Assure Model Instructional Plan 2

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Erica Webb
ASSURE Model Instructional Plan
Erosion & The Grand Canyon
2nd Grade
Lesson length: 60 minutes, or one class period
Analyze Learners

Total number of students: 15

Male students: 8
Female students: 7
Students with low learning skills:4
ESL Student:0
Hearing Impaired:1
Visual/Spatial learners (approximately 1/3 of students)
Kinesthetic learners (approximately 1/3 of students)
Verbal/linguistic learners (two to three students)
Interpersonal learners (one or two students)
Logical/Mathematical (one or two students)

State Objectives
Earth Patterns, Cycles, and Change
SOL 2.7- The student will investigate and understand that weather and seasonal changes
affect plants, animals, and their surroundings. Key concepts include
a) effects of weather and seasonal changes on the growth and behavior of living things; and
b) weathering and erosion of land surfaces.

Select Media, Materials, and Methods

iPad cart for the classroom with google earth downloaded onto each
Overhead Projector/ Smartboard

Two throwaway pie pans Soil Measuring cups
Two matched plastic saucers One small holed cup One medium holed cup
Meterstick or yardstick water several leaves
Grand Canyon coloring/worksheet crayons
Erosion experiment worksheet

Whole group introduction of Grand Canyon and what it is, where it is and how it was made
Small group activities
Worksheet coloring and labeling of rivers
Erosion experiment
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods

1 overhead projector/smartboard used to introduce the Grand Canyon and to show cool
pictures of the Grand Canyon
iPad used by students to go into google earth and label the different rivers on their
worksheet and to view the Grand Canyon

1 Plastic saucer will be filled to the brim with soil and put into a pie pan to catch any
spilled material
Meterstick/yardstick will be placed upright behind the saucer
Small holed cup- will be held above the dish (2 feet), half a cup of water will be poured into
the small holed cup to represent rain
1 plastic saucer will be filled to the brim with soil and put into a pie pan to catch spilled
Medium holed cup- held above the dish as before
Leaves used in the erosion experiment
Grand Canyon Worksheet will be colored and used with iPad to label rivers in the Canyon
Crayons used to color worksheet

Whole Group Introduction of Weathering and Erosion -- The teacher will introduce the topic
of erosion and weathering
Whole Group Introduction of Grand Canyon The teacher will explain how the Grand
Canyon is an example of erosion
Small Group Instruction The teacher will explain what the students will be doing for the
experiment and will divide the class into groups or pairs
Small Group Instruction The teacher will explain the worksheet and iPad assignment

Require Learner Participation

Whole Group Introduction of Weathering and Erosion:

During this time the Teacher will be using the projector to put a PowerPoint up about the
topic of weathering and erosion and the teacher will be taking and answering questions.
Whole Group Introduction of Grand Canyon:
The teacher will be using the projector to put a PowerPoint up on the topic Grand Canyon
which will have pictures of the Grand Canyon, definition, and how it is an example of

Small Group Instruction: The teacher will explain the erosion experiment and safety and
divide the class into groups or pairs and pass out materials to each group and a worksheet.
The teacher will assist students with the experiment. Students will carry out the experiment
and answer questions on a worksheet at the end.
Fill a saucer level and to the brim with soil. Put the dish into a pie pan to catch an spilled

Place a meterstick/yardstick upright behind the dish. Hold the small-holed cup 2 feet above
the dish.

Have someone pour a half-cup of water into the cup. When the can stops raining, observe
the soil and pie pan.
What, if any signs of erosion are observed?

How will a heavier rain affect erosion? Fill a second saucer with soil. Use the medium-
hole cup for rain and compare results

How does the loose soil erode, compared with tightly packed soil? Prepare two saucers and
find out.

How will tilted soil erode, compared with level soil?

How will covered soil erode, compared with bare soil? Cover the soil in one dish with
several leaves.

Small Group Instruction: The teacher will let the students each get an iPad and make
sure they all get to the google earth app and search Grand Canyon, so they can look at it
and see and label the rivers on their worksheet. Once the students label the worksheet they
can color it. Afterwards the teacher will pull up the same worksheet on the smartboard and
call students up to label some of the rivers on the smartboard

Evaluate & Revise

Student Performance:
Students will be evaluated on class participation and on their google earth worksheet and
their erosion experiment worksheet. The student will understand what erosion is and
examples of erosion. The student will also have an understanding of how to use and access
google earth and an understanding of the Grand Canyon.
Instructor Performance:
When walking around and assisting the students with the experiment the teacher can hear
the students making their suggestions for what happened in the experiment. The teacher
can also review the erosion worksheets afterwards. The teacher can also gauge how much
the students know at the end of the class with a review of what was taught. The material
can be reviewed at the beginning of next class if the students did not completely understand
Media Performance:
The media was used to help the teacher display information for the students. It was also
used to show students a way of looking at earth. The media gave the students a hands-on
way to learn.


Peters, J. M., & Stout, D. L. (2014). Science in elementary education methods,

concepts and inquiries. Harlow Essex: Pearson Education Limited.

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