Comparison of RPC and RA 10951

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Provisions Amended Act No.

3815 RA 10951
General Provisions 1. Article 9. Grave felonies, Light felony when fine is less than P200 Fine less than P40,000
less grave felonies and light
2. Article 26. When afflictive, Afflictive penalty if fine exceeds P6,000 Now >P1.2 Million
correctional, or light penalty. Correctional if <P6,000 but is >P200 Now <P1.2 Million to >P40,000
Light penalty if it less than P200 Now less than P40,000

Crimes against 3. Article 114. Treason Committed by Filipinos:

National Security Reclusion temporal to death and a fine not Now reclusion perpetua to death and a fine
exceeding P20,000 not exceeding P4 Million
Committed by Aliens: Now reclusion temporal to death and a fine
Prision mayor to death and a fine not not exceeding P4 Million
exceeding P20,000
4. Article 115.
Conspiracy to commit Fine not exceeding P10,000 Fine not exceeding P2 Million
Proposal to commit treason Fine not exceeding P5,000 Fine not exceeding P1 Million

Crimes against the 5. Article 129. Search warrants Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
Fundamental Laws maliciously obtained and
abuse in the service of those
of the State
legally obtained

Crimes against 6. Article 136.

Public Order Conspiracy and proposal to Fine not exceeding P8,000 Fine not exceeding P1 Million
commit coup d'etat
Conspiracy and proposal to Fine not exceeding P5,000 Fine not exceeding P1 Million
commit rebellion
Conspiracy and proposal to Fine not exceeding P2,000 Fine not exceeding P400,000
commit insurrection
7. Article 140. Penalty for Leader punished with fine ≤ P10,000 Fine not exceeding P2 Million
Participants punished with fine ≤ P5,000 Fine not exceeding P1 Million
8. Article 141. Conspiracy to Fine not exceeding P2,000 Fine not exceeding P400,000
commit sedition
9. Article 142. Inciting to Fine not exceeding P2,000 Fine not exceeding P400,000
10. Article 143. Act tending to Fine ranging from P200 to P2,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P400,000
prevent the meeting of the
Congress and similar bodies.
11. Article 144. Disturbance of Fine from P200 to P1,000 Fine from P40,000 to P200,000
12. Article 147. Illegal Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
13. Article 148. Direct assaults Aggravated:
Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000

14. Article 149. Indirect Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
15. Article 150. Disobedience to Fine ranging from P200 to P1,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P200,000
summons issued by
Congress, its committees or
subcommittees, by the
Constitutional Commissions,
its committees,
subcommittees or divisions
16. Article 151. Resistance and Resistance and serious disobedience: Resistance and serious disobedience:
disobedience to a person in Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
authority or the agents of
such person
Simple disobedience:
Fine ranging from P10 to P100 Fine ranging from P2,000 to P20,000

17. Article 153. Tumults and Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
other disturbance of public
orders; Tumultuous
disturbance or interruption
liable to cause disturbance
Burying with pomp the body of a person who
has been legally executed:
Fine not to exceed P200 Fine not to exceed P40,000

18. Article 154. Unlawful use of Fine ranging from P200 to P1,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P200,000
means of publication and
unlawful utterances
19. Article 155. Alarms and Fine not exceeding P200 Fine not exceeding P40,000

Crimes against 20. Article 163. Making and 10 centavo coins and above: Any coinage:
Public Interest importing and uttering false Prision mayor in its minimum and medium Prision correccional in its minimum and
coins. periods and a fine not to exceed P10,000 medium periods and a fine not to exceed
10 centavo coins and below: P400,000
Prision correccional in its minimum and
medium periods and a fine of not to
exceed P2,000
Foreign currency: Foreign currency:
Fine not to exceed P1,000 Fine not to exceed P200,000
21. Article 164. Mutilation of Fine not to exceed P2,000 Fine not to exceed P400,000
coins; Importation and
utterance of mutilated coins
22. Article 166. Forging treasury Obligations or security of the Philippines: Obligations or security of the Philippines:
or bank notes on other Reclusion temporal in its minimum period Fine not to exceed P2 Million
documents payable to and a fine not to exceed P10,000
bearer; importing, and
uttering such false or forged
notes and documents
Bank notes: Bank notes:
Fine not to exceed P5,000 Fine not to exceed P1 Million
Foreign country notes or documents: Foreign country notes or documents:
Fine not to exceed P5,000 Fine not to exceed P1 Million
Foreign bank notes: Foreign bank notes:
Fine not to exceed P2,000 Fine not to exceed P400,000
23. Article 167. Counterfeiting, Fine not exceeding P6,000 Fine not exceeding P1.2 Million
importing and uttering
instruments not payable to
24. Article 170. Falsification of Fine not exceeding P6,000 Fine not exceeding P1.2 Million
legislative documents
25. Article 171. Falsification by Fine not to exceed P5,000 Fine not to exceed P1 Million
public officer, employee or
notary or ecclesiastic
26. Article 172. Falsification by Fine not more than P5,000 Fine not more than P1 Million
private individual and use of
falsified documents
27. Article 174. False medical Fine not to exceed P1,000 Fine not to exceed P200,000
certificates, false certificates
of merits or service, etc
28. Article 176. Manufacturing Fine not to exceed P10,000 Fine not to exceed P1 Million
and possession of
instruments or implements
for falsification
29. Article 178. Using fictitious Use of fictitious name:
name and concealing true Fine not to exceed P500 Fine not to exceed P100,000
Concealment of true name:
Fine not to exceed P200 Fine not to exceed P40,000

30. Article 180. False testimony Fine not to exceed P1,000 fine not to exceed P200,000
against a defendant
31. Article 181. False testimony Fine not to exceed P1,000 Fine not to exceed P200,000
favorable to the defendants.
32. Article 182. False testimony Amount in civil case exceeds P5,000: Amount in civil case exceeds P1 Million:
in civil cases Fine not to exceed P6,000 Fine not to exceed P1.2 Million
Amount in civil case less than P5,000 or Amount in civil case less than P1 Million or
cannot be estimated: cannot be estimated:
Fine not to exceed P1,000 Fine not to exceed P200,000
33. Article 187. Importation and Fine ranging from P200 to P1,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P200,000
disposition of falsely marked
articles or merchandise
made of gold, silver, or other
precious metals or their

Crimes against 34. Article 201. Immoral Fine ranging from P6,000 to P12,000 Fine ranging from P20,000 to P200,000
Public Morals doctrines, obscene
publications and exhibitions
and indecent shows
35. Article 202. Prostitutes Fine not exceeding P200 Fine not exceeding P20,000
In case of recidivism, a fine ranging from In case of recidivism, a fine ranging from
P200 to P2,000 P20,000 to P200,000

Crimes Committed 36. Article 209. Betrayal of trust Fine ranging from P200 to P1,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P200,000
by Public Officers by an attorney or solicitor
37. Article 213. Frauds against Fine ranging from P200 to P10,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P2 Million
the public treasury and
similar offenses
38. Article 215. Prohibited Prision correccional maximum period or a Prision correccional minimum period or a
transactions. fine ranging from P200 to P1,000 fine ranging from P40,000 to P200,000

39. Article 216. Possession of Fine ranging from P200 to P1,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P200,000
prohibited interest by a
public officer
40. Article 217. Malversation of Amount malversed does not exceed P200: Amount malversed not exceeding P40,000:
public funds or property; Prision correccional in its medium and Prision correccional in its medium and
Presumption of malversation maximum periods maximum periods
Amount malversed >P200 to <P6,000: Amount malversed is >P40,000 but <P1.2M:
Prision mayor in its minimum and medium Prision mayor in its minimum and medium
periods periods
Amount malversed >P6,000 to <P12,000: Amount malversed >P1.2M but <P2.4M:
Prision mayor in its maximum period to Prision mayor in its maximum period to
reclusion temporal in its minimum period reclusion temporal in its minimum period
Amount malversed >P12,000 to <P22,000: Amount malversed >P2.4M but <P4.4M:
Reclusion temporal, in its medium and Reclusion temporal, in its medium and
maximum periods maximum periods
Amount malversed exceeds P22,000: Amount malversed >P4.4M but <P8.8M:
Reclusion perpetua reclusion temporal in its maximum period
Amount malversed more than P8.8 Million:
Reclusion perpetua

41. Article 218. Failure of Fine ranging from P200 to P6,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P1.2 Million
accountable officer to render
42. Article 219. Failure of a Fine ranging from P200 to P1,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P200,000
responsible public officer to
render accounts before
leaving the country
43. Article 221. Failure to make Fine from 5 to 25 per cent of the sum which Fine from 5 to 25 per cent of the sum which he
delivery of public funds or he failed to pay, provided that it shall not less failed to pay, provided that it shall not less
property than P50 than P10,000

44. Article 226. Removal, Serious damage caused: Serious damage caused:
concealment or destruction Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
of documents Damage not serious: Damage not serious:
Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000

45. Article 227. Officer breaking Fine not exceeding P2,000 Fine not exceeding P400,000
46. Article 228. Opening of Fine of not exceeding P2,000 Fine not exceeding P400,000
closed documents
47. Article 229. Revelation of Serious damage: Serious damage:
secrets by an officer Fine not exceeding P2,000 Fine not exceeding P400,000
Damage not serious: Damage not serious:
Fine not exceeding P50 Fine not exceeding P100,000

48. Article 230. Public officer Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
revealing secrets of private
49. Article 231. Open Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
50. Article 233. Refusal of Serious damage: Serious damage:
assistance Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
Damage not serious: Damage not serious:
Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000

51. Article 234. Refusal to Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
discharge elective office
52. Article 235. Maltreatment of Arresto mayor in its medium period to Prision correccional in its medium period
prisoners prision correccional in its minimum to prision mayor in its minimum period
Purpose to extort confession or obtain Purpose to extort confession or obtain
information: information:
Prision correccional in its minimum Prision mayor in its minimum period,
period, temporary special disqualification temporary special disqualification and a fine
and a fine not exceeding P500 not exceeding P100,000

53. Article 236. Anticipation of Fine ranging from P200 to P500 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P100,000
duties of a public office
54. Article 237. Prolonging Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
performance of duties and
55. Article 239. Usurpation of Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
legislative powers
56. Article 242. Disobeying Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
request for disqualification
57. Article 243. Orders or Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
requests by executive
officers to any judicial
58. Article 244. Unlawful Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000

Crimes against 59. Article 259. Abortion Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P100,000
Persons practiced by a physician or
midwife and dispensing of
60. Article 265. Less serious Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P50,000
physical injuries
61. Article 266. Slight physical Physical injuries which do not cause Physical injuries which do not cause
injuries and maltreatment incapacity to engage in habitual work nor incapacity to engage in habitual work nor
require medical assistance: require medical assistance:
Fine not exceeding P20 Fine not exceeding P40,000
Maltreatment by deed: Maltreatment by deed:
Fine not exceeding P50 Fine not exceeding P5,000

Crimes against 62. Article 268. Slight illegal Fine not exceeding P700 Fine not exceeding P100,000
Personal Liberty detention
63. Article 269. Unlawful arrest Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
and Security
64. Article 271. Inducing a Fine not exceeding P700 Fine not exceeding P100,000
minor to abandon his home
By the father or mother: By the father or mother:
Fine not exceeding P300 Fine not exceeding P40,000

65. Article 276. Abandoning a Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
66. Article 277. Abandonment Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
of minor by person entrusted
with his custody; indifference
of parents
67. Article 278. Exploitation of Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
68. Article 280. Qualified Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
trespass to dwelling
By means of violence or intimidation: By means of violence or intimidation:
Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000

69. Article 281. Other forms of Fine not exceeding P200 Fine not exceeding P40,000
70. Article 282. Grave threats In writing or through middleman: In writing or through middleman:
Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
71. Article 285. Other light Fine not exceeding P200 Fine not exceeding P40,000
72. Article 286. Grave coercions Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
If the coercion be committed in violation of the
exercise of the right of suffrage

73. Article 287. Light coercions Fine equivalent to the value of the thing, but Fine equivalent to the value of the thing, but in
in no case less than P75 no case less than P15,000
Unjust vexation: Unjust vexation:
Fine ranging from P5 to P200 Fine ranging from P1,000 to P40,000

74. Article 288. Other similar Fine ranging from P200 to P500 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P100,000
coercions; Compulsory
purchase of merchandise
and payment of wages by
means of tokens
75. Article 289. Formation, Fine not exceeding P300 Fine not exceeding P60,000
maintenance and prohibition
of combination of capital or
labor through violence or
76. Article 290. Discovering Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
secrets through seizure of
No revelation of secrets: No revelation of secrets:
Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000

77. Article 291. Revealing Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
secrets with abuse of office
78. Article 292. Revelation of Fine not exceeding P500 Fine not exceeding P100,000
industrial secrets
Crimes against 79. Article 299. Robbery in an Value of the property taken exceeds P250: Value of the property taken exceeds P50,000:
Property inhabited house or public Reclusion temporal Reclusion temporal
building or edifice devoted to
80. Article 302. Robbery is an Value of the property taken exceeds P250: Value of the property taken exceeds P50,000:
uninhabited place or in a Prision correccional Prision correccional in its medium and
private building maximum periods

81. Article 309. Penalties Value of thing stolen >P12,000 to <P22,000: Value of thing stolen is >P1.2M but <P2.2M:
Prision mayor in its minimum and medium Prision mayor in its minimum and medium
periods periods
Value of thing stolen exceeds P22,000: Value of thing stolen exceeds P2.2 Million:
Prision mayor maximum period Prision mayor maximum period
One year for each additional P10,000, One year for each additional P1 Million
Value of thing stolen >P6,000 to <P12,000: Value of thing stolen >P600,000 to <P1.2M:
Prision correccional in its medium and Prision correccional in its medium and
maximum periods maximum periods
Value of thing stolen >P200 to <P6,000: Value of thing stolen >P20,000 to <P600,000:
Prision correccional in its minimum and Prision correccional in its minimum and
medium periods medium periods
Value of thing stolen >P50 but <P200: Value of thing stolen >P5,000 but <P20,000:
Arresto mayor in its medium period to prision Arresto mayor in its medium period to prision
correccional in its minimum period correccional in its minimum period
Value of thing stolen >P5 but <P50: Value of thing stolen >P500 but <P5,000:
Arresto mayor to its full extent Arresto mayor to its full extent
Value of thing stolen not over P5: Value of thing stolen not over P500:
Arresto menor in its minimum period or a fine Arresto menor in its minimum period or a fine
not exceeding P50 not exceeding P5,000

82. Article 311. Theft of the Fine ranging from P200 to P500 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P100,000
property of the National
Library and National
83. Article 312. Occupation of Fine from 50 to 100 per centum of the gain Fine from 50 to 100 per centum of the gain
real property or usurpation of which he shall have obtained, but not less which he shall have obtained, but not less than
real rights in property than P75 P15,000
If the value of the gain cannot be ascertained: If the value of the gain cannot be ascertained:
Fine ranging from P200 to P500 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P100,000

84. Article 313. Altering Fine not exceeding P100 Fine not exceeding P20,000
boundaries or landmarks.
85. Article 315. Swindling Amount of the fraud exceeds P22,000: Amount of the fraud Exceeds P4.4 Million:
(estafa) Prision mayor in its maximum period; Prision mayor in its maximum period;
One year for each additional P10,000 One year for each additional P2 Million
Amount of the fraud is >P12,000 - <P22,000: Amount of the fraud is >P2.4M but <P4.4 M:
Prision correccional in its maximum period to Prision correccional in its maximum period to
prision mayor in its minimum period prision mayor in its minimum period
Amount of the fraud >P6,000 but <P12,000: Amount of the fraud >P1.2M but <P2.4M:
Prision correccional in its minimum and Prision correccional in its minimum and
medium periods medium periods
Amount of the fraud >P200 but <P6,000: Amount of the fraud >P40,000 but <P1.2M:
Arresto mayor in its maximum period to Arresto mayor in its maximum period to
prision correccional in its minimum period prision correccional in its minimum period
Amount of the fraud does not exceed P200: Amount of the fraud does not exceed P40,000:
Arresto mayor in its maximum period By arresto mayor in its medium and maximum

Estafa by false pretense or fraudulent acts

under 2(d) or by post-dating a check:
Amount of fraud exceeds P8.8 Million:
Reclusion perpetua
Amount of fraud is >P4.4M but <P8.8M:
Reclusion temporal in its maximum period
Amount of fraud is >P2.4M but <P4.4M:
Reclusion temporal in its minimum and
medium periods
Amount of fraud is >P1.2M but <P2.4M:
Prision mayor in its maximum period
Amount of fraud is >P40,000 but <P1.2 M:
Prision mayor in its medium period
Amount of fraud does not exceed P40,000:
Prision mayor in its minimum period

86. Article 318. Other deceits Fine not exceeding P200 Fine not exceeding P40,000

87. Article 328. Special cases of Value of the damage exceeds P1,000: Value of the damage exceeds P200,000:
malicious mischief Prision correccional in its minimum and Prision correccional in its minimum and
medium periods medium periods
Value of the damage <P1,000 but >P200: Value of the damage <P200,000 to >P40,000:
Arresto mayor Arresto mayor
Value of the damage does not exceed P200: Value of the damage <P40,000:
Arresto menor Arresto menor

88. Article 329. Other mischiefs Value of the damage exceeds P1,000: Value of the damage exceeds P200,000:
Arresto mayor in its medium and maximum Arresto mayor in its medium and maximum
periods periods
Value of the damage <P1,000 but >P200: Value of the damage <P200,000 to >P40,000:
Arresto mayor in its minimum and medium Arresto mayor in its minimum and medium
periods periods
Value of the damage does not exceed P200: Value of the damage <P40,000:
Arresto menor or fine of not less than the Arresto menor or fine of not less than the
value of the damage caused and not more value of the damage caused and not more
than P200 than P40,000

89. Article 331. Destroying or Fine not exceeding P200 Fine not exceeding P40,000
damaging statues, public
monuments or paintings

Crimes against the 90. Article 347. Simulation of Fine not exceeding P1,000 Fine not exceeding P200,000
Civil Status of births, substitution of one
child for another and
concealment or
abandonment of a legitimate

Crimes against 91. Article 355. Libel means by Fine ranging from P200 to P6,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P1.2 Million
Honor writings or similar means
92. Article 356. Threatening to Fine ranging from P200 to P2,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P400,000
publish and offer to present
such publication for a
93. Article 357. Prohibited Fine ranging from P20 to P2,000 Fine ranging from P40,000 to P200,000
publication of acts referred to
in the course of official
94. Article 358. Slander Fine not exceeding P200 Fine not exceeding P20,000

95. Article 359. Slander by deed Fine ranging from P200 to P1,000 Fine ranging from P20,000 to P100,000

96. Article 364. Intriguing Fine not exceeding P200 Fine not exceeding P20,000
against honor

Quasi-Offenses 97. Article 365. Imprudence Reckless imprudence: Reckless imprudence:

and negligence Fine ranging from an amount equal to the Fine ranging from an amount equal to the
value of said damages to three times such value of said damages to three times such
value, but which shall in no case be less than value, but which shall in no case be less than
P25 P5,000
Resulting only to damage to property: Resulting only to damage to property:
Fine not exceeding P200 Fine not exceeding P40,000

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