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Candida Protocol

This is the regimen I followed. I don't know if I should post it because some people are very well-educated on this
stuff and I know I've probably made a few mistakes, but here it goes anyway. This is what healed me!

Supply List:

- Oil of Oregano
- Grapefruit Seed Extract
- Garlic Capsules/Garlic Cloves
- Clarkia ( Black-Walnut extract, Cloves extract, Wormwood extract)
- Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil
- Colloidal Silver
- Echinacea/Golden Seal/Pau D' Arco teas/supplements

- Grape Seed Extract
- Green/Red Tea (preferably Red as it does not contain caffeine, but has the same benefits as Green)
- Vitamin C/Vitamin E
- Any others you may find.

- Bentonite Clay (liquid!!)
- Psyllium Husk
- Colostrum
- L-Glutamine
- Green Foods enzymes
- Chlorella
- Stabilized Oxygen Molecules Liquid
- Shark Liver Oil
- Biotin
- Magnesium

(Before getting started, I must say.. TAKE ALL OF YOUR VITAMINS! They are essential! Especially B
Vitamins, take twice the amount you normally would. It is extremely beneficial in mood and energy loss due to


Begin by adjusting your diet to an alkaline-sided one. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Candida can't survive in a
alkalined enviroment. (MSM is a good supplement to take helping with alkalinism)

Here is a great chart that shows the alkaline/acid formations of most foods.

Eat only the foods on the alkaline side, you can include the fruits if you aren't sensitive to them. (I wasn't) Be sure
to keep in mind the Candida-diet guidelines though! Don't go overboard. Granny Smith Apples are the best fruit
to gorge yourself in, they contain little sugar. This is where the Green Foods enzymes come in! Take them with
EVERYTHING you eat. It will help break down the food easier and destroy the walls of Candida cells. Chlorella
has the same benefits, but I prefer taking that only twice a day. Chlorella helps flourish the healthy bacteria in
probiotics in your system up to 4x!!

At the same time, you can begin killing the yeast with the above antifungals, using 2 at a time for a week, then
alternating to 2 different ones. Do not let the yeast become immune to them! ( Clarkia and Grapefruit Seed
Extract are the strongest and most effective) I usually take the antifungals before I go to bed, to avoid extreme
die-off during the day. You will experience die-off, but don't let it get you down. There are two ways to get rid of
it. It all depends on how much time you have.

- For a fast fix from the die-off symptoms, try alka-seltzer or a tablespoon of baking soda mixed with a glass of
water. You should feel sligh relief in less than an hour.

- For a beneficial to your health fix from the die-off symptoms, do a one-day Epsom Salt cleanse. 2 cups of
water/grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed!) with 2 tablespoons of Epsom Salt. Take 1/2 cup every hour. You will
cleanse out your liver and bowels, which contains all the toxins from the antifungals (die-off causers!)

During this time, it is also beneficial to take a tablespoon of Bentonite Clay + Psyllium Husk up to 4 times a day.
The Bentonite literally soaks up the bacteria and infection in your body, and the Psyllium Husk scrubs the walls
of your intestines at the same time, HIGHLY BENEFICIAL!

The antioxidants are basically to cancel out the toxins being released from the Candida Overgrowth , they also
help kill Candida and heal the gut.


After 2 months (or less, depending on your condition) of antifungals and BP + P.. begin taking Probiotics. (I
recommend PRIMAL DEFENSE and/or Threelac) Home-made yogurt, kefir, or saurkraut are highly
recommended. I also take Stabilized Oxygen Molecules with my probiotics, as it gives the probiotics more room
to spread, because the oxygen opens passages that are normally not reachable. It also cleans the blood of any
infection or toxic metals! (as does Chlorella)

ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS OF RECOVERY: Begin taking the Colostrum and L-Glutamine
(they both heal the gut, which were penetrated by the Candidas, causing Leaky Gut Syndrome, which is the cause
of food allergies.) You can also take Shark Liver Oil, but it's not necessary, although helpful in the healing of the

Magnesium deficiency is common for Candidians, causing that "Foggy" and depressed feeling. Take some! You'll
feel relief in a few days. (I felt it with the Epsom Salt flush)

After a month of treating yourself with probiotics and the gut-healers, and if you feel up to it.. venture out with
the food. Try some potatoes or dairy products and see how you react. See how you handle the food you use to be
sensitive to. START SLOWLY THOUGH! Don't come off the treatment with your first food being pizza or Taco
Bell, as tempting as it may be! Slowly incorporate the sensitive foods in. This is where the Biotin comes in, be
sure to take at least 1,000 mcg of Biotin before trying the foods, so just in case you ARE sensitive to the foods
still, Biotin will inhibit the growth of the Candida even further.

I haven't posted in a while and I thought I would give you an update on my situation and capsulize what
I feel are the key points in dealing with Candida Infection of the gut.

Well I can report that I am now cured of my candida problem which I suffered from for over 25 years in
varying degrees of severity. I am not on the "anti-candia diet" which I hated the whole time I was on it. I
can eat fruit, which I love. I eat dark chocolate (bittersweet) which is the healthiest kind. I don't gorge
on it however. But even though I am not on the anti-candida diet, I still avoid wheat, barley and rye
which all contain gluten. I do not have celiac disease but gluten causes leaky gut in all individuals so it
is best to avoid it altogether. What I have discovered is that perhaps more than half of my problems
when I had candida was caused by leaky gut. Wheat, candida, Advil, alcohol, etc. contribute to leaky gut
which allows undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream which causes a cascade of immune
responses causing allergies and autoimmune problems. I constantly had runny nose, a patch of psoriasis
and a patch of eczema. When my candida was at its worst, I had a maddening itch around my ankles and
shins. On top of that you have major mycotoxins (primarily aldehydes) released by the candida which
sickens the liver and brain. I would suggest to anyone who is battling candida to do research on healing
leaky gut also. Glutamine (20 grams a day in divided doses) powder and colostrum are great in healing
leaky gut. Until you are healed, take 6 teaspoons of colostrum powder (2 teaspoons 3 times a day).
Colostrum has lactoferrin and IgA immune factors and is great at fighting candida also. I found a great

deal on high-quality colostrum on Amazon. One KILO of colostrum powder for $100 postpaid! One
KILO is 2.2 POUNDS. Store it in the refrigerator.

Here is an excellent article on leaky gut. If you are serious about attacking candida you need to also
focus on leaky gut:

Besides glutamine and colostrum for leaky gut I had major success taking Zinc L-carnosine complex
(PepZin GI) 4 capsules a day as my sole source of dietary zinc. Quercitin, N-acetyl Glucosamine (NAG)
and Ginko Biloba extract also were very helpful. NAG blocks candida from adhering to intestinal

Focusing back upon the candida protocol, my successful plan can be broken down into 3 stages:

Stage 1: Strict anti-candida diet which means no grains, sugars, dairy, fruit or starchy veggies (potatoes,
corn, carrots, beets).

Antifungals twice a day. Powdered nystatin should be here. A rounded 1/2 teaspoon of nystatin powder
2-3 times a day. You can order it from Fludan.

Get the 1 Billion unit product if you can afford it. It is a better value and should last the 3 months you
are on antifungals.

If you have a severe case of candida you might want to also take a systemic antifungal like Diflucan
(fluconazole) which is an excellent antifungal and less hard on the liver than ketoconazole. Systemic
antifungals are good at killing candida that has penetrated tissues and is feeding on blood sugar. In fact,
no other type of antifungal (the systemics) can reach this kind of infection. There are warnings about
how Diflucan can be hard on the liver so you should take liver support supplements (milk thistle extract,
n-acetyl cysteine, curcumin, and Vitamin C). I feel the benefits of taking 200 mg. of Diflucan twice a
day outweighs other factors. I would not take it long term however. 30-45 days maximum is sufficient.
Forget about a regular MD giving you a prescription for Diflucan. AMA doctors don't even believe that
a person can get into trouble with Candida Infection unless they a severely immune compromised (have
AIDS, etc.). What I have found is that you can get fluconazole on eBay. It will be listed as medicine for
tropical fish but when it arrived, it is the exact brand (not Diflucan but a foreign generic) and make that
is prescribed to humans! It is made overseas but the capsules are identical to what are prescribed to
humans. The bottle says something to the effect: For animal use only, not for human consumption. But
I'm pretty sure the people selling it know that people are taking it too. The people I bought it from are in
Thailand. It is even cheaper than if you bought it here from a pharmacy. If you do feel you need to take
fluconazole, make sure you take curcumin also. They work synergistically and the curcumin prevents
the candida from developing resistance to fluconazole. Take 900 mg. curcumin with the fluconazole.
This is what I took:

They also sell smaller size bottles if you are cash strapped.

One mistake I made when I initially started fighting candida was focusing almost exclusively on
antifungals. I went overboard with high powered antifungals and I got into trouble. Specifically, I took

broad spectrum antifungals such as oregano oil and grapefruit seed extract in fairly high dosages. What I
didn't know was that these antifungals are also excellent antibacterials and they basically sterilized my
gut. It was like taking high dose penicillin or tetracycline. We all know that antibiotics is the number
one cause of developing Candida Infection . With a sterile gut, candida still exists in bioforms in the
folds of the gut and will re-emerge and quickly repopulate the gut. So the end result of taking these
broad spectrum antifungals is a worse case of candida. Instead of bringing a better balance to gut
dysbiosis, it leads to more dysbiosis. Knowing what I know now, I would strongly suggest that if you
have candidiasis of the gut, avoid theses antifungals completely:

Oregano oil (and all essential oils EXCEPT peppermint oil)

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Colloidal Silver

HIGH-Dose Iodine (you don't need more that 50 mg. of Iodine per day)

Good antifungals (that I haven't already mentioned) include: Pau d'Arco, oil leaf extract, caprylic acid,
monolaurin, coconut oil, garlic, berberine, lactoferrin, SF722.

One of the best combinations of antifungals is coconut oil, monolaurin and peppermint oil. They are oily
compounds that mix together and become a potent oil slurry that is devastating to candida. 3 tablespoons
of coconut oil, 2 scoops of monolaurin (Lauricidin) and 1/4 teaspoon of peppermint oil is what I took.
Take only once a day with meals. Can be unpleasant if taken on an empty stomach. You can buy
monolaurin from here:

Because candida can hide from the antifungals and immune system by way of biofilms, you need to take
enzymes that will dissolve these and allow the antifugals to get to the candida. Take these right before
going to bed on an empty stomach. Then when you wake up, take antifungals on an empty stomach. I
wrote a whole post on biofilms here: (Ver nota 1 al final)

The only other thing I want to mention about antifungals is the need to attack the problem from both
ends (literally). Oral antifungals have a weakness in that they are largely absorbed into the bloodstream
and metabolized before they have a chance to get where they are most needed: the colon. To address
this, it has been found that taking enemas containg antifungals (nystatin specifically) is almost a
necessity in battling chronic candidiasis. You should be taking a laxative daily (not a harsh one
however). Enemas are done after you have had your bowel movement allowing the enema to get where
it is needed: the upper colon in general and the cecum in particular. I wrote a whole post about this also:

In previous posts I said how I recommend taking milk of magnesia as a laxative. I have reconsidered
and now withdraw that recommendation. MOM is too alkaline. Candida becomes its invasive fungal
form in alkaline environments. I also do not recommend psyllium fiber either because when I was on
that, I saw candida growing on it in my stool. A laxative is a must while battling candida and my
recommedation now is to take either Miralax or senna (Senekot).

So to recap, Stage 1 involves a strict anti-candida diet, antifungals, anti-biofilm enzymes, nystatin
enemas and laxatives. I don't even think you need any probiotics in the beginning but it wouldn't hurt. I
just don't think you will see much benefit. A key discovery of mine is that while probiotics will come to

the rescue eventually, during this phase of killing candida, the anti-candida diet just does not allow for
probiotics to grow, blossom and thrive in the gut. This phase 1 should be adhered to for 3 months.

Phase 2: The only thing we are going to do in phase 2 is add two things: probiotics and certain
prebiotics. Everything in Phase 1 will continue in Phase 2. It was my experience that adding probiotics
while on the strict anti-candida diet did little to improve my situation. The probiotics were down there
but they weren't blossoming and thriving which is necessary to displace the candida and make the
environment unfavorable to the candida. I also discovered that one of the best sources of probiotics is
fermented veggies: sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi, and other veggies that are naturally fermented and not
just pickled with vinegar. Not all sauerkraut or pickles are the fermented kind. The fermented stuff will
be in the refrigerated section of the grocery and will contain no vinegar. Personal recommendation:
Bubbies Sauerkraut and Bubbies Kosher Dill Pickles. You can find these at Whole Foods and Sprouts.
Fermented veggies contain more than the 14 strains of beneficial bacteria that probiotic capsules contain
and a serving of the veggies contains trillions of CFUs. I still recommend taking a good probiotic
capsule containg high amount of Bifido Bacteria. The Ultimate Flora brand is a good one:

Eat the fermented veggies twice a day. Take the probiotic capsule once a day or twice a day if you can
afford it.

And now I want to share with you the discovery that really made a difference and was the key to my
getting rid of candida. Prebiotics. No just any old prebiotics. You may be familiar with the prebiotics
such as inulin, chicory root, FOS, etc. While I haven't done scientific lab testing on those prebiotics, I
have a feeling that candida can feed somewhat on those prebioitcs so I would avoid those until you are
over your candida problem. In case you don't know what a prebiotic is, prebiotics are food for the good
gut bacteria that colonize your gut and keep candida in check. Candida is an imbalance in the candida to
good gut bacteria ratio. Once candida is out of control it keeps the gut alkaline which favors the
pathogenic invasive fungal form of candida.

The first prebiotic that I became aware of as being useful in getting rid of candida is Lactulose (Existe
en España se llama Duphalac). It feeds primarily the Bifido Bacteria which change the environment of
the colon to more acidic which disfavors candida, specifically the virulent invasive fungal form of
candida. Read my post in the link below which also contains links to posts by dvjorge about the benefits
of lactulose: (Ver Nota 2 abajo)

Lactulose is available over-the-counter in Britain and can be purchased through eBay here in USA.

There is one other prebiotic that I feel is safe and beneficial to candida sufferers: GOS -
Galactooligosaccharides. Taking this did not feed my candida but did feed my good gut microbes. It is
available as the product: Galactomune. Take 1 scoop in a small amount of water every 12 hours.
After 2 months on this phase of high probiotics plus prebiotics I feel completely healed of candida.

Phase 3: This is where you can s-l-o-w-l-y re-introduce foods back into the diet. I was quite happy to
find that I could eat a serving of potatoes and not have a setback with candida issues. I know strict paleo
dieters avoid potatoes and all nightshades but with me I found that the potatoes which contain "resistant
starch" further helped feed the good gut microbes and pushed me even further into healing. I now make
fruit smoothies and eat dark chocolate without incident. Even though I know I could go back to eating
basically anything, I won't. Till my dying day I will avoid wheat, barley and rye because of their ability
to cause leaky gut. I also won't eat anything super sugary like cake, pies, cookies, brownies, etc.
Humans weren't meant to consume concentrated Sugar sources like those. It is now believed that
Alzheimer's disease is basically diabetes of the brain. High Sugar causes inflammation all throughout

the body. Inflammation of the brain impairs brain function and causes toxic buildup there.

I'm cured of candida now but I will still take probiotics (mostly fermented veggies) and prebiotic
(Galctomune). I feel great. I also discovered that the depression I experienced with candida was
probably due to leaky gut. Bacterial cell walls contain a substance called lipopolysaccharides (LPS)
which are transported to the brain and cause depression. I am not saying that ALL depression is caused
this way. But if you don't have a reason to be depressed but are, this could be what you are experiencing.



A significant discovery was made in 1997 (research had been going on for years previous). Some pathogens such
as candida and the bacteria responsible for Lyme’s disease were found to live in film structures that hid and
protected them from antibiotics and the human immune system. They were named “biofilms” and consisted of a
matrix of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron as well as other bacteria. It could be considered a colony
that derived much mutual benefit by living together in such an arrangement. Biofilms is a major reason why
getting rid of candida is difficult. Antifungals are given and kill significant number of cells but after the antifungal
moves on, the biofilm acts as a nursery supplying more baby candida cells to come out and re-infect the host.

To tackle the problem of biofilms it was found necessary to attack the matrix the biofilm is made of. Chelating
agents can be given such as EDTA which binds to and carries off the minerals making up the matrix. Certain
enzymes are able to attack the cellular structures of the matrix. Attacking the biofilm in these ways will allow
holes and spaces in the biofilm structure so that antifungals can enter and kill the hiding candida. The topic of
biofilms is somewhat lengthy and involved so I just want to mention the salient points. If you have been
harboring candida for years and years, you most certainly have biofilm in your system. If you have been taking
antifungals at least twice a day on an empty stomach in sufficient dose quantities and still have the same amount
of die-off and seem “stuck” you either have biofilm or you aren’t being strict enough with your diet. There are
SOME people who have only had a candida problem for a year or less who don’t have biofilm and can proceed
with anti-candida protocol with no problem. When I get to talking about enemas in my next post I will discuss
what are known as “ropes” or “strings” of yeast eliminated rectally from the colon. I had those and examined
them. They had a tensile strength that could not be from candida alone. I am sure they were biofilms. Some were
gray-green (stained by bile for a long time) and opaque (candida is translucent). So if you have suffered from
candida for a long time you can benefit from anti-biofilm protocol. Below are two links from biofilm experts that
I recommend you read:

From the first link, Dr. Ettinger lists supplements useful in breaking up biofilm. Some I have mentioned before
like coconut oil, monolaurin and xylitol from my discussion on antifungals. Below are the ones (in the order I
give them of importance) that I think are most helpful against biofilms:

Interfase Plus – Enzyme product that contains the important enzyme beta glucanase which attacks yeast cells.
Also contains EDTA which removes minerals from the matrix thus weakening it. Take 2 or 3 capsules right
before bedtime.

Serrapeptase – Important fibrinolytic enzyme that attacks the biofilm. Take at least 120,000 units right before

Nattokinase – Another fibrolytic enzyme that attacks biofilm. Take 4,000 units right before bedtime.

NAC – N-Acetyl Cysteine – An amino acid that is a component of glutathione and which has anti-biofilm
properties. Take 1 gram per day.

Lactoferrin – Scavenges iron so as to keep it unavailable to biofilm formation. Take 250 mg. once or twice a day
on an empty stomach.

When taking the enzyme products (Interfase Plus, nattokinase and serrapeptase), they are best taken right before
bedtime on an empty stomach. They will work overnight punching holes in the biofilm so that when you take
your antifungals first thing in the morning, the antifungals will be much more effective. The other biofilm
supplements can be taken during the day: coconut oil 2 or 3 tablespoons a day, monolaurin 2 teaspoonfuls a day,
xylitol 2 or 3 teaspoonfuls a day.

Antifungal Probiotics

After about a month of antifungal therapy it would be good to add some antifungal probiotics to your protocol
since they can get to the colon because they aren’t absorbed by the gut. Also, yeast can’t become immune to
them. So, what are antifungal probiotics?

They are bacteria that have antifungal properties. I’m not sure if they “eat” the candida or not but they do kill
candida directly. These weren’t known about until the early 90s when a product hit the market called Threelac. It
contains three different bacteria that are microencapsulated to survive the acid of the stomach and be released in
the gut. Threelac comes in small foil envelopes that you tear open and either pour directly on the tongue and
chase with water or you can dissolve it in a glass of water and drink. Tastes like a lemon Lucky Charm. The three
bacteria contained in Threelac are:

Bacillus Subtilis – A soil-based bacteria that does not colonize in the gut (eliminated from body after 3 days).

Bacillus Coagulans – A soil-based bacteria that is a lactic acid producer thus favoring other friendly bacteria and
disfavoring yeast. Supports and improves immune function.

Enterococcus Faecalis – A bacteria normally found in the human colon. Competes with yeast for food thereby
edging it out. Some hospitals say that this bacteria is capable of transferring antibiotic resistance to other bacteria.
Well, as long as you don’t take antibiotics with this you should be fine. I personally have had no bad side effects
taking Threelac but some people have and they blame it on this bacteria. The vast majority of people report no
bad effects.

The makers of Threelac claim that no special diet is required. It is not stated on the box so I’m going to guess it’s
made in an advertisement or video. Like I’ve said previously, if you don’t adhere to a strict anti-candida diet,
NOTHING you do to treat candida will work. So don’t think Threelac is any different in that respect. Threelac is
fairly low in bacterial counts per pack. There are only one-half billion bacteria of each of the three strains per
pack. So start off taking two packs each morning before breakfast. After a month increase to two packs twice a
day. I don’t think Threelac is a miraculous ‘silver bullet’ against candida but it is useful none the less. Threelac
produced die-off in me after I had plateaued with regular antifungals so I know it was doing some good.

The bacillus coagulans can be purchased as a stand-alone probiotic. Potencies in the 5 to 6 billion microorganisms
per capsule is common and a good dose. Take one a day after being on Threelac for 2 or 3 weeks. This probiotic
really does major damage to the yeast colonies. I had major die-off for over an hour so I know it was working.
After 2 weeks I increased my dosage to one capsule every 12 hours and am experiencing the most improvement
in my fight against candida.

Bacillus Laterosporus BOD is another antifungal probiotic that is soil-based and does not colonize the gut. It is
good at what it does but the capsules it comes in are only 100 million microbes per capsule. That is one-tenth of a
billion. If you take 10 capsules a day to achieve 1 billion organisms, your bottle would run out after 6 days. A
bottle is only $15 but still it’s what I call pricey if you want an effective dosage.

Again, I want to repeat my disclaimer to those who are overwhelmed by all the info and supplements I’m
mentioning in my posts:

Since it is fairly hard to know how serious or widespread a yeast infection you might have, I am going to assume
it is a serious infection. If your infection is not that serious then if you take my advice you will get over your
infection much quicker than normal. All of the things I discuss here are helpful to curing yeast infection. It is

impossible to answer what is the least you have to do or buy to get over your yeast problem. I am writing to a
large audience. Each person’s needs are different. Don’t ask me if you HAVE TO do any one thing or
combinations of things I’ve discussed. Take responsibility for your own health. Do your own research like I have
and EXPERIMENT wisely.
If you missed my previous posts in this series you can read them here:

Yes, I agree. Severe cases need enemas and an enzyme that disrupts biofilms. EDTA and Interfase are two of the
most important products. Nystatin retention enemas, those I have been advising for a long time, are vital for many
chronic sufferers. There is nothing oral that reaches the cecum to eliminate candida colonies living there. The
cecum is the biggest reservoir. Moreover, candida albicans biofilm matrix is mostly glucose. Water dissolve
glucose, so the enemas are really important. I have documented all my research and experience in this forum to
help other candida sufferers. You are doing something good helping others with your experience and knowledge



2. Do we need pre-biotics?
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When dealing with Candida Infection , successful treatment is done in two phases. The first phase deals with not
feeding the yeast by limiting sugars and starches and killing the yeast by taking antifungals. This phase can take
several months until symptoms subside and there is little die-off herx reactions.

The second phase is the restoring phase where the good friendly bacteria found in probiotics and fermented
veggies and kefir restore the microbiome of the gut to health. It does little good (there is some value but not a lot)
to take probiotics during the kill phase because probiotics feed on prebiotics which are the fiber, some sugars
(FOS, GOS, and lactose) and resistant starch which also feed candida.

The tricky part is switching from the kill phase to the restore phase. If you introduce prebiotics too early you will
cause candida to flare up. But you will never overcome candida if you only deal with killing yeast and eating a
near-zero carb diet. What I found (with direction from Jorge) is a prebiotic that feeds good probiotic bacteria
(lactobacilli and bifido bacteria) but does not feed candida. It is called lactulose. It takes sweet like corn syrup but
it is not digestible by human digestion but is digestible by probiotics in the colon. The growing gut bacteria
produce butyric acid which heals leaky gut and also lowers the pH of the colon which causes the candida to
change from the invasive, pathogenic fungal form to the benign spore form.

So when you are at the place where you are switching from the kill phase to the restore phase, start (or increase)
taking probiotics twice a day. Fermented veggies like some sauerkraut and some pickles are loaded with good
probiotic bacteria. One serving can have as many microbes as a whole bottle of probiotics. I strongly suggest
getting some either by making your own or buying some. Sauerkraut and pickles that have live probiotic bacteria
will be in the refrigerated section of the store. It will not contain any vinegar. The best known brand out there is
Bubbies. They carry it at Whole Foods and at Sprouts. Worth every penny. Don't throw away the juice; drink it.
Kefir is good too. I know that we've been taught that dairy is a no-no but my experience with kefir has been good.
All the lactose has been digested by the live microbes and the casein has been modified by L. casei so it isn't a
problem. If you feel uncomfortable, there is water kefir. If you can't make kefir, most stores carry Lifeway brand

kefir. Get the unflavored, unsweetened kind.

Stomach acid is lowest early in the morning. Take your probiotics then. Four ounces of sauerkraut, one pickle and
1/2 cup of kefir. Fermented veggies have a wide assortment and variety of probiotic strains. That is why I
recommend them highly along with their potency. Take lactulose six hours after the probiotics. Start with 1
teaspoon (5 ml.) every eight hours. If you live in England you can buy lactulose over the counter. If you live in
the U.S. you can buy it on Ebay. After one month at this dose you can change the dosage to 2 teaspoons (10 ml.)
every 12 hours. What I have found is that good probiotic bacteria proliferating in the colon brings about a nice
feeling of serenity and well-being. They also synthesize certain vitamins and are responsible for 70% of the
body's immunity! Yes you need to feed the probiotics but like I said, typical prebiotics like inulin, FOS, GOS,
lactose, etc. will feed candida. Lactulose won't feed candida but I do think you should wait to take it only after
you have completed the kill phase of your treatment.

I do want to credit Jorge for bringing the research on lactulose to the attention of the candida support community.
Below is a link to some posts he made about it:

I also want to alert you to a new book about the benefits of probiotics and their importance to health, immunity
and fighting anxiety and depression:

Brainfog can be the most depressing and disturbing symptom of Lyme. The absolute best treatment for brainfog
that I found is LDN (Low Dose Naltraxone). I have repeated this experiment several times with my wife and I
going on and off LDN. In all cases, brainfog cleared up after 1-2 days. (Hay un video en Youtube)

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