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Way to English 2

Listening 10 points
1 Listen to a news report. Then tick () the correct places in the chart. (5 points)
Who ? Rose Dunn Fred Bradna Donald Anderson
1. told people to leave quietly
2 saved many people
3. cut the tent with a knife
4. was at the circus with two children
5. crawled under the animal cages

2 Listen again and complete the sentences. (5 points)

1. There were about people watching the performance when the
fire started.
2. People saw the fire minutes after the beginning of the show.
3. Donald Anderson was years old when he went to see the show.
4. The trainers saved the from the fire.
5. The think that a cigarette started the fire.

Writing 10 points
Write a review of a TV programme. Write 3 paragraphs
paragraph 1: name and type
paragraph 2: description
paragraph 3: opinion

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