Jobel Enterprises vs. NLRC

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JOBEL ENTERPRISES and/or G.R. No. 194031

Petitioners, Present:

CARPIO, J., Chairperson,

PEREZ, and
- versus -


August 8, 2011


COMMISSION (Seventh Division,
Quezon City) and ERIC MARTINEZ,



We resolve the petition for review on certiorari[1] before us, seeking the
reversal of the resolutions dated June 9, 2010[2] and October 5, 2010[3] of the
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 113980.
The Antecedents

The petitioner Jobel Enterprises (the company) hired respondent Eric Martinez,
Sr. as driver in 2004. Martinez allegedly performed well during the first few
months of his employment, but later became stubborn, sluggish and often came
late to work.

On January 27, 2005, Martinez had a fight with one of his co-employees
and nephew, Roderick Briones. The companys proprietor, Benedict Lim,
pacified the two and instructed Martinez to come early the next day for an
important delivery. Martinez allegedly did not report for work the following
day. The companys efforts to contact Martinez, through Briones, failed.

On March 6, 2006, the company received a notice of hearing from the

Department of Labor and Employment in Region IV-A (DOLE-RO-IV-A) in
relation to an illegal dismissal complaint filed by Martinez. The DOLE-RO-IV-
A failed to effect an amicable settlement between the
parties; Martinez allegedly asked for P300,000.00 as settlement and manifested
that he did not want to work anymore. Thereafter, Martinez formally filed an
illegal dismissal complaint, with money claims, against the company and Lim.

The Compulsory Arbitration Rulings

and Related Incidents

On compulsory arbitration, Labor Arbiter Danna M. Castillon ruled

that Martinez had been illegally dismissed.[4] She awarded him backwages and
separation pay amounting to P479,529.49, and wage differentials and
13th month pay in the combined amount of P53,363.44.

On May 16, 2008, the petitioners appealed to the National Labor Relations
Commission (NLRC), filing a notice of appeal, a memorandum of appeal and a
motion to reduce bond.They likewise deposited a Rizal Commercial Banking
Corporation managers check for P100,000.00.[5] In its order of September 15,
2008,[6] the NLRC denied the companys motion to reduce bond and directed
the posting of an additional cash or surety bond for P432,892.93 within ten
(10) days.

The company complied by posting a surety bond in the required amount,

but Martinez moved for the immediate dismissal of the appeal; he questioned
the effectivity of the surety bond and the legal standing of the surety company.
In answer, the company asked for a denial of the motion and submitted a
copy of the joint declaration by the companys authorized representative and the
Executive Vice-President of the surety company[9] that the posted surety bond
is genuine and shall be effective until final disposition of the case. It also
submitted a copy of a certificate of authority issued by the Insurance
Commission,[10] and a certificate of accreditation and authority issued by this

The NLRC dismissed the appeal[12] and denied the companys subsequent
motion for reconsideration.[13] The company, thereafter, elevated the case to the
CA through a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.

The CA Decision

The CA issued a resolution dismissing the petition on June 9, 2010 for the
petitioners failure to attach to the petition a duplicate original or certified true
copy of the assailed NLRC decision;[14] the submitted copy was a mere
photocopy, in violation of Section 3, Rule 46, in relation to Section 1, Rule 65
of the Rules of Court. The CA also denied the petitioners plea for a liberal
interpretation of the rules in their motion for reconsideration, [15] to which the
petitioners attached a certified true copy of the assailed NLRC decision.
The Petition
The company now asks the Court to set aside the CA rulings on the ground that
the dismissal of the petition was for purely technical reason, which it rectified
when it attached a certified true copy of the assailed NLRC decision to its
motion for reconsideration. The company pleads for understanding, claiming
that its failure to initially comply with the rules was unintentional and was due
purely to the oversight of its counsel who was then rushing the preparation of
the final print of the petition and its attachments, while also working on other

The Case for Martinez

In his comment dated April 1, 2011,[16] Martinez prays for a dismissal of the
petition. He submits that the filing of an appeal is a privilege and not a right;
the appealing party must comply with the requirements of the law, specifically
the submission of a cash or surety bond to answer for the monetary award. He
points out that the award in the present case is more than P500,000.00, but the
company posted a cash bond of only P100,000.00. He adds that although the
company filed a motion to reduce bond, it must be approved by the NLRC
within the same period to perfect an appeal or ten (10) days from receipt of a
copy of the labor arbiters decision. He argues that the company already lost the
right to appeal, since the NLRCs denial of the motion came after the 10-day
appeal period. He stresses that the filing of a motion to reduce bond does not
suspend the running of the period to appeal.

Martinez did not comment on the CA resolutions dismissing the petition

for certiorari.

The Courts Ruling

We find merit in the petition.

We note that this case was dismissed on purely technical grounds at both
the NLRC and the CA levels, in total disregard of the merits of the case. The
NLRC dismissed the companys appeal for non-perfection for its failure to
substantially address the issue of failure to post the required appeal bond
pursuant to Section 6, Rule VI of the 2005 Revised Rules of Procedure of the
NLRC.[17] In summarily throwing out the appeal, the NLRC apparently forgot
that earlier, or on September 15, 2008, it gave the company ten (10)
unextendible days xxx within which to file an additional cash or surety bond in
HUNDRED NINETY TWO PESOS and 93/100 (P432,892.93)[18] when it
denied the companys motion to reduce bond. The NLRC even warned that
[t]heir failure to post the required bond shall result in the dismissal of the
appeal for non-perfection.[19]

As earlier mentioned, the company complied with the NLRC directive by

posting a surety bond in the required amount[20] within the 10-day period; it
received a copy of the NLRC resolution directing it to post an additional cash
or surety bond on October 13, 2008 and posted the bond on October 23, 2008.
The company likewise submitted a joint declaration between the company
representative and the surety company on the period of effectivity of the bond,
and the documents on the legal status of the surety company. [22] The NLRC
grossly erred, therefore, in declaring that the company failed to address the
issue of its failure to post the required bond. The CA grossly failed to consider
this lapse.

We note, too, that the CAs refusal to consider the petition was the
absence of a duplicate original or certified true copy of the assailed NLRC
decision, in violation of Section 3, Rule 46 of the Rules of Court (in relation to
Section 1, Rule 65). The company though corrected the procedural lapse by
attaching a certified copy of the NLRC decision to its motion for
reconsideration. At this point, the CA should have at least considered the
merits of the petitioners case as we did in Gutierrez v. Secretary of the
Department of Labor and Employment.[23] We held in that case that while what
[were] submitted were mere photocopies[,] there was substantial compliance
with the Rules since petitioner attached to her Supplemental Motion for
Reconsideration certified true copies of the questioned DOLE Orders.[24]
Our own examination of the records shows that the companys case is
not, on its face, unmeritorious and should have been considered further to
determine what really transpired between the parties. For instance, the
company argued that it did not dismiss Martinez. It claimed
that Martinez refused to return to work and, during conciliation, demanded
outright that he be paid P300,000.00, manifesting at the same time that he no
longer wanted to work for the company. Before the labor arbiter, the company
even manifested its willingness to accept Martinez back to work as no
dismissal actually took place.[25] Thus, the concrete issue posed was
whether Martinez had been dismissed or had simply walked out of his job.

Under these circumstances, we find that the CA precipitately denied the

petition for certiorari based on an overly rigid application of the rules of
procedure. In effect, it sacrificed substance to form in a situation where the
petitioners recourse was not patently frivolous or meritless. This is a matter of
substantial justice in fact, a lack of it that we should not allow to remain
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is granted. The assailed
resolutions of the Court of Appeals are SET ASIDE. The case
is REMANDED to the National Labor Relations Commission for its resolution
of the petitioners appeal with utmost dispatch. Costs against respondent Eric
Martinez, Sr.


Associate Justice


Associate Justice


LUCAS P. BERSAMIN Associate Justice
Associate Justice


Associate Justice

I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Courts Division.

Associate Justice


Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, and the Division
Chairpersons Attestation, it is hereby certified that the conclusions in the above
Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the
writer of the opinion of the Courts Division.

Chief Justice

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