JENKOV Tutorial On Collections

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JENKOV tutorial on collections

The Java Collections API's provide Java developers with a set of classes and interfaces that makes it easier to handle
collections of objects. In a sense Collection's works a bit like arrays, except their size can change dynamically, and
they have more advanced behaviour than arrays.
Rather than having to write your own collection classes, Java provides these ready-to-use collection classes for you.
This tutorial will look closer at the Java Collection's, as they are also sometimes referred to, and more specifically
the Java Collections available in Java 6.
The purpose of this tutorial is to give you an overview of the Java Collection classes. Thus it will not describe each
and every little detail of the Java Collection classes. But, once you have an overview of what is there, it is much
easier to read the rest in the JavaDoc's afterwards.
Most of the Java collections are located in the java.util package. Java also has a set of concurrent collections in
the java.util.concurrent package. This tutorial will not describe the concurrent collections. These will be described in
their own tutorial some time in the future.
Here is a list of the texts in this trail:

In order to understand and use the Java Collections API effectively it is useful to have an overview of the interfaces
it contains. So, that is what I will provide here.
There are two "groups" of interfaces: Collection's and Map's.
Here is a graphical overview of the Collection interface hierarchy:

And here is a graphical overview of the Map interface hierarchy:

You can find links to explanations of most (if not all) of these interfaces and implementations in the sub-menu at the
top right of this page. That top-menu exists on all pages in this trail.
The Iterable interface (java.lang.Iterable) is one of the root interfaces of the Java collection classes.
The Collection interface extends Iterable, so all subtypes of Collection also implement the Iterable interface.
A class that implements the Iterable can be used with the new for-loop. Here is such an example:
List list = new ArrayList();

for(Object o : list){
//do something o;
The Iterable interface has only one method:
public interface Iterable<T> {
public Iterator<T> iterator();
How you implement this Iterable interface so that you can use it with the new for-loop, is

Java's Collection Interface

The Collection interface (java.util.Collection) is one of the root interfaces of the Java collection classes. Though you
do not instantiate a Collection directly, but rather a subtype of Collection, you may often treat these subtypes
uniformly as a Collection. In this text you will see how.
Here is a list of the topics covered in this text:
1. Collection Subtypes
2. Adding and Removing Elements
3. Checking if a Collection Contains a Certain Element
4. Collection Size
5. Iterating a Collection

Collection Subtypes
The following interfaces (collection types) extends the Collection interface:
 List
 Set
 SortedSet
 NavigableSet
 Queue
 Deque
Java does not come with a usable implementation of the Collection interface, so you will have to use one of the
listed subtypes. The Collection interface just defines a set of methods (behaviour) that each of these Collection
subtypes share. This makes it possible ignore what specific type of Collection you are using, and just treat it as a
Collection. This is standard inheritance, so there is nothing magical about, but it can still be a nice feature from time
to time. Later sections in this text will describe the most used of these common operations.
Here is a method that operates on a Collection:
public class MyCollectionUtil{

public static void doSomething(Collection collection) {

Iterator iterator = collection.iterator();

Object object =;

//do something to object here...

And here are a few ways to call this method with different Collection subtypes:
Set set = new HashSet();
List list = new ArrayList();


Adding and Removing Elements

Regardless of what Collection subtype you are using there are a few standard methods to add and remove elements
from a Collection. Adding and removing single elements is done like this:
String anElement = "an element";
Collection collection = new HashSet();

boolean didCollectionChange = collection.add(anElement);

boolean wasElementRemoved = collection.remove(anElement);
add() adds the given element to the collection, and returns true if the Collection changed as a result of calling
the add() method. A Set for instance may not have changed. If the Set already contained that element, it is not added
again. On the other hand, if you called add() on a List and the List already contained that element, the element
would then exist twice in the List.
remove() removes the given element and returns true if the removed element was present in the Collection, and was
removed. If the element was not present, the remove() method returns false.
You can also add and remove collections of objects. Here are a few examples:
Set aSet = ... // get Set with elements from somewhere
List aList = ... // get List with elements from somewhere

Collection collection = new HashSet();

collection.addAll(aSet); //returns boolean too, but ignored here.

collection.addAll(aList); //returns boolean too, but ignored here.
collection.removeAll(aList); //returns boolean too...
collection.retainAll(aSet); //returns boolean too...
addAll() adds all elements found in the Collection passed as parameter to the method. The Collection object itself is
not added. Only its elements. If you had called add() with the Collection as parameter instead, the Collection object
itself would have been added, not its elements.
Exactly how thet addAll() method behaves depends on the Collection subtype. Some Collection subtypes allows the
same element to be added more than once, and others don't.
removeAll() removes all elements found the Collection passed as parameter to the method. If the Collection
parameter contains any elements not found the target collection, these are just ignored.
retainAll() does the opposite of removeAll(). Instead of removing all the elements found in the parameter Collection,
it keeps all these elements, and removes all other elements. Keep in mind, that only if the elements were already
contained in the target collection, are they retained. Any new elements found in the parameter Collection which are
not in the target collection, are not automatically added. They are just ignored.
Let's see an example using some pseudo-language:
Collection colA = [A,B,C]
Collection colB = [1,2,3]

Collection target = [];

target.addAll(colA); //target now contains [A,B,C]

target.addAll(colB); //target now contains [A,B,C,1,2,3]

target.retainAll(colB); //target now contains [1,2,3]

target.removeAll(colA); //nothing happens - already removed

target.removeAll(colB); //target is now empty.

Checking if a Collection Contains a Certain Element

The Collection interface has two methods to check if a Collection contains one or more certain elements. These are
the contains() and containsAll() methods. They are illustrated here:
Collection collection = new HashSet();
boolean containsElement = collection.contains("an element");

Collection elements = new HashSet();

boolean containsAll = collection.containsAll(elements);
contains() returns true if the collection contains the element, and false if not.
containsAll() returns true if the collection contains all the elements in the parameter collection, and false if not.

Collection Size
You can check the size of a collection using the size() method. By "size" is meant the number of elements in the
collection. Here is an example:
int numberOfElements = collection.size();

Iterating a Collection
You can iterate all elements of a collection. This is done by obtaining an Iterator from the collection, and iterate
through that. Here is how it looks:
Collection collection = new HashSet();
//... add elements to the collection

Iterator iterator = collection.iterator();

Object object =;
//do something to object;
You can also use the new for-loop:
Collection collection = new HashSet();
//... add elements to the collection

for(Object object : collection) {

//do something to object;
Generic Collections in Java

It is possible to generify the various Collection and Map types and subtypes in the Java collection API. This text will
not cover generics in detail. Java Generics is covered in my
Java Generics tutorial.
The Collection interface can be generified like this:
Collection<String> stringCollection = new HashSet<String>();
This stringCollection can now only contain String instances. If you try to add anything else, or cast the elements in
the collection to any other type than String, the compiler will complain.
Actually, it is possible to insert other objects than String objects, if you cheat a little (or is just plain stupid), but this
is not recommended.
You can iterate the above collection using the new for-loop, like this:
Collection<String> stringCollection = new HashSet<String>();

for(String stringElement : stringCollection) {

//do something with each stringElement
You can do the same thing with List's, Set's etc.
I won't get into much more detail about generic collections here. Like I said in the beginning, I have a separate Java
Generics tutorial. Additionally, more generic examples will be shown in the texts on the specific collection types.

Java's List Interface

The java.util.List interface is a subtype of the java.util.Collection interface. It represents an ordered list of objects,
meaning you can access the elements of a List in a specific order, and by an index too. You can also add the same
element more than once to a List.
Here is a list of the topics covered in this text:
1. List Implementations
2. Adding and Accessing Elements
3. Removing Elements
4. Generic Lists
5. More Details in the JavaDoc

List Implementations
Being a Collection subtype all methods in the Collection interface are also available in theList interface.
Since List is an interface you need to instantiate a concrete implementation of the interface in order to use it. You
can choose between the following List implementations in the Java Collections API:
 java.util.ArrayList
 java.util.LinkedList
 java.util.Vector
 java.util.Stack
There are also List implementations in the java.util.concurrent package, but I will leave the concurrency utilities out
of this tutorial.
Here are a few examples of how to create a List instance:
List listA = new ArrayList();
List listB = new LinkedList();
List listC = new Vector();
List listD = new Stack();

Adding and Accessing Elements

To add elements to a List you call its add() method. This method is inherited from theCollection interface. Here are
a few examples:
List listA = new ArrayList();

listA.add("element 1");
listA.add("element 2");
listA.add("element 3");

listA.add(0, "element 0");

The first three add() calls add a String instance to the end of the list. The last add() call adds aString at index 0,
meaning at the beginning of the list.
The order in which the elements are added to the List is stored, so you can access the elements in the same order.
You can do so using either the get(int index) method, or via the Iteratorreturned by the iterator() method. Here is
List listA = new ArrayList();

listA.add("element 0");
listA.add("element 1");
listA.add("element 2");

//access via index

String element0 = listA.get(0);
String element1 = listA.get(1);
String element3 = listA.get(2);

//access via Iterator

Iterator iterator = listA.iterator();
String element = (String);

//access via new for-loop

for(Object object : listA) {
String element = (String) object;
When iterating the list via its Iterator or via the for-loop (which also uses the Iterator behind the scene), the elements
are iterated in the same sequence they are stored in the list.

Removing Elements
You can remove elements in two ways:
1. remove(Object element)
2. remove(int index)
remove(Object element) removes that element in the list, if it is present. All subsequent elements in the list are then
moved up in the list. Their index thus decreases by 1.
remove(int index) removes the element at the given index. All subsequent elements in the list are then moved up in
the list. Their index thus decreases by 1.

Generic Lists
By default you can put any Object into a List, but from Java 5, Java Generics makes it possible to limit the types of
object you can insert into a List. Here is an example:
List<MyObject> list = new ArrayList<MyObject>();
This List can now only have MyObject instances inserted into it. You can then access and iterate its elements
without casting them. Here is how it looks:
MyObject myObject = list.get(0);

for(MyObject anObject : list){

//do someting to anObject...

Java's Set Interface

The java.util.Set interface is a subtype of the java.util.Collection interface. It represents set of objects, meaning
each element can only exists once in a Set.
Here is a list of the topics covered in this text:
1. Set Implementations
2. Adding and Accessing Elements
3. Removing Elements
4. Generic Sets
5. More Details in the JavaDoc

Set Implementations
Being a Collection subtype all methods in the Collection interface are also available in theSet interface.
Since Set is an interface you need to instantiate a concrete implementation of the interface in order to use it. You can
choose between the following Set implementations in the Java Collections API:
 java.util.EnumSet
 java.util.HashSet
 java.util.LinkedHashSet
 java.util.TreeSet
Each of these Set implementations behaves a little differently with respect to the order of the elements when
iterating the Set, and the time (big O notation) it takes to insert and access elements in the sets.
HashSet is backed by a HashMap. It makes no guarantees about the sequence of the elements when you iterate them.
LinkedHashSet differs from HashSet by guaranteeing that the order of the elements during iteration is the same as
the order they were inserted into the LinkedHashSet. Reinserting an element that is already in
the LinkedHashSet does not change this order.
TreeSet also guarantees the order of the elements when iterated, but the order is the sorting order of the elements. In
other words, the order in which the elements whould be sorted if you used a Collections.sort() on a List or array
containing these elements. This order is determined either by their natural order (if they implement Comparable), or
by a specificComparator implementation.
There are also Set implementations in the java.util.concurrent package, but I will leave the concurrency utilities out
of this tutorial.
Here are a few examples of how to create a Set instance:
Set setA = new EnumSet();
Set setB = new HashSet();
Set setC = new LinkedHashSet();
Set setD = new TreeSet();

Adding and Accessing Elements

To add elements to a Set you call its add() method. This method is inherited from theCollection interface. Here are a
few examples:
Set setA = new HashSet();

setA.add("element 1");
setA.add("element 2");
setA.add("element 3");
The three add() calls add a String instance to the set.
When iterating the elements in the Set the order of the elements depends on what Setimplementation you use, as
mentioned earlier. Here is an iteration example:
Set setA = new HashSet();

setA.add("element 0");
setA.add("element 1");
setA.add("element 2");

//access via Iterator

Iterator iterator = setA.iterator();
String element = (String);

//access via new for-loop

for(Object object : setA) {
String element = (String) object;

Removing Elements
You remove elements by calling the remove(Object o) method. There is no way to remove an object based on index
in a Set, since the order of the elements depends on the Setimplementation.

Generic Sets
By default you can put any Object into a Set, but from Java 5, Java Generics makes it possible to limit the types of
object you can insert into a Set. Here is an example:
Set<MyObject> set = new HashSet<MyObject>();
This Set can now only have MyObject instances inserted into it. You can then access and iterate its elements without
casting them. Here is how it looks:
for(MyObject anObject : set){
//do someting to anObject...
For more information about Java Generics, see the Java Generics Tutorial.

More Details in the JavaDoc

There is a lot more you can do with a Set, but you will have to check out the JavaDoc for more details. This text
focused on the two most common operations: Adding / removing elements, and iterating the elements.
Java's SortedSet Interface
The java.util.SortedSet interface is a subtype of the java.util.Set interface. It behaves like a normal set with the
exception that the elements are sorted internally. This means that when you iterate the elements of a SortedSet the
elements are returned in the sorted order.
The order of the sorting is either the natural sorting order of the elements (if they implementjava.lang.Comparable),
or the order determined by a Comparator that you can give to theSortedSet.
By default the elements are iterated in ascending order, starting with the "smallest" and moving towards the
"largest". But it is also possible to iterate the elements in descending order using the
method TreeSet.descendingIterator().
The Java Collections API only has one implementation of the SortedSet interface - thejava.util.TreeSet class.
The java.util.concurrent package also has an implementation of this interface, but I will leave the concurrency
utilities out of this trail.
Here are two examples of how to create a SortedSet:
SortedSet setA = new TreeSet();

Comparator comparator = new MyComparator();

SortedSet setB = new TreeSet(comparator);

Java's NavigableSet Interface

The java.util.NavigableSet interface is a subtype of the java.util.SortedSet interface. It behaves like
a SortedSet with the exception you have navigation methods available in addition to the sorting mechanisms of
the SortedSet. In this text I will look closer at some of these navigation methods.
In Java 6 there is only one implementation of the NavigableSet interface in
the java.utilpackage: java.util.TreeSet There is an implementation in the java.util.concurrentpackage but that is
outside the scope of this trail.
Here is a list of the topics covered in this text:
1. descendingIterator() and descendingSet()
2. headSet(), tailSet() and subSet()
3. ceiling(), floor(), higher() and lower()
4. pollFirst() and pollLast()

descendingIterator() and descendingSet()

The first interesting navigation methods are the descendingIterator() and descendingSet()methods.
The descendingSet() method returns a NavigableSet in which the order of the elements is reversed compared to this
one. The returned "view" is backed by the original NavigableSet, so changes to the descending set are also reflected
in the original set.
Here is a simple example:
NavigableSet reverse = original.descendingSet();
The descendingIterator() method allows you to iterate the elements of the NavigableSet(which is also a SortedSet) in
reverse order, without changing the order of the elements internally.
Iterator reverse = original.descendingIterator();

headSet(), tailSet() and subSet()

The headSet() method returns a view of the original NavigableSet which only contains elements that are "less than"
the given element. Here is an example:
NavigableSet original = new TreeSet();
//this headset will contain "1" and "2"
SortedSet headset = original.headSet("3");

//this headset will contain "1", "2", and "3" because "inclusive"=true
NavigableSet headset = original.headSet("3", true);
The tailSet() method works the same way, except it returns all elements that are higher than the given parameter
The subSet() allows you to pass two parameters demarcating the boundaries of the view set to return. The elements
matching the first boundary is included, where as elements matching the last boundary are not. Here is an example:
NavigableSet original = new TreeSet();

//this subset will contain "2" and "3"

SortedSet subset = original.subSet("2", "4");

//this subset will contain "2", "3" and "4" because

// fromInclusive=true, and toInclusive=true
NavigableSet subset = original.subSet("2", true, "4", true);

ceiling(), floor(), higher(), and lower()

The ceiling() method returns the least (smallest) element in this set that is greater than or equal to the element passed
as parameter to the ceiling() method. Here is an example:
NavigableSet original = new TreeSet();

//ceiling will be "2".

Object ceiling = original.ceiling("2");

//floor will be "2".

Object floor = original.floor("2");
The floor() method does the opposite of ceiling()
The higher() method returns the least (smallest) element in this set that is greater than (not equal too) the element
passed as parameter to the higher() method. Here is an example:
NavigableSet original = new TreeSet();

//higher will be "3".

Object higher = original.higher("2");

//lower will be "1"

Object lower = original.lower("2");
The lower() method does the opposite of the higher() method.

pollFirst() and pollLast()

The pollFirst() method returns and removes the "first" element in the NavigableSet or null if the set is empty.
The pollLast() returns and removes the "last" element in the set or null if the set is empty. "First" means smallest
element according to the sort order of the set. "Last" means largest according to teh element sorting order of the set.
Here are two examples:
NavigableSet original = new TreeSet();

//first is "1"
Object first = original.pollFirst();

//last is "3"
Object last = original.pollLast();

Java's Map Interface

The java.util.Map interface represents a mapping between a key and a value. The Map interface is not a subtype of
the Collection interface. Therefore it behaves a bit different from the rest of the collection types.
Here is a list of the topics covered in this text:
1. Map Implementations
2. Adding and Accessing Elements
3. Removing Elements
4. Generic Maps
5. More Details in the JavaDoc

Map Implementations
Since Map is an interface you need to instantiate a concrete implementation of the interface in order to use it. You
can choose between the following Map implementations in the Java Collections API:
 java.util.HashMap
 java.util.Hashtable
 java.util.EnumMap
 java.util.IdentityHashMap
 java.util.LinkedHashMap
 java.util.Properties
 java.util.TreeMap
 java.util.WeakHashMap
In my experience, the most commonly used Map implementations are HashMap and TreeMap.
Each of these Set implementations behaves a little differently with respect to the order of the elements when
iterating the Set, and the time (big O notation) it takes to insert and access elements in the sets.
HashMap maps a key and a value. It does not guarantee any order of the elements stored internally in the map.
TreeMap also maps a key and a value. Furthermore it guarantees the order in which keys or values are iterated -
which is the sort order of the keys or values. Check out the JavaDoc for more details.
Here are a few examples of how to create a Map instance:
Map mapA = new HashMap();
Map mapB = new TreeMap();
Adding and Accessing Elements
To add elements to a Map you call its put() method. Here are a few examples:
Map mapA = new HashMap();

mapA.put("key1", "element 1");

mapA.put("key2", "element 2");
mapA.put("key3", "element 3");
The three put() calls maps a string value to a string key. You can then obtain the value using the key. To do that you
use the get() method like this:
String element1 = (String) mapA.get("key1");
You can iterate either the keys or the values of a Map. Here is how you do that:

// key iterator
Iterator iterator = mapA.keySet().iterator();

// value iterator
Iterator iterator = mapA.values();
Most often you iterate the keys of the Map and then get the corresponding values during the iteration. Here is how it
Iterator iterator = mapA.keySet().iterator();
Object key =;
Object value = mapA.get(key);

//access via new for-loop

for(Object key : mapA.keySet()) {
Object value = mapA.get(key);

Removing Elements
You remove elements by calling the remove(Object key) method. You thus remove the (key, value) pair matching
the key.

Generic Maps
By default you can put any Object into a Map, but from Java 5, Java Generics makes it possible to limit the types of
object you can use for both keys and values in a Map. Here is an example:
Map<String, MyObject> map = new HashSet<String, MyObject>();
This Map can now only accept String objects for keys, and MyObject instances for values. You can then access and
iterate keys and values without casting them. Here is how it looks:
for(MyObject anObject : map.values()){
//do someting to anObject...

for(String key : map.keySet()){

MyObject value = map.get(key);
//do something to value
Java's Queue Interface
The java.util.Queue interface is a subtype of the java.util.Collection interface. It represents an ordered list of
objects just like a List, but its intended use is slightly different. A queue is designed to have elements inserted at the
end of the queue, and elements removed from the beginning of the queue. Just like a queue in a supermarket.
Here is a list of the topics covered in this text:
1. Queue Implementations
2. Adding and Accessing Elements
3. Removing Elements
4. Generic Queues
5. More Details in the JavaDoc

Queue Implementations
Being a Collection subtype all methods in the Collection interface are also available in theQueue interface.
Since Queue is an interface you need to instantiate a concrete implementation of the interface in order to use it. You
can choose between the following Queue implementations in the Java Collections API:
 java.util.LinkedList
 java.util.PriorityQueue
LinkedList is a pretty standard queue implementation.
PriorityQueue stores its elements internally according to their natural order (if they implementComparable), or
according to a Comparator passed to the PriorityQueue.
There are also Queue implementations in the java.util.concurrent package, but I will leave the concurrency utilities
out of this tutorial.
Here are a few examples of how to create a Queue instance:
Queue queueA = new LinkedList();
Queue queueB = new PriorityQueue();

Adding and Accessing Elements

To add elements to a Queue you call its add() method. This method is inherited from theCollection interface. Here
are a few examples:
Queue queueA = new LinkedList();

queueA.add("element 1");
queueA.add("element 2");
queueA.add("element 3");
The order in which the elements added to the Queue are stored internally, depends on the implementation. The same
is true for the order in which elements are retrieved from the queue. You should consult the JavaDoc's for more
information about the specific Queue implementations.
You can peek at the element at the head of the queue without taking the element out of the queue. This is done via
the element() method. Here is how that looks:
Object firstElement = queueA.element();
To take the first element out of the queue, you use the remove() method which is described later.
You can also iterate all elements of a queue, instead of just processing one at a time. Here is how that looks:
Queue queueA = new LinkedList();

queueA.add("element 0");
queueA.add("element 1");
queueA.add("element 2");

//access via Iterator

Iterator iterator = queueA.iterator();
String element = (String);

//access via new for-loop

for(Object object : queueA) {
String element = (String) object;
When iterating the queue via its Iterator or via the for-loop (which also uses the Iterator behind the scene, the
sequence in which the elements are iterated depends on the queue implementation.

Removing Elements
To remove elements from a queue, you call the remove() method. This method removes the element at the head of
the queue. In most Queue implementations the head and tail of the queue are at opposite ends. It is possible,
however, to implement the Queue interface so that the head and tail of the queue is in the same end. In that case you
would have a stack.
Here is a remove example();
Object firstElement = queueA.remove();

Generic Queue
By default you can put any Object into a Queue, but from Java 5, Java Generics makes it possible to limit the types
of object you can insert into a Queue. Here is an example:
Queue<MyObject> queue = new LinkedList<MyObject>();
This Queue can now only have MyObject instances inserted into it. You can then access and iterate its elements
without casting them. Here is how it looks:
MyObject myObject = queue.remove();

for(MyObject anObject : queue){

//do someting to anObject...

Java's Deque Interface

The java.util.Deque interface is a subtype of the java.util.Queue interface. It represents a queue where you can
insert and remove elements from both ends of the queue. Thus, "Deque" is short for "Double Ended Queue" and is
pronounced "deck", like a deck of cards.
Here is a list of the topics covered in this text:
1. Deque Implementations
2. Adding and Accessing Elements
3. Removing Elements
4. Generic Deques
5. More Details in the JavaDoc

Deque Implementations
Being a Queue subtype all methods in the Queue and Collection interfaces are also available in the Deque interface.
Since Deque is an interface you need to instantiate a concrete implementation of the interface in order to use it. You
can choose between the following Deque implementations in the Java Collections API:
 java.util.ArrayDeque
 java.util.LinkedList
LinkedList is a pretty standard deque / queue implementation.
ArrayDeque stores its elements internally in an array. If the number of elements exceeds the space in the array, a
new array is allocated, and all elements moved over. In other words, theArrayDeque grows as needed, even if it
stores its elements in an array.
There are also Queue implementations in the java.util.concurrent package, but I will leave the concurrency utilities
out of this tutorial.
Here are a few examples of how to create a Deque instance:
Deque dequeA = new LinkedList();
Deque dequeB = new ArrayDeque();

Adding and Accessing Elements

To add elements to the tail of a Deque you call its add() method. You can also use
theaddFirst() and addLast() methods, which add elements to the head and tail of the deque.
Deque dequeA = new LinkedList();

dequeA.add ("element 1"); //add element at tail

dequeA.addFirst("element 2"); //add element at head
dequeA.addLast ("element 3"); //add element at tail
The order in which the elements added to the Deque are stored internally, depends on the implementation. The two
implementations mentioned earlier both store the elements in the order (first or last) in which they are inserted.
You can peek at the element at the head of the queue without taking the element out of the queue. This is done via
the element() method. You can also use the getFirst and getLast()methods, which return the first and last element in
the Deque. Here is how that looks:
Object firstElement = dequeA.element();
Object firstElement = dequeA.getFirst();
Object lastElement = dequeA.getLast();
Taking elements from the deque is covered later.
You can also iterate all elements of a deque, instead of just processing one at a time. Here is how that looks:
Deque dequeA = new LinkedList();

dequeA.add("element 0");
dequeA.add("element 1");
dequeA.add("element 2");

//access via Iterator

Iterator iterator = dequeA.iterator();
String element = (String);

//access via new for-loop

for(Object object : dequeA) {
String element = (String) object;
When iterating the deque via its Iterator or via the for-loop (which also uses the Iterator behind the scene, the
sequence in which the elements are iterated depends on the deque implementation.

Removing Elements
To remove elements from a deque, you call the remove(), removeFirst() and removeLastmethods. Here are a few
Object firstElement = dequeA.remove();
Object firstElement = dequeA.removeFirst();
Object lastElement = dequeA.removeLast();
Generic Deque
By default you can put any Object into a Deque, but from Java 5, Java Generics makes it possible to limit the types
of object you can insert into a Deque. Here is an example:
Deque<MyObject> deque = new LinkedList<MyObject>();
This Deque can now only have MyObject instances inserted into it. You can then access and iterate its elements
without casting them. Here is how it looks:
MyObject myObject = deque.remove();

for(MyObject anObject : deque){

//do someting to anObject...

Java's Stack Class

he java.util.Stack class deserves a little explanation on its own. In the text on the Listinterface the Stack class is
listed as an implementation. The typical use of a Stack is not as aList though.
A Stack is a data structure where you add elements to the "top" of the stack, and also remove elements from the top
again. This is also referred to as the "Last In First Out (LIFO)" principle. In contrast, a Queue uses a "First In First
Out (FIFO)" principle.
Stack's are really handy for some types of data processing, for instance if you are parsing an XML file using
either SAX or StAX. For an example, see my Java SAX Example in my Java XML tutorial.
Here is a Stack usage example:
Stack stack = new Stack();


//look at top object ("3"), without taking it off the stack.

Object objTop = stack.peek();

Object obj3 = stack.pop(); //the string "3" is at the top of the stack.
Object obj2 = stack.pop(); //the string "2" is at the top of the stack.
Object obj1 = stack.pop(); //the string "1" is at the top of the stack.
The push() method pushes an object onto the top of the Stack.
The peek() method returns the object at the top of the Stack, but leaves the object on of theStack.
The pop() method returns the object at the top of the stack, and removes the object from theStack.

Searching the Stack

You can search for an object on the stack to get it's index, using the search() method. The object'sequals() method is
called on every object on the Stack to determine if the searched-for object is present on the Stack. The index you get
is the index from the top of the Stack, meaning the top element on the Stack has index 1.
Here is how you search a Stack for an object:
Stack stack = new Stack();


int index ="3"); //index = 3

Implementing hashCode() and equals()
The methods hashCode() and equals() play a distinct role in the objects you insert into Java collections. The specific
contract rules of these two methods are best described in the JavaDoc. Here I will just tell you what role they play.
What they are used for, so you know why their implementations are important.

equals() is used in most collections to determine if a collection contains a given element. For instance:
List list = new ArrayList();

boolean contains123 = list.contains("123");

The ArrayList iterates all its elements and execute "123".equals(element) to determine if the element is equal to the
parameter object "123". It is the String.equals() implementation that determines if two strings are equal.
The equals() method is also used when removing elements. For instance:
List list = new ArrayList();

boolean removed = list.remove("123");

The ArrayList again iterates all its elements and execute "123".equals(element) to determine if the element is equal
to the parameter object "123". The first element it finds that is equal to the given parameter "123" is removed.
As you can see, a proper implementation of .equals() is essential for your own classes to work well with the Java
Collection classes. So how do you implement equals() "properly"?
So, when are two objects equal? That depends on your application, the classes, and what you are trying to do. For
instance, let's say you are loading and processing Employee objects stored in a database. Here is a simple example
of such an Employee class:
public class Employee {
protected long employeeId;
protected String firstName;
protected String lastName;
You could decide that two Employee objects are equal to each other if just their employeeId's are equal. Or, you
could decide that all fields must be equal - both employeeId, firstName andlastName. Here are two example
implementation of equals() matching these criterias:
public class Employee {
public boolean equals(Object o){
if(o == null) return false;
if(!(o instanceof) Employee) return false;

Employee other = (Employee) o;

return this.employeeId == other.employeeId;
public class Employee {
public boolean equals(Object o){
if(o == null) return false;
if(!(o instanceof) Employee) return false;

Employee other = (Employee) o;

if(this.employeeId != other.employeeId) return false;
if(! this.firstName.equals(other.firstName)) return false;
if(! this.lastName.equals(other.lastName)) return false;

return true;
Which of these two implementations is "proper" depends on what you need to do. Sometimes you need to lookup
an Employee object from a cache. In that case perhaps all you need is for theemployeeId to be equal. In other cases
you may need more than that - for instance to determine if a copy of an Employee object has changed from the

The hashCode() method of objects is used when you insert them into a HashTable, HashMap orHashSet. If you do
not know the theory of how a hashtable works internally, you can read abouthastables on
When inserting an object into a hastable you use a key. The hash code of this key is calculated, and used to
determine where to store the object internally. When you need to lookup an object in a hashtable you also use a key.
The hash code of this key is calculated and used to determine where to search for the object.
The hash code only points to a certain "area" (or list, bucket etc) internally. Since different key objects could
potentially have the same hash code, the hash code itself is no guarantee that the right key is found. The hashtable
then iterates this area (all keys with the same hash code) and uses the key's equals() method to find the right key.
Once the right key is found, the object stored for that key is returned.
So, as you can see, a combination of the hashCode() and equals() methods are used when storing and when looking
up objects in a hashtable.
Here are two rules that are good to know about implementing the hashCode() method in your own classes, if the
hashtables in the Java Collections API are to work correctly:
1. If object1 and object2 are equal according to their equals() method, they must also have the same hash
2. If object1 and object2 have the same hash code, they do NOT have to be equal too.
In shorter words:
1. If equal, then same hash codes too.
2. Same hash codes no guarantee of being equal.
Here are two example implementation of the hashCode() method matching the equals()methods shown earlier:
public class Employee {
protected long employeeId;
protected String firstName;
protected String lastName;

public int hashCode(){

return (int) this.employeeId;
public class Employee {
protected long employeeId;
protected String firstName;
protected String lastName;

public int hashCode(Object o){

return (int)this.employeeId *
firstName.hashCode() *
Notice, that if two Employee objects are equal, they will also have the same hash code. But, as is especially easy to
see in the first example, two Employee objects can be not equal, and still have the same hash code.
In both examples the hash code is the employeeId is rounded down to an int. That means that many employee id's
could result in the same hash code, but these Employee objects would still not be equal, since they don't have the
same employee id.

Sorting Java Collections

You can sort List collections using the java.util.Collections.sort() method. You can sort these two types of List's.
1. List
2. LinkedList

Sorting Objects by their Natural Order

To sort a List you do this:
List list = new ArrayList();

//add elements to the list

When sorting a list like this the elements are ordered according to their "natural order". For objects to have a natural
order they must implement the interface java.lang.Comparable. In other words, the objects must be comparable to
determine their order. Here is how the Comparableinterface looks:
public interface Comparable<T> {
int compareTo(T o);
The compareTo() method should compare this object to another object, return an int value. Here are the rules for
that int value:
 Return a negative value if this object is smaller than the other object
 Return 0 (zero) if this object is equal to the other object.
 Return a positive value if this object is larger than the other object.
There are a few more specific rules to obey in the implementation, but the above is the primary requirements. Check
out the JavaDoc for the details.
Let's say you are sorting a List of String elements. To sort them, each string is compared to the others according to
some sorting algorithm (not interesting here). Each string compares itself to another string by alphabetic
comparison. So, if a string is less than another string by alphabetic comparison it will return a negative number from
the compareTo() method.
When you implement the compareTo() method in your own classes you will have to decide how these objects
should be compared to each other. For instance, Employee objects can be compared by their first name, last name,
salary, start year or whatever else you think makes sense.

Sorting Objects Using a Comparator

Sometimes you may want to sort a list according to another order than their natural order. Perhaps the objects you
are sorting do not even have a natural order. In that case you can use aComparator instead. Here is how you sort a
list using a Comparator:
List list = new ArrayList();

//add elements to the list

Comparator comparator = new SomeComparator();

Collections.sort(list, comparator);
Notice how the Collections.sort() method now takes a java.util.Comparator as parameter in addition to the List.
This Comparator compares the elements in the list two by two. Here is how the Comparator interface looks:
public interface Comparator<T> {
int compare(T object1, T object2);
The compare() method compares two objects to each other and should:
 Return a negative value if object1 is smaller than object2
 Return 0 (zero) if objec1 is equal to object2.
 Return a positive value if object1 is larger than object2.
There are a few more requirements to the implementation of the compare() method, but these are the primary
requirements. Check out the JavaDoc for more specific details.
Here is an example Comparator that compares two fictive Employee objects:
public class MyComparator<Employee> implements Comparator<Employee> {

public int compare(Employee emp1, Employee emp2){

if(emp1.getSalary() < emp2.getSalary()) return -1;
if(emp1.getSalary() == emp2.getSalary()) return 0;
return 1;
A shorter way to write the comparison would be like this:
public class MyComparator<Employee> implements Comparator<Employee> {

public int compare(Employee emp1, Employee emp2){

return emp1.getSalary() - emp2.getSalary();
By subtracting one salary from the other, the resulting value is automatically either negative, 0 or positive. Smart,

If you want to compare objects by more than one factor, start by comparing by the first factor (e.g first name). Then,
if the first factors are equal, compare by the second factor (e.g. last name, or salary) etc.

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