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Engine Control Unit, ECU 100

Functional description
Additional functions
Parameter list

DEIF A/S Frisenborgvej 33 DK-7800 Skive Tel.: +45 9614 9614 Fax: +45 9614 9615 [email protected]
isenborgvej 33 DK-7800 Skive Tel.: +45 9614 9614 Fax: +45 9614 9615 [email protected] Document no.: 4189340795C
14 9614 Fax: +45 9614 9615 [email protected] SW version:
ECU 100 DRH 4189340795 UK

1. General information
1.1. Warnings, legal information and safety..................................................................................................5
1.1.1. Warnings and notes ......................................................................................................................5
1.1.2. Legal information and disclaimer ..................................................................................................5
1.1.3. Safety issues ................................................................................................................................5
1.1.4. Electrostatic discharge awareness ...............................................................................................5
1.1.5. Factory settings ............................................................................................................................6
1.2. About the Designer's Reference Handbook...........................................................................................6
1.2.1. General purpose ...........................................................................................................................6
1.2.2. Intended users ..............................................................................................................................6
1.2.3. Contents and overall structure ......................................................................................................6

2. General product information

2.1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................7
2.1.1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................7
2.2. Type of product......................................................................................................................................7
2.3. Variants and accessories.......................................................................................................................7
2.3.1. Variants..........................................................................................................................................7
2.4. Setup of the controller............................................................................................................................7
2.4.1. Setup of the controller ...................................................................................................................7
2.5. PC utility software warning.....................................................................................................................8
2.5.1. PC utility software warning............................................................................................................8
2.6. UL applications.......................................................................................................................................8
2.6.1. UL applications..............................................................................................................................8

3. Functional descriptions
3.1. Standard functions.................................................................................................................................9
3.1.1. Standard functions.........................................................................................................................9
3.2. Terminal strip overview..........................................................................................................................9
3.2.1. Reference to Installation Instructions.............................................................................................9
3.3. Operation modes and applications.......................................................................................................10
3.3.1. Remote mode .............................................................................................................................10
3.3.2. Local mode .................................................................................................................................10
3.3.3. Simple test...................................................................................................................................10
3.4. Flowcharts............................................................................................................................................10
3.4.1. Flowcharts...................................................................................................................................10
3.4.2. Stop sequence ............................................................................................................................11
3.4.3. Start sequence.............................................................................................................................12
3.4.4. Test sequence.............................................................................................................................13
3.5. Sequences...........................................................................................................................................14
3.5.1. Sequences...................................................................................................................................14
3.5.2. Start sequence.............................................................................................................................15
3.5.3. Start sequence conditions...........................................................................................................16
3.5.4. Running feedback........................................................................................................................17
3.5.5. Stop sequence.............................................................................................................................19

4. Display and menu structure

4.1. Password and parameter acccess.......................................................................................................21
4.1.1. Passwords...................................................................................................................................21
4.1.2. Parameter access........................................................................................................................22
4.2. Reference to Operator's manual..........................................................................................................22

5. Engine communication
5.1. Reference to engine communication manual.......................................................................................23
5.1.1. Engine communication................................................................................................................23

6. Additional functions
6.1. Start functions......................................................................................................................................24

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6.1.1. Start functions..............................................................................................................................24

6.1.2. Digital feedbacks.........................................................................................................................24
6.1.3. Analogue feedback......................................................................................................................25
6.1.4. Oil pressure.................................................................................................................................26
6.2. Alarm inhibit..........................................................................................................................................28
6.2.1. Run status (6160)........................................................................................................................29
6.3. Running output.....................................................................................................................................29
6.4. Idle running...........................................................................................................................................30
6.4.1. Idle running..................................................................................................................................30
6.4.2. Description...................................................................................................................................30
6.4.3. Examples.....................................................................................................................................31
6.4.4. Inhibit...........................................................................................................................................31
6.4.5. Running signal.............................................................................................................................31
6.4.6. Idle speed flowcharts...................................................................................................................31
6.4.7. Start.............................................................................................................................................32
6.4.8. Stop.............................................................................................................................................33
6.5. Engine heater.......................................................................................................................................33
6.5.1. Engine heater alarm....................................................................................................................34
6.6. Battery test...........................................................................................................................................34
6.6.1. Battery test...................................................................................................................................34
6.6.2. Input configuration.......................................................................................................................36
6.7. Not in remote........................................................................................................................................36
6.7.1. Not in remote...............................................................................................................................36
6.8. Fuel pump logic....................................................................................................................................37
6.8.1. Fuel fill check...............................................................................................................................37
6.9. Fail class..............................................................................................................................................38
6.9.1. Fail class......................................................................................................................................38
6.9.2. Engine running.............................................................................................................................38
6.9.3. Engine stopped............................................................................................................................39
6.9.4. Fail class configuration................................................................................................................39
6.10. Service timers.....................................................................................................................................39
6.11. Digital inputs.......................................................................................................................................40
6.11.1. Functional description................................................................................................................40
6.12. Outputs...............................................................................................................................................42
6.12.1. Functional description................................................................................................................42
6.13. Multi-inputs.........................................................................................................................................42
6.13.1. 4-20 mA.....................................................................................................................................43
6.13.2. RMI inputs..................................................................................................................................43
6.13.3. RMI oil........................................................................................................................................44
6.13.4. RMI water..................................................................................................................................45
6.13.5. RMI fuel.....................................................................................................................................45
6.13.6. Illustration of configurable inputs...............................................................................................47
6.13.7. Configuration.............................................................................................................................47
6.13.8. Scaling of 4-20 mA inputs..........................................................................................................48
6.13.9. Digital ........................................................................................................................................49
6.14. Wire break fail detection.....................................................................................................................49
6.15. Input function selection.......................................................................................................................50
6.16. Relay function selection.....................................................................................................................52
6.17. Language selection............................................................................................................................53
6.18. Information and status texts...............................................................................................................53
6.19. Counters.............................................................................................................................................53
6.20. M-Logic...............................................................................................................................................53
6.21. Buzzer................................................................................................................................................54
6.21.1. Buzzer........................................................................................................................................54
6.22. GSM communication..........................................................................................................................54
6.22.1. GSM and modem communication.............................................................................................54
6.23. Nominal settings.................................................................................................................................56
6.23.1. How to change the nominal settings..........................................................................................56
6.24. Differential measurement ..................................................................................................................57

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6.24.1. Differential measurement...........................................................................................................57

7. Parameter list
7.1. Related parameters..............................................................................................................................60
7.1.1. Related parameters.....................................................................................................................60

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ECU 100 DRH 4189340795 UK General information

1. General information
1.1 Warnings, legal information and safety
1.1.1 Warnings and notes
Throughout this document, a number of warnings and notes with helpful user information will be presented.
To ensure that these are noticed, they will be highlighted as follows in order to separate them from the gener-
al text.


Warnings indicate a potentially dangerous situation, which could result in death, personal in-
jury or damaged equipment, if certain guidelines are not followed.


Notes provide general information, which will be helpful for the reader to bear in mind.

1.1.2 Legal information and disclaimer

DEIF takes no responsibility for installation or operation of the generator set. If there is any doubt about how
to install or operate the engine/generator controlled by the Multi-line 2 unit, the company responsible for the
installation or the operation of the set must be contacted.

The Multi-line 2 unit is not to be opened by unauthorised personnel. If opened anyway, the war-
ranty will be lost.

DEIF A/S reserves the right to change any of the contents of this document without prior notice.

The English version of this document always contains the most recent and up-to-date information about the
product. DEIF does not take responsibility for the accuracy of translations, and translations might not be up-
dated at the same time as the English document. If there is a discrepancy, the English version prevails.

1.1.3 Safety issues

Installing and operating the Multi-line 2 unit may imply work with dangerous currents and voltages. Therefore,
the installation should only be carried out by authorised personnel who understand the risks involved in work-
ing with live electrical equipment.

Be aware of the hazardous live currents and voltages. Do not touch any AC measurement in-
puts as this could lead to injury or death.

1.1.4 Electrostatic discharge awareness

Sufficient care must be taken to protect the terminal against static discharges during the installation. Once the
unit is installed and connected, these precautions are no longer necessary.

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1.1.5 Factory settings

The Multi-line 2 unit is delivered from factory with certain factory settings. These are based on average values
and are not necessarily the correct settings for matching the engine/generator set in question. Precautions
must be taken to check the settings before running the engine/generator set.

1.2 About the Designer's Reference Handbook

1.2.1 General purpose
This Designer's Reference Handbook mainly includes functional descriptions, presentation of display unit and
menu structure, information about the PID controller, the procedure for parameter setup and reference to pa-
rameter lists.

The general purpose of this document is to provide useful overall information about the functionality of the
unit and its applications. This document also offers the user the information he needs in order to successfully
set up the parameters needed in his specific application.

Please make sure to read this document before starting to work with the Multi-line 2 unit and
the genset to be controlled. Failure to do this could result in human injury or damage to the

1.2.2 Intended users

This Designer's Reference Handbook is mainly intended for the panel builder designer in charge. On the ba-
sis of this document, the panel builder designer will give the electrician the information he needs in order to
install the Multi-line 2 unit, e.g. detailed electrical drawings. In some cases, the electrician may use these in-
stallation instructions himself.

1.2.3 Contents and overall structure

This document is divided into chapters, and in order to make the structure simple and easy to use, each
chapter will begin from the top of a new page.

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ECU 100 DRH 4189340795 UK General product information

2. General product information

2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Introduction
This chapter will deal with the unit in general and its place in the DEIF product range.

The ECU is part of the DEIF Multi-line 2 product family. Multi-line 2 is a complete range of multi-function gen-
erator protection and control products integrating all the functions you need into one compact and attractive

The concept of the ECU is to offer a cost-effective solution to those who need a flexible protection unit for
small single to medium and large genset applications. Being part of the Multi-line product family, the standard
functions can be supplemented with a variety of optional functions.

2.2 Type of product

The Engine Control Unit is a micro-processor based control unit containing all necessary functions for protec-
tion and control of an engine.

All measured values and alarms are presented on the LCD display.

2.3 Variants and accessories

2.3.1 Variants
The ECU 100 family only consists of one variant, the ECU 110. Furthermore accessories are available.

A complete list of available variants and accessories is included in the data sheet. Please see

2.4 Setup of the controller

2.4.1 Setup of the controller
The parameter settings and M-Logic programming can easily be done via a PC Windows-based utility soft-
ware (USW). The software can be downloaded on The USW is password-protected - for fur-
ther information please read the help file in the USW editor.

To interface the ECU 100 from the PC, a USB to TTL cable is required which is available as an accessory.
The cable is galvanically isolated and will protect your PC if it is connected during engine operation.

The PC utility software offers additional features such as monitoring of all relevant information during commis-
sioning, saving and downloading of settings and downloading of software updates.

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2.5 PC utility software warning

2.5.1 PC utility software warning

It is possible to remote-control the engine from the PC utility software or by use of a modem.
To avoid personal injury, make sure that it is safe to remote-control the engine.

2.6 UL applications
2.6.1 UL applications
These flat surface panel-mounted controllers are intended to be used in Listed Generator Assemblies, where
the suitability of the combination has been determined by Underwriters Laboratories.
These devices have been evaluated for fire and shock only. They have no voltage-regulating function.

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ECU 100 DRH 4189340795 UK Functional descriptions

3. Functional descriptions
3.1 Standard functions
3.1.1 Standard functions
This chapter includes functional descriptions of standard functions as well as illustrations of the relevant appli-
cation types. Flowcharts and single-line diagrams will be used in order to simplify the information.

Standard main functions and features are listed below

Engine control
Remote or Local control
Start/stop sequences
Run and stop coil
Test sequence

Engine protection
Multi-functional alarm inputs (digital, 4-20 mA or RMI)
Digital alarm inputs

CANbus engine communication, J1939
Modbus communication, RS485
TTL interface to PC
Additional Operator Panel, AOP-2

Push-buttons for start and stop
Status texts
Info messages
Alarm indication
Alarm and Event LOG

Simple logic configuration tool
Selectable input events
Selectable output commands

Emulation software solution

Application test before installation

3.2 Terminal strip overview

3.2.1 Reference to Installation Instructions

Information about terminal strip overview and rear side controller view can be found in the "In-
stallation Instructions", which is located on DEIF's homepage under documentation for ECU

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3.3 Operation modes and applications

3.3.1 Remote mode
Remote means that the engine can be operated from a distance by use of external signals given in one of the
following ways.
1. Digital inputs
2. Modbus command at service port
3. Modbus RS485 terminal 49/50/51
4. Commands from Additional Operator Panel, AOP-2

3.3.2 Local mode

Local means that all commands must be done from the display, and the unit will not initiate any automatical

The following sequences can be activated in local mode:

Com- Description Comment

Start The start sequence is initiated and continues until the engine First start: include preheat
starts or the maximum number of start attempts has been Second start: cancel pre-
reached. heat
Stop The engine will be stopped. After disappearance of the running The cooling down time is
signal, the stop sequence will continue to be active in the "exten- cancelled if the stop button
ded stop time" period. The engine is stopped with cooling down is activated twice.

3.3.3 Simple test

ECU 100 will go through the start sequence and run the engine for the time set in parameter 7042. This se-
quence is initiated by a digital input or the TEST push-button on the front. The test will run until the timer ex-
pires. When the timer runs out, the stop sequence including cooling down will be carried out.
If the timer in parameter 7042 is set to 0, the test is infinite. The test will be interrupted if the mode is changed
to manual or auto.

If the timer is set to 0.0 min., the test sequence will be infinite. The test will be cancelled by
pushing TEST again.

3.4 Flowcharts
3.4.1 Flowcharts
Using flowcharts, the principles of the most important functions will be illustrated in the next sections. The
functions included are:

Stop sequence
Start sequence
Test sequence

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The flowcharts on the following pages are for guidance only. For illustrative purposes, the
flowcharts are simplified in some extent.

3.4.2 Stop sequence



conditions OK

Yes No

Cool down


Run Coil No Stop Coil


Deactivate Activate
RUN coil stop relay

No Alarm



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3.4.3 Start sequence



conditions OK

Yes No

Start prepare


Start relay


Start relay timer Run

No feedback No Alarm
No Yes

STOP relay

Stop relay
timed out


Max start


Start failure

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3.4.4 Test sequence


Select test

Simpel test


Test timer

Timer run



Return to running
mode menu 7043


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3.5 Sequences
3.5.1 Sequences
The following contains information about the sequences of the engine. These sequences are automatically
initiated if the auto mode is selected.

In manual, the selected sequence is the only sequence initiated (e.g. when the START push-button is press-
ed, the engine will start etc.).

The following sequences will be illustrated below:

START sequence
STOP sequence

We recommend not using small relays for stop coil output. If small relays are used, a resistor
must be mounted across the relay coil to prevent undesirable closing of the relay. This is
caused by the wirebreak function.

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3.5.2 Start sequence

The following drawings illustrate the start sequences of the engine with normal start prepare and extended
start prepare.

No matter the choice of start prepare function, the running coil is activated 1 sec. before the start relay (start-

Start sequence:
Normal start prepare

Start prepare

Crank (starter) tOFF tOFF

Run coil

1 sec.

Stop coil

Running feedback

1st start attempt 2nd start attempt 3rd start attempt

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Start sequence:
Extended start prepare

Start prepare

Crank (starter) tOFF tOFF

Run coil

1 sec.

Stop coil

Running feedback

1st start attempt 2nd start attempt 3rd start attempt

Run coil can be activated from 1...600 sec. before crank (starter) will be executed. In the above
example, the timer is set to 1 sec. (menu 6150).

3.5.3 Start sequence conditions

The start sequence initiation can be blocked by the following conditions:
RMI 6 (oil pressure)
RMI 7 (water temperature)
RMI 8 (fuel level)
This means that if e.g. the oil pressure is not reached sufficient pressure, then the crank relay will not engage
the starter motor.

The selection is made in setting 6185. For each of the RMI settings, the rule is that the value (oil pressure,
fuel level or water temperature) must exceed the setpoint of setting 6186 before starting is initiated.

If the value in 6186 is set to 0.0, the start sequence is initiated as soon as it is requested.

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The diagram below shows an example where the RMI signal builds up slowly, and starting is initiated at the
end of the third start attempt.

Start sequence
Cranking depends on RMI

Start prepare
(3 start attempts) 1 2 3

Stop relay

Crank relay

Run coil

Running feedback

measurement OK

RMI value

Cranking starts

3.5.4 Running feedback

Different types of running feedback can be used to detect if the motor is running. Refer to menu 6170 for se-
lection of the running feedback type.

Feedback type
Digital input
MPU input
Multi-input 6
Multi-input 7
Multi-input 8

The running detection is made with a built-in safety routine. The running feedback selected is the primary
feedback. At all times, all the types of running feedback are used for running detection. If, for some reason,
the primary choice is not detecting any running feedback, the starter relay will stay activated for 1 additional
second. If a running feedback is detected based on one of the secondary choices, the engine will start. In this
way, the engine will still be functional even though a tacho sensor is damaged or dirty.

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As soon as the engine is running, no matter if the engine is started based on the primary or secondary feed-
back, the running detection will be made, based on all available types.

The sequence is shown in the diagram below.

Running feedback failure

Primary running

Secondary running

Start relay (crank)



The start sequence is interrupted in the following situations:

Event Comment
Stop signal
Start failure
Remove starter feedback Tacho setpoint.
Running feedback Digital input.
Running feedback Tacho setpoint.
Running feedback W terminal
Running feedback Oil pressure setpoint (menu 6175).
Running feedback EIC (engine communication).
Emergency stop
Alarm Alarms with shutdown" or "trip and stop" fail class.
Stop push-button on display Local mode.
RMI feedback RMI input with shutdown
Modbus stop command Local mode.
Digital stop input Local mode.

If the MPU input is to be used to remove the starter, it has to be set up in menu 6174.

Setpoints related to the start sequence

- Crank failure alarm (4530 Crank failure)
If MPU is chosen as the primary running feedback, this alarm will be raised if the specified rpm is not reached
before the delay has expired.

- Run feedback failure (4540 Run feedb. fail)

If running is detected on a secondary feedback, but the primary running feedback, e.g. digital input, has not
detected running, then this alarm will be raised. The delay to be set is the time from the secondary running
detection and until the alarm is raised.

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- Start failure alarm (4570 Start failure)

The start failure alarm occurs, if the engine has not started after the number of start attempts set in menu

- Start prepare (6180 Starter)

Normal prepare: the start prepare timer can be used for start preparation purposes, e.g. prelubrication or pre-
glowing. The start prepare relay is activated when the start sequence is initiated and deactivated when the
start relay is activated. If the timer is set to 0.0 s, the start prepare function is deactivated.

Extended prepare: the extended prepare will activate the start prepare relay when the start sequence is initi-
ated and keep it activated when the start relay activates until the specified time has expired. If the extended
prepare time exceeds the start ON time, the start prepare relay is deactivated. If the timer is set to 0.0 s, the
extended prepare function is deactivated.

Start ON time: the starter will be activated during this period when cranking.

Start OFF time: the pause between two start attempts.

3.5.5 Stop sequence

The drawings illustrate the stop sequence.

Stop sequence
Run coil

Cooling down time tCOOL

Run coil

Running feedback

Sequence initiated

Stop sequence
Stop coil

Cooling down time tCOOL

Stop coil tstop

Running feedback

Sequence initiated

The stop sequence will be activated if a stop command is given. The stop sequence includes the cooling
down time if the stop is a normal or controlled stop.

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ECU 100 DRH 4189340795 UK Functional descriptions

Description Cooling down Stop Comment

Trip and stop alarm X X
Stop button on display (X) X Manual stop. Cooling down is interrupted if the stop but-
ton is activated twice.
Emergency stop X Engine shuts down.

The stop sequence can only be interrupted during the cooling down period in these situations:

Event Comment
Start button is pressed Local mode: engine will run in idle speed
Digital start input Remote mode

Setpoints related to the stop sequence

- Stop failure (4580 Stop failure)

A stop failure alarm will appear if the primary running feedback is still present after the delay in this menu has

- Stop (6210 Stop)

The length of the cooling-down period can be defined.

Extended stop:
The delay after the running feedback has disappeared until a new start sequence is allowed. The extended
stop sequence is activated any time the stop button is pressed.

Cool down controlled by engine temperature:

The engine temperature-controlled cool-down is to ensure that the engine is cooled down below the setpoint
in menu 6214 "Cool down temperature" before the engine is stopped. This is particularly beneficial if the en-
gine has been running for a short period of time and therefore not reached normal cooling water temperature,
as the cool-down period will be very short or none at all. If the engine has been running for a long period, it
has reached normal running temperature, and the cool-down period will be the exact time it takes to get the
temperature below the temperature setpoint in menu 6214.

If, for some reason, the engine cannot get the temperature below the temperature setpoint in 6214 within the
time limit in parameter 6211, the engine will be shut down by this timer. The reason for this could be high
ambient temperature or too high exhaust temperatures etc.

If the cooling-down timer is set to 0.0 s, the cooling-down sequence will be infinite.

If the cooling-down temperature is set to 0 deg., the cooling-down sequence will be entirely
controlled by the timer.

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4. Display and menu structure

4.1 Password and parameter acccess
4.1.1 Passwords
The unit includes three password levels. All levels can be adjusted in the PC software.

Available password levels:

Password level Factory setting Access

Customer Service Master
Customer 2000 X
Service 2001 X X
Master 2002 X X X

A parameter cannot be entered with a password that is ranking too low. But the settings can be displayed
without password entry.

Each parameter can be protected by a specific password level. To do so, the PC utility software must be
used. Enter the parameter to be configured and select the correct password level.

The password level can also be changed from the parameter view in the column "Level".

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4.1.2 Parameter access

To gain access to adjust the parameters, the password level must be entered:

If the password level is not entered, it is not possible to enter the parameters.

The customer password can be changed in parameter 9111. The service password can be
changed in parameter 9112. The master password can be changed in parameter 9113.

The factory passwords must be changed if the operator of the engine is not allowed to change
the parameters.

It is not possible to change the password at a higher level than the password entered.

4.2 Reference to Operator's manual

Information about display and menu structure can be found in the "Operator's manual", which
is located on DEIF's homepage under documentation for ECU 100.

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ECU 100 DRH 4189340795 UK Engine communication

5. Engine communication
5.1 Reference to engine communication manual
5.1.1 Engine communication
The ECU 100 is able to communicate with an engine controller through the CANbus (CAN A).

Information about engine communication can be found in the "Engine communication" man-
ual, which is located on DEIF's homepage under documentation for ECU 100.

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ECU 100 DRH 4189340795 UK Additional functions

6. Additional functions
6.1 Start functions
6.1.1 Start functions
The ECU will start the engine when the start command is given. The start relay is deactivated when the re-
move starter event occurs or when the running feedback is present.

The reason for having two possibilities to deactivate the start relay is to be able to delay the alarms with run

If it is not possible to activate the run status alarms at low revolutions, the remove starter function must be

An example of a critical alarm is the oil pressure alarm. Normally, it is configured according to the shutdown
fail class. But if the starter motor has to disengage at 400 RPM, and the oil pressure does not reach a level
above the shutdown setpoint before 600 RPM, then the genset would shut down if the specific alarm was ac-
tivated at the preset 400 RPM. In that case, the running feedback must be activated at a higher number of
revolutions than 600 RPM.





Oil pressure

Remove starter

6.1.2 Digital feedbacks

If an external running relay is installed, the digital control inputs for running detection or remove starter can be

Running feedback
When the digital running feedback is active, the start relay is deactivated, and the starter motor will be disen-

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Run. feedback

Firing speed

The diagram illustrates how the digital running feedback is activated when the engine has reached its firing

Remove starter
When the digital remove starter input is present, the start relay is deactivated, and the starter motor will be



Run. feedback

Remove starter

Firing speed Running

The diagram illustrates how the remove starter input is activated when the engine has reached its firing
speed. At the running speed, the digital running feedback is activated.

The remove starter input must be configured from a number of available digital inputs.

The running feedback is detected by either the digital input (see diagram above), frequency
measurement (frequency level is adjustable in parameter 6165), RPM measured by magnetic
pickup or EIC (engine communication).

6.1.3 Analogue feedback

When a magnetic pick-up (MPU) is being used, the specific level of revolutions for deactivation of the start
relay can be adjusted.

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ECU 100 DRH 4189340795 UK Additional functions

Running feedback
The diagram below shows how the running feedback is detected at the firing speed level. The factory setting
is 1000 RPM (6170 Running detect.).



Run. feedback,
menu 6173

Firing speed

Notice that the factory setting of 1000 RPM is higher than the RPM level of starter motors of
typical design. Adjust this value in 6170 to a lower value to avoid damage of the starter motor.

Remove starter input

The drawing below shows how the setpoint of the remove starter is detected at the firing speed level. The
factory setting is 400 RPM (6170 Running detect.).



Run. feedback,
menu 6173

Remove starter,
menu 6174

Firing speed Running

The number of teeth on the flywheel must be adjusted in menu 6170 when the MPU input is

6.1.4 Oil pressure

The multi-inputs on terminals 6, 7 and 8 can be used for the detection of running feedback. The terminal in
question must be configured as an RMI input for oil pressure measurement.

When the oil pressure increases above the adjusted value (6175 Pressure level), the running feedback is
detected, and the start sequence is ended.

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Running feedback
The diagram below shows how the running feedback is detected at the firing speed level. The factory setting
is 1000 RPM (6170 Running detect.).

RPM / Oil pressure


Run detection
Oil pressure
menu 6175

Firing speed

Remove starter input

The drawing below shows how the setpoint of the "remove starter input" is detected at the firing speed level.
The factory setting is 400 RPM (6170 Running detect.).

RPM / Oil pressure


Run detection
Oil pressure
menu 6175

Remove starter,
menu 6174

Firing speed Running

The remove starter function can use the MPU or a digital input.

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6.2 Alarm inhibit

In order to select when the alarms are to be active, a configurable inhibit setting for each alarm has been
made. The inhibit functionality is a way to make an alarm inactive when the events, chosen in the menu be-
low, are active. The inhibit functionality is only available via the PC utility software. For each alarm, there is a
drop-down window where it is possible to select which signals have to be present in order to inhibit the alarm.

Selections for alarm inhibit:

Function Description
Inhibit 1 M-Logic outputs: Conditions are programmed in M-Logic
Inhibit 2
Inhibit 3
Run status Running detected and the timer in menu 6160 expired
Not run status Running not detected or the timer in menu 6160 not expired

The timer in 6160 is not used if digital running feedback is used.

Inhibit of the alarm is active as long as one of the selected inhibit functions is active.

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6.2.1 Run status (6160)

Alarms can be adjusted to activate only when the running feedback is active and a specific time delay has

The diagram below illustrates that after activation of the running feedback, a run status delay will expire.
When the delay expires, alarms with Run status will be activated.

Run. feedback

Alarms active

The timer is ignored if digital running feedback is used.

6.3 Running output

6160 Run status can be adjusted to give a digital output when the engine is running.

Select the correct relay number in output A and output B, enable the function and write to the controller.

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Change the relay function to limit in the I/O menu. Then the relay will activate, but no alarm will appear.

If the relay function is not changed to "limit" function, an alarm will appear at every running

6.4 Idle running

6.4.1 Idle running
The purpose of the idle run function is to change the start and stop sequences to allow the engine to operate
under low temperature conditions.

It is possible to use the idle run function with or without timers. Two timers are available. One timer is used in
the start sequence, and one timer is used in the stop sequence.

The main purpose of the function is to prevent the engine from stopping. The timers are available to make the
function flexible.

The speed governor must be prepared for the idle run function if this function is to be used.

The function is typically used in installations where the engine is exposed to low temperatures which could
generate starting problems or damage the engine.

6.4.2 Description
The function is enabled and configured in 6290 Idle running. It has to be noted that the governor itself must
handle the idle speed based on a digital signal from the ECU (see the principle diagram below).

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When the function is enabled, a digital input is used for control purposes. This input must be configured
through the utility software:

No. Input Description

1 Low speed in- This input is used to change between idle speed and nominal speed. This input
put does not prevent the engine from stopping - it is only a selection between idle and
nominal speed.

If the idle run function is selected by means of the timer, the low speed input is overruled.

Turbo chargers not originally prepared for operating in the low speed area can be damaged if
the engine is running in "idle run" for too long.

6.4.3 Examples
Idle speed during starting and stopping
In this example both the start and the stop timers are activated.

The start and stop sequences are changed in order to let the engine stay at the idle level before speeding up.
It also decreases the speed to the idle level for a specified delay time before stopping.





Start Stop

6.4.4 Inhibit
The alarms that are deactivated by the inhibit function are inhibited in the usual manner, except for the oil
pressure alarms; RMI oil 6,7 and 8 which are active during "idle run" as well.

6.4.5 Running signal

The running feedback must be activated when the engine is running in idle mode.

6.4.6 Idle speed flowcharts

The flowcharts illustrate the starting and stopping of the engine by use of the input "low speed".

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6.4.7 Start




Start the

timer ON
Low speed
Yes ON



Unit is running
at nominal
Genset speed
running at
idle speed


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6.4.8 Stop


Auto start / Unit running
control No
stop OFF at idle speed


Unit stop

Lowspeed Idle timer

ON on

Yes Yes

Unit running Idle timer No

idle speed expired


Unit stop


6.5 Engine heater

This function is used to control the temperature of the engine. A sensor measuring the cooling water tempera-
ture is used to activate an external heating system to keep the engine at a minimum temperature.

The setpoints adjusted in menu 6320 are:

Setpoint: This setpoint +/- the hysteresis is the start and stop points for the engine heater.

Output A: The relay output for the engine heater.

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Type: Multi-input to be used for temperature measurement.

Hysteresis: This decides how big a deviation from the setpoint is needed to activate/deactivate the engine

Enable: Enables the engine heater function.

Principle diagram:



Engine heater

Start attempt

DG running

The engine heater function is only active when the engine is stopped.

6.5.1 Engine heater alarm

If the temperature keeps dropping after the start setpoint has been exceeded, an alarm will be raised if con-
figured in menu 6330.

6.6 Battery test

6.6.1 Battery test
This function gives the possibility to test the condition of the battery. The battery test can be initiated with a
digital input and is available when the engine is in auto mode.

If a busbar failure occurs during the battery test sequence, the test will automatically be interrupted, and the
automatic busbar failure start up sequence will be activated.

During the test, the battery voltage will decrease, and an alarm will occur if it drops to the setpoint.

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Cancel test

Test 1 Test 2

The drawing shows that test #1 is carried out without a large voltage drop of the battery voltage, whereas test
#2 reaches the alarm setpoint as the voltage drop is too big.

As there is no reason to wear the battery down even more, the test stops when the battery test alarm occurs.
The test is typically used at periodical intervals, e.g. once every week. The engine must be at a standstill
when the test is started. Otherwise, the test command will be ignored. The stop relay will act depending on
the coil type:

Stop coil: The stop relay activates during the test.

Run coil: The stop relay stays deactivated during the test.

The drawing below shows that when the test is started, the start relay activates what makes the engine turn.

Start relay

Stop coil

Run coil

Start test

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6.6.2 Input configuration

If this function is to be used, it is necessary to configure a digital input that initiates the function. This is done
in the dialogue box below:

6.7 Not in remote

6.7.1 Not in remote
This function can be used for indication or to raise an alarm in case the system is not in remote. The function
is set up in menu 6540.

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6.8 Fuel pump logic

The fuel pump logic is used to start and stop the fuel supply pump to maintain the fuel level in the service
tank at predefined levels. The start and stop limits are detected from one of the three multi-inputs.

Setpoints available in menu 6550:

Pump start Start level.

Pump stop Stop level.

Timer: If the fuel level has not increased by 2% within this delay, a Fuel fill alarm will be raised.

Output A (OA): The relay to be used for control of the fuel pump. The selected relay activates below
the start limit and deactivates above the stop level.

Type: The multi-input to be used for the fuel level sensor.

Fail class: The fail class of the Fuel fill alarm.

The fuel pump relay can be activated via M-logic.

The output relay should be configured as a limit relay, otherwise, an alarm will be raised when-
ever the output is activated.

The below drawing shows how the fuel pump is activated when the level reaches 20% and stopped again
when the level has reached 80%.

Fuel level
Fuel service tank level




Fuel pump start level Fuel pump stop level

6.8.1 Fuel fill check

The fuel pump logic includes a Fuel fill check function.

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When the fuel pump is running, the fuel level must increase by 2% within the fuel fill check timer set in menu
6553. If the fuel level does not increase by 2% within the adjusted delay time, then the fuel pump relay deacti-
vates and a Fuel fill alarm occurs.

level, 2%

level, 2%

tFill check

The level of increase is fixed at 2% and cannot be changed.

6.9 Fail class

6.9.1 Fail class
All activated alarms must be configured with a fail class. The fail classes define the category of the alarms
and the subsequent alarm action.

Seven different fail classes can be used. The tables below illustrate the action of each fail class when the
engine is running or stopped.

6.9.2 Engine running

Fail class Action Alarm horn relay Alarm display Cooling-down engine Stop engine
1 Block X X
2 Warning X X
5 Shutdown X X X

The table illustrates the action of the fail classes. If, for instance, an alarm has been configured with the "shut-
down" fail class, the following actions occur.
The alarm horn relay will activate
The alarm will be displayed in the alarm info screen
The engine is stopped instantly
The engine cannot be started from the unit (see next table)

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6.9.3 Engine stopped

Fail class Action Block engine start

1 Block X
2 Warning
5 Shutdown X

In addition to the actions defined by the fail classes, it is possible to activate one or two relay
outputs if additional relays are available in the unit.

6.9.4 Fail class configuration

The fail class can be selected for each alarm function either via the display or the PC software.

To change the fail class via the PC software, the alarm function to be configured must be selected. Select the
desired fail class in the fail class roll-down panel.

6.10 Service timers

The unit is able to monitor the maintenance intervals. Two service timers are available to cover different inter-
vals. The service timers are set up in menus 6110 and 6120.

The function is based on running hours. When the adjusted time expires, the unit will display an alarm. The
running hours is counting when the running feedback is present.

Setpoints available in menus 6110 and 6120:

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Enable: Enable/disable the alarm function.

Hour's timer: The number of running hours to activate the alarm. The service timer alarm will be activa-
ted as soon as the running hours have been reached.

Days timer: The number of days to activate the alarm if the running hours are not reached before
this number of days, the alarm will still be activated. The service timer alarm will be acti-
vated at 8:00 AM on the day the alarm expires.

Fail class: The fail class of the alarm.

Output A: Relay to be activated when the alarm is activated.

Reset: Enabling this will reset the service timer to zero. This must be done when the alarm is

6.11 Digital inputs

The unit has a number of digital inputs, some of which are configurable and some are not.

Input function Remote Test Local Configurable Input type

1 Shutdown override X X X Configurable Constant
2 Remote start X Configurable Pulse
3 Remote stop X Configurable Pulse
4 Remote alarm acknowledge X X X Configurable Constant
5 Remove starter X Configurable Pulse
6 Local mode X X Configurable Pulse
7 Remote mode X X Configurable Pulse
8 Test mode X X Configurable Pulse
9 Battery test X X X Configurable Constant
10 Low speed X X Configurable Constant
11 Digital running detection X X X Configurable Constant
12 Start enable X X X Configurable Constant
13 D+ (digital running feedback) X X X Configurable Constant
14 Inhibit engine alarms X X X Configurable Constant

6.11.1 Functional description

1. Shutdown override
This input deactivates all protections except the overspeed protection and the emergency stop input. The
number of start attempts is three by default, but it can be configured in 6190 Start. Also a special cool down
timer is used in the stop sequence after an activation of this input.

2. Remote start
This input initiates the start sequence of the engine when manual mode is selected.

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3. Remote stop
This input initiates the stop sequence of the engine when manual mode is selected. The engine will stop with-
out cooling down.

4. Remote alarm acknowledge

Acknowledges all present alarms, and the alarm LED on the display stops flashing.

5. Remove starter
The start sequence is deactivated. This means the start relay deactivates, and the starter motor will disen-

6. Local mode
Changes the present running mode to local.

7. Remote mode
Changes the present running mode to remote.

8. Test mode
Activates the test sequence.

9. Battery test
Activates the starter without starting the engine. If the battery is weak, the test will cause the battery voltage
to drop more than acceptable, and an alarm will occur.

10. Low speed

Disables the regulators and keeps the engine running at a low RPM.

11. Digital running detection

The input is used as a running indication of the engine. When the input is activated, the start relay is deactiva-

12. Start enable

The input must be activated to be able to start the engine.

13. D+ (digital running feedback)

This input is used as a running indication of the engine. When the input is activated, the start relay is deacti-

14. Inhibit Engine alarms

When this input is active, it will inhibit all engine interface alarms.

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6.12 Outputs
The unit has a number of output functions which can be configured to any available relay.

Output function Remote Test Local Configurable Output type

1 Status OK X X X Configurable Constant
2 Run coil X X X Configurable Constant
3 Stop coil X X X Configurable Constant
4 Prepare X X X Configurable Constant
5 Starter (Crank) X X X Configurable Constant
6 Horn X X X Configurable Constant

6.12.1 Functional description

1. Status OK

2. Run Coil
The relay configured as run coil will close when the start prepare timer runs out and be closed the entire time
the engine is running. The run coil timer can if used delay activation of the starter (crank) relay.

3. Stop Coil
This relay configured as stop coil will when activated close and stop the engine. When running feedback
ends, stop coil will stay closed in the extended stop time (parameter 6212) and then open.

4. Prepare
This function (start prepare) will close the relay as the first thing in the start sequence. The relay will be
closed for the time programmed in parameter 6181. This function is used for preheating the engine or for pre-

5. Starter (Crank)
The relay configured to starter will be closed for the time selected in parameter 6184 in the start sequence.

6. Horn
The horn relay is an alarm output. This means that every time an alarm state appears, the horn relay will
close for the time configured in the parameter 6130 Alarm horn regardless of fail class. If 6130 is set to 0
seconds, it will be on until the reset horn push-button is activated or the alarm(s) has (have) been acknowl-

6.13 Multi-inputs
The CU unit has three multi-inputs which can be configured to be used as the following input types:
1. 4-20 mA
2. RMI oil
3. RMI water
4. RMI fuel
5. Digital

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The function of the multi-inputs can only be configured in the PC utility software in 10980,
10990 and 11000.

For each input, two alarm levels are available, the menu numbers of the alarm settings for each multi-input is
controlled by the configured input type as seen in the following table.

Input type Multi-input 6 Multi-input 7 Multi-input 8

4-20 mA 4120/4130 4250/4260 4380/4390
RMI oil 4180/4190 4310/4320 4440/4450
RMI water 4200/4210 4330/4340 4460/4470
RMI fuel 4220/4230 4350/4360 4480/4490
Digital 3400 3410 3420

Only one alarm level is available for the digital input type.

6.13.1 4-20 mA
If one of the multi-inputs has been configured as 4-20 mA, the unit and range of the measured value corre-
sponding to 4-20 mA can be changed in the PC utility software in order to get the correct reading in the dis-

6.13.2 RMI inputs

The unit can contain up to three RMI (resistance measurement input). The inputs have different functions, as
the hardware design allows for several RMI types.
RMI is a resistance measurement input which can be used together with a resistance dependant sensor.
These various types of RMI are available for all multi-inputs:

RMI oil: Oil pressure

RMI water: Cooling water temperature
RMI fuel: Fuel level sensor

For each type of RMI, it is possible to select between different characteristics including a configurable one.

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6.13.3 RMI oil

This RMI input is used for measuring the lubricating oil pressure.

RMI sensor type

Pressure Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Bar psi
0 0 10.0 10.0
0.5 7 27.2
1.0 15 44.9 31.3
1.5 22 62.9
2.0 29 81.0 51.5
2.5 36 99.2
3.0 44 117.1 71.0
3.5 51 134.7
4.0 58 151.9 89.6
4.5 65 168.3
5.0 73 184.0 107.3
6.0 87 124.3
7.0 102 140.4
8.0 116 155.7
9.0 131 170.2
10.0 145 184.0

The configurable type is configurable with eight points in the range 0-2500 . The resistance as
well as the pressure can be adjusted.

If the RMI input is used as a level switch, then be aware that no voltage must be connected to
the input. If any voltage is applied to the RMI inputs, it will be damaged. Please refer to the Ap-
plication Notes for further wiring information.

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6.13.4 RMI water

This RMI input is used for measuring the cooling water temperature.

RMI sensor
Temperature Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
40 104 291.5 480.7 69.3
50 122 197.3 323.6
60 140 134.0 222.5 36.0
70 158 97.1 157.1
80 176 70.1 113.2 19.8
90 194 51.2 83.2
100 212 38.5 62.4 11.7
110 230 29.1 47.6
120 248 22.4 36.8 7.4
130 266 28.9
140 284 22.8
150 302 18.2

The configurable type is configurable with eight points in the range 0-2500 . The temperature
as well as the resistance can be adjusted.

If the RMI input is used as a level switch, then be aware that no voltage must be connected to
the input. If any voltage is applied to the RMI inputs, it will be damaged. Please refer to the Ap-
plication Notes for further wiring information.

6.13.5 RMI fuel

This RMI input is used for the fuel level sensor.

RMI sensor type

Type 1
Value Resistance
0% 78.8
100% 1.6

RMI sensor type

Type 2
Value Resistance
0% 3
100% 180

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If the RMI input is used as a level switch, then be aware that no voltage must be connected to
the input. If any voltage is applied to the RMI inputs, it will be damaged. Please refer to the Ap-
plication Notes for further wiring information.

RMI sensor type

Value Type configurable
% Resistance

The configurable type is configurable with eight points in the range 0-2500 . The value as well
as the resistance can be adjusted.

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6.13.6 Illustration of configurable inputs


Setpoint 8

Setpoint 7

Setpoint 6

Setpoint 5

Setpoint 4

Setpoint 3
Setpoint 2
Setpoint 1 Value
(bar, C or %)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


6.13.7 Configuration
The eight curve settings for the configurable RMI inputs cannot be changed in the display, but only in the PC
utility software. In the PC utility software the configurable inputs are adjusted in this dialogue box:

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Adjust the resistance of the RMI sensor at the specific measuring value. In the example above the adjustment
is 10 at 0.0 bar.

6.13.8 Scaling of 4-20 mA inputs

The scaling of the analogue inputs is made to ensure that the readout of the inputs is made with a resolution
that fits the connected sensor. It is recommended to follow the guide below when changing the scaling of the
analogue inputs.

Scaling example:
1. Use the utility software to configure a multi-input to be 4-20 mA, in this example multi-input 6 (parameter
2. Read the parameters from the device
3. After reading the parameters, the 4-20 mA alarm appears under the analogue fane in the USW. The ex-
ample below shows how to adjust the analogue input alarm.
The three dots to the left of the figures, marked with arrows, are buttons. Adjust the input as required, e.g.
0-5 bar:

4. Adjust the input as required, e.g. 0-5 bar:

The display will then show 0 at 4 mA.

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5. If needed, it is possible to scale the input to fit the sensor (Parameter 11010).

6. It is necessary to read the parameters from the device to the computer after changing the scale (1/1, 1/10
or 1/100) settings. This is in order to refresh the parameter list so the alarm settings present the correct value.
7. After reading the parameters, the alarm has been scaled so it needs to be adjusted (0-5 in this example),
and this is also a scaling of the value on the display.

The display will now show the scaled value of multi-input 6.

In the example shown above, the value can be adjusted with two decimals. If the parameters were not re-
freshed, it would still only be possible to adjust the setpoint without decimals.

Save the parameter file:

After having set up the 4-20 mA inputs (HW as well as alarms), the parameter file should be uploaded from
the device to the PC and then saved. In this way, the settings will not be modified again if the parameters are
reloaded to the device.

6.13.9 Digital
If the multi-inputs are configured to "Digital", they become available as digital inputs which means a switch
function input.

6.14 Wire break fail detection

If it is necessary to supervise the sensors/wires connected to the multi-inputs and analogue inputs, then it is
possible to enable the wire break function for each input. If the measured value on the input is outside the
normal dynamic area of the input, it will be detected as if the wire has made a short-circuit or a break. An
alarm with a configurable fail class will be activated.

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Input Wire failure area Normal range Wire failure area

4-20 mA < 3 mA 4-20 mA > 21 mA
RMI Oil, type 1 < 1.0 ohm - > 195.0 ohm
RMI Oil, type 2 < 1.0 ohm - > 195.0 ohm
RMI Temp, type 1 < 4.0 ohm - > 488.0 ohm
RMI Temp, type 2 < 4.0 ohm - > 488.0 ohm
RMI Temp, type 3 < 0.6 ohm - > 97.0 ohm
RMI Fuel, type 1 < 0.6 ohm - > 97.0 ohm
RMI Fuel, type 2 < 1.0 ohm - > 195.0 ohm
RMI configurable < lowest resistance - > highest resistance
Level switch Only active if the switch is open

The illustration below shows that when the wire of the input breaks, the measured value will drop to zero, and
the alarm will occur.

Input signal
(mA, C,b, %)

Wire failure
Upper failure

Lower failure
Wire failure

Wire break

6.15 Input function selection

Digital input alarms can be configured with a possibility to select when the alarms are to be activated. The
possible selections of the input function are normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC). Function selection
can be done by use of USW or from display in menu 3000.

The drawing below illustrates a digital input used as an alarm input.

1. Digital input alarm configured to NC, normally closed

This will initiate an alarm when the signal on the digital input disappears.
2. Digital input alarm configured to NO, normally open
This will initiate an alarm when the signal on the digital input appears.

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+ V DC


Multi-line 2
Dig in


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6.16 Relay function selection

Function Description
Alarm relay The relay is energised until the alarm occurs. From here, the relay stays deactivated until the
NE alarm is acknowledged and gone. The relay will, based on the alarm, send out a signal, or
not, depending on its physical setup (normally open or normally closed).
Limit relay The relay will activate at the limit setpoint. No alarm will appear when both outputs (OA/OB)
of the alarm are adjusted to the limit relay. After the condition activating this relay has re-
turned to normal, the relay will deactivate when the "OFF delay" has expired. The OFF delay
is adjustable.
Horn relay The output activates on all alarms. For a detailed description, please refer to the chapter
"Horn output".
Siren relay The output activates on all alarms, like "Horn output". If the relay is ON, and another alarm is
active, a short-time reset will be activated.
Alarm relay The relay is deenergised until the alarm occurs. From here, the relay stays activated until the
ND alarm is acknowledged and gone. The relay will, based on the alarm, send out a signal, or
not, depending on its physical setup (normally open or normally closed).
Common The output activates all alarms, like "Horn output" If the relay is ON, and another alarm is
alarm active, a short-time reset will be activated. The common alarm output will be activated as
long as there is an active alarm - also if the alarm is acknowledged.

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The 1st alarm activates the relay chosen for the horn, siren or common alarm. The 2nd will deactivate the
relay and subsequently activate again to tell that another alarm has occured, but only on the siren and the
common alarm. The horn alarm will keep the relay activated from the 1st alarm, and until the timer in parame-
ter 6130 runs out. Then the relay is deactivated.
The next alarms will in the same way always on the common alarm de- and activate the relay. On the siren,
the time from the 2nd alarm to the next has to be more than 5 seconds; otherwise the relay will stay activated.
When the timer runs out (parameter 6130), the siren deactivates the relay, but if a common alarm is chosen,
it stays activated until the alarm is acknowledged and gone.

6.17 Language selection

The unit has the possibility to display different languages. It is delivered with one master language which is
English. This is the default language, and it cannot be changed. In addition to the master language 11 differ-
ent languages can be configured. This is done via the PC utility software.

The languages are selected in the system setup menu 6080. The language can be changed when connected
to the PC utility software. It is not possible to make language configuration from the display, but the already
configured languages can be selected.

6.18 Information and status texts

Information and status texts are displayed to ease operation and indicate the actual status of the unit/engine

Description of information and status texts can be found in the ECU operators manual which
is available at

6.19 Counters
Counters for various values are included, and some of these can be adjusted if necessary, for instance if the
unit is installed on an existing engine or a new circuit breaker has been installed.

The table shows the adjustable values and their function in menu 6100:

Description Function Comment

6101 Running time Offset adjustment of the total running hours Counting when the running feed-
counter. back is present.
6102 Running time Offset adjustment of the total running thousand Counting when the running feed-
hours counter. back is present.

6106 Start attempts Offset adjustment of the number of start at- Counting at each start attempt.

Additional counters for "Running hours" and "Energy" can be read out from the PC utility soft-

6.20 M-Logic
The M-Logic functionality is included in the unit and is not an option-dependent function.

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M-Logic is used to execute different commands at predefined conditions. M-Logic is not a PLC but substitutes
one, if only very simple commands are needed.

M-Logic is a simple tool based on logic events. One or more input conditions are defined, and at the activa-
tion of those inputs, the defined output will occur. A great variety of inputs can be selected, such as digital
inputs, alarm conditions and running conditions. A variety of the outputs can also be selected, such as relay
outputs, change of engine modes and change of running modes.

The M-Logic is part of the PC utility software, and as such, it can only be configured in the PC
utility software and not via the display.

The main purpose of M-Logic is to give the operator/designer more flexible possibilities of operating the gen-
erator control system.

Please refer to the "Help" function in the PC utility software for a full description of this config-
uration tool.

6.21 Buzzer
6.21.1 Buzzer
The ECU 100 has a built-in buzzer. The buzzer is configured in M-Logic. This means that if the buzzer is go-
ing to be used as a horn annunciator, the input must be set to "Horn" and the output must be set to "Buzzer".
The buzzer will act concurrently to the horn output timer. If the delay timer in M-Logic is used, the buzzer will
be active after this time delay.

If an AOP-2 is connected, the buzzer in the AOP-2 must be configured under the AOP-2 setup.
But the configuration of the AOP-2 buzzer is similar to the description above.

6.22 GSM communication

6.22.1 GSM and modem communication
GSM communication can be used for two purposes:

1. Sending SMS alarm messages to up to 5 different mobile phones. The messages will be clear text, repre-
senting the alarm in question (e.g. Overspeed) and an ID. The ID represents the total numbers of sent
2. Communicate with the PC utility software.

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SMS alarm
message Mobile


connection PC with
utility software

Telephone line

Service port

The connection is based on an RS232 connection to a GSM modem via the service port on the unit. Since
the connection on the controller is a TTL communication, the interface box PI-1 (option J5) is needed to con-
vert the signals to RS232. The PI-1 connects via a cable with SUB-D 9-pin female connector on the modem
side (see illustration above).

Modem type
DEIF recommends using a Westermo GDW-11 modem, as the application has been tested with these termi-
nals. The SIM card needed must support data transfer. Contact your GSM provider for details. The easiest
way to set the PIN code in the modem itself is to mount the SIM card in a mobile phone and change the PIN
code there. The SIM card will remember the PIN code when it is installed in the modem.

SMS alarm settings

Parameter no. Name Function Set to

10320 GSM PIN code Set PIN code for GSM modem* None
10330 12345678901 GSM phone number 1 None
10340 12345678901 GSM phone number 2 None
10350 12345678901 GSM phone number 3 None
10360 12345678901 GSM phone number 4 None
10370 12345678901 GSM phone number 5 None

*After each auxiliary supply power up, the unit will send the required PIN code to the modem if this is neces-
sary. The PIN code is adjusted in the PC utility software.
For calling a foreign number, type "+" and country code instead of "00", for example dial +45 99999999 for a
Danish number.

Alarm during operation

Should an alarm occur during the interruption, the controller unit will re-transmit it when the modem starts
again, so no messages are lost.

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PC utility software communication via modem

Locate the settings for modem communication in Select modem and enter the telephone number of
the utility software settings (F3). your GSM modem connected to the unit.
When using modem dial-up, the PC utility software
must also be set to run ASCII data communication.

After this, dial-up can be used.

Click the this icon to start modem communication:

The modem communication is much slower than the normal direct connection, so please be
patient. It is not recommended to download the entire setting list. Use single setting down-

If a PC utility software connection is required, then the SIM card must support data transfer.
Contact your GSM provider for details.

PC utility software communication safety

If the communication fails, the controller will operate according to the received data. If e.g. only half of the
parameter file has been downloaded when the communication is interrupted, the settings are going to be a

6.23 Nominal settings

6.23.1 How to change the nominal settings
The ECU has two set of nominal values for the engine, and they are adjusted in menus 6000 to 6010 (Nomi-
nal settings 1 to 2).

Menu Setting Description

6005 Nom. RPM 1 Nominal engine revolution
6015 Nom. RPM 1 Nominal engine revolution

The switching between the nominal setpoints can be done in three ways; digital input, AOP or menu 6006.

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Digital input
M-Logic is used when a digital input is needed for switching between the two sets of nominal settings. Select
the required input among the input events, and select the nominal settings in the outputs.


Event A Event B Event C Output

Dig. input no. 10 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 1
Not Dig. input no. 10 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 2

M-Logic is used when the AOP is used for switching between the two sets of nominal settings. Select the
required AOP push-button among the input events, and select the nominal settings in the outputs.


Event A Event B Event C Output

Button07 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 1
Button08 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 2

Menu settings
In menu 6006, the switching is made between settings 1 to 2 simply by choosing the desired nominal setting.

6.24 Differential measurement

6.24.1 Differential measurement
With the differential measurement function, it is possible to compare two analogue inputs and trigger on the
difference between the two values.
If the differential function is e.g. fuel filter check, the timer will be activated if the setpoint between PA (ana-
logue A) and PB (analogue B) is exceeded. If the differential value drops below the setpoint value before the
timer runs out, the timer will be stopped and reset.

Before filter Differential Differential

limit Alarm


PA After filter


Six different differential measurements between two analogue input values can be configured.

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Differential measurements between two sensors can be configured in menus 4600-4606 and 4670-4676. The
sensors are selected from the input list as shown below, the list also contains various EIC measurements.

The relevant alarm setpoint is chosen in parameters 4610-4660 and 4680-4730

Each alarm can be configured in two alarm levels for each differential measurement between the analogue
inputs A and B as follows. The configurations are done in menus 4610-4660 and 4680-4730.

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ECU 100 DRH 4189340795 UK Parameter list

7. Parameter list
7.1 Related parameters
7.1.1 Related parameters
For further information related to parameters, please see the installation instructions and the parameter list.

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