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Hillary's Espionage Far More

Grave Than Anyone Realizes

Early on (day one) I received insider information about Hillary's mail box. On day one they
knew there were well over 10,000 classified documents that were deleted off of Hillary's
hard drive, documents she was never supposed to have access to. And those E-mails
constituted a revelation well worth nuking/rodding China over. Many people believe that
China got the shaft because of financial decisions only, but I am going to explain just how
grave the damage Hillary did to America is, and perhaps people will begin to understand
why I think it had a lot to do with what happened in Tianjin.

First of all, they know the exact number of deletes Hillary did, because her "professional"
was not so pro. How do they know? EASY: On the inside edge of any hard drive platter,
there is a table which contains the location information for every file on the disk. When a
delete is done, the table entries are flagged as deleted, (but the files are still on the disk,
they are simply marked as writable space). Fine, her "pro" wrote and re-wrote that writable
space, to do a hard erase, but the entries in the file table were still there, marked as
writable space.

Normally you can't re-access these to see what the filenames were, unless . . . . . well,
American intelligence has (and even I have) software that will simply command a hard
drive to do a direct linear read of what is on it, and by doing this, they were able to dump
the entire table to a readable file. They then sat down and read it line by line, deleted
entries and all. And they found over 17,000 entries that had not been over written in
this table. These entries did not contain the actual file they referred to, they only
proved it existed, and when the files were wiped. This is how they knew, DAY ONE,
now) that Hillary had THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of classified documents in
her mail box.

Phase 2 in the Hillary bust - the death part.

Ok, so her "pro" wiped the files by writing over them with an application such as Norton
clean sweep. Great. BUT, that only works against hacker joe. The NSA and any other
respectable intelligence agency can still get a good idea of what was there before the
wipe. This cannot be done if the platters are left in the original hard drive. This is how this
next step (the death part) was done:

They took the platters out of the hard drive and loaded them into a special drive with
special heads that are far more sensitive than any commercially produced hard drive has.
They then looked for the sub modulations beneath the bits the wiping software put there,
and were able to assemble enough from the remaining stray magnetic information to
prove that the deleted files were in fact classified documents with all the details. As of this
writing, 330 are confirmed, 17,000 more to go!~
Phase 3 in the Hillary bust: Staff screwups
Initially, when I "stumbled across" the insider information, all the intelligence agencies did
was run the not deleted mails from a copy of her hard drive through a text string checker
(they made a copy first and then read the copy, to help preserve the written over sub-bits
in the original) and just from what Hillary presented straight up, they were able to use the
copy (which contains no sub bits) to match text strings with classified documents that did
not show up in what she presented as the "whole thing" and from that alone they totally
busted her. Her staff was able to wipe all the stuff marked classified, but it was not able to
find everything that was copied from classified documents and talked about. What you
are hearing about coming out now is the proven classified documents they
managed to extract from the written over portion of the original hard drive loaded
into the forensic chassis, not what they knew straight up on day one

From the initial bust they knew on day one, just from text string checking - the step that did
not even require a deep dredging of wiped data, they were able to conclude that Hillary
had many many moles inside the NSA, who gave her the encryption keys for the NSA's
own satellites, and they beamed her whatever she wanted on request. Now proven to be
over 17,000 documents in all. That most likely equals somewhere between 100,000 to a
million pages of classified documents, all at the highest possible level. How many
classified documents per day does that equal? Enough to solidly prove that Hillary
was far into the business of peddling classified data, and peg her as the #1 (known
about) espionage agent in American history.

Now consider who Hillary represents: The Bolshevik communist tip of the spear luciferian Jewish
"destroy and enslave the world" cult. She simply cannot get busted for what she did, or the entire
house of satan might bite the dust over it. After all, if she did it, he did it, they did it, now the genie is
out of the bottle and the NSA knows it has been raped wholesale. If damage control cannot bury this,
it is the end of a lot more than just Hillary. Would that be worth rodding China for, just for a simple
topic diversion in the press? YES. Would that be worth waking up a volcano in Japan? YES. And it
would even be worth a world war for the depraved death cult, BET ON IT.
QUESTION THEN: Was the attack financial only, not considering Hillary at all?
My guess: There was more than one motive, but Hillary was most likely part of it. Consider
this: The bankers want to own the world. China was pushing for a gold backed currency.
People cite China's currency devaluation as the reason for this blast, but at only 1.8
percent devaluation (which drives foreign sales by making Chinese products cheaper) I
don't think that would be enough to trigger anything. However, the gold backed
currency might, there were also other financial factors that might, and what better
way to send China a message to behave than to blow up an absolutely huge port,
when China needs functioning ports for exportation of anything at all?

They are saying the port was #10 in the world to downplay it's significance, but at
#4 in China, it was very important. China will no doubt survive the strike on that
port, (will be in business again within a month, the actual docks were not targeted)
but wow, what a way to send a message about who is really in charge of things . . . .
I guess in the end the reasons were irrelevant. The method? If it was a follow up on a
nuclear blackmail promise or a "rod from God" the details will not matter, China has been
attacked, China is a nuclear armed super power, and China has people to spare. And that
leads me to consider a suspect list.

The short list of nations that could and would do this: My first guess would be Israel,
second guess would be Britain (because that is the new base for the Bolsheviks), third
(close third) guess would be America. But in reality, when all cards are on the table, this
was a tribal affair, it all boils down to that one stinking trouble making tribe . . . . . . any way
you cut it, if Hillary needed a diversion for salvation or the bankers were upset about
Chinese finance, it all boils down to the same rotten tribe. AND CHINA IS NOT TOO

Hmmmm . . . . . things could get interesting . . . .

Hillary's NSA spooks really are the story of the

Let me say this in a very simple way:

The NSA has been able to prove that Hillary had many many moles inside the NSA that
used the great surveillance power of the NSA to steal America's secrets and hand them to
the Chinese, the Israelis, and the Russians. These moles were so well entrenched and at
such high level that they were able to use the NSA's own satellite uplink to send the
classified data to Hillary. And if Hillary was able to get this done, who else was able to
use the NSA as their own treasure trove of information? Having this happen clearly
explains why almost ALL American companies are now Jewish owned, the Jews
their final takeover and destruction of America. Nothing could be bigger or worse
than that. It is GAME OVER.

And then we had the impossible Chinese blasts, right at the perfect time to take
Hillary out of the news, people love fireworks and now that is all anyone cares
about, and the story of the decade - the end of America for Americans goes down
the toilet bowl in a great big swirling glurp.

They keep changing the story on what blew up to circumvent analysis. What I have
here is what was really claimed to have blown up, and the correct answer for it.

I am not stupid at chemistry. The list of things that were given to cause the blasts does not
add up, not even close. Carbide is practically an inert dust that is left laying around openly
at steel mills, where melted blobs of metal often fly everywhere. The actual material being
blamed for the blast is butanone. Butanone is airplane modeling glue. You know, that stuff
they banned 20 years ago because "kids sniffed it". Believe me, if it could blow up THAT
BADLY modeling glue would have leveled many bedrooms. And then we have a
compound of arsenic, which had practically no potential for anything other than creating a
nasty gas or burning on the ground, if that, with no boom potential at all.

So let me put it all together here, the story goes like this, if those were the only 3
items in question:

Someone managed to get a bunch of modeling glue burning. And it sat there and burned
for 45 minutes (nasty fire there, tough job putting that out, but no boom potential in the
context of how it was stored or to even one percent of that magnitude.)

After it burned for a good long time, enough to ensure everyone was watching, somehow
some small explosions were touched off to get people to start filming. Then the MOAB or
some other huge explosive device comes in, and blows the whole place to smithereens.
Bam-o, perfect show for burying the biggest known act of treason in American history -
Hillary's Wal-Mart of American secrets, open to the highest bidder. If the story is
modeling glue, it does not wash for that type of explosion, it just does not work that

What would I believe for the Chinese blast?

I'd believe that blast if someone said five thousand gallons of acetone dissolved acetylene
went off. I'd believe that blast if someone said an entire semi load of tetra hydrazine went
off. But modeling glue? Whoever drew that connection should be sentenced to wearing an
underwear hat at the stockade, to be buried under a mountain of rotten eggs and
tomatoes. And that is why China sent nothing but weapons experts to the blast
scene, 218 in total, because they are not stupid about this.

And WHY would this be done? Because a media diversion was needed to bury the
fact that the NSA finally got into Hillary's hard drive, and found text strings that
identify THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of classified documents that were ripped
right out of the NSA's underground bases and from those bases Hillary's spooks
sent them straight up to a satellite that Hillary had been handed the encryption keys
for. Hillary had no clearance or authorization for that, this is a massive case of
espionage blown wide open. And these text strings were found AFTER all the actual
documents they came from were wiped from the hard drive during Hillary's cleanup,
and were found as quotes and snips in discussion e-mails her staff overlooked
during the cleanup. If Hillary does not fry for this over the next few days, you can
bet on America being finished. This is the litmus test.

The latest joke is that ammonium and potassium nitrate blew up. And that IS a joke,
because if it is not mixed with fuel in the correct ratios it has no explosive potential
at all. Stabbing at the common core with that one I guess . . . .
What would be the motive for this attack? I don't buy the currency devaluation, but something else
very tasty was going on that a distraction was needed for, SUCH AS:
You cannot "professionally wipe" a server and then hand it to ANY American intelligence
agency, Hillary is BUSTED
The only way you can secure a hard drive that is actually in the hands of the NSA is to
either incinerate it or shred it down to dust. It won't matter if you use Norton Clean Sweep
or some other app to purge it, even if a full write was done to the entire drive several
times, enough stray magnetic data remains from past writes for the NSA to do a deep
analysis of and extract - with errors, but they will at least know what is there, and THIS IS
The mail box is just a diversion from this core fact!
The tribe controlled MSM is trying to pawn off the worst proven case of espionage in America's
history as a "mishandled mail box!" The fact the NSA never found that mail box before Hillary gutted
the nation also proves that spooks inside that organization covered it all up!

The mail box is just a diversion from this core fact!
The tribe controlled MSM is trying to pawn off the worst case of espionage in America's history as a
"mishandled mail box!"
August 13 2015
I have doubts that the Chinese blasts were anything other than a military attack, they do not make
sense to me in any other light. Looking into this for answers. Answers: The chemicals the company
that got blamed for this actually stored could not have created the explosions. They might burn, but
the explosions were from something else entirely.
Hmmmm . . . . why would China send nuclear weapons experts to the blast site? Chemical
weapons experts also? Hmmmmm . . . . . anyway, HILLARY.

Update: Butanone cannot explode like that, I double checked, and yes my chemistry
is good enough for this. The chemicals at the site would only burn, there would be
no blasts and that means there is probably a reason why China is sending weapons
experts to the blast scene. Can you say B-2 Moab Hillary in the same sentence?
Many are saying this was a threat over the Yuan, but I find this far too well timed
with a much bigger issue - Hillary. Read the full report on Hillary, it is damning.

Make sure you read my Hillary E-mail report, down the page a ways now and:
Bolshevik Clintons
Dear Jim, re "The Clintons are Bolshevik communists," oh yes indeed. I have a trusted
friend who spent a few years in Russia as an entrepreneur shortly after "the wall came
down." The effort to do legitimate business required gulping vodka with KGB or Russian
Mafia, period. My friend actually sat for hours in such a situation with two KGB generals.
The Russians themselves brought up the subject of Clinton. They wished to express their
extreme contempt for Bill Clinton as a traitor to his country. They said he had come over to
them way back during his days at Oxford. Clinton had aided their cause, but their scorn for
him was withering. Clinton: communist, yes, but traitor above all.
Grateful for your years of brilliant and courageous work, Jeff

My response: I have always known they were Bolshevik communists and have stated this
from time to time, and the fact Hillary used well placed people in the NSA to funnel her
thousands upon thousands of classified documents, which were used to destroy the
nation certainly goes along with this quite well. Read the main Hillary E-mail report, it nails


are Bolshevik communists that used
unauthorized NSA access to sell America down
the river and then sank the boat.
I was holding my breath on Hillary's E-mails. Now the truth is out and from what has been
gleaned from the wreckage after thousands and thousands of careful deletes it took her
staff months to sift through and do in a convincing way, it is obvious, even from the
wreckage that the Clintons had many many spies inside the NSA. These spies used the
great power of the NSA to steal America's secrets, from everything from private
individuals, to the military, to corporations and private companies, and then handed all the
NSA raped data straight to the Chinese, the Russians, the Israelis, and anyone else who
had a good shot at destroying America.

Brazen claim you say? Well, I don't think so when you consider the following:

Even after thousands upon thousands of known deletes, which took Hillary's staff months
to accomplish in a way that left enough to look like a real E-mail account without having
anything incriminating in it, the NSA was able to find word strings in various mails her staff
missed that proved beyond a doubt Hillary had MANY MANY MANY mails that had top
secret SCI level (and on top of that) specifically labeled "For American Eyes only"
documents in them, even though the top secret warnings were nowhere to be seen. This
can only happen if the real documents existed in previous mails, were copied from and
quoted in other mails, sans the top secret labeling, and her staff was unable to fish it all
out of what they decided should stay in the account to make it look like there was no

Additionally, due to the content and traits of the text strings found, the NSA has concluded
that via plants at the NSA, Hillary (and probably Bill as well) had the documents beamed
straight out of the NSA up to the NSA's own satellite, which Hillary then received the
information from via unauthorized admittance to a classified channel.

The NSA has concluded that at one time there were thousands upon thousands of clearly
labeled classified documents in her mail box, which was wide open to the Chinese and
Russians. They have so far proven she raped classified information wholesale, but cannot
confirm the full extent of what was raped (in its entirety) because it is only rational to
conclude such a massive cleanup effort would at least be able to hide the final details.

The classified information found includes transcripts from NSA intercepted phone calls,
(obviously) and from the way it looks, Hillary simply made requests to spooks in the NSA
to get whatever she wanted to accomplish various objectives and receive various payoffs
from foreign powers and additionally, for the purpose of gutting America. This type of
information could (for example) include company secrets, technology secrets, political
secrets, intelligence secrets, military secrets, THE WHOLE 9 YARDS, with thousands
upon thousands of deletes verified by text strings that can't be matched with the original
deleted documents but prove the documents existed.

The rape was extreme, and in my opinion explains clearly why America has lost at
baseball in every game since the Clintons took office. It is my guess that this particular
mail box was only one repository of classified information stolen by the Clintons,
Bill probably has several, Al Dork probably has an entire vault, and even Chelsea
probably has her own bouquet of classified data rapes, Hillary just proved that the
Clinton family is ENEMY NUMBER ONE against the American people, (as if the
sensible would miss that) and if Kikedom can put this detonated nuke back
together it will prove that whatever the Clintons accomplished was enough to
irrevocably destroy the nation.

No wonder why things went to hell in a hand basket.

And I'd like to add here my salient comments to the NSA:

What made you think it would be a good idea to start recording and saving all America's
phone calls, all of America's corporate secrets, all of America's life blood to begin with?
What was your problem? WHO GAVE THE ORDER? Why did you not arrest the
President that gave that order? AAh yes you were fighting "terror" but when you defiled
yourself all you did was make it possible for a rapist like Hillary to run amok in your
playground. How could you not see that?

You killed the nation. And you killed the nation simply because your clearance process
does not work, you hired countless spooks who then took your inward looking eyes and
used them to make people like Hillary possible. She is not the only one, BET ON IT. AND

Absolutely NO security clearance will make the grade when those clearances have

It won't be much of a problem for most people to find the details in what I put above for
themselves, this one is out in the open, but if you are having trouble here is one of
several reports I used to reach my conclusions above, as well as my own background
there, I know exactly how they screwed up, every NSA facility has satellite uplink and has
had a link since the first satellites, I know precisely how Hillary received her loot.

Many people are going to make the mistake of thinking that Hillary simply got
access to a "spy satellite" but this is not the case, the satellite in question does no
spying, it is simply a top secret data hub and what was sent through it was far far
worse than any "spy satellite" could accomplish.

If Hillary had the encryption keys for that particular satellite, it means the Russians
and everyone else has them, this is a BIG ONE, Hillary makes Snowden look like a
single flake in a blizzard.

Spencer Platt/Getty
John R. Schindler
08.12.154:50 PM ET

The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary’s

These weren’t just ordinary secrets found in Clinton’s private server, but som e of the
most classified material the U.S. government has.
After months of denials and delaying actions, Hillary Clinton has decided to turn over her
private email server to the Department of Justice. As this controversy has grown since the
spring, Clinton and her campaign operatives have repeatedly denied that she had
placed classified information in her personal email while serving as secretary of state during
President Obama’s first term. (“I am confident that I never sent nor received any information
that was classified at the time it was sent and received,” she said last month.) Her team also
denied that she would everhand over her server to investigators. Now both those assertions
have been overturned.
Hillary Clinton has little choice but to hand over her server to authorities since it now
appears increasingly likely that someone on her staff violated federal laws regarding the
handling of classified materials. On August 11, after extensive investigation, the intelligence
community’s inspector general reported to Congressthat it had found several violations of
security policy in Clinton’s personal emails.
Most seriously, the inspector general assessed that Clinton’s emails included information
that was highly classified—yet mislabeled as unclassified. Worse, the information in
question should have been classified up to the level of “TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN,”
according to the inspector general’s report.
You may have seen acronym lists like these on declassified documents before—and glazed
over them. This is the arcane language of the cleared cognoscenti, so let me explain what
this means:
• TOP SECRET, as the name implies, is the highest official classification level in the U.S.
government, defined as information whose unauthorized release “could cause exceptionally
grave damage to national security or foreign relations.”
• SI refers to Special Intelligence, meaning it is information derived from intercepted
communications, which is the business of the National Security Agency, America’s single
biggest source of intelligence. They’re the guys who eavesdrop on phone calls, map who’s
calling whom, and comb through emails. SI is a subset of what the intelligence community
calls Sensitive Compartmented Information, or SCI. And these materials always require
special handling and protection. They are to be kept in a Sensitive Compartmented
Information Facility, or SCIF, which is a special hardened room that is safe from both
physical and electronic intrusion.
• TK refers to Talent Keyhole, which is an intelligence community caveat indicating that the
classified material was obtained via satellite.
• NOFORN, as the name implies, means that the materials can only be shown to Americans,
not to foreigners.
In short: Information at the “TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN” level is considered
exceptionally highly classified and must be handled with great care under penalty of serious
consequences for mishandling. Every person who is cleared and “read on” for access to such
information signs reams of paperwork and receives detailed training about how it is to be
handled, no exceptions—and what the consequences will be if the rules are not followed.

People found to have willfully mishandled such highly

classified information often face severe punishment.
Termination of employment, hefty fines, even imprisonment can
In the real world, people with high-level clearances are severely punished for willfully
violating such rules. At a minimum, those suspected of mishandling things like NSA
“signals intelligence”—intercepts calls, emails, and the like—have their clearances
suspended pending the outcome of the investigation into their misconduct. Any personal
items—computers, electronics—where federal investigators suspect the classified material
wound up, wrongly, will be impounded and searched. If it has TOP SECRET//SI
information on it, “your” computer now belongs to the government, because it is considered
People found to have willfully mishandled such highly classified information often face
severe punishment. Termination of employment, hefty fines, even imprisonment can result.
Yes, people really do go to jail for mishandling classified materials. Matthew Aid, a writer
on intelligence matters, served more than a year in prison for mishandling TOP SECRET//SI
information from the NSA, for example. The well-connected tend to avoid jail, however.
Sandy Berger and John Deutsch—who both served in high-level positions under President
Bill Clinton, did not go to prison for mishandling TOP SECRET intelligence (though Berger
got probation and was fined $50,000).
What, then, does all this mean for Hillary Clinton? There is no doubt that she, or someone
on her State Department staff, violated federal law by putting TOP SECRET//SI information
on an unclassified system. That it was Hillary’s private, offsite server makes the case even
worse from a security viewpoint. Claims that they “didn’t know” such information was
highly classified do not hold water and are irrelevant. It strains belief that anybody with
clearances didn’t recognize that NSA information, which is loaded with classification
markings, was signals intelligence, or SIGINT. It’s possible that the classified information
found in Clinton’s email trove wasn’t marked as such. But if that classification notice was
omitted, it wasn’t the U.S. intelligence community that took such markings away. Moreover,
anybody holding security clearances has already assumed the responsibility for handling it
As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton had no authority to disseminate intelligence-
community information on her own, neither could she make it less highly classified (a
process termed “downgrading” in the spy trade) without asking permission first.
It is a very big deal and less-connected people who do this sort of thing ruin their lives, as
any IC counterintelligence official can attest. During my NSA time, I saw junior personnel
terminated for relatively minor infractions of security regulations. While the U.S.
government unquestionably does over-classify items on the policy side, where almost
everything in the Defense and State Departments gets some sort of classification stamp, not
usually at a high level, intelligence reporting by its very nature is classified. If you don’t
want the responsibility of a high-level government position, which inevitably brings with it
TOP SECRET//SI access, then don’t accept that burden.
There’s still a lot we don’t know about Hillary Clinton’s Emailgate. Exactly how many
emails contained TOP SECRET//SI information is unclear. We may never know since
thousands of emails were already destroyed by Clinton. Who exactly placed the classified
information in emails—it may not have been Hillary Clinton—and how did they access the
information in the first place? How many of her staffers at Foggy Bottom were also using
her personal server?
Underlying all this is the question of why Hillary Clinton decided to employ her own private
email and server to handle so much of her official State Department business. This is, to say
the least, highly irregular—not to mention a violation of numerous U.S. government rules
and regulations—so there had to be a compelling reason to do this. What was it?
The Clinton campaign was concerned enough about the issue to send out an email blast
Wednesday afternoon with the subject line: “A note about Hillary Clinton’s emails.”
“You might hear some news over the next few days about Hillary Clinton’s emails,” began
the email from Jennifer Palmieri, the communications director for Hillary for America.
“Because you are an important part of this team, we wanted to take a few minutes to talk
through the facts—we need your help to make sure they get out there. There’s a lot of
misinformation, so bear with us; the truth matters on this.”
Underneath the greeting were several bolded bullet points, including, “Hillary didn’t send
any classified materials over email.” There was also a link to a longer,4,000+ word
explanation of why Clinton used a private email address and server in her official capacity as
secretary of state.
The FBI is now on the case and one hopes they will exercise due diligence in their
investigation of what may be a serious leak of classified information, made worse by the fact
that Clinton’s personal server was wholly unencrypted for three months, leaving it wide
open to exploitation by foreign intelligence services.
The number of spy services interested in the communications of the U.S. secretary of state
numbers more than a hundred. Given their technical proficiency, it’s naïve to assume that
the Russians and Chinese aren’t among them—a fact that John Kerry, the current secretary,
recently admitted.
It’s safe to assume, then, that Moscow and Beijing know what Hillary’s “private” emails as
Secretary of State contained. Let’s hope that the American public will someday as well.
6 days ago

Hillary to Give Email Server to FBI

Hillary Clinton will hand over to the Justice Department the private email server she used
during her time as secretary of state, spokesman Nick Merrill said. A “thumb” memory
device containing copies of the emails will also be handed over. The inspector general for
the intelligence community notified senior members of Congress on Tuesday that two of the
four classified emails found on Hillary Clinton’s private account are categorized as “top
secret.” The intelligence community also revealed it is reviewing “personal communications
hardware and software” used by Clinton’s former top aides. “We will follow the facts
wherever they lead, to include former aides and associates, as appropriate,” said Douglas
Welty, a spokesman for the State Department’s inspector general.


Classified Hillary Emails Had CIA,

NSA Info

Classified emails stored on Hillary Clinton's private computer server contained information
from five U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA and NSA, McClatchy reported
Thursday. One of the emails about the 2012 Benghazi consulate attack was even released to
the public by the State Department in May despite it being classified. That email contained
information from the NSA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Geospatial-
Intelligence Agency, which uses spy satellites. Four other emails contained info from the
CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which oversees all intelligence
agencies. The inspector general for the intelligence community found the five classified
emails out of a sample of 40 from the 30,000 emails Clinton gave to the State Department.
But perhaps the most troubling element in the McClatchy story is the assertion that “the
State Department so far has refused to grant the intelligence-community inspector general
access to the entire batch of emails on jurisdictional grounds.”
A State Department spokesperson called the line “untrue,” adding, “To provide for greater
cooperation through this process, a team of IC FOIA [Intelligence Community Freedom of
Information Act] reviewers—at the invitation of the Department—are reviewing [the]
“We have had a chance to review the statement released by the inspectors general of the
State Department and intelligence community outlining their concerns with regard to the
State Department’s review and release of Hillary Clinton’s work emails,” Clinton campaign
spokesman Nick Merrill told The Daily Beast in an email. “We want to ensure that
appropriate procedures are followed as these emails are reviewed while not unduly delaying
the release of her emails. We particularly do not want their release to be hampered by
bureaucratic infighting among the intelligence community. More emails are slated to be
released by the State Department next week, and we hope that release is as inclusive as

Read it at McClatchy DC

Months of Hillary’s Emails Are Missing
By Alexa Corse, Shane Harris

Hillary Clinton on emails: 'The facts are pretty

By Eugene Scott, CNN
Updated 7:41 AM ET, Tue July 28, 2015
Hillary Clinton denies mishandling classsified emails 01:10
Story highlights

 Inspector general: At least four emails reviewed contained classified information

 Some emails that contained classified information were not identified that way

(CNN)Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Saturday said she did not send classified
emails from her private server while she was secretary of state.

"I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was
sent and received," Clinton told reporters in Winterset, Iowa.

She added that the latest controversy is an example of disagreement among various parts of the
government about what should or should not be publicly released.

Clinton's remarks come after The New York Times reported Thursday night that inspectors general
for the intelligence community and the State Department had asked the Justice Department to launch
a criminal investigation into Clinton's possible mishandling of classified email. But the paper
significantly revised its story the next day to say the matter was referred to Justice to examine
whether sensitive government information was mishandled in connection with Clinton's account -- but
not necessarily by Clinton.
Debate: How big a problem is email controversy for Clinton?04:47
On Friday, CNN reported that the inspector general for the intelligence community had informed
members of Congress that some material Clinton emailed from her private server contained classified
information, but it was not identified that way.

RELATED: Clinton emails contained classified information, official says

Because it was not identified, it is unclear whether Clinton realized she was potentially compromising
classified information. The inspector general reviewed a "limited sampling" of her emails, and among
those 40 reviewed, found that "four contained classified (intelligence community) information,"
inspector general Charles McCullough wrote in a letter to Congress.

McCullough's office has confirmed it has asked the Justice Department to look into how the State
Department handled the classification of documents, but emphasized it was not requesting a criminal

Clinton said she has no idea what are the four specific emails the inspector general was talking about
in his letter to Congress.

"But the facts are pretty clear," Clinton said. "I did not send or receive anything that was classified at
the time."

Clinton told reporters she turned over 55,000 pages of emails to help the State Department because
officials asked all former secretaries to provide any information possible to help with their record

"So I did, but then I said, 'OK, so let's make it public,'" she said. "Now if I had just turned it over, we
would not be having this conversation."

RELATED: Clinton focuses on economy amid email controversy

Clinton said her desire to make things public requires that it goes through the public records request

Hillary on emails: 'Maybe the heat is getting to everybody' 01:09

"If we were not asking for it to be made public, there would not be a debate. This is all about my
desire to have transparency and make the information public," she said.

All of the emails are already on the unclassified system of the State Department, Clinton said.

"The vast majority of anything that I sent or received was already on the State Department system,
the unclassified State Department system," she said. "In order to respond to freedom of information
requests, you'd have to go through the same process."

Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Short said Clinton "can't help but continue to
mislead the American people."

"The facts are clear: independent government investigators found that Hillary Clinton possessed
information that was classified at the time on her secret email server," Short said in a statement
Saturday. "Hillary Clinton's reckless attempt to get around public records laws has jeopardized our
national security."

Hillary Clinton's emails

305 documents from Clinton server referred for further review

Inside the latest Hillary Clinton email batch

Emails released from Clinton's private server heavily redacted

Clintons earned nearly $141M from 2007 to 2014

Hillary Clinton on emails: 'The facts are pretty clear'

Hillary Clinton's emails: Fax machines, Kissinger and socks

Trey Gowdy: Hillary Clinton

wiped her server clean By LAUREN FRENCH

3/27/15 6:23 PM EDT

Updated 3/27/15 7:57 PM EDT

Clinton was under a subpoena for all correspondence from her tenure as secretary of state that focused on Libya
and Benghazi. | Getty

Hillary Clinton wiped “clean” the private server housing emails from her tenure as secretary of state,
the chairman of the House committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi said Friday.
“While it is not clear precisely when Secretary Clinton decided to permanently delete all emails from
her server, it appears she made the decision after October 28, 2014, when the Department of State
for the first time asked the Secretary to return her public record to the Department,” Rep. Trey Gowdy
(R-S.C.), chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi, said in a statement.
Story Continued Below
Clinton was under a subpoena order from the panel for all documents related to the 2012 attacks on
the American compound there. But David Kendall, an attorney for Clinton, said the 900 pages of
emails previously provided to the panel cover its request.
Kendall also informed the committee that Clinton’s emails from her time at the State Department have
been permanently erased.

Hillary's brother raised Chinese money for McAuliffe's green car venture
Gowdy said that Clinton’s response to the subpoena means he and Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio)
will now contemplate new legal actions against Clinton.
“After seeking and receiving a two week extension from the Committee, Secretary Clinton failed to
provide a single new document to the subpoena issued by the Committee and refused to provide her
private server to the Inspector General for the State Department or any other independent arbiter for
analysis,” Gowdy said.
Clinton previously said she decided to delete the emails after her lawyers reviewed the server for
work-related correspondence. She said the deletion of private emails occurred “at the end” of that
In a letter provided to the committee, Kendall said Clinton would not be turning over the server to a
third-party for review and that the emails no longer exist on the private server located in her New York
“There is no basis to support the proposed third-party review of the server that hosted
the [email protected] account,” Kendall wrote. “To avoid prolonging a discussion that would
be academic, I have confirmed with the secretary’s IT support that no emails…..for the time period
January 21, 2009 through February 1, 2013 reside on the server or on any back-up systems
associated with the server.”

Hillary's launch plan: Come down to earth
The broad subpoena from Gowdy included any emails relating to Libya, weapons located in the
country, the Benghazi attacks and administration statements following the attacks on the compound.
Shortly after the New York Times reported on Clinton’s private email use, she requested that the
State Department make public all documents from her time at the agency. The State Department has
said it’s working though these documents – which include 55,000 pages – for review.
The agency has also said it will focus on vetting the 300 pages the Benghazi Committee has already
received. Kendall said the State Department is “uniquely positioned” to respond to requests for
additional documents, a sign from Clinton’s camp that they believe she has fully responded to any
standing legal requests.
Kendall added, “Thus, there are no [email protected] e-mails from Secretary Clinton’s tenure
as Secretary of State on the server for any review, even if such review were appropriate or legally
The letter added that requests from a second email, [email protected], are not germane as
that address was “not an address that existed during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.”

Report cites favoritism for McAuliffe and brother of Hillary Clinton

Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the Benghazi panel, said Clinton’s response “confirms”
that the former secretary of state has provided all documents related to the Benghazi attacks to the
“This confirms what we all knew—that Secretary Clinton already produced her official records to the
State Department, that she did not keep her personal emails, and that the Select Committee has
already obtained her emails relating to the attacks in Benghazi,” said Cummings (D-Md.). “It is time
for the Committee to stop this political charade and instead make these documents public and
schedule Secretary Clinton’s public testimony now.”
The move all but ensures congressional Republicans’ focus on Clinton will intensify. The Benghazi
panel has already said it will bring Clinton in to testify at least twice — once privately about her email
use while at State and at another public hearing on the Obama administration’s reaction to Benghazi.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has also signaled plans to investigate
Clinton’s use of private email.
Gowdy’s subpoenas came after it was reported that Clinton stored her emails on a private server and
used a personal email address while at the State Department. Clinton has already made more than
900 pages of emails available to the committee but the panel has requested the entire swath of
documents – a request Gowdy has repeatedly said is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation
into the 2012 terrorist attacks.

Photo Illustration by Emil Lendof/The Daily Beast

Shane Harris
03.07.156:55 AM ET

Hillary’s Secret Email Was a

Cyberspy’s Dream Weapon
When a notorious online break-in artist got a hold of the Secretary of State’s now -
infamous email address, he gave himself the power to use it to target the global elite.
The private email address for Hillary Clinton, which became the talk of Washington this
week and created her first major speed bump on her road to the White House, has actually
been freely available on the Internet for a year, thanks to a colorful Romanian hacker known
as Guccifer.
On March 14, 2013, Guccifer—his real name is Marcel-Lehel Lazar—broke into the AOL
account of Sidney Blumenthal, a journalist, former White House aide to Bill Clinton, and
personal confidante of Hillary Clinton. Lazar crowed about his exploits to journalists,
disclosing a set of memos Blumenthal had written to Clinton in 2012, as well as the personal
email address and domain she’s now known to have used exclusively for her personal and
official correspondence.
Few journalists noticed that at the time, and it caused no ruckus in Washington. But the fact
that Clinton’s private email was now public means she was not just putting her own
information at risk, but potentially those in the circle of people who knew her private
Her email account was the ultimate hacker’s lure. It’s a common technique to impersonate a
trusted source via email, in order to persuade a recipient to download spyware hidden inside
seemingly innocuous attachments. Indeed, Clinton’s own staff had been targeted with such
highly targeted “spear phishing” emails as early as 2009, the year she took office. And
according to U.S. authorities, Lazar, who’s now serving a seven-year prison sentence in
Romania and is accused of hacking the accounts of other Washington notables like Colin
Powell, did commandeer other people’s email accounts. Then he used them to send
messages exposing the private correspondence of his other victims.
When her address was exposed, Clinton was running her private email account on
equipment in her home in New York, which security experts say is an inherently weak setup
that made her more vulnerable to hacking.
It’s not clear whether Lazar tried to hack Clinton’s domain or if he used his access to
Blumenthal’s account to do so. But he was within digital striking distance of the secretary,
inside the email of a Clinton ally who, as one longtime Blumenthal friend told The Daily
Beast, is “a blooded member of Hillaryland, perhaps the personification of that corps who
are closest to her inner circle.”
Blumenthal sent Clinton a range of missives covering topics such as U.S.-Egyptian relations
to how she was recovering from a concussion. Once he was inside Blumenthal’s account,
Lazar could have easily “spear phished” this most senior member of President Obama’s
Had security experts checked the system, they might not have liked
what they saw. One security scan th is week revealed that Hillary’s
domain uses “obsolete and insecure” protocols and gave it an overall
F rating.
Blumenthal still maintains the once-hacked AOL account. Requests for comment sent there
weren’t returned.
Before Lazar exposed the email domain, it would have been known to people with whom
Clinton was trading emails, as well as to a tight inner circle lucky enough to
be [email protected] accounts. Those included Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea, and aide
Huma Abedin, whom the former secretary treats like family. Maybe Clinton and her staff
thought the relative anonymity of her email domain would have given her a measure of
security. It’s hard to say, since they and State Department officials have consistently refused
to answer journalists questions about what security measures Clinton took to protect her
“homebrew” email system.
But “assuming that the domain is ‘secret’ is a dangerous assumption,” Johannes Ullrich, a
computer security expert with the SANS Institute, told The Daily Beast.
“A not-well-published domain does not provide significant protection,” Ullrich said. “As
seen in the Guccifer incident, it is easy to unmask such domains if just one of the individuals
she is corresponding with is breached. At the same note, running a mail server securely is
Ullrich said that because email servers communicate with many different outside systems,
“e-mail is probably the most dangerous attack vector” that a hacker could use. The fact that
Lazar had exposed her private account a year ago suggests that Clinton could have taken
steps at the time to better protect herself. Whether she did or not, her aides aren’t saying.
“We have no indication the account was hacked or compromised,” a senior State
Department official told The Daily Beast. But unless State inspected the system, officials
have no way of knowing that. By the department’s own admission, officials didn’t contact
Clinton about turning over emails on her account until October 2014, nearly two years after
she’d left office, when the law on official records was being changed to cover emails sent on
private accounts.
Had security experts checked the system, they might not have liked what they saw. One
security scan this week revealed that the domain uses “obsolete and insecure” protocols and
gave it an overall F rating.
The only Blumenthal emails Lazar is known to have disclosed, within days of hacking the
account, were four memos from September 2012, marked “classified,” and containing what
Blumenthal described as on-the-ground intelligence about the attack on the U.S. consulate in
Benghazi. The disclosure tipped off Blumenthal to the breach, allowing him to change the
password on his account and regain control.
Perhaps fortunately for Clinton, Lazar was more interested in snooping than spying. That
may explain why he may have passed on a golden opportunity to get inside Clinton’s email
account, as well. He’s “just a smart guy who was very patient and persistent” and who
“wanted to be famous” for showing that he could embarrass Washington power brokers and
other celebrities, a Romanian prosecutor told the New York Times, which published
a profile of Lazar last year. Among the purloined correspondence he disclosed were emails
between Powell and a Romanian diplomat, which were so intimate that Powell had to
publicly declare the woman was just a friend and nothing more.
In an interview with the the Times, the imprisoned hacker rambled about “a potpourri of
conspiracy theories” he tied to the so-called Illuminati, whom he described as the “very rich
people, noble families, bankers and industrialists from the 19th and 20th century” that he
said run the world, are responsible for the death of Princess Diana and the 9/11 attacks, and
whose email the world deserves to see.
He now seems hardly much of a threat, and was apprehended by Romanian authorities after
bragging about his high-profile American victims secretly running the world. He’d also
targeted Romanian officials, making him a wanted man in his own country.
But plenty of people were trying to spy on Clinton and the people around her, and Lazar
arguably made their job easier.
Indeed, Clinton had been targeted by hackers and cyber spies practically from the moment
she took office. In 2009, a senior member of Clinton’s staff received a spear phishing email
that purported to come from a colleague in the office next door, according to former officials
with knowledge of the matter. The email contained an attachment that the sender claimed
was related to a recent meeting, but the recipient couldn’t recall that the meeting had ever
occurred. When he inquired with his colleague, he was met with a blank stare.
Had the Clinton staffer opened the attachment, it would have installed spyware on his
computer and potentially allowed a hacker to spy on other people using the State
Department network. Former officials said the spear phishing email likely came from China.
That same year, in a separate hacking attempt, five State Department employees who were
negotiating with Chinese officials on efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions received
spear phishing emails claiming to come from a prominent Washington journalist, Bruce
Signs pointed to the email being legitimate: The U.S. climate change envoy, Todd Stern,
was a friend of Stokes’, and the subject line of the email read “China and Climate Change,”
which seemed like a reporter’s inquiry. Stokes is also married to Ambassador Wendy
Sherman, a seasoned diplomat who went on to lead U.S. negotiations with Iran over its
nuclear program. The body of the message included comments related to the recipients’ jobs
and their work at the time.
The spear phishing incident was documented in a State Department cable, part of a massive
cached disclosed by WikiLeaks. It’s unclear whether anyone opened an attachment in the
email that contained a virus, which could siphon information off the infected computer. But
whomever sent the message had studied Stokes, knew who his associates were, and
understood what would prompt them to trust the email.
It’s that kind of information that a reasonably sophisticated hacker could glean from
someone in touch with the secretary of state. What was on her mind? What did she care
about? What was likely to get her to open an attachment? Knowing the private domain
Clinton used would have made any spear phishing email look more legitimate.
“At the very least, she should have been worried about individuals impersonating the
[] domain,” Ullrich said. Setting up standard mail filtering mechanisms and
proper security certificates “would be a first step, but that should have happened right from
the start,” he said.
Right from the start would have been in the days before her Senate confirmation in 2009,
when the private email account was set up. If Clinton didn’t realize then that she was a
security risk then, the Chinese hackers trying to break into her office should have tipped her

Updated: The Facts About Hillary Clinton’s

We’ve put all of the information about Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails here. Just the facts, all in one

Why did Clinton use her own email account?

When Clinton got to the Department, she opted to use her personal email account as a matter of convenience. It
enabled her to reach people quickly and keep in regular touch with her family and friends more easily given her
travel schedule.

That is the only reason she used her own account.

Her usage was widely known to the over 100 State Department and U.S. government colleagues she emailed,
consistent with the practice of prior Secretaries of State and permitted at the time.

As Clinton has said, in hindsight, it would have been better to just have two accounts. While she thought using
one account would be easier, obviously, that has not been the case.

Was it allowed?

Yes. The laws, regulations, and State Department policy in place during her tenure permitted her to use a non-
government email for work.

The 2009 National Archives regulation in place during her tenure required that "[a]gencies that allow
employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must
ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency
recordkeeping system." The regulation recognizes the use of non-government email accounts.

As she has stated, Clinton's practice was to email government officials on their ".gov" accounts, so her work
emails were immediately captured and preserved. In fact, more than 90% of those emails should have already
been captured in the State Department’s email system before she provided them with paper copies.

A Politifact analysis also confirmed that Clinton's practices complied with laws and regulations, including
support from the former director of a prominent government accountability organization: "In Clinton's defense,
we should note that it was only after Clinton left the State Department, that the National Archives issued a
recommendation that government employees should avoid conducting official business on personal emails
(though they noted there might be extenuating circumstances such as an emergency that require it).
Additionally, in 2014, President Barack Obama signed changes to the Federal Records Act that explicitly said
federal officials can only use personal email addresses if they also copy or send the emails to their official
account. Because these rules weren't in effect when Clinton was in office, 'she was in compliance with the laws
and regulations at the time,' said Gary Bass, founder and former director of OMB Watch, a government
accountability organization."

Clinton said she did not use her email to send or receive classified information, but the State Department and
two Inspectors General said some of these emails do contain classified information. Was her statement

Clinton only used her account for unclassified email. No information in Clinton's emails was marked classified
at the time she sent or received them.

When information is reviewed for public release, it is common for informationpreviously unclassified to be
upgraded to classified if the State Department or another agency believes its public release could cause potential
harm to national security, law enforcement or diplomatic relations.

After reviewing a sampling of the 55,000 pages of emails, the Inspectors General have proffered that a small
number of emails, which did not contain any classified markings and/or dissemination controls, should have
been classified at the time they were sent. The State Department has said it disagrees with this assessment.

Clinton hopes the State Department and the agencies involved in the review process will sort out as quickly as
possible which of the 55,000 pages of emails are appropriate to share with the public.

How did Clinton receive and consume classified information?

The Secretary's office was located in a secure area. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by Clinton
while in the office. While on travel, the State Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to
receive and transmit information of all types.

A separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the purpose of handling classified
communications, which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than
within that system.

Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was
not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances
about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.
Is it true that her email server and a thumb drive were recently turned over to the government? Why?

Again, when information is reviewed for public release, it is common for information previously unclassified to
be upgraded to classified if the State Department or another agency believes its public release could cause
potential harm to national security, law enforcement or diplomatic relations.

Clinton hopes that State and the other agencies involved in the review process will sort out as quickly as
possible which emails are appropriate to share with the public, and that the release will be as timely and as
transparent as possible.

When the Department upgraded some of the previously unclassified email to classified, her team worked with
the State Department to ensure copies of her emails were stored in a safe and secure manner. She also directed
her team to give her server that hosted her email account while she was Secretary to the Department of Justice,
as well as a thumb drive containing copies of her emails that already had been provided to the State Department.
Clinton has pledged to cooperate with the government's security inquiry.

Would this issue not have arisen if she used a email address?

Even if Clinton's emails had been on a government email address and government device, these questions
would be raised prior to public release.

While the State Department's review of her 55,000 emails brought the issue to the Inspectors Generals'
attentions, the emails that recently were upgraded to classified prior to public release were on the unclassified
.gov email system. They were not on the separate, closed system used by State Department for handling
classified communications.

Have Clinton's State Department aides also been asked to provide the Department and Congress with emails
from their personal accounts?

We understand that members of her State Department staff were recently asked to assist the Department in its
record-keeping by providing any work-related emails they may have on personal accounts. They have received
requests from Rep. Gowdy as well.

Clinton is proud of the work of all the dedicated public servants that were part of her team at the State
Department. She was proud of her aides then and is proud of them now, as they have committed - as she has - to
being as helpful as possible in responding to requests.

Press reports say she used multiple devices – a Blackberry and an iPad – is that true?

Clinton relied on her Blackberry for emailing. This was easiest for her. When the iPad came out in 2010, she
was as curious as others and found it great for shopping, browsing, and reading articles when she traveled. She
also had access to her email account on her iPad and sometimes used it for that too.

Was she ever provided guidance about her use of a non-".gov" email account?

The State Department has and did provide guidance regarding the need to preserve federal records. To address
these requirements, it was her practice to email government employees on their ".gov" email address. That way,
work emails would be immediately captured and preserved in government record-keeping systems.

What did Clinton provide to the State Department?

On December 5, 2014, 30,490 copies of work or potentially work-related emails sent and received by Clinton
from March 18, 2009, to February 1, 2013, were provided to the State Department. This totaled roughly 55,000
pages. More than 90% of her work or potentially work-related emails provided to the Department were already
in the State Department's record-keeping system because those e-mails were sent to or received by ""

Early in her term, Clinton continued using an account that she had used during her Senate
service. Given her practice from the beginning of emailing State Department officials on their
accounts, her work-related emails during these initial weeks would have been captured and preserved in the
State Department's record-keeping system. She, however, no longer had access to these emails once she
transitioned from this account.

Why did the Select Committee announce that she used multiple email addresses during her tenure?

In fairness to the Committee, this was an honest misunderstanding. Clinton used one email account during her
tenure at State (with the exception of her initial weeks in office while transitioning from an email account she
had previously used). In March 2013, a month after she left the Department, Gawker published the email
address she used while Secretary, and so she had to change the address on her account.

At the time the printed copies were provided to the Department in 2014, because it was the same account, the
new email address established after she left office appeared on the printed copies as the sender, and not the
address she used as Secretary. In fact, this address on the account did not exist until March 2013. This led to
understandable confusion that was cleared up directly with the Committee after its press conference.

Why didn't Clinton provide her emails to the State Department until December 2014?

In 2014, after recognizing potential gaps in its overall recordkeeping system, the State Department asked for the
help of the four previous former Secretaries in meeting the State Department's obligations under the Federal
Records Act.

Clinton responded to this request by providing the State Department with over 55,000 pages of emails. As it
was Clinton's practice to email U.S. government officials on their .gov accounts, the overwhelming majority of
these emails should have already been preserved in the State Department’s email system.

In providing these emails to the Department, Clinton included all she had that were even potentially work-
related—including emails about using a fax machine or asking for iced tea during a meeting—erring on the side
of over-inclusion, as confirmed by the Department and National Archives' determination that over 1250 emails
were "personal" records (which they have indicated will be returned to her).

After providing her work and potentially work-related emails, she chose not to keep her personal, non-work
related emails, which by definition, are not federal records and were not requested by the Department or anyone

Why did the State Department ask for assistance in collecting records? Why did the State Department need
assistance in further meeting its requirements under the Federal Records Act?

The State Department formally requested the assistance of the four previous former Secretaries in a letter to
their representatives dated October 28, 2014, to help in further meeting the Department’s requirements under
the Federal Records Act.
The letter stated that in September 2013, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) issued
new guidance clarifying records management responsibilities regarding the use of personal email accounts for
government business.

While this guidance was issued after all four former Secretaries had departed office, the Department decided to
ensure its records were as complete as possible and sought copies of work emails sent or received by the
Secretaries on their own accounts.

Why did Clinton decide not to keep her personal emails?

As Clinton has said before, these were private, personal messages, including emails about her daughter's
wedding plans, her mother's funeral services and condolence notes, as well as emails on family vacations, yoga
routines, and other items one would typically find in their own email account, such as offers from retailers,
spam, etc.

Did Clinton delete any emails while facing a subpoena?

No. As noted, the emails that Clinton chose not to keep were personal emails—they were not federal records or
even work-related—and therefore were not subject to any preservation obligation under the Federal Records
Act or any request. Nor would they have been subject to the subpoena—which did not exist at the time—that
was issued by the Benghazi Select Committee some three months later.

Rep. Gowdy's subpoena issued in March 2015 did not seek, and had nothing to do with, her personal, non-work
emails nor her server nor the request by State Department last year for her help in their own record-keeping.
Indeed in his March 19th letter, Rep. Gowdy expressly stated he was not seeking any emails that were "purely
personal in nature."

In March 2015, when Rep. Gowdy issued a subpoena to Clinton, the State Department had received all of
Clinton's work-related emails in response to their 2014 request, and indeed, had already provided Clinton's
relevant emails to Rep. Gowdy’s committee.

Rep. Gowdy, other Republicans, and some members of the media have seized on a CNN interview with Clinton
to question her on this point. Rep. Gowdy has even gone so far as to say Clinton is lying. But he and the others
are clearly mistaken.

As Vox reported, "[S]he didn't lie about the subpoena. … Clinton clearly wasn't responding to the question of
whether she'd ever been subpoenaed by the Benghazi Committee but whether she'd been subpoenaed before she
wiped the emails from her server." Additionally, said in its analysis, "Clinton's denial came in
response to a question about deleting emails 'while facing a subpoena,' and Clinton objected to Keilar's
'assumption.' Clinton’s campaign said that the emails were deleted before she received the subpoena and that
was the point Clinton was making." Politifact added, "Suggesting that Clinton deleted emails while facing a
subpoena contradicts what we know about the controversy so far."

Vox went on to further decry Rep. Gowdy's reaction, saying, "[T]his one's a particularly absurd gimmick, even
for a committee that is selectively leaking from depositions and documents to justify its existence. If there was a
more extreme category of dissembling than 'pants on fire,' now would be the time for Politifact to roll it out on
the House Republicans."

Why was the State Department given printed copies?

That is the requirement. The instructions regarding electronic mail in the Foreign Affairs Manual (the
Department's policy manual) require that "until technology allowing archival capabilities for long-term
electronic storage and retrieval of email messages is available and installed, those messages warranting
preservation as records (for periods longer than current E-mail systems routinely maintain them) must be
printed out and filed with related records." [5 FAM 443.3].

Were any work items deleted in the course of producing the printed copies?


How many emails were in her account? And how many of those were provided to the State Department?

Her email account contained a total of 62,320 sent and received emails from March 2009 to February 2013.
Based on the review process described below, 30,490 of these emails were provided to the Department, and the
remaining 31,830 were private, personal records.

How and who decided what should be provided to the State Department?

The Federal Records Act puts the obligation on the government official to determine what is and is not a federal
record. The State Department Foreign Affairs Manual outlines guidance "designed to help employees determine
which of their e-mail messages must be preserved as federal records and which may be deleted without further
authorization because they are not Federal record materials." [5 FAM 443.1(c)].

Following conversations with State Department officials and in response to the State Department's 2014 letter to
former Secretaries, Clinton directed her attorneys to assist by identifying and preserving all emails that could
potentially be federal records. This entailed a multi-step process to review each email and provide printed
copies of Clinton's emails to the State Department, erring on the side of including anything that might be even
potentially work-related.

A search was conducted on Clinton's email account for all emails sent and received from 2009 to her last day in
office, February 1, 2013.

After this universe was determined, a search was conducted for a ".gov" (not just in any address field
in an email. This produced over 27,500 emails, representing more than 90% of the 30,490 printed copies that
were provided to the State Department.

To help identify any potential non-".gov" correspondence that should be included, a search of first and last
names of more than 100 State Department and other U.S. government officials was performed. This included all
Deputy Secretaries, Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, Ambassadors-at-Large, Special Representatives
and Envoys, members of the Secretary's Foreign Policy Advisory Board, and other senior officials to the
Secretary, including close aides and staff.

Next, to account for non-obvious or non-recognizable email addresses or misspellings or other idiosyncrasies,
the emails were sorted and reviewed both by sender and recipient.

Lastly, a number of terms were specifically searched for, including: "Benghazi" and "Libya."

These additional three steps yielded just over another 2,900 emails, including emails from former
Administration officials and long-time friends that may not be deemed by the State Department to be federal
records. And hundreds of these emails actually had already been forwarded onto the system and
captured in real-time.
With respect to materials that the Select Committee has requested, the State Department has stated that just
under 300 emails related to Libya were provided by the State Department to the Select Committee in response
to a November 2014 letter, which contained a broader request for materials than prior requests from the House
Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Given Clinton's practice of emailing State Department officials on their addresses, the State
Department already had, and had already provided, the Select Committee with emails from Clinton in August
2014 – prior to requesting and receiving printed copies of her emails.

The review process described above confirmed Clinton's practice of emailing State Department officials on their
.gov address, with the vast majority of the printed copies of work-related emails Clinton provided to the State
Department simply duplicating what was already captured in the State Department's record-keeping system in
real time.

Did Clinton use this account to communicate with foreign officials?

During her time at State, she communicated with foreign officials in person, through correspondence, and by
telephone. The review of all of her emails revealed only one email with a foreign (UK) official.

Did she withhold any work emails? What about the 15 emails that Sid Blumenthal provided to the Select
Committee that she did not provide to the State Department?

She provided the State Department with all work and potentially work-related emails that she had, including all
of her correspondence with Sid Blumenthal. We understand that Mr. Blumenthal had some emails that Clinton
did not have, and Clinton had some emails that Mr. Blumenthal did not have, but it is important to note that
none of those emails provide any new insights on the attack on our facilities in Benghazi.

Do you think a third party should have been allowed to review what was turned over to the State Department,
as well as the remainder that was not?

The Federal Records Act puts the obligation on the government official, not the agency or a third party, to
determine what is and is not a federal record. The State Department Foreign Affairs Manual outlines guidance
"designed to help employees determine which of their e-mail messages must be preserved as federal records and
which may be deleted without further authorization because they are not Federal record materials." [5 FAM

Clinton responded to the State Department's request by providing approximately55,000 pages of her work and
potentially work-related emails. She has also taken the unprecedented step of asking that those emails be made
public. In doing so, she has sought to support the State Department's efforts, fulfill her responsibility of record-
keeping, and provide the chance for the public to assess the work she and officials at the State Department did
during her tenure.

After her work-related emails were identified and preserved, Clinton chose not to keep her private, personal
emails that were not federal records, including emails about her daughter's wedding plans, her mother's funeral
service, family vacations, etc.

Government officials are granted the privacy of their personal, non-work related emails, including personal
emails on .gov accounts. Clinton exercised her privilege to ensure the continued privacy of her personal, non-
work related emails.

Can't she release the emails she provided to the State Department herself?
Because the printed copies of work-related emails she provided to the State Department include federal records
of the Department, the Department needs to review these emails before they can be made public. She called for
them to be made available as soon as possible, and is glad to see the Department has begun releasing them.

Some of the emails released show Clinton emailed aides at times on their personal, rather than .gov
accounts. Was she trying to hide these communications?

As Clinton has said before, it was her practice to email U.S. government officials on their .gov accounts if it
was work-related. This is evidenced in the emails released so far. In reviewing her emails in 2014, there was a
fraction of emails with work-related information sent to U.S. government officials’ personal accounts, and those
were provided to the State Department. The overwhelming majority of her work-related emails were to .gov

Where was the server for her email located?

The server for her email was physically located on her property, which is protected by U.S. Secret Service.

What level of encryption was employed? Who was the service provider?

The security and integrity of her family's electronic communications was taken seriously from the onset when it
was first set up for President Clinton's team. While the curiosity about the specifics of this set up is
understandable, given what people with ill intentions can do with such information in this day and age, there are
concerns about broadcasting specific technical details about past and current practices. Suffice it to say, robust
protections were put in place and additional upgrades and techniques employed over time as they became
available, including consulting and employing third party experts.

Was the server ever hacked?

No, there is no evidence there was ever a breach.

Was there ever an unauthorized intrusion into her email or did anyone else have access to it?


What was done after her email was exposed in February 2013 after the hacker known as "Guccifer" hacked
Sid Blumenthal’s account?

While this was not a breach of Clinton's account, because her email address was exposed, steps were taken at
that time to ensure the security and integrity of her electronic communications, including changing her email

Was the State Department able to respond to requests related to FOIA or Congressional requests before they
received printed copies of her work-related emails?

Yes. As the Select Committee has said, the State Department provided the Committee with relevant emails it
already had on the system before the State Department requested any printed copies from former
Secretaries, and four months before the State Department received the printed copies.

For example, in the well-publicized hack of Sid Blumenthal's email account, a note he sent Clinton on
September 12, 2012, was posted online. At first blush, one might not think this exchange would be captured on
the system. But in fact, Clinton forwarded the email, that very same day, onto the system.
And the email was produced by the State Department to the Select Committee, and acknowledged by the Select
Committee, in August 2014.

This example illustrates: 1) when an email from a non-".gov" sender had some connection to work or might add
to the understanding of State Department officials, it was Clinton’s practice to forward it to officials at their
"" address; and 2) the State Department was able to search and produce Clinton’s emails when needed
long before, and unrelated to, receiving the printed copies as they were already captured on accounts.


For 3 months Hillary Clinton’s

email access was unencrypted,
vulnerable to spies
 by Robert Hackett @rhhackett
MARCH 11, 2015, 9:12 AM EDT
Security firm Venafi has found that Clinton’s email server may have
been open to foreign intelligence snoops when traveling abroad.

On Tuesday, former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made her
first extensive comments addressing her use of a personal email address and
private email server while in office, saying that she did not use them to
communicate anything confidential but that she wishes she had used a
government-issued email address instead. She also sought the “convenience” of a
single device.
Venafi, a Salt Lake City computer security firm, has conducted an analysis of and determined that “for the first three months of Secretary
Clinton’s term, access to the server was not encrypted or authenticated with a
digital certificate.” In other words: For three months, Clinton’s server lay
vulnerable to snooping, hacking, and spoofing.

“Without a certificate you have no assurances that a website you’re attached to or

an email server you go to is the one you’re actually going to,” said Kevin Bocek,
vice president of security strategy and threat intelligence at Venafi. “There could
easily be a ‘man in the middle’ who could easily intercept communications
because they’re not being encrypted.”

Without a proper digital certificate to stop them, bad actors can easily wedge
themselves between users and the machines they’re attempting to access on a
network and, in so doing, collect private information, and possibly even steal
credentials such as usernames and passwords. Digital certificates—known more
technically as X.509 certificates—are the foundation upon which browsers and
servers set up secure and private encrypted channels to communicate. From Jan.
13 to March 29, 2009, lacked one, Venafi’s analysis reveals.

Clinton’s office did not respond to request for comment by press time.
“Longterm access is probably ultimately the worst consequence here,” Bocek said,
raising the possibility that hackers could have obtained Clinton’s compromised
credentials and used them to continue accessing her email archive even after a
digital certificate was added in late March. The most likely threat though, Bocek
added, is spying. “If the Department of State had been eavesdropped on while on
diplomatic mission that could have jeopardized a whole variety of activities.”

In fact, during that three month window during which Clinton’s email server
apparently lacked encryption, she had traveled abroad. According to a public log
provided by the State Department’s office of the historian, Clinton had visited
countries and places such as Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, China, Egypt, Israel,
the Palestinian Authority, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey and Mexico.
“In locations where the countries are known to operate and monitor network
communications, like China and other countries, that certainly would be a real
threat,” Bocek said, mentioning that some parts of the world are “known to have
active eavesdropping campaigns.”

“Given the intentions of some countries, there is a real risk of communications

being eavesdropped on and credentials being compromised,” he said.

John Kindervag, an analyst at Forrester Research who saw preliminary results

from Venafi’s anaylsis, toldFortune that he considered the lack of a certificate
protecting “a pretty significant gap where systems may have
been used but been totally unprotected from a security perspective, and therefore
that email could have easily been intercepted and read by even the most
amateurish attackers.”
“It’s highly unlikely that a person of that importance isn’t being targeted by
people who want to gain access to the computational devices in her possession,”
Kindervag said. “By the looks of things at first blush,” he added, “it looks like it
was a significant disregard for basic security principles and hygiene.”
“You can see from this issue why its important to have digital certificates in use,”
said Jeff Hudson, CEO at Venafi. “Man in the middle attacks, spoofing,
eavesdropping—it proves the point once again that these things are foundational
and when not dealt with correctly all kinds of bad things can happen.”

To conduct the analysis, Venafi researchers used a tool they’re now launching
called TrustNet, which scans the internet and historical sources for information
about digital certificates and helps assess their risks and reputations. The
company has been compiling its own data base for the past year. You can read
more information about Venafi’s analysis on the company’s blog.

This mail regarding Jade Helm is serious.

Greetings from Holland!

Recently I came across something on touching upon the subject of the Jade
Helm operation recently/currently going in the US. After doing some research on this, this
seems to be a test run of an artificial intelligence controlled military operation.
Conincidingly, the friend/foe map for this mission seem to correlate to a Veterans densities
map pulled from "Pete Thiel's Palantir, a spy machine that is used to predict outcomes
based on variable input.".
cia-surround-veterans-using-jade-helm/ This site is what that comes from.

If altogether bits of this appears to be a tangible truth, dearest Jade is going to need
input to make its decisions. What could contribute to that input? The former NSA's
PRISM program and related monitoring? Or perhaps even more elaborate:
Microsoft's Windows 10 data mining client? There is more interesting stuff surrounding
Windows 10:
talking-to-microsoft And this is another interesting bit:
israeli-security-company One thing that could possibly be done is to throw sand in the
eyes of Jade to disrupt it. But that's beyond my turf, no more than throwing around ideas.
You seem to be handy in IT.
Ha ha ha, Israeli security and "Unhackable" are bipolar statements, just ask Magna BSP.
After this, Microsoft is a dead company, if anyone is foolish enough to allow an Israeli
security firm do anything for them they deserve the doom that progresses in a perfectly
sequential fashion afterwards.

Never let a Jew store your records. They will be copied and used to rape you. Never let a
Jew provide "security". Never let a Jew destroy your documents either, they will go in a
storage bin while fake sawdust is dropped past a window to "prove" they destroyed them,
and NEVER EVER in a MILLION YEARS let a Jew claim they have made anything at all
"unhackable" because all this means is that you yourself will never find their back door,
that leads straight to a comfy pad that allows them to eat, poop and take a nap inside your

Yes, Windows 10 feeding a Jade Helm type system, PERFECT and obviously BANG ON.
Trollage has ensued over my post about Hillary's E-mails below.
This proves I hit a bullseye.

The trolling method? To say I am saying Hillary is a better hacker than Snowden. This
trollage will bite the dust for anyone who reads more than the first few lines, Hillary hacked
nothing, she and her organizations simply had disloyal people inside the NSA hand her
everything on a silver platter, and you don't need to know how to hack to accomplish that,
you just need a huge budget (which she had) and huge exposure (which she had) and a
huge following, (which she has). How many Jews are in the NSA anyway? Every last one
of them would have helped Hillary out because they have the same goal - to destroy

UPDATE: As I go through the messages, the trollage against me saying the explosion in China was
to divert the news away from Hillary has such a shrill desperate tone that I am taking it as
confirmation that I NAILED THIS, READ IT AND WEEP:
"Many people are going to make the mistake of thinking that Hillary simply got access to a
"spy satellite" but this is not the case, the satellite in question does no spying, it is simply a
top secret NSA data hub and what was sent through it straight to Hillary was far far worse
than any "spy satellite" could accomplish."

Tianjin blast quickly expunged from news and most forums, AND I KNOW WHY:


Official story a proven (call it "error" for now).
over the
images, it
is now
that the
of the
near ANY
ALL, and
in fact
owned by
more than
to be
for this, but it is obvious at this point that they were not responsible for the blast. It is
obvious that a kinetic (or nuclear) weapon did this, because the big crater happened in the
middle of nowhere at all, and targeting is probably very difficult to get perfect with a kinetic
weapon. One thing is certain, this surely was NOT a warehouse blast, the closest
warehouse was approximately 100 yards away.

The explosion was actually closest to their security gate and whatever other shipping
companies surrounded Ruihai. The explosion was so massive that many many buildings
have completely vanished, including all warehouses and storage areas owned by Ruihai
and surrounding shipping companies, with only a concrete office building remaining (1 of
2). All others are completely gone without a trace. Selective deletion of buildings (based
on what they are made of) is a hallmark indicator of a nuclear weapons type blast, and if
this was a kinetic weapon, results are similar. To say this is a 27 ton blast is laughable.
One thing is made obvious by the very up to date "before" image: there was nothing at the epicenter
that could have exploded, something other than chemicals did this. And the scale of the devastation
proves it was definitely a multiple kiloton range blast, achievable ONLY BY A SUPER POWER
Now the only thing up to speculation is exactly why a superpower attacked China. Was it
the currency devaluation? Hillary's espionage story in need of burial? You guess, at this
point it is irrelevant, an attack is proven.

August 15 2015


lake in China proves a 5kiloton blast, possibly nuclear
or possibly from a space based "rod from
God" (pictured to the left) weapon DEPLOYED BY THE
At first I doubted the "rod from God" because I have
no explanation for how one could drop out of orbit
and actually fall, but evidently this system is real and
they solved that problem. That would make the rod
from God the prime candidate here, because the
Chinese could easily trace down a nuclear blast.
UPDATE: ANOTHER BLOCKBUSTER: Blasts were NOT RELATED, blast 1, the small blast,
happened on the West side of the container lot, and was the crater everyone first saw with containers
laying in it, thinking that was from the big blast. It was not. Blast 2, the lake making nuke type blast,
happened on the East (central) side of the container lot. The fire happened to the South East of both
blasts, and was ONLY A FIRE, there is no conceivable way it could produce blasts on both sides of a
container lot, separated by over 200 yards. The materials in question simply could not do it. The
warehouse that was supposedly holding whatever exploded was erased by the large (rod from God or
nuclear) blast, as was everything else around that blast.
The crater pictures people posted previously were from the small blast, not the big one, a new

picture which clearly shows where the big blast went off just got released by China. After looking
through the images of the soviet nuclear tests, the new lake in China appears to have been made by
a slightly sub surface burst of at least a 5 kiloton nuclear bomb. There is no way the earthquake from
this was in the 2's. Take a look at the pond made by a test of a small nuclear weapon ground burst in
Russia and compare it to that new lake in China, which is many times as big as the pond made by a
nuclear test in Russia!
Now we have limited options for this blast, since nothing stored there could have possibly
done this.
This was NOT
an accident
and the
around the
crater proves
a sub ground
burst. If it was
a sub ground
burst, then a
small nuclear
weapon is a
because once
a nuke has to
push dirt, the
blinding flash will not happen. A slightly subsurface detonation would explain why camera
sensors did not get strange artifacts. And if it was not a nuke, it was something else
incredibly huge, the fracture patterns around the crater (now a lake) also support a meteor
type impact, (rod from God) but not a fuel air bomb because fuel air bombs will not leave
A little bit more of a detailed explanation: If the blast happened at ground level, almost all of the

energy would go upwards and the blast would not have made a large deep crater, especially one
large enough and deep enough to make that lake. If you look to the right hand side of the lake, you
can see fracture patterns in the earth, which were caused by the earth being compressed sideways
and not downwards. This would only be done with a sub surface blast. After the blast, the earth
bounced back towards the center of the lake, which opened up the cracks.
Look closely at the ground around the lake. Those who claimed it was not a nuke cited the
fact that if it was, everything around the crater would be vaporized and wiped clean. Now
that we have the real crater pic from the big blast, YEP, it matches that perfectly. Take a
look at the containers laying in the lower left corner of this picture - they have no paint or
color, which means they had the surfaces incinerated by intense heat only a nuke or other
super weapon would reach. If this was a carbide blast, they would be black or have their
original colors to some degree, complete color change to only gray proves this explosion

That type and size of blast crater will only happen if a massive bomb goes off a few feet
underground, such as a tactical nuke in a drain pipe which leaves scant few alternative
options (see Rod from God), No chemical blast did that, PERIOD. The building that is still
standing in the upper right hand side of the frame is a typical example of what is left after
a nuclear test, concrete buildings seldom get leveled, but they do get gutted by nuclear
blasts. Just look through pictures of the soviet nuclear tests and you will see this. Bottom
line? The aftermath is completely consistent with a nuclear blast.

I think a glue fire was started as an excuse for this huge blast, which came considerably
later. And who knows what made the first big blast, or smaller blasts that led up to it, but I
am confident it was a show and not an accident. They wanted this filmed from all angles
and set up the show to make sure people would be recording when the big one went off. If
there were lots of little blasts before that, why was there not a single small blast after the
big one? That is when I would think the small blasts should have started if this entire
scenario was not contrived from the start.
What would be the motive for this attack? I don't buy the currency devaluation, but something else
very tasty was going on that a distraction was needed for, SUCH AS:
You cannot "professionally wipe" a server and then hand it to ANY American intelligence
agency, Hillary is BUSTED
The only way you can secure a hard drive that is actually in the hands of the NSA is to
either incinerate it or shred it down to dust. It won't matter if you use Norton Clean Sweep
or some other app to purge it, even if a full write was done to the entire drive several
times, enough stray magnetic data remains from past writes for the NSA to do a deep
analysis of and extract - with errors, but they will at least know what is there, and THIS IS
The mail box is just a diversion from this core fact!
The tribe controlled MSM is trying to pawn off the worst proven case of espionage in America's
history as a "mishandled mail box!" The fact the NSA never found that mail box before Hillary gutted
the nation also proves that spooks inside that organization covered it all up!

Before- Tianjin industrial

AFTER- Damage from Tianjin
Before-- Tianjin industrial
AFTER-- Damage from Tianjin
THAT STRIKE LIKE METEORS By Eric Adams Posted June 1, 2004
This technology is very far out--in miles and years. A pair of satellites orbiting several
hundred miles above the Earth would serve as a weapons system. One functions as the
targeting and communications platform while the other carries numerous tungsten rods--
up to 20 feet in length and a foot in diameter--that it can drop on targets with less than
15 minutes' notice. When instructed from the ground, the targeting satellite commands its
partner to drop one of its darts. The guided rods enter the atmosphere, protected by a
thermal coating, traveling at 36,000 feet per second--comparable to the speed of a
meteor. The result: complete devastation of the target, even if it's buried deep
underground. (The two-platform configuration permits the weapon to be "reloaded" by
just launching a new set of rods, rather than replacing the entire system.)
The concept of kinetic-energy weapons has been around ever since the RAND Corporation
proposed placing rods on the tips of ICBMs in the 1950s; the satellite twist was
popularized by sci-fi writer Jerry Pournelle. Though the Pentagon won't say how far along
the research is, or even confirm that any efforts are underway, the concept persists. The
"U.S. Air Force Transformation Flight Plan," published by the Air Force in November 2003,
references "hypervelocity rod bundles" in its outline of future space-based weapons, and
in 2002, another report from RAND, "Space Weapons, Earth Wars," dedicated entire
sections to the technology's usefulness.
If so-called "Rods from God"--an informal nickname of untraceable origin--ever do
materialize, it won't be for at least 15 years. Launching heavy tungsten rods into space
will require substantially cheaper rocket technology than we have today. But there are
numerous other obstacles to making such a system work. Pike, of,
argues that the rods' speed would be so high that they would vaporize on impact, before
the rods could penetrate the surface. Furthermore, the "absentee ratio"--the fact that
orbiting satellites circle the Earth every 100 minutes and so at any given time might be far
from the desired target--would be prohibitive. A better solution, Pike argues, is to pursue
the original concept: Place the rods atop intercontinental ballistic missiles, which would
slow down enough during the downward part of their trajectory to avoid vaporizing on
impact. ICBMs would also be less expensive and, since they're stationed on Earth, would
take less time to reach their targets. "The space-basing people seem to understand the
downside of space weapons," Pike says--among them, high costs and the difficulty of
maintaining weapon platforms in orbit. "But I'll still bet you there's a lot of classified work
on this going on right now."
The Rods are just one of the world's spookiest weapons. Launch the entire gallery of terrifying
weapons here.

Steve Evans
Just as "overactive bladder" replaced "incontinence" and "habit-forming" took the place
of "addictive" in drug ads and pharmacies across the country, so too has the Pentagon
obfuscated "chemical weapons" with the positively delightful-sounding moniker of
"calmatives." Only these aren't anything you want to take into your bubble bath. The
most recent developments in calmative weapons come from Fentanyl derivatives. They
are massively powerful opiates—Carfentanil is a commercially available analogue used
to tranquilize elephants—which are also highly dangerous. It is widely believed to have
been the variant used by the Russian police against the Chechen rebels who held 850
people hostage in a Moscow theatre in 2002. Over a hundred of the hostages died
from respiratory depression as a result of the exposure. Although these weapons are
classified as "non-lethal" by the American military, it is clear they can very easily have
dire consequences.

The Atomic Bomb
The first weapon on the list is arguably both the spookiest and the most terrifying from
beginning to end. Whether you side with those who say its use in WWII prevented an
invasion of Japan and casualties on a much larger scale, or those who denounce its
use as a war crime, it is arguably the only weapon whose effects have so vividly
solidified in the popular consciousness after such little use (twice). The bomb's
devastating reach extended well beyond the immediate blast radii; nearly half of the
total number who died in 1945 as a direct resulting of the bombings in Hiroshima and
Nagaski died from burns, radiation poisoning, and cancers.
1 of 20

Project X-Ray
In the early years of American involvement in WWII, a plan was conceived by a
Pennsylvanian dental surgeon to strap tiny incendiary devices to bats and drop them
by the thousands over Japanese cities. The bats—able to carry nearly three times their
own body weight—would fly under the cover of night and take roost in traditional,
highly-flammable wood and paper Japanese houses. As dawn approached, timers on
the devices would ignite the "bat bombs" and entire cities would burn to the ground
without the loss of life accompanied by, say, an atomic attack. The project was slowed
by many complications and was ultimately shut down in 1944 because the bats would
not be ready for combat until 1945.
1 of 20

William Rafti
Begun in the 1950s by the CIA as a response to Korean techniques used on American
POWs during the Korean War, MK-ULTRA became the code name for an extensive and
covert program investigating the possibilities of mind-control through psychotropic and
other mood-altering drugs. It was most notorious for dosing unwitting subjects with
LSD [left] and following their behavior while under its influence. Another experiment
involved injecting barbiturates followed by amphetamines, causing the subject to doze
off and then be shocked awake into a trance-like state during which questioning would
result in animated responses. In 1973, Richard Helms, CIA Director at the time,
ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed, which effectively curtailed any meaningful
investigation the Congress attempted to pursue two years later, in 1975.
1 of 20

The Stargate Project
We move from spooky to kooky with an operation begun under the Army's military
intelligence in the 1970s called the Stargate Project. While its aims may have had a
scientific underpinning—it was an attempt to bring quantifiable measurements to
clairvoyance—it was largely a last ditch effort to generate intelligence about a situation
when there was no other avenue to pursue. The project used a small group of "remote
viewers" who were people claiming to possess a variety of extra sensory abilities, from
reading tarot cards to predicting the future, to divining the nature of covered or hidden
objects in aerial photographs. While the results of any given viewing were kept highly
secret so as not to damage the confidence of the clairvoyants, we can likely conclude
the outcomes were not terribly accurate, as in 1995 the project was transferred to and
subsequently shut down by the CIA.
1 of 20

The CornerShot
William Prescott readied his men at the Battle of Bunker Hill with the now famous
words, "do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" Fortunately, his men were
fighting in the American Revolution and not on the modern battlefield against the
CornerShot, a weapon designed specifically so that the enemy will never see your
eyes. A miniature camera and LCD screen sub in for the gunner's "eyes" as the front
half of the rifle bends around corners in order to shoot targets without the operator
having to come into the open. It works by mounting a semi-automatic pistol to the
hinged front half with remote linkage to the trigger at the rear and can swivel through
a 120-degree range.
1 of 20

Cetacean Intelligence Mission
U.S. Navy/Brien Aho
The Navy has been training bottlenose dolphins since at least the late 1980s to patrol
and protect warships, hunt for mines, and even to carry darts and target divers for
attack. Once word of the program got out, animal rights activists raised public
awareness causing the Navy to turn the details highly classified; today, little is known
about the extent of the operations. We do know that the animals were fitted with
electronic harnesses, which ostensibly relayed signal commands, and that they were
trained to recognize divers in wetsuits like prowlers in the night. How the mechanism
of firing the darts was accomplished is anyone's guess.
1 of 20

The Gay Bomb
We return to the subject of spooky bombs with a device that never got any further
than a three-page report [excerpt at left]. In the document, issued by a U.S. Air Force
research laboratory in Ohio in 1994, the proposal was to develop a variety of bombs of
uncommon ordinance (at a cost of $7.5 million), including: a flatulence bomb, which
would stink so badly as to drive the enemy out of its hiding places; a bomb which
would make the enemy sweat profusely; and a "halitosis bomb," which would plague
soldiers with bad breath. But the coup de grâce was the bomb now colloquially
referred to as the "gay bomb." Using a hypothetical aphrodisiac of remarkable
potency, the bomb would spray the enemy with a substance that would quite literally
turn them gay, causing the soldiers to become "irresistibly attracted to one another"
and, we can only assume, forget that they were in the process of being bombed.
1 of 20

The Trophy Active Defense System
Tanks are frightening machines on their own without any need for upping the scare
ante. So what could make these already heavily armored vehicles any more
unstoppable? An invisible force field. Fine, so the Trophy Active Defense System
isn't literally a force field, but it's as close as any countermeasure has yet come. Using
a highly sophisticated network of radar units placed around the tank, the ADS can
detect rocket propelled grenades and other low-tech munitions in time to target them
and return pinpointed fire, destroying the munitions in mid-air. The ADS is capable of
tracking multiple targets in nearly any direction, rendering tanks with the equipment
nearly bulletproof.
1 of 20

Metal Storm
Metal Storm
Metal Storm is an Australian-based company that has been developing a line of
weapons which use stacked projectiles. Stacked projectile weapons are different from
traditional guns in that they have no moving parts. Instead of loading a bullet into a
chamber and having a mechanism such as a hammer initiate its firing, the Metal Storm
weapons use electronics to manage the firing sequence. Bullets are tightly lined up
within the gun and each is packed between an explosive propellant; the result of which
is a weapon that can fire at a much higher rate than a traditional automatic. One bullet
enters the barrel before the last has left, which creates a torrent of ammunition with
firepower not unlike a high-powered, comic book-style laser.
1 of 20

Cyborg Moths
As if most people weren't already creeped out enough by insects, the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) has been working to develop cyborg spy
moths. Darpa, the research arm of the Department of Defense, has already
successfully implanted chips in cockroaches and rats, allowing humans to "drive" the
animals with joysticks. In the case of the moths, the chip will be implanted at the
pupal stage so that the animal grows around it and develops a "reliable tissue-machine
interface." The spy moth will then be released at the front lines and remotely piloted
into enemy territory, potentially beaming back video and audio feeds along the way.
1 of 20

The Navy's Railgun
U.S. Navy
The Navy is exploring the possibilities of trading the explosive energy of conventional
warheads for kinetic energy using simple projectiles. On its face, it sounds like a step
backward. But when you see the prototype railgun in action, firing a seven pound shell
at seven times the speed of sound, you start to understand the power generated by
tremendous acceleration: That non-explosive hunk of metal carries as much
destructive force as a Tomahawk missile. The railgun works by storing a massive
amount of electricity—the Navy is aiming for a 64 megajoule model—that is then sent
through parallel rails. The current generates a strong magnetic field which then
accelerates the projectile to mind-bending speeds. With the finished product, a 5-
meter target can be hit from 200 nautical miles away.
1 of 20

The Puke Flashlight
Dept. of Homeland Security
No, it's not a rave toy gone horribly wrong, it's another spooky tool making its way into
the hands of law enforcement and the military. Designed as one of a growing body of
non-lethal incapacitating devices, the flashlight uses ultra bright, rapidly pulsating LEDs
to first temporarily blind and then induce nausea and sometimes vomiting. The pulses
quickly change color and duration, which can cause psychophysical effects in many
people (although to what extent varies significantly). The same effect is sometimes
inadvertently seen by helicopter pilots when sunlight rapidly flashes through their
rotors, disorienting them in mid-flight. The flashlight has obvious downsides—the
victim must be in front of the light and must not think quickly enough to look away—
but is a promising tool for non-violent enforcement.
1 of 20

Mobility Denial System
We now move from the spooky into the somewhat goofy with the Marine's Mobility
Denial System; a fancy name for what is essentially cartoon slime. It's actually less
Inspector Gadget and more a potentially effective and valuable idea. It works like this:
two polymers are mixed together—a liquid and a powder—to make a slurry, which is
then pumped into a nozzle where it meets a stream of water. On contact with the
water, the slurry turns into a viscous, sticky, and slippery gel, which can be sprayed on
nearly any surface. It remains gooey for many hours, and when it dries can be swept
away or reactivated with more water. It's target uses are in crowd control and
protecting building entrances or checkpoints. The only real danger comes from slips
and falls; people reportedly have less control on the slime than they do on ice.
1 of 20

A Military-Grade Stink Bomb
The Air Force lab responsible for the gay bomb and the fart bomb have nothing on
what the DOD has in the works today. Researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses
Center in Philadelphia are working with the Department of Defense to develop the
baddest smell you ever smelled. We're talking a mixture of vomit, excrement, B.O.,
burnt hair, and rotting flesh and garbage. Just thinking about it is making me queasy.
The important thing to note is the need for a combination of many sources of stench—
just vomit or just burnt hair won't do it because our brains can too readily adjust to
accommodating one stink. But throw a half dozen at us and we're at the mercy of our
gag reflex. Ultimately, the potent cocktail could be used in a "bomb" of sorts for crowd
dispersal. It's also being considered for helping soldiers become accustomed to
unpleasant environments.
1 of 20

The Scream
Frédéric DUPONT
The Israeli Army has developed a device they're calling "The Scream," which issues
short bursts of highly tuned sound designed to get in someone's head and stay there
most uncomfortably until they leave the device's range. The noise isn't particularly loud
and the effect is nothing like standing too close to the speakers at a rock show.
Instead, it's tuned to a specific frequency that targets the inner ear and disrupts a
person's equilibrium. The result is nausea and dizziness even after the sound is no
longer broadcast. It is an unbearable sensation, and covering your ears is no defense.
1 of 20

Active Denial System
The U.S. Air Force has borrowed a page out of the Marine's naming conventions book
(see: Mobility Denial System) with a device more commonly known as the "heat ray."
The heat ray looks like a nondescript satellite dish, mounted on the back of a military-
grade news truck. But instead of gathering and focusing radio waves coming in, the
weapon focuses millimeter waves (similar to microwaves, but shorter) and sends them
out. The effect of those waves against human skin produces a sensation of intense
burning which people are reportedly only able to stand for a few seconds. The military
claims the waves penetrate the skin by only one sixty-fourth of an inch and cause no
lasting damage, but the system is still in the early stages and is as yet unproven in the
1 of 20

The Rods from God
John Macneill
This one would be the hands down winner for spookiest name if the award weren't
just a consolation prize—the Rods from God will do just fine competing for the
spookiest weapon, regardless of name, thank you very much. They are a kinetic
energy device like the railgun, but instead of using electricity to achieve destructive
velocities, they use gravity. The still-hypothetical system would be comprised of two
satellites in orbit around the Earth. One would house the communications and
targeting hardware, while the other would house the rods themselves, each up to a
foot in diameter and twenty feet long. To fire, they would simply be released and
allowed to fall back to Earth (with a bit of remote guidance). By the time they reached
the surface, they'd be traveling at a speed of 36,000 feet per second and carry the
destructive force of a nuclear warhead, only with none of the radioactive fallout.
1 of 20

Modular Disc-Wing Urban Cruise Munition
Again, we're fans of the colloquial name: robotic frisbees of death. Currently in
development under the auspices of the Air Force, the frisbees of death are robotic
drones in the shape of flying discs and are designed for short flights into difficult to
reach areas, like the upper stories of tall buildings or behind unnavigable obstacles.
Sent airborne from a modified skeet launcher, the drones can either fly automatically
or be piloted remotely from the ground. They'll be packed with armor-piercing
explosives and can be set to detonate all at once or to disperse their payload over a
1 of 20

Airborne Laser
U.S. Air Force
While the Pentagon continues to fund a woefully unsuccessful Star Wars project
dedicated to shooting down missiles from space, the Air Force is on its way to having a
modified 747 ready as early as 2009 to shoot down missiles from the sky with—you
guessed it—a massive laser. Known as the Airborne Laser, the craft will house a multi-
megawatt chemical oxygen iodine laser capable of hitting a target many hundreds of
miles away. At its core, it's the same basic technology as found in a drugstore laser
pointer, only a billion times more powerful. While the craft is scheduled for its first live
target test in 2009, the laser and the airplane have yet to be tested together.
1 of 20

Steve Evans
Just as "overactive bladder" replaced "incontinence" and "habit-forming" took the place
of "addictive" in drug ads and pharmacies across the country, so too has the Pentagon
obfuscated "chemical weapons" with the positively delightful-sounding moniker of
"calmatives." Only these aren't anything you want to take into your bubble bath. The
most recent developments in calmative weapons come from Fentanyl derivatives. They
are massively powerful opiates—Carfentanil is a commercially available analogue used
to tranquilize elephants—which are also highly dangerous. It is widely believed to have
been the variant used by the Russian police against the Chechen rebels who held 850
people hostage in a Moscow theatre in 2002. Over a hundred of the hostages died
from respiratory depression as a result of the exposure. Although these weapons are
classified as "non-lethal" by the American military, it is clear they can very easily have
dire consequences.
1 of 20

The Atomic Bomb
The first weapon on the list is arguably both the spookiest and the most terrifying from
beginning to end. Whether you side with those who say its use in WWII prevented an
invasion of Japan and casualties on a much larger scale, or those who denounce its
use as a war crime, it is arguably the only weapon whose effects have so vividly
solidified in the popular consciousness after such little use (twice). The bomb's
devastating reach extended well beyond the immediate blast radii; nearly half of the
total number who died in 1945 as a direct resulting of the bombings in Hiroshima and
Nagaski died from burns, radiation poisoning, and cancers.

Bilderberg Leader P. Thiel and The CIA Surround Veterans

Using Jade Helm
Posted by: Jerry
[smlsubform prepend=”Sign up if you want to be in the information loop.” thankyou=”Your signup is correct and

I listened to a very interesting radio show last night called The Pete Santilli Show. Mr. Santilli was
discussing a Bilderberger named Pete Thiel and Mr. Thiels artificial intelligence software called “Palantir”, which is
software that uses natural search language to identify potential criminal activy. It does other things too, but our
conversation is focused on the “predicting criminal activity” part, and the relationship Pete Thiel has with Washington,
D.C., the Bilderbergers and Jade Helm.
To save some time, “JADE” is a software application the military is now using that allocates manpower and equipment on-
the-fly based on prior experience and events. It is an artificial intelligence application that learns which tactics and
personnel were most successful in different scenarios. That is the “JADE” part of Jade Helm. JADE is taking the helm
(lead) in this exercise, and the plan is to encompass the most dense pockets of veterans. It is either apractice run at
fighting a civil war against constitutionalists, or it is indeed a civil war. The target: Dense populations of veterans giving
the most bang-for-the-buck to the globalists.
First, a short wiki link to Mr. Thiels wiki page: (the link to the entire page: )
Bilderberg Group
Thiel is listed as a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group, a
private, annual gathering of intellectual figures, political leaders and business
Support for political activism
Thiel is a self-described conservative libertarian.[63]
Thiel has supported gay-rights causes such as the American Foundation for Equal Rights
and GOProud.[64] In 2010, Thiel held Homocon 2010 for GOProud, an LGBT
conservative/libertarian organization, in his New York City apartment. Thiel himself is
The reason I note his homosexualism is because no follower of Jesus Christ can also be a homosexual and promote
homosexualism. Its important because if one does not follow The Lord, one does in fact belong to Satan. When one
belongs to Satan, bad outcomes are easy.

Bilderbergers Steering Committee

Let’s note that Thiel is on the Steering Committee of the Bilderbergers, and that he is a homosexual. Assuming you
already know that the Bilderbergers want to depopulate the earth, which includes your own death, do you think that the
homosexual Thiel considers Gods command that we are our brothers keeper as important? To be homosexual is to
establish enmity toward God. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah due to homosexual sin, and tells us that
homosexualism is an abomination to Him. So no one who practices homosexualism is a child of the Most High. If one is
not a child of The Lord, then one is by default the child of Satan. There is no “middle zone” for the undecided.
We have the child of Satan Peter Thiel steering the direction of the most powerful group of other children of Satan,
the Bilderbergers. He leads them, guides the conversations and sets the agendas. Don’t you think it is reasonable to
believe the Bilderbergers are neck deep in Jade Helm?
The Bilderbergers are well known to many, and any search (a private, secure search engine that uses
anonymous google search results for you) for them will get you a ton of great information. The short story is
this: Bilderbergers want to decrease the human population of the earthy by several billion. Yeah, that’s you and me
and all our friends – dead.
Its all about world government, hidden behind the word “globalization”. Whenever you hear that word, know this: It is
about world government where one despotic devil rules over a handful of other despotic devils, who own and operate
major corporations, sit on the boards of others, “govern” nations, and all steal from each other while you and I starve to
death or are executed because we are Christians and refuse the Mark of the Beast. Government becomes a mere tool
to use military force to enslave populations of entire nations.

Jade Helm 15
Billionaire Pete Thiel the homosexual Bilderberger Steering Committee member is using his frighteningly
powerful Palantir software to identify the areas where the most US military veterans are concentrated. According to
his own wiki, he does business with multiple Federal agencies, including the NSA and CIA.

The CIA Funded Palantir

From Thiel’s own wiki page, an image I took as proof that at least today, the information was published. Click the image
to get a bigger look at it. The sentence in the center is all you need to read.

So, either the CIA asked Thiel to run Palantir, or Thiel asked the CIA to fund it. Either way, Palantir is a spy machine that
is used to predict outcomes based on variable input.
Note that Palantir is used “to predict outcomes“. It is named after the Hobbits Palantir stones , also used by
Sauron in the Lord of the Rings to see into the “secret places”.
Therefore the CIA’s Palantir software is considered by the CIA to be the “Eye of Sauron” to be used against
American civilians in the Bilderberg population reduction movement..
Remember the scripture from the Holy Bible that says “From the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks.”? When the CIA
calls their most advanced profiling software “the eye of Sauron”, its more proof that they are Satanic, they they consider
themselves to be, in fact, Sauron, the dark lord of Mordor. Remember Saurons’ plan? Do you remember what Saurons’
goal, his mission was?

Important! The CIA obviously believes JADE HELM has

theDESIRED OUTCOME based on estimations by their Palantir
The CIA wants to know where the most resistance to a world government ruling over the United States will come from and
the answer, per Janet Napolitano, former director of the DHS, is “war veterans“.
Download the unclassified DHS report here.
Watch the news videos below.

Department Of Homeland Security: Veterans

Are Terrorists And Right Wing Extremists

Palantir Map Of The Terrorist Veterans

The CIA subsequently wanted a map of the places where the population density of US war veterans is highest, and went
to Pete Thiel, the Bilderberger and Director of Palantir to get the information.

Mr. Thiel produced the following map for the CIA. This map indicates where the CIA will find the most concentrated areas
of military veterans, or as the DHS classifies them: TERRORISTS.
The map above is unremarkable in and of itself. Lots of good fighters come from the Southwestern part of the United
States. There are a lot of retired officers concentrated in Arizona, Texas and California.

But the one striking facet of the CIA/Palantir “veteran density” map is that it looks EXACTLY LIKE the JADE Helm 15
Hostile Territory map.
In Colorado, the military dropped Jade Helm and replaced it with the same thing under a different name, Raider Focus.
The dark blue area in the Colorado map is the Colorado Springs area. It is loaded up with US military veterans and I
have seen the recent images of truck loads of razor wire being taken to somewhere in that area for the Raider Focus
military operation.
Knowing the following:
 The CIA is the financial sponsor of the Palantir software
 The man who runs that Palantir operation is a homosexual Bilderberger leader
 The Jade Helm/Raider Focus maps of operations surround the most dense populations of US military veterans
 The DHS (another customer of Palantir) considers veterans terrorists
what do YOU think the true purpose of Jade Helm/Raider Focus is?

Related Posts

 Mena Lee Grebin’s Prophetic Dream Identifies The Arrest Process

 Proof The Federal Government Actively Kidnaps Children via CIA Operation “Finders”
 State Of Texas Wants Its Gold Back From US Government
 A Disqus Post Regarding Jade Helm In South Texas
 Jade Helm Is Still a “GO”

Categories: Fighting, Government Wrongdoing,Jade Helm, Tribulation

Tags: AI, arizona, bilderberger, bilderbergs,california, cia, citizens, civil war, colorado, dhs, eye of sauron, fighting, jade
helm, palantir, spying, terrorists,texas, thiel, veterans
The Government Wants You DEAD!
They are making their list and they’re checking it twice, to make sure you are put
on the RED LIST for FEMA Camp incarceration and execution, ESPECIALLY if
you are a Christian, are Jewish, love America and the Constitution and freedom
and hate the upcoming Satanic worldwide New World Order enslavement
Antichrist scheme these evil Satanists and others are feverishly planning to
impose upon the world once America collapses. Then they will steamroller the
world with the NWO agenda with little resistance. You have been warned.

Keith Brian Annapolis, MD 21403-

Alexander Richard H. Ledgett, 4117
14582 Edgewoods Jr. 410-268-6918
Way 1052 Saint Stephens
Glenelg, MD 21737- Church Road David B Lacquement
9608 Crownsville, MD 424 Pendleton Street
21032-1923 Alexandria, VA
Michael S. Rogers 410-451-1580 22314-1902
2527 Bear Den Road
Frederick, MD 21701- John Chris Inglis David B. Lacquement
5231 605 Hillsmere Dr NSA CYBERCOM
4526 Butler Street Pompano Beach, FL Gaithersburg, MD
Fort George G. 33060 20877-2867
Meade, VA 20755- (954) 782-7120 202-547-8295
Ann Z Caracristi Curtis M Bedke
Lincoln D Faurer 1222 28th St NW 1300 Crystal Dr Apt
1800 Old Meadow Rd Washington, DC 1502
Mclean, VA 22102- 20007-3315 Arlington, VA 22202-
1819 202-965-1487 3273
970-923-4052 571-312-7810
Robert L Prestel
William E Odom 13980 Weeping Jim Henry Keffer
1101 S Schumaker Dr Cherry Dr 11341 Bishops Gate
#304 West Friendship, MD Lane
Salisbury, MD 21804 21794-9710 Laurel, MD 20723
(410) 341-4366 410-489-5571
John Mike McConnell
William O Studeman William P Crowell Jr. Booz Allen Hamilton
763 Dividing Rd 41343 Raspberry Dr 901 15th Street NW,
Severna Park, MD Leesburg, VA 20176- Suite 400
21146 7827 Washington, DC
(410) 544-5163 540-972-5885 20005

Benson K Buffham Barbara A McNamara Kenneth A. Minihan

451 SW 4th St #APT 8003 Three Chopt Rd 265 Nottingham Hl
219 Henrico, VA 23229- Annapolis, MD 21405-
Pompano Beach, FL 4816 2007
33060 571-918-4103
(954) 782-7120 931-295-3117 Bobby Ray Inman
931-796-5615 1710 County Road
Benson K Buffham 315
451 SW 4th St #APT Tiiu Kera San Saba, TX 76877
219 556 Russell Ave (325) 372-3288

This powerful Satanist started the NSA:

Michael A Aquino, Jr.
350 Bay
San Francisco, CA 94133 PO Box 470307
San Francisco, CA 94147-0307
Another powerful Satanist who co-founded the NSA:
Incidentally he commands the CIA ISIS proxy army
right now, so much for being a "retired general."
Paul E. Vallely
235 Shawnee Dr
Big Fork, MT 59911-6238

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Kerri Wright Engineering & Research Network Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Jim Galligan Engineering & Research System Architect
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Ben Oteyza Engineering & Research Senior Computer
Scientist [email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Paula Deflavis Engineering & Research Software Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Christopher Ficke Engineering & Research Systems
Design Engineer [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
David Pieniazek Engineering & Research System Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Doug Summers Engineering & Research Architect/Analyst
[email protected] [email protected] Sykesville
Nicole McLeish Engineering & Research Facilities Engineer-
Mechanical [email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Gary Tater Engineering & Research Technology Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Ellicott City MD
Michael Caldwell Engineering & Research Senior
Computer Scientist [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Rafael Rios Engineering & Research Systems Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Michael Buckley Engineering & Research Evaluation Lab
Manager [email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Michael Gross Engineering & Research Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Ben Lapa Engineering & Research FIRE PROTECTION
Engineer [email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Horace Firth Engineering & Research Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Richard Lane Engineering & Research Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Robert Tarka Engineering & Research Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Donald Morris Engineering & Research LAB Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Richard Cross Engineering & Research Senior Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Suffolk VA
Matthew Bensing Engineering & Research Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Roy Gulino Engineering & Research Process Engineer
Microelectronics [email protected] [email protected]
Westminster MD
Michael Hayes Engineering & Research Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Jim Rose Engineering & Research Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
William Baird Engineering & Research HW SW Design
Engineer [email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Michael Raimondo Engineering & Research
Communication Engineer [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Diana Cullum Engineering & Research Lab Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Lanham MD
Willard Wilt Engineering & Research Safety
Specialist/Engineer [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
AnnMarie Grusch Engineering & Research Safety
Specialist/Engineer [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
Michae... Interbartolo Engineering & Research Flight
Engineer [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
Audrey Duncan Engineering & Research Telecom Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Dave Cuccia Engineering & Research Electrical Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
David Gray Engineering & Research Engineer Systems
Architect [email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
James Phillips Operations Deputy Chief
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Harley Parkes Operations Network Security Analyst
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Ken Folsom Operations Information Technology
Security Specialist [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
Lori Welsh Operations Deputy Chief
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Diana Keys Operations Deputy Chief
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
James Hawes Operations NCIOC CNO Operations
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Dennis Hanratty Operations Security Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Bassam Farroha Operations Technical Director I5E
Enterprise Security Management [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Marian Eisinger Operations Preformance Management
Analyst [email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Jeremy Duff Operations Security
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Lorn Taylor Operations Team Lead
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Herbert Bunton Operations Preformance Management
Analyst [email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Ken Folsom IT & IS Information Technology Specialist
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
James Wilson IT & IS Information Technology Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Kimberly York IT & IS Project Manager [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Ralph Morse IT & IS System Administrator
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Knowlton Atterbeary IT & IS System Administrator
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Richard Schaeffer IT & IS Director Information
Assurance [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
Sandra Berry IT & IS Children and Youth Program Manager
US Department of Defense [email protected]
[email protected] George G Meade MD
Erika Proctor IT & IS Project Manager [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Kenneth Myers IT & IS Network Manager [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Heather Corrothers IT & IS Software Development
Specialist [email protected] [email protected]
Millersville MD
Dionne Fowlkes IT & IS Software Development Specialist
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Gwen Gray IT & IS Technical Lead Program Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Catonsville MD
Fletcher Hutchins IT & IS Computer Specialist
[email protected] [email protected] Columbia
Beth Dimaria IT & IS Computer Specialist
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Clifford Hopkins IT & IS Assured Information Sharing
[email protected] [email protected] Severna
Park MD
Mark Sullivan IT & IS Information Technology Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Mark McCormick IT & IS I333 Network Architecture and
Applications Divisio [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Mike Kearns IT & IS Analyst [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Graig Sauer IT & IS Network Tech [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Deborah Plunkett IT & IS Chief Information Officer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Mark Quinlan IT & IS Systems Admin [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Chenoa Anderson IT & IS Chief Information Technology Officer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Amy Reynolds IT & IS Technology Integration
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Brent Hare IT & IS Information Systems/Information
Technology Manager [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
Peggy Wright IT & IS Analyst [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Brian Gouker IT & IS Senior Advisor, Information
Assurance Directorate [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
William Dyson IT & IS Client Advocate Information
Assurance Directorate [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Annette Kiddy IT & IS Computer Systems Architect
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
BillCarlto... Lincoln IT & IS Software Project Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Robert Johnson IT & IS Program Manager [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Cuthbert Levine IT & IS Analyst [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
James Baer IT & IS Instructor/Developer
[email protected] [email protected] Severna Park MD
Terence Muldrow IT & IS Coop Program Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Steven Martin IT & IS Information Technology
[email protected] [email protected] Reisterstown MD
Rob Hill IT & IS Systems Architect Storage
[email protected] [email protected] Pikesville MD
Teresa Hill IT & IS Information Technology
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Eric Guzman IT & IS Computer Systems Analyst
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Cordia Brown IT & IS System Security Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Charlie Alexan IT & IS Information Technology Consultant
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Anthony Liberto IT & IS Information Technology Consultant
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Bernadet... Schoukroun IT & IS Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
George Dryhurst IT & IS Technical Consultant
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Carolyn Conlan IT & IS Director of the Center for
Leadership and Professional Devel... [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Nikia Foster IT & IS Software Project Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Dundalk MD
Clarence Jones IT & IS Information Technology Contact
[email protected] [email protected] Denver CO
Suzanne Valaitis IT & IS Orientation Program Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Jane Bond IT & IS Senior Computer Systems Analyst
[email protected] [email protected] Millersville MD
Doug Fisher IT & IS Computer Analyst
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Scott Roper IT & IS Database Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Robert Heffern IT & IS Program Manager [email protected]
[email protected] Annapolis MD
Kimm Vogt IT & IS Chief Information Technology
Hardware [email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Bobbi Borrelli IT & IS SNAC Program Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Donald Harrison IT & IS Information Technology Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Columbia
Rob Joyce IT & IS Deputy Director, Information
Assurance [email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Sandra Woody IT & IS Software Development Specialist
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
David Peterman IT & IS Information Assurance Director
[email protected] [email protected] Woodbine
Laura Burris IT & IS Software Specialist UNITED STATES
DOD [email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Kelly Arnold IT & IS IA Analyst [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Dawn Whaley IT & IS Software Project Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Kimberly York IT & IS Software Project Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Dan Paugh IT & IS Sys. Programmer [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Stephanie Prill IT & IS Systems Programmer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Dawn Whaley IT & IS Project Manager [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Mark McCormick Other Enterprise Architect
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Nathanael Burton Other Enterprise Architect
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Tony Sager Other Chief Vulnerability Analysis and
Operation Group [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
Elizabeth Massey Other Lead Architect
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
James McWee Other Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Pasadena MD
Simone Rollings Other Small Business Liaison
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Mark Campbell Other editor [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
William Hesgard Other Chief Restaurant Fund
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Sharon Schwarz Other IA Leadership and Workforce
Development, PHR [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Dale Wagner Other Senior Knowledge Strategist
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Eileen Buckholtz Other KM Staff Officer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Katy Parker Other Staff Specialist
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Richard Scissors Other Senior Executive
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Kevin Babbington Other Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Zeke Zarnosky Other End-to-End Data Analysis
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Charles Steinert Other Moldmaker
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
CA Wilcox Other Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Sherri Carlin Other Trainer [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Mark Barnett Other Chief, Industry Outreach and Small
Business [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
Ed Janicki Other J46 Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Linthicum
Heights MD
Richard Roun Other Logistics Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Jeanne Matotek Other Telework Coordinator
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Jeff Meacham Other Operation Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Collierville
Paula McGehee Other Staff Officer [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Glenn Bill Other Professional Speaker
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Bruce Gabrielson Other Booz Contractor
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Brian Brown Other Project Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Catherine Hill Other State and Local Government Relati
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
James Higgins Other Executive Staff Officer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Thomas Humbert Other Pharmacist [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Vanee Vines Other Public Affairs [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Danielle McCullough Other Director Analysis
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
MichaelE Nelsen Other Strategic Consultant
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Phillips Mike Other CurrentOpsOfficer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Steven Vohs Other Lieutenant [email protected]
[email protected] Stevensville MD
L.Porter Porter Other L Porter Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Peg Parsons Other Scheduling Coordinator
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
RobertBob Morelli Other Member-at-Large NSA
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Ruth Beltz Other Government Event Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
James Arney Other Deputy Principal Director for
Corporate Strategy [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
William Black Other Deputy Director [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Rex Gaylord Other PCI ISA [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Lisa Nedderman Other Work Life Officer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Neal Ziring Other Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
DebbieVon Briesen Other CWF Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Nadine Munko Other Project Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Latrese Jackson Other Branch Chief [email protected]
[email protected] Glen Burnie MD
Angela Brooks Other Chief Storage Management Branch
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Jim Finlayson Other Tech Director Storage Management
Branch [email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Tina Lockwood Other Branch Chief [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Richard Blair Other Branch Chief [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Douglas Schultz Other Senior Test Specialist
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Drew Watters Other Forecast Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
RichardL Horn Other Assistant Inspector General
[email protected] [email protected] West Friendship MD
Mary Predenkoski Other Deputy Chief
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Sean Williamson Other CNO Instructor [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Kevin Ott Other Senior Enlisted Leader [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Edward Justice Other Middle Manager [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Rebecca Pille Other Director Health Promotion and
Wellness [email protected] [email protected] Laurel MD
Louis Giles Other Director of Policy
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
David Tanthorey Other Usjfcom Client Advocate
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Marilyn Courtney Other Executive Staff Officer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Barbara Brooks Other Senior Industrial Hygienist
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
PaulK Buckmaster Other Technical Leader
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Terry McFarland Other Industrial Hygienist
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Claudia Marshall Other Emerging Technologies
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Candice Nash Other Executive Staff Officer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Deron Hood Other Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Westminster MD
Gail Zepp Other X551 Senior Vendor Manager for
Processing Services [email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
Ronald Woznak Other Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
David Schaffer Other EXHIBIT Manager [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
John Harding Other ISDR secretariat
[email protected] [email protected] Annapolis
Junction MD
Curtis Dukes Other Director NCSC [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Mark Clark Other Supevisor [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Kathryn Lingerfelt Other Business Consultant
[email protected] [email protected] Upper
Marlboro MD
David Torrealba Other Business Consultant
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Lisa Arbelaez Other Chief Performance Management
[email protected] [email protected] Columbia
Michael Bohan Other Business Consultant
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Deborah Crawford Other Chief Futures Division
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Russ Roeding Other Global Planning [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Bridgett Dailey Other Consultant [email protected]
[email protected] Sykesville MD
Timothy Tetzloff Other Business Consultant
[email protected] [email protected]
Sykesville MD
William Buzard Other Manager/Supervisor
[email protected] [email protected] Columbia MD
Lloyd Haskett Other Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Gerald Kemper Other Management [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Kathleen Buck Other Director/Sadbus [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Greg Wessel Other Tech Director [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Pamela Phillips Other Chief FOIA Public Liaison Officer
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
John Shockley Other Industrial Hygienist
[email protected] [email protected] New Freedom
Tom Heffner Other Chief Logistic [email protected]
[email protected] Woodbine MD
Keith Jarrin Other Technical Staff [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Noreen Centafont Other Senior Tech Planning Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Frederick Edwards Other IAD Client Advocate
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Heather Garten Other Director NSA Mathematical Sciences
Grants and Sabbatical Pro... [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Deanna Egelston Other Mathematics Hiring Manager
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Leo Zerhusen Other Membership Committee Chair
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Rick Bean Other Acquisitions [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Robert Bridges Other Chief Nuclear/National C3 Team
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G
Meade MD
Katrina Kindle Other Outreach Specialists
[email protected] [email protected] Westminster MD
Jacob Williams Other Integration Lead
[email protected] [email protected] Alexandria
Tom Corby Other Director of Enterprise Configuration
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Alan Loosararian Other Chief of Staff
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
John Montgomery Other Vendor Manager [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Patrick McGeehan Other Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Gerald W. Stitely Other Fleet Manager gw.
[email protected] gerald.w. [email protected] Fort George
G Meade MD
Marci Green Other Public Affairs Specialist
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Deborah Walker Other Acquisition Outreach Center
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Joh... Sottile-Jackson Other Gov-Federal Military
[email protected] [email protected]
Fort George G Meade MD
Tony Carter Other Gov-Federal Military
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Ray Berry Other itSMF [email protected]
[email protected] Fort George G Meade MD
Jacki Kilian Other Agency Telework Coordinator
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Kimberley Harp Other NSA/CSS Commercial Solutions Center
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Mary Teeples Other Chief Business Archietcture
[email protected] [email protected] Columbia
Michael Luzius Other Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Fort George G Meade
Dick Stone Other Storage Product Specialist-Educati
[email protected] [email protected] Fort Lauderdale FL
Douglas Hildebrand Other Team Lead
[email protected] [email protected] Fort
George G Meade MD
Herbert Floyd Jr Other Technical Director
hfloyd [email protected] herbert.floyd [email protected] Pasadena
Raymond Kelso Other Technical Director
[email protected] [email protected] Columbia MD
Dwane Knott Other ISSO [email protected]
[email protected] Hanover MD

“Terrorists Will Nuke New York City!”

Says The Lord God Almighty - Collected Intelligence and Serious Prophetic Warnings

Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: “‘Woe! Woe to you, great city, you
mighty city of Babylon! In one hour your doom has come!’” Then a mighty angel picked
up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said: “With such
violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again.” Holy
Bible, Revelation 18:10, 21

PROPHECY- God’s Wrath and Judgment Against The U.S. Intelligence Agencies
given through Brian Charles

“I’M gonna destroy it.” --the CIA

“…and the NSA too.”
“I know EVERY secret thing that is going on!”
“All the intelligence agencies will be gone by My hand, you can count on it!” “They have
disobeyed Me long enough!”
“All intelligence agencies will be destroyed by My hand. You can count on it! They have
disobeyed Me long enough! They have destroyed long enough. They must be punished.
Thus says the Lord of hosts. Amen”
“I'll destroy the CIA.” “...and the NSA too.”
“I AM going to destroy this country mightily!”
“I AM the limitless God!”
“Laugh at the occultists!”
“I'll destroy your empire.”
“I shall judge for that!” --for sinners living their lives like God doesn't exist

“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or
hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight;
what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.” Holy Bible, Matthew 10:26-27
“He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.” Job 5:12
For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I
will frustrate.” 1 Corinthians 1:19
“Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom
of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish. ” Isaiah 29:14
“To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless,
to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the devious you show yourself shrewd. You
save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low.” 2 Samuel 22:26-


given through Elaine Cook

A Hidden Agenda: “Babylon, at its inception, had as its goal, to rule in both earth and
heaven. Now that it has grown to its fullness, we see that evil men behind the ruling
powers of the earth are working feverishly to make a complete take-over of the earth in
the form of a “one-world government.’ That is their agenda.
“These have not reckoned on a Living God who controls all the earth and all that is in it.
I also have an agenda which I declared from the creation of mankind. Is it not that I have
created man for My glory and My purpose is to make him like Myself! No man can cancel
out or put aside My agenda, for it alone shall stand in this day. I shall break in pieces the
plans of men and their counsel shall not stand! I am the Lord and My purposes shall
stand. My Word can never return unto Me void.
“The days of awe have come when I shall intervene in the hidden agendas of evil men
and show forth their smallness and their weakness before Me. It is the time for Babylon to
fall and great shall be the fall thereof. Mourn not for her but rejoice that My plan is now
coming forth and man’s plan is finished and has come to naught.
“Rejoice in this: that I am the Lord and there is no god beside Me. I speak and it is
done. All men shall fear Me, for I am their Creator and My Word is established in the
heavens and it shall be done in all the earth.”
Psalm 33:8, “Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe
of Him.”

Babylon is Judged: “I am preparing the answer to the problem before the problem appears
in all its fullness. That little stone cut out of the mountain is the cause of Babylon’s fall. It is
not a people prepared because of her fall, but it is because of their preparation that
Babylon can no longer stand! (Daniel 2:44-45).
“Because My sons stand in My righteousness in the earth, bearing My word and My
righteous judgments in their mouths, Babylon’s time has come and the judgment of the
great whore has come—she who captivated the whole world through her sorceries shall
fall and not rise again and great shall be the fall thereof.
“All mighty works done in the earth originate in the heavens, and mighty edicts and
proclamations are being made in the heavenly realm in this day, for it is the Day of the
Lord when Babylon’s judgment is upon her.
“The people are being lulled into believing in a “recovery” from her illness, but there
shall be a death, not a recovery! Babylon shall fall and not rise again and great shall be
the fall thereof. My kingdom, which has been hidden, shall suddenly appear and shall be
greeted with both joy and fear—joy to the simple who look for a better way, and fear to
those who will lose their own wicked way. Your eyes shall see it and rejoice and I will be
magnified in your eyes and My awe shall be upon all My people who understand what I
am doing in this Day.
“Walk closely to Me. Fear not, but magnify Me in the fires!”

His Finest Hour: “Men will say of one who has wrought a mighty work in the earth: ‘This
was his finest hour.’”
“I want you to know that My ‘finest hour’ lies shortly upon you—even when I shall
display to the God-despising, My handiwork in the earth.
“Man takes great pride in his exploits of science and space-conquering prowess, but
these things areas a child’s toy in comparison to what I have made: even a man, a many-
membered man in My image and likeness! There is nothing that man can do in his own
power to compare with the work of My Hands in preparing a people in whom the Spirit of
the Lord will be pleased to dwell in fullness! Within them are all the answers that mankind
has need of, and all the power to bring forth those answers! In these, I shall be greatly
glorified and man’s works shall seem as child’s play when men see what I have wrought in
earthen vessels who have been obedient unto My Word.”
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set
before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of
the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2).
"Seek Me with weeping, fasting and a contrite heart. I will save individuals and you shall
shine like the stars forever. Repent, oh nations!"
PROPHECY My Full Judgment
Word of the Lord through Susan Perkins McNally September 7. 1994

My beloved and peculiar treasure, yea, those whom I have redeemed. Hear the words of
My mouth. That which is happening in the United States will astonish the whole world as
My full judgment comes upon your land. The erratic weather will be specific judgment on
specific areas as to their individual transgressions against Me.

The East coast will experience the cold breath of my wind. Just as they are cold and
indifferent to My Spirit, so shall they be given to drink at My hand this cup of cold fury. As
the inhabitants shake their heads in astonishment, this blast of My wind will bring them to
their appointed time of reckoning as I force them to consider their ways as their lives come
to a standstill.

The West coast which burns in its lust with their insatiable desires and perversions will
experience great fires and drought. Their cities will go up in flames and their
infrastructures collapse. Yes, the great quakes are coming as the earth shudders at their
wickedness. The resultant fear and panic will cause great loss of lives!

Those areas that call upon Me in repentance can be spared certain aspects of My
judgment, but the whole land will mourn. Yea, it is not just America that will be judged but
the whole earth shall know that I the Lord God have done these marvels. All over the earth
fighting and wars that were thought to be little skirmishes will turn into bloody battles and
explosive wars. The cry of peace, peace will be a hollow echo in the face of great

Since the world governments and financial systems have worshipped the demon of greed
so shall their idols be toppled and their systems be brought down! Entire countries will go
bankrupt overnight and default on their loans and obligations. The entire international
banking system that has been built on greed, fraud, deceit and murder will crash. The dust
of their defeat already hangs suspended in the air like a choking mist.

Your political structures in the United States will crumble as I reveal the sins and the
nakedness of your elected officials. I will judge your leaders who have shaken their fists at
Heaven and profaned My Name and mocked the Son of My Love, Jesus. The White
House will become a deserted mausoleum as in an abandoned cemetery, as My judgment
comes upon this house of "blood and perversion." For truly I will recall the great evil that
has been spoken against Me and My children and all the evil schemes and devices that
your leaders have thrust out against My people, the Body of Christ. They will bring a swift
rebuke against your leaders and they shall tremble in great fear as My fury passes by
them. If their hearts are pure they will not be touched. If their thoughts and deeds are
wicked they shall be consumed.
Like vomit, the land will heave out this great evil and the floods of my displeasure will
wash the filth and defilement out of the way. Be certain that life as you have known it and
as it has been in the past when this nation walked in My judgments, putting Me first,
cannot be regained until all the evil roots and fruits have been laid waste.

Fear not, My Beloved, and be not dismayed; for that which I do always results in
redemption. Only the power of My Spirit and My Great Name can deliver you and your
nation. Draw close to Me. Intercede for your brethren. Let your eyes be filled with tears
and your heart with intercession. Stand in the power of My might, in the Name of Jesus,
and don't be intimidated by the threats and schemes of dying men.

Yes, the time is short, and you shall truly see the sustaining power of My majesty as you
abide in Me. I will not leave you or forsake you. Be bold and of good courage, for it is I the
Lord that goes before you!

The Prophetic Judgment of Those In Secret Societies

Scott Hofstee
September 3, 2001

To all of you who dwell in the secret institutions of the earth, your punishment will be the
greater. You have brought about death and destruction every place you have gone. You
have judged with a sour stomach. Your bitterness has known no shame. You have poured
scorn from a bitter cup and shown no mercy, so no mercy will be shown to you. You have
sown seeds of darnel and that shall be you harvest, but there are many among you who
know Me because you have judged all your life, but your judgments were not from Me.
You judged to save Babylon. You have tried to make your world a better place and forgot I
created this world. You have tried to save the world and your own world for the sake of
vanity. You have no power to save nor to judge. Who shall save you? Certainly not this
world. Only I your God can save you. Tell the fathers of your institutions that you are
leaving this world. Separate yourselves from this corruption and you shall be saved. I see
My light in you, so separate yourself from your worldly institutions and come back to the
land of your Father. Come dwell in My Spirit that I may love you and bring you home to
Me. To you who have clothed themselves in uniform, you are an army of Judas. Woe to
you sons of perdition. When did you see Me, your Lord, send guns and swords from the
sky. You think yourselves lords of the earth and that is all you are, you are protectors of
soil and weeds. You know nothing of My kingdom. Do you not know it was I who created
the earth, that you now think you own? I AM the author of life not you. Woe to you who
give orders to the armies of the world, I will scorch the land you so long to own. I AM God
alone and who shall dare to stand against My angelic army. I AM about to bring heaven
down to you because it is My love. It is My plan and it is My will. Woe to you soldiers of
Judas. Why do you say thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and then do the will of
the great serpent? Can you not see in My language that it is I your God that speaks?
Listen, I say to you, open your ears, I no longer plead or warn you, I command you to
listen. Separate yourselves from your serpent, Satan and return to Me. Only I your God
can give you life. Do not deceive yourselves or be deceived, you are in the army of the
lost. I hear you say, but they shall kill me? So where is your courage now? If you die,
remember you die for Me, no greater love has any man that he lays down his love for his
friend. I AM your friend and I AM your God.


I am against your plans to make war against My people and My land. Is it a small thing in
your eyes for you to make war against Me? saith the Lord. You trust in the technology of
the “Fallen Ones” and the hidden and secret weapons that you believe will keep you safe.
Has it not dawned on you that, as you study in your war colleges, that betrayal and
destruction have come from traitors within and armies without?
The son of perdition has been a liar since the beginning of time and, as all empires before
you have fallen, littering in the pages of history, so will yours. Your lives in an instant will
flash before you. Repent and turn away from your evil schemes. Just as Judas sold My
Son Jesus out for thirty pieces of silver, so have you sold Me out! For it is I, the Living
God, Who gave you the victories over your foreign enemies when you sought to preserve
that which was just. Are you so deceived and seduced that you cannot see the illuminated
ones will turn on you and utterly consume you, and their promises will fail to give you your
expected outcome?


I ask you a simple question. Who do you think bound the demons and the fallen angels
that you seek so feverishly to loose in the first place? For it was I, the Living God, out of
the love for My creation (mankind) that bound them at the first time and will seal them in
eternal chains the final time.
The promise of eternal life apart from Me will not deliver you from My wrath and My
judgments. And now I say to My Generals, Colonels, Majors and Captains, and all of
those who still call themselves by My name to the fighting men and women - let not your
heart’s be troubled. For I will strip the veneer off those who feign to serve Me so you can
see the evil one’s plans behind those who send you to your death.
The time is at hand that you will have to do what I have put in your heart to do. You will
have to resist the orders that have been given to you to destroy your brethren, in your own
country, with all that is within your reach. I will lay out My plans clearly before you in
dreams and visions and Holy Angelic encounters. For I, the Lord, will protect and provide
for your families as you seek Me in prayer and fasting, and seek Me with all your hearts.

Jesus Says, "Make My Day, Illuminati!"

Garrett Crawford - 3/12/07
I was in this huge, secret underground bunker deep in the Earth. It was a place of good,
not evil. All the inhabitants/scientists who worked there were in white lab coats. They were
trying to keep this place a secret from evil men, the Illuminati. This was the place were
Jesus Christ dwelled, it was his home. (The Illuminati thought that if they could take over
this underground control center they would have control of what lived there as well, which
was Jesus Christ.) The Illuminati had somehow found out where this place was and sent
its minions there. They quickly took control of this huge bunker; they had machine guns
and wore black military uniforms. The good scientists that worked there told me this
bunker had to be destroyed now because the CFR and another group (which I can't recall)
found it and it was no longer secret. I was a little shocked because this place was so big,
modern and full of hi-tech equipment, but I guess it was a the best thing to do considering
the circumstances. After the military men took total control of this compound and took all
the scientists prisoner, they were pretty full of themselves. They thought that they had
basically won, but they still had one more thing to do, and that was to wait for Jesus to
come back (this was his dwelling place) so they could trap him. After a while of standing
around with the men in the main area (which was HUGE, both in length and height) all the
sirens started going off and red warning lights started to flash. All the men became struck
with fear. I heard one of the men say, "It's Jesus! He's coming! Hide!" At that moment, the
commander told all the men to fall back and hide in the rooms that were off to the side.
Everyone ran to the doors and closed the blast doors. So there I was, standing all alone in
this huge place, all alone with sirens and lights going off. I knew something big was about
to happen. I looked down this huge tunnel and saw something coming. The cameras in
the tunnel quickly turned all at once to the direction where this thing was coming from --
the anticipation was incredible. All of a sudden I saw a huge, powerful being come through
the tunnel and enter into the bay area where I was standing. It was above me and I was in
awe as I stared at it. It was Jesus Christ, but it was not in the form of a man. It was in the
form of an invincible metallic cloud that looked like liquid mercury. It was just floating in the
air near the top of the ceiling which was like 250 feet high. I was overwhelmed by the site
of this; its power and strength were incredible. It was like the ultimate war machine but it
was also very peaceful and calm. As I was looking at this I was like, 'There is no way
those Illuminati military me could stand a chance against this thing, what were they
thinking?!' I understood that this being could not be trapped or taken prisoner like those
military men had thought; it was just too powerful and invincible. I continued to stare at it
and then I woke up.
Note from David: The underground bunker is in the hearts of the elect. The Illuminati will
find this hideout but they can't do anything about. He is too big and elusive. :o) All you
who are studying the Illuminati better study Jesus; to be found in Him.
Update from Garrett the next day: That dream makes me think about in Revelation when
the men of the world gather to fight against the lamb, but when he comes they run in fear
and hide, calling for the rocks to fall on them. (The soldiers in the dream were ready to
fight and trap Christ if possible, but once they heard Christ coming they ran and hid
themselves! lol) The sirens that went off that told the men that Christ is coming made me
think of the trumpet or the loud shout that comes before Christ comes back. The way
Christ was portrayed to me was totally spiritual and symbolic, it was like a invincible
metallic cloud of pure power in which nothing could defeat. It was like an unleashed attack
dog ready for war, all the while looking so calm and gentle, it was amazing to behold.

What Is Man That Thou Art Mindful of Him?

Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky. It is more than 1000 light years away.
The universe is so vast it is not comprehensible by the human mind. It would be like an
ant trying to understand the wonder of the Internet. It can't be done. The universe
humbles us as it should.

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