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Ars Poetica Yet Dish IX Not an eider.

Not either. Not either either.

Gertrude Stein Negligible old star.
Archibald MacLeish
Pour even. XVIII
I It was a sad per cent.
A poem should be palpable and mute Does on sun day. Neglect, neglect use such.
As a globed fruit, Put a sun in Sunday, Sunday. Watch or water. Use such a man.
Eleven please ten hoop. Hoop. So soon a moon or a old heavy press. Neglect use such a man.
Dumb Cousin coarse in coarse in soap. Such some here.
As old medallions to the thumb, Cousin coarse in soap sew up. soap. X
Cousin coarse in sew up soap. XIX
Silent as the sleeve-worn stone Pearl cat or cat or pill or pour check.
Of casement ledges where the moss has II New sit or little. Note tie a stem bone single pair so
grown New sat or little not a wad yet. itching.
A lea ender stow sole lightly. Heavy toe heavy sit on head.
A poem should be wordless Not a bet beggar. XX
As the flight of birds. Nearer a true set jump hum, XI Little lane in lay in a circular crest.
A lamp lander so seen poor lip.
* Ex, ex, ex. XXI
III Bull it bull it bull it bull it.
A poem should be motionless in time Ex Ex Ex. Peace while peace while toast.
As the moon climbs, Never so round. Paper eight paper eight or, paper eight ore
A is a guess and a piece. XII white.
Leaving, as the moon releases A is a sweet cent sender.
Twig by twig the night-entangled trees, A is a kiss slow cheese. Cousin plates pour a y shawl hood XXII
A is for age jet. hair.
Leaving, as the moon behind the winter No see eat. Coop pour.
leaves, IV Never a single ham.
Memory by memory the mind XIII Charlie. Charlie.
New deck stairs.
A poem should be motionless in time Little in den little in dear den. They are getting, bad left log lope, should a XXIII
As the moon climbs. court say stream, not
V a dare long beat a soon port. Neglect or.
* A be wade.
Polar pole. XIV Earnest care lease.
A poem should be equal to: Dust winder. Colored will he. Least ball sup.
Not true. Core see. Calamity.
A bale a bale o a bale. Colored will he XXIV
For all the history of grief Is it a soon. Is it a soon. Is it a soon. soon. Meal dread.
An empty doorway and a maple leaf. VI Is it a soon. soon. Meal dread so or.
Meal dread so or bounce.
For love Extravagant new or noise peal XV Meal dread so or bounce two sales. Meal
The leaning grasses and two lights above extravagant. Nobodys ice. dread so or bounce two
the sea Nobodys ice to be knuckles. sails. Not a rice. No nor a pray seat, not
VII Nobodys nut soon. a little muscle, not a
A poem should not mean Nobodys seven picks. nor noble, not a cool right more than a
But be. S a glass. Picks soap stacks. song in every period
(1925) Roll ups. Six in set on seven in seven told, to top. of nails and pieces pieces places of
Powder in wails, powder in sails, powder is A spread chin shone.
all next to it is does A set spread chin shone. Neat know.
wait sack rate all goals like chain in Play in horizontal pet soap.
clear. XVII
No people so sat. (1913)
[anyone lived in a pretty how town] r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r To My Wash-Stand in one particular breaking of the
tile at which I have
e.e. cummings e.e. cummings Louis Zukofsky looked and looked

anyone lived in a pretty how town r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r To my wash-stand has opposed to my head
(with up so floating many bells down) who in which I wash the inscription of a head
spring summer autumn winter a)s w(e loo)k my left hand whose coinage is the
he sang his didnt he danced his did. upnowgath and my right hand coinage of the poor
Women and men(both little and small) eringint(o- To my wash-stand observant in waiting
cared for anyone not at all aThe):l whose base is Grrek in their getting up mornings
they sowed their isnt they reaped their eA whose shaft and in their waiting
same !p: is marble and is fluted going to bed
sun moon stars rain S a
(r To my wash-stand carefully attentive
children guessed(but only a few rIvInG .gRrEaPsPhOs) whose wash-bowl to what they have
and down they forgot as up they grew to is an oval and to what they do not
autumn winter spring summer) rea(be)rran(com)gi(e)ngly in a square have
that noone loved him more by more ,grasshopper;
(1932) To my wash-stand when a flow of water
when by now and tree by leaf whose square is marble doubled in narrow folds
she laughed his joy she cried his grief and inscribes two occasions invertible counterpoints
bird by snow and stir by still smaller ovals to left and right for soap over a head and
anyones any was all to her
Comes a song of an age in a wash-stand
someones married their everyones water from the right faucet and the left and in their own heads
laughed their cryings and did their dance Ferry my left and my
(sleep wake hope and then)they right hand mixing hot and cold (1932)
said their nevers they slept their dream Louis Zukofsky
Comes a flow which
stars rain sun moon Gleams, a green lamp if I have called a song
(and only the snow can begin to explain In the fog: is a song
how children are apt to forget to remember Murmur, in almost entirely in my head
with up so floating many bells down) A dialogue
a song out of imagining
one day anyone died i guess Siren and signal modillions descried above
(and noone stooped to kiss his face) Siren to signal. my head a frieze
busy folk buried them side by side of stone completing what no longer
little by little and was by was Parts the shore from the fog,
Rise there, tower on tower, is my wash-stand
all by all and deep by deep Signs of stray light since its marble has completed
and more by more they dream their sleep And of power. my getting up each morning
noone and anyone earth by april my washing before going to bed
wish by spirit and if by yes. Siren to signal
Siren to signal. my look into a mirror
Women and men(both dong and ding) to glimpse half an oval
summer autumn winter spring Hour-gongs and the green as if its half
reaped their sowing and went their came Of the lamp. were half-oval in my head and the
sun moon stars rain
(1940) Plash. Night. Plash. Sky. climates of many
inscriptions human heads shapes'
(1925) horses elephants' (tusks)
scratched in marble tile

so my wash-stand
Thank You for Saying This poem abjures from Cabbage Gardens from You, part I
Thank You obscurity & enigma. Susan Howe
There is nothing The past Ron Silliman
Charles Bernstein will overtake
hidden. A hundred
alien force for Pat Silliman
readers would each our house
This is a totally read the poem formed
accessible poem. in an identical I
of my mind
There is nothing manner & derive to enter
in this poem explorer Hard dreams. The moment at which you recognize that your
the same message
that is in any in a forest own death lies in wait somewhere within your body. A lone
from it. This
way difficult of myself ship defines the horizon. The rain is not safe to drink.
poem, like all
for all
to understand. good poems, tells my learning In Grozny, in Bihac, the idea of history shudders with each
All the words a story in a direct Solitude new explosion. The rose lies unattended, wild thorns at the
are simple & style that never quiet
to the point. edge of a mass grave. Between classes, over strong coffee,
leaves the reader and quieter
There are no new fringe young men argue the value of a pronoun.
guessing. While
concepts, no at times expressing of trees
by a river When this you see, remember. Note in a bottle bobs in a
theories, no bitterness, anger,
bridges black cartoon sea. The radio operators name is Sparks.
ideas to confuse resentment, xenophobia, on the deep
you. This poem & hints of racism, its the heaving sea Hand outlined in paint on a brick wall. Storm turns
has no intellectual ultimate mood is a watcher stands playground into a swamp. Finally we spot the wood duck on
pretensions. It is affirmative. It finds to see her ship
the middle lake.
purely emotional. joy even in winging away
It fully expresses Thick noises
those spiteful moments The dashboard of my car like the keyboard of a piano. Toy
the feelings of the merge in moonlight
of life that dark ripples animals anywhere.
author: my feelings, it shares with dissolving
the person speaking you. This poem and Sun swells in the morning sky.
to you now. represents the hope defining
It is all about for a poetry spheres Man with three pens clipped to the neck of his sweatshirt
communication. that doesn't turn and shuffles from one table to the next, seeking distance from
Heart to heart. snares
its back on the cold January air out the coffee house door, tall
This poem appreciates the audience, that Place of importance as in the old days Styrofoam cup in one hand, Of Grammatology in the other.
& values you as doesn't think it's stood on the ramparts of the fort Outside, a dog is tied to any empty bench, bike chained to
a reader. It better than the reader, the open sea outside the No Parking sign.
celebrates the that is committed alone with water-birds and cattle
triumph of the knee-deep in a stream
to poetry as a 2008
grove of reeds
human imagination popular form, like kite herons watching from the bank
amidst pitfalls & flying and fly henges
calamities. This poem fishing. This poem whole fields honeycombed with souterrains
has 90 lines, belongs to no human
269 words, and school, has no bones through the gloom
more syllables than dogma. It follows whose sudden mouth
I have time to surrounded my face
no fashion. It
a thread of blue around the coast
count. Each line, says just what feathery moon
word, & syllable it says. It's eternity swallows up time
have been chosen real. peaceable as foam
to convey only the O cabbage gardens
intended meaning 2003 summers elegy
& nothing more. sunset survived 1974

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