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Complete the sentences with the correct subject pronoun (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)

cat and horse _____

Mary _____
Tom _____
Jack and I _____
books _____
their sister _____
You and Dave _____
our plane _____
cheese _____
cactus _____
parents _____
Daisy _____
dolphin _____
Polly's family _____
flowers _____
piano _____
school _____
his daughter _____

Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be.

1. Mark ______ a student. (+)

1. Susan ______ an American student. (-)

2. My pet dog ______ dark brown. (+)
3. My friend and I ______ tall and thin. (-)
4. Those monkeys ______ on the trees.(-)
5. This bike ______ pink. (+)
6. My parents ______ Brazilian. (+)
7. My aunt ______ a doctor. (-)
8. I ______ a Portuguese teacher. (+)
9. You ______ my favourite actress. (-)
10. Dogs ______ very clever.(+)

Write AM, IS, ARE to complete the questions and answer them.

1. How old ______ Marge? (12)


2. How old _____ Kate and Marge? (20)

3. How old _____ Lyn? (3)

4. How old ______ Tim and Sam? (10)


5. And you? How old ______ you? (17)


Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective (my, your, his, her, its, our,

Ive got a house. . house is small.

We learn Russian in the evenings. teacher is old.
She has got a car. .. car is red.
Im Spanish. name is Isabel
They live in London. father works in a hotel.
This bag belongs to Helen. This is bag.
This book belongs to me. This is . Book
These are my parents. This is .. house.
Ive got a brother. This is pen.
Ive got a sister. This is . pencil.
Peter is wearing trousers. trousers are red.
The cat belongs to my sister. This is . cat.
We live in a flat. This is .. flat.
My mum has got a motorbike. . motorbike is blue.
My brother have got 2 bikes. .. bikes are white

Complete the sentences with the possessive case (S)

Whose cat is it? (my neighbour).

Correct answer:
It's my neighbour's cat.


- Whose umbrella is it ? (the teacher)

- Whose bicycle is it ? (Old MacDonald) .


- Whose guitar is it ? (Frankie) ..


- Whose watering-can is it ? (My aunt)


- Whose toys are they ? (your children)


-Whose marbles are they ? (these boys) ..

Choose the correct option.

I / my name is Grace Smith.

You / your are my best friend.

He / his car is dark green.
She / her is an American doctor.
It / its is your new computer.
We / our surname is Gordon.
They / their are my stickers.
Complete the sentences with THIS, THESE, THAT or THOSE.

1. Is mobile phone in the kitchen your brothers?

2. children in the playground over there look very
3. restaurant at the corner is very expensive. We rarely
go there.
4. Whose are sweets here? Can I have one?
5. computer here is mine.

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