Enduring Vision Chapter 6 and Chapter 7

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Enduring Vision Chapter 6 and Chapter 7

1. Complete the chart:

Advantages Disadvantages
2. Create a list of major leaders for Britain and for America. Include those leaders
that were from other countries that helped America.
3. Locate a copy of The Crisis by Thomas Paine. This can be found on the Internet
or in any English III textbook. Read the opening paragraph. What do you think
Paine meant by the line these are the times that try mens souls? Give one
concrete example.
4. Briefly describe the Battle of Saratoga. Why was it a turning point in the
American Revolution?
5. What was significant of the Battle of Monmouth Court House?
6. What was the contribution of the privateer, George Rogers Clark?
7. Describe the Battle of Yorktown. What was the significance of the American
victory here?
8. List the provisions of the Treaty of Paris, 1783. Remember that date. Briefly
discuss the weaknesses of the treaty.
9. One of the goals of the American Revolution was equality; yet, the end of the
Revolution fell short in this goal for some groups of Americans. Briefly discuss
the social changes (or lack of changes) that occurred in America. Include: White
men, white women, African Americans, and Native Americans.
10. What notable letter did Abigail Adams write to her husband, John Adams? What
was the result?
11. Two major questions faced the new government in America: Who gets the
western territories? How to balance the rights of large states with the rights of
small states? The Articles of Confederation is the first attempt at a democratic
government in America. List the powers given to the federal government under
the articles. Why would the founders create such a weak central government?
12. Two achievements of the government under the Articles were the Land Ordinance
of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. Define each and tell the
significance of these laws.
13. List the leader, long-term causes, spark, major events, outcome, and significance
of Shays Rebellion. How did this event lead to the Constitutional Convention?
14. Define/Identify the following: James Madision, Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan,
Great Compromise, 3/5 Compromise, separation of powers, checks and balances,
15. Briefly describe the arguments central to the cause of the Anti-Federalists and the
Federalists. Make sure to list major leaders of the two groups. Please note that
the Anti-Federalists are not the same as the Democratic-Republicans that are later
formed as one of the first political parties. Were the fears of the Anti-Federalists
justifiable? Explain with examples. How does the Bill of Rights settle this
16. Identify the Federalist Papers and the authors of the essays. We will read #10,
#54, and #78 in class.
Chapter 7:
1. Define the Judiciary Act of 1789. What was significant about it?
2. Describe the contents of Hamiltons Reports on the Public Credit and the Report
on a National Bank. List the provisions of Hamiltons Financial Plan. You can
probably just lift this from last semesters notes.
3. Describe the Whiskey Rebellion. Include the significance of the outcome.
4. What policy did Washington and his Secretary of War, Henry Knox, adopt
regarding Native Americans?
5. Identify Citizen Edmond Genet. How did he embarrass George Washington?
6. What events led to the Treaty of Greenville? What were the provisions of the
7. What events led to Jays Treaty? Pinckneys Treaty? What was the American
reaction to each?
8. Review the differences in the first political parties from your first semester notes.
Create a chart that includes the following:

Topics to be Considered Federalist Party Democratic

Republicans in blue
Enduring Vision)
Views on central authority
Who should rule
Economy should be based
Favored in foreign affairs
Interpretation of the
Geographic center
9. List the warnings in Washingtons Farewell Address. What foreign policy stance
promoted in this address.
10. Create an election chart for the Election of 1796.
Election of 1796 Federalist Democratic Republican
Swing states
11. What problems could arise as a result of a president from one party and a vice
president from another party?
12. Describe John Adams as a president.
13. Explain the phrase, Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute. What was
Adams response to this crisis with France?
14. What was the Quasi-War with France in 1798? Significance?
15. Review the definitions of the Alien and Sedition Acts under Adams. What was
the Dem.-Rep. response? How did this lead to the Virginia and Kentucky
Resolves? Although acceptance of the nullification doctrine was not widespread
at the time, what red flag did these resolutions raise?
16. Chart of the Election of 1800

Election of 1800 Federalist Democratic Republican

Voter Turnout
17. Describe the idea of republican motherhood.
18. Who was Benjamin Banneker?
19. What was Gabriels Rebellion?
20. How did technological development strengthen slavery in the United States and
especially in the South?
21. What did Eli Whitney hope to accomplish with the invention of the cotton gin?
What was the actual impact?

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