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PT SEMEN CIBINONG TBK: Kiln refractory lining with better quality chrome -free fire bricks

to reduce number of Kiln shut downs


Kiln refractory lining with better quality chrome -free fire bricks to reduce number of
Kiln shut downs


PT Semen Cibinong Tbk is one of the largest cement producers in Indonesia with an annual
production capacity of 5,700,000 tons, and supplying to domestic and export markets.

Processing of cement takes place in the kiln reactor, which is lined with refractory/firebrick. The
function of refractory lining is to protect the kiln shell from overheating, chemical attacks and
abrasion. Data showed that the company carried out kiln refractory patching 3 to 4 times in 2003.
Each time the kiln must be shut down and to start up production again a lot of industrial diesel oil
(IDO) to heat up the kiln.

To reduce the number of shut downs and thus improve energy efficiency of the kiln, the Team
suggested to improve the quality refractory lining. This was done by replacing the brick materials
with the higher quality chrome-free brick materials and by introducing an improved procedure
for kiln lining. Since this option was implemented, there has been no kiln shut-down caused by
brick problems. IDO saving were 253,830 liters per year, resulting in annual savings of Rp
482,277,000 (= US$ 52,421, whereby US$ 1 = Rp 9,000). Investment costs included training of
staff on the new kiln lining procedure. Operating costs are the higher price for the chrome-free
bricks but data are not disclosed. However, the higher costs for bricks are minimum compared to
the IDO savings and additional income from increased clinker production. Therefore the payback
period is almost immediate. Greenhouse gas emission reductions are 680 tons CO2 per year.


Indonesia, Cement, Furnaces & Refractories, Kiln, Refractory Lining, Fire Bricks


Processing of cement takes place in the kiln reactor, which is lined with refractory/firebrick. The
function of refractory lining is to protect the kiln shell from overheating, chemical attacks, and
mechanical abrasion. It also acts as insulation of the kiln to prevent heat loss.

The brick replacement/patching records at the company (see Table 1) showed that many meters
of lining are replaced each year. Based on the data, refractory brick lining repairs are conducted
3-4 times a year at the different kilns and at least once per year in the kiln of NR#4.
The consequences of lining damage and frequent brick replacements are:
§ Reduction of thermal efficiency when lining is damaged and therefore loss of energy
§ Each time the lining is repaired / replaced the kiln has to be shut down and a lot of diesel oil
(IDO) is used during start up of the kiln
§ Loss of production time due to kiln shut down and therefore lower production of clinker
§ Many hours of maintenance staff required to repair / replace the lining

Energy Efficiency Guide for Industry in Asia –
Possible causes are:
§ Poor quality of bricks
§ Bad brick installation
§ Chemical and mechanical problems in the kiln

Table 1: Refractory lining repairs and amount of meters of bricks replaced

Date Meters replaced Date Meter replaced
(mm/yyyy) from to total (mm/yyyy) from to total

3/1999 8 12 4 2/2002 5 6 1
4/1999 1 38 37 4/2002 26 31 5
3/2000 1 54 53 1 44 43
6/2000 1 4 3 53 67 14
7/2000 34 35 1 2/2003 1 3 2
8/2000 1 10 9 3/2003 1 2 1
12/2000 1 68 67 3/2003 12 22 10
3/2001 3 4 1 4/2003 1 3 2
6/2001 1 7 6 6/2003 28 31 3
10/2001 68 70 2 7/2003 31 42 11
1 44 43
66 83 17


The Team came up with the following options to improve thermal efficiency by improving the
lining quality:
§ Replacing the brick material with higher quality bricks , in this case Magnesium-chrome
bricks were replaced with Magnesium-spinel bricks
§ Improving the quality of the installation of lining, which is a key factor in obtaining a long
refractory life. A new procedure for kiln lining was introduced and staff received training
from a Holcim expert on refractory lining installation techniques
§ Fine-tuning refractory zoning by observing the lining when the kiln is in operation

Figure 1: Zoning of type fire brick

High Alumina

Magnesia-spinel Special Light Weight Brick
High Alumina

Energy Efficiency Guide for Industry in Asia–
PT SEMEN CIBINONG TBK: Kiln refractory lining with better quality chrome -free fire bricks
to reduce number of Kiln shut downs

An independent refractory consultant reviewed the current plant specification for the type of
bricks and castables used at each zone (see figure 1), and also established an approved
installation procedure for repairs/patching and for new lining in the kiln. As part of the feasibility
analysis, the following information was gathered about the bricks used for lining the kilns:
§ Example of different types of bricks used by the company: Spinel, Ankral Ze; Basic, Perilex
80; Hi-Alumina, Kronex 70; Spinel, Almag 85; Basic Ankral S6; Maxial 310-422; Resistal
50z; Spinel, MSN 80. For type of Castable: Gun Cast 1300; Gun Sic 40; Hi Cast –Extra Hi-
Cast; Kergun, C-28; Monrox SIC 60; Phlox 1560 SR
§ Transition zone refractories are usually exposed to higher thermal loads than the sintering
zone. For this reason these are usually lined with Magnesia -spinel bricks (based on synthetic
magnesia sinter) because Magnesia -chrome bricks possess inferior thermal and
environmental properties
§ Brick types used in Sintering Zone Refractories must have high resistance against chemical
attack: Magnesia -spinel bricks; Dolomite bricks
§ When selecting magnesia -spinel bricks, qualities particularly developed to improve coating
adhesion should be chosen (based on natural magnesia sinter)
§ Dolomite bricks have the best coating adhesion but must be restricted to zones with
permanent coating formation. The price for dolomite bricks is approx. 60% of that of
magnesia based bricks


Since this option has been implemented, there were no kiln shut downs due to brick problems
because of the longer life-time of the new types of bricks.

Financial benefits
§ Investment: costs to carry out training programmes for staff on the new procedure for kiln
lining, but these costs were not quantified
§ Annual operating costs: these costs were not disclosed but are considered low because the
expenditure of refractory materials per ton of clinker produced is insignificant compared to
energy costs. The reduced energy costs each year are many times higher than the additional
costs for purchasing higher quality brick materials
§ Annual cost savings:
• IDO reduction: 482,277,000 (= US$ 52,421, with US$ 1 = Rp 9,000) (253,830 liters IDO
X Rp1,900/liter)
• Increased clinker production: income from additional 126,752 tons of clinker produced
§ Payback period: almost immediate

Environme ntal benefits

§ Annual IDO (industrial fuel oil) savings: 253,830 liters, calculated as follows:
• Average IDO consumption to heat up the kiln is 63,457.5 litres
• Each year there are 4 shut downs caused by brick damage
• IDO savings are 4 X 63,457.5 liters = 253,830 liters/yr (=253.83 kiloliters/yr)
§ Annual GHG emission reduction: 680 tons CO2 (253,830 kiloliters IDO X 2.68
tCO2 /kiloliter). Note: the emission factor is taken from the Greenhouse Gas Indicator:

Energy Efficiency Guide for Industry in Asia –
Other benefits :
§ Less time required by maintenance staff to repair and replace the brick lining. Time required
to repair depends upon the amount of brick damage. It takes four days to shut down the kiln.
§ Increased production of clinker for NR#4.
• Capacity = 7,922 tonne clinker/day
• Each year there were four shut downs
• Increased production clinker per year = 4 X 4 days X 7,922 t/d = 126,752 tons
§ Improved health situation for employees and communities near the plant area because
chrome bricks were replaced with chrome-free bricks.


GERIAP National Focal Point for Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Tusy A. Adibroto MSi or Widiatmini Sih Winanti
BPPT - Jl. MH Thamrin 8
BPPT II building 20th floor
Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: + 62 21 316 9758/68
Fax: + 62 21 316 9760
E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]

GERIAP Company in Indonesia

Lilik Rendra
Enviroment Superintendent
PT. Semen Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia
Tel: +62 (21) 8231260
E-mail: [email protected]

This case study was prepared as part of the project “Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Industry in Asia
and the Pacific” (GERIAP). While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this
publication are factually correct, UNEP does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the
contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the
use of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication. © UNEP, 2006.

Energy Efficiency Guide for Industry in Asia–

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