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ISSN 1923-1555[Print]

Studies in Literature and Language ISSN 1923-1563[Online]

Vol. 11, No. 5, 2015, pp. 41-44

Augustines Theory of Free Will

LONG Bo[a],*; FENG Fei[a]

School of Political Science and Public Administration, Southwest influenced by the Greek skepticism. Later on reading
University, Chongqing, China.
the works of Platon, since then, the new Platon doctrine
*Corresponding author.
philosophy has an indelible impact on his mind.
Received 24 August 2015; accepted 19 October 2015 In 386 AD, Augustine came to Milan to visit
Published online 26 November 2015 Ambrose. In Milan, the most important event in the life
of Augustines mind. In the story of a Christian friends
Abstract casually from San Antonio to recognize the letter, and two
Augustine is a master of ancient Christian patristic Roman officials because occasionally read Anthony deeds
thought, is regarded as one of the four early Christian from dedicated to serve the Lord anecdotes, Augustine
fathers. Free will be a problem in the traditional western heard and violent vibration. After the guests left,
philosophy. Augustine by thinking of free will, expounds Augustine toward the garden, feel an upsurge of emotion,
the origin of evil, uplifts the subjective initiative of confusion, suddenly listen to next door children sing take
human being. However, in his later years, Augustine has up a book and read it, pick up the book to read. However
restricted the early free will theory, and completely falls he never heard the song, he hurried back to the garden just
into God determinism. On the premise of Gods prediction sitting place, turns the page, gaze fell on a is: can not be
and reservation, Augustines theory of free will fall into drunken lust, fornication debauchery, not jealous of strife.
theoretical predicament. But you are to equip yourself with the weapon of the
Key words: Free will; Evil; The theory of grace Lord Jesus Christ; not just to satisfy the lust of the flesh
(Romans, 13.13-14). This is the famous Milan Garden
L o n g , B . , & F e n g , F. ( 2 0 1 5 ) . A u g u s t i n e s T h e o r y o f F r e e
Will. Studies in Literature and Language, 11 (5), 41-44. Available 387 years, Augustine was baptized in the Baptist Milan
from: bishop Ambrose under the auspices of the Christian faith.
DOI: 388 years, he returned to North Africa, a semi monastic
community built hard life. 391 years, he out of duty
rather than to receive orders, 395 years, he was promoted
to bishop of Hippo. In 430 years, Wang Dels siege, the
INTRODUCTION death of Hippo.
Saint Augustine (354-430), full name Aurelius Augustine works in his life, it is a famous. Most of
Augustinus, born in AD 354 in North African town tower Augustines writings are collected in Latina Patrologia
Tagaste, father Patrick West Uz is pagan, mother Monca (referred to as the PL.32-47). His most important
is a devout Christian. Augustines young a bohemian theological work is Trinitate De. In philosophy, the most
life, with a woman cohabitation for many years and has a influential book is On Free Will (De libero arbitrio);
son; he also traveled in pornographic performances in the Confessions (Confessiones); The City of God (Decivitate
theater, and the Colosseum. In his early years, Augustine Dei). In addition, there are often cited: On faith and
believesManichaeismgood and evil is dualist approach. symbol (De fide et symbolo), The theory of the Gospel of
Once, he and Manichaeism leaders debate found John (In Joannis evangelium).
Manichaeism doctrine does not satisfactorily explain the Augustine lived in the end of the classical society,
evil, disappointed. Since then, a period of time has been the eve of the middle ages, is the late godfather, but also

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Augustines Theory of Free Will

the most authoritative Latin fathers. As Whitehead said, freedom, and in reality he has swallowed the snake decoy
the whole western philosophy are the footnote to Platos abused the choosing good freedom, to low levels of good
philosophy. Therefore, Christian theology can also see and give up the highest level of Gods Dashan. Bound
as a footnote to Augustines philosophy. Augustine is to punish him, after the fall of Adam and Eve and their
the last person in ancient Greece and Rome, and the first descendants by ignorance, incompetent, lost choosing
person in the middle ages. Augustine the rationality of good freedom, leaving only the evil of free will. In this
ancient Greek/Roman traditions and beliefs of the Hebrew way, Augustine will be the fall before the freedom and
culture to integrate into the Christian, the achievements fall after the freedom to distinguish.
of the unique characteristics of Christian theology and
1.2 The Origin of Free Will
philosophy, to become master of the patristic philosophy.
As in the classical period of major schools of philosophy Free will comes from? What is free will? To examine this
and theology of the confluence of a synthesizer, he created issue from the standpoint of the Christian faith, Augustine
the Augustine doctrine. His thought had an important believed that this need to be started from the creation
influence on the history of Christianity in the middle ages, of God. Augustine according to the description of the
and the history of western philosophy. creation of God, he put forward the two characteristics
of the creation of God: A, namely from God created
everything; the second, all creatures are good. World
1. EARLY FREE WILL everything is created by the God ex nihilo. All creation,
the existence of a reason, that God created them. And why
1.1 The Connotation of Theory of Free Will does God create? For Gods will. And there is no question
The problem of evil is the problem of Augustines life. of why God is willing to be able to ask God for this kind
In Augustines view, omniscient, almighty, allgood of problem, because it is not only in the limited rationality
creatorGod, it is impossible to do that is the root of of human beings, but more importantly, there is no
evil. So, where evil comes from, that is, the origin of evil. greater than Gods will to be found. The good will of God
Augustine in the premise of theodicy, that evil cannot created all things in the world, creation is really good. In
be God, evil from nothingness. Why do people commit On Free Will, Augustine proved that the existence of God
crimes? In Augustines view, the reason why people are and every good thing is from God. However, we already
evil, that is because people use the wrong will. know these two facts, that the existence of God and every
Augustines definition of free will is built on the good things are from him and, both have been exactly
basis of Platons seeking the good principle. Platons such inspection, the three things, namely behaviours of
freedom is a kind of ability that can satisfy peoples free will is counted as a good thing, it is clear.
desire. For man, the ability to pursue and get the good is God created the free will, and the free will to Adam
to be free, and to think that such freedom is inherent. At and Eve and later every one, every one has a natural
this point, Augustine and Platon have different views on freedom will. Augustine thought that it was a kind of
freedom. Augustine believes that the ability of a single ability to exist in our soul, it is a kind of ability of reason
person is unable to obtain the good, so that people can and freedom. Whether we can have free will depend
get good to the end of Augustines view of freedom. In entirely on the will of our hearts, as long as the heart is
Augustines personal life experience, we have seen that willing to be. It is not like the worlds reputation, health,
in the process of pursuing the truth, he has failed to fully wealth, things that are subject to a variety of external
agree with Platons seeking the good principle, so he factors, much of the time is not we want to have the. But
turned to the Christian concept of salvation. It is this kind Augustine believes that as a kind of free will, which is
of living situation, Augustine came to this conclusion: endowed with a kind of power or ability, it is a man who
only through Gods salvation, he can achieve his freedom can only decide his own will. What I want to do, I do not
(that is, the good) of the yearning. In his consciousness, want to do is not subject to the constraints of external
therefore, the true freedom is in the grace of God. We factors, completely under the control of their own will.
see that it is due to survival of Augustines personal Augustine believes that will be the will of freedom, I will,
experience, make originally incompatible the two ideas: I am free, free will itself be a kind of good.
Platos goodness principle and Christian save the
concept combined with Augustines concept of freedom. 1.3 The Legitimacy of Free Will
Therefore, Augustines free will, not only is the choice of The good is divided into three grades, good, medium,
human right and evil, but people in Gods love, accept the good minimum of good; freedom is a good medium.
grace of God, and in the grace of God, from the good, to In the medium of good standing, the free will, its own
meet their yearning for the good. decision, will be based on the freedom of the will. No
Augustine in The Free Choice of the Will (2 and the one can live without the capacity of the soul. However,
3 volume), the distinction between Adams freedom with the free will and the will of the act, as a free person
and freedom. Adam before the fall is choosing good should bear the corresponding consequences, the free will

Copyright Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture 42

LONG Bo; FENG Fei (2015).
Studies in Literature and Language, 11 (5), 41-44

can be said to be a responsibility to play. Determination original evil. People can not help but ask, since people
and willingness of the will to have good and evil, people have free will, then Adam and Eva will only be borne
can do good by free will, also do evil. Free will can be by their own, and after the children are not involved. In
considered is a good tool, people can use for free will and order to deal with Pelagius disaster, Augustine began to
achievement of good, but also by the crime of free will limit the freedom of the will, more and more clearly to
to do evil. Before the fall of man, man is completely free, predestination.
this is a kind of freedom in the sense of creation, the
body is fully subordinated to the soul, the soul is happy
to obey God, people are free to live a peaceful and happy 2. UNDER THE GRACE OF FREE WILL
Justification of free will. God is giving us the freedom 2.1 Augustine and Pelagius Argue
to choose, but to give is not wrong, if there is a mistake, it As mentioned above, in order to explain the cause of
will only be the freedom of the will to choose whether or evil, Augustine excessively emphasized the function of
not to be used. God has given the freedom to choose the free will. Pelagius say: The first, Adam abuse of the free
people who can use it to do the right thing, and can also will of Gods gift and crime, although a bad example, but
use it to commit crimes. God gave man free will be one it does not destroy the human nature and the ability to
thing, people use it to commit crime is another thing, the commit crimes, a person only for his own free will, not
two can not be linked together. People may not have no because of Adams genetic. Second, Adams evil can only
free will and righteous life, which is God given sufficient be done by his freedom, and it is not just for a man to
reason for it. if it gave both to call a person to live right, punish all mankind for his evil. Third, evilce the crime is
it is called crime, this punishment is not righteousness. If due to the free will, the crime of the lifting should also be
there is no free will, God punishes, there will be, people determined by the free will, the key to a persons salvation
act on the results also does not the so-called evil or good lies in his own moral efforts. Thus, we can see Pelagius
the, then the punishment will also be unjust. (De libero correcting questioning the partys free will fundamentally
arbitrio, p.100), therefore, that God gave man free will deny the theory of original evil, redemption theory,
is justified: Here Augustine gives the cause of the free grace theory. The Kibera doctrine, Augustine later wrote
will of man, and the purpose of which is to be given the many works to emphasize the significance of determinism
purpose of the free will of God. of original evil and grace, the creation of a thought
of a metaphysical doctrine of predestination. Augustine
1.4 The Misuse of Free WillThe Origin of Evil
believes that the crime is due to the free will, but the crime
Augustine persisted the problem of evil is not from God. of the lifting can not rely on free will, because the human
God is omniscient, all good and all powerful; he thought will have been controlled by the evil, it is no longer a real
the source of evil and people misuse of free will. About sense of free will. In this case, can only rely on the grace
the essence of evil, Augustine in almost all of the works is
of God could make some people will regain the goodness
always adhered to the contrary to Manichaeism argument
of ability, get rid of mortal evil and soul of eternal life.
that evil has no entity or ontological, it just good lack or
lack of ontology. Augustine said: 2.2 Under the Grace of Free Will
I will explore what is evil, I found is not the evil entity, but Augustine argued that when people fall after, humans
corruption will renegade the highest ontology is betray your freedom of will power, has been unable to make people
God, and tends to be dirty. In fact we call the evil, is not the lack off evil deeds, get rid of evil, only by the grace of God.
of good? (De libero arbitrio,1.1.1) Pelagianism, when evil before, grace is not involved in
Augustine also divided into three categories, that is, the the. It is only when evil is created that grace is the outer
physical evil, understanding of the evil and ethics of condition, which helps people to get rid of evil. Because
evil. Adam was a crime, because the misuse of the free the will be the freedom to decide to obey or not to obey
will. Although people abuse of free will lead to evil, but if the law. But in Augustines personal experience, the law
there is no free will, people can not live in the proper way. of the law is not good to be followed by the will of man.
God could have created a world without freedom, and People know their own crimes and evil, but the peoples
thus would have no evil, but God knows that man can not will be not to get rid of the crime, but committed a greater
live without freedom, so that he would allow his freedom crime. After the discovery and interpretation of Pauls
to live in the world of evil, which he would have to allow thought of evil and grace, Augustine ruled out the conflict
for freedom, and the evil of the world. in his heart. For man s nature has fallen, and he commits
On free will be Augustine in Manichean dualism of a crime, and a man is unable to use his will. And to get
good and evil and, for the sake of that evil, Augustine rid of evil, it is necessary to aid in the grace of Godthe
put too much emphasis on the role of free will. Because salvation of Christ.
too much emphasis on the role of free will, which leads Augustine argued that Gods salvation has through
to the conflict between free will and the genetic type of Christ instead of human suffering and death and

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Augustines Theory of Free Will

resurrection miracle and reveals to us. The essence of this God? Since God before the creation of the world has
grace is the faith into our hearts. According to Augustines been identified correctly booked someone will be saved,
theory of reservation, God has already been made in the someone will suffer eternal punishment. Then why does
beginning of the foundation for some reason which people he unexpectedly to the first man of crime do not bear any
will be saved, who will be subject to eternal punishment. responsibility? If you acknowledge that God is a crime of
We cant ask God chosen reason is what, because the human, then, since God has predicted that people will use
reason is beyond human understanding of the sacred the free will to commit crimes, why not stop? Moreover,
mysteries, but we should willingly accept the election people abuse the free will of the motivation and ability, if
results. If we are not God chosen and suffer the punishment not from God, but from where? Augustine can only resort
of death, it should be subject to the justice of God, because to the mystery. In the face of these questions, Augustine
the wages of evil is death; if we were Gods chosen and refused to answer or say that unless you believe it or not
gain the soul of eternal life, should thank Gods mercy, understand.
because is not saved because of our own merit, but the In the doctrine of predestination, Augustine treats
grace of God in vain given. The result of grace is salvation, libertarian attitude has been increasingly to belittle and
the essence of grace is to make the Holy Spirit filled in deny, Augustine in his later years completely denies
the heart, so that people in the heart of the inevitable free will lead to happiness reward results. Since saved
set up a firm belief in the behavior will inevitably according to is no longer free will, but some mysterious
show virtue and good work. Therefore, not because we grace, then all secular moral effort it will be in vain. It is
have faith and merit so chosen by God, but because due to the profound contradiction and the negative effect
we are chosen by God, so must have faith and merit. of the theory on the reservation, in the medieval Christian
theology of the book is gradually being replaced by the
free will of good work.
Augustines contradiction in free will. The Manichean
ditheism, in order to explain the reasons of crime, REFERENCES
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