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Filing # 59132663

59005256 E-Filed 07/18/2017

07/14/2017 07:24:12
05:08:00 AM



WASHINGTON, DC 20543-0001

October 19,2016

Neil J. Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481

RE: Neil J. Gillespie

RECEIVED, 07/18/2017 07:28:36 AM, Clerk, Supreme Court

Dear Mr. Gillespie:

In reply to YOllr letter or submission, received July 1, 2016, I regret to inform you that
the Court is unable to assist you in the matter you present.
Under Article III of the Constitution, the jurisdiction of this Court extends only to the
consideration of cases or controversies properly brought before it from lower courts in
accordance with federal law and filed pursuant to the Rules of this Court.
Your papers are herewith returned.


Scott S. Harris, Clerk

By: lYk"/1 I ~"VJ..

Clayton R. Higgins,

(202) 479-3019


WASHINGTON, D.C. 205434001
Justice Clarence Thomas June 29, 2016
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20543

RE: Application No. 12A215, granted September 13, 2012 by Justice Thomas extending the time
to file until December 10, 2012.

Neil J. Gillespie, Applicant v. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, et ale

Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit

Case Nos.: (12-11028, 12-11213)

Dear Mr. Justice Thomas,

On September 13, 2012 you granted my Application 12A215 as captioned above, and as shown
on the enclosed correspondence, for CAll cases 12-11028 and 12-11213.

On December 10, 2012 the Clerk docketed my Petition 12-7747 for a writ of certiorari and
motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis as shown on the enclosed docket. However, it
appears CAll case 12-11213 was removed from Petition 12-7747 as the enclosed docket only
shows CAll case 12-11028. Also, the district court docket does not show Petition 12-7747.

Subsequently I learned trial Judge William Terrell Hodges engaged in bribery with counsel Ryan
Christopher Rodems regarding a purported settlement, one that never actually occurred, and
likely accounts for the removal of CA11 case 12-11213 from Petition 12-7747. So while Petition
12-7747 was denied cert., and rehearing, the denial is only toward CAll case 12-11028.

The judicial misconduct has affected a subsequent case, Petition No. 13-7280, because Judge
Hodges presided as trial judge in that case too. Enclosed you will find the docket for Neil J.
Gillespie, Petitioner V. Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Inc., et al. This is a wrongful foreclosure on
a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage or HECM reverse mortgage on my Florida homestead. I
am alive and living in my home as my primary residence, making this foreclosure premature at
best. The case is ongoing in state court, Marion County Florida 2013-CA-115.

I plan to make complaints under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 soon. I read
you may retire soon, and wanted to send this letter before you left the court. Thank you.

Sincerely, ~~
Neil J. Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop Tel. 352-854-7807
Ocala, F-Iorida 34481 Email: [email protected] Enclosures

VIA UPS Next Day Air Saver, No. lZ64589FNW95427265

[)nc ket for 12A215



No. 12A215
Title: Neil J. Gillespie, Applicant
Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, et al.
Docketed: August 31, 2012
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
Case Nos.: (12-11028, 12-11213)

""riI""riI""riIDate.--....--....--... '--"''--''''--''''--''''--''''--'''''''riIproceedings and Orders.--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--....--...

Aug 13 2012 Application (12A215) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari
from October 11, 2012 to December 10,2012, submitted to Justice Thomas.
Sep 13 2012 Application (12A215) granted by Justice Thomas extending the time to file until
December 10, 2012.

Attorneys for Petitioner:

Neil J. Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop (352) 854-7807
Ocala, FL 34481
Party name: Neil J. Gillespie

lof2 9/14/20123:12 PM
Supreme Court of the United States

Office of the Clerk

Washington, DC 20543-0001

William K. Suter
Clerk of the Court
(202) 479-3011
September 13, 2012

Mr. Neil J. Gillespie

8092 SW 11Sth Loop
Ocala, FL 34481

Re: Neil J. Gillespie

v. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, et ale

Application No. 12A215

Dear Mr. Gillespie:

The application for an extension of time within which to file a petition

for a writ of certiorari in the above-entitled case has been presented to
Justice Thomas, who on September 13, 2012 extended the time to and
including December 10, 2012.

This letter has been sent to those designated on the attached

notification list.


William K. Suter, Clerk

:a~on iggin7J;r, / A
Case Analyst
Supreme Court of the United States

Office of the Clerk

Washington, DC 20543-0001

William K. Suter
Clerk of the Court
(202) 479·3011

Mr. Neil J. Gillespie

8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481

United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
56 Forsyth Street, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30303


WASHINGTON. DC 20:543-0001

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Mr. Neil J. Gillespie

8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481

Re: Neil J. Gillespie

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No. 12-7747
TItle: Neil J. Gillespie, Petitioner
Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, et al.
Docketed: December 14,2012
Linked with 12A215
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
Case Nos.: (12-11028-B)
Decision Date: July 13, 2012
Rule 12.4

""-""-""-Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""-~~~~~~

Aug 13 2012 Application (12A215) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari
from October 11, 2012 to December 10,2012, submitted to Justice Thomas.
Sep 13 2012 Application (12A215) granted by Justice Thomas extending the time to file until
Decerrlber 10, 2012.
Dec 10 2012 Petition for a writ of certiorari and motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis filed. (Response due January 14, 2013)
Dec 20 2012 Waiver of right of respondents Raya.n Christopher Rodems; and Barker,
Rodems & Cook, P.A. to respond filed.
Jan 24 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of February 15, 2013.
Feb 13 2013 Supplemental brief of petitioner Neil J. Gillespie filed. (Distributed)
Feb 19 2013 Petition DENIED.
Mar 18 2013 Petition for Rehearing filed.
Mar 27 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of April 12,2013.
Apr 15 2013 Rehearing DENIED.

Attorneys for Petitioner:

Neil J. Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop (352) 854-7807
Ocala, FL 34481
neilg [email protected]
Party name: Neil J. Gillespie
Attorneys for Respondents:
Ryan Christopher Rodems Barker, Rodems & Cook, P.A. (813)-489-1001

Counsel of Record 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 790

Tampa, FL 33602
Party name: Rayan Christopher Rodems; and Barker, Rodems & Cook, P.A.

All parties do not appear in the caption of the case on the cover page. A list of all parties
to the proceeding in the court whose judgment is the subject of this petition is as follows:

u.s. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, no. 12-11213

District Court no: 5:10-cv-00503-WTH-TBS

Civil rights and disability law.

Misuse and denial ofjustice under the color of law.

Plaintiff: (I)
Neil J. Gillespie

Defendants: (10 + 5 individually)

Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Florida

Claudia Rickert Isom, Circuit Judge, and individually

James M. Barton, II, Circuit Judge, and individually

Martha J. Cook, Circuit Judge, and individually

David A. Rowland, Court Counsel, and individually

Gonzalo B. Casares, ADA Coordinator, and individually

Barker, Rodems & Cook, P.A.

Ryan Christopher Rodems, Attorney at Law (Fla. Bar ID: 947652)

The Law Office of Robert W. Bauer, P.A.

Robert W. Bauer, Attorney at Law (Fla. Bar ID: 11058)

u.s. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, no. 12-11028

District Court no: 5: II-cv-00539-WTH-TBS

Civil rights and disability law, civil RICO, antitrust, commerce, estate claims.

Misuse and denial ofjustice under the color of law.

Plaintiffs: (2)

Neil J. Gillespie

Estate of Penelope Gillespie (deceased)

Defendants: (4 + 1 individually)

Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Florida

James M. Barton, II, Circuit Court Judge, and individually

The Law Office of Robert W. Bauer, P.A.

Robert W. Bauer, Attorney at Law (Fla. Bar ID: 11058)



No. 13-7280
Title: Neil J. Gillespie, Petitioner
Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Inc., et al.
Docketed: November 8, 2013
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
Case Nos.: (13-11585)
Decision Date: June 12, 2013
July 25, 2013

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oct 23 2013 Petition for a writ of certiorari and motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis filed. (Response due December 9,2013)
Nov 18 2013 Waiver of right of respondent The Florida Bar to respond filed.
Dec 9 2013 Waiver of right of respondent Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Inc. to respond
Dec 26 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 10,2014.
Jan 13 2014 Petition DENIED.
Feb 7 2014 Petition for Rehearing filed.
Feb 19 2014 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of March 7,2014.
Mar 10 2014 Rehearing DENIED.

Attorneys for Petitioner:

Neil J. Gillespie 8092 SW 115th Loop (352) 854-7807
Ocala, FL 34481
[email protected]
Party name: Neil J. Gillespie
Attorneys for Respondents:
Danielle N. Parsons McCalla Raymer LLC (407) 674-1850
Counsel of Record 225 E. Robinson St., Suite 660
Orlando, FL 32801
Party name: Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Inc.

Bridget Smitha Greenberg & Traurig, P.A. (850) 521-8570

101 East College Ave.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Party name: The Florida Bar

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