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College of the Bladedancer
Dungeons and Dragons
Bard College

Introduction: This is a tribute to one of my first MMO loves. From the game Lin-
eage 2 i was inspired over years to make so many dual wielding bards as charac-
ters that i may have borrowed both my players and GMs. I was young like all were
and i found the inspiring by a front line dual wielding dancing badass helping
entire groups bring down colossal monsters. Thank you for giving me the inspira-
tion for this amazing class.

Best wishes, and have fun!

by Stevan Grbi

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Players Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Masters Guide, D&D Adventurers
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2 PATH OF THE WITCHDANCER Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
The Bladedancer primarily uses dual swords and weapon and attack as an action on each of your
raises the abilities of party members by dancing. turns. If you start another dance or are unable to
attack on your turn the dance immediately ends.
Dance duration is noted for each dance.
Bard College
This is a tribute to one of my first MMO loves.
You know all dances described below:
From the game Lineage 2 i was inspired over years
to make so many dual wielding bards as charac-
ters that i may have borrowed both my players Dance of Fire - When you start the dance al-
and GMs. I was young like all were and i found lied humanoid creatures within 30 feet add your
the inspiring by a front line dual wielding dancing charisma bonus to all critical damage as long as
badass helping entire groups bring down colossal this dance is active and within range. Duration is 1
monsters. Thank you for giving me the inspiration minute and requires concentration.
for this amazing class.
Dance of Light - When you start this dance al-
lied humanoid creatures attacks within 30 feet add
+1d6 radiant damage for next number of successful
College of the Bladedancer attacks equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum
Bards of the College of the bladedancer are daring 1). As long as this dance lasts all ally weapons have
weapon masters joining their allies in maele with a dim glow. Duration is 1 minute and requires con-
little to no regard for their own safety. Using their centration.
enchanting dances to bolster their allies and pro- Dance of Inspiration - When you start this
viding support and distract and annoy enemies. dance allied humanoid creatures within 30 feet gain
They consider themselves masters of blades, and an inspiration that must be spent during the dance
enchantment. Blade dancer use their own fighting or lose it. Duration is 1 minute and requires con-
prowess to bolster those whose spirits are low. centration.
Dance of the Mystic - When you start this dance
allied humanoid creatures within 30 feet gain
Bonus Proficiencies an inspiration that ally may use to reduce target
When you join the College of Bladedancer at 3rd creatures saving throw against spell that she just
level, you gain proficiency with all bladed martial casted. Duration is 1 minute and requires concen-
weapons, and medium armors. tration.
Dance of the Warrior - When you start this
dance allied humanoid creatures within 30 feet
Offhand Inspiration
weapon attacks within 30 feet add +1d4 weapon
Also at 3rd level, you learn to inspire others while damage for the duration of the dance. Duration is 1
in the thick of battle. Whenever you make a suc- minute and requires concentration.
cessful attack with a bonus action you may as
Dance of Fury - When you start this dance all
part of same action grant an inspiration to to target
allied humanoid creatures within 30 feet that spend
a bonus action to attack add your charisma bonus
to damage rolls for those attacks, until the dance
ends. Duration is 1 minute and requires concentra-
Blade Dance
Starting at 6th level, you can spend an action and a
Dance of Berserker - For the duration of this
bardic inspirations to activate the dance. To acti-
dance every ally within range gains the ability to
vate the dance you must be wielding bladed weap-
use Reckless Attack (see barbarian feature in PHB
ons (short swords, scimitars, daggers, longsword or
page:48) until the dance ends. Duration is 1 minute
dual wielding two blades). To maintain the dance
and requires concentration.
that has a duration you must be wielding a bladed

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. PATH OF THE WITCHDANCER 3
Demonic Blade Dance - When you start this
dance all enemy creatures within 5 feet must make Credits
a Dexterity saving throw or be dealt 3d8 slashing Id like to thank my gaming group for playtesing
damage, or one half on successful save. This dance these builds whose feedback helped me shape this
ends immediately after this the damage is dealt. fun class option, and i would like to deirect special
Duration is instantaneous. thanks to Sanja Grbic aka Rigrena on deviantart.
Dance of Medusa - When you start this dance com.
all enemy humanoid creatures within 30 feet must
make a Charisma saving throw or become stunned
for one round. The stunned effect ends at the end
Sanja Grbic Rigrena
of affected creatures turn or when damaged. Dura-
tion is instantaneous.

Spell Dancer
At 14th level, you have mastered the art of weav-
ing your spellcasting into dance form. Whenever
you start a blade dance you may spend your bonus
action to cast any one of your bard spells that has
casting time of one action or bonus action.

4 PATH OF THE WITCHDANCER Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

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