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Lesson Plan

School : SMA Negeri 44 Semarang

Subject : English
Class/ semester :X/I
Genre : Narrative Text (Legend)
Skill : Reading
Grade/ Program : X / Compulsory Program
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

A. Core Competence :

CC 1: Comprehending and applying religious values.

CC 2: Comprehending and applying the values of honesty, discipline, responsibility,
care (mutual assistant , cooperation, tolerant), well-behaved, responsive and
pro-active, and performing such attitudes in solving problems in interacting
effectively with the social and natural environment as well as a manifestation of
Indonesian society in the world.
CC 3 :Comprehending, applying, annalyzing factual, conceptual, and procedural
knowledge based on the interest in science, technology, arts, culture, and
humanities with insights, nationality, and civilized insights in relation to the
causes of phenomena and events, applying procedural knowledge in desired
specific field of studies in solving problem.
CC 4 : Processing, thinking, and presenting development of the concrete and abstract
domains of the learned materials, being able to apply various methods according
to scientific principles.
B. Basic Competence :

1.1 Thanking God for the chance of learning English as the international Language
which is realised in the learning spirit.
2.3 Performing responsible, caring, cooperative and peaceful attitudes in functional
3.10 Analyzing social function, text structure, and language features of simple
narrative texts according to the contexts.

I. Indicators :

1.1.1 Following the learning activities with full of spirit.
1.1.2 Responding teachers questions enthusiastically.

2.3.1 Preparing the assignment with responsibility.
2.2.3 Giving mutual assistance (caring) in doing assignment in the group work.
2.2.4 Being cooperative and having peacful attitudes in discussing the narrative
reading text.

1st Meeting (90 minutes)

3.9.1. Identifying an example of legend text. (C1)
3.9.2. Observing social function, generic structure and language features of the text.(C2)
3.9.3. Finding the main idea, detail information, and specific information from the legend text.
3.9.4. Apply good model of moral values from the legend text.(C3)
3.9.5. Differenciate English legend text from other English narrative texts and from
Indonesian narrative text.(C3)
3.9.6. Clipping some legend texts from other sources. (C3)
3.9.7. Practicing to find main idea, detail information and specific information. (C3)
3.9.8. Analyzing some legend texts focusing on the social function, text structure and
language features.(C4)
3.9.9. Getting the feedback from the teacher and friends about the analysis which is
presented in groups.(C4)
3.9.10. Responding narrative legend text in text response journal (C5)

J. Learning Objectives
With high motivation and intention, using narrative legend text completed
with pictures/ Audio/ video as media students are able to :
1.1.1 follow the learning activities with full of spirit.
1.1.2 respond teachers questions enthusiastically.
With active and joyful learning situation students are able to :
2.9.1. prepare the assignment with responsibility.
2.9.2. give mutual assistance (caring) in doing assignment in the group work.
2.9.3. be cooperative and having peacful attitudes in discussing the narrative reading
1st Meeting (90 minutes)
- Students are able to identify an example of narrative legend text correctly through observing.
- Students are able to find social function, generic structure and language features of the
narrative legend text correctly through observing.(C2)
- Students are able to find the main idea, detail information, specific information ,and reference
words from the narrative legend text correctly through observing. (C2)
- Students are able to apply good model of moral values from the narrative legend text .(C3)
- Students are able to differenciate correctly English narrative legend text from other English
narrative texts and from Indonesian narrative text through questioning.(C3)
- Students are able to clip some legend texts from other sources. (C3)
- Students are able to practice to find main idea, detail information and specific information. (C3)
- Students are able to analyze correctly some legend texts focusing on the social function, text
structure and language features .(C4)
- Students are able to get the feedback from the teacher and friends about the analysis through
group presentation.(C4)
- Students are able to respon narrative legend text in text response journal (C5)

K. Material :
Fact :
Narrative legend text.


A traditional historical tale (or collection of related tales) popularly regarded

as true but usually containing a mixture of fact and fiction( David Emery, 1977
available at
To amuse, entertain and to Orientation: set the scene Focus on Specific and usually
deal with actual or vicarious and introduces the partici- Individualized Participants
experience in diffe-rent pants Use of Material Processes (Be-
Evaluation: a stepping back havioral and Verbal Processes)
ways; Narratives deal with
to evaluate the plight Use of Relational Processes and
problematic events which
(optional) Mental Processes
lead to a crisis or turning Complication: a crisis ari-ses Use of Temporal Conjunction and
point of some kind, which in Resolution: the crisis is re- Temporal Circumstances
turn finds a reso-lution. solved, for better or for Use of Past Tense
Re-orientation: optional

L. Approach, Model ,Method :

Approach : Scientific Approach ( Observing, Questioning, Exploring, Associating,
Model :
1. Cooperative Learning Type CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and
Composition) : It has three principal elements: story-related activities,
direct instruction in reading comprehension, and integrated language
arts/writing. Daily lessons provide students with an opportunity to
practice comprehension and reading skills in pairs and small groups.
Pairs of students read to each other; predict how stories will end;
summarize stories; write responses to questions posed by the teacher;
and practice spelling, decoding, and vocabulary. Within cooperative
teams of four, students work to understand the main idea of a story and
work through the writing activities linked to the story.
2. Chain Messages :
Students make a group of 6 students. Each group needs a white board and a
board marker or a black board and chalk. One member shows each sentence
to the second member, and then the second whispers the sentence to the third
member. The third does the same activity to the fourth. The fourth to the fifth.
The fifth whispers the sentence to the sixth and the sixth member writes the
sentence he heard to the black board or white board. Getting a sentence, each
group does the same activity to the second sentence all the way to the last
sentence. After the passage is completed, the teacher checks whether the
sentences written correctly on the black/white board. Then they discuss the
story you have already written on the white board and feel free to ask in case
they do not really get the idea.
Method : pairing, small group discussion, individual/ group assignment,
M. Media , Tools, Source:
a. Media : Picture, video.
b. Tools : Laptop/computer, LCD.
c. Source :
David Emery, 1977. Our Urban Legends Expert available at

WWC by Mathematica Policy Research under contract ED-07-CO-

0062. Available at

O. Steps of Learning Activities

1st Meeting
Learning Description Time
Activity Location
A. Opening - Teacher greets the students, students respond 5
the teacher menutes

- Teacher asks one of the students to lead

his/her friends to pray.

- Teacher calls the rolls, student answers , I

am here.

- Teacher guides the students to be grateful to

God for the chance of learning English as the
international Language which is realized in
the learning spirit..
- Teacher informs the learning objectives
about narrative legend text.
- Teacher explains the learning materials
about narrative legend text.

B. Main Activity a. Observing

- Teacher has the students focus on the 75 menit
learning process by presenting narrative
legend text through chain messages.

- Teacher has the students identify an example

of legend text in pairs.
- Teacher has the students observe social
function, generic Teacher structure and
language features of the text in pairs.
- Teacher has the students find the main idea,
detail information, specific information and
reference words from the legend text in pairs.
- Teacher has the students apply good model
of moral values from the legend text.
b. Questioning
- Teacher gives the students opportunity to ask
questions about the difference of English
narrative legend text from other English narrative
texts and from Indonesian narrative text .
c. Mengeksplorasi (Exploring)

- Teacher has the students clip some legend texts

from other sources in groups of four.
- Teacher has the students practice find main
idea, detail information and specific information
legend texts from other sources in groups of four.
d. Associating

- Teacher has the students analyze some legend

texts focusing on the social function, text structure
and language features in groups of four.
- Teacher and friends give feedback about the
analysis through group presentation.
e. Communicating

- Teacher guides the students to respond narrative

legend text through text response journal
C. Closing - Teacher gudes the studets to conclude the
result of learning.

- Teachers has the students express their

opinion or feeling on the learning process.

- Teacher gives structured individual

assignment about narrative legend text.

- Teacher gives unstructured assignment to

make film recording about role playing of the
narrative legend text.

- Teacher informs about the next lesson plan.

P. Assessment :
1) Assessment of Spiritual and social behavior:
a) Instrument of spiritual behaviour assessment ( see spiritual behavior
assessment rubric).
b) Instrument of social behaviour assessment ( see spiritual behaviour
assessment rubric).
2) Cognitive assessment : written test ( see reading comprehension test items)
3) Authentic assessment (see text respond journal )

Semarang, 16 Juli 2014

Mengetahui, Guru Mata Pelajaran
Kepala Sekolah

S. Panca Dahana, S.Pd.,M.Pd. John Simamora, S.Pd.,MPd.

NIP. 19630627 198803 1 005

Appendix 1
Learning Materials

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