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Exercise 1

1. Are you coming to the party next Saturday?

2. I bought a new TV set yesterday.
3. I think the man over there is very ill. He can't stand on his feet.
4. I watched the video you had sent me.
5. She was wearing an ugly dress when she met him.
6. I am crazy about reading x history books.
7. She is a nice girl.
8. Do you want to go to the restaurant where we first met?
9. He is an engineer.
10. He thinks that x love is what will save us all.
Exercise 2
1. We have a beautiful garden. The garden is full of roses.

2. Is fencing a popular sport in the world? No, it isnt.

3. I'd like a glass of orange juice please.

4. Can you give me an envelope, please? Certainly. Oh! Wheres the envelope?

5. Is there a post office near here?

6. Theyre at the cinema.

7. My brother is in the classroom.

8. Would you like a hamburger?

9. Selena has got a cat. What is the cats name?

10. The school is very cold. Hasnt it got a central heating system? It has, but the central heating is broken

Exercise 3

1. I want an apple from that basket.

2. The church on the corner is progressive.
3. Miss Lin speaks Chinese. (no article needed)
4. I borrowed a pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.
5. One of the students said, "The professor is late today."
6. Eli likes to play volleyball. (no article needed)
7. I bought an umbrella to go out in the rain.
8. My daughter is learning to play the violin at her school.
9. Please give me the cake that is on the counter.
10. I lived on Main Street when I first came to town. (no article needed)
11. Albany is the capital of New York State. (no article needed)
12. My husband's family speaks Polish. (no article needed)
13. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
14. The ink in my pen is red.
15. Our neighbors have a cat and a dog.
Exercise 4 -6
Can you play a musical instrument? I play the piano and the guitar.
2. Do you own a guitar? Someone left an old guitar sitting on the table.
3. These days, (/) apples are really expensive. And (/) lettuce costs a fortune! Why do (/) fruit and (/) vegetables cost
so much?
4. Diana thinks (/) creativity and (/) innovation are something you can't teach, but I disagree.
5. Dr. Preston told me that the pronghorn is the fastest land animal on the planet, but I think he was wrong. I'm
pretty sure (/) cheetahs are faster.
6. The environmentalist argued that (/) clean air should be a universal "human right". He discussed the effects of (/)
pollution on (/) human health.
7. Cheryl thinks (/) cats make the best pets, but I think (/) dogs have more personality.
8. The documentary discussed whether the cat was domesticated in ancient Egypt or in an earlier period. I have a cat,
so I was very interested in the program.
9. I wish I could play the violin. I love string instruments like (/) violins and (/) cellos.
10. I read that the bristlecone pine is the longest living tree in the world. And I also read (/) sequoias are the biggest
trees in the world. Amazingly, both trees are found in California!

1. I bought a pair of shoes.

2. I saw a movie last night.
3. They are staying at a hotel.
4. Look at the woman over there! She is a famous actress.
5. I do not like X basketball.
6. That is the girl I told you about.
7. The night is quiet. Let's take a walk!
8. The price of gas keeps rising.
9. John traveled to X Mexico.
10. Juan is X Spanish.
11. I read an amazing story yesterday.
12. My brother does not eat X chicken.
13. X love is such a beautiful thing.
14. I live in an apartment. The apartment is new.
15. I would like a piece of cake.
16. I was in a Japanese restaurant. The restaurant served good food.
17. Sara can play the guitar.

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