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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Engineering
Electronics and Communications Engineering
3rd Flr. Engineering and Architecture Bldg., NDC Compound, Sta.
Mesa, Manila

Transmission Media and Antenna Systems


Submitted by

Alva, Jayson
Coronado, Erin Allison
Garado, Lady Kynnia
Mangaring, Mark Gimme
Nera, Haxel
Sayson, Errol
Sarmiento, Chelsea Jaye
BS ECE 5-4

Submitted to

Engr. Renan John Caas

Introduction to Log Periodic Antenna

Log Periodic Antenna / Aerial

The log periodic antenna or aerial often called the LPDA is a wideband directional antenna that provides
gain and directivity combined over a wide band of frequencies.

One form of antenna that is able to provide gain and directivity along with a wide bandwidth is known
as the log periodic antenna. Although larger than an equivalent Yagi or other directive design for an
equivalent level of gain, it provides the capability to operate on many different frequencies.

A log periodic antenna used for television reception

The log periodic antenna was initially developed by Dwight E. Isbell, Raymond DuHamel who published a
paper in 1957 later additional variants were made by Paul Mayes. The concept of the log periodic
antenna was patented by the University of Illinois in the USA.

Log periodic antenna types & variants

There are several forms of log periodic antenna. The exact type that is most applicable for any given
application will depend upon the requirements.

The main types of log periodic antenna include:

Log periodic dipole array, LPDA

Slot log periodic
Zigzag log periodic array
Trapezoidal log periodic
V log periodic

The type that is most widely used is the log periodic dipole array, LPDA, and that will be described here.
A log periodic antenna used for HF communications

Log periodic dipole array basics

The log periodic dipole array consists of a number of dipole elements. These progressively reduce in size
from the back to the front the direction of maximum radiation is from the smaller front.

Each dipole element of the LPDA is fed, but the phase is reversed between adjacent dipole elements
this ensures that the signal phasing is correct between the different elements. It also means that a
feeder is required along the length of the antenna. Normally this is arranged so that it forms part of the
mechanical structure of the array.

Not all the antenna array is active at any given frequency. The active region, i.e. the sections of the
antenna that are contributing to the transmission or reception vary with frequency, and only about
three may really contribute to the radiation at any given frequency. There is also a smooth transition of
the active region of the LPDA along the array as the frequency of operation changes.

The element at the back of the array where the elements are the largest is a half wavelength at the
lowest frequency of operation - the longest element acts as a half wave dipole at the lowest frequency.
The element spacing also decrease towards the front of the array where the smallest elements are
located. The upper frequency is a function of the length of the shortest element.

Log periodic dipole array, LPDA concept

There is also normally a shorted matching feeder stub attached to the end of the feeder furthest from
the shortest element to ensure that the required match is provided to the antenna feeder and along the
feed line in the antenna.

Log periodic antenna performance

The log periodic dipole array, LPDA is generally able to operate over a frequency range of around 2:1
and provide forward gain over a dipole.

Like the Yagi antenna it exhibits forward gain and has a high front to back ratio, but the LPDA is able to
operate over a much wider bandwidth and will have a lower gain for an equivalent number of elements.

In operation the radiation pattern of the LPDA design remains broadly the same over the whole of the
operating band. In addition to this parameters like the radiation resistance and reflected power as
indicated by the standing wave ratio.

In terms of its specification a typical log periodic antenna might provide between 3 and 6 dB gain over
dipole for a bandwidth of 2:1 while retaining an VSWR level of better than 1.3:1. With this level of
performance it is ideal for many applications, although a log periodic antenna will be much larger than a
Yagi of equivalent gain.

Log periodic antenna applications

The log periodic antenna is used in many areas wide bandwidth levels are needed along with directivity
and gain. There are several areas where the antenna is used:

HF communications
UHF Terrestrial TV
EMC measurements
Other applications: There are many other applications where log periodic antennas can be
used. Any applications where directivity and a wide bandwidth are needed are ideal applications
for this form of RF antenna design.

How to Make Log Periodic Antenna


Aluminum rod (5ft)

Square tube (3ft)
Connecting wires
Antenna Element Holder (7pcs)
Coaxial Wire (3m)
BNC Connector
Bolts and Knots


1. Prepare the materials.

2. Cut elements (aluminum rod) in these sizes in pairs:

a) 11.54 inch
b) 10.1 inch
c) 8.84 inch
d) 7.74 inch
e) 6.67 inch
f) 5.92 inch
g) 5.18 inch

3. Arrange the elements as shown below on the square tube using the antenna element holder
and screw it.

Element Distances:
d1= 0 inch
d2= 3.73 inch
d3= 6.99 inch
d4= 9.85 inch
d5= 12.35 inch
d6= 14.54 inch
d7= 16.45 inch

4. Connect the wire pattern as shown below (blue arrows as 1st layer).
5. Connect the balun on the lower part of the elements.

6. Connect the coaxial cable to the balun.

7. Test the antenna by connecting to the television.


Chosen Parameters:

Minimum Frequency 512 MHz

Maximum Frequency 662 MHz
Number of Elements 7
Scale Factor () 0.875
Relative spacing () 0.162
Gain 7.67 dB

Note: and values are derived from the curve below:

This formula is used to determine the length of the following elements with L1 set to
11.54 inches:

= ( )

Element Number Length (inches)co

L1 11.54
L2 10.1
L3 8.84
L4 7.74
L5 6.76
L6 5.92
L7 5.18


= ( + ) = = = .

Element Spacing Length (inches)

D1 0.00
D2 3.73
D3 6.99
D4 9.85
D5 12.35
D6 14.54
D7 16.45

Placing the antenna element holders to the square tube Drilling hole on the elements

Simultaneous marking of holes for antenna elements and drilling

Connecting the elements and the balun

Testing the antenna:

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