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Date of Birth January 20 th

Current Address Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Peradeniya, Peradeniya.

Mobile - private and confidential

Residential - private and confidential

Department of Psychiatry- 0814930749/0812396350
Teaching Hospital Peradeniya- 0812388001-005

Email [email protected]

Basic Medical MBBS Degree (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery),

Qualifications with second-class honours, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Institute / Country/ Year Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Thirty sixth in the all island merit list of
obtained more than 500 doctors, (1991- 1997. )
I am registered as a Medical Practitioner at the Sri Lanka Medical
Council; the official government professional body of all Medical
Medical Licensure (i.e.
Class of Registration, Practitioners in Sri Lanka, the registration no. is 13561. It is full
any restrictions etc) license to practice with no restrictions.

June 1998 December 1998: De Soyza Maternity Hospital for

Women, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Intern Medical Officer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Under

Internship Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist: Dr.M.I.M.Mubarak

December 1997 to June 1998 Lady Ridgeway Childrens
Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Intern Medical Officer in Paediatric Medicine, Under Consultant
Paediatrician: Dr.E.A.N.Fonseka, MBBS, DCH, MRCP (U.K.)

2008 January- Board Certified as a Consultant Psychiatrist

2006 January MD (Psychiatry) held by Post Graduate Institute

of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka ( Topped the batch)

2002 October MD (Psychiatry) Part I- held by Sri Lanka

Specialist Qualifications
Institute / Country / Year Post Graduate Institute of Medicine,
obtained Colombo. (2nd in the island list)

Other relevant Medical 2001 May Australian Medical Council (AMC)

Examination Part I - 65% marks in

1988 Completed General Certificate of Education, Advanced

Level Examination with B passes for all four subjects
Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, Botany (B=65-75% marks) Best
results at Maliyadewa Balika Vidyalaya, Kurunegala.
Member of the Sri Lanka Medical Council
Member of the Sri Lanka Medical Association
Executive Committee Member of the Sri Lanka College of
Memberships of Psychiatrists
organisations Member of the Continuous Professional Development(CPD )
of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (
Executive Committee Member of the Peradeniya Medical
School Alumni Association( PeMSAA)- 2010/2011
Current Position and responsibilities

26.11.2011- todate- Lecturer/Consultanat Psychiatrist

Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Works as a Consultant at Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya and at the
University .

At the hospital,
Teaching undergraduates and postgraduates students in psychiatry.
Runs 3 clinics per week.
Tuesady mane- clinic for slow learners
Wednesday mane- adult psychiatry clinic
Friday afternoon - child psychiatry clinic
Friday mane - ward round of all allocated patients in 3 wards.

At the university-
Teaching undergraduates and post graduates
Contribute to faculty programs by being part of the sub committess
e.g.Student affairs

At the community
Engages in community awareness programs on mental health and
policy making in mental health at provincial and national level.
I am the consultant who represent Peradeniya at all the meetings
held at Provincial Director, District and systems group level.
Development of Residential Rehab centre for people with MR and Autism
with the local health ministry at Digana.
Conducted a post congress workshop for nurses on positive
parenting at the KSM annual academic sessions in february 2013.
Delivered Guest lectures at the science days at a few leading
schools in Kandy and Kurunegala.
As the Treasuerer and an active member of the executive
committee of Nivahana Society Kandy , the local NGO for
development of mental health in central province, engages in
many awareness programmes and activities in the province.

I am a key resource person of the successful Counselling

certificate course run by Nivahana at Kandy Hospital.

I am the Public relations officer of the college of psychiatrists-

Updated college web site for Sri Lanakan general population
on mental health issues. Preapared a list of the specialists in
psychiatry on the college web site to educate

Conducted live television programs and radio programs on

Rupavahini on child and adolescent mental health problems ,
mental retardation and adult psychiatric disorders.

Write to the news papers on awareness on child and adolescent

mental health issues and adult mental health issues.

Representative of the college of psychiatrists in the judicial

ministry committee on legalization of abortion -

Delivered a plenary lecture on Legalization of abortion in Sri

Lanka at the Kandy Society of Medicine KSM

In the sub committee of professionals ( paediatricians, forensic

pathologists and psychiatrists) on Prevention of child sexual
and other abuse- contribute to make a national guideline by
working closely with the team.
01.08.2010- 25.11.2011- Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Clinical Registrar
Upon return from foreign training I was working at the capacity
of a Consultant in the above post at the Department of Psychiatry
and Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya.

Clinical work
-rostered to do senior on call cover at the hospital,
-attended to referrals sent to the Consultants from non psychiatry
units of the hospital and other hospitals of the country.
- Performed management rounds at the hospital on a regular basis.
- Ran the clinic for mental retardation and sexual disorders clinic at
the Teaching Hopsital, Peradeniya.

-Supervised and taught registras , students and other mebers of the
multidisciplinary team
-Conducted lectures for the medical undergraduates from year one
to final year.
-Participated in organizing and conducting workshops and lectures
at the Counselling Diploma Course run by the Department.
-Took part in organizing and conducting the 4th year medical
student clinical appointment.

-Initiated and organized an end of the appointment assessment for

the fourth years.

Community Psychiatry
I worked closely with the Community Mental health resource
centre at Katugasthota and involved in the community psychiatry
programmes in the province run by Nivahana Society, Kandy .

I have delivered speeches and conducted workshops at Clinical

societies, Galoya Nimna ( Ampara) and Matale on Childhood
behavioural and emotional disorders and commucation skills.

CME activities
I am an active member of the CME programme of the Peradeniya
Hospital amd Kandy General Hospital .Delivered lectures on
Behavioural Problems in Children and Adolescents at both local

Acted the role of a child psychiatrist in a docu drama produced

by Ampara Hospital on prevention of child sexual abuse- hiru
dutu wana mal.

Wrote a chapter of psychiatric analysis at the end of the 4

book- series of award winning telefilms Mayaroo by Prof.
Nimal senanayake and wrote the preface to his 4 th book of
the series.

2012 Oct - Delivered felicitation speech on Prf Nimal

Senanayake at his retirement.

25.7. 2010- Return to the country following foreign training-

08.12.2008 8.6.2010 Medical Officer Specialist Scale(

MOSS) - Tiaho Mai acute mental health inpatient unit,
Middlemore Hospital, CMDHB.

I was employed to work for the Intensive Community Team (ICT).

This was an integrated post with two days a week in the
community and 3 days in the in-patient unit. Joint supervision was
provided by Dr Jan Beydals Consultant Psychiatrist, Clinical Head,
Counties Manukau DHB and Dr. Verity Humberstone, Consultant
In addition I was working with the Crisis team Counties Manukau
DHB one day a week. In this capacity I attend to a variety of Acute
Psychiatric problems in children, adults and elderly as the Crisis
Team doctor
I was allocated patients and manage them in the multidisciplinary
team setting in the ward and the community under the oversight of
the Consultants. I performed regular Mental State reviews,
treatment interventions and met with the families. I performed
Mental Health Act reviews and attended the Review Hearings as
the Responsible Clinician.

During the second year of the training in Auckland I was

functioning in the capacity of a Consultant with taking full
responsibility of the patients.

09.06.2008- 08.12.2008 Acute in Patient unit -Intensive

Community Team at Middlemore Hospital
Senior Registrar in Psychiatry (Advanced Trainee) under the
supervision of Dr. Jan Beydals Consultant Psychiatrist, Counties
Manukau DHB and Dr. Verity Humberstone Consultant
Psychiatrist - Clinical Head
I received supervised training in Management of Treatment
Resistant acutely ill psychiatric patients. I attended Liaison
Psychiatry as the on call Liaison Psychiatry registrar on a roster.
I attended the local teaching program (Middlemore Hospital) as
well as the regional teaching program at Greenlane Clinical Centre.
01.03.2007 3.6.2008 in Community Mental Health Services,
Central Province, Sri Lanka.
Post- Senior Registrar Period functioning in the capacity of an
Acting Consultant
Following the required one year of local training as a Senior
Registrar in Psychiatry I worked in the community with the
Consultants Dr. W.A.L.Wickramasinghe (MD Psych),
Consultant Psychiatrist and Dr. Mrs. S. Arambepola Consultant
Psychiatrist, General (Teaching) Hospital, Kandy.
This was an integrated position where I was working in both the in-
patient unit in Peradeniya Teaching hospital and in the community
psychiatry institutions. During this period I took responsibility for
my patients .I worked in almost all the sub specialties in General
Adult Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry , Old age
Subsequent Work psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry and Consultation Liaison
Experience as a
Specialist after Psychiatry. I managed sexual disorders with a special interest in the
qualifying field and patients with such problems were referred to me by other
Consultants who were not trained in managing them.
I was actively involved in Community Mental Health Service
Development programs of the Central Province, working closely
with the Governmental and local and international Non
Governmental organizations ( e.g. Voluntary Services
Organization, UNICEF,WHO) of the province in planning, policy
making ,implementing and following up of Mental Health
Services. In the process I worked closely with the Provincial
Health Ministry Officials, The Community Psychiatry Resource
Centre team and the Primary Health Care teams (Medical Officers
of Health of each District, Public Health Inspectors, Public Health
Nurses, and Public Health Midwives)
I was engaged in developing a 5 year plan to prevent Alcohol and
Tobacco used disorders in the Central Province together with the
Provincial Ministry Policy Makers, Chief Medical Officers of the
hospitals in the province and NGO s together with Dr. Arambepola
and Dr Wickramasinghe.

I was involved in preparing a pilot program of Training of Trainers

(ToT) in prevention of Alcohol and Tobacco used disorders in one
of the 3 regions of the Province.

I supervised the Mampitiya Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre

activities and engaged in local staff and carers training and
awareness programs of the centre.

Teaching and supervision provided to others

As the clinical registrar of the department, I was providing formal
teaching to medical students, junior doctors (Registrars and
Medical Officers in Psychiatry) and other staff of the multi
disciplinary team. I was actively engaged in Public Awareness
programs of the Province on Mental Health organized by schools
and other Governmental and NGO s on topics such as Human
Sexuality, Childhood Behavioural Problems, and Special topics
such as Breaking Bad news etc.

I was providing supervision to others (e.g. to medical students,

junior doctors ( Registrars and Medical Officers in Psychiatry)and
other staff)
Participation in Continuous Professional Development (CPD )
by peer group discussions with fellow Post MD colleagues on a
weekly basis:
o Attending scientific meetings, conferences, courses and
o Attending Journal Clubs and Grand Round presentations

(For example Letter of Good standing and certified copies of basic

Attachments: (please and post grad quails)
Certificate of Good Standing by the Medical Council Sri Lanka,
MBBS and MD Psychiatry degree certificates
Referees reports- local and foreign
Certificates of registration with the Meidcal Council

1. Dr. Verity Humberstone

Consultant Psychiatrist
Community Mental Health and Addiction Services 5
Three Mile Bush Road Private Bag 9742 Whangarei
0148 New Zealand

E Mail- [email protected],

2. Dr.W.A.L.Wickramasinghe, MBBS, MD (Psychiatry)

Consultant Psychiatrist
General Hospital
Referees (3) Kandy
Tel- (94)-81-2222261 / (94)- 81-2233338.
Res .Tel No. (94)-81-2387317
E-mail [email protected] Fax- +94-81-2233336.
3. Dr Ranil Abeyasinghe.
Head , Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Peradeniya,
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Tele. 081 2388001-5
[email protected]
01.07.2002- 31.12.2002 Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Clinical Registrar under the supervision of Dr. E.K.Rodrigo
(MDPsych, FRCPsych) - Consultant Psychiatrist/ Senior Lecturer/
Head of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Peradeniya.
I was involved in Teaching activities at the university, research
and clinical work at the teaching Hospital, Peradeniya.
I organized the MD Psychiatry Part I basic sciences course for
candidates from in and around Kandy.
15.01.2002 30.06.2002 Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Temporary Lecturer under the supervision of Dr. E.K.Rodrigo
(MDPsych, FRCPsych) - Consultant Psychiatrist/ Senior Lecturer/
Head of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Peradeniya.
Basic Medical Training I was involved in the medical students teaching programmes and
Institute / Country / clinical psychiatry.
10th August 2001- 15.01.2002
I returned from Australia (following resigning from the post in
Australia) to Sri Lanka.I took a break for child birth and then
joined the University of Peradeniya on 15.01.2002.
9th October 2000-9th August 2001 Adult Psychiatric Service,
Maroondah Hospital, Ringwood East, Victoria, Australia.
Worked full time as a Medical Officer in Psychiatry
Maroondah Hospital is a member of the Inner and Eastern Health
Care Network in the state of Victoria, Australia. It comprises of an
Adult Psychiatric Service which includes an in-patient unit, an out
reach community based Crisis Assistant and Mobile Support and
Treatment team, two clinics and Long Stay Rehabilitation Unit.
Clinical Duties performed at Maroondah
- Management of Psychiatric emergencies (through
on call duties via CODE WHITE response)
- Management of acutely ill psychiatric patients
- Carried out initial assessment of psychiatric
patients in a weekly on call roster, (had on-call
duties once to twice per week)
- Provided care and took responsibility of patients
(acute and medium stay)
- Was registered as a CLOZAPINE prescribing
practitioner in the Inner and Eastern Health Care
- Attended and presented cases at wards rounds
- Managed cases of Substance Abuse (was in
methadone programme)
- Performed ECT on a weekly basis
- Made home visits with the Mobile Support team.
- Provided continuing clinical care to patients at one
of the two adult psychiatric clinics (Chandler
House Community Health Care Clinic at Ferntree
Academic Activities
- Took part in weekly Journal Club activities where
recent articles from various reading materials are
discussed by the Consultants of the unit, Visiting
Consultants from other countries and post graduate
The Psychiatric training included
- Management of General Adult Psychiatric Patients.
- Management of Drug and Alcohol dependant
- Psychotherapy training Conducted by Prof.
Sabha Rastamjee, Consultant Psychiatrist.
(Psychoanalytical psychotherapy)
- Training in ECT by Dr Chris Mileshkin Consultant
Dec 1998 to August 2000: Department of Anaesthesia,
National Hospital of Sri Lanka (NHSL)
Senior House Officer in Anaesthesia, December 1999- Aug 2000
House Officer in Anaesthesia, June 1999 Dec 1999
Trainee Anaesthetist, Dec 1998 June 1999
Under Consultant Anaesthetist: Dr.P.Warusawitharana, MBBS
(Cey), FRCA (Eng)

December 1997 December 1998: Internship

Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of

Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Temporary Lecturer, June 1997 December 1997
Supervised by the following Consultant Psychiatrists
Dr.D.R.R.Abeysinghe, MBBS, MD, MRCPsych Head of the
Dr.E.K.Rodrigo, MBBS, MD, MRCPsych
Dr.Priyani Ratnayake, MBBS, MD, MRCPsych
Duties Performed
I conducted workshops for 4th year medical undergraduates.
I corrected case histories submitted by medical undergraduates

I carried out initial assessment and filled a questionnaire on

patients at the Sexual Disorders Clinic
01.09.2006 01.03.2007 Professorial Psychiatry Unit of
Teaching Hospital Peradeniya and Department of Psychiatry,
Specialist Training
Institute / Country / Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Dates Senior Registrar in Psychiatry under Dr.D.R.R. Abeyasinghe
(MD (Psych,) MRCPsych) Head of the Department of
Psychiatry/ Consultant Psychiatrist & Senior Lecturer, University
of Peradeniya.
I have worked full time in the Department of Psychiatry and the
hospital university psychiatric unit from 01.07.2002
The Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya is one of the largest teaching
hospitals in the country with all the main subspecialties available
together with some specialized units such as Toxicology Unit.
At the psychiatric Department, I did the following,

- Conducted lectures for the first, second and final year medical

-Supervised and trained postgraduate students (Registrars) in

psychiatry on a regular basis.

-Prepared, organized and supervised the clinical appointment of

fourth year medical students in Psychiatry and conducted
workshops, seminars and ward classes for the fourth year students.

-Contributed to the planning, organization and implementation of

the Basic Counselling Course, conducted by the Department of
Psychiatry, Peradeniya. I was one of the resource personals of the

-Organized and chaired weekly journal clubs on a roster.

At the hospital psychiatry unit which has a bed capacity of 60, I

did the following,

-Conducted management rounds and ward rounds with

undergraduates and postgraduate trainees in Psychiatry.
-Managed in-patients in Adult Psychiatry, Old age psychiatry,
Child and adolescent psychiatry, Mental Retardation, Substance
Abuse, Liaison Psychiatry.
- Ran weekly General Adult Psychiatry Clinics, a special clinic for
Alcohol and other substance used disorders, a clinic for sexual
disorders for community patients, and assisted the Consultant in
conducting the Child and Adolescent psychiatric clinic.

01.03.2006 31.08.2006 at General (Teaching) Hospital


Senior Registrar in the Psychiatry Unit under the supervision of

Dr.W.A.L.Wickramasinghe (MBBS, MDPsych) - Consultant

This unit is the largest Psychiatry unit in a General Hospital in

Sri-Lanka, with 70 beds for inpatients and a Day centre for day
patients, and biweekly clinics for follow up averaging 400 patients
a day. This Psychiatry Unit provides Consulatation-liaison
services to Medical, Surgical, Gynaecological, Paediatric and the
specialized units of this hospital, which is the second largest
hospital in the country.

I was actively involved in improving the Community based

Psychiatric services in the Central Province of Sri Lanka through
working at the Community Mental Health Development Centre in
Central Province, namely, Nivahana Society Of Kandy (NSK)
which is supported and half funded by the NGO, Voluntary
Services Organization (VSO). I was involved in policy making
and Training of Trainers sessions in Community psychiatry.

I worked with special interest groups in conducting awareness

programmes on mental health among general public by way of
public lectures and workshops.
01.01.2005-31.12.2005 Professorial Psychiatry Unit of
Teaching Hospital Peradeniya and Department of Psychiatry,
Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya.

Registrar in Psychiatry (3rd year) under the supervision of Dr.

D.R.R. Abeyasinghe (MD (Psych), MRCPsych) - Consultant
Psychiatrist / Head of the Department of Psychiatry of the
University of Peradeniya- Sri-Lanka.
I gained experience in:
- Management of Psychiatric emergencies.
- Management of acutely ill psychiatric in patients.
Conducting General Psychiatric clinics three days per
Supervising psychiatric clinics in the peripheral Base
Hospitals on weekly visits, where no consultant
psychiatrists are available
- Rehabilitation and Community psychiatric care with
monthly visits to the medium stay rehabilitation centre.
- Multi-disciplinary team approach in managing psychiatric
Management of Specialized areas
- Management of child and adolescent psychiatric
disorders, conducting child psychiatric clinics
- Management of Alcohol and other substance use disorders
and conducting clinics for alcohol dependent persons
regarding Relapse Prevention under the supervision of the
Consultant Psychiatrist.
- Gaining experience in counselling, cognitive behaviour
therapy, family therapy, Supportive Psychotherapy by
working with the Psychologists and psychiatric
Occupational Therapists from Voluntary Services,
Organization attached to the Department under the
supervision of the Consultant.
Attended workshops and seminars conducted by Clinical
Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Psychiatric
Social Workers on managing Anxiety Disorders and
Mood disorders.
Participated at medical audit and quality assurance
Teaching and training activities
- Teaching Medical Students on History taking, Mental
State Examination and common Psychiatric Disorders.
- Conducting training programmes for primary health care
workers on early detection, signs and symptoms of
common mental health problems and early intervention.
- Attending and coordinating meetings of the Community
mental Health Resource Centre, and participating in the
training programmes of Medical Officers of Health
(public health medical officers) on common psychiatric
disorders and their treatment.
- Presenting recent journal articles on advances in
diagnosing and management of psychiatric disorders, in
the weekly journal clubs.
- Presenting case histories in detail, of rare and clinically
important disorders and syndromes in the weekly journal
01.07.2004- 31.12.2004- Mental Hospital, Angoda, Sri Lanka.
Second Year Registrar in Psychiatry, under the supervision of
Dr. Harishchandra Gambheera (MBBS, MDPsych) - Consultant
This is the only Psychiatric hospital in Sri-Lanka, which caters for
an average number of 1800 medium / long stay patients,
I gained experience in:
- Managing treatment refractory patients with
Residual Schizophrenia, With atypical antipsychotics
and combinations of psychological and
Pharmacological therapy.
- Intensive management of patients with intractable
- Management of Catatonic Schizophrenia,
Depressive and Dissociative Stuporous states, and
Treatment Resistant Depression.
- Skilful use of ECT under the supervising
- Family therapy and interpersonal therapy.
- Management and Rehabilitation of patients with
Anti-social and Borderline Personality Disorders.
- Rehabilitation of chronically ill psychiatric patients.
- Management of difficult to treat patients within a
multidisciplinary team approach.
- Teaching medical students and nursing staff of the
common psychiatric disorders and their
- Home visits to patients with chronic psychiatric
Psycho education of family members of patients
with chronic psychiatric disorders
- Planning of disaster management with a particular
emphasis on helping the Tsunami victims.

01.01.2004- 30.06.2004 Professorial Psychiatry Unit of

Teaching Hospital Peradeniya and Department of Psychiatry,
Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya.
Second Year Registrar under the supervision of Dr. D.R.R.
Abeyasinghe (MDPsych, MRCPsych) Consultant Psychiatrist /
Head of the Department of Psychiatry of the University of
Peradeniya- Sri-Lanka.
I worked in the same capacity as in the third year of the training.
01.07.200331.12.2003- Professorial Psychiatry Unit of
Teaching Hospital Peradeniya and Department of Psychiatry,
Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya.
First Year Registrar in Psychiatry under the supervision of Dr.
P.U.Ratnayake (MDPsych, MRCPsych) - Consultant Psychiatrist/
Senior Lecturer Department of Psychiatry, University of
Apart from the training detailed under the 3rd year, I gained special
training in management of Mentally Retarded children and Adults
and those with specific learning disabilities both as inpatients and
as outpatients by conducting weekly clinics for them under
supervision. Management of Childhood and adolescent
behavioural and emotional disorders practiced under the
supervision of the Consultant.
I assisted the Consultant in formulating court reports regarding the
mentally ill criminal offenders.

01.01.2003-31.06.2003 Professorial Psychiatry Unit of

Teaching Hospital Peradeniya and Department of Psychiatry,
Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya.

First Year Registrar in Psychiatry under the supervision of Dr.

E.K.Rodrigo (MDPsych, FRCPsych) Consultant Psychiatrist/
Senior Lecturer Department of Psychiatry, University of
Apart from the duties mentioned at 3rd year, under Dr Rodrigo, I
gained specialized skills in managing patients with substance use
disorders and sexual disorders.

Further the fundamentals in Community Psychiatry were learnt

during this appointment. Actively took part in community based
psychiatry programmes run by the Central Province. E.g.
Womens Information and Support and Education centre (WISE),
Nivahana Society of Kandy (NSK) and

Community Mental Health Resource centre, Katugasthota.

Assisted the Consultant in formulating court reports regarding the
mentally ill criminal offenders.

Peer Review once a week throughout the training.

Involvement in Peer Meeting with the psychologist about once in 2 weeks during the
Review or similar CPD training
activities in New Registered in the CPD program of the RANZCP. I continue on-
Zealand. line training.
Active participation in the Weekly journal clubs and chairing them
- I participated in South Asian Congress of Anaesthesiologists
(SACA), and the SACA Workshop held in Madras, India in
September 1999.
- I participated in the following international conferences in
Conferences, psychiatry and mental health, which were held in Sri-Lanka.
Workshops, Lectures,
Congresses Attended WHO co-sponsored workshop on management and
rehabilitation of Alcohol Dependent persons- June
Workshop on writing Health Research Proposals for
postgraduate Trainees-October 2005.
International Conference on Mental Health and
Psychiatry- Community Mental Health care: Issues
and Challenges - April 2002.
International Conference on Psychiatry- co sponsored
by the WPA and The Royal College of Psychiatrists-
August- 2003.
WPA co-sponsored International Conference on
Psychiatry: Improving access and delivery to mental
health care in South Asia- July- 2005.
Workshop on Forensic Psychiatry and Learning
Disability- organized by the Sri Lanka College of
Psychiatrists- April -2005.
The conference of World Psychiatric Association held
in Florence, Italy April 2009.
I participate in Indian Psychiatry Society IPS
conference yearly.
I organized PeMSAA psychiatry sessions at the 10th
international congress of PeMSAA held on 10.10.2010
and delivered a lecture on Human Sexuality as a guest
Participate actively by presenting papers, chairing
sessions at SLCoP annual academic sessions.

First in the island list of MD Psychiatry 2006 Sri Lanka.

Academic Honours &

- I am a General Adult Psychiatrist but have received

specialized training in child and adolescent psychiatry,
mental health issues of mentally retarded people, sexual
disorders and alcohol and substance abusd, child abuse
My special interest areas are
1. Management of Lesbian,Gay Bisexual and Transgender
personals. (LGBT community)
2. Management of Childhood emotional and behavioural
3. Management of Mental retardation
4. Management of Alcohol addiction
5. Child sex abuse with special emphasis in assisting
judicial system in bringing the justice and prevention..

Audits & Research

Experience I collected data of research study on Awareness on Child
Psychiatry among school teachers 1997
- I participated in a research on Suicide by collecting
information from patients who have attempted suicide
- I took part in an extensive study on the efficacy of depot
(Zuclopenthixol decanoate) in managing patients with
Negative and Positive symptoms of Schizophrenia. 2001
-I participated in a research by collecting information on
sexual dysfunctions among the participants of sexual
disorders clinic by way of a questionnaire. 1997

- I have completed a study on Prevalence of Childhood

Behavioural Problems among a randomly selected group of
school children in Kandy, Sri Lanka. I raised awareness
among the parents and teachers on the subject and identified
high risk individuals, assessed and treated them. I presented
the results of the study at the National Mental Health Forum
of Ministry of Health at SL Foundation Institute , Colombo.

Presented orally and as a poster a case series of a group of

transsexulas at local conferences , Sri Lanaka College of
Psychiatrists and Kandy Soceity of Medicine with a view to
raise awareness on the local scene of transsexuals among non
psychiatrist specialists population and the psychiatrists in Sri

A Poster Presentaion on Improvement in health seeking

behavior in Mental Retardation through a policy change in Sri
Lanka. was done at the conference Global Health: Innovation
| Implementation | Impact held in Washington DC USA at the
4th Annual CUGH Conference Global Health: Innovation |
Implementation | Impact on March 14 16, 2013 at Marriott
Wardman Park HotelWashington, DC USA
Indian conference in Psychology- presented the study on IQ trends in SL
by the co author.

Awaiting to present a paper on autism in Malaysia in april 2014.

Presented the findings of An epidemiological study of clinic

attendees at a specialized clinic for individuals with mental
retardation, Annual Academic sessions 2013, Sri Lanka College of

Have drafted the full papers on the abstracts presented so far

submitted one on child behavioural and emotional problems to
Journal of affective disorders.
MR paper on the way to submit.
Transsexualism paper being editted by co authors at present.
Sexual abuse in childhood.
Pts understanding on SE of medication in schizophrenia awaiting
presentation at the upcoming sessions of the college of psychiatry
Coming of age of female sexuality speech at the college sessions.

I purse reviewer.

and embarked on a study on sex abuse in children and adolescents.

As Senior registrar for one year and as an Acting Consultant I was

involved in management in Mental Health and was in a leadership
role in policy making, planning and implementing MH services in
the central Province in Sri Lanka. Performed once a week
management rounds in all three wards with charge nurses, unit
mangers and other relevant staff. I coordinated the duties and
meetings of the multi-disciplinary team involving the doctors,
psychiatric social workers, occupational therapists, nurses and

Management Experience I supervised the day centre activities, which includes a physical
exercise group for patients conducted at the University
Gymnasium by physical instructors of the university.

I supervised the weekly meeting of the Alcohol Group attended

by alcohol dependent patients who are on rehabilitation along with
their spouses and children (similar to Alcoholic Anonymous).
Brief Intervention, Prochaska and Declementes cycle of change,
and Relapse Prevention strategies introduced by the World Health
Organization are being used in these meetings.
I organized, coordinated, translated and participated in a three-day
workshop conducted by the Psychiatric trainers of the Voluntary
Services Organization for the staff of the psychiatry unit in
managing violent patients.

I organized and conducted a training workshop in collaboration

with an NGO on changing attitudes about the human sexuality and
HIV AIDS for a group of Counsellors who are working in the
community. I helped the participants develop a healthy and
positive attitude towards human sexuality and encouraged them to
change their views about the HIV positive individuals in the
Experience with Non- Extensive working experience with NGO s in Sri Lanka (local and
international) VSO, UNICEF, WHO and in New Zealand.
in Australia/NZ and/or (Pathways, Challenge Trust, Richmond Fellowship, Framework
etc) as detailed above.

Culturally sensitive and able to relate to the different ethnic groups

and able to build up good therapeutic relationships with patients
Experience with and families from indigenous populations. Managed a few cases of
Indigenous Populations
Aborigines in adult psychiatric discipline when working in
in Australia / NZ
Australia and managed a diverse group of patients with the help of
interpreters at times in South Auckland for 2 years.

LANGUAGE I achieved an average score of 7.5 from the International English

PROFICIENCY Language Testing System (IELTS) May 2000. The detailed score
is as follows.
Listening 8.5, Reading 7.0, Writing 7.0, Speaking 8.0

I achieved an average score of 8 from the same examination

(IELTS) in September 2006. The details are as follows; Listening
8, Reading- 7, Writing 8, Speaking-8
LITERACY Very basic practical knowledge in Tamil language .
I have followed an IBM course in Xsell, microsoft office. a good
working knowledge in Computers / tablets with preparing power
point presentations and using Internet and medical search lines.
Awaiting to upgrade my knowledge on effective information
searching on internet at a university workshop.
Completed a certificate course in SPSS at National Institute on
Social Sciences and Humanistics in Colombo in 2013 to improve
the knowledge in statistical analysis essential for research.
I am having a working knowledge of statistical packages in
relation to scientific research.
Latin American and Ballroom dancing
Music-singing and composing lyrics
Drama-acting and directing,
Meeting people from different cultures
Travelling local as well as international.

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