(English) NUNTIA Christmas 2017

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Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
@CMissionis CMglobal.org
Congregatio Missionis www.cmglobal.org
Tomaž Mavrič, CM
Superior General

Love is inventive unto infinity and as a result we find everything that we need in the Eucharist!

When we participate in the Eucharist, when we adore and contemplate Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament,
when we meditate, listen to and speak to Jesus present in the tabernacle, it is then that we encounter Jesus in
the different moments of his life … that is we encounter Jesus at the time of his conception, at the time that he
lived in the womb of his mother, Mary, at the time of his birth … yes, it is an opportunity to encounter Jesus.

May this Christmas season unite us more intimately to God’s love. Vincent stated, love is inventive unto infini-
ty; and God great love is revealed in the manner in which God loves all people, all men and women.

May we search for the child Jesus in the Eucharist, in our adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and as we pray
before the tabernacle … Jesus awaits us with an infinite love that knows no boundaries!

Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year 2018!

May the mystery of the Incarnation enable us to
understand the greatness of our vocation!! Bles-
sed Christmas!!

Fr. Javier Álvarez, CM

Vicar General

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all peace and joy

in this joyous season

Mathew Kallammakal, CM
Asistente General

I believe that all of us, like Vincent, want to see our hearts
transformed. My prayer is that all of us will have experienced
a profound conversion during the season of Advent and that
therefore, during this Christmas season we are filled with great
joy and happiness that enables us, like Jesus, to incarnate
ourselves into the world of the poor. Let us then walk with the
poor in their struggle for liberation, and as we proclaim in the
Eucharist, let us do this for Christ, with Christ and in Christ.

Fr. Aarón Gutiérrez, CM

Assistant General
The Lord came as one of us to show us that
we can trust the love of God! May it free us
to love the poor!

Fr. Miles Heinen, CM

Assistant General

Dear Brother/Sister
Where and how should I receive the King of Peace?
The Baby Jesus is a naked King who “sits in the
dust” in the silence of Bethlehem. He is a “King
without a throne” coming to visit you as poor to be
hospitalized and accepted.

Fr. Zerachristos Josief, CM

Assistant General

May this Christmas season find us more and more like

the One who came among us to save us … may it find us
more simple, more humble, more holy, more charitable
and happier … filled with God’s love. Indeed, may this
Christmas season enable us to draw closer to the poor
and to do so with the same tenderness that we would
express when holding a new born child in our arms.

Fr. Giuseppe Turati, CM

Secretary General
The Nativity is not some action that occurred long
ago. Jesus is always coming to us and we have
experienced that during this Jubilee Year as we ce-
lebrated the 400th anniversary of the origin of our
charism … yes, Jesus is our light and our peace!

Fr. Giuseppe Guerra, CM

Procurator General
Postulator General

The mystery of the Incarnation becomes present

to us through Jesus’ coming among us. May
this Christmas season fill us with many blessing.
Merry Christmas!!

Fr. Alvaro Mauricio Fernández, CM

Director of Vincentiana

This is a very special Christmas for all Vincentians, especially as we

approach the conclusion of the Jubilee Year during which time we
celebrated the 400th anniversary of the origin of our charism. The
feast of the Nativity is also a special celebration because we recall
in the manner in which “the least of God’s children” are cared for,
for example, foreigners and refugees (the Curia is going to initiate
a new project and the land surrounding the residence is going to
be used in order to offer greater care to refugees). Therefore, this
Christmas season becomes a time to extend a welcome to the least
among us. My hope is that all will enjoy a blessed Christmas as
they come to a deeper understanding of openness and welcoming.
Merry Christmas.

Fr. Giuseppe Carulli, CM

Superior at the General Curial
Christmas is God giving God to us in human form. We
celebrate this great gift. May the new born bless us
with peace, joy and lots of happiness.

P. Paul Parackal, CM
Econome General

May the spirit of the Christmas fill your life

with peace, joy and love. I wish you all merry
Christmas and Happy new year

Brother Gerardo Fajardo, CM

“May Our Lord, who has chosen to be born in a manger,

gives every Vincentian the graces of humility and
simplicity in our relationships between us, for the sake
of the Church and salvation of humanity.”

Brother Martial Tatchim Fotso, C.M.

Librarian, Archivist

A star shining brightly in the heaven proclaims to the world that today
is Christmas.

May the celebration of the birth of Our Savior fill our hearts with joy
and peace and generosity and increase in us a desire for service and
love on behalf of our brothers and sister. Merry Christmas!!

Fr. Jorge Luis Rodriguez, CM

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