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Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012

Effect of Spandex Input Tension, Spandex Linear Density and Cotton Yarn Loop Length on
Dynamic Elastic Behavior of Cotton/Spandex Knitted Fabrics

M. Senthilkumar, S. Sounderraj and N. Anbumani

Department of Textile Technology
PSG Polytechnic College
Coimbatore, India


Analysis of dynamic elastic behavior is an objective evaluation of the stretch and recovery
behavior of the elastic fabrics or tight fit garments. The analysis of this dynamics will help to
reengineer new products for improving the stamina, speed and power of the sportsmen, as one
particular type of garment doesnt serve the purpose of all kinds of sports events. The study is to
analyze the effect of spandex input tension, spandex linear density and cotton yarn loop length on
dynamic work recovery of cotton / spandex single jersey knitted fabric. The effect of different
processing stages such as relaxation, heat setting, bleaching and compacting on dynamic work
recovery of cotton / spandex single jersey knitted fabric has also been analyzed in this study.
Effect of different stages of processing on DWR of the fabric has significant influence. The effect
of spandex input tension and cotton yarn loop length on DWR of the fabric have been significant
in any one direction. The effect of spandex linear density on DWR of the fabric has been
significant at both wale and course directions.

Keywords: cotton yarn loop length, dynamic work recovery, plated fabric, spandex input tension,
spandex linear density and tight fit sportswear

1. Introduction power of single jersey fabrics are generally

sufficient for normal garment fit and it
Elastic knitted fabrics are normally
doesnt enough for stretch activities.
produced by plating of spandex with
Spandex yarn is capable of giving large
companion yarn in a circular knitting
stretch and dimensional recovery than can
machine. Elastic fabrics and their garments
be achieved by cotton yarn alone 1.
have immediate response and return to their
original size and shape due to physical
1.1 Processing of Elastic Fabrics
exertion by any organ of the human body.
These garments are mainly used in sports In general, elastic knitted fabrics
activities such as cycling, swimming and produced from knitting machine are relaxed
athletics. They improve the sportsmen and subjected to different processing
performance by offering least resistance treatments such as heat setting, bleaching,
during garment stretch and by enhancing the dyeing and compacting. But, for normal
power by quick recovery of the fabric knitted fabric, heat setting is not
dimensions, because of the usage of the recommended. Heat setting is the key step to
elastane in these garments. The recovery control the desired fabric properties like
Article Designation: Refereed 1 JTATM
Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
width, weight, stretch and recovery. Heat Serkan and Yasemin 8 studied the
setting is preferably done early in the wet dimensional and physical properties of
processing rather than at the end in order to cotton/spandex single jersey fabrics
reduce yellowing on drying. During heat produced by plating technique. The effects
setting, spandex inter molecules are broken of spandex brand and the tightness factor on
and reformed, and the polymer chains can dimensional and physical properties of
rearranged. Under-setting of fabric results in cotton/spandex single jersey fabrics were
eventual loss of dimensions, while over investigated. The fabrics knitted with
heat-setting lowers residual energy and can spandex yarns with the higher tension values
discolor the spandex and companion fibers. under a constant draw ratio gave higher
Relaxation treatment is used to reduce weight and thickness, and lower air
potential distortion or deformation of the permeability and bursting strength.
fabric from residual uneven tension. It
develops the power by improving 1.3 Elastic Characteristics of Elastic
dimensional recovery of the fabric 2. Fabrics
In ancient days, mercerization and
Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a
texturizing processes were used to improve
bleaching agent for elastic fabrics. Chlorine
the elasticity of normal woven fabrics.
containing bleaches has to be avoided
Donald 9 claimed improvement in stretch
because it may cause yellowing in spandex
properties of normal cotton fabrics by slack
fibres. Disperse dyes and acid dyes have
mercerization with sodium hydroxide.
good affinity to spandex and they have no
Mukhopadhyay et al. 10 developed the air-jet
affinity with direct dyes 3. Compacting is a
textured yarn to acquire stretch properties of
process which is used to physically
woven fabric by analysing fabric extension
rearrange the yarn geometry in the fabric. In
and recovery characteristics by measuring
woven fabrics, weft yarns can be forced
immediate recovery, delayed recovery,
closer together, thus preshrinking the
resiliency and permanent set. Kentaro and
fabrics. In the knit fabrics, the loops can be
Takayuki 11 studied the relationship between
rearranged to overcome distortion in the
stretch properties of weft knit fabrics made
length to width caused by stretching tensions
4 from spun yarn by false texurizing and their
geometrical characteristics. Stretch
properties of these fabrics were affected by
1.2 Dimensional and Physical
cover factor only. It is known that stress-
Properties of Elastic Fabrics
strain behavior depends on raw material and
Bayazit5 investigated dimensional knit construction, irrespective of the density
properties of spandex plated cotton single of knitted fabrics.
jersey fabrics and compared the results with Few attempts were reported on
fabrics knitted from cotton yarn alone. The elastic properties of elastic fabrics produced
loop length and amount of spandex are used with spandex 12. Mukhopadhyay et al. 13
to determine the dimensional properties of studied the effect of Lycra filament on the
the knitted fabrics. It is claimed that the extension-at-peak load, immediate recovery,
power of dimensional recovery in single delayed recovery, permanent set and
jersey fabrics that have been stretched is resiliency of cottonLycra blended knitted
generally inadequate; therefore, spandex is fabric. It was observed that the immediate
increasingly used to impart a greater level of recovery, extension and resiliency are higher
stretch and more dimensional recovery can for Lycra blended fabric, but its delayed
be achieved with cotton yarn. Chathura and recovery and permanent set was lower than
Bok also reported the same trend by 100 % cotton fabric. Dunja and Vili 14
analyzing the core - spun cotton / spandex investigated the behavior of woven fabric
single jersey 6 and rib structures 7. with elastomeric yarn during stretching. The

Article Designation: Refereed 2 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
study reported the viscoelastic part of the direction of stretch relative to the body had
load extension curve and behavior of fabrics significant impact on comfort 1.
with elastomeric yarn after one hour In general, woven fabrics cannot
stretching above the yield point. attain the 10 50 % level of extensibility
and recovery from extension. Hence,
1.4 Comfort Aspects of Elastic Fabrics initially texturized weft knitted fabric was
used in sportswear. The next development
Elastic garments for sports and outer
was plating an elastomeric component in the
wear play an important role in optimizing an
garment. This improved considerably stretch
athletic performance by providing freedom
and recovery from stretch characteristics of
movement, minimizing the risk of injury or
the sportswear. Evaluation of elastic
muscle fatigue and reducing friction
behavior of these garments is essential in
between body and garment. In the absence
order to develop a new products for tight fit
of body motion, many garments provide
sports wear16.
apparent comfort. But the moment the
physical movement is made, the comfort
1.5 Dynamic Elastic Behavior of Fabrics
performance level changes and that change
could be significant. Therefore, the work or Analysis of dynamic elastic
force needs to be measured over the line of behavior is an objective evaluation of the
the body movements. During the movement, stretch and recovery behavior of the elastic
the different parts of the body stretch vary fabrics or tight fit garments. The analysis of
differently and the amount of stretch will this dynamics will help to reengineer new
vary varying different in each direction 1. products for improving the stamina, speed
Kirk and Ibrahim 15 reported that the and power of the sportsmen, as one
fabric stretch is an important factor in particular type of garment doesnt serve the
analyzing pressure comfort, which largely purpose of all kinds of sports events 16.
depends on fabric elastic characteristics and Stress strain behavior of identical
elastic recovery properties. Whether a elastic fabric is shown in Figure.1. Loading
garment slips or stretches depends on the and unloading behavior of the fabric is
balance of the tensile forces in the fabric and almost curvilinear, which is normally called
the frictional forces between skin and fabric. as elastic deformation. This fabric is
If a fabric has high friction resistance and perfectly suitable for elastic sportswear
high stretch resistance, high clothing where it requires stamina and power. But,
pressure is likely to be exerted on the body, most of the textile fabrics are non-linear in
which will result in discomfort sensations. nature (viscoelastic deformation), which will
The pressure P is calculated using Eq (1). produce hysteresis loop 17. Higher the
hysteresis area, the higher will be the energy
P = (TH / Y H ) + (Tv / Yv) (1) loss, i.e. lower the fabric stress and strain
recovery. The elastic fabrics should have
where T is the tensile stress measured on the higher elastic recovery with lower energy
Instron at the same level of strain and Y is loss so that the wearer will get the additional
the radius of curvature of the relevant body benefit such as improved stamina and power
parts. Subscripts H and V indicates to perform sports activity 16.
horizontal and vertical direction,
Consumer preference on stretch
level was studied in terms of comfort. It was
found that higher stretch with lower power
was always preferred, and that wearers
stretch preferences were in the range of 25%
to 45%, depending on the end-use. Also, the

Article Designation: Refereed 3 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
Assessment of dynamic work
recovery for applied extension is necessary
to study the energy loss or power gain by the
sports person wearing the elastic garment.
Work recovery is not the same as elastic
recovery. Work recovery is defined as the
ratio between recovered elastic energy and
the total tensile energy applied for the
specific strain expressed in percentage (In
other words, 100 loss of energy) whereas
elastic recovery 18 is the ratio of recoverable
strain to total strain at any given stress 16.
The recovery behavior of the fabric
Fig. 1. Stress strain behavior of identical or garment is important to enhance the
elastic fabric power of the sports person involved in
strenuous sports activity. In general, elastic
textile material will give minimum work
energy loss which can be calculated by
assessing dynamic work recovery 16.

Fig.2 - Dynamic work recovery

Dynamic Work Recovery (DWR) of the fabric is calculated by the Eq. (2).

Dynamic work recovery % = Area under the unloading curve x 100 (2)
Area under the loading curve

Assessment of dynamic work (constant rate of loading). For this applied

recovery of the fabrics is a newly developed force, the fabric extension is in the range of
method based on the Kawabata 19 evaluation 5 15 %. But, a simple and ordinary body
system for fabric total handle measurement. movement expands the skin by about 10 to
The evaluation method is based upon tensile 50% 1. It is necessary to analyses the range
resilience (RT %) measurement of of extension level for studying tight fit
Kawabata Evaluation System. The RT sportswear. The dynamic work recovery of
measurement will produce stress strain the fabric is evaluated by constant rate of
hysteresis for applied force of 500 gf / cm elongation principle using Instron.

Article Designation: Refereed 4 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
e 20 -50%

Tensile energy (loading) = F de

e 20 -50%

Tensile energy (unloading) = F de

Dynamic work recovery = Tensile energy (unloading) x 100

Tensile energy (loading)
That is,

Dynamic work recovery

e 20 -50% e 20 -50%

= F de F de 100
0 0

Where, F = Stress value during loading ( ) and unloading ( ), e = strain (%), de = extension
with respect to time.

The simplified form (as mentioned in the figure 2),

Dynamic work recovery = Area under unloading curve x 100 (3)

Area under loading curve

The spandex input tension, spandex recovery of the fabrics, three levels of
linear density and cotton yarn loop length spandex input tension such as 2.5 - 3.0
are the major variables which control the cN/tex, 2.0 - 2.5 cN/tex and 1.5 - 2.0 cN/tex
dimensional stability of the elastic knitted were kept constant to maintain spandex loop
fabrics as mentioned in the earlier literature. lengths such as 0.85 mm, 0.97 mm and 1.1
The effect of these variables on dynamic mm respectively. Thirty-denier spandex
elastic behavior of the fabric could be was used and cotton yarn loop length was
further explored. This study could be more kept as 2.9 mm.
useful for the tight fit garment making In order to study the effect of
industry to control the cost of manufacture spandex linear density on dynamic work
without affecting the fabric properties. recovery of the fabrics, three different linear
The present study is to analyze the densities of spandex yarn such as 20 denier,
effect of spandex input tension, spandex 30 denier and 40 denier were used. Spandex
linear density and cotton yarn loop length on loop length and cotton yarn loop length were
dynamic work recovery of cotton / spandex kept as 0.97 mm and 2.9 mm respectively.
single jersey knitted fabric. The effect of In order to study the effect of cotton
different processing stages such as yarn loop length on dynamic work recovery
relaxation, heat setting, bleaching and of the fabrics, three levels of cotton yarn
compacting on dynamic work recovery of loop lengths such as 2.5 mm, 2.9 mm and
cotton / spandex single jersey knitted fabric 3.4 mm were used. Spandex input yarn
has also been analyzed in this study. tension and spandex linear density were kept
In order to study the effect of as 2.0-2.5 cN/tex and 30 denier,
spandex input tension on dynamic work respectively.

Article Designation: Refereed 5 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
Table 1 - Cotton yarn properties
Count , tex 20.72
Count Variation , CV% 1.50
CSP 2514
Single Yarn Twist, cm 8.02
Twist , CV % 4.18
U% 9.95
CV, m% 12.61
Thin (- 50%) , km -1 22
Thick (+50%) , km -1 34
Neps (+200%) , km -1 94
Hairiness Index 6.97
Breaking Force , gf 335.40
Breaking force , CV% 7.59
Elongation , % 4.48
Elongation, CV% 6.93
RKM 17.00

Table 2. Spandex yarn properties

Specifications 20 D 30 D 40 D
Type, (Luster) Clear Clear Clear
Linear density , (denier) 20 0.5 30 0.5 40 0.5
Tenacity , (g / denier) 1.3 0.1 1.4 0.1 1.45 0.1
Elongation , (%) 650 30 650 30 650 30

Table 3. Knitting machine specifications

Model MV -4. 2003
Machine diameter , (inches) 18
Machine gauge (needles per inch) 24
Number of feeders used 56
Machine speed , (rpm) 28

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Cotton Yarn Properties
In order to study the dynamic work 2.2 Spandex Yarn Properties
recovery of cotton / spandex fabrics, 20.72
The spandex yarn properties are given in
tex combed cotton yarn was used and the
Table 2.
properties of the yarn are given in Table 1.

Article Designation: Refereed 6 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
2.3 Fabric Production The knitted fabrics were dry-relaxed
for 48 hours. Then the samples were
The cotton and spandex yarns were knitted
subjected to subsequent processes under
in circular knitting machine. The knitting
industrial conditions. The fabrics were heat
machine specifications are given in Table 3.
set with the machine specification given in
Table 4.

Table 4. Heat setting specifications

Make and Model ASKME -TS-2430G5
Temperature ( C) 200
Dwelling time (seconds) 30
Chamber length (inches) 90
Fabric width stretch (inches) 22.5 (25% of machine diameter)

Table 5. Compacting specifications

Make Albert (tubular)
Temperature ( C) 110
Speed (m/min) 4
Chamber length one meter
Type of feed 26% over feed
20 (11% of machine
Fabric width stretch (inches)

The heat-set fabrics were bleached. 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% extension. The
Bleaching was carried out with 2 g/l of average number of wales per centimeter and
hydrogen peroxide, 0.4 g/l of wetting oil, 0.5 courses per centimeter were measured with
g/l of dispersing agent, 1.0 g/l of lubricant, the help of counting glass. The average loop
0.25 g/l of stabilizer and 2.0 g/l of caustic length was measured with the aid of the
soda for 1100C at 30 minutes. Then the HATRA course length tester (method
samples were hot washed for 10 minutes at described in B.S. Handbook no. 11, 1974, pp
80oC. Further, the fabrics were rinsed with 4/102-4/106). The fabric areal density was
1.0 g/l of acetic acid for 15 minutes. The measured using an electronic scale
bleached fabrics were padded and dried at according to method ISO 3801:1977. Fabric
room temperature. geometrical characteristics were measured at
The bleached fabrics were subjected ten different places in the fabric in each
to compacting process with the case.
specifications given in Table 5. After that, The fabrics were tested for their
they were relaxed for 48 hours. dynamic elastic behavior such as dynamic
work recovery based on ASTM D 4964 96
2.4 Test Methods method (CRE principle) at different
extension levels such as 20%, 30%, 40%
The fabrics were tested for their and 50% extension using Instron tester.
geometrical characteristics such as courses Since, human body movement expands the
per centimeter, wales per centimeter and skin by 10 to 50% at different parts 1, the
areal density and dynamic work recovery at applied load was 5 KN at a speed of 500

Article Designation: Refereed 7 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
millimeters per minute for 10 cycles, 10 reduces the yarn friction at intermeshing
sample size and gauge length of 100 mm. points. This reduction in friction leads to the
recovery of the loops moving closer to each
other. The decrease in course density after
bleaching may be due to increase in loop
density at wale direction. During
3. Results and Discussion compacting process, the fabric was over fed
to the machine in length wise direction,
3.1 Effect of Different Processing Stages which increase the course density of the
fabrics and the wale density of the fabrics
3.1.1 Geometrical characteristics
marginally decreases. This is due to the
The effect of spandex input tension,
fabric fed to the machine in stretched form
spandex linear density and cotton yarn loop
in the widthwise direction. These trends
length on geometrical characteristics of the
have been observed in all the cases.
knitted fabrics were analyzed at every stage
The fabric areal density increases
of processing and are represented in Figure
after fabric is subjected to relaxation.
Relaxation process stabilizes the fabric
From all the three cases, wale and
dimensions. After heat setting, the fabric
course densities of the fabrics increase after
areal density was reduced. This is due to fact
dry relaxation for 48 hours. This relaxation
that the spandex was under stretch condition
shrinkage helps the fabric became
during heat setting and it becomes finer.
dimensionally stable. When the fabric was
Further, the areal density was increased after
heat set in width wise direction under
bleaching. Bleaching process reduces the
stretched condition, spandex in the fabric
yarn friction and helps to bring the yarn
remain elongated and it lost its residual
loops closer to each other. Compacting is the
energy considerably. Therefore, it results in
pre-shrunk treatment on knitted fabric. So,
lower loop density in both wale wise and
Areal density of the fabric further increases
course wise directions after the heat setting
with compacting. When the knitted fabric
process. At bleaching stage, the wale density
was processed, it was observed that the
of the fabrics increases. This is mainly due
processes became unstable in terms of areal
to the fact that in the bleaching process, the
water acts as a lubricating agent which



Wales per centimeter




(20) /2.5/0.85 (30)/2.5/0.85 (40)/2.5/0.85 30/2.9/(0.85) 30/2.9/(0.97) 30/2.9/(1.1) 30/(2.5)/0.85 30/(2.9)/0.85 30/(3.4)/0.85
Effect of spandex fineness Effect of spandex Input tension Effect of cotton yarn loop length

a) Effect of spandex input tension, spandex linear density and cotton yarn loop length on
wale density of the fabrics

Article Designation: Refereed 8 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
Courses per centimeter

(20) /2.5/0.85 (30)/2.5/0.85 (40)/2.5/0.85 30/2.9/(0.85) 30/2.9/(0.97) 30/2.9/(1.1) 30/(2.5)/0.85 30/(2.9)/0.85 30/(3.4)/0.85
Effect of spandex fineness Effect of spandex Input tension Effect of cotton yarn loop length

b) Effect of spandex input tension, spandex linear density and cotton yarn loop length on
course density of the fabrics

Areal density (grams / m2)



(20) /2.5/0.85 (30)/2.5/0.85 (40)/2.5/0.85 30/2.9/(0.85) 30/2.9/(0.97) 30/2.9/(1.1) 30/(2.5)/0.85 30/(2.9)/0.85 30/(3.4)/0.85
Effect of spandex fineness Effect of spandex Input tension Effect of cotton yarn loop length

c) Effect of spandex input tension, spandex linear density and cotton yarn loop length on
areal density of the fabrics

Fig. 3. Effect of spandex input tension, spandex linear density and cotton yarn loop
length on geometrical characteristics of the fabrics

3.1.2 DWR of Cotton / Spandex Fabrics the fabric decreases for heat-setting,
at Different Processing Stages bleaching and compacting at course
direction. The DWR of heat set fabric is
The effect of different processing
lower than that of the DWR of the fabric at
stages on the dynamic work recovery of
grey stage in both wale and course
cotton / spandex fabrics was analyzed in
directions. This is due to the reduction of
both wale wise and course wise directions
residual energy of the spandex during heat
and are given in Figure 4.
setting. Bleaching process further reduces
The dynamic work recovery of the
the DWR of the fabric. Compacting (pre-
fabrics at grey stage is higher than that of
shrunk) process increases the DWR of the
the fabric treated at relaxation, heat set,
fabric in wale direction due to fabric over
bleaching and compacting. DWR of the
feed in the same direction. At the same time,
fabric decreases after heat setting and further
DWR of the fabrics decreases in course
decreases for bleaching. After that, the
direction during compacting process. This is
DWR of the fabric increases for compacting
due to fabric stretch in widthwise direction.
process at wale direction and the DWR of

Article Designation: Refereed 9 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012

Dynamic Work Recovery %

70 20%

65 30%

60 40%

55 50%

Grey Heat set Bleached Compacted Grey Heat set Bleached Compacted

Walewise direction Coursewise direction

Processing stages

Fig. 4. Effects of different processing stages on DWR of the fabrics

No trend is found between different treatments. When the spandex input tension
extension levels and processing treatments. decreases (i.e., increasing the spandex loop
But, the fabric DWR at extension levels 20 length from 0.85 mm to 1.1 mm), the yarn
%, 30% and 40% follow the same trend at loop compression decreases. So that, wale
different processing stages. It is observed and course densities of the fabrics decrease
that fabric DWR at 50% extension has not with increasing spandex loop length. The
much change in different processing stages areal density of the fabrics decreases due to
at both wale and course directions. When the decrease in loop density.
extension levels increase, DWR of the fabric
3.2.2 Spandex Linear Density
at bleaching and compacting treatment also
increase from 20 % to 40 % extensions. In order to analyze the effect of
Different stages of processing has spandex linear density on geometrical
significant effect on dynamic work recovery characteristics of the knitted fabrics, three
of the fabrics at both wale direction [F different spandex deniers such as 20 denier,
observed > F critical at F (3, 9) = 10.16, P 30 denier and 40 denier were used for the
<0.05] and at course direction [F observed > cotton / spandex fabric production. When
F critical at F (3, 9) = 7.65, P <0.05]. the spandex denier increases the wale
density also increases for immediate after
3.2 Effects of Spandex Input Tension, machine, relaxation and heat setting. After
Linear Density and Loop Length on that the fabric dimensions become distorted
Geometrical Characteristics of the and it doesnt influence the spandex fineness
Fabrics during bleaching and compacting processes.
When the spandex denier increases
3.2.1. Spandex Input Tension from 20 denier to 40 denier, the course
density of the fabrics was also found to
In order to analyze the effect of
increase at various stages. This trend is
spandex input tension on geometrical
reflected as there is increase in the fabric
characteristics of the knitted fabrics, the
areal density. Areal density of the fabrics
spandex loop length was selected as 0.85
increases with increasing spandex denier
mm, 0.97 mm and 1.1 mm for cotton /
from 20 denier to 40 denier. This is due to
spandex fabric production. No significant
the increase in wale and course densities of
difference is observed in the wale density
the fabrics. Yarn weight also increases with
when the spandex loop length increases in
the increasing spandex denier.
the fabric. But, course density decreases
When spandex denier increases
when the spandex loop length increases
from 20 denier to 40 denier, the wale and
from 0.85 mm to 1.1 mm. The areal density
course densities of the fabrics increase due
of the fabric decreases with the increasing
to increase in yarn loop lateral compression.
spandex loop length at various stages of

Article Designation: Refereed 10 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
This results in the increasing of areal density fabric decreases with increasing cotton yarn
of the fabrics in all the cases. loop length in all cases. This is due to
decreasing in course density.
3.2.3 Cotton Yarn Loop Length The change in the wale density of
the fabrics with increasing cotton yarn loop
The effects of cotton yarn loop
length from 2.5 mm to 3.4 mm is
length on geometrical characteristics of the
insignificant. But, the course density of the
knitted fabrics were analyzed by varying the
fabrics decreases with increasing cotton yarn
cotton yarn loop length as 2.5 mm, 2.9 mm
loop length. The areal density of the fabrics
and 3.4 mm. No influence of the cotton yarn
decreases when the cotton yarn loop length
loop length on wale density was found
increases in most of the cases.
immediately after knitting, fabric relaxation,
heat setting. Cotton yarn loop length
3.3 Dynamic Work Recovery of the
increases with decreasing wale density for
bleaching processes were observed. At the
same time, with increase in the cotton yarn Effect of spandex input tension,
loop length, the course density of the fabric cotton loop length and spandex linear
was found to decrease at each of the density on dynamic work recovery of the
processing stages. The areal density of the compacted fabrics have been discussed.



Dynamic Work Recovery %

50 40%


30D/2.9/(0.85) 30D/2.9/(0.97) 30D/2.9/ (1.1) 30D/(2.5)/0.97 30D/(2.9)/0.97 30D/(3.4)/0.97 (20D)/2.9/0.97 (30D)/2.9/0.97 (40D)/2.9/0.97

Effect of spandex input tension Effect of cotton yarn loop length Effect of spandex fineness

Machine variables (Walewise direction)

Figure 5 (a). Effects of spandex input tension, spandex linear density and cotton yarn loop
length on DWR of fabrics - wale direction


Dynamic Work Recovery %




30 30%
20 50%


30D/2.9/(0.85) 30D/2.9/(0.97) 30D/2.9/ (1.1) 30D/(2.5)/0.97 30D/(2.9)/0.97 30D/(3.4)/0.97 (20D)/2.9/0.97 (30D)/2.9/0.97 (40D)/2.9/0.97

Effect of spandex input tension Effect of cotton yarn loop length Effect of spandex fineness

Machine variables (Coursewise direction)

Figure 5 (b). Effects of spandex input tension, spandex linear density and cotton yarn loop
length on DWR of fabrics - course direction

Article Designation: Refereed 11 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
3.3.1 Effect of Spandex Input Tension tension. The medium yarn loop lengths were
determined by calculating the average of the
The spandex loop length was varied
maximum and minimum spandex yarn loop
by varying the spandex input yarn tension as
lengths 8.
given in Table 6. The spandex loop length
The adjustments of loop lengths are
was set by adjusting the spandex yarn
made in variable diameter pulley fitted in
positive feeding pulley to find the maximum
the knitting machine. There are 4 to 6
spandex yarn loop length. The maximum
pulleys which are used to adjust loop lengths
spandex yarn loop length was determined by
according to the designs. The individual
increasing the spandex yarn feed amount
variable diameter pulleys are used for cotton
until the machine stopped because of low
yarn feed and for spandex feed. By altering
tension of the spandex yarn. Similarly, the
the diameter of the pulleys, the feed of the
spandex yarn positive feeding pulley was
yarns can be varied. The predetermined
adjusted to find the minimum spandex yarn
spandex loop length was achieved by
loop length. The minimum spandex yarn
varying the surface driven roller speeds. The
loop length value was determined by
roller speeds and corresponding spandex
decreasing the spandex yarn feed amount
loop lengths are given in Table 6.
until the machine stopped because of
breaking of spandex yarn due to high

Table 6. Spandex loop length specifications

Predetermined Spandex Speed of the surface Spandex input

loop length (mm) driven rollers (rpm) tension cN/tex
0.85 23.5 2.5 - 3.0
0.97 27.0 2.0 - 2.5
1.10 31.0 1.5 - 2.0

Effect of spandex input tension on nearly 32% higher DWR in course direction.
dynamic work recovery of cotton / spandex No trend is observed between DWR and the
knitted fabrics were analyzed and are given geometrical characteristics of the fabrics.
in Figure 5. When the spandex loop length When the fabric extension levels
increases from 0.85 mm to 0.97 mm, DWR increases from 20 % to 50 %, the DWR of
of the fabric (30 denier spandex and 2.9 mm 30D/2.9/0.85 fabric increases and the DWR
cotton loop length) first increases, then it of 30D/2.9/ 1.1 fabric decreases for wale
decreases when the spandex loop length direction. No trend was found between
increases. This trend is observed in most of spandex input tension and extension levels
the cases at both wale and course directions. in the course direction.
It is observed that the 30D/2.9/0.97 In order to find out the reason for
fabric (30 denier spandex, 2.9 mm cotton the trends observed in Figure 5 (spandex
loop length and 0.97 mm spandex loop input tension), the spandex in the fabrics
length) shows higher DWR than that of the was unraveled and its loop length was
fabric having 0.85 mm and 1.1 mm spandex measured with a pretension weight of
loop length. That is, 30D/2.9/0.97 has nearly 0.001g/denier. The spandex loop length was
44 % higher DWR in wale direction and calculated using the Eq (4).

Article Designation: Refereed 12 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
Loop Length of spandex yarn in mm = {Weight of spandex for one full course (g) x 1000}
{Weight (g) of spandex yarn for one meter x Total
number of needles in the machine} (4)

The calculated spandex loop length was 1.39 bed height was kept to medium level by
mm, 1.41 mm and 1.52 mm for preset measuring the maximum bed height and
spandex loop of 0.85 mm, 0.97 mm and 1.1 minimum bed height. Then, the variable
mm respectively. The spandex loop length pulley was adjusted to feed the minimum
has no correlation with the DWR trends in cotton yarn loop length. The spandex yarn
both wale and course directions. loop length was kept normal. The minimum
Normally, the spandex feed cotton yarn loop length (2.5 mm) was
increases with increasing spandex loop determined by until the machine stops due to
length. Though the spandex feed was higher cotton yarn and spandex yarn jump.
in case of 1.1 mm loop length fabric, the Similarly, the centralized system of cylinder
DWR of the fabric was lower. No reason bed height was kept to medium level. Then,
was found for the lower DWR of the (30D/ the variable pulley was adjusted to feed the
2.9/ 1.1) fabric. maximum cotton yarn loop length values.
Effect of spandex input tension on The spandex yarn loop length was kept
dynamic work recovery of the fabric has normal. The maximum cotton yarn loop
significant at wale direction (F observed > F length (3.4 mm) was determined by until the
critical at F (2, 6) = 21.13, P <0.05) and machine stops due to slackness of cotton
insignificant effect at course direction. (F yarn. The medium yarn loop lengths were
observed < F critical at F (2, 6) = 3.71, P determined by calculating the average of the
>0.05) maximum and minimum yarn loop lengths 8.
The cotton yarn loop length was calculated
3.3.2 Effect of Cotton Yarn Loop Length using the Eq.(5) and tabulated in Table 7.
In order to vary cotton yarn loop
length, the centralized system of cylinder

{ x VP diameter} x {VP speed x Positive

storage pulley diameter}
Cotton yarn loop length (mm) =
{Positive feeder belt drive pulley
diameter} x {Number of needles} x 10 (5)

Where VP = Variable Pulley

Table 7 - Cotton yarn loop length specifications

Cotton loop Cotton yarn tension Spandex input yarn
Length (mm) (cN/tex) tension (cN/tex)
2.5 5.5 2.0 - 2.5
2.9 4.0 2.0 - 2.5
3.4 3.5 2.0 - 2.5

Article Designation: Refereed 13 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
Effect of cotton yarn loop length on spandex and 3.0 - 3.5 cN/tex for 40 denier
DWR of cotton / spandex knitted fabrics spandex to set 0.97 mm spandex loop length
were analyzed and are given in Figure 5 and the cotton yarn loop length was kept as
(Cotton yarn loop length). The 30D/2.5/0.97 2.9 mm.
fabric has shown nearly 7 % higher DWR in Effect of spandex linear density on
wale direction and nearly 28 % higher DWR dynamic work recovery of cotton / spandex
in course direction than that of 30D/2.9/0.97 knitted fabrics was analyzed and is given in
and 30D/3.4/0.97 fabrics. Figure 5 (spandex linear density). When the
When the cotton yarn loop length spandex denier increases from 20 denier to
increases from 2.5 mm to 2.9 mm, DWR of 40 denier, the DWR of the fabric increases
the fabric first decreases and then increases in both wale and course directions.
for 3.4 mm loop length in most cases. The The 40D/2.9/0.97 fabric has shown
effect of cotton yarn loop length has nearly 32 % higher DWR in wale direction
insignificant influence on the DWR of the and nearly 30 % higher DWR in course
fabric. But, no reason can be attributed for direction than that of other two fabrics. As
the decrease in the DWR of the fabric with the spandex denier increases, all the
increasing cotton yarn loop length from 2.5 geometrical characteristics of the fabric such
mm to 3.4 mm. as wale density, course density and areal
Obviously, as the cotton yarn loop density increases. The increase in loop
length increases, geometrical characteristics density helps to recover the stretched loops
of the fabric such as wale density, course in the fabrics quickly. The increase in areal
density and areal density decrease. The density due to higher loop density and
decrease in loop density and areal density higher spandex weight helps to give higher
reduces the recovery of stretched loops in residual energy to the spandex fabric.
the fabric. This results in lower DWR of the Spandex linear density directly influences
fabric at course direction. the DWR of the fabric.
When the extension levels increases No trend is found between spandex
from 20% to 50%, no trend was observed on linear density and extension levels in wale
fabrics produced with different cotton yarn direction. In the case of course direction, the
loop lengths in wale direction. In the case of extension levels increase with the increasing
course direction, the DWR of 30D/2.9/0.97 DWR of the 30D/2.9/0.97 and 40D/2.9/0.97
and 30D/3.4/0.97 fabrics increases with fabrics.
increasing extension levels. Effect of spandex linear density on
Effect of cotton yarn loop length on dynamic work recovery of the fabric has
dynamic work recovery of the fabric has been significant at both wale direction (F
been insignificant at wale direction (F observed > F critical at F (2, 6) = 41.49, P
observed < F critical at F (2, 6) = 4.23, P <0.05) and at course direction (F observed >
>0.05) and significant effect at course F critical at F (2, 6) = 30.85, P <0.05).
direction (F observed > F critical at F (2, 6)
= 29.23, P <0.05). 4. Conclusions
The study analyzed the effects of
3.3.3 Effect of Spandex Linear Density
spandex input tension, spandex linear
In order to study the effect of density and cotton yarn loop length on
spandex linear density on dynamic work dynamic work recovery of the cotton/
recovery of the compacted fabric, three spandex fabric.
levels of spandex linear density such as 20
denier, 30 denier and 40 denier were used 4.1 The dynamic work recovery of the
for the study. Spandex input yarn tension fabric at different processing stages such as
was kept as 1.0 1.5 cN/tex for 20 denier relaxation, heat setting, bleaching and
spandex, 2.0 - 2.5 cN/tex for 30 denier compacting treatments was analyzed. The

Article Designation: Refereed 14 JTATM

Volume 7, Issue 4, Fall 2012
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After heat setting, DWR of the fabric was
The authors wish to thank Dr. Mario de
found to reduce. Bleaching process further
Araujo of University of Minho, Portugal for
reduces the DWR of the fabric. This trend
their help and efforts completing this
was observed in both wale and course
directions. Compacting process increases the
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