slope of the overhanging saturation curve is also
considered as upper limit, to avoid the risk of expansion within
the saturation curve. For supercritical cycle, a minimum pres-
From a thermodynamic point of view net power production, sure equal to pcrit and an upper bound equal to 100 bar are
plant efciency or second law efciency are adopted as term of selected.
comparison among the different solutions, while specic cost  DTap,PHE: lower bound is set to 0.5  C above the minimum
(V/kW) is selected as objective function in techno-economic DTpp,PHE. In subcritical cycles, the maximum value is the one
optimization. corresponding to the saturated cycle with the lower allowable
pin, turb. In supercritical cycles, the upper bound is set equal to
3. Techno-economic optimization the difference between the brine inlet temperature and the
critical temperature.
Economic optimization entails a greater number of optimi-  DTap,cond: lower and upper bounds are set equal to 5  C and 40  C
zation variables with respect to thermodynamic optimization respectively. If one of these limits is reached at the end of the
and the necessity to set up a cost correlation for each plant optimization, the calculation is repeated with a wider range.
component. Moreover specic considerations on turbine design  DTpp,rec: lower and upper bounds are set equal to 0.5  C and
and efciency prediction are introduced at this stage, so that all 50  C respectively. The higher limit is chosen by considering the
the six independent variables are optimized and turbine ef- possibility to converge to a solution without the adoption of
ciency is calculated rather than assumed (see Table 3). The spe- regenerator.
cic plant investment cost (V/kW) represents the objective  Treinj,geo: lower bound is found for a DTpp,PHE equal to 0.1  C,
function to be minimized, since it is representative of the cost of while the upper bound is set equal to 5  C less than the brine
the electricity,1 assuming negligible variable costs among the inlet temperature.
considered cases.  DT*pp,cond: lower bound and upper bound are set equal to 0.1  C
and 3  C respectively.

3.1. Techno-economic optimization routine

3.2. Considerations on turbine design and efciency
Difculties in nding the global minimum arise because of the
strong non-linearity of the problem and the discontinuities of the
In geothermal binary ORC power plants different families of
objective function. In addition, simultaneous optimization of the
turbines can be utilized: some manufactures offer single-stage
six variables entails poor solution accuracy because of the greater
centripetal turbines [8,9], others are oriented towards axial ow
inuence of the outlet geothermal brine temperature in plant
turbines [10,11], which usually adopt more than one stage. A third
economics with respect to the other parameters.
option is a radial multi-stage outow turbine [12,13], which per-
mits to achieve higher efciency when large volumetric ow ratios
have to be handled. In this study only axial turbines will be
The solution yielding minimum COE (cost of electricity) does not necessarily
corresponds to the best economic choice, which depends on the specic valoriza-
considered, given the availability of accurate correlations for stage
tion of the produced electricity. In other words, it could be attractive to produce efciency prediction. Turbine design and efciency are evaluated
more electricity, even at higher COEs. through the following simplied procedure, which is based on the
M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446 439

Fig. 2. Code structure in techno-economic optimization.

results presented in Ref. [14]. Starting from the inlet conditions (8) [14] for the optimization of different turbine stages in a wide range
and exhaust pressure (9), the isentropic enthalpy drop and volume of Ns and Vratio, the isentropic efciency of the rst and the last
ow rates ratio along the expansion are computed. The number of stage are computed by tting the curves in Fig. 3 and
turbine stages is estimated by setting two limits, namely: (i) the afterward with a linear interpolation on Vratio.
stage maximum volume ow ratio and (ii) the maximum allowable
stage enthalpy drop. p
The rst limit is set in order to avoid high Mach numbers and V_
SP (7)
large blade height variations across the rotor blade. This last aspect Dh1=4
entails high aring angles and a consequent losses increase. The
maximum Vratio admissible for each stage is assumed equal to 4 in
order to limit the above mentioned penalties. If the total Vratio is p
larger than this limit, the expansion is divided into the minimum Ns 3=4
number of stages with equal Vratio. 60 Dh
Vratio is strongly dependent on the thermal level of the
geothermal brine and on the selected working uid. Small values Stage efciency is dened as the ratio between the actual
can usually be found in low temperature cycles using complex enthalpy drop and the available isentropic enthalpy drop while
uids, with values of Tcrit/Tin,geo lower than unit. On the contrary, Vratio is the ratio between the specic volume in outlet and inlet
uids with high critical temperatures have low condensing pres- conditions for an isentropic expansion.
sures and volume ratios as high as 200e300. The second limit is set
to avoid high mechanical stresses: while uids with high molecular
weight entail relatively small turbine enthalpy drops and give the
possibility to design a turbine with moderate peripheral speeds and
reduced mechanical stresses, low molecular weight uids like
water or ammonia, show high enthalpy drops along the expansion.
For this reason, a limitation related to the maximum enthalpy drop
exploitable for each stage is introduced, equal to 65 kJ/kg. This
value is derived by assuming a 50% reaction degree stages with a
load coefcient (kis) equal to 2 and a mean peripheral speed of
255 m/s according to the following equation:

kis (6)
Thus if the second limit is exceeded, the expansion is divided
into the minimum number of stages with the same enthalpy drop.
Once the number of stages is determined, it is possible to
compute the SP (size parameter) (Eq. (7)) and the specic speed Ns
(Eq. (8)) of the rst and the last stage. According to the similarity
rules, SP is proportional to stage diameter and it is used in the
turbine cost correlation. Ns and Vratio allow estimating the turbine
efciency. Using the results obtained in Macchi, Perdichizzi e 1981 Fig. 3. Parametric curves adopted for turbine stage efciency prediction [14].
440 M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446

Fluid expansion has been calculated by considering a turbine  0:9

isentropic efciency calculated as the average of the rst and the last CPHE;rec C0 a (9)
stage efciencies. While a complete stage-by-stage approach would
lead to higher accuracies, this methodology is considered a good  2

compromise between computational time, code stability and accu- a 10 a1 a2 logpa3 log p
racy, also considering the limited number of stages which typically
characterizes ORC turbines and the limited variation in stage where C0 is referred to an heat exchanger with a maximum pres-
enthalpy drop. Finally, the convenience of adopting a gearbox is also sure of 5 bar.
checked. This option could be really protable for turbines with Ns at
the last stage far below the optimum value (w0.1) and hence low  The cost of the air condenser (including electric fans) is calcu-
isentropic efciencies when directly coupled with the generator. lated according to Eq. (11) with C0 530 kV and A0 3563 m2.
This usually occurs with uids with relatively low molecular The heat exchange area is calculated by estimating the overall
complexity and large Dhis, which benet from high rotational heat transfer coefcient with the correlation shown in Fig. 4:
speeds, or for high complexity uids expanding to very low pres-
sures where lower speed of revolution allows increasing the turbine  0:9
efciency. For the rst class a gearbox is adopted, the rotational A
Ccond C0 (11)
speed is computed by imposing Ns of the last stage equal to the A0
optimal value, and considering agearbox efciency of 97%, while for
the others a generator with a greater number of poles is assumed.  The cost of the turbine is calculated as a function of the number
of stages n and the last stage size parameter SP and the power as
scaling factors, according to Eq. (12):
3.3. Cost correlations

Cost correlations have been dened for each component of the  0:5  1:1
n SP
ORC plant, based on the exponential scaling law method. Due to the Cturb C0 (12)
n0 SP0
wide variety of operating conditions, cycle congurations and
uids considered in this work, correlations with high generality with C0 1230 kV, n0 2, SP0 0.18 m
needs to be used, capable of taking into account the different design
requirements of the components, resulting from each simulated  The cost of the electric generator is calculated according to
case. However, such correlations are often lacking in the open Eq. (13):
literature. This is particularly evident for the turbine, which rep-
resents an important share of the total investment cost and whose
cost cannot be estimated simply as function of its power output (as Wel
in the correlations typically proposed in the literature [15]). As a Cgen C0 $ (13)
matter of fact, its design (i.e. number of stages and their size) and
hence its cost can vary signicantly for cases with the same power where Wel,0 5000 kW and C0 200 kV. In case a gearbox is
output but different enthalpy drops, volume ratio and volume ow present, its cost is considered equal to 40% of the electric generator
rate. cost.
Parallel considerations can be made for the condenser, repre-
senting another important contribution to the total investment  The cost of the pump is calculated according to Eq. (14):
cost, whose heat exchange surface greatly depends on the heat
transfer coefcient on the air side. Therefore, dependence of both
heat transfer coefcient and air side pressure drops (inuencing the !0:67
operating cost) with the air velocity should be correctly predicted Wel
Cpump C0 $ (14)
when calculating its cost and optimizing its operating conditions. Wel;0
For these reasons, based on the experience gained by the au-
thors in the cooperation with manufacturers of ORC plants and where Wel,0 200 kW and C0 14 kV
turbines [11e13] and heat exchangers [16], new correlations are
proposed in this paper for these key components. Also for more  The balance of plant costs are estimated as 40% of the total ORC
conventional components (pump and generator), data from man- components cost.
ufacturers has been used to dene the reference cost.
The complete list of the cost correlations used is here Due to the lack of information on the chemical aggressiveness of
summarized: all the uids considered in our analysis, no correction factor has
been included in the economic model to take into account extra
 PHE (Primary Heat Exchanger) and regenerator costs are cost for the use of advanced materials. However, for the optimal
calculated according to Eqs. (9)e(10) and Table 4. The effect of uids found in this work, the possibility of using carbon steel ma-
the maximum cycle pressure is taken into account by means of terials has been veried.
the correction factor proposed in Ref. [17] and considering that Specic cost for some of the investigated working uids is really
the high pressure organic uid ows on the shell side in the hard to obtain, especially for peruoro alkanes and siloxanes.
PHE2 and on the tube side in the regenerator. Anyway, experience on real plants operation indicates that the uid
inventory contribution on the total plant cost is at least one order of
magnitude lower than the equipment cost.
Finally, the cost of the geothermal wells is included in the
optimization procedure by adding a constant value of 12 MV. This
As required by the necessity of mechanically cleaning the tubes internal surface value results by considering two production and two reinjection
to limit fouling effects of geothermal brine. wells in order to supply a brine ow of 200 kg/s and could be
M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446 441

Fig. 4. Correlation for U and W/S for the air condenser unit with ambient temperature between 15 and 25  C [16]. The range of fan velocity investigated corresponds to frontal air
velocities between 1.0 and 2.5 m/s. Organic uid at inlet assumed at saturated vapor conditions. The effect of de-superheating in the range experienced in this work has been tested
on some uids considered in this work, leading to maximum errors of the thermal power of 2% with respect to a condition of saturated vapor condensation.

representative of an area with a favorable geothermal gradient of geothermal brine is completely exploited in both cases. The main
50  C/km [18]. Due to the large uncertainty and the strong site effect of economic optimization is a reduction of absolute total
dependency, a sensitivity analysis has been performed for this plant cost but also a lower value of both total plant (7%) and
assumption. power block (16%) specic costs, even if net power production
A preliminary economic optimization procedure was carried out decreases.
with four uids with very different thermodynamic properties in The optimization procedure applied to ammonia entails a
order to validate the correlations adopted in a wide range of con- reduction of the condensing temperature (almost identical to the
ditions and to verify the inuence of the various parameters which one found for R134a) with an almost constant evaporating pressure
mainly affect the nal optimal solution. A geothermal brine with a and the removal of the regenerator in order to achieve a higher
temperature at PHE inlet equal to 150  C and a reinjection tem- recovery efciency. Superheating temperature is higher and,
perature equal to 70  C is taken as reference case. together with a lower Tcond, it leads to a greater cycle efciency.
Fluids here considered are R134a, ammonia, water and octane. Power block cost increases because of the lower DTml in both
R134a, despite its GWP, is commonly used as refrigerant uid and as condenser and PHE but power block specic cost is slightly
working uid for supercritical regenerative cycles [19]. Ammonia, reduced, thanks to the higher power output. It is also important to
thanks to its thermodynamic properties, gives the possibility to note that the absolute total plant cost is lower for ammonia than for
obtain a compact design of the components and may be protable R134a because subcritical cycles always lead to higher DTml and
from an economic point of view. However, it is rarely used in power lower PHE costs. In addition also the ammonia turbine is cheaper
plants due to its toxicity. than the R134a one, because of its small SP, even if it is designed
Water is the most common uid used for power generation, but with a higher number of stages (4 vs. 2). The total plant specic cost
it is not competitive for medium-low temperature heat sources and nally decreases according to the higher plant efciency. In both
small sizes, mostly because of the uneconomical turbine design. For cases component cost repartitions show that primary heat
this case, since a wet expansion cannot be avoided with reasonable exchanger, condenser and turbine cover almost the 75% of total
cycle parameters, the constraint which keeps the expansion in power block cost. The nal specic cost is lower for R134a, thanks
superheated vapor region is suppressed. The selected conguration to its higher efciency.
for ammonia and water consists of a subcritical superheated cycle As expected the results obtained for water and octane are very
with the adoption of a gearbox. different. For these uids, the turbine is largely the most expensive
Finally, octane is considered in order to investigate the dif- component and economic optimization leads to an increase in both
culties which can occur when using complex uids with a high evaporation and condensing pressure, with the main goal of
critical temperature. A subcritical superheated cycle is adopted, reducing the turbine size. Cycle efciency slightly increases but
allowing the solver to converge to a saturated conguration acting recovery rate drops because of the higher evaporation temperature,
on DTap,PHE variable. entailing a lower plant efciency and power production. The overall
In Table 5, the calculated efciencies and values of the optimized power block and total plant specic costs decrease, but reaching
parameters resulting from the thermodynamic and from the eco- values which are more than twice than the R134a and ammonia
nomic optimization are reported. ones.
In Fig. 5 a comparison between thermodynamic and economic Octane is selected as representative of high complexity uids. It
optimizations is presented for the four investigated uids. Wide features an overhanging saturation line and the optimization
stacked bars are referred to absolute component cost repartition numerically converges to a saturated cycle, which is the most
while tight bars show the change in total plant specic cost and
power block specic cost. Table 4
Final results for R134a show a lower DTap,cond (i.e. a lower Tcond) Assumption for PHE and recuperator costs.

than the value adopted in the thermodynamic optimization with a PHE Rec
consequent increase of both air condenser area and fans con- C0, kV 1500 260
sumption. On the hot side, optimal maximum pressure decreases UA0, kW/K 4000 650
while DTap,PHE increases entailing a higher value of DTml,PHE, which a1 0.03881 0.00164
allows reducing the cost of the primary heat exchanger, accepting a2 0.11272 0.00627
a3 0.08183 0.0123
lower cycle efciency. Thanks to the optimization of DTpp,rec,
442 M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446

Table 5
Comparison between thermodynamic and economic optimization results for four test uids. DTSH for supercritical cycles (i.e. R134a) is dened as the difference between
maximum uid temperature (point 7) and critical temperature. The maximum geothermal brine temperature is 150  C while the mgeo is equal to 200 kg/s

R134a Ammonia Water Octane

Th Eco Th Eco Th Eco Th Eco

Cycle conguration Sup, rec Sub, SH, rec Sub, SH no-rec Sub, SA rec
Tcrit/Tin,geo 0.884 0.958 1.529 1.345
hcycle % 12.43 12.36 10.64 11.47 10.86 11.76 11.74 12.58
hrec % 100 100 92.74 97.03 83.29 57.78 84.71 71.46
hplant % 12.43 12.36 9.86 11.13 9.05 6.79 9.94 8.99
hII % 50.69 50.39 40.23 45.39 36.90 27.7 40.55 36.66
Wgross MW 10.51 10.21 7.364 8.367 6.343 4.600 6.973 6.162
Wpump MW 1.870 1.467 0.444 0.454 0.005 0.005 0.039 0.037
Wfan MW 0.4 0.55 0.38 0.53 0.34 0.09 0.34 0.17
CTOT, Specic V/kW 2697 2510 2869 2673 8259 7252 7430 6828
CPB, Specic V/kW 1241 1046 1034 1047 6258 4588 5610 4815
pin,turb bar 52.1 44.7 46.8 46.4 0.57 1.25 0.38 0.58
C 9.93 13.49 5.6 2.0 4.5 2.00 54.35 41.75
C 3 6.44 3 2.0 3 0.73 3 0.68
C 0.5 0.428 0.5 0.405 0.5 0.62 0.5 0.42
C 15 11.66 15 11.43 15 30.57 15 20.57
C 5 15.97 5 9.588 e e 5 12.88
C 39.1 35.51 57.77 61.73 60.32 41.36 1.10 0.64

Teva C e e 86.63 86.27 85.18 106.6 95.65 107.62

Tcond C 30 26.66 30 26.43 30 45.57 30 35.57
pcond bar 7.7002 6.99 11.67 10.48 0.043 0.099 0.025 0.033
hturb % 85 87.06 85 88.7 85 86.35 85 85.56
nstages e 2 e 4 e 6 e 2
Ns e 0.084 e 0.1 e 0.1 e 0.1
SP m e 0.252 e 0.159 e 0.913 e 2.01
Rotational speed RPM e 3000 e 8385 e 1500 e 600

advantageous conguration also from the economic point of view 3.4. Geothermal well cost sensitivity analysis
due to the higher DTml,PHE as for the water. The main difculty
found in using high critical temperature uids is the very low In this paragraph the inuence of the geothermal well cost on
condensing pressure and the consequently high specic volume at the optimal economic cycle is shortly discussed. The total drilling
turbine exhaust, causing a high cost of this component. In conclu- cost is a site dependent variable, strongly related to well depth
sion, even if water and octane are competitive from a thermody- and to the geothermal gradient. It also depends on the type of
namic point of view, they are economically unsuitable for medium rocks to be drilled and the commodity price. In some cases, a
low temperature geothermal sources. In particular, water is more geothermal well could be already present and only the costs of
indicated for high temperature heat sources with net power of at repowering have to be considered. All these aspects reect in a
least 10 MW, in order to reduce criticalities (small volume ow wide variability for geothermal well cost. Therefore, a sensitivity
rates) in the design of the turbine rst stage. On the other hand, analysis on the supercritical R134a cycle previously considered is
octane and other complex hydrocarbons and siloxanes are attrac- carried out by reducing the eld cost by 50%, 75% and 100%. The
tive for high temperature small-scale cogenerative applications, main results are listed in Table 6 and a graphical comparison
where the higher condensing temperature and pressure lead to a between economic optimizations obtained with maximum and
favorable size of the last turbine stage. zero well costs are reported in the Tes and TeQ diagrams in
Fig. 6.
All the reported variables show relatively small changes for the
rst three simulations but a strong change when a null cost of
geothermal well is assumed. By reducing the geothermal well cost,
economic optimization moves towards cycles with a lower ef-
ciency, that is mainly obtained by increasing DTml in both PHE and
condenser. Variation of DTap of these two components entails a
reduction of the cycle efciency and in the last two cases also a
reduction of the heat recovery efciency that strongly penalize
power production.
In particular, for a well cost equal to zero the DTpp,PHE does not
occur internally in the heat exchanger but at the hot end, because of
the high value of the optimal Treinj,geo. In addition, regenerator is
almost inhibited as shown in Fig. 6. On the contrary, the maximum
pressure remains almost unchanged among all the investigate
cases. In conclusion, geothermal eld cost strongly affects the total
plant specic cost. However, for this specic case investigated, it is
also shown that a quite high underestimation (even 50%) has just
Fig. 5. Absolute component cost repartition (left axis) and specic costs (right axis)
achievable for four test uids for a geothermal source at 150  C and mass ow rate is
a little inuence on cycle design. This aspect is crucial because it
equal to 200 kg/s; cost are representative of a large scale, standard plant, located in an entails a more general validity of the economic optimization results
area with a favorable geothermal gradient. obtained.
M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446 443

Table 6 and 0.9, where several cycles with different uids can achieve good
Results for well cost sensitivity analysis applied to an R134a supercritical regener- economics. For values of Tcrit/Tin,geo lower than 0.8, the cost of
ative cycle.
optimized solutions rapidly increases due to the reduction of plant
Well cost reduction multiplier performances as already found from the thermodynamic analysis.
1 0.5 0.25 0 For values above 0.9, costs rise as well, due to the lower efciency of
subcritical saturated cycles and to the strong increase of turbine
Wspecic kW/(kg/s) 40.962 39.121 35.917 18.348
hcycle % 12.36 11.8 11.56 8.35 cost which mainly affects the nal solution. In this case, the optimal
hrec % 100 100 93.75 66.25 solution is an R134a supercritical regenerative cycle with no
hplant % 12.36 11.8 10.83 5.53 gearbox. For this uid, a well-designed two-stage turbine directly
hII % 50.39 48.13 44.18 22.57
jointed with the generator can be used. For ammonia, results also
Wgross MW 10.21 9.97 9.14 4.972
Wpump MW 1.467 1.533 1.422 1.008 deserve to be discussed: the optimal cycle is subcritical with no
Wfan MW 0.55 0.61 0.53 0.30 regeneration and a high level of superheating. In this case, the
CTOT MV 20.57 13.86 9.81 3.03 adoption of a speed reducer is advantageous and the mechanical
CPB MV 8.57 7.86 6.81 3.03 losses associated to this component are more than compensated by
CTOT, Specic V/kW 2510 1772 1366 825.7
the increased turbine efciency. Optimal rotational speed is around
CPB, Specic V/kW 1046 1005 948 825.7
C 13.48 14.92 16.12 16.27 8350 RPM (rotation per minute) and allows increasing the specic
C 6.44 7.54 9.14 16.27 speed Ns of the last stage, which would be far from the optimum
C 12.70 13.87 15.65 24.32 value without the adoption of a speed reducer.
C 11.66 12.66 15.41 30.31
From these calculations, it appears that the use of a gearbox is
C 0.43 0.60 0.85 2.50
DTml, cond 
C 5.15 5.86 6.88 15.8
generally not protable. However, this result is strongly affected by
Vratio, stage 2.56 2.60 2.45 3.99 the thermal level and the ow rate of the geothermal brine. An
hturb % 87.06 86.97 87.22 83.92 increase in energy input modies the working uid mass ow and,
nstages 2 2 2 1 for a given set of design parameters, the volume ow rate dis-
Ns 0.084 0.083 0.083 0.045
charged by the turbine. This variable have a direct inuence on Ns
SP m 0.252 0.247 0.238 0.155
and nally on the turbine efciency.
In all the investigated applications, uids with high critical
3.5. Techno-economic optimization results temperatures show extreme values of outlet volume ow rates,
which entail optimized rotational speed far below 3000 RPM. In
The economic optimization routine is applied to all the these cases, the adoption of multi-pole generator is certainly ad-
considered uids for the three selected geothermal brine inlet vantageous, but turbine size and cost increase a lot, leading to non-
temperatures 120, 150 and 180  C. Both supercritical and subcritical competitive costs. As already mentioned, this kind of uids are
cycles with or without gearbox are considered. more indicated for back pressure co-generative power plants
In Fig. 7, the detailed results of the 150  C brine case, with 70  C where an increase of the condensing pressure allows keeping a
reinjection temperature limit are reported. Firstly, it is possible to reasonable diameter of the last turbine stage.
note a rather regular trend of the total plant specic cost on Tcrit/ Finally, for uids with Tcrit/Tin,geo just above 0.9, supercritical
Tin,geo parameter. The minimum is found in the range between 0.8 cycles have specic costs higher than subcritical ones, even if they

Fig. 6. Optimized power cycles diagrams for the extreme assumed well costs.
444 M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446

Fig. 7. Economic optimization results for a 150  C geothermal brine.

Fig. 8. Economic results for all the investigated brine temperatures.

allow achieving higher performances. Supercritical cycles are kept

close to the saturation line and optimal pin, Turbine and DTap,PHE vary other hand optimal DTap,PHE values are lower than those obtained in
in narrow ranges, due to the constraint keeping the expansion in previous case involving a smaller PHE and a detrimental effect on
the superheated vapor region. In these cases, the economic opti- plant performances. A Tradeoff between these effects allows to
mization cannot effectively increase DTml,PHE without changing achieve a smaller specic cost respect to thermodynamic optimi-
Treinj,geo and subcritical cycles can achieve lower specic costs zation. For uid with high Tcrit/Tin,geo values instead the main dif-
because of the lack of this constraint. culty is related to turbine sizing and cost. In order to limit the last
Optimal results for all cycle and for each brine temperature are stage dimension optimal values of DTap,cond are higher than in
reported in Fig. 8. Circle markers refer to economic optimization thermodynamic optimization entailing a lower plant efciency but
results, while stars are representative of values obtained from also a lower cost of both turbine and condenser unit. DTap,PHE
thermodynamic optimization. First, it is possible to see the reduc- optimal values are close to the lower bound with a high cost of the
tion of total plant specic cost as a result of the economic optimi- PHE and good effects on plant performance. For uids near the
zation procedure. In many cases this difference seems to be quite optimum, the techno-economic optimizations acts in different
small, but it is important to remember that the well cost strongly ways depending on uid properties and a univocal interpretation of
affects the nal solution for geothermal binary power plants. In results cannot be done.
particular, for the assumed exploration and drilling costs, economic Finally, it is interesting to highlight that some optimization
and thermodynamic optimum are quite similar, due to the need of variables assume values almost constant for each optimized solu-
amortizing a large initial investment cost. Moreover, values tion around the minimum. Optimal values for DTap,cond and
computed in the thermodynamic optimization are based on a DT*pp,Cond/DTap,cond are reported as example in Fig. 10. Lower
constant turbine efciency, a hypothesis which is not necessarily DTap,cond yields lower condensing temperature, while lower
warranted for all considered uids. DT*pp,cond/DTap,cond requires low speed-low consumption
For the two extreme temperatures the same trend previously condenser fans and show how a reduction of the geothermal brine
described can be recognized. The optimal solution for the 180  C temperature entails lower values for both parameters. In this cases
brine is a regenerative supercritical cycle with no speed reducer,
which entails the same considerations already discussed for 150  C
brine optimal solution. Different aspects can be instead highlighted
for the 120  C brine case, where the optimal solution is a R161
subcritical superheated cycle with regeneration and adoption of a
gearbox. This uid shows a bell shaped saturation line, with no
possibility to realize a saturated cycle. The small difference be-
tween the critical and the condensing temperature, combined with
the low working uid mass ow, reects in a small volume ow
discharged from the turbine. If the turbine is directly jointed to the
generator, too small Ns values are obtained with a strong penali-
zation of turbine performance. On the other hand, with the adop-
tion of a gearbox, the optimized rotational speed results around
6500 RPM with an increase of more than 4% points of turbine
isentropic efciency.
Referring to Fig. 9 it is possible to describe how the optimization
routine acts in order to achieve the minimum specic cost. For
uids with low Tcrit/Tin,geo optimal techno-economic results are
obtained thanks to an efciency increase and an almost constant
plant cost, as can be explained observing optimal values of DTap,cond
and DTap,PHE. Optimal DTap,cond values are lower than 15  C (xed
value in thermodynamic optimization) entailing an higher power
output but even a more expensive air cooled condenser. On the Fig. 9. Specic power index for techno-economic optimizations.
M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446 445

 An increase of the relative cost of the geothermal well push the

economic optimization towards cycles with higher efciencies
and higher power block absolute costs.


BOP balance of plant
COE cost of electricity, V/MWh
Cs specic cost, V/kW
GWP global warming potential index
HTF heat transfer uid
LB lower bound
ODP ozone depletion potential index
ORC Organic Rankine Cycles
PB power block
UB upper bound
Fig. 10. Optimal values of condenser unit DTap and DTpp/DTap. WHR waste heat recovery

the weight of geothermal well cost is so high that the solution is Notation
pushed towards a more expensive but also more efcient power C cost, V
plant. eco techno-economic optimization
k stage load coefcient
4. Conclusions n number of turbine stages, #
Ns stage specic speed, rotations
In this work a techno-economic optimization of different ORC p pressure bar
congurations operating with a number of working uids is per- Q kW
formed, considering equipment cost correlations and a model to rec/no-rec recuperative/non recuperative cycle conguration
estimate the turbine design and efciency. The multivariable non- RPM rotation per minute
linear optimization is carried out with a two level routine, which SA saturated or slightly superheated cycle
acts by varying six design parameters (pin,turb, DTap,PHE, DTap,cond, SH superheated cycle
DTpp,rec, Treinj,geo and DT*pp,cond), with the objective of minimizing SP stage size parameter, m
the total plant specic cost. Results can be summarized in the Sub subcritical cycle
following statements: Sup supercritical cycle
T temperature,  C
 The choice of uid and cycle conguration is crucial in order to Th thermodynamic optimization
minimize the total plant specic cost: important performance u uid velocity in heat exchangers, m/s
and cost variations result between optimal and non-optimal U global heat transfer coefcient, kW/(m2 K)
cycles. V volume ow rate, m3/s
 The techno-economic optimization provides results different W power, kW
from the ones obtained from the thermodynamic analysis, a specic heat exchange area, m2/kW
conrming its primary importance in the optimization of ORC Dh enthalpy drop, kJ/kg K
plants. However, it is conrmed that for sufcient maximum Dp pressure difference bar
geothermal brine DTs (in presence of a high brine temperatures DT temperature difference,  C
or low minimum reinjection temperatures), supercritical cycles h efciency, %
perform better also from the economic point of view.
 Optimal uids have Tcrit/Tin,geo parameter close (slightly lower) Subscripts
to the ones found for the thermodynamic analysis, but advan- 0 reference condition for cost correlations
tages related to supercritical cycles over subcritical ones are less amb ambient conditions
evident. ap approach point
 Adopting uids with Tcrit/Tin,geo parameter lower than 0.8 in cond condensation (condition) or condenser (plant
supercritical conguration entails higher plant costs due to the component)
poor cycle efciency, while for values above 0.9e1 specic costs crit critical condition
rise mainly because of the increase of the turbine cost. CS HE cold side
 Gearbox is not always protable; for the investigated cases it can cw cooling water
be conveniently adopted for low molecular complexity uids des desuperheating section of condenser (plant component)
(e.g. water, ammonia, R161) to obtain acceptable turbine eco economizer (plant component)
efciencies. el electrical
 High critical temperature uids require turbines with a low eva evaporation (conditions) or evaporator (plant
speed of revolution in order to have specic speed near the component)
optimal value and hence the adoption of a multi-pole generator. gen generator (plant component)
 Sensitivity analysis on geothermal well cost shows that the geo geothermal brine
optimal cycle parameters do not change appreciably by chang- HS HE hot side
ing the geothermal well cost, at least when its contribution on II second law
total cost is not lower than half of the cost of the power block. in inlet condition
446 M. Astol et al. / Energy 66 (2014) 435e446

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