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PAT / 2017




NAME : _______________________________ CLASS :________________

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.


(20 MARKS)

Question 1-5

1 Izzatul has breakfast every morning. Then, ______ cycles to


A he

B she

C we

D they
2 I like to read comics _______ storybooks.

A but

B and

C or

D so

3 My uncle is a lecturer. _________ likes to play basketball.

A He

B She

C They

D We

4 Baby Bear ___________ because someone ate his porridge.

A cry

B cries

C cried

D crying
5 The school Sports Day is _________ the school field.

A in

B at

C up

D on

Choose the most suitable simile.

6 As he never ate much, his body were __________________

A as big as an elephant.

B as thin as a rake.

C as huge as a whale.

D as funny as a monkey.
Choose the best answer for each blanks.

Syafiqah _________ (7) four seahorses in her aquarium.Every

morning, she ___________ (8) them.They ______________ (8) small

prawns and fish. She cleans the aquarium every week.

7 A have

B has

C is

D am

8 A feed

B feeds

C feeding

D fed

9 A eat

B eats

C ate

D eating
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined


10 Ants are the tiny insects.

A big

B beautiful

C small

D large

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11 A apples oranges durians and coconuts grow on tree

B Apples, oranges, durians and coconuts grow on tree.

C Apples, oranges, durians, and coconut grow on tree

D Apples! Oranges! Durians! and coconuts grow on tree.

Choose the best answer for each blanks.

Last Saturday, Rodney and (12) family went to Malacca Zoo. They

spent few hours in the zoo. They (13) by at the cafeteria. Mrs.

Bella bought three bottles of orange juice (14) a cup of tea.

They sat down and enjoyed the scenery. Mr. Bean pointed at a

zookeeper. He was feeding a large (15) . They were amazed

because they had never seen a big ostrich before. In the evening, they

went home. They enjoyed themselves very much during weekend.

12 A her

B his

C their

D our
13 A sit

B sits

C sat

D sitting

14 A so

B and

C but

D or

15 A dolphin

B whale

C elephant

D ostrich
Question 16 – 20

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that


Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan – soalan yang berikut.

A frog is an interesting animal. It can live on land and in

water. It can breathe through the lungs and skin. It eats insects. It

catches insects with its long, sticky tongue.

It has strong hind legs. These help it to swim and jump. A

frog can jump very high. It lays eggs in water. After 15 days, the eggs

hatch and become tadpoles.

Tadpoles have gills to breathe with. After seven days, the

tadpoles grow forelegs. After three months, each baby frog has a tail

and hind legs. Slowly, the baby frogs become adults.

16 Where does the frogs can live ?

A The frogs can only live in the water.

B The frogs can only live on land.

C The frogs can live on land and in water.

D The frogs can live in a hole.

17 How do the frogs breathe ?

A It can breathe through their mouth.

B It can breathe through the lungs and skin.

C It can breathe through their gills.

D It can breathe through their hind legs.

18 Where do the frogs lay eggs ?

A They lay eggs in the water.

B They lay eggs on land.

C They lay eggs in the sands.

D They lay eggs in the bubbles.

19 How do frogs catch insects ?

A They catch insects with their mouth.

B They catch insects with their strong hind legs.

C They catch insects with lungs and skin.

D They catch insects with their long, sticky tongue.

20 The word these refers to _________________

A Strong hind legs.

B Long, sticky tongue.

C The lungs and skin.

D The tadpoles.

[30 MARKS]

Question 21

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.

Write your answers in the space provided.

Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh.

Tulis jawapan di tempat yang disediakan.

(a) Answer :




(b) Answer :




(C) Answer :




[6 marks]
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

The pineapple plant has long leaves. It has only one fruit. The

fruit grows on a short stem from the centre of the plant. The

pineapple fruit has a spiky crown. The flesh of the pineapple fruit is

yellow. Fresh pineapple fruit is sweet and juicy. Canned pineapple cubes

and rings are also tasty. Pineapple juice is refreshing and pineapple jam

tarts are delicious.

Question 22

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

(a) The pineapple plant ____________________

has long leaves.

haslong stem.

has long crown.

(1 mark)
(b) The most suitable title for the text is _____________

My favourite fruit.

The Apple.

The fruits.

(1 mark)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(c)What is the colour of the pineapple’s flesh ?


(2 marks)

(d) How do the pineapple grow ?



(2 marks)

(e) Do you like pineapple ? Give your reason.



(2 marks)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.

Zairren wants to find out more about the World Wide Web

(WWW) and the Internet. Her father helps him. This is what they


Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. The

World Wide Web is a collection of linked pages. It is accessed using

the Internet. The Internet is a huge network. It connects computers

all over the world.

We surf the Internet to search for information, to play games

and to send emails. We also use it to chat, to make voice and video calls

and to shop online.

Question 23

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

(a) The World Wide Web was invented in _________




(b) What is the internet ?

The internet is a huge network.

The internet is a computer.

The internet is to play games.

(1 mark)
(c) Match the words in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

An example is given below.


invented Very big.

collection To look for.

huge A group of things.

search To make something

for the first time.

(2 marks)

Write your answer in the space provided.

(d) How do we access the World Wide Web ?



(2 marks)

(e) Why do we use the Internet ?



(2 marks)
Read the television programme and answer the questions that follow.

Baca jadual siaran televisyen dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.

12.00 noon The Art of Cooking

1.00 p.m. Afternoon News

1.30 p.m. Happy Puppy (cartoon)

2.00 p.m. Top Ten Movies

2.30 p.m. In The Wild – Australian Safari

3.00 p.m. Business Malaysia and Asian Market

4.00 p.m. Saturday Movie : Beethoven – When

a family decides to adopt a cute

puppy, the head of the family soon

feel displaces by their new pet.

6.00 p.m. F1 Racing – Malaysian Grand Prix

7.30 p.m. Evening news

8.00 p.m. Merlin : Season 4, Episode 1

9.00 p.m. Asia’s Next Top Model

10.00 p.m. Eric Leong’s Deco

11.00 a.m. Negaraku

Question 24

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

(a) If Aina decided to watch ‘In The Wild – Australian Safari’

programme, she would probably see _________________

a cat

a kangaroo

a polar bear

(1 mark)

(b) What show comes after the movie ?

Asia’s Next Top Model

F1 Racing – Malaysian Grand Prix

Happy Puppy (cartoon)

(1 mark)
(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

An example is given below.


To enjoy movies, Watch Watch Eric Leong’s Deco.

Channel 12

If you switch on Channel At 7.30 p.m.

12 at 6 p.m., you will

If you want to beautify Watch ‘F1 Racing –

your home, you can Malaysian Grand Prix.

Chanel 12 viewers can On Saturdays at 4 p.m.

watch news

(2 marks)

Write your answers in the space provided.

(d) Mrs. Maniam likes to cook. Which show will she most probably

watch ? Why do you say so ?




(2 marks)
(e) In your opinion, what is the Saturday Movie : Beethoven is all

about ?



(2 marks)


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