Spiritual Qigong

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Spiritual by Master Liming Yue

(7th Duan Wei)
with assistance in English by Helen Walsh

It is well known that I began my interest in first towards his chest, and then moving During our stay in the temple the daily the meditation hall, to meditate for about
Qigong is one of the the spiritual aspect of onto his arm and head. Everybody was schedule was as follows: at 4:00 am in the half an hour. The abbot walked around
most popular exercises qigong, after I had been shocked and thought that is the end of the morning, all monks, nuns, and ourselves in the hall holding a stick, and checking
in China today, but its studying martial arts for show. Suddenly Grandmaster Li handed woke up and started the early morning everybodys sitting posture was upright.
practice is now growing many years. Initially, the knife to one of my students and said chanting in the main hall, Da Xiong Bao
rapidly throughout the in my training I had come on, chop your body yourselves! Dian. 5:30am was group breakfast with
After meditation, some of us requested a
rest of the world. People not experienced, and This really was quite a shock to me; I food being served by volunteers. The
healing from the monks and nuns. They
are seeking a deeper did not believe in the knew he was a master and as such, had morning was time for reading our Buddhist
recited Guan Yins mantra Om mani padme
understanding of the spiritual aspects of qi. In acquired qigong abilities to protect himself texts. 11:30am was lunchtime, then siesta
hum (), together with Da Bei
mechanisms behind the 1987, I was a vice-chief from harm. However, I wondered how my till 2:00pm. There was another afternoon
Zhou () chant for us, and prepared
visible and physical world; attendant in a police students, who did not have this particular chanting session before dinner. In the
a bowl of healing water. Normally, Da Bei
scientific advances have station in my home town qigong training, could be protected from evening, group chanting was led by the
Zhou is chanted for at least three times
brought technologies we of Xiangtan city. One day injury themselves. Eventually, two of my head monk; we sang Guan Yins mantra
and the mantra is written in Chinese into
previously would not have my shoulder was injured brave students picked up the knife and whilst walking around the meditation hall.
the water, using three pieces of incense,
perceived to be possible, so badly, I couldnt raise did exactly as Grandmaster Li asked. This was a natural walking combined with
three times. The healing water was then
and there is a belief that my arm to the side. One Even though the chopping was hard and chanting. Afterwards, we all took part in

ready to be drunk.
invisible electromagnetic of my colleagues, a fast, it did not cut into the body at all, nor another group walking meditation. This
forces are now able to be senior policeman called did any marks or bruises remain on the practice was a very unique way to train
During our visit on the l9th April 2008,

understood, quantified Mr. Sheng, did a simple skin. After the knife was put down, it was together; it comprised of moving in a circle,
and used for human and quick treatment for really silent, nobody had anything to say, with both arms swinging different distances we were invited to visit a local historical
benefit. Qigong has been my shoulder, involving we were all just amazed. Grandmaster Li at the sides of the body, everybody in the qigong and wushu school, the Gui Guzi
practiced over thousands using healing water, briefly explained to everybody about how hall must move together perfectly, with the Qigong School. The ancient martial artist
of years and has putting flaming alcohol things work in the spiritual qigong world. steps and hands at the same time. Finally and qigong master Gui Guzi () was
developed experientially, on my shoulder. Right He said, When the chopsticks were being there was time for sitting down quietly in the master of Sunzi , who has
only more recently have quantised after the treatment I could move my arm chopped down into pieces, the created the 36 War Strategy
Here I would like to introduce some
science sought to test its efficacy in areas around my shoulder freely, and felt no chopsticks and knife had been 36 over two thousand
examples of qigong applications, and
Zhangjiajie Forest Park
such as transmission and reception of qi pain or soreness. I did not know that he converted into different matter. years ago. He used to practice
discuss the basis from which they come.
into physical matter. Indeed, the effects had these skills and this healing amazed That was why you can swallow and train his indoor students
The various qigong which I present in
of qigong have been witnessed and me. I have been studying spiritual qigong this water down with no problem on Tian Mengshang Mountain
this article have been taught to me by my
experienced in China in demonstrations, since 1987, as I was so inspired by directly and chop your body without any in Zhangjiajie Forest Park. His
masters, and some have been studied, and
treatment of the sick and in the bodies of many other forms witnessed by my own experiencing its ability for healing. hurt or injury. skills were passed on to the
local people who lived there,
practitioners in the past. group of students from the Europe during
with outsiders fearing their
our annual China trip. This article will
Ten years later, in 1997, I took a group of Last summer and this spring exceptional skills and seldom
present spiritual healing qigong, Buddhist
Qigong has many different aspects and my students from the UK to visit one of my season, I took two groups of entering the area.
chanting qigong, and hard qigong.
forms, with some appearing to be largely qigong masters, Grandmaster Li Zhiyi my students to visit the Dashan
During this visit, a series
physical, and some more spiritually , who worked as a security guard Buddhist temple on Nanyue
of amazing hard qigong
based. Its forms include hard qigong, soft Some of these skills are still kept secret in for the Zhangjiajie Forest Park ( Mountain. As I was an indoor
demonstrations were presented
qigong, and healing qigong. Some well China today and are taught only when the ). Grandmaster Li, knowing Buddhist student of the Great
to our group. We saw stone
known types of hard qigong are Shaolin master is sure that the student is of good everyone is interested to see something Head Monk, Shi Baotan (
chopping with bare hands, and
iron shirt and iron palm; some of the most character and ready to be taught. Whilst special about how the spiritual qigong ), who is the Head Abbot in
sword swallowing. Another
well known soft qigong forms in the west many people in China may know of the works did a demonstration for us. He charge of the whole Nanyue
demonstration had three
are Eight Pieces of Brocade and Five existence of these practices, even more picked up a pair of bamboo chopsticks, and Mountain, all my students were
people lying on top of each
Animal movements. Spiritual practices, have not had the chance to know exactly a sharp Chinese style chopping knife from treated as special guests. We
other, broken glass underneath,
long taught in Rujia, Daoist and Buddhist what these practices involve and where the kitchen. To prove how sharp the knife were fortunate to be allowed
and knives in between them; a
temples in China, include meditation and they can be applied. Therefore when I was was, he asked one of my students to cut to live in the temple during
huge piece of stone then was
chanting, and mantra recitation. Healing requested to write an article on Chinese the chopsticks into short pieces, and then our stay, and joined in all the
placed on the top, which was
qigong practices may incorporate the Qigong for Tai Chi Magazine, I sought he placed the short chopsticks into three daily activities, and a specially
then hammered many times
use of ritually blessed water and the use special approval, asking my masters rice bowls, and filled them up with water. arranged Buddhist Blessing
until the stone shattered. Whilst
of energy projection over or on peoples in China. It is with the kind permission Everybody watched as he offered for any Ceremony was offered for
these demonstrations of hard
bodies to cure physical sickness or spiritual from the Abbot of the temple on Nanyue three of my students to pick up the bowls, everybody who was on the
qigong appear truly amazing to
maladies. These techniques are known Mountain, and qigong Grandmasters from and drink the water together with the few trip. Everyone had a very
the eye, and seem to be feats
to be useful by some areas of Chinese Tian Men Mountain in Zhangjiajie Forest short chopsticks. It was amazing! All three positive experience of life in the
of tremendous physical skill,
society, where conventional medicine has Park, Hunan province, China, that I write bowls of water with short chopsticks were Temple.
there is a deeper underlying
failed to produce effect. this, to share with you some of these drunk by my students! Then Grandmaster
aspect to the qigong that is little
profound and ancient techniques. Li picked up the knife, chopping strongly

16 Tai Chi Chuan & Oriental Arts Spring 2008 17

Images of
Qigong feats,
temples, Liming
& students,
monks &

understood. This is the essence of the do not believe in force without touching, he be achieved. Traditionally, qigong was
spiritual qigong. decided to use a 100 Yuan Chinese paper taught to students who experienced its
note to chop a plastic chopstick which effects within their bodies and their lives.
was on the table. One of my students Presumably, the continued popularity of
After the demonstration we were still so
held both ends of the chopstick in front of qigong, both in China and the rest of the
excited and invited the Grandmaster, Long
her body, and the chopstick was broken, world today, is attributable to these direct
Jiaxiong , together with two of
by the paper note, into three pieces from personal experiences and feelings within
his main performers, to join our group to
the middle! It was such an amazing skill the body. However, this is difficult to be
have a lunch in the hotel. We were told
to see, and everybody was interested in proved in modern scientific research terms.
a little about the training. Long Jiaxiong
how it was possible. The Grandmasters Modern scientific skills are beginning to be
told us that this type of hard qigong was
answer to us was that this is invisible able to test the scientific basis of qigong,
very unique and only available here in the
spiritual qigong skill, and that is a skill by measuring its effects externally. It will
country. All the performers were young
unknown to most of the world. be a challenge to understand how best
people, both male and female, and they
to research and measure the aspect of
all only have been studying with him for
qigong as an internal experience, and
less than three years using these unique As these seemingly miraculous feats
indeed if we can, as this is impossible
training methods. of qigong were seen directly by my
without an appreciation and respect of the
students from the UK, they have had an
spiritual energy which works behind it.
opportunity to begin to see the scope of
qigong as it has long been practiced in
China. Some of these things may appear
At the end of the meal, Grandmaster Long to be unbelievable to many, and it is
was so pleased to show us another unique interesting that human nature sometimes
For further information please contact
skill, which is called distance chopping demands proof of the truth behind such a
Master Liming Yue at: Tel: 0161 -273
without touching. Knowing many people skill. There are a few ways that this can

E: [email protected]
Web: www. taichicentre.com

18 Tai Chi Chuan & Oriental Arts Spring 2008 19

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