Me Neither: Negative Statements Name

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Me Neither
A. Fill in the gaps with information that is true for you.

Negative Statements Name

1. I’m not very interested in .............................................................

2. I don’t like ................................................................. very much.

3. I didn't ........................................................................ yesterday.

4. I'm not very keen on ....................................................................

5. When I was a child, I didn't like ...................................................

6. I won't ..................................................................... in the future.

7. I don't usually .................................................... at the weekend.

8. I have never ................................................................................

9. I didn’t .................................................................. last weekend.

10. I couldn't ................................................ until I was a teenager.

11. I can't play .................................................................................

12. I haven't seen ............................................................................

B. Find one person in the class who agrees with each of your negative statements. ©20I4 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Me Neither
This teaching activity helps students to practice agreeing to negative statements.

Before class, make one copy of the worksheet for each student.


Give each student a copy of the worksheet.

Working alone, students complete the sentences with information that is true for them.

When they have finished, go through how to agree with negative statements with the class.

Write the following structure on the board:

Neither / Nor + Auxiliary Verb + Subject.

Give the students some agreeable negative statements and ask them to respond, e.g.
Neither am I, Nor would I, Neither did I, etc.

Once the students are ready, let them move round the classroom saying their sentences to
one another.

Students must try to find one person in the class who agrees with each of their negative

When a student agrees with another student’s sentence, they must respond using an
appropriate expression and the other student writes their name in the second column on the


A: I'm not very interested in politics.

B: Neither am I.
Student A then writes Student B’s name on the worksheet (They don't need to have written
the same sentence).

If Student B doesn’t agree with the sentence, they respond by saying what they have written
for the same prompt, e.g. I'm not very interested in football. Student B then waits to see if
Student A agrees with their statement.

Encourage students to ask follow-up questions on each topic of agreement if possible.

When two students have both found something they agree on (and written each other’s
names on their worksheet) they move on and find new partners.

Each student should try to talk to as many different people as possible.

The activity continues until they have all completed the second column on their worksheet.

At the end of the activity, have a class feedback session to see what the students found out. ©20I4 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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