Design Segmental Precast Linning Tunnel Lining

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Guidelines for the Design of Shield Tunnel Lining

Working Group No. 2, International Tunnelling Association

Abstract--These guide,!ines, prepared by Working Group 2 (Research) of the International Tunnelling

Association, are presented in three parts: Part I describes the outline of the procedure of design. Part H
presents the detailed design methods. Part III provides references, including examples of design. Because the
methods of designing shield tunnel linings vary, the guidelines do not recommend that priority be given to
any one method. Rather, this report presents the basic concepts of shield tunnel linings, in order to provide
reference and guidance in designing tunnel linings. 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

Preface i : -

Part H presents t h e , d e ~ l e d designmethods. --YosHmmoHmo T ~ . ~ o

Part I I I providereferences, including examples of V i ~ A n i m a t e u r , ITA Working Group 2,
shield runner design, "Res~ch"
: ......

Part I: Outline of Shield Tunnel Lining

Design Procedure
ollowing the planning works for the tunnel, the lining

F of a shield tunnel is designed according to the follow-

ing sequence, as a rule:
1. A d h e r e n c e t o s p e c i f i c a t i o n , c o d e o r s t a n d a r d .
The tunnel to be constructed should be designed according
to the appropriate specification standard, code or stan-
edge~ dards, which are determined by the persons in charge of the
project or decided by discussion between these persons and
the designers.
desi 2. D e c i s i o n o n i n n e r d i m e n s i o n o f tunnel. The
inner diameter of the tunnel to be designed should be
decided in consideration of the space that is demanded by
the functions of the tunnel This space is determined by:
Present address: International Tunnelling Association, Secretariat, The construction gauge and car gauge, in the case of
25, Av. F. Mitterand, Cse No. 1, FR 69674 Bron Cedex, France. railway tunnels; e/rust
Tunnellingand UndergroundSp@~eTechn~ogy,Vo]. 15, No. 3, pp. 303-331, 2000
0886-7798/00/$ - see front matter O 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights ruerved.
PII: S0886-7798(00)00056-4
The traffic volume and number of lanes, in the case of axial force and shear force of the lining, by using appropri-
road tunnels; ate models and design methods.
The discharge, in the case of water tunnels and sewer 6. Safety check. The designer should check the safety
tunnels; of the lining against the computed member forces.
The kind offacilities and their dimensions, in the case 7. R e v i e w , If the designed lining is not safe against
of common ducts. design loads, the designer should change the lining condi-
3. Determination of load condition. The loads tions and design lining. If the designed lining safe but not
acting on the lining include earth pressure and water economical, the designer should change the lining condi-
pressure, dead load, reaction, surcharge and thrust force of tions and redesign the lining.
shield jacks, etc. The designer should select the cases 8. Approval of the design. After the designer judges
critical to the design lining. that the designed lining is safe, economical and optimally
4. Determination of lining conditions. The de- designed, a document of design should be approved by the
signer should decide on the lining conditions, such as persons in charge of the project.
dimension of the lining (thickness), strength of material, In Figure I-l, these steps are shown on a flow chart for
arrangement of reinforcement, etc. designing tunnel linings. A schematic example of step-by-
5. Computation of member forces. The designer step design procedures is summarized in Part I-A, which
should compute member forces such as bending moment, immediately follows this section.

~ianning f Tuinel Prjec~

~rignment ~---~urvey/Geolog3~ IFunction/Capacity

an/Profile ~tobe given to Tunnel
oss Section ~pecification/Code/Standard to be use~
~nner Diamete~

Load Conditio~ ~,ssumption of Lining Conditior

[ (Thickness, e.t.c.)
~Iodel to Compute Member Forces~ ]

IComputationof Member Force~

[Checkof Safety of Linin~



~xecution of Construction Work~

Figure 1-1. Flow chart of shield tunnel lining design.


Part I-A. Schematic Example of Step-by-Step Step 6: Design Loads
Design Procedure 6.1: G e o s t a t i c a l l o a d s
This appendix provides a summarized schematic ex- Analyse load effects on lining segments and
ample of step-by-stepdesign procedure. ground (Figs. A-1 through A-5).
Step 1: Define Geometric Parameters 6.2: T h r u s t j a c k i n g l o a d s
Analyse load effects distributed on segment types
Alignment, excavation diameter, lining diameter, lin- by thruster pads (Fig. A-6).
ing thickness, average width of ring, segment system,
joint connection.s. 6.3: T r a i l e r a n d o t h e r s e r v i c e l o a d s
Including main bearing loads, divided by number
Step 2: Determine Geotechnical Data of wheels (Fig. A-7)
Specific gravity, cohesion (unconfined and effective), 6.4: S e c o n d a r y g r o u t i n g l o a d s
friction angle (unconfined and effective), modulus of Extending regular grout pressure (Fig. A-8).
elasticity, modulus of deformation, Ko-value. 6.5: D e a d load, s t o r a g e a n d e r e c t i o n l o a d s
Bending moment influence (Fig. A-9).
Step 3: Select Critical Sections
Influence of overburden, surface loads, water, adja- Step 7: Design Model
cent structures. The three- dimensional condition has to be simulated
by symbolic computation as two-dimensional condi-
Step 4: Determine Me,chanical Data of TBM tions.
Total thrust pressure, number of thrusts, number of 7.1: A n a l y t i c a l m o d e l
pads, pad geometry, grouting pressure, space for
Using formulas in accordance with national stan
dards and with superposition of selected design
Step 5: Define Material Properties loads (Fig. A-10).
Concrete class, compressive strength, modulus of 7.2: N u m e r i c a l m o d e l
elasticity, steel type, tensile strength, gasket type, Using Finite-Element programs with constitutive
gasket width, elastic capacity, allowable gap. laws in accordance with national standards to

LOADING 1" Initial state of stress LOADINO2: Initial stress relief

~.'.': .~. . .
/ \
/ \
[ I
\ /
\ /

Figure A-1. Loading Case 1. Figure A-2. Loading Case 2.

LOADING3" Excavation supported LOADING4: Excavation supported

by shield by grouted segment

Figure A-3. Loading Case 3. Figure A-4. Loading Case 4.

Volume 15, N u m b e r 3, 2000 TUNa~LLINO AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 305

achieve stresses and strains under elasto-plastic LOADn~G5: Longterm deformation
conditions, allowing simulation of detailed con-
struction stages (Fig. A-11).

Step 8: Computational Results

Are represented in table format as normal and shear
forces, bending moments and deflections, defining the
design loads and subsequently reinforcement of the

Figure A-5. Loading Case 5.

Figure A-6. Thruster pads distribution. Figure A-7. Trailer load distribution.


[ L J

Figure A-8. regular grout pressure. Figure A-9. Self weight of segments on stock.

Figure A- 10. Design load - Assumption of Terzaghi. Figure A-11. F E M network configuration.


Part I1: Design Method of Shield Tunnel Circumferential joint: joint between rings.
Radial joint: joint between segments in longitudinal
Lining direction.
Bolt for joints: Steel bolt to joint segments.
1. General
In actual design and construction, lining makeup, seg-
1.1 Scope of Application ment shapes, joint and waterproofing details, and toler-
These guidelines provide general requirements for the ances should be selected for effective, reliable and rapid
design of/) segmental linings made of reinforced concrete, erection, considering the following.
and ii) the secondary lining of shield tunnel constructed in Method and details of erection and erection equipment.
very soft ground such as alluvial or diluvial layers. They can Functional requirements ofthe tunnel, inchiding life-
be applied to segmental linings of rock tunnels which are time and watertightness requirements.
excavated in earth or soft rock by Tunnel Boring Machine Ground and groundwater conditions, including seis-
(TBM). The physical characteristics of soft ground are as mic conditions.
Usual construction practice in the location of the tunnel.
E = 2.5 x N < 125 MN/m 2
1.4 Notation
q, = N/80 < 0.6 MN/m 2 Eq.l.l.1
The following notations are used in these guidelines (see
where N: N value given by standard penetration test, Fig. II-3):
E: E elasl:ic modulus of soil, and t: Thickness
q : Unconfined compressive strength of soil. A: Area
E: Modulus of elasticity
1.2 Design Principle I: Moment of inertia of area
It is a design principle to examine the safety of lining for EI: Flexural rigidity
a shield tunnel for its purpose of usage. The calculation M: Moment
processes--including the prerequisite of design, the as- N: Axial force
sumption and the conception of design, and the design
S: Shearing force
lifetime--should be expressed in the report in which the
tunnel lining is examined in terms of its safety. ~: Ratio between the increment of moment transmit-
ted through the adjacent segment at the joint and
M (I+~)M is transmitted through the segment. (1-
1.3 Definition of Terms ~)M is transmitted through the joint.
The following terms are defined for general use in this D: Diameter of lining
recommendation. Dc: Diameter of centroid
Segment: Arc-shaped structural member for initial lin- Ro,Rc,Ri: Outer radius, radius of controid and inner
ing of shield tunn.el; these guidelines are intended for radius of the lining, respectively.
precast concrete segment (see Fig. II-1). 7,7','/w, c: weight of soil, submerged unit weight of soil,
Segmental lining: Tunnel lining constructed with seg- unit weight of water and unit weight of concrete,
ments; 1 ring of the lining comprises some pieces of respectively.
segments (see Fig. II-2). H: Overburden
Segmental lining completed in shield: The segmental 7w x Hw: Groundwater pressure at crown of lining
lining system in which all of the segments are as- Po: Surcharge
sembled inside the shield and the lining is completed W: Weight of lining per meter in longitudinal direction
inside the shield.
p g : Dead Load
Enlarged segmental lining: The segmental lining system Pel: Vertical earth pressure at crown of lining
in which all seg~ents except the key segment are
assembled inside shield and, right after shield, the Pw,: Vertical water pressure at crown of lining applied
key segment is inserted and the lining is completed. to the elastic equation method (See 5.2.)
qe,: Horizontal earth pressure at crown of lining
Thickness: Thicknes~s of the lining of the cross-section of
the tunnel. qw~: Horizontal water pressure at crown of lining ap-
plied to the elastic equation method (See 5.2.)
Width: Length of sel,~nent in longitudinal direction.
Pe2: Vertical earth pressure at bottom of lining
Joint: Discontinuity in the lining and contact surface
Pw2: Vertical water pressure at bottom of lining applied
between segments.
to the elastic equation method (See 5.2.)
Types of joints: qe2: Horizontal earth pressure at bottom of lining.
Plain joints: qw2: Horizontal water pressure at bottom of lining ap-
with connecting elements
plied to the elastic equation method (see 5.2).
straight steel bolts
pw: Water pressure.
curved steel bolts
Fw: Buoyancy.
reusable inclined steel bolts
~: Coefficient of lateral earth pressure.
- plastic or steel connector
k: Coefficient of subgrade reaction.
- without connecting elements
- with guiding bars 5: Displacement of lining.
Tongue and groove joints p~: Subgrade reaction/la reaction/Bettung.
Hinge joints: C: Cohesion of soil / La cohesion du sol / Kohaesion
- with convex-concave faces vom Boden.
- with convex-convex faces ~: Angle of internal friction of soil.
- with centering elements - steel rod link f~: Nominal strength ofConcrete (Characteristic Com-
- without centering elements pressive Strength of Concrete)
Pin joints f: Yield strength of steel
l~s"- Modulus of elasticity of steel



Outer DiameterofSegmentalLining
Rectangular Segment Tapered Segment

( j (,
( j (,
TrapezoidSegment HexagonSegment



FlatType Segment Boxq~H)eSegment

Figure H-I. Types of segments.




Radial joint
r* Circumferential joint



B-B Section A-ASection

Figure II-2. Segmental lining.

2. Loads at rest and the value of coefficient of the active lateral earth
pressure. The designer should decide this value considering
2.1 Kinds of Loads relaxation and construction conditions.
The following loads should be considered in the design of Concerning the unit weight of soil for the calculation of
the lining. earth pressure, the wet unit weight should be used for soil
These loads must always be considered: above the groundwater table and the submerged unit weight
(1) Ground pressure should be used for soil below the groundwater table.
(2) Water pressure P e 1 ~-~ P0 + T"yiHi + T, yjHj Eq. 2.2.1
(3) Dead load where,
(4) Surcharge Po = Surcharge.
(5) Subgrade reaction Unit weight of soil of stratum No. i, which is
located above the groundwater table.
If necessary, the foiilowing loads should be considered:
H i = Thickness of stratum No. i, which is located
(6) Loads from inside
(7) Loads during construction stage
(8) Effects of earthquake
~j= above the groundwater tunnel.
Unit weight of soil of Stratum No. j, which is

Special loads:
(9) Effects of adjacent tunnels
Hi= located below the groundwater table.
Thickness of stratum No. j, which is located
below the groundwater table.
(10) Effects of settlement H= ZHi+ZHj
(11) Other loads h o = B 1 [1 - C/B 1Y) } {1 - exp (-k0 tan (~) H/B1)]/K 0 tan
((#) + P0 exp {-K0 tan (~) H/B1}/7
2.2 Ground Pressure B I = R 0 cot (~/8 + 4)

Figure II-4 shows a section of tunnel and surrounding Pel = 7 h0 (if the tunnel is located above the
ground. The ground pressure should be determined in groundwater table)
accordance with appropriate analysis. For example, the
ground pressure should act radially on the lining or be
divided into the vertical ground pressure and the horizontal
ground pressure. In l:he latter case, the vertical ground
pressure at the tunnel crown should be a uniform load and,
as a rule, should be equal to the overburden pressure, if the P~
designed tunnel is a shallow tunnel. I f it is a deep tunnel, the + + +
reduced earth pressure can be adopted in accordance with
Terzaghi's formula (see Formula 2.2.1), Protodiaconov's
formula or other formulae.
The horizontal ground pressure should be the uniformly
varying load acting on the centroid of lining from the crown
I-I~~ Groundwater Table

to the bottom. Its maguitude is defined as the vertical earth

pressure multiplied by the coefficient of lateral earth pres-
sure (see Fig. II-6(1)). It can be evaluated as the uniform
load or the uniformly varying load with the pentagon model
(see Fig, II-6(2)). The value of coefficient of lateral earth
pressure to be used in the design calculation should be
between the value of coefficient of the lateral earth pressure Figure II-3. Examples of notation used in the guidelines.


Surcharge Po

Stratum No.i 7i
Groundwater Table

Stratum No.j ~"j

Figure H-4. Section of tunnel and surrounding ground.

Pel = ~ h (ifh o _<Hw) It is assumed that the latter subgrade reaction is pro-
Terzaghi's formula (Formula 2.2.1) portional to the displacement of ground, and its factor of
where, proportionality is defined as the coefficient of subgrade
h 0 = Reduced earth pressure divided by unit weight reaction. The value of this factor depends on the ground
of soil stiffness and the dimension of lining (radius of lining). The
subgrade reaction is the product of the coefficient of
K 0 = Ratio between lateral earth pressure and
subgrade reaction and the displacement of the lining which
vertical earth pressure = 1
is decided by the ground stiffness a n d the rigidity of
segmental lining. The rigidity of the segmental lining
2.3 Water Pressure depends on the rigidity of segment, and the number and
As a rule, the water pressure acting on the lining should the type of joint(s).
be the hydrostatic pressure (see Fig. II-8). The resultant The bedded rigid frame model can evaluate the subgrade
water pressure acting on the lining is the buoyancy. If the reaction as the spring force (see Fig. II-6, Fig. II-10 and Fig.
resultant vertical earth pressure at the crown and the dead II-16).
load is greater than the buoyancy, the difference between If the member forces are computed using the FEM, plain
them acts as the vertical earth pressure at the bottom strain elements simulating ground are evaluated as spring
(subgrade reaction). If the buoyancy is greater than the for subgrade reaction.
resultant vertical earth pressure at the crown and the dead
load, the tunnel would float.

2.4 Dead Load

The dead load is the vertical load
acting along the centroid of the cross-
section of tunnel. It is calculated in ac-
cordance with Eq. 2.4.1: A#
pg = W/(2u Rc)
! I
p~ = ~,x t (ffthe section is rectangular)
Eq. 2.4.1 A# !
I !

2.5 Surcharge H
The surcharge increases earth pres- I I

sure acting on the lining. The following h'I a " .... T..... ~~.... ~ .... , A

act on the lining as the surcharge: I f

road traffic load,
railway trafic load, and
01~ I i I I aim
weight of buildings. I I I | I

2.6 Subgrade Reaction

When computing the member forces
in the lining, we must determine the
acting range, the magnitude and the
direction of the subgrade reaction. The
subgrade reaction is divided into
/) the reaction independent of the
displacement of ground, such as p~ (see
Fig. II-9), and
ii) the reaction dependent on the dis- Figure II-5. Reduced earth pressure calculated by Terzaghi's formula.
placement of ground.



q.,=;t (p.,+ 1' x t/2) (iftunnel is located above groundwater table.)
q~,= ~. (p.,+ y ' x t/2) (if tunnel is located under groundwater table.)
q~= ~. {p.,+ 1' x (21~-t/2)} (if tunnel is located above groundwater table.)
q~= ~t {p.,+ y ' x (21~..t/2)} (iftunnel is located under groundwater table.)

Figure II-6 (1). Ground pressure acting on lining (1).


q,, b


Figure II-6 (2). G'round pressure acting on lining (2)

2. 7 Loads from InSide 2.9 Effects of Earthquake

Loading caused by facilities suspended from the ceiling The static analysis, such as the seismic deformation
of the tunnel or by inner water pressure should be investi- method, the seismic coefficient method, or the dynamic
gated. analysis, should be used for the seismic design. The seismic
deformation method is usually adopted to investigate the
2.8 Loads during Construction Stage effect of earthquake on tunnels. Details should be presented
separately from these guidelines.
The following loads act on the lining during the construc-
tion stage.
2.10 Other Loads
1. Thrust force of' shield jacks. When segments are
produced, the strength of the segment against the If necessary, the effect of adjacent tunnels and/or the
thrust force of shield jacks should be tested. For the effect of unequal settlement should be investigated.
analysis of influence of shield jack forces to seg-
ments, the designer should examine shear and bend- 3. Materials
ing forces resulting from credible eccentricity, in- These guidelines are intended for the reinforced concrete
cluding cases of placement at the limit of tolerance. segment as the material of the initial lining and for cast-in-
2. Loads during transportation and handling of seg- place concrete as the material of the secondary lining. The
ments. Japan Industrial Standard (JIS), Deutsche Industrie-Norm
3. Pressure of backfiU grouting. (DIN) and American Concrete Institute (ACI) Standard
4. Load by operation of erector. specify the test methods of materials.
5. Others, e.g. dead load of backup carriages, jack force There may not be a cast-in-place inner lining. If the outer
of segment reformer, torque of cutterhead. segmental lining is designed and constructed to meet life-
time tunnel lining demands, then a one-pass lining is
certainly permitted.


4, 4,

- H

~r Ir Ir

P~I ~r Ir ~r

qwl qel ,

qwl qel

~L L ~L
~k ~L ,L

p~--'-pel+Pwl + 7CPg'P.2

Figure H-7. Load condition of elastic equation method.



Pw given by Eqtt2.3.1

P,~ T T
Pw1 = 7wHw (water pressure at tunnel crown) 2rpe2 + x d y w = 2rpel + 2u rpg
P~, = Pwl + ~'w Rc (1 - cos8) Eq. 2.3.1 Pe2 = Pel + = Pg - = r 7w/2

Figure H-8. Hydrostatic pressure. Figure H-9. Subgrade reaction independent of the
displacement of ground (p~).


3.1 Modulus of Elasticily
Table II-1 shows the moduli of elasticity of concrete and
steel, as a reference.

3.2 Stress-Strain Curve

Figures II-11 and Ii[-12 show the stress-strain curves of
concrete and steel, respectively.

4. Safety Factors
The safety factors should be based on the ground load-
ing and should be defi~:ed in accordance with the structural
requirements and codes, for example, the national stan-
dard specification for design and construction of concrete
structures, for each project. Construction procedure and I
performance should be linked with the safety factors. For
their application to the design computation, refer to Sec- Figure H-IO. Model of subgrade reaction.
tion 5.3 below, "How to Check the Safety of the Section". If
the tunnel is designed as a temporary
structure, the safety factors can be

5. Structural Calculation
SI units should be used in the struc-
tural calculation of the lining.

5.1 Design Principles

The design calculal;ion of the cross- kf'.t o'~=kf'~
section of tunnel shou]d be done for the
following critical sections (see Fig. II-
1. Section with the deepest overbur- e '.=0.002
den. ! e '~=0.0035
2. Section with the shallowest over- I
burden. i

3. Section with the highest ground- 0 E ~P ol c

water table.
Figure H-11. Stress-strain curve of concrete.
4. Section with the lowest ground-
water table.
5. Section with large surcharge.
6. Section with eccentric loads.
7. Section with unlevel surface.
8. Section with adjacent tunnel at
present or planned one in the fu-
y . . . . . . . .
5.2 Computation of Member Forces
The Member Force,,t (M,N,S) are cal-
culated using various structural mod-
V i E.
5.2.1 Model for computation 0 Ey
The member forcee~ should be com-
puted by using the following methods Figure II-12. Stress-strain curve of steel.
(refer to Fig. II-19).

Table II-1. Modulus of elasticity of concrete and steel.

Nominalstrength 18 24 30 40 50 60

Modulus of elasticity of concrete 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.1 3.5

E (x104MN/m 2)

Modulus of elasticity of steel E = 210,000 (MN/m2)


Ground Water Table

O Ground WaterTable

Casel Case 2 Case 3 Case 4


Tunnel in
the future

0 O 0 0 ,...'
Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Case 8

Figure H-13. Critical sections to be checked by the designer of the lining.

Model (a) Model (b)
The subgrade reactionagainst displacement due to dead load can be evaluated in Model (a) and not evaluated in
Model (b).
Figure H-14. Models for bedded frame method to calculate member forces.

1. Bedded flame model method (see Figs. II-14, II-15, because this model is mutiple statically indeterminate. This
and II-16). method can evaluate the following conditions:
2. Finite Element Method (FEM) (Fig. II-17). 1) nonuniformly varying load due to change of soil con-
3. Elastic equation method (see Fig. II-18 and Table II- dition (see Fig. II-15(b)).
2). 2) eccentric loads (see Fig. II-15(c).).
4. Schultze and Duddeck Model. 3) hydrostatic pressure (see Section 2.3, '~/ater Pres-
5. Muir Wood Model. sure").
The bedded frame model method is a method to compute 4) spring force to simulate subgrade reaction (see "2.6
member forces with a matrix method using a computer Subgrade Reaction~).


+ + ,+ + + +

Model (a) Adaptable Model (b) Adaptable Model (c) Adaptable

Figure Iio15. Adaptable loading models for bedded frame model.

Model (a) Model (b) Model (c) Model (d)

Model Range of Bedding Direction of Bedding Bedding Compression/Tension

Full round Normal Compression and tension

Without crown Normal and tangential Compression and tension
Without crown Normal Compression and tension
Dependent on displacement Normal Compression only

Figure H-16. Range and direction of subgrade reaction of calculation model of bedded frame method.

5) effect ofjoint by simulatingjoints as hinges or rotation tion of lining and massive ground realistically, with the
springs (semi-hinge) (see Section 5.2.2, "Evaluation of following merits:
Joints"). 1. The behavior of massive ground can be evaluated in
If the subgrade reaction against displacement due to consideration of the initial state of stress of ground,
the parameters of ground such as unit weight of soil,
dead load cannot be expected, the member forces caused by
dead load must be independently calculated and super- Young modulus and Poisson's ratio, the shape and
size of tunnel section, and the execution method,
posed with member forces caused by the other loads. In this
including its procedure.
case, the member forces caused by dead load can be com-
puted by the elastic equation method.
This method can adopt not only the subgrade reaction in Po
normal direction, but also the subgrade reaction in the
tangential direction. The options on the range of the subgrade
~V ~r ~V ~r

reaction are as follows (and see Figure II-16):

1. Full round-bedded model.
2. Bedded model without subgrade reaction at crown.
3. Full round-non-tension bedded model.
The FEM is based on the theory of continuous body and
has been adopted with the developement of computer. In
the FEM, Young's modulus and t h e Poisson's ratio of soil
must be parameters. :[n design by the FEM, the segmental
lining is evaluated as a beam element. The FEM can
compute not only the member forces of tunnel lining, but
also the displacement and stress-strain state of the sur-
rounding ground and the influence of tunnel construction
on overlying or adjacent structures.
The FEM model can reproduce the behavior of interac-
Figure II-17. FEM mesh layout.


Model (a) Adaptable Model (b) Unadaptable Model (c) Unadaptable
Figure H-18. Loading models for elastic equation method to calculate member forces.

Table II-2. Elastic equations to compute member forces.

Load Moment (M) (@R~~) Axial Force (N) (@RJ Shear Force (S) (1~)
Uniform load in
vertical direction (i -2S2)@_,P14 S2@P -SOii~
Uniform load in
lateral direction (1-2C2)@Q/4 C2@Q -SO~Q
lyvarying load in
lateral direction (~3C~12C2+4C3)@(Q-Q0/48 (C+SC2-4C3)@(Q-Q0]16 (S+8SC~4SC2)@(Q~0/16
Subgrade 0<~ 0 <~~14 0<-.0Ng/4 0<--0Ng/4
reaction in lateral (o.2a46-o.a5360)@ k 6 0.3&36C~ k 6 0.3536S@k6
di_~on u / 4 _< 0 =< u/2 ~/4 N 0 _-<g/2 ~ / 4 5 O <_ ~/2
(-0.3487+0.5S2+0.2357C3) @k 6 (-0.7071C+C2+0.7071S2C)@ k 6 (SC~0.7071C2S) @k6
0_< 0 <_-re/2 0_< 0_<~/2
{(3/8) ~- 0 ~ ( ~ 6 ) C ~ { e G(Y6)S}@g
Dead load {0 S-(1/6)C}@g
(g) ~/2_< 0 <__~ ~/2~0~
~ / 2 ~ 0 <-~
1- g/8+(~: - 0 )~(5/6)C-(1/2) ~ $2} {-(~. e )C+ o S+~ SC~
@g {. ~ S+ 0 s+ u S2.(116)C}~
displacement at
6 ={(2P-~Q0+ ~ g}@P~q{24(~EI/h+0.045k R2)
0 =Angle from crown
S=sin0 S2=ain20 S3=sinso ~--cos0 C2=cos20 C3=cosS0



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_,,,_ t: -r- ~ -~r - ~ ,.
~0~ (0" -C:l
~ I~C.. 1 Lined
~-" II I I II~=l "I.
0 C
~ ~::1 ~~-'~
~ Unlined 0
_~ ~ _~oi._.9. , O,.n,ng C 0~
-- II I II I,~i" " c -

~ . . . . . . ~n~org,nco 0
Metho~l rrl
- cL

- - ......~ . ~,.oo~,.d C)
--t ,d:o

N . . . . . . . . . ~ !
_ I[lement$

~[~ .......1~ ~ I .o.n0o~


v v
5.3.2, ~(band 7s are the safety factors of concrete and steel,
5.3.2 Allowable stress design method
M If the extreme fiber stress of concrete and the stress of
reinforcement are not more than their allowable stresses,
Segment the segmental lining should be safe against the design
IM loads. (See Eq. 5.3.4 and Eq. 5.3.5.)
~c < ca = fJFc Eq. 5.3.3
~ < ~ = fir Eq. 5.3.4
I where,
M,=(I+ C )IV~IVy=(1.~ )M Extreme fiber stress of concrete
(3 c
O'ca Allowable stress of concrete
Figure H-20. Distribution of moment at joint.
Characteristic compressive strength Nominal
strength) of concrete
2. The behavior of the lining which resists the loads Fc Safety factor of concrete
depends on the lining structure (number of seg- (l 8 Stress of reinforcement
ments, their configuration and joint type), the char- Allowable stress of reinforcement
acteristics of the backfill grouting and its efficiency,
and the loading given by the ground. These factors
% Yield stress of steel
can be evaluated. F Safety facror of steel
3. The degree of relaxation depends on the ground con- Figure II-22 shows the state of stress and strain distri-
dition, the construction method (such as the type of bution.
shield method), and backfill grouting method, includ-
ing the size of tail void. These factors can be evaluated. 5.4 Structural Calculation of Joints
The elastic equation method is a simple method for At joints, bolts are evaluated as reinforcement. The
calculating member forces without a computer. However, it Safety of the joint should be checked by the same method as
cannot evaluate the above-mentioned conditions 1) to 5) that used to check the safety of segment, described in
(see Fig. II-18). In this method, water pressure shOuld be Section 5.3, "How to check the safety of section'. Because the
evaluated as the combination of vertical .uniform load and locations of joints are indefinite before the segments are
horizontally uniformly varying load. The horizontal subgrade assembled, the design calculation should be done for the
reaction should be simplified as a triangularly varying 10ad three most critical sections, also as described in Section 5.3.
(see Fig. II-7). If bolts are used for erection only and are removed after
erection, the joint should transmit a moment limited by the
5.2.2 Evaluation of joints normal force across the joint. Between rings, the force to be
If the segmental lining is jointed with or without bolts, transferred from one ring to another is governed by geomet-
its actual flexural rigidity at the joint is smaller than the ric interlock, and microcracks in the segment are propa-
flexural rigidity of the segment. (Structurally, the segmen- gated by the thrust force of the shield jacks. They influence
tal ring can be modeled as a multiple hinged ring or linin~ the longevity of the segmental lining. The quality control for
having a rigidity between a perfectly uniform rigid ring tensile strength of concrete of segment should be considered
and a multiple hinged ring.) If the segments are staggered, in order to prevent an increase in microcracks when the
the moment at the joint is smaller than the moment of the segments are produced.
adjacent segment. The actual effect of the joint
evaluated in the design. 5.5 Check of Safety against Thrust Force of Shield Jacks
The safety of the lining aginst the thrust force of the
5.3 How to Check the Safety of Section shield jacks should be checked with the following equation,
According to the calculation result of member forces, the as a minimum:
safety of the most critical sections must be checked using fJFo < FJA
the limit state design method or the allowable stress design where
method. These are as follows:
1. Section with the maximum positive moment.
fk: characteristic compressive s t r e n g t h (nominal
strength) of concrete
2. Section with the maximum negative moment. F : safety factor of concrete
3. Section with the maximum axial force. F : total thrust force of shield jacks
The safety of the lining against the thrust force of the A: area of cross-section area of lining
shield jacks should be checked.
If more critical conditions are expected by the selection of
5.3.1 Limit state design method used jacks, such cases should be checked because the bend-
ing moment is caused by it.
The relationship between the design axial capacity and Microcracks in the segments are propagated by the
the design flexural capacity of the member cross-sections thrust force of shield jacks. They influence the longevity of
subjected to axial load and flexural moment is described by segmental lining. Quality control of the tensile strength of
a curve, as shown in Figure II-21. Therefore, as a rule, the concrete of segments should be considered to prevent an
safety for combined axial load and flexural moment is increase in microcracks when segments are produced.
examined by confirming that the point (Md, N d) is located
inside of the (Mu a, N ' j ) curve, that is, at the side of the origin,
. 6. Structural Details
as shown in Flgure~I-21. (Mud, N'ud) are calculated by Eq.
5.3.1 and Eq. 5.3.2, respectively. Concerning the stress- 6.1 Dimension and Shape of Segment
strain curve of concrete and steel, refer to Section 3.4, The fewer the number of pieces that compose one seg-
"Stress-Strain Curve". In Figure II-21 and Eqs. 5.3.1 and mental ring, the better the efficiency of manufacturing and


Ultimate Limit State
'u- ' I -- 'cu
N~=N~ M=O
E:' 1
Section Strain Stress

~) UltimateLim~tState II
E 'u=E 'cu, S 'x:=0, X-~

Strain Stress

@) Ultimate LinnetState m
E: ' u = E : Icu , Ii<:0 , Xo<X<t

Section Strain Stress

~) Ultimate Li,zt State IV

'u= 'cu, 'I<0,X=Xo
N~--0 Y

~ n Strain Stress

Where, e 'u=Upper extreme fiber strain

e 'l=Lawer extreme fiber strain
x=Distance between upper extreme fiber and neutral axis

hr.~ Axial Capacity

N'wl-- O (y)bdy/'Yb-t(r,T~ IT, Equation 5.3.1
Integratebetween-h/2 and h/2
Flexuml Capacity
M~= Y o (y)ybdy/vb+{T.(h/2-t).%(h/2-t~}/v. Equation 5.3.2
Integrate between--hi2 and h/2
Where, T.=A~ o ~ T,=A~ a,

0 :J v

Figure H-21. Transition of ultimate limit states and M ~-N'~ diagram.

E '(y) kf~


l l l l l l l I
/ _o 0== h

,/ ,y

Figure H-22. State of stress and strain distribution.

assembling segments. However, in consideration of the rubber, solid rubber, special synthesis rubber, and/or wa-
transportation and handling of segments, the length of arc ter-expansive material. The water-expansive gasket is a
and the weight of one segment should be determined. compound of polymer that reacts with water and natural
rubber or urethane. If the tunnel is excavated in ground
6.2 Measures Against Leakage with high ground-water pressure, a two-line gasket should
be stuck onto the joints of the segments. In some cases,
If allowable leakage discharge is designed, a drainage
butyl rubber is not sufficiently resilient to provide an
system can be installed in the tunnel. If not, measures
adequate seal under significant external water pressure.
against leakage are necessary. Watertightness require-
In this case, it can be used as sealing strips in an initial
ments should be determined based on the ultimate use and
segmental lining, which is followed by an inner lining.
the functional requirements of the finished tunnel. An
In the caulking method, the groove that is made on the
initial lining that is followed by a cast-in-place inner lining
inside surface of the segment is filled with caulking materi-
(whether or not a waterproofing membrane is applied)
als. The main chemicals used in caulking are epoxy resin,
should be sufficiently tight to permit the placement of an
thiokol and urea resin. The caulking should be executed
inner lining without compromising its quality. Sealing
after rebolting of the segment, cleanup of the groove and
strips should then be applied as necessary. One-pass lining painting of primer.
segments below the groundwater table should be furnished
If leakage cannot be stopped by gasket sealing and the
with one or two gaskets to seal the tunnel. If only one gasket
caulking, urethane injection may be effective. In such a
is used, then provisions should be made to place caulking if
case,urethane is injected through holes made in the seg-
excessive leakage should occur (see Fig. II-23).
ment; the urethane then reacts with groundwater and
The sealing method is divided into gasket sealing and
expands to protect against water invasion.
paint sealing; the former method is usually adopted. In
If the quality of the selected waterproofing system is not
gasket sealing, the gasket is stuck onto the surface of the
proven through previous tests or construction records, the
joint of the segment. Materials used in the manufacture of
system should be tested in the laboratory under the ex-
gaskets are butyl non-sulfide rubber, deformation butyl




Two-Gasket Sealing One-Gasket and Caulking

Figure 11-23. Gasket sealing and caulking.


pected maximum pressure (with a suit-
able safety factor) and with joint geom-
etry incorporating the maximum per-
mitted out-of-tolerance placement of the K-Segment
segment at the joint. Where groundwa-
ter is aggressive to components of the
lining or components installed in the
tunnel, full waterproofing should be
applied, including the use of waterproof
concrete or external waterproofing of
segments, or both. (For example, salt
groundwater or groundwater high chlo-
ride or sulphate content is aggressive to
these components.)

6.3 Structural Details to Handle

Segments and Grout
When the segments are assembled
with an erector, equipment should be a = 8 / 2 + eo (both side-tapered K-segment) Eq. 6.6.1
provided to handle mad hang the seg- a = Ok + oJ (one side-tapered K-segment)
ment. The recently developed vacuum-
where a = angle of joint of K-segment
type erector can hand:[e segments with-
out the above-mentioned equipment for Ok = central angle of K-segment
hanging a segment. o) = spare angle to insert K-segment (usually, 2 <_o) _<5 o)
If backfill grouting is performed Figure II:24. Angle of joint of K-segment.
through segments, each segment should
have a grout hole with an inner diam-
eter of about 50 mm in order to inject grout uniformly. A segment). If this angle is too large, axial force acting c
grout hole can be used[ for the equipment used to hang the segment works as a force to slide the joint (see Figs. II-'
segments. and II-25).
The Kl-segment can prevent the influence of axial for,
6.4 Angle of Joint of Key-Segment because the angle of its joint is very small.
The type of K-segment is divided into two types: the K- The design of the K-segment, if used, should consid~
segment inserted in the radial direction (Kr-Segment), and the geometry of the erection system in the shield (and vio
the K-segment inserted in the longitudinal direction (K1- versa).

Direction of insert
A / A
Segmental ring

Direction of shield drive

\ 0k/ e k I

\ ,I
Type-I Type-2
Figure H-25. Joint of K-segment inserted in longitudinal direction.


6.5. Tapered Segments m = number of standard segmental rings in curved
Tapered segments are used for the construction ofcurved section;
alignment or the direction control of the shield. The differ- n = number of tapered segmental rings in curved sec-
ence between the maximum width and the minimum width tion;
can be calculated by using Eq. 6.7.1: D = outer diameter of tunnel;
5 = {(m/n)S + S'} D/(R + D/2) Eq. 6.7.1 R = radius of alignment at the center of tunnel.
5 = difference between maximum width and minimum 7. Production of Segments
width of tapered segmental ring; 7.1 Tolerance of Dimension
S = width of standard segmental ring; The errors of dimension ofproduced segments should not
S ' = maximum width of tapered segmental ring; be more than the tolerance. They should be minimize to

Inspection of Forms

~ e i p t of~tenspec~o.on
of~~ . : ~ n ~ S ~ _ ~ ~ ~t tabling of Reinforcement-~,

~Iigh Pressure Curin~

Re.Bla~Com!actio~team ~ ~ e m o w a l of Forn~

Inspection of temporarily
Assembled Segmental Ring

__~[TempormT Assemblin~ l

Inspection ofAppearance T T
Strength Tests

Inspection of Shape and Dimension

Extractfrom StandardSpecificationfor Designand Constructionof Tunnelling,issuedby the JapanSocietyof Civil Engineers

Figure II-26. Sequence of manufacture of segments.


tion of secondary lining. In this case, the
tunnel lining combined by the segmen-
tal lining and the secondary lining is
divided into the double-shell structure
and the composite structure in accor-
dance with the smoothness of border
between both linings. In the case of the
double-shell structure, only axial force
must be transmitted through the border
of both linings; shear force need not be
transmitted through it. In the case of the
composite structure, both the axial force
and the shear force must be transmitted
through the border of both linings by
dowelledly jointing both linings or by
making the surface of the border un-
o :HingedJoh~ :RigidJoint even. As a rule, a tunnel lining combined
by a segmental lining and a secondary
lining should be treated as a double-
Double Shell S~Lcture Composite Structure shell structure.
If the secondary lining is a non-struc-
tural member, design calculation for it
Figure II-27. Bedded frame model. can be omitted; however, for safety, the
calculation might be made by using dead
prevent lealkage andL to assemble segments easily and load as the load condition. If a water-
accurately. proofing membrane without a drainage system is placed
before casting the secondary lining, the secondary lining
should be designed for the full water pressure, as maximum.
7.2/nspection Assuming that the tunnel lining combined by segmental
The following inspe~ctions should be made for for quality lining and secondary lining is a double-shell structure, the
control of segments: member forces of the secondary lining should be computed
1. Inspection of materials. by any rational method that properly considers the interac-
2. Inspection of appearance. tion between the initial lining and the secondary lining and
3. Inspection of shape and dimension. that is compatible with the design of the initial lining.
Examples of methods for computing member forces are
4. Temporary asse~mbly inspection of temporarily as-
discussed below.
sembled segmental ring.
5. Performance tests (Strength tests).
8.3.1 Bedded frame model method
6. Other tests.
When the member forces of the secondary lining are
Figure II-26 shows the sequence of segment production. computed by the bedded frame model, the double-ring
frame model should be used. In this model, the outer ring
8. Secondary Lining simulates the segmental lining, and the inner ring simu-
8.1 Genera/ lates the secondary lining. Figure II-27 shows how to com-
pute member forces of secondary lining with the bedded
The secondary lining is constructed' with cast-in-place frame model.
concrete. It is divided into the non-structural member and
the structural membe~r. The former is executed to reinforce
segments, to prevent corrosion and vibration, to improve 8.3.2 Elastic equation method
the appearance of the lining, and to correct alignment. In This method assumes that loads acting on lining are
the latter case, the secondary lining is constructed as a sustained by the segmental lining and secondary lining in
structural member combined with the segmental lining. proportion to the magnitude of the flexural rigidity. Eq.
9.3.1 calculates the ratio between loads sustained by the
8.2 Thickness secondary lining and the total loads. When member forces
of the secondary lining are calculated, the loads multiplied
The thickness of the secondary lining as a non-structural by ~ replace the corresponding loads, and EI 1 + EI 2 replace
member usually ranges from 15 cm to 30 cm. The thickness EI in Table II-2.
of the secondary lining as a structural member is decided in
accordance with the result of design calculation. p = (E 2 I/Rc24) ] (EIII/RCl4 + E212/Rc24)

8.3 Computation of Member Forces 8.4. HOW to Check the Safety of the Section
If the secondary lining is constructed as a structural The safety of the section should be checked by using the
member, member forces of secondary lining should be com- limit state design method or the allowable stress design
puted by using loads that act on the lining airier the comple- method, which are the same methods as are used for
checking the segmental lining.


Part II1: Design Example 1 ~ In checking the safety of segmental l i n i n g a g a i n s t the
t h r u s t force of shield jacks, modified allowable stresses t h a t
1. Function of Tunnel are 165% of the above-mentioned ones can be adopted
The p l a n n e d t u n n e l is to be used as a sewer t u n n e l . because a segmental lining can be evaluated as a temporary
2. Design Conditions
2.3 Design Method
2.1 Dimensions of segment
This shield t u n n e l shall be designed i n accordance with
Type of segment: RC, Flat type the Specification for Design a n d Construction of Shield
Diameter of segmental lining: Do = 3350 mm T u n n e l issued by the J a p a n Society of Civil Engineers.
Radius of centroid of s e g m e n t a l lining: Rc = 1612.5 m m How to check compute member forces: Elastic equa-
Width of segment: b = 1000 m m tion method (See Table II-2 i n these guidelines).
Thickness of segment: t = 125 m m How to check the safety of lining: Allowable stress
design method.
2.2 Ground conditions
Overburden: H=15.0 m 3. Load Conditions
G r o u n d w a t e r table: G.L.-2.0 m Hw=15.0-2.0=13.0 m 3.1 Computation of Reduced Earth Pressure at Tunnel
N Value: N=30 Crown
U n i t weight of soil: T =18 kN/m 3 The vertical e a r t h pressure at the t u n n e l crown (p~l) is
computed by Terzahgi's Formula.
Submerged u n i t weight of soil: 7'=8 kN/m 3
Pel = MAX (T' h0, 2 7' Do)
Angle of i n t e r n a l friction of soil: @=32 Degree
h 0 = 4,581 m (given by Terzahgi's Formula; see
Cohesion of soil: C=0 kN/m 2 formula 2.2.1 i n Section 2.2, "Ground pressure of
Coefficient of reaction: k = 20 MN/m 3 Guidelines") < 2 Do = 6.7 m
Coefficient of lateral e a r t h pressure: ~ = 0.5 Pe, = 2 7' Do = 53.60 kN/m 2
Surcharge: P0=10 k S / m 2
T h r u s t force of shield jacks: T=1000 kN@10 pieces 3.2 Computation of Loads
Soil condition: S a n d y D e a d load: g = y e @ t=3.25 k N / m 2
Allowable stresses of materials: where 7 c = U n i t weight of RC s e g m e n t = 26 kN/m 3
Concrete: N o m i n a l s t r e n g t h f k=42 MN/m 2 Reaction of dead load at bottom: pg= x g = 10.21 kN/m 2
Allowable compressive s t r e n g t h ~ = 15
MN/m 2 V e r t i c a l p r e s s u r e at t u n n e l c r o w n :
Reinforcement (SD35): E a r t h pressure: Pel= 2 7' DO = 53.60 kN/m 2
Allowable s t r e n g t h ~ = 200 MN/m ~ W a t e r pressure: pwl= TwHw = 130.00 kN/m 2
Bolt (Material 8.8): Pl = Pel + P,1 =183"60 kN/m2
Allowable strength: as, = 240 MN/m 2 V e r t i c a l p r e s s u r e at t u n n e l bottom:
W a t e r pressure: P,2 = 7, (Do + Hw)
= 163.50 kN/m 2
Po E a r t h pressure: Pe2= p~l + Pw~--Pw2
= 20.10 kN/m 2
N-Z L a t e r a l p r e s s u r e at t u n n e l c r o w n :

J E a r t h pressure: q~l = ~"7' (2 Do + t/2)

= 27.05 kN/m 2
W a t e r pressure: qw~=Tw (Hw +t/2)
= 130.63 kN/m 2

qwl q el
P el
ql = q,l+ %1=157.68 kN/m 2
L a t e r a l p r e s s u r e at t u n n e l bottom:
E a r t h pressure: %2= ~.T'(2Do + D o - t / 2 )

= 39.95 kN/m 2
W Water pressure: %2=7w (Hw + D o - t/2)
= 162.88 kN/m 2
q 2=q e2+qw2=202.83 kN/m 2
D Pk ~
5 = (2p 1- q l - q 2)/{24 (EI+0.0454kRc4)}
qw~ q ~2 = 0.00016374 m
Pk = k5 =3.27 k N / m 2

5 =Displacement of l i n i n g at
t u n n e l spring
Pe2 E = Modulus of elasticity of
P= s e g m e n t = 33000000 kN/m 2
I = M o m e n t of i n e r t i a of area of
Figure III-1. Load condition for design example 1. s e g m e n t = 0.00016276 m4/m


Table III-1. Member fi~rces of segmental lining. k= Coefficient of reaction=20 MN/cm 3
Figure III-1 shows the load condition to compute the
0 (deg) M (KNm/m) N (kNIm) Q (kNlm) member forces by using the elastic equation method.

4. Computation of Member Forces

0 6.52 278.00 00.00
Table III-1 shows the result of computation of member
279.07 -3.93
forces of the segmental lining.
10 5.96
The maximum positive moment occurs at the tunnel
20 4.39 282.02 -7.05 crown (Section A) and the maximum negative moment
occurs at the spring which is located at 70 degrees from the
30 2.12 286.36 -8.77 tunnel crown (Section B). Figure III-2 shows the arrange-
ment of bars in the segment.
40 -0.39 291.31 -8.76
5. C h e c k of S a f e t y of S e g m e n t a l Lining
50 -2.65 296:05 -7.12
The safety of the segmental lining should be checked at
60 -4.29 299.88 '-4.36 Section A, Section B and the joint part. Its safety against the
thrust forces of shield jacks also should be checked.
70 -5.07 302.44 -1.18
5.1 Section A and Section B
80 -4.98 303.78 1.68
Figure III-3 shows the distribution of stress at Section A
304.29 3.68 and Section B. Table 5.1 shows the computation result of the
90 -4.20
check of the safety of Section A and Section B.
100 -3.00 304.25 4.76 Both Section A and Section B are safe.

110 -1.61 303.88 5.00 5.2 Joint

The resisting moment of the joint shall be not less than
120 -0.26 303.59 4.99
60% of the resisting moment of the segment body.
130 0.87 303.65 3.46
5.2.1 Resisting moment of segment body (Mr)
140 1.68 304.14 2.26 x= Depth between compressive extreme fiber and
neutral axis when N=0
150 2.15 305.01 1.17
x = -n(A+A.)/b+[{n(A+A.)/b}2+2b(Ad+A d')]1/2
160 2.37 305.99 0.43 = 3.711cm (See Figs. III-2 and III-3).
Mrc= Resisting moment of segment body when the com-
170 2.43 306.76 0.09 pressive extreme fiber stress reaches 15 MN/m 2,
which is the allowable compressive stress of con-
180 2.44 307.05 0.00 crete.
M = Resisting moment of segment body when the rein-
forcement reaches 200 MN/m 2, which is the allow-
able stress of reinforcement.
M = [bx(d-x/3)/2+nAs' (x-d')(d-d')/x] (~oa
= 22.24 kNm/Ring

b=100 cm
I" D_12diaCD.lf~ A~,=9.04 cm 2 *1 ~r


~ t 25


~ A,=9.04 cm 2
Figure III-2. Section of segment and arrangement of bars.


Outside o c Inside o

A,, A,,
/n s,/n
11.19 m

Inside Outside O e'

Section A Section B
Figure III-3. Distribution of stress of critical sections of segmental lining.

Mrs= [{bx(d-x/3 )/2+nAs'(x-d')(d-d')/x}] Table III-2. Computation result of the check of the safety
x/{n(d-x)}Oca of Section A and Section B.
= 13.87 kNm/Ring
Mr= Min(Mrc, M ) = Mr~ =13.87 kNm/Ring Section A B

5.2.2 Resisting moment of joint (Mj) M (kNm/m) 6.52 -5.07

x= Depth between compressive extreme fiber and N (kN/m) 278.000 302.44
neutral axis when N = 0
x = nAB[-l+{l+2bd/(nAB)}l/2]/b = 3.011 cm (see Fig. o c (MN/m 2) (Compressive) 4.09 3.72
Mjrcv=Resisting moment of joint when the compressive oc. (MN/m 2) (Compressive) - 0.26
extreme fiber stress reaches 15 MN/m 2, which is
the allowable compressive stress of concrete. o, (MN/m 2) Tensile) 12.02 -18.42
MjrB= Resisting moment ofjoint when the reinforcement
reaches 240 MN/m 2, which is the allowable stress % (MN/m 2) (Compressive) 42.19 41.23
of the bolt.
Mire= [bx(d-x/3)/2] oca=15.80 kNm/Ring

x=3.011 I., h=lOOcm ,~l

I" "7
V 121m

....... N e u t r ~ . l _ a r A a _ ............ I AB=6.060 cm 2

=12.5 cm (M22@2)
Figure III-4. Section ofjoint.


Centroid of segment
C e n t e r o f w o r k i n g force
of shield jack
Figure III-5. Segment and thrust force of shield jack.


Mrs = [AB(d-x/3')GB,~= 10.18 k N m J R i n g Part II1: Design Example 21
Mj~ = Min(Mj~c, Mj~) = M =10.18 k N m / R i n g
1. Function of Tunnel
M ~ / M = 10.18/13.87 = 0.733 >0.6
T h e p l a n n e d t u n n e l is to be u s e d as a s u b w a y t u n n e l .
2 Design Condition
5.3 Check of Safety AgainSt Thrust Forces of ShieM Jacks
2.1 Dimensions of Segment
e= Eccentricity between center of working thrust force
Type of segment: RC, Flat type
by one j a c k a n d c e n t r o i d of s e g m e n t a l l i n i n g = 1 cm
D i a m e t e r of s e g m e n t a l lining: Do = 9500 m m
is S p a c e b e t w e e n a d j a c e n t two j a c k s = 10 cm
R a d i u s of c e n t r o i d of s e g m e n t a l lining: Rc = 4550 m m
A= T o u c h i n g a r e a of s p r e a d e r o f o n e j ack on s e g m e n t a l
l i n i n g = Bt, W i d t h of s e g m e n t : b = 1200 m m
where T h i c k n e s s of s e g m e n t : t = 400 m m
t = T h i c k n e s s of s e g m e n t = 12.5 cm
B= 2x R c / N j - 1 = 2n 1.6125/10 - 0.1 - 0.9123 m, 2.2 Ground Condition
w h e r e Nj = N u m b e r of s h i e l d j a c k s = 10 pieces Overburden: H = 12.3 m
A= Bt = 0.1141 m 2, I = Bt~/12 = 0.00014863 m 4 Groundwater table: G.L. + 0.6 m Hw=12.3+0.6=12.9 m
a c ~-
M a x i m u m c o m p r e s s i v e s t r e s s of c o n c r e t e of N Value: N = 50
segment U n i t w e i g h t of soil: 7 = 18 k N / m 3
= P/A + P (h/2)/I = 13 M N / m 2 S u b m e r g e d u n i t w e i g h t of soil: 7' =8 k N / m a
< O a = 15 1.65 = 24.75 M N / m 2 OK, A n g l e of i n t e r n a l friction of soil: = 30
w h e r e P = T h r u s t force of one s h i e l d j a c k = 1000 k N (see Fig. C o h e s i o n of soil: C = 0 tf/m 2
III-5) Coefficient of reaction: k = 50 M N / m 3
Coefficient of l a t e r a l e a r t h p r e s s u r e : k = 0.4
6. Conclusion Surcharge: P0 = 39.7 k N / m 2
T h e d e s i g n e d s e g m e n t a l l i n i n g is safe a g a i n s t t h e d e s i g n Soil condition: Sandy
loads. A l l o w a b l e s t r e s s e s of m a t e r i a l s :
Concrete: Nominal strength fk=48 M N / m 2
Notes A l l o w a b l e c o m p r e s s i v e s t r e n g t h aca=17 M N / m 2
This design e x a m p l e w a s p r e p a r e d by J a p a n t h e T u n n e l l i n g Allowable shear strength ~ca=0.55 M N / m 2
Association. R e i n f o r c e m e n t (SD35):
A l l o w a b l e s t r e n g t h : ~ a = 200 M N / m 2
Bolt ( M a t e r i a l 8.8):
Allowable tensile strength GBa = 240 M N / m 2

2.3 Design Method

T h i s s h i e l d t u n n e l s h a l l be d e s i g n e d in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h
S p e c i f i c a t i o n for D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n of S h i e l d T u n n e l

Po V


qwl q el ~ pPel

Do ~i_~i~il BeddingZone
q.2 q e2

Figure III-6. Load condition for design example 2.

issued by the J a p a n Society of Civil
How to compute member forces:
Bedded frame model.
How to check the safety of lining:
Allowable stress design method.
3. Load condition
The full overburden earth pressure is
adopted as the vertical earth pressure at
the t u n n e l crown (p~l).
D e a d load:
g =B 7fl= 1.2 @ 26.5 @ 0.4=12.72 kN/m 2
. 4 . . . . . . . . . 16 Effective B e d d i n g where,
7c = u n i t weight of RC segment
Zone = 26.5 kN/m 3
T e n s i l e b e d d i n g is :Reaction of dead load at bottom:
pg = ~ g=39.96 kN/m 2
n o t effective.
V e r t i c a l p r e s s u r e at t u n n e l c r o w n :
E a r t h pressure: Pel = B(P0+Y H)
= 1.2@ 138.1 =165.7 kN/m 2
W a t e r pressure:
Pwl = BTwHW = 1.2 @ 129.0
= 154.8 tf/m 2
R = Rc = 4 5 5 0 m m Pl = Pe~+ Pw~= 320.5 kN/m 2
E = Modulus of elasticity of segment = 39000000 kN/m 2 V e r t i c a l p r e s s u r e at t u n n e l b o t t o m :
I = Moment of inertia of area of segment = 0.006400 m 4 P2 = Pl + pg=320.5 + 39.96
A = 0.48 m 2 =360.46 kN/m 2
Kop= Constant of rotation spring for positive moment = 18070 kNm/rad L a t e r a l p r e s s u r e at t u n n e l c r o w n :
Ko~= Constant of rotation spring for negative moment=32100 kNm/rad E a r t h pressure: q~l=B~.{p0+~/(H+IE2)}
= 1.2 @ 55.88 = 67,1 kN/m 2
Figure III-7. Bedded frame model to compute member forces. W a t e r pressure: %1= BTw(Hw + t/2)
= 1.2 @ 131.0 = 157.2 kN/m 2
ql = qel + %~ =224.3 kN/m 2
L a t e r a l p r e s s u r e at t u n n e l b o t t o m :
E a r t h pressure:
q~2= B~'{P0+~/(H+Do - t/2)}
Node n- 1 Node n (Rotation spring) = 1.2 @ 85.00 = 102.0 kN/m 2
W a t e r pressure:
qw2= BTw (Hw+Do - t/2)
M = g o p O ,if M > 0 M= NO = 1.2@ 222.0 = 266.4 kN/m
Node n+ 1 q2 = qe2 + qw2= 368.4 kN/m 2
Figure III-6 shows the load condi-
Hinged joint: K o = 0, Rigid joint: K 0 = Infinite tion.
Figure III-8. Model of rotation spring.
4. Computation of Member Forces
The m e m b e r forces are computed with
Table III-3. Member forces of segmental lining. the bedded frame model (see Fig. III-7).

Critical Condition Node M (kNm) N (kN) 4.1 Model for Computation of Member
+Max 3 +205.83 1178.09 A 58-regular polygon having 60 nodes
Segment is used to compute the m e m b e r forces.
-Max 11 -169.05 1675.45 Node 16 is the middle point between
Node 15 a n d 17, and Node 46 is the
+Max 58 +20.10 1578.24 middle point between Node 45 and 47.
Nodes 6, 8, 17, 25, 33, 41, 50 and 58
Joint 3 (@0.6) +123.50 1178.09 are located at the joints of the segmen-
tal lining. The j o i n t is s i m u l a t e d as
-Max 5O -22.70 1448.58 rotation spring, a n d it is a s s u m e d t h a t
moment(M) is i n proportion to the angle
11 (@0.6) -101.43 1675.45 of rotation(e), as follows (see Fig. III-8).

S,,ax 31 Sr,,x = 178.70 kN


1 50
Outside 10(~D22 As'=38.71 cm 2

Inside 12@~D22 As=46.45 cm 2

Section of s e g m e n t

Steel Bolt Box



Figure III 9. Section of segment and arrangement of bars and joint.

Outside o Inside O



X= I X=
24.85c~ id 33.75

a s/n
A, A,
d=35 cm, d'=5 cm
Inside Outside o c'
Section at; Node 3 Section at Node 11
n=Ratio of m o d u l i of elasticity b e t w e e n r e i n f o r c e m e n t a n d c o n c r e t e = I S

Figure III-l O. Distribution of stress of critical sections at Node 3 and Node 11.


Table 111-4. Computation result of check of safety of segment.

Node 3 11

M (kNm/m) +205.83 -169.05

N (kN/m) 1178.09 1675.45

c c (MN/m 2) (Compressive) 7.1 3.4

Gs (MN/m 2) Tensile) 43.2 3.6

~ (MN/m 2) (Compressive) 84.5 82.4

Table III-5. Computation result of check of safety of joint.

Node 58 50 11

M (kNm/m) +20.1 +123.5 -22.7 -101,4

N (kN/m) 1578.2 1178.1 1448.6 1675.5

A s (cm 2) 11.45 11.45 11.45 11.45

A. (cm 2) 32.00 32.00 120.00 120.00

d (cm) 34 34 25 25

d (cm) 1 1 7 7

X (cm) Full section compressive 31.00 31.00 35.10

5c (MN/m2) (Compressive) 3.3 5.1 3.4 5.8

~ (MN/m 2) Tensile) 49.8 7.40 46.6 25.0

~, (MN/m 2) (Compressive) 74.1 69.5

4.2 Result of Computation

Table III-3 shows the result of computation of member
forces of segmental lining.
In case the safety of the joint is checked, the bigger
moment of the maximum moment of the joint and 60% of the
maximum moment of the segment is adopted.
Figure III-9 shows the arrangement of bars in the seg-
ment and the bolted joint.

5. Check of Safety of segmental Lining

The safety of the segment shall be checked at Node 3 and
Figure III-11. Check of K-segment. 11. The safety of the joint shall be checked at Node 58 and
50, and at Node 3 and 11 by using 60% of the moment of each
node and the capacity of the joint.

5.1 Check of Segment

5.1.1 Check against moment and axial force
Figure III-10 shows the distribution of stress at Node 3
and Node 11.
Table III-4 shows the computation result of the check of
the safety of segment at Node 3 and Node 11. Both of the
sections at Node 3 and Node 11 are safe.

5.1.2 Check against shear force

Segmental Ring = S,J(Bjd)
= 0.486 MN/m2 < 1.1 MN/m2
Figure III-12. Check of fall of segmental ring.


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