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FIRST NAME: . SURNAME.......................................................CYCLE: XI

1 Complete the sentences with the gerund or the infinitive of the verb in parentheses.

1 I called Abdul because I wanted _______________ (tell) him about the meeting.
2 Sandra left without _______________ (say) goodbye to anyone.
3 I love _______________ (walk) in the snow.
4 _______________ (get) exercise is very good for you.
5 Try not _______________ (spend) all of your money on computer games.
6 Do you know how _______________ (make) bread?
7 _______________ (dance) is something I really hate.
8 It isnt easy _______________ (learn) Chinese.

2 Circle the correct form.

1 They havent to / dont have to work today. Its Sunday.
2 Entrance to the museum is free. We must not / dont have to pay.
3 You must not / dont have to play soccer near the road. Its dangerous.
4 Harry has to / doesnt have to go to bed early. Hes very young.
5 I must / must not study tonight. I have an exam tomorrow.
6 You dont have to / must clean the kitchen. Its a mess. 6

3 Complete the sentences use the right form of the verb.

be cook go play travel win
1 Is Eva thinking of __________ away for her anniversary?
2 __________ with young children is hard work, but its also enjoyable.
3 I dont feel like __________ tonight. Lets go to a restaurant.
4 John dreams of __________ the lottery.
5 __________ to New York by bus is cheaper than by train.
6 For me, happiness means __________ with my family and friends. 6


4 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 We __________ going for long walks in the countryside.
want need love
2 Lynnes __________ talking to me! I dont know why.
promised stopped pretended
3 They __________ a lot of time watching old DVDs.
have spend do
4 I dont __________ driving you to the airport tomorrow.
mind good want
5 We havent __________ decorating our new house.
hoped decided finished
6 Do you __________ skiing?
enjoy want start 6

5 Circle the correct word(s).

1 Taking good photographs is very / not very difficult. You need skill.
2 Of course I can cook its not very / really easy.
3 The test was a little / not very difficult. I didnt answer all of the questions.
4 Cell phones are not very / incredibly useful. I use mine all the time.
5 Colettes really / a little bit nice. She helps anyone who has a problem.
6 Hes not very / a little worried about his driving test. Hes had a lot of practice. 3

6 Complete the sentences with a verb in the infinitive form.

be buy go learn look for make play rain turn off
1 We got wet when it started __________.
2 Elaine offered __________ coffee for everyone.
3 Why are you pretending __________ sick? Youre OK!
4 My daughter is learning __________ the piano.
5 Did you remember __________ a birthday card for your Aunt Julia?
6 John was bored at work, so he decided __________ a new job.
7 Dont forget __________ your computer when you leave.
8 Im trying __________ Spanish. Im taking an online course. 4


7 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: for|get
1 de|cide 2 re|mem|ber 3 sur|prise 4 fi|nish 5 in|cre|di|bly

8 Match the words with the same sound.

difficult happiness like night promise time
Example: fish difficult
1 fish __________ 3 bike __________ 5 bike __________

2 fish __________ 4 bike __________

9 Read the article and choose A, B, or C.

Making a good impression on the parents

Meeting your partners parents for the first time can be stressful. We interviewed
three people who survived! Here is their advice.
Rhonda Smith, age 26
I was really nervous the first time I met my boyfriends parents. Looking back,
there was nothing to worry about. They wanted to know everything about me, so
they asked me a lot of questions. I tried not to give my views on politics or controversial subjects, though. Of course,
you have to be yourself, so if they ask you a complicated question, you have to give an honest answer. One other
piece of advice I would give is: be punctual. Parents always hate people arriving late.
Will Mansell, age 29
My advice is dress to impress. I wore a suit to meet my girlfriends parents for the first time. I think it really made a
good impression. They didnt want their daughter to go out with someone who wore an old T-shirt and jeans. Make
sure you shake her fathers hand firmly. This shows that you arent a weak man. I also offered to help my girlfriends
mother in the kitchen. She liked that. Set the table, or wash the dishes for example. Her mother will think youre great!
Bob Tate, age 30
I think the most important thing is to show your girlfriends parents that you have a deep interest in her. You can do
this by asking questions about when she was a little girl. Parents never get tired of talking about their children. This
tactic also makes you more relaxed, because you arent talking about yourself. Before you go to their house, ask your
girlfriend what her parents like doing. If you find some common interests, conversation will be easier.

Example: Rhonda says you have to be yourself.

A True B False C Doesnt say
1 Rhondas boyfriends parents didnt ask her any questions.
A True B False C Doesnt say
2 Rhonda says its OK to arrive a little late.
A True B False C Doesnt say
3 Will thinks wearing old jeans gives a bad impression.
A True B False C Doesnt say
4 Will helped with the cooking at his girlfriends house.
A True B False C Doesnt say
5 Will says talking about work gives a good impression.
A True B False C Doesnt say
6 Will thinks its important to shake the fathers hand.
A True B False C Doesnt say
7 Bob says its more relaxing to talk about yourself.
A True B False C Doesnt say
8 Bob thinks you must eat everything her mother gives you.
A True B False C Doesnt say
9 Bob says you should find out about her parents before your visit.
A True B False C Doesnt say

10 Describe a time you visited a friends parents. Answer these questions. (100150 words)
Whose parents were they?
How did you feel about the visit?
What things did you do?
What things didnt you do?
Do you think you made a good impression? Why (not)?
My friends profile

Writing total 7
total 5

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