Holcim Philippines Inc Vs Obra

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Duclan (March 16, 2016)

July 18, 2017

Undisputed Facts and Material Dates

Tabuk Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Inc. (TAMPCO) is a duly registered cooperative based in Tabuk, Kalinga. It employed Magdalena
Duclan as Cashier on August 15, 1989. In 2002, TAMPCO introduced Special Investment Loans (SILs) to its members and prospective
borrowers. Among those who availed themselves of the SILs were Brenda Falgui and Juliet Kotoken. In June 2003, TAMPCO issued
Board Order (BA) No. 28, which limited the grant of SILs to 5 million. However, SILs were still granted to Falgui and Kotoken over
and above the ceiling set. This prompted TAMPCOs board of directors (BOD) to issue BA No. 55 completely halting the grant of SILs.
Despite the board action, SILs were still granted to Falgui (6,697,000.00) and Kotoken (3.5 million). Eventually, Falgui filed for
insolvency and Kotoken failed to pay her loans.

The BOD then created a fact-finding committee to investigate the SIL fiasco. The BOD summoned Duclan and other employees to the
proceedings and required them to submit their respective answers to the committee. Duclan admitting that despite the issuance of BA
No. 55, she and other employees approved and released SILs, and that she acknowledged responsibility therefor. After conducting
hearings, the committee concluded that there was indeed negligence the grant of SILs. As recommended by the committee, the BOD
suspended[1] Duclan without pay, and ordered to either collect the SIL she released[2] or suffer dismissal from employment. Duclan
failed to produce the money, hence TAMPCO wrote her a letter dated February 1, 2005, informing her of her dismissal.

Employees Allegations and Position Duclan believed that there was no valid cause to dismiss her. As Cashier, she had no power to
approve SIL applications; she could only release the loan amounts under the supervision of the Finance Manager, and after evaluation
and approval by the Credit Manager of the SIL applications. She also believed that she was unfairly treated, since the General Manager
who was her co-respondent was allowed to retire with benefits and was given a certification that he did not commit any violation of the
cooperatives policies, rules and regulations

Employers Allegations and Position.TAMPCO countered that there was just and valid cause to dismiss her, as she violated the
cooperatives policies and board resolutions limiting and subsequently prohibiting the grant and release of SILs which actions
jeopardized TAMPCOs financial position. Her actions constituted serious misconduct and willful disobedience, justifying dismissal.
TAMPCO explained that while the Credit and General Managers possessed discretion in the evaluation and approval of SIL applications,
Duclan was still accountable as she was duty-bound to check that the release of the loan amounts was proper and done in accordance
with the cooperatives rules and policies.

TAMPCO found no basis to suppose that respondent was unfairly treated, since all those found responsible for the SIL fiasco were
dismissed from service after their respective cases were individually considered and accordingly treated based on the infractions

Labor Arbiters Ruling

The LA ruled that Duclan was illegally dismissed. It noted the following reasons:

1. The February 1, 2005 letter informing Duclan of her termination is redundant since she was deemed constructively dismissed
as early as February 23, 2004 when she was indefinitely suspended;
2. As cashier, Duclans signing of the check before its release is merely ministerial; she has no hand in the processing or approval
of the loans;
3. TAMPCO had previously tolerated the practice of releasing loans ahead of the processing of vouchers and board approval and
during the prohibited period; and
4. TAMPCO did not terminate Duclans co-workers who were charged with committing the same infraction.
The NLRCs Ruling on the Appeal and on the MR The NLRC found the dismissal valid. It opined that TAMPCO notified Duclan of
the infractions[3] of which he was charged, and of the investigation to be conducted by the Fact-Finding Committee. The investigation
proceeded, even after she already admitted having released SILs despite the board resolution continuing the same. The Fact-Finding
Committee found that she unilaterally altered the terms of the loan by extending the dates of maturity of checks which secured the loans,
and that she reported a partial payment, by way of two (2) checks, of the loan of Kotoken in the amount of P3 million although the
subject checks were not yet encashed. Worse, the checks were later dishonored when presented for payment. The NLRC refuted her
claim that as a cashier, she had no discretion at the approval of the loans. She was the custodian of the entire funds of TAMPCO and an
honorary member of the BOD, advising the latter on financial matters. In addition, the release of funds is not purely ministerial as
respondent was expected to check all the supporting documents and whether pertinent policies regarding the loan had been met by the
applicant. The NLRC denied Duclans motion for reconsideration.

The CA reversed the decision of the NLRC and held Duclans dismissal as illegal.

WON Duclan was dismissed for just cause - YES

Supreme Court's Ratio Decidendi

Duclan was dismissed for just cause

The Court cites Article 282[4] of the Labor Code, which enumerates just causes for dismissal of an employee. Among such causes is
willful disobedience, which has the following requirements:

1. The conduct of the employee must be willful or intentional; and

2. The order the employee violated must have been reasonable, lawful, made known to the employee, and must pertain to the
duties that he had been engaged to discharge.

The Court finds these requirements in the case of Duclan:

[I]n releasing loan proceeds to SIL borrowers like Falgui and Kotoken even after the BOD issued BA Nos. 28 and 55, respondent, and
the other cooperative officers, willfully and repeatedly defied a necessary, reasonable and lawful directive of the cooperatives BOD,
which directive was made known to them and which they were expected to know and follow as a necessary consequence of their
respective positions in the cooperative. They placed the resources of the cooperative the hard-earned savings of its members in a
precarious state as a result of the inability to collect the loans owing to the borrowers insolvency or refusal to honor their obligations.
Respondent committed gross insubordination which resulted in massive financial losses to the cooperative. Applying Article 282, her
dismissal is only proper.

The Court does not buy Duclans argument that she had no choice but to release the loan proceeds after after the SIL loan applications
were evaluated and approved by the loan investigator, the Credit Committee, and the General Manager. These officers were themselves
bound to abide by BA Nos. 28 and 55, and Duclan could have simply refused to release the loan proceeds even if the loan applications
were duly approved. Had she done so, she would not have been at fault. The Court finds nothing wrong in requiring her to collect the
credits from Falgui and Kotoken. This is simply ordering her to restore the amounts she unlawfully released, and this is pretty much
standard procedure in cases of this nature: the accused in malversation cases is required to restore the amount lost, and bank tellers or
cashiers are told to pay back what the banks lose through their willful or negligent acts. Dismissing her for failure to restore the amounts
is also valid since TAMPCO simply gave her the opportunity to clear herself from fault. Her failure to restore the amounts lost in any
manner could not prevent her dismissal, since her wrongdoing has been adequately shown.
Finally, the Court finds nothing wrong in terminating her while the former General Manager was accorded leniency. Condoning
wrongdoings of employees is within the management prerogative of the employer. What is important is that TAMPCO did not single
out Duclan, as it also found other employees guilty and dismissed them from employment.

[1] TAMPCO also suspended Duclan prior to the committee hearings, and the LA and the NLRC discussed whether the two suspensions
were illegal. Nevertheless, the discussion of this issue is not included in this digest because neither did the Supreme Court discuss the
issue in its ruling. [2] The BOD also ordered Duclan to account for a missing check worth 1.5 million. [3] The alleged infractions were
(1) violation of BA No. 55 stopping the giving of SILs; (2) violation of BA No. 28 limiting the individual grant of SIL to P5 million;
and (3) violation of lending policies requiring the consent of spouse
in the granting of loans. [4] ART. 282. Termination by employer. - An employer may terminate an employment for any of the following
causes: (a) Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the employee of the lawful orders of his employer or representative in
connection with his work; (b) Gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his duties; (c) Fraud or willful breach by the employee of
the trust reposed in him by his employer or duly authorized representative; (d) Commission of a crime or offense by the employee
against the person of his employer or any immediate member of his family or his duly authorized representative; and

(e) Other causes analogous to the foregoing.

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