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Mari mengenal swift dan standar S.W.I.F.



MT 101 : Request for transfer

MT 102 : Mass Payments Message
MT 102+: Mass Payments Message
MT 103 : Single Customer Credit Transfer
MT 103+: Single Customer Credit Transfer
MT 104 : Customer Direct Debit
MT 105 : Edifact Envelope
MT 106 : Edifact Envelope
MT 107 : General Direct Debit Message
MT 110 : Advice of Cheque
MT 111 : Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque
MT 112 : Status of a Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque
MT 121 : Multiple Interbank Funds Transfer (EDIFACT FINPAY Message)
MT 190 : Advice of Charges, Interest, and Other Adjustments
MT 191 : Request for Payment of Charges, Interest, and Other Expenses
MT 192 : Request for Cancellation
MT 195 : Queries
MT 196 : Answers
MT 198 : Proprietary Message
MT 199 : Free Format Message


MT 200 : Financial Institution Transfer for Its Own Account

MT 201 : Multiple Financial Institution Transfer for Its Own Account
MT 202 : General Financial Institution Transfer
MT 203 : Multiple General Financial Institution Transfer
MT 204 : Financial Markets Direct Debit Message
MT 205 : Financial Institution Transfer Execution
MT 206 : Cheque Truncation Message
MT 207 : Request for Financial Institution Transfer
MT 210 : Notice to Receive
MT 256 : Advice of Non-Payment of Cheques
MT 290 : Advice of Charges, Interest, and Other Adjustments
MT. 291 : Request for Payment of Charges, Interest, and Other Expenses
MT 292 : Request for Cancellation
MT 295 : QueriesL
MT 296 : Answers
MT 298 : Proprietary Message
MT 299 : Free Format Message

S.W.I.F.T. TREASURY, FOREX FILE. Message Type (MT.3..)

MT 300 : Foreign Exchange Confirmation

MT 303 : Forex/Currency Option Allocation Instruction
MT 304 : Advice/Instruction of a Third Party Deal
MT 305 : Foreign Currency Option Confirmation
MT 306 : Foreign Currency Option Confirmation
MT 307 : Advice/Instruction of a Third Party FX Deal
MT 308 : Instruction for Gross/Net Settlement of Third Party FX Deals
MT 320 : Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT 321 : Instruction to Settle a Third Party Loan/Deposit
MT 330 : Call/Notice Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT 340 : Forward Rate Agreement Confirmation
MT 341 : Forward Rate Agreement Settlement Confirmation
MT 350 : Advice of Loan/Deposit Interest Payment
MT 360 : Single Currency Interest Rate Derivative Confirmation
MT 361 : Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap Confirmation
MT 362 : Interest Rate Reset/Advice of Payment
MT 364 : Single Currency Interest Rate Derivative Termination/ Recouponing Confirmation
MT365 : Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap Termination/Recouponing Confirmation
MT 380 : Foreign Exchange Order
MT 381 : Foreign Exchange Order Confirmation
MT 390 : Advice of Charges, Interest, and Other Adjustments
MT 391 : Request for Payment of Charges, Interest, and Other Expenses
MT 392 : Request for Cancellation
MT 395 : Queries
MT 396 : Answers
MT 398 : Proprietary Message
MT 399 : Free Format Message


MT 400 : Advice of Payment

MT 405 : Clean Collection
MT 410 : Acknowledgemen
MT 412 : Advice of Acceptance
MT 416 : Advice of Non-Payment/Non-Acceptance
MT 420 : Tracer
MT 422 : Advice of Fate and Request for Instructions
MT 430 : Amendment of Instructions
MT 450 : Cash Letter Credit Advice
MT 455 : Cash Letter Credit Adjustment Advice
MT 456 : Advice of Dishonour
MT 490 : Advice of Charges, Interest, and Other Adjustments
MT 491 : Request for Payment of Charges, Interest, and Other Expenses
MT 492 : Request for Cancellation
MT 495 : Queries
MT 496 : Answers
MT 498 : Proprietary Message
MT 499 : Free Format Message


MT 500 : Instruction to Register

MT 501 : Confirmation of Registration or Modification
MT 502 : Order to Buy or Sell
MT 503 : Collateral Claim
MT 504 : Collateral Proposa
MT 505 : Collateral Substitution
MT 506 : Collateral and Exposure Statemen
MT 507 : Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT 508 : Intra-Position Advice
MT 509 : Trade Status Message
MT 510 : Registration Status and Processing Advice
MT 513 : Client Advice of Execution
MT 514 : Trade Allocation Instruction
MT 515 : Client Confirmation of Purchase or Sale
MT 516 : Securities Loan Confirmation
MT 517 : Trade Confirmation Affirmation
MT 518 : Market-Side Securities Trade Confirmation
MT 519 : Modification of Client Details
MT 524 : Intra-Position Instruction
MT 526 : General Securities Lending/Borrowing Message
MT 527 : Triparty Collateral Instruction
MT 528 : ETC Client-Side Settlement Instruction
MT 529 : ETC Market-Side Settlement Instruction
MT 530 : Transaction Processing Command
MT 535 : Statement of Holdings
MT 536 : Statement of Transactions
MT 537 : Statement of Pending Transactions
MT 538 : Statement of Intra-Position Advices
MT 540 : Receive Free
MT 541 : Receive Against Payment
MT 542 : Deliver Free
MT 543 : Deliver Against Payment
MT 544 : Receive Free Confirmation
MT 545 : Receive Against Payment Confirmation
MT 546 : Deliver Free Confirmation
MT 547 : Deliver Against Payment Confirmation
MT 548 : Settlement Status and Processing Advice
MT 549 : Request for Statement/Status Advice
MT 558 : Triparty Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT 559 : Paying Agents Claim
MT 564 : Corporate Action Notification
MT 565 : Corporate Action Instruction
MT 566 : Corporate Action Confirmation
MT 567 : Corporate Action Status and Processing Advice
MT 568 : Corporate Action Narrative
MT 569 : Triparty Collateral and Exposure Statement
MT 574l : Triparty Collateral and Exposure Statement
MT 574w : Triparty Collateral and Exposure Statement
MT 575 : Statement of Combined Activity
MT 576 : Statement of Open Orders
MT 577 : Statement of Numbers
MT 578 : Settlement Allegement
MT 579 : Certificate Numbers
MT 581 : Collateral Adjustment Message
MT 582 : Reimbursement Claim or Advice
MT 584 : Statement of ETC Pending Trades
MT 586 : Statement of Settlement Allegements
MT 587 : Depositary Receipt Instruction
MT 588 : Depositary Receipt Confirmation
MT 589 : Depositary Receipt Status and Processing Advice
MT 590 : Advice of Charges, Interest, and Other Adjustments
MT 591 : Request for Payment of Charges, Interest, and Other Expenses
MT 592 : Request for Cancellation
MT 595 : Queries
MT 596 : Answers
MT 598 : Proprietary Message
MT 599 : Free Format Message


MT 600 : Precious Metal Trade Confirmation
MT 601 : Precious Metal Option Confirmation
MT 604 : Precious Metal Transfer/Delivery Order
MT 605 : Precious Metal Notice to Receive
MT 606 : Precious Metal Debit Advice
MT 607 : Precious Metal Credit Advice
MT 608 : Statement of a Metal Account
MT 609 : Statement of Metal Contracts
MT 643 : Notice of Drawdown/Renewal
MT 644 : Advice of Rate and Amount Fixing
MT 645 : Notice of Fee Due
MT 646 : Payment of Principal and/or of Interest
MT 649 : General Syndicated Facility Message
MT 690 : Advice of Charges, Interest, and Other Adjustments
MT 691 : Request for Payment of Charges, Interest, and Other Expenses
MT 692 : Request for Cancellation
MT 695 : Queries
MT 696 : Answers
MT 698 : Proprietary Message
MT 699 : Free Format Message


MT 700 : Issue of a Documentary Credit

MT 701 : Issue of a Documentary Credit
MT 705 : Pre-Advice of a Documentary Credit
MT 707 : Amendment to a Documentary Credit
MT 710 : Advice of a Third Banks Documentary Credit
MT 711 : Advice of a Third Banks Documentary Credit
MT 720 : Transfer of a Documentary Credit
MT 721 : Transfer of a Documentary Credit
MT 730 : Acknowledgement
MT 732 : Advice of Discharge
MT 734 : Advice of Refusal
MT 740 : Authorisation to Reimburse
MT 742 : Reimbursement Claim
MT 747 : Amendment to an Authorisation to Reimburse
MT 750 : Advice of Discrepancy
MT 752 : Authorisation to Pay, Accept or Negotiate
MT 754 : Advice of Payment/Acceptance/Negotiation
MT 756 : Advice of Reimbursement or Payment
MT 760 : Guarantee
MT 767 : Guarantee Amendment
MT 768 : Acknowledgement of a Guarantee Message
MT 769 : Advice of Reduction or Release
MT 790 : Advice of Charges, Interest, and Other Adjustments
MT 791 : Request for Payment of Charges, Interest, and Other Expenses
MT 792 : Request for Cancellation
MT 795 : Queries
MT 796 : Answers
MT 798 : Proprietary Message
MT 799 : Free Format Message


MT 800 : Sales and Settlement Advice (Single)

MT 801 : Multiple Sales Advice
MT 802 : Settlement Advice
MT 810 : Refund Request
MT 812 : Refund Authorisation
MT 813 : Refund Confirmation
MT 820 : Request for T/C Stock
MT 821 : Inventory Addition
MT 822 : Trust Receipt Acknowledgement
MT 823 : Inventory Transfer
MT 824 : Inventory Destruction/Cancellation Notice
MT 890 : Advice of Charges, Interest, and Other Adjustments
MT 891 : Request for Payment of Charges, Interest, and Other Expenses
MT 892 : Request for Cancellation
MT 895 : Queries
MT 896 : Answers


MT 900 : Confirmation of Debit

MT 910 : Confirmation of Credit
MT 920 : Request Message
MT 935 : Rate Change Advice
MT 940 : Customer Statement Message
MT 941 : Balance Report
MT 942 : Interim Transaction Report
MT 950 : Statement Message
MT 960 : Request for Service Initiation Message
MT 961 : Initiation Response Message
MT 962 : Key Service Message
MT 963 : Key Acknowledgement Message
MT 964 : Error Message
MT 965 : Error in Key Service Message
MT 966 : Discontinue Service Message
MT 967 : Discontinuation Acknowledgement Message
MT 970 : Netting Statement
MT 971 : Netting Balance Report
MT 972 : Netting Interim Statement
MT 973 : Netting Request Message
MT 985 : Status Enquir
MT 986 : Status Report
MT 990 : Advice of Charges, Interest, and Other Adjustments
MT 991 : Request for Payment of Charges, Interest, and Other Expenses
MT 992 : Request for Cancellation
MT 995 : Queries
MT 996 : Answers
MT 998 : Proprietary Message
MT 999 : Free Format Message

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