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user guide


advanced filtration user guide

Content Page No.
Danger- high pressure device 2
Operation/ maintenance guide 2
Important safety precautions 2
Preface 3
Installation notes 4
Pre-pressurization checklist 5
Component identification 80S05 - Coded 6
Component identification:80S15, 80S30, 80S45, 7
80S60, 80S100, 80S120 - Coded
Component Identification: 80S15, 80S30, 8
80S45, 80S60 Non-Coded
Component identification : 80H15, 80H30, 9
80H45, 80H60, 80H100, 80H120 - Coded
Component identification : Opening the vessel 10
Replacing elements 12
Closing the vessel 14
Head dis-assembling & assembling 17
Preventive maintenance 23
Trouble shooting 24
Installation Guide: Introduction 27
Handling, receiving and storage 28
Mounting shell & piping connection 29
Application guide 31
Elasticity and mounting requirements 32
Corrosion 33
Safety 33
Piping recommendations 35
CodeLine - Multi-portTM 38
Pentair Water Limited Warranty 42
Disclaimer 45

Incorrect Installation, Operation & maintenance of these vessels may cause loss of life, severe bodily harm,
and / or property damage. Read and understand all guidelines given in this bulletin before attempting to
open, service or operate these vessels. Failure to follow these guidelines and observe every precaution may
result in malfunction and could result in catastrophic failure. Misuse, incorrect assembly or use of damaged or
corroded components can result in explosive release of the end closure. We recommend that only a qualified
technician experienced in servicing highpressure hydraulic systems, open, close and service these vessels.

Operation and maintenance guide

This section is a guide to proper operation and maintenance of CodeLine OCTA Series pressure vessels. Good
industrial practice must be used in applying this information to assure safe vessel use. These guidelines are
not intended to relieve the user from full responsibility for correct operation and maintenance of the vessels.
For technical specifications and dimensions, refer to the Engineering Drawings of each specific model. The
information in all sections must be carefully followed for the installation, operation & maintenance of the
vessel to provide safe, long service life for which it is designed.

Important Safety Precautions

Dos Donts
Read, understand and follow every part of this Operate vessel at pressures in excess of their
section. Failure to take every precaution may specific rating.
void warranty and could result in explosive head Service any component until you verify that
failure. pressure if fully relieved from the vessel.
Install in an area where water leakage resulting Use corroded components. Use of such
from a vessel or piping malfunction would not components may result in catastrophic failure.
damage sensitive equipment, such as electronic Pressurize vessel until after visually inspecting to
components. ensure that both locking segments are correctly
Install protective covering over equipment installed and seated in their grooves.
located below pressure vessels when performing Tolerate leaks or allow end closures to be wetted
maintenance. in any way.
Verify that head locking components are properly Allow petroleum or silicone based products
placed and secured. to come in contact with membrane elements
Inspect end closures regularly, replace during installation or maintenance.
deteriorated components and correct causes of Use petroleum products on Noryl components.
corrosion. Pressurize vessel without element in place,
Follow membrane element manufacturers unless permeate ports are plugged properly.
recommendations for loading elements into Over-tighten fittings in ports.
vessel (see Replacing Elements on page no. 12). Stand or climb on the pressure vessels, or the
feed / concentrate or permeate ports.
Allow force in excess of 15 lbs to be applied
laterally to feed/concentrate or permeate ports.
Use the vessel at negative pressure


The CodeLine Series

Family of Vessels

The CodeLine OCTA is a standardized series of fiberglass pressure vessels designed for continuous, long-
term use as housings for reverse osmosis, nano-filtration, ultra-filtration and micro-filtration membranes.
Any make of an eight-inch diameter spiral-wound membrane element can be easily accommodated in these

The CodeLine OCTA Series is designed for different pressure ratings. They are unified in design and have
maximum number of parts in common. Each model has the appropriate strength and materials of construction
to provide years of continuous use in typical service when properly maintained. Each model is available in
lengths, to house from one to eight, 40-inch long membrane elements. One to five membrane elements of
60-inch length, can also be accommodated.

The CodeLine OCTA Series is designed and built in accordance with the engineering standards of the Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME Code). A vessel marked
with ASME Code stamp is accepted worldwide as being built to the highest standard of safety.

Each model in the CodeLine OCTA Series has passed rigorous ASME Code qualification tests which require
that the vessels do not burst at less than six times their design pressure. Safe use is further assured in that
vessels will not fail catastrophically; overpressure is relieved by weeping through the fiberglass shell. Also,
every production vessel is hydro-tested to verify structural integrity.

While undertaking regular maintenance / repair / replacement of a pressure vessel it may be necessary to
remove the pressure vessel from a bank. Also ensure sufficient spares are available for replacement. Care must
be taken in installation / removal of the vessel to avoid damage to the shell. Damage to the shell can result in
catastrophic failure and possible injury to personnel. Any corrections or recommendation for improvement
for this manual should be addressed to:

CodeLine Division
Pentair Water India Pvt. Ltd.
L/52-55, Verna Industrial Area Verna,
Goa 403 722. INDIA
Tel: 91-832-2883300
Fax: 91-832-2883312


Even though your vessel may be installed by others, there are few installation checks that you
should make before system start-up. Vessels must be installed correctly to ensure safe use and
long service life.
Check that vessels are mounted on horizontal support frame using compatible
Installation notes
black urethane saddles with hold-down straps that are snug & not tight.
Check that each vessel is free to expand under pressure, shell is not rigidly
Even though your vessel mayinbe
clamped installed
place, by others,
and piping thereisare
to vessel notfew installation
connected checks
using rigid that you should make
before system start-up. Vessels must be installed correctly to ensure safe use and long service life.
Check that vessels are mounted on horizontal support frame using compatible black urethane saddles with
hold-down straps that are snug & not tight. WARNING
Check that each vessel is free to expand under pressure, shell is not rigidly clamped in place, and piping to
vessel is not connected using rigid connections.
Check that vessel does not supportRESULT
any otherINcomponent; that piping manifolds are separately mounted,
and that interconnection piping is self supported and connected to the pressure vessel with IPS grooved
Check that vessel does not support any other component; that piping manifolds
WARNING: Failure to separately mounted,
allow expansion and that
in diameter or interconnection
length will resultpiping is self
in vessel supported and
connected to the pressure vessel with IPS grooved couplings.
If you have any question about the installation of vessel in your unit, contact your supplier. For installation
If you have any question about the installation of vessel in your unit, contact your supplier.
Forrefer to pageguidelines,
installation no. 27-29. refer to page no. 28-30.

80S15 80S30 80S45 80S60 80S100 80S120

Models 80S05
80H15 80H30 80H45 80H60 80H100 80H120
Max. Operating
75 150 300 450 600 1000 1200
Pressure (PSI)
Temp. Range 20 120 20 190 20 190 20 190 20 190 20 150 20 150
(degree F)
Factory Test
Pressure (PSI) 82.5 165 330 495 660 1100 1320
ASME (1.1X)
Factory Test
Pressure (PSI) 112.5 225 450 675 900 1500 1800
CE/PED (1.5X)
Prototype Min.
Qualification 450 900 1800 2700 3600 6000 7200
Pressure (PSI)
Engineering 80S: 99159 80S: 99160 80S: 99161 80S: 99162 80S: 99163 80S: 99164
Drawing No. 99180
80H: 99165 80H: 99166 80H: 99167 80H: 99168 80H: 99169 80H: 99170

Pre-pressurization checklist


Incorrect Installation, Operation & maintenance of these vessels may cause loss of life, severe bodily harm,
and / or property damage. Read and understand all guidelines given in this bulletin before attempting to
open, service or operate these vessels. Failure to follow these guidelines and observe every precaution may
result in malfunction and could result in catastrophic failure. Misuse, incorrect assembly or use of damaged or
corroded components can result in explosive release of the end closure. We recommend that only a qualified
technician experienced in servicing highpressure hydraulic systems, open, close and service these vessels.

Membrane elements
n Membrane elements
Installed per manufacturers recommendation.
Installed per manufacturers
n Feed flow direction recommendation.
correctly noted and elements correctly oriented.
Feed flow direction correctly noted and elements correctly oriented.
Column of elements centered inside shell
Head assembly interlock
n Retaining Ring groove at each end of the shell is clean, free of corrosion and / or delamination with
Element interface
Adaptersface of groove true and is in sound condition.
installed at both ends of element column.
n AllThrust
components in as-new condition,from
ring installed downstream clean and free
element of damage or corrosion.
n Retaining Ring is fully seated in the vessel Retaining Ring groove.
Element interface in as-new condition clean and free of damage or corrosion.
All components
n Adapters installedare
All components at both endsassembled
properly and element column.
with new, freshly lubricated seals.
n Thrust
Port retainer for feed/concentrate
cone installed port in correct
downstream (concentrate position.
or brine end) of the element column.
Port nut snug - 80E45 / 60 (Note: left-hand thread)

HeadPermeate port snap ring installed 80E30
n All components in as-new condition clean and free of damage or corrosion.
Head assembly Interlock
n All components are properly assembled with new, freshly lubricated seals.
Locking groove at each end of the shell is clean, free of corrosion and / or delamination with outboard
n Permeate port locking ring/nut installed.
face of groove true and is in sound condition.
n Head marked with proper pressure rating for system.
All components in as-new condition, clean and free of damage or corrosion.
Retaining ring is fully seated in the retaining ring groove.
Piping connections
n Piping aligned (strain free) and secured.
n Leak free. secured.
Leak free.

Assembly by: _______________ Date Assembly: _______________

Checked by: _______________ Date of Inspection: _______________
The following vessels listed by serial number below were serviced under this checklist:
____________ _____________ _____________ __________ ___ _____________
Component Identification 80E30

80S05 - Coded
80S05 - Coded



Part number

80S15, 80S30, 80S45,
80S60, 80S100, 80S120 - Coded
80S15, 80S30, 80S45, 80S60, 80S100, 80S120 - Coded
80S15, 80S30, 80S45, 80S60, 80S100, 80S120 - Coded

Dwg 80S15/30 80S45/30


Description Material
Part number Part number Part number


80S30, 80S45, 80S60 - Non-Coded
80S15, 80S30, 80S45, 80S60 Non-Coded




Part number
Part number

80H15, 80H30, 80H45, 80H60,
COMPONENT 80H100, 80H120 - Coded
80H30, 80H45, 80H60, 80H100, 80H120 -Coded
80H15, 80H30, 80H45, 80H60, 80H100, 80H120 - Coded




Part number Part number Part number

Opening the vessel Step 4. Removing Head Retaining Ring
1. No special tools are required for this operation.
Step-By-Step Guide
Engage your fore finger in the end tab of the
retaining ring, lift it up and out of the retaining
Step 1. Relieve Pressure ring groove in the shell.
1. Shut off all sources of pressure and relieve
pressure from the vessel, following the system
manufacturers recommendations.
Step 2. Disconnect Permeate Port
1. Disconnect permeate piping as required at
nearest convenient joint, being careful not to
place undue stress on the threaded connections
of the permeate port(s). Caution: DO NOT tap
on fittings as this could damage the ports.
Step 3. Examine End Enclosure
1. Examine enclosure of vessel for corrosion.
Metal oxidation products and mineral deposits
can interfere with vessel disassembly. If any is
evident, proceed as follows:
a) Loosen any deposits with a small wire brush and
/ or a medium grade piece of ScotchBriteTM . Lifting end of retaining ring out of groove
b) Flush away loosened deposits with clean water.
2. Remove the retaining ring from the retaining
ring groove in the shell. This is accomplished by
running your fingers behind the retaining ring as
it continues to exit the groove.

Loosening deposits

Removing the retaining ring from the groove

Step 5. Removing Head Assembly B. Removing head assembly using tool
A. Removing head assembly 1. The Head Removal Tool (Part #94101) is made
1. Using a mallet tap the Bearing Plate lightly. Do up of 3 components. a) Plate b) Bolt c) Nut with
not use a metal component to tap the bearing hand grip
plate. 2. Hold the plate against the face of the vessel,
2. Thread a 1.0 I.D. Engineering Thermoplastic engage the bolt of the head puller in the 1
pipe approximately 1 feet long into the permeate FNPT connection of the permeate port.
port. (Check the permeate port dimensions for 3. Run the nut with hand grip, on the Head puller
selecting the correct pipe dia) bolt and continue to tighten the nut till the head
3. Carefully rock the head assembly back and forth comes out.
to release the seal. (Care should be taken to
avoid placing too much stress on the product
port threads)
4. Once the head seal is broken, pull straight
outward to remove the head assembly from the

Removing Head Assembly using Head Removal Tool

Repeat above procedure for the opposite end of

the vessel.

Removing Head Assembly WARNING: Read all guidelines in this section

before attempting to open the vessel. Do not
NOTE: It may be necessary to rock the head attempt to service any component without first
slightly and / or tap the head inboard to break verifying that vessel PRESSURE is fully relieved
head seal bond. from the vessel. Attempting to remove any
component before pressure is relieved may
result in EXPLOSIVE release of the head..

Replacing Elements

IMPORTANT: Read all parts of this section

before replacing elements. These procedures
are provided for general information
only. Elements should be installed in
accordance with the element manufacturers
recommendations. Always remove and install
elements in the direction of feed flow. The
feed end (upstream end) is the end plumbed
most directly to the pump. A record of element
serial numbers and locations should be made
and checked during loading. Do not scratch
or damage vessel bore when removing or
installing elements.
Examining for scratches

Preliminary Steps 3. Examine membrane element surfaces for any

DO NOT proceed with step by step instructions imperfection which could scratch the vessel
until bore. Pay particular attention to edges of anti-
1. All pressure has been relieved from the telescope device (ATD/brine seal carrier).
vessel, following system manufacturers 4. Using an approximate 50% mixture of glycerine
recommendations. in water, lubricate the inside of the vessel. This
2. Both heads have been removed from vessel may best be accomplished using a suitably sized
following step by step instructions in the swab soaked in the mixture. This procedure will
Opening the Vessel section. ease membrane element loading and reduce
chance of scratching the vessel bore.
Step 1. Remove Element Interface Hardware.
1. Remove thrust cone from the downstream
(concentrate) end. NOTE: If the brine seal is not installed on
2. Remove adapters from elements at each end. the element and the element supplier does
not specify otherwise, a brine seal should be
Step 2. Element Removal placed on the upstream end of the elements.
1. Remove elements from the vessel following Open side of a seal must face upstream.
element manufacturers instructions. Clean off
any excess lubricant from vessel inside diameter
before removing elements.

Step 3. Element Loading

1. Examine the inside diameter of the vessel for
scratches or imperfections that may affect
sealing capability of head or element seals.
Corrosion deposits or other foreign matter,
including any excess lubricant, should be
removed as described in Section Closing the
2. Flush out the vessel with clean water to remove
any dust and debris.
5. Load the first element into the upstream Step 4. Install Element Interface Hardware
end of the vessel. Leave a few inches of the 1. Assemble adapter to element permeate tube
element projecting from the vessel to facilitate at each end of vessel. (Connect the central
interconnection to the next element. (permeate) tube of the membrane element
stack, with an adapter on each end, to the
6. Apply a light film of a non-petroleum based permeate port in the head at both ends of
lubricant, such as Parker Super O-Lube, to the vessel. Pressurizing vessel without both adapters
interconnector O-ring. (The amount of O-Lube installed could result in explosive head failure)
should be just enough to give a lustre to the
O-ring. Excess O-lube must be removed to 2. Install Head Seals.
prevent possibility of element contamination).
3. Install the thrust cone over the permeate port
7. Assemble the interconnector to the loaded on the head assembly at the downstream
element. (Concentrate) end of the vessel.

8. Line up the next element to be loaded and (Serious damage may result if the thrust cone is
assemble it to the interconnector already not installed in the correct location).
assembled on the first element.

9. Push both elements into the vessel until a few

inches are projecting from the vessel. Repeat
loading process until all elements are installed.

10. When the final element is installed, push the

element stack forward until the face of the first
(downstream) element is just short of counter
bore ramp.

CAUTION: Maintain element alignment

carefully during assembly procedure. Do not
allow element weight to be supported by
interconnector. Mis-alignment can result in
damage to interconnectors or permeate tubes Installing Thrust Cone
or to element outer surface. Take care to avoid
pushing elements too far as it can be difficult
to push the stack in a reverse direction.

Closing the vessel Step 1. Inspect Shell Inside Surface
1. Inspect the vessel inside surface for any
corrosion deposits or other foreign matter. If
WARNING: Read all guidelines in this section
any are found, clean the surface as follows:
before attempting to close the vessel.
Using a medium or finer grade of ScotchBriteTM
CHECK THE HEAD ASSEMBLY FOR CORROSION and a mild soap solution, clean each end of the
AS DESCRIBED IN THE HEAD REBUILDING vessel inner surface upto 8 from each end of
CATASTROPHIC FAILURE. Do not pressurize Rinse away all loosened deposits from the shell
vessel until after visual inspection to ensure inside surface using clean fresh water.
that retaining ring is fully seated.
Never attempt to repair a fiberglass shell. 2. Inspect the vessel inside surface for scratches
or other damage that could cause leaks. Vessels
that leak must be replaced.
Preliminary Steps
DO NOT proceed until 3. Inspect Feed/Concentrate port seals and
1. Elements and adapters have been installed in attachments for internal and external damage
the vessel following guidelines in Replacing the or deterioration.
Elements section.
Step 2. Shell & Head Lubrication
2. Head has been checked for correct component 1. Work O-ring lubricant into shell area behind the
assembly by following step-by step instructions retaining ring groove and approximately 1/2
in the Head Rebuilding section. into the vessel I.D.

3. Vessel has been shimmed to prevent movement 2. Ensure entire head seal is covered with a thin
of the membrane elements if required. See layer of O-ring lubricant, with no dirt or dust
Trouble Shooting section for a description of contamination.
when shimming is required.
WARNING: Any remaining lubricant should
be cleaned from the vessel bore before
applying fresh lubricant. Glycerine is a
commercially available lubricant that will not
foul membranes.

*Contact Pentair Water for guidance if damage

to the vessels internal surface or Feed/
Concentrate port, seals or attachments are
discovered during inspection.

Cleaning inside the vessel

Step 3. Install Head Step 4. Install Head Interlock
1. Hold the head assembly square to the axis of 1. Carefully wipe out any debris or moisture from
the shell by grasping the permeate port. Slide it the head Retaining ring groove. The groove
straight in until a slight resistance is felt. must be clear and dry before proceeding.

2. Grasp tightly and push the head in as far as it 2. With the head assembly installed in the shell,
will go. (A sharp, forceful thrust or may be light place the tip of the head Retaining ring in the
tapping with a mallet may be necessary to enter retaining ring groove. (The non bent tab end)
the head into the vessel bore). When the head is
correctly positioned, the locking groove will be 3. Begin pushing the retaining ring into the groove
exposed. as you rotate your hand around the I.D. of the

Installing Head Assembly Installing Head Retaining ring

4. Continue until the entire retaining ring is

NOTE: In some installations it may be advisable installed in the groove.
to tighten a system required permeate port
nipple or fitting into the Permeate port before 5. Verify that the retaining ring is fully seated in
the head is assembled into the vessel. Do not the groove before proceeding.
tighten a component into the Permeate port
more than one turn past hand tight.
CAUTION: Incorrect assembly or installation
can result in EXPLOSIVE HEAD failure.

CAUTION: Do not tighten a component into 1. Check all piping connections to ensure that they
permeate port more than one turn past will provide a leak-free seal.
Do not pressurize vessel until verifying that the 1. After following the above pre pressurization
Head Retaining Ring is properly installed. checks, pressurize vessel in accordance with
element manufacturers specifications.
Step 5. Reconnect Permeate Piping 2. Vessels should be filled slowly to assist trapped
1. Reconnect manifold piping to the vessel Permeate air in escaping.
port. Using teflon tape or anaerobic sealant on all 3. Vessels should be pressurized slowly to avoid
threaded connections will help ensure a leak-free damage to membrane elements and vessel
assembly. components.


It is vitally important that the following checks
be carried out before any attempt is made to
pressurize the vessel.
It is recommended that the Pre-Pressurization
Checklist (page 05) be used to systematically verify
that all steps have been performed.

Verify the following at each end of the vessel:
1. Head assembly is in good condition, with no
evidence of damage or corrosion. See the
sections on Head Rebuilding and Maintenance.
2. Port nut is snug (left-hand thread).
3. Head retaining Ring is properly placed.

Verify that
1. Elements are installed in the vessel.
2. Element adapters are installed at each end of
the vessel.
3. Thrust cone is installed at downstream end of
the vessel.

Head - dis-assembling & assembling Preliminary Steps
Do not proceed until
NOTE: Read all guidelines in this section 1. All pressure has been relieved from the
before attempting to rebuild the head. Head vessel, following system manufacturers
rebuilding should be performed in a clean work recommendations.
area. Dust or dirt on O-rings or other parts can 2. Head has been removed from the vessel
scratch inner surfaces and cause subsequent following guidelines in Opening the Vessel
leakage. Replace any components not in section.
as-new condition. Re-using corroded or
damaged components can result in explosive To dis-assemble head
head failure. Step 1. Removing Adapter
1. Remove the Membrane Adapter from the
permeate port. Grasp the end of the adapter in
one hand and the bearing plate in the other and
pull them apart.

Single Piece Engineering Thermoplastic Head

(80S15 / 30 / 45 / 60 Non-Coded)

Removing the Adapter

Note : It may be necessary to twist the two parts in
opposite directions to break a seal between them.

Coded Head Components -disassembled

Model : 80S & 80H

2. Remove the O-ring(s) from the Permeate port 1. Bearing Plate is held in the assembly by Port
adapter. Nut, once the port nut is removed the bearing
plate is free to remove.
NOTE: A small screw driver or similar tool may
be used to remove the O-rings. However, do Step 4. Removing Sealing Plate
not damage the sealing surfaces in any way 1. Remove the Sealing Plate by pressing it out from
or leakage may result. It is recommended that threaded end of the permeate port.
all seals be replaced each time the head is

* Following Steps 2 5 are applicable only for Code

Step 2. Removing Permeate Port Nut
1. Remove the permeate port nut located on the
external side of the bearing plate by rotating
it CLOCKWISE. Note that the port nut has LEFT
hand threads.

Removing the Sealing Plate

Step 5. Removing Permeate Portal

1. Using a small screw driver or similar tool remove
the permeate port seal. However, do not damage
the sealing surface in any way as it may lead to

Removing the Permeate Port Nut

Step 3. Removing Bearing Plate

Removing the Permeate Port seal

Removing the Bearing Plate

Step 6. Removing Head Seal Step 2 Initial Component Inspection
1. Using a small screw driver or similar tool 2. Examine all components for any damage that
remove the Head Seal. However, do not damage could affect structural strength or sealing
the sealing surface in any way as it may lead to properties.
leakage. 3. Replace any parts considered to be structurally

CAUTION: Feed and Concentrate ports and

attachments to the shell must be carefully
inspected to ensure that connections and
sealing materials are sound and tight. Any
questions or evidence of deterioration of these
areas should be referred to Pentair Water
Engineers. Other than head seals, adapter
seals & PWT seals replacement, field repair
should not be attempted by user maintenance
personnel without first contacting the
manufacturer for guidance.

Removing the Head Seal

The following example indicates when replacement
Component Cleaning and examination is required.
A. Permeate port or Port Nut internal thread
Step 1. Wash Components stripped or over-strained.
1. Wash all components in fresh water. B. Bearing Plate dented or distorted or with
2. Blow components dry with compressed air, if anodizing removed (possibly from being
available. Otherwise wipe dry with a dry, lint- dropped or hit).
free cloth. C. Retaining Ring bent or damaged.

Any other details considered to be a potential

CAUTION: Read all guidelines in this section problem should be referred to Pentair Water. If any
before making any decisions on components component is cracked, softened or discolored, it
structure or corrosion problems and treatment. may indicate a chemical resistance problem. These
This section is intended only to provide components must be replaced. Alternate materials
guidelines in dealing with corrosion or may be required in these applications. Contact
component damage. In combination with good Pentair Water for a solution.
industrial practice, these guidelines provide a
basis for safe system operation.
Any condition not covered in this section
should be referred to Pentair Water. Corrosion
in this context includes metal oxidation
products and mineral deposits.

Step 3. Evaluating Corroded Metal Components Step 4. REMOVING DEPOSITS FROM Engineering
This procedure applies to the following parts: Thermoplastic Components
A. Bearing Plate
B. Retaining Ring CAUTION: The following procedure should
be used on all Engineering Thermoplastic
1. Examine these components for corrosion. For Components contaminated by minerals or
any components not in as-new condition, other foreign matter. If any component cannot
proceed as follows: be brought to as-new standards, it must be
A. Loosen any large deposits with small wire brush. replaced.
B. Place components in shallow container of
soapy water and scrub entire surface with This procedure applies to the following components:
medium grade ScotchBriteTM until all corrosion A. Port Nut
is removed. B. Permeate Port
C. Rinse components clean with fresh water. C. Sealing Plate
D. Blow components dry with compressed air, if D. Adapter
available. E. Thrust Cone
E. Re-examine components for damage that could
affect structural strength or sealing properties. 1. Examine all plastic components for mineral
Any components not in asnew condition must deposits or other foreign matter. If any are
be replaced. found, proceed as follows:
F. Inspect components for any condition that A. Place components in a shallow container of
might have promoted corrosion, (e.g. external soapy water and scrub entire surface with
damage, inappropriate material selection, etc.) medium grade ScotchBriteTM until all foreign
matter is removed.
B. Rinse components clean with fresh water.
CAUTION: This procedure for evaluating C. Blow components dry with compressed air, if
corroded components is to be used on any available.
corroded metal parts. If this fails to bring any D. Re-examine components for any damage
component to as-new standards, the part that could affect structural strength or sealing
must be replaced. properties. Any components not in as-new
condition must be replaced.

To Re-Assemble Head

WARNING: Head must be carefully assembled

following these instructions. Incorrect assembly
can result in CATASTROPHIC failure.

Step 1. Lubricate and Install Seals

Installing Permeate Port Seal

Lubricating Head Seals & O-rings

1. Lubricate and Install permeate port seal in the

inner groove of the sealing plate.

2. Lubricate and Install Head Seal on the outer

groove of the sealing plate. Installing Head Seal

3. Lubricate and install Adapter seal on the CAUTION: It is recommended that all seal be
permeate port end of the Adapter. replaced each time the head is assembled. A
seal replacement kit is available from Pentair
4. Lubricate and Install PWT seal on the product Water. Lubricate seals sparingly, using non
water tube end of the adapter. petroleum based lubricants, i.e. Parker Super
O-lube, Glycerine or suitable silicone based
lubricants. (Silicone based lubricants, correctly
used, will ease head assembly and disassembly).
(Glycerine is a commercially available lubricant
that will not foul membranes).

Step 2. Assembling Sealing Plate & Permeate Port Step 4. Install Port Nut Permeate Port
Insert the threaded end of the permeate port Thread port nut (Left-Hand Thread) onto permeate
through the sealing plate. Press firmly till permeate port. Tighten until snug.
port bottoms on sealing plate.

Installing Port Nut

Installing Sealing Plate
WARNING: With the port nut tightened, the
Step 3. Install Bearing Plate sealing plate must sit flush against the bearing
Place the Bearing Plate over the sealing plate, plate. If any gap is evident, the components
through smaller diameter bore of the permeate have not been assembled correctly. Incorrect
port. assembly can result in CATASTROPHIC failure.

Installing Bearing Plate

Preventive maintenance

Corrosion prevention is essential for the

maintenance of safe operating conditions and to
ease membrane element servicing.

Attention to the points listed below will enhance

long-term safe operation and will ease servicing.

For suggestions on cleaning corrosion deposits

from the vessel inside surface, refer to Closing the
Vessel section.

For suggestions on cleaning corrosion deposits

from head components, refer to the Head -Dis
assembling & Assembling section.

Preventive checklist
End closures. Inspect for components that may
have deteriorated. Replace as needed.

Keep external head assembly components as

dry as possible.

n Do not tolerate leaks.

CAUTION: Any leakage indicates a potentially

dangerous condition. Failure to eliminate
leakage may void the warranty and could
result in vessel failure.

Trouble shooting Difficulty in Opening Vessel
This section is intended only to provide guidelines
for dealing with problems that might arise
while working with CodeLine OCTA Series pressure NOTE: Recommendations listed here
vessels. These guidelines are not in any way a are intended only as a guide. If the head
replacement for the good industrial practice assembly is still difficult to remove after all
required to ensure safe operation. We recommend recommendations have been followed, call
that only a qualified engineer, experienced in Pentair Water for technical assistance.
servicing high pressure hydraulic systems, carry out
the following tasks.
Head Retaining Ring
Preliminary Inspection 1. Will not release from the Retaining Ring Groove.
Inspect the vessel at each end for corrosion which A. Apply penetrating fluid (such as WD-40 or LPS-1)
may interfere with head assembly removal. If to interfacing areas of retaining ring.
corrosion is evident, proceed as follows: B. With a screwdriver handle or similar tool, tap
1. Loosen any deposits with a small wire brush the retaining ring to release the bond.
and/or a medium grade piece of ScotchBriteTM. C. Again attempt to remove the retaining ring.

Loosening Deposits

Applying penetrating fluid

2. Flush away loosened deposits with clean water.

CAUTION: When applying penetrating fluid,

WARNING: Do not use a wire brush on be careful to avoid element contamination.
components made from Engineering Thermo

3. Proceed with instructions given in Opening the

Vessel section.

Head Assembly Seal leakage
1. Will not release from shell when pulled. 2. Head Seal Leak
A. Using a head removal tool, fix the 1 NPT A. Carefully inspect the seal gland area in the shell
connection to the permeate end and tighten the and clean any contaminants from the gland.
nut till the head comes out. B. Clean the seal area on the head and relubricate.
OR C. Install a new head seal that has been properly
B. Thread a 1 ID Engineering Thermoplastic pipe lubricated.
approximately 1 feet long into the permeate 3. Permeate Port Leak
port. A. Loosen the Port nut. Once the port nut is
loosened the complete head assembly can be
Carefully rock the head assembly back and forth to easily dismantled.
release the seal. B. Permeate port seal is seated in the sealing plate.
Once the head seal has been broken, complete Run your fingers around the seal and check for
removal as instructed in the Opening the Vessel any seal damage. If the seal is damaged replace
section. the seal.
C. Check for any damage/scratches on the
NOTE: If the head assembly will not release Permeate port sealing area. Replace the
from the shell after all recommendations have permeate port if found damaged.
been followed, call Pentair Water for technical

Sealing Plate & Permeate Port Seal

3. Feed/Concentrate Port Leak

Freeing Head Seal

IMPORTANT: Please contact Pentair Water

if any Feed/Concentrate leaks are observed.

Sudden Drop in Permeate quality 4. Push the straight end of the adapter into the
If a system is started and stopped frequently and permeate hub, just far enough so that it is held
no provision is made to raise the pressure slowly, by the adapter seal.
movement of the membrane column may damage
O-ring seals and reduce permeate quality. 5. Line the adapter up with the product water tube
If the quality of the permeate suddenly drops, and on the first element and install the head fare
poor membrane performance is not suspected, enough into the vessel so that you can place a
remove the heads per instructions in the Users locking ring segment in the groove.
Guide (See Opening the vessel section on
page 10). Inspect these O-ring seals carefully 6. Carefully remove the head and observe the
for breakage or other damage. If the seals have space between the hub of the adapter and
rolled out of the groove, or are damaged, this may the face of the permeate port. Determine the
indicate excessive movement during start-up and number of spacers necessary to fill this space.
shutdown. To overcome this problem, the vessel
should be shimmed to minimize this movement. 7. Remove the adapter and place the product
Follow the procedure for shimming as given below: water tube seals. Insert the adapter in the
product water tube of the first element.
Shimming 8. Slide the number of spacers determined in Step
Shimming is accomplished by placing spacers
6, over the end of the adapter.
between the adapter and the hub on the permeate
port on the upstream end of the vessel. When
9. Now close the vessel according to the Closing
done properly, shimming will prevent excessive
the Vessel section which begins on page 14.
movement of the membrane elements and the
Vessel Shimming
adapters, thus preventing potential damage of the
O-ring seals. The spacers used for shimming are
shaped like a plastic washer and are 0.20 inches

The suggested procedure for shimming is as follows:

1. With the membrane properly loaded, install the
adapter in the last element and place the thrust
cone on the head for the downstream end of
the vessel. (See Replacing Element section on
page 12).

2. Install the head in the downstream end of the

vessel following Steps 1 through 4 of the section
entitled Closing Vessel on page nos. 14.

3. Remove the product water tube seals from the

upstream adapter and the head seal.


NOTE Regardless of when and by whom your
The CodeLine OCTA Series fiberglass membrane
vessel may have been installed, there are a few
housing is designed for continuous long term use as
quick checks you should make before use.
a housing for reverse osmosis, nano-filtration, ultra-
Check that each vessel is:
filtration and micro-filtration elements in typical
water treatment systems at operating pressures of
 Mounted with compliant material
75 PSI to 1200 PSI.
(Polyurethane Saddle) between the fiber
glass shell and any rigid frame.
The CodeLine OCTA Series is designed to
accommodate any make of 8-inch nominal diameter
Free to expand under pressure shell not
membrane element.
clamped rigidly in place, no rigid piping
connection to port fittings.
Improper assembly, misuse, rigid clamping, impact,
scratches, abrasion or corrosion can result in
Not used in any way to support other vessels
mechanical failure, property damage and serious
/ objects.
injury or death.

The information and guidelines incorporated in

this Users Guide are intended only as supplement
to good industrial practice. Full responsibility
for correct operation and maintenance of vessel
remains with the user.

This guide should be used in conjunction with

engineering drawings.

When properly installed and maintained, the

CodeLine OCTA Series vessels can be expected to
provide safe operation over a long service life.

Should any information in this guide not agree

with the system suppliers instructions, call Pentair
Water for clarification.

Handling, receiving and storage
Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) Pressure vessels NOTE ON IMPACT DAMAGE
are extremely rugged and durable. They are Exterior vessel damage can lead to early
designed for safe, long-term service when they vessel failure. Damage received in shipment
are handled and installed properly. However, should be reported to the shipping company
damage to the vessel shell or related components immediately upon receipt minor damage such
from improper handling or installation could as scratches that go no deeper than the paint
result in malfunction or explosive head failure may be acceptable. Call the Pentair Water
while in service. Therefore exercise the following customer service department for advice if in
precautions whenever handling vessel. doubt.

1. Never lift or move a vessel by placing anything Storage

inside it. The vessel is durable and ideally Pentair Water recommends storing the vessel in
suited to its purpose, but careless handling can the received packing or in a secure place. Vessel
permanently damage it. should not be stored in such a manner that they
will roll over and get damaged.
2. Be careful not to scratch the inside wall of the
shell, especially in the sealing area inboard of
locking segment groove near the end.

3. Do not drop vessel or allow it to hit hard on the

ground or against other objects.

4. Do not apply undue stress to shell.

5. Before using a forklift to handle the vessel, pad

the forks to lessen the chance of damaging the
shell. Severe scratches or gouging of the vessel
can result in failure of the vessel wall.

6. Do not allow undue stress to act on the Feed/

Concentrate port, which might cause impact
damage to the port area, leading to leakage.
Do not use the Feed/Concentrate port or the
permeate port as a tool to lift the pressure
vessel or as a support to manifolds. Manifolds
should be self-supporting.

Mounting shell & piping connection 4. Mount vessels on urethane saddles (provided
with the vessel) positioned in line with pre
drilled frame holes for 1 through 3 vessels.
NOTE: If mounting vessel for the first time, Holes for the mounting straps should be drilled
see piping recommendations for CodeLine at approximate center span S. For 4 and 8
side-port vessel, page no, 35 vessels, holes for the mounting straps should be
drilled at span S from the middle of the vessel
This section is concerned with the mounting of and a third saddle, without a strap, should be
CodeLine Models 80S & 80H pressure vessels. placed at mid span. These dimensions are shown
These guidelines must be integrated with any on the corresponding engineering drawing.
additional procedure required for your specific
installation. WARNING: Do not mount vessel rigidly.
restricted expansion can result in damage
Installation Guidelines to the vessel. see elasticity and mounting
1. Provide adequate room for servicing at both requirements in the application section for
ends of vessel. Elements are installed from the further details.
upstream end (feed), pushed through towards
the downstream end (concentrate) and,
eventually, removed from the downstream end.
2. Follow all applicable Handling Guidelines.
3. Position each vessel on its mounting frame such
that it is centered between headers.

NOTE: It is important that each vessel be placed

to minimize any strain on piping / tubing that
connects a vessel to a header. Normally each
vessel should be centered in the frame with
the feed and concentrate ports positioned
such that piping / tubing connections can be
made easily, without undue strain at each end
of the vessel.

5. Place mounting straps over vessel with plastic Piping connections
strip against vessel.
6. Position screw through the frame mounting The following are suggested guidelines to ensure
holes into strap nuts and run up to the frame that the vessel is allowed to expand and is easily
finger tight. serviced:
7. Connect vessel feed piping (See Piping
Recommendations for more info) 1. Support the header and interconnecting piping
8. Using a wrench, tighten mounting bolts one in a manner that they are self-supporting.
additional full turn. This should result in 25-50
lbsin. of torque. 2. Connecting piping alignment to feed, concentrate
and permeate ports should not exceed
CAUTION: To avoid damage to vessel shell, 0.030 inch (0.762 mm) misalignment.
DO NOT over-tighten mounting nuts.
3. Piping connections to the vessels feed /
concentrate ports should be via flexible IPS
WARNING: CodeLine straps are designed to grooved Coupling.
secure the vessels during operation. They are
not designed to handle all loads that might
occur during shipment. Appropriate vessel
restraint should be employed considering such
factors as the mode of shipment, distance to be
traveled and design of the system. The vessels
and frame should be blocked to prevent any
differential movement which could be caused
by the forces experienced during shipment.

Application guide Process fluid compatibility (e.g. chemical and
Introduction temperature consideration).
External environmental factors (e.g. corrosive
This Application Guide, together with the Installation atmosphere, remote or special environment
Guide and the Operation and Maintenance Guide, where certain material might be undesirable,
outlines the general conditions for safe use of etc.).
CodeLine Side-ported pressure vessels. Because Abnormal back pressure which might result in
of the considerable risk inherent in high pressure pressurizing permeate port above the rated
vessels, it is the purchasers responsibility to pressure (alternate materials are available).
carefully evaluate each specified application to Capability of the user to maintain vessel
ensure that the CodeLine Side ported vessel properly.
selected is appropriate to that application. Requirement for increased fire resistance in
some circumstances.

Pentair Water will assist the purchaser in Use of CodeLine 80S & 80H model pressure vessel
determining the suitability of the standard vessel for other than its intended application will void the
for their specific operating conditions. For non- warranty.
standard applications, alternate materials are
available on special order. The final determination,
however, including evaluation of the standard
materials of construction for compatibility with the
specific environment, is the responsibility of the

Suitability for intended use

CodeLine OCTA Series membrane housings are
designed for continuous long-term use as housings
for reverse osmosis, nano-filtration, ultra-filtration
and micro-filtration membrane elements. Models
are available for 75, 150, 300, 450, 600, 1000 &
1200 psi. Any make of eightinch nominal diameter
spiral wound element is easily accommodated.

In a high pressure system there is considerable

potential for catastrophic failure, which could result
in serious injury or loss of life. All decisions as to
suitability for use must include full consideration of
the various safety aspects involved. These include,
but are not limited to:

Elasticity and mounting requirements 5. Do not hard plumb any piping connections to
the vessel.
Mounting design must allow for vessel expansion,
both axially and radially. Although the expansion 6. Support the header independently. Piping
under pressure is slight, undue restriction can should be self-supporting or supported by the
result in damage to the vessel and to other system headers.
components. Typically a eight-element vessel, to
example, would expand approximately 0.20 inch 7. Include an expansion loop in the branch
(5.08 mm) in length and 0.015 inch (0.4 mm) in connection to allow for:
diameter. The following suggestions will help to A. Elastic growth under pressure.
ensure the vessel is allowed to expand and will B. Thermal growth in vessel length.
ease servicing.
8. The total weight of branch connection and
1. Mount the vessel on the urethane support pads fittings supported by the vessel should not
furnished. Do not mount directly to any rigid exceed 8 lbs for either the Feed / Concentrate
structure. ports or the Permeate port for CodeLine 80S &
80H model vessels.
2. Use the stainless steel straps furnished. Straps
The above suggestions are intended to help prevent
should be tightened sufficiently to hold the
damage in typical applications. Unusual or special
vessel on the urethane support pads, but not so
applications may involve other considerations to be
tightly so as to restrict expansion. (A torque of
determined by the system designer.
25-50 lbs-in. is sufficient.)

3. U-bolts should not be used for vessel mounting

under any circumstances.

4. Provide flexible piping connection to permit

de-coupling the header from the vessel. The
recommended Permeate Port connection is a
U-bend pipe with flexible connections at each
end, or a flexible hose. Recommended Feed
and Concentrate connections are via flexible IPS
grooved coupling.

Corrosion Design Considerations for Safety
Considerations relating to corrosion are an
important factor in vessel application. Corrosion Fluid Compatibly
can result in catastrophic failure and / or cause The materials of construction selected must be
difficulty in removing head components from compatible with the process fluid and with proposed
the shell. Correct component material selection preserving and cleaning fluids. Standard materials
is essential for safe long-term use. Although the are listed on the engineering drawings. In case
process fluid is the main consideration, external where the standard materials are unacceptable,
environment conditions should also be taken into suitable alternative may be available.
Pressure and Temperature design limits
All reasonable precautions should be taken to Operation of a vessel outside its design limits
protect head assemblies from external wetting, will void the warranty and would result in vessel
particularly in corrosive atmospheres (e.g. salt- fatigue with possible eventual catastrophic failure.
water areas or acid atmosphere such as near Although each CodeLine 80S & 80H model vessel
lead acid battery arrays, etc.) Leaks from vessel or is tested as per ASME/CE specifications, long term
nearby components, which allow head parts to be operation above the designed pressure must be
routinely wetted, should not be tolerated. prevented. For permeate port pressure rating and
The following typical list of CodeLine model 80S maximum operating temperature, refer respective
& 80H pressure vessel components indicating the sales drawings.
standard material of construction of each part is
listed from page nos. 6 9. An evaluation of the Over pressure protection
possibility of corrosion damage to the metal head It is essential that over pressure protection be
interlock components is of critical importance. provided such that the pressure to which any
Alternate materials are available upon requests. vessel is subjected cannot exceed 105% of design
The pressure vessel should not be used as a support.
CAUTION: Pressure vessel may cause loss of Piping manifolds and other fittings should be
life, severe bodily harm or property damage if supported by properly designed system framework.
not correctly installed, operated and maintained. Operating personnel should be discouraged from
applying from undue force to any fittings connected
Safety in service of fiberglass vessel depends on directly to a pressure vessel.
proper application, installation, operation and
maintenance. This section is intended to provide Accessibility
guidance towards safe system design. The safety Pressure vessel should be positioned within the
information given in the installation and operation system such that elements can be inserted at the
and maintenance section should also be studied upstream end and removed from the downstream
and used appropriately in conjunction with the end (i.e. elements are installed and removed in the
precautions listed below. direction of feed flow).

OCTA Series


E 2 GROOVED END For Port material

selection refer to GA


1 2





Project Name / Number
P.O. Number
Ship to Address
Sanitary ports

For Internal Use Only

S.O. Number
Ship Date


Approved by


Piping recommendations
Various methods of connecting side port vessel would also be acceptable. This two joint method
to manifolds are possible. The recommendation is preferred over a single IPS grooved connection
method is to connect each vessel side port to the because it does not require as much care in vessel
manifold using two flexible IPS grooved joints and alignment and manifold welding accuracy. Figures 1
an intermediate piping section. A 900 elbow would & 2 illustrate the preferred method.
be an ideal, however, a straight piping connection

An alternate method using a single IPS grooved rack and secured loosely into position for the best
coupling is acceptable but requires more thoughtful alignment possible. At this time set the side port to
execution. The manifold must be fabricated using manifold clearance at .125 inches (3.175 mm) per
close tolerances to help ensure correct alignment. IPS recommendations for cut groove applications.
Installation must follow a sequence of assembly After proper alignment is achieved, secure the shell
steps to initially ensure correct shell to manifold and fix the manifolds into position. (See figure 3 &
alignment. First, the vessel should be set into the 4 for reference).

Even though a single IPS grooved coupling In checking for correct alignment, the maximum
arrangement may be the choice for low cost and axial misalignment from port to manifold should
compactness, it brings with it the necessity to be .030 inches (.762 mm) in any direction (See
provide the required amount of flexibility in some figure 5). While exceeding .030 inches (.762 mm)
other way. misalignment should not significantly reduce
vessel safety, it may decrease vessel service life. A
A IPS grooved coupling allows angular but not recommended method of checking for acceptable
lateral misalignment. Two rigidly restrained pipes alignment is to test for coupler rotation.
not lying on a common axis can be forced to align
if the fit is close enough to allow the two halves To use the rotation method, install the IPS grooved
of the coupling to be pulled together by the bolts. coupling between the vessel side port and the
This practice is not recommended. The resulting manifold. With the two coupling bolts tightened
stresses are complex and have leveraged intensity. until snug, you should be able to rotate the coupling
Any misalignment must therefore be kept to an by hand. If rotation is possible, the alignment will
absolute minimum. be acceptable.

Figure 3 illustrates how IPS grooved couplings Use of IPS Grooved coupling at interval of 1.0m or
might be incorporated in the manifolds to alleviate 1.5m is recommended on the header manifold for
misalignment where a line of vessels is connected ease and proper alignment of these pipes.
to a common manifold header and only one flexible
IPS grooved joint is used between the vessel and
the manifold.

CodeLine -Multi-portTM Detailed Guidelines for Using Multi-
High Flow Membrane Housings portTM High Flow Membrane Housings
to Eliminate Manifolds
Your Path to Reducing System Cost by
Using Multi-portTM CAUTION: The following are Guidelines
only. They are intended to aid the Purchaser
By now most end users, designers and builders when using the Multi-portTM feature to
of membrane separation systems are familiar eliminate manifolds. It is the system designers
with CodeLine side-ported FRP housings. responsibility to evaluate the specific application
With over 100,000 units in service, we have and carefully consider these guidelines when
leaded the industry in helping reduce the sizing ports.
cost of membrane systems around the world. Improper port sizing could lead to poor system
performance and/or damage to membrane
As CodeLine has continued to advance side- elements. Please contact Pentair Water if
porting technology, we have focused on developing clarification of these Guidelines is required.
products that help further reduce system cost.
With this being the case, CodeLine is proud to
announce Multi-portTM Membrane Housings with Evaluate the pressure drop across each vessel
3 Port. plenum as this will affect the permeate and
concentrate flows in each vessel.
What can it do for your system? Typically, the feed and concentrate manifolds
Multi-porting is a term used to describe membrane connecting to a number of vessels are designed
housing that feature more than one feed or to minimize variations in flow through the vessels.
concentrate port per end. For example, two This is accomplished by assuring that the pressure
or three ports in the feed end of a membrane throughout a manifold is nearly equal. The greater
housing. Multi-porting allows vessels to be directly the differential across a particular manifold, or
linked together. This powerful feature offers the set of manifolds, the greater the potential for
opportunity to eliminate traditional manifolds variations in the average feed pressure as well as
resulting in potential system cost savings. While the differential pressure across the different vessels
the cost reduction aspect of this technology is in a pass. These factors will affect the flow of the
enticing, system performance must be carefully product as well as the flow through the vessels.
evaluated to assure that improper port sizing does
not compromise long-term system performance. The same considerations apply when attempting
While using High Flow-ported housing is not to eliminate manifolds by linking vessels directly
difficult, there are many variables that need to be together using Multi-portTM vessels. In this case,
properly addressed before vessels can be specified. the pressure drop across the vessel plenum, as well
To help ensure the performance of your system, as the entrance and exit losses through the side
please carefully consider the guidelines and ports, must be considered. To simplify this process,
pressure drop data on the following pages when we have provided calculated test data, which
attempting to eliminate external manifolds. quantifies the total pressure, drop versus the flow
rate for various size ports.
Flow balance the system by taking the combined
concentrate flow from the last vessel in a particular
pass. This practice is commonly used when multiple
filters are connected in parallel. If the feed comes in
the first vessel, the combined concentrate should
exit the last vessel.

The feed pressure to the last vessel will always be Consider feeding from both sides or the center
less than the feed pressure to the first vessel. By of a pass if the differential pressure when feeding
flow balancing, the concentrate pressure of the from one side would be excessive.
last vessel will also be the lowest of any vessel. This By splitting the feed flow the velocity will be
tends to keep the pressure drop across all vessels to reduced by one half and the pressure drop by an
be as close as possible. The flow pattern is shown even greater amount since the pressure drop is
in Figure1. proportional to the square of the flow. Feeding
from both sides may be most economically feasible
where the pressure is low enough to use plastic
pipe. This option is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1 - Flow Balancing

The down side of this arrangement is that it will

cause the average feed flow pressure between the
first and last vessel to be the at a maximum value,
thus affecting permeate flow in the last vessel.
Figure 2 - Both Sides
For simplicity of piping, some customers may desire
to take combined concentrate flow from the first Check with your membrane supplier for evaluation
vessel in a particular pass. This will result in a lower of membrane performance of your proposed system.
differential pressure and thus a lower concentrate When properly sized, use of Multi-portTM vessels to
flow in the last vessel. While this practice is less eliminate external manifolds will have little if any
conservative than flow balancing, it has been affect on overall system performance. However,
successfully used in some systems. In any event, as pressure drops are increased, systems that
the performance of the membranes in each vessel are already being operated close to the edge
should be checked to confirm that all are within of recommended conditions may experience
the membrane manufacturers guidelines. problems within one or more vessels. It is therefore
recommended that worst case conditions be
evaluated carefully in conjunction with your
membrane supplier.

Consider the effects of higher velocities that may Do not exceed traditional flow velocities. Even
occur during special situations such as flushing or though the pressure drop across each vessel may be
cleaning. acceptable, the velocity of the water through each
It is sometimes advantageous to flush or clean port must also be evaluated. It is suggested that
systems at velocities higher than normal. These the water velocity throughout the entire system
situations must be carefully considered when be checked for proper velocity, however, the first
selecting port sizes. Pressure drops may be connection from the feed source is typically where
considerably increased under such conditions. problems can occur. While the length of each feed
Pressure drops across the plenum of a vessel will port is very short, velocities in excess of 11 Ft. per
always be greater than through an equal length of second should be avoided to help ensure proper
straight pipe of the same size as the port. For this system performance. For your convenience, we
reason you should always select ports at least equal have included the published velocities for schedule
to, and possibly greater than, the size of pipe you 40 pipe in this bulletin.
would use if manifolds were external.
Do not assume, because a set of vessels can be
manifolded together, that CodeLine recommends
Do not reduce the size of the feed/concentrate or endorses such use in your particular application.
ports in a particular pass, unless you have carefully
evaluated the affect on system performance of Used properly, multi-porting with 3 ports opens
such reductions. (For brackish water desalination up a whole New World of
at the recovery above 65% the brine discharge potential cost savings. With this opportunity comes
connection size may be reduced as compared to a responsibility to carefully evaluate projected
the feed connection size.) membrane performance. CodeLine recommends
that you work directly with you membrane supplier
Unlike with external manifolds, it is easy to reduce to obtain approval of your proposed design.
the size of ports of vessels, which are linked
together. The feed port may be one size and the
port directly opposite it can be specified a smaller
size. This however could lead to excessive pressure
drops. Again, evaluate the affects of such a design

Flow Rate V/s Velocity Schedule 40 pipe


3" Port
2.5" Port
ow Rate V/s Velocity Schedule1140 pipe
10 2" Port
w Rate V/s Velocity Schedule 40 pipe
9 1.5" Port
0 50 100 150 3" Port
200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Flow Rate(GPM)
2" Port
1.5" Port

Flow rate V/s Press

9 Pressure
8 Drop

200 250 300 350 400 450 500 7

200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Pressure Drop (psi)

Flow Rate(GPM)
Flow Rate(GPM) 6

Flow rate V/s Pressure4 Drop

Flow rate V/s Pressure Drop

Pressure Drop (psi)

Pressure Drop (psi)

6 0 50 100 150 1.5" port
200 250 300
5 1.5"
5 Flow Rate (GPM) @ 72oF
2" port2.5" port
3" port
4 2005 3" port
0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Flow Rate (GPM) @ 72oF
Flow Rate (GPM) @ 72oF

Pentair Water Limited Warranty 10. Shortages in receipt of spares/components/
products not intimated to the seller within 60
Pentair Water India Pvt. Ltd., a division of Pentair days of the receipt by buyer.
Water manufactures its products (Products)
and parts (Parts) under the highest standards of Warranty obligations of pentair water
workmanship using quality materials. Accordingly, Should a defect in workmanship and/or material
Pentair Water expressly warrants these Products in Products or Parts covered by this warranty
and Parts as follows: become evident during the term of the warranty,
then upon compliance with the procedures, as set
Warranty coverage forth below, Pentair Water, at its option, will: In the
a) All the CodeLine & Pentair branded case of Products, issue a credit in the amount of
membrane housing products are warranted the original purchase price of the product, or repair
to the original owner to be free of defects in or replace the defective Products. Pentair Water
material and/or workmanship under normal use will consider, in good faith customer preferences in
for a period of one (1) year from date of Invoice. making a determination whether to issue a credit
b) Any replacement Product or Part provided or repair or replace a Product. In the case of Parts,
hereunder will be warranted against defects in whether purchased new or exchanged on a Product
material and workmanship for the unexpired by other parts, Parts may not be returned for credit
portion of the one year warranty period or repair. Pentair Water will only be responsible for
applicable to the goods. the replacement of defective parts.

Exclusions from this limited warranty Procedure for obtaining warranty performance
This warranty does not cover: If the buyer discovers within this period a failure
1. Defects not reported to Pentair Water within of the product to conform to specifications, or a
the above described warranty period. defect in material or Workmanship, the buyer must
2. Any items manufactured by other companies. promptly notify Pentair Water in writing. In no
Such items may carry warranties offered by the event may that notification be received by Pentair
original manufacturers. Water more than 30 days after the end of the
3. Problems resulting from failure to comply warranty period. Any goods that the buyer believes
with installation instructions or drawings, or to be defective are to be returned to Pentair Water
improper installation. factory for examination. However, upon request
4. Damage caused by acts of nature or problems of the buyer, Pentair Water may, at its discretion,
resulting from abuse, misuse, negligence or agree to examine the goods in the field. If, upon
accident by any party other than Pentair Water. examination by Pentair Water, any goods sold under
5. Problems resulting in whole or in part from this agreement or purchase order do fail to conform
alteration, modification or attempted repair of to CodeLine / Pentair specifications, or prove to
these Products or Parts by any party other than be defective in material or workmanship, Pentair
Pentair Water. Water will supply an identical or substantially
6. Normal wear of replaceable components, including similar part F.O.B., Pentair Water factory; or Pentair
elastomeric Seals, Spacers etc. These parts require Water, at its option, will repair such part or give
maintenance as part of a yearly service schedule. credit to the buyer for the original cost of such
7. Non compliance with applicable codes and goods. However, if the goods were examined in the
ordinances including without limitation, field and Pentair Water determines that they do
plumbing codes. conform to CodeLine / Pentair specifications, the
8. Damage due to chemical attack. buyer will be responsible to pay to Pentair Water, a
9. Warranty applies only to original owner at the $750 field service charge, plus travel expenses and
original installation location a $750 per diem charge.

extent permitted by applicable law, PENTAIR - No dealer or another person has any authority to
WATER DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, make any warranties or representations concerning
WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, Pentair Water or its products. Accordingly, Pentair
BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES Water is not responsible for any such warranties or
PARTICULAR PURPOSE, with regard to the
Product(s), Part(s) and/or any accompanying OTHER RIGHTS This warranty gives specific legal
written materials. This limited warranty gives you rights, and other rights may apply.
specific legal rights. You may have others, which
vary from state / jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable
law, in no event shall Pentair Water be liable for
any damages whatsoever (including without
limitation, loss of times, inconveniences, expenses
such as telephone calls, labor or material charges
incurred in connection with the removal or
replacement of the Product(s) or Part(s), special,
incidental, consequential, or indirect damages for
personal injury, loss of business profits, business
interruption, loss of business information, or any
other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or
inability to use the defective Product(s) or Part(s),
even if Pentair Water has been advised of the
possibility of such damages. In any case, Pentair
Water entire liability under any provision of this
Limited Warranty shall be limited to the amount
actually paid for the Product(s) or part(s). PLEASE
NOTE: Because some states/jurisdictions do not
allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, the above limitation or
exclusion may not apply.


Vessel Model: Serial Numbers

Date of Purchase Numbers are located at one end of the vessel.
(If you have purchased more than 64 vessels,
please attach the serial nos. separately).
OEM Purchased From: (Name/ _________ ________ ________
Address/Tel no.) _________ ________ ________
___________________________ _________ ________ ________
___________________________ _________ ________ ________
___________________________ _________ ________ ________
___________________________ _________ ________ ________
_________ ________ ________
Treatment System wherein used: _________ ________ ________
(Please circle the relevant) _________ ________ ________
RO UF _________ ________ ________
_________ ________ ________
NF Other
_________ ________ ________
System Capacity:_________GPD _________ ________ ________
No. of Vessels: __________ _________ ________ ________
_________ ________ ________
Date of Installation:___________ _________ ________ ________
Name/Address/Tel & email of _________ ________ ________
your Company: _________ ________ ________
___________________________ _________ ________ ________
___________________________ _________ ________ ________
___________________________ _________ ________ ________
___________________________ _________ ________ ________

Installation Site: Mailing Address:

(Address/Country) CodeLine Division
___________________________ Pentair Water India Pvt. Ltd.
L/52-55, Verna Industrial Area
Verna, Goa 403 722. INDIA
___________________________ Tel: 91-832-2883300
___________________________ Fax: 91-832-2883312

Thank you for purchasing a world class CodeLine vessel. To help us service you better
and update you on improvement and changes, please fill up the above registration card
and mail at the address given in the same.

Disclaimer : All information included in this publication is based on the latest information available at the time of printing. Pentair
reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation whatsoever. Photocopying of
this publication by authorized original equipment manufacturers who have purchased directly from Pentair, or by persons using the
materials for legitimate educational purposes, is approved by Pentair. Otherwise all copyright protection afforded by the law applies.
UG CODELINE 80S H EN 5115 @2015 PENTAIR. All Rights Reserved.


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