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Full Syllabus Overview
Here Is What You Are In For

Lucas Liew | [email protected]


Full Syllabus Key Learning Objectives

Note: These are broad learning objectives NOT specific lectures

1. Here's What You Are In For!

a. What is an Algo Trading Robot, its key traits and code structure
b. What makes a successful Algo Trader
c. How to set up and navigate your infrastructure/coding software
2. Programming Basics 1: Variables and Conditional
a. Basics of our coding language (MQL4)
b. Syntax, Variables, Operations and Conditional Expressions
3. Robot 1: Adeline - Our First Robot!
a. Background to Forex markets, chart reading, basic indicators
b. Coding Adeline together
c. Testing Adeline using past data
d. Brief look at modelling quality
4. Uncommon Common Sense. Design Effective And Logical Robots
a. Overview of our Strategy Development Guide
i. Preliminary Research
ii. Backtesting
iii. Optimisation
iv. Live Execution
b. Pros and Cons of an Algo Trading Robot
c. Mathematical Expectations of our robots performance
5. Garbage In, Garbage Out. Understanding Data
a. Data Sources and Storage
b. A look at the importance of data cleanliness
c. Cleaning data (basic)
d. Bad ticks, inaccurate testing and market tricksters
6. Programming Basics 2: Loops
a. Learning how to code loops
b. Practice Exercises for Loops
7. Robot 2: Belinda - Utilising Volatility!
a. Our first measure of volatility (ATR)
b. Introducing Belinda, the improved version of Adeline
c. Coding and testing Belinda
8. To Buy Big or Small? Position Sizing and Money Management
a. Understanding trade/bet size (how much to trade per position) using a coin flip game
b. Designing a bet sizing algorithm based on account size
c. Coding our bet sizing algorithm
9. Robot 2A: Belinda Upgraded (No Gambler's Ruin for Me!)
a. Implementing our bet sizing algorithm in Belinda
10. Where To Start? Idea Generation and Expectations
a. Setting expectations for our robots based on our resources, personality, skill set, lifestyle and
b. A look at the different types of strategies
c. Grading ideas - Introducing our framework for vetting ideas


11. Programming Basics 3: Functions, Time and Self-Learning

a. Learn to learn programming
b. Code errors and debugging
c. Coding Functions
d. Practice Exercises for Functions
12. Relevant Statistics 101!
a. Statistical significance and Law of Large numbers and their role in robot testing
b. Deriving suitable minimum sample size for our backtests
13. Validating Your Robot: Backtesting!
a. Ensuring code accuracy
b. Types of market condition
c. Testing for Robustness
i. Period Robustness
ii. Timeframe Robustness
iii. Seasonal Robustness
iv. Instrument Robustness
d. Building robots for specific market conditions
e. Stress testing our robots through black swans
f. The butterfly Effect Backtest bias via start point selection
g. Grading the performance of our robots
14. Programming Basics 4: Arrays And Indicators
a. A look at our mentality towards Indicators
b. Math behind Indicators
c. Coding Arrays and Indicators
15. Robot 3: Clarissa Playing with Time
a. Understanding the Datetime data type
b. Coding rules revolving date and time manipulation
c. Introducing and coding Clarissa our robot that uses time entries
16. What A Mess - Managing Trades, Orders and Positions
a. Order limitations by your brokers
b. Coding our customised order function
c. Multiple order management
d. Modelling transaction cost, spreads and slippage
17. Robot 4: Desiree
a. The history of the Turtle Traders
b. Introducing and coding a simplified turtle strategy
18. Design Theories - Improving Robots By Manipulating Time, Entries and Exits
a. Profitability in different timeframes
b. Deriving optimal stop loss levels
c. Comparing the importance of entries vs exits
d. Analysing asymmetrical long and short rules
19. Add A Twist To Your Orders - Advanced Order Management
a. Breakeven and trailing stops
b. Hiding from your broker - Creating virtual stops and take profit orders
20. Robot 5: Desiree 2.0
21. Programming Basics 5: Clean Up Your Codes! Simple Is Fast!
a. Clean and robust coding
b. MT4 Global Variables
c. MQL4 Libraries


22. Garbage In, Garbage Out Again. Advanced Data Cleaning

a. Creating custom timeframes
b. Cleaning data (advanced)
c. Understanding and manipulating tick data
23. Perfect Your Bet Sizing - Advanced Position Sizing Methods
a. Relationship between sizing and trading frequency
b. Gearing up and down with volatility
c. Impossible Trinity of Sizing - Relationship between Leverage, % Risked and Stop Loss
d. First Principles of sizing - Building customised sizing algorithms
e. Other types of sizing - Kelly Criterion, Martingales and Anti-Martingales
24. Robot 6: Elizabeth
25. Buff Up Your Robot Responsibly - Optimisation Without Curve Fitting
a. Objective Functions, Robustness and Curve Fitting
b. Parameter Robustness
c. In and out-of-sample testing
d. Optimisation Evaluation
26. I Like Colors And Shapes - Adding Graphics
a. Creating a Dashboard: Graphics and Labels
27. Robot 7: Faye
28. Try And Try Again - Monte Carlo And Applications
a. Basics of Monte Carlo Simulations
b. Simulating expected and worst case behaviour
29. Not Rocket Science - Understanding Market Behaviour
a. Self-fulfilling Prophecies
b. Exploiting crowd behaviour
c. Inverting losing strategies
d. The switch - Changing trading rules in different market conditions
30. Breaking It Down - Testing Inefficiencies and Robots Separately
a. Separately inefficiency analysis and robot testing
b. Building multiple robots for one inefficiency
31. Looking Outwards - Trading On External Events
a. Feeding external data into MT4
b. Coding external events trade system
32. Robot 8: Grace
33. Understanding Performance - High Returns Are Meaningless!
a. Robust Objective Functions
b. Drawdown analysis
c. Using external performance analyser
34. When Robots Fail - How, Why And Is It My Fault?
a. Understanding and quantifying strategy failure
b. Inefficiency erosion versus robot failure
c. Black Swans and risk management systems
35. Robot 9: Haley
36. Walking Forward - Advanced Optimisation
a. Customising Objective Functions
b. Walk Forward Optimisation
c. Performance patterns, consistency and seasonality
37. Let's Academise This! - Advanced Statistics And Econometrics
a. Understanding Chance
b. Multi-variable regression
c. Mean reversion and Cointegration


38. Robot 10: Iris

39. I Want Numbers! - Quantifying Market Behaviour
a. Defining Trends, Support and Resistance
b. Analysing news and market reaction
40. Ring Ring! Notify Yourself When Something Goes Wrong (Or Right)
a. Coding email and smartphone notifications
i. Price Levels
ii. Opening and Closing of Positions
iii. Equity threshold breached, Auto-Shutdown levels
iv. Uptime check
b. Set up notifications in MT4 without coding
41. Robot 10A: Iris 2.0
42. Looking To The Future! - Advanced Optimisation 2.0
a. Genetic versus Brute force Optimisation
b. Walk-Forward Parameter Space evaluation
c. Granularity analysis - Trading multiple parameter sets
d. Rank optimisation - Stability of the parameter set
43. Time For Equities, Commodities And Bonds
a. Spot versus Contract-For-Differences
b. Data management for non-forex products
c. Leverage, Margin and Point Value
d. Modifying our robots to suit non-forex products
44. Everything is Relative - Relative Value Strategies
a. Correlation versus Cointegration
b. Correlation versus Causation
c. (Legal) Market manipulation - Creating our own market conditions
d. Pair Trading
e. Multiple Pair Trading (Low frequency) Statistical Arbitrage
f. Hedge Ratio Theories
g. The third party - Using proxy assets as reference
45. Robot 11: Judy
46. Many Robots One System - Running A Portfolio Of Robots
a. Portfolio Robustness
b. Capital Reallocation
c. Robot performance correlation
d. Portfolio Optimisation
47. Robot 12: Kate
48. Cash Is King! - Running Robots With Real Money
a. Paper versus Live trading
b. Minimum Capital Determination
c. Broker Selection
d. Virtual Private Servers
e. Downtime Prevention Protocol
f. Hedging issues
49. Watch Her Well - Monitoring Your Robot(s)
a. Monitoring our robots
b. Understanding Trading Psychology - Emotions during drawdowns
c. When to manually intervene
d. Reviewing performance - Updating our robots regularly


50. Buy This Robot, It Makes 100% A Month! - Evaluating Commercial Robots
a. Commercial robots evaluation
51. Skynet - Robots That Think For Themselves
a. Random Walk
b. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
c. Simple ANN application in finance
52. Robot 13: Lynda (Skynet)
53. Bonus Stuff!
a. 2 Gigabyte of data
b. 6 robot template

Note: This list may be subject to change.


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