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Appellant )
) Case No. 17-2074
v. )
Appellee )



The Appellant Mohan A. Harihar, respectfully files this NOTICE to inform the Court that before

moving forward with next legal steps, a FINAL opportunity to reach a MUTUAL AGREEMENT

has, IN GOOD FAITH been extended to The United States. The attached letter, a hardcopy of which

has been sent via US Mail, is addressed to representing counsel Assistant US Attorney Dina Michael

Chaitowitz (See Attachment A).

For documentation purposes, after sending a copy of this document to the President, the email from

The White House confirming receipt is attached (See Attachment B) with the filed Court copy. If

there is a question regarding ANY portion of this Notice, the Appellant is happy to provide additional

supporting information upon request, in a separate hearing and with the presence of an independent

court reporter.
Respectfully submitted this 11th Day of December, 2017

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
[email protected]

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Attachment A

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December 11, 2017

Dina Michael Chaitowitz

Assistant US Attorney
John Joseph Moakley
United States Federal Courthouse
1 Courthouse Way, Suite 9200
Boston, MA 02210

RE: Appeal No. 17-2074 Mutual Agreement Opportunity

Dear Asst. US Attorney Chaitowitz:

The Appellant Mohan A. Harihar respectfully prefaces this Letter

with the following Disclosure statement:

The gravity of serious legal issues addressed in the Civil Complaint

against THE UNITED STATES, this associated Appeal, and in the
RELATED Appeal,1 include (but are not limited to) evidenced
allegations of TREASON under ARTICLE III, Section 3 of the
Constitution, Economic Espionage pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1832 and
are believed to impact matters of National Security. Therefore,
copies of this filed Letter are sent via email, social media and/or
certified mail to: The Executive Office of the President (EOP), the
US Inspector General - Michael Horowitz, US Attorney General - Jeff
Sessions, members of the US Senate and House of Representatives, the
House Judiciary Committee, House Oversight Committee and to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). A copy will also be made
available to the Public. THEREFORE, ALL AMERICANS serve as WITNESS.
Parties are additionally informed for documentation purposes, and
out of the Appellants continued concerns for personal

The purpose of this communication, is to document for the record and

in full PUBLIC VIEW, whether or not The United States has interest
in reaching a mutual agreement in the above referenced appeal. As
you know, the record clearly reveals that while under NO legal
obligation to do so, I Mohan A. Harihar have - IN GOOD FAITH
respectfully extended multiple opportunities to The United States to
reach mutual agreement with regard to the CIVIL portions of this

1 The related Appeal references HARIHAR v. US BANK et al, Appeal No.

17-cv-1381 (Also, lower court Docket No. 15-cv-11880).
Page 4
litigation. Despite these efforts, it is unclear why I have yet to
receive an answer.

From the beginning of this litigation AND in the related

litigation, HARIHAR v. US Bank et al, my clear, documented legal
intentions have been twofold:

1. To hold ALL responsible parties civilly and criminally

responsible for the referenced ILLEGAL FORECLOSURE; and
2. To ultimately gain alignment with The United States regarding
my Intellectual property/Trade Secret designed to assist the US
with historic economic growth/repair.2

HOWEVER, a THOROUGH review of the record(s) reveals evidenced

actions by multiple parties including (but not limited to) TEN (10)
officers of the Court acting on behalf of The United States,
appearing to have a clear agenda, and INTENTION of preventing a JUST
outcome. You are aware, that the list of evidenced allegations is
lengthy a PARTIAL list includes (but is not limited to):

1. Acts of TREASON under ARTICLE III;

2. MISPRISION of TREASON, PURSUANT to 18 U.S. Code 2382;
3. Economic Espionage under 18 U.S.C. 1832;
4. Judicial FRAUD on the COURT under FRCP 60(b)(3);
5. Federal Tort Claims, pursuant to (at minimum) 28 U.S. Code
6. Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color
of Law;
7. Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 Conspiracy Against Rights;
8. Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1001 Fraud and False Statements;
9. Title 42 Sec. 1983, Civil action for Deprivation of Rights;
10. Obstruction of Justice pursuant to 18 USC Chapter 73;
11. Civil/Criminal RICO Violations.

Before moving forward with next legal steps, I am respectfully

requesting for the last time an ANSWER as to whether or not The
United States has interest in reaching a mutual agreement here. As
representing counsel, you are respectfully given until 5PM (EST) on
Friday, December 15, 2017 to provide a documented answer for the
record. Please be advised, should The United States DECLINE or
IGNORE this opportunity to reach a mutual agreement, respectfully
there will not be another. The pursuit of civil and criminal claims
against ALL responsible parties will continue, regardless of
timeline. Please be advised that the EVIDENCED and UNOPPOSED
Judicial Fraud on the Court claims - ALONE, are enough to support a
Motion to (at minimum) Vacate the Dismissal order with damages.

2 The Intellectual Property/Trade Secret belonging solely to the

Appellant, Mohan A. Harihar is known as the HARIHAR FCS Model.
Page 5
It remains my sincere hope, that The United States does in fact wish
to reach a mutual agreement, and that together, this alignment will
pave the way to greater economic prosperity for our Nation. I look
forward to your timely response.

Finally, for documentation purposes, after sending a copy of this

letter document to the President, the email from The White House
confirming receipt is attached (See Attachment B). The Court will
also receive a copy of this letter as a NOTICE, and a hardcopy has
been mailed to your direct attention via US Mail. If there is a
question regarding ANY portion of this Opportunity to Reach Mutual
Agreement, the Appellant is happy to provide additional supporting
information upon request, in a separate hearing and with the
presence of an independent court reporter.

Respectfully submitted this 11th Day of December, 2017.

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
[email protected]

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Attachment B

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I hereby certify that on December 11, 2017 I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of Court
using the CM/ECF System, which will send notice of such filing to the following registered CM/ECF

Dina Michael Chaitowitz

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
[email protected]

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