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1 Basic Digital Concepts

By converting continuous analog signals into a _nite number of

discrete states, a process called digitization, then to the extent that
the states are su_ciently well separated so that noise does create
errors, the resulting digital signals allow the following (slightly
_ storage over arbitrary periods of time
_ flawless retrieval and reproduction of the stored information
_ flawless transmission of the information
Some information is intrinsically digital, so it is natural to process and
manipulate it using purely digital techniques. Examples are numbers
and words.
The drawback to digitization is that a single analog signal (e.g. a
voltage which is a function of time, like a stereo signal) needs many
discrete states, or bits, in order to give a satisfactory reproduction. For
example, it requires a minimum of 10 bits to determine a voltage at
any given time to an accuracy of _ 0:1%. For transmission, one now
requires 10 lines instead of the one original analog line.

1.2 Binary Arithmetic

Each digit in binary is a 0 or a 1 and is called a bit, which is an
abbreviation of binary digit. There are several common conventions for
representation of numbers in binary. The most familiar is unsigned
binary. An example of a 8-bit number in this case is
010011112 = 0_27 + 1_26 +_ _ _+ 1_20 = 64 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 7910
(Generally the subscripts will be omitted, since it will be clear from the
context.) To convert from base 10 to binary, one can use a
decomposition like above, or use the following algorithm illustrated by
79: 79=2 = 39, remainder 1, then 39=2 = 19 r 1, and so forth. Then
assemble all the remainders in reverse order.
The largest number which can be represented by n bits is 2n − 1. For
example, with 4 bits the largest number is 11112 = 15.
The most signi_cant bit (MSB) is the bit representing the highest power
of 2, and the LSB represents the lowest power of 2.
Arithmetic with unsigned binary is analogous to decimal. For example
1-bit addition and multiplication are as follows: 0 + 0 = 0, 0 + 1 = 1, 1
+ 1 = 0, 0 _0 = 0, 0_1 = 0, and 1 _ 1 = 1. Note that this is di_erent
from Boolean algebra, as we shall see shortly, where 1 + 1 = 1.
Another convention is called BCD (\binary coded decmal"). In this case
each decimal digit is separately converted to binary. Therefore, since 7
= 01112 and 9 = 10012, then 79 = 01111001 (BCD). Note that this is
di_erent than our previous result. We will use BCD quite often in this
course. It is quite convenient, for example, when decimal numerical
displays are used.
1.2.2 Hexadecimal Representation
It is very often quite useful to represent blocks of 4 bits by a single
digit. Thus in base 16 there is a convention for using one digit for the
numbers 0,1,2,: : :,15 which is called hexadecimal. It follows decimal
for 0{9, then uses letters A{F.
Decimal Binary Hex
0 0000 0
1 0001 1
2 0010 2
3 0011 3
4 0100 4
5 0101 5
6 0110 6
7 0111 7
8 1000 8
9 1001 9
10 1010 A
11 1011 B
12 1100 C
13 1101 D
14 1110 E
15 1111 F

2.5 Multiplexing
A multiplexer (MUX) is a device which selects one of many inputs to a
single output. The selection is done by using an input address. Hence,
a MUX can take many data bits and put them, one at a time, on a
single output data line in a particular sequence. This is an example of
transforming parallel data to serial data.

A demultiplexer (DEMUX) performs the inverse operation, taking one

input and sending it to one of many possible outputs. Again the output
line is selected using an address. A MUX-DEMUX pair can be used to
convert data to serial form for transmission, thus reducing the number
of required transmission lines. The address bits are shared by the MUX
and DEMUX at each end. If n data bits are to be transmitted, then after
multiplexing, the number of separate lines required is log2 n + 1,
compared to n without the conversion to serial. Hence for large n the
saving can be substantial. In Lab 2, you will build such a system.

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