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G.R. No. 210841, October 14, 2015

At around 3:00 in the afternoon on May 21, 2006, SPO4 Melchor de la Pea received information
from his informant that a certain "Erik Manok" was selling illegal drugs in his residence located at
Gitna, Barangay Cuyab, San Pedro, Laguna. Immediately, he relayed the information to the Chief of
Police who instructed him to undertake a surveillance of the area and if the information given by the
informant is true, to conduct a buy-bust operation to effect the arrest of the supposed seller of the
illegal drugs. SPO4 de la Pea called on the three (3) police officers from the intelligence section of
the police department to act as back-up arresting officers of the raiding team, namely, PO1 Alejandro
Ame, SPO1 Arnel Gonzales and PO1 Jifford Signap. The latter was designated as the poseurbuyer
and was given P200.00 as marked money and the civilian informant was assigned to act as the
middle man to facilitate the buy-bust operation. After the briefing, they all proceeded to Barangay
Cuyab in San Pedro, Laguna, and positioned themselves along the street adjacent to the house of
"Erik Manok."

PO1 Jifford and the informant proceeded to the house of "Erik Manok" who turned out to be the
appellant herein, while the rest of the raiding team stayed in the service vehicle they parked along
the street near the house of the alleged seller to await the pre-arranged signal from the poseurbuyer
to assist in the arrest of the former. At the house of "Erik Manok," the informant introduced PO1
Jifford to the latter as the buyer. PO1 Jifford handed the P200.00 marked money to the appellant who,
in turn, handed to the former a plastic sachet containing the suspected shabu. The sale transaction
having been consummated, PO1 Jifford then made a missed call to SPO4 de la Pea, which was the
pre-arranged signal for the arresting team to converge in the house of the appellant and assist in the
arrest of the latter. PO1 Jifford introduced himself to the appellant as a police officer and forthwith
announced that he was arresting him for illegal sale of shabu, a dangerous drug, in the presence of
the informant and the other members of the arresting team. He noted that the time then was around
5:30 in the afternoon. He retrieved the P200.00 marked money from the appellant to use as evidence
together with the plastic sachet containing the suspected illegal drugs which he marked with the
initials "EM-B."

The arresting team brought appellant to the police station and turned him over to the Investigator on
duty for processing. They then prepared their Pre-Operational Plan, the Certificate of Inventory as
well as the official request for chemical and laboratory examination of the suspected shabu they
apprehended from the appellant. Significantly, the examination conducted disclosed that the white
crystalline substance contained in the plastic sachet recovered from the appellant tested positive for
the presence of shabu.

Mirondo denied the charges against him, claiming that he was not arrested in a buy-bust operation.
On 21 May 2006 at around 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, Enrico Mirondo was at their house in
Barangay Cuyab, San Pedro, Laguna, watching television inside his room with his child Racel, when
eight (8) armed men destroyed their gate and forcibly entered their residence and immediately
handcuffed him. He asked them why he was being handcuffed but he was not given any answer. He
was not shown any warrant of arrest or search warrant before the group searched his residence. The
group, however, found nothing. Afterwards, he was brought outside and boarded their vehicle. While
inside the vehicle, he was forced to admit that he was selling shabu but he refused. He was then
incarcerated at around 11:00 o'clock in the evening. On August 19, 2011, the RTC found Mirondo
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of violation of Section 5 of R.A. No. 9165. In its assailed
August 28, 2013 Decision, the CA affirmed the RTC judgment of conviction.

1. Whether or not the court a quo gravely erred in griving credence to the prosecutions evidence.
2. Whether or not the accused is guilty despite the broken chain of custody of the allegedly
confiscated shabu.
3. Whether or not the accused is guilty despite non-compliance with Sec. 21 of RA 9165.

Settled is the rule that an appeal in a criminal case throws the whole records of the case open for
review and it is the duty of the appellate court to correct, cite and appreciate errors that may be found
in the appealed judgment whether they are assigned or unassigned. Given the unique nature of an
appeal in a criminal case, an examination of the entire records of the case may be explored for the
purpose of arriving at a correct conclusion as the law and justice dictate.

After an assiduous review of the records of the case at bench, the Court finds the appeal to be
impressed with merit.

It is a well-established doctrine that the trial court's findings of fact are, as a general rule, entitled to
great weight and will not be disturbed on appeal, especially when affirmed by the CA. This rule,
however, admits of exceptions and does not apply where facts of weight and substance with direct
and material bearing on the final outcome of the case have been overlooked, misapprehended or
misapplied. The case at bench falls under such exception and, hence, a departure from the general
rule is warranted.

For a successful prosecution of an offense of illegal sale of dangerous drugs, the following essential
elements must be proven: (1) that the transaction or sale took place; (2) the corpus delicti or the illicit
drug was presented as evidence; and (3) that the buyer and seller were identified. Implicit in all these
is the need for proof that the transaction or sale actually took place, coupled with the presentation in
court of the confiscated prohibited or regulated drug as evidence. The narcotic substance itself
constitutes the very corpus delicti of the offense and the fact of its existence is vital to sustain a
judgment of conviction.

Further, in People v. Gatlabayan, the Court held that it is of paramount importance that the identity of
the dangerous drug be established beyond reasonable doubt; and that it must be proven with
certitude that the substance bought during the buy-bust operation is exactly the same substance
offered in evidence before the court. In fine, the illegal drug must be produced before the court as
exhibit and that which was exhibited must be the very same substance recovered from the suspect.

In the case at bench, the Court finds that the second element is wanting. It appears that the subject
0.03 gram of shabu allegedly confiscated from Mirondo was never presented in evidence during the
trial for identification by the prosecution witnesses PO1 Signap and SPO4 de la Pea, albeit the
same had been formally offered by the prosecution. Accordingly, the prosecution failed to prove the
indispensable element of corpus delicti of the case.

Quoted at length are excerpts of testimonies of PO1 Signap and SPO4 de la Pea:
Public Prosecutor Ibana
Direct Examination ofPOl Signap:
Q: And after you arrested him, what happened next, Mr. Witness?
A: We brought him to our office, Ma'am.
Q: What did you do with the plastic?
A: I put some marking, Ma'am.
Q: Can you still recall what was the marking you put, Mr. Witness with the plastic sachet?
A: EM-B Ma'am, initial of Eric Mirondo.
Q: And what about that B, what does that stands for?
A: I cannot remember but it is reported in the blotter, Ma'am.
Q: And what was placed on the blotter Mr. Witness, if you still recall?
A:Serial Nos. of the money that we utilized, Ma'am.

Q: Mr. Witness, you mentioned in your statement and a while ago of two pieces of P100.00 bill and in
your statement Serial No. NB630077 and Serial No. TB400315, can you tell us Mr. Witness where
are the originals of the money you utilized? A: We submitted them to the office, Ma'am.

Continuation of Direct Examination of PO1 Sianap:

Q: Mr. witness, the last time you testified on February 2, 2007, you stated that you submitted the
original of the two (2) pieces of the one hundred peso bills (Php100.00) together with the documents
of evidence of this case Mr. witness, what did you do with the said money?
A: We have the photographs of the said money.
Q: I'm showing to you several photographs Mr. witness, depicting the accused and the two (2) money
bills, what is the relation of this photograph to the one you just referred to?
A: Yes ma'am.
Q: And who is this person standing, fronting the money?
A: Enrico Mirondo.
Q: I noticed a white thing beside the two money bills, can you please tell us what was this white
A: Suspected shabu ma'am.
Q: Your Honor, these photographs, were previously marked as Exhibit "I". I'm also showing to you
"I-1" and "I-2", what is the relation of these photographs that you allegedly took?
A: That is the photograph of the same marked money.
Q: May we offer for stipulation Your Honor, the fact that the photograph of the marked money
attached to the record, likewise marked as Exhibit "D" and "D-1" are the faithful reproduction of the
original money bills inside the vault of this Court?
Atty. Ilagan: Admitted Your Honor.
Q: You also mentioned the last time you testified Mr. witness that you marked the plastic sachet
containing suspected shabu, which was the subject of the buy-bust operation, after you marked it,
what did you do with the plastic sachet containing suspected shabu, as you say?
A: We brought it to the crime laboratory.
Q: Do you have any proof Mr. Witness that you indeed brought the specimen to the Crime Laboratory
A: Yes ma'am.

Q: Did you come to know the result of the examination conducted in the Crime Laboratory Office?
A: Yes, ma'am.
Q: What was the result?
A: Positive for shabu.
Q: On Exhibit "G" Your Honor may I request that the name of suspect Enrico Mirondo be marked as
our Exhibit "G-1" and the specimen submitted Your Honor as "G-2" and the stamp marked
RECEIVED by the Crime Laboratory Office as "G-3". That is all Your Honor.
Court: Cross Atty. Ilagan?
Atty. Ilagan: We move for the deferment of cross Your Honor.
Direct Examination of SPO4 de la Pea:
Q: You also stated that the calling of Police Office Signap to your telephone signifies that the
buy-bust operation was positive, so what happened Mr. witness to the subject of the buy-bust
operation, if you know?
A: The illegal drug was brought to PNP crime laboratory for examination.
Q: Can you describe the subject of the buy-bust operation?
A: One small heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet containing white substance ma'am.
Q: Before it was brought to the crime laboratory for examination, what was done to it, if you know?
A: I made a marking on the plastic sachet ma'am.
Q: What was the marking placed on the plastic sachet with white crystalline substance?
A: With initial EM-B ma'am.

Q: Before the case was filed and before you brought the specimen to the Crime Laboratory Office Mr.
witness, what else did you do with them?
A: Photograph of the subject and evidences ma'am.
Q: If this photograph will be shown to you, will you be able to identify it Mr. witness?
A: Yes ma'am.
Q: I'm showing to you three (3) photographs marked as Exhibit "I", "I-1" and "I-2", are these the same
photographs taken during the investigation?
A: Yes ma'am.
Q: Who is this person in Exhibit "I"?
A: Enrico Mirondo.
Q: What about these money bills in front of him Exhibit "I", "I-1" and "I-2"?
A: These are the money which were utilized during the buy-bust operation.
Q: And beside this money bill Mr. witness is a white plastic sachet with white thing, Exhibit "I," "I-1"
and "I-2," what is this?
A: That is the plastic sachet containing suspected shabu ma'am.
Q: Did you come to know the result of the examination conducted by the Crime Laboratory?
A: Positive in Methamphetamine Hydrochloride ma'am.
Fiscal: Nothing further Your Honor.

Indeed, there was nothing in the records that would show that the shabu, subject of Criminal Case
No. 5819-SPL, was ever presented by the prosecution before the trial court. Neither PO1 Signap nor
SPO4 de la Pea was actually confronted with the subject shabu for proper identification when they
were called to the witness stand. Also, the said prosecution witnesses were not given an opportunity
to testify as to the condition of the seized item in the interim that the evidence was in their possession
and control. Instead, the prosecution endeavored to establish the existence and identity of the
narcotic substance supposedly seized from Mirondo through mere photographs depicting him
together with the subject shabu and the buy-bust money consisting of two (2) one hundred peso bills.
The photographs were marked as Exhibits "I", "I-1" and "I-2." This flaw strongly militates against the
prosecution's cause because it not only casts doubt on the existence and identity of the subject
shabu but likewise tends to discredit, if not negate, the claim of regularity in the conduct of official
police operation. In People v. Remigio, the Court wrote:
In this case, no illegal drug was presented as evidence before the trial court. As pointed out by
appellant, what were presented were pictures of the supposedly confiscated items. But, in the
current course of drugs case decisions, a picture is not worth a thousand words. The image without
the thing even prevents the telling of a story. It is indispensable for the prosecution to present the
drug itself in court.

Verily, the subject 0.03 gram of shabu in a plastic sachet was never adduced before the court as
evidence by the prosecution and was not one of those marked as an exhibit during the pre-trial or
even in the course of the trial proper. The Court notes that in the pre-trial order of the RTC, dated
October 30, 2006, it was indicated therein that the "subject specimen was reserved for marking
during trial." Nowhere in the records, however, was it shown that the prosecution made any effort to
present the very corpus delicti of the drug offense during the trial proper. Curiously, the plastic sachet
containing the subject shabu was formally offered by the prosecution as Exhibit "L-1-a" and was
admitted by the RTC per its Order, dated October 21, 2009, despite its non-presentation. Obviously,
this omission fatally flawed the decision of conviction.

It is lamentable that the RTC and even the CA overlooked the significance of the absence of this
glaring detail in the records of the case. Instead, the lower courts focused their deliberations on the
warrantless arrest of Mirondo in arriving at their respective conclusions. In sustaining the
prosecution's case, the RTC and the CA inevitably relied on the evidentiary presumption that official
duties had been regularly performed. Let it be underscored that the presumption of regularity in the
performance of official duties can be rebutted by contrary proof, being a mere presumption, and
more importantly, it is inferior to, and could not prevail over, the constitutional presumption of

The failure to produce the corpus delicti in court could not be cured by the following stipulation
entered into by the prosecution and the defense during the hearing when Forensic Chemical Officer
Daisy Catibog Ebdane was called to testify, to wit:
Fiscal Ibana - We are offering the testimony of the witness to prove that on May 22, 2006 while she
was still assigned at the Regional Crime Laboratory Office, CALABARZON, Camp Vicente Lim,
Calamba City, their office received letter request dated May 21, 2006 from the San Pedro Municipal
Police Station together with the specimen, a plastic sachet containing suspected shabu with marking
EM-B and on that basis she conducted an examination on the specimen and she put into writing her
findings and conclusion that the specimen contained methamphetamine hydrochloride, she will
identify the letter request submitted for examination, Chemistry Report No. D-208-06 and the
specimen with methamphetamine hydrochloride placed in a plastic sachet with marking EM-B Your

Court - Any comment to the offer?

Atty. Ilagan - Subject to cross.

Fiscal Ibana - We offer for stipulation Your Honor, to abbreviate the proceedings, the existence and
due execution of letter examination request date May 21, 2006, that this letter was received by the
Regional Crime Laboratory Office on May 22, 2006 together with the specimen, the existence and
due execution of Chemistry Report No. D-208-06 and the existence of the Specimen stated in the
letter request as well as in the chemistry report Your Honor.

Court - Atty. Ilagan?

Atty. Ilagan - We admit the existence of the specimen submitted for examination, the Chemistry
Report as well as the request for laboratory examination.

To begin with, it was not clearly and convincingly shown that what was submitted for laboratory
examination was the same shabu that was actually recovered from Mirondo. Secondly, the defense
made no stipulation that the alleged confiscated substance contained in a plastic sachet was the
same substance that the forensic chemist examined and found positive for shabu. There was no
stipulation with respect to the ultimate source of the drug submitted for examination by the forensic
chemist. Thirdly, the forensic chemist did not testify at all as to the identity of the person from whom
she received the specimen for examination. Lastly, the forensic chemist failed to testify in court
regarding the handling of the specimen in a plastic sachet in the forensic laboratory and the
analytical result of the qualitative examination. Considering the vacuity of proof as to the existence
and identity of the supposedly confiscated shabu and the transfer of its custody from the
apprehending officer to the forensic chemist, as well as the limited matters stipulated upon by the
parties, the Court could not accord evidentiary value to the document that merely states that the
plastic sachet presented to the forensic chemist contained prohibited drug.

Finally, the Court notes that there were nagging questions about the post-examination custody that
were left unanswered by the prosecution evidence, particularly, as to who exercised custody and
possession of the specimen after the chemical examination and how it was handled, stored and
safeguarded pending its presentation as evidence in court. The failure of the prosecution to provide
details pertaining to the said post-examination custody of the seized item created a gap in the chain
of custody which again raised reasonable doubt on the authenticity of the corpus delicti.

In light of the above disquisition, the Court finds no further need to discuss and pass upon the merits
of Mirondo's defense of denial and frame-up. Well-settled is the rule in criminal law that the
conviction of an accused must be based on the strength of the prosecution evidence and not on the
weakness or absence of evidence of the defense. The accused has no burden to prove his
innocence and the weakness of the defense he interposed is inconsequential. He must be acquitted
and set free as the prosecution failed to overcome the presumption of innocence in his favor.

The disposition of this appeal once again emphasizes the need for trial courts to be more
circumspect and meticulous in scrutinizing the evidence for the prosecution so as to make sure that
the stringent standard of proof beyond reasonable doubt is met with due regard to relevant
jurisprudence. This would, after all, redound to the benefit of the criminal justice system by amply
protecting civil liberties and maintaining the respect and confidence of the community in the
application of criminal law while at the same time, inculcating in the prosecutors the need to properly
discharge the onus probandi.

WHEREFORE, the appeal is GRANTED. The assailed August 28, 2013 Decision of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-H.C. No. 05406, which affirmed the August 19, 2011 Decision of the
Regional Trial Court of San Pedro, Laguna, Branch 93, in Criminal Case No. 5819-SPL, is

Conclusion: Therefore, the accused was not guilty and was acquitted.

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